Using your best (preferably your least profane) language, please answer these questions to the best of your abilities:
To what extent has the progression of political correctness given rise to Donald J Trump? Why do you like Trump?
A school project regarding Trump?
Trump's support is 100% attributed to the "politically correct" hysteria that rose in the past 5 years.
To what extent has OP sucked so much dick he neglected his homework and is trying to get Holla Forums to do it for him.
leave your high school homework off of Holla Forums OP
I'm need to interview his supporters and I know that Holla Forums is where to go.
I'm trying to paint him in a positive light, so articulate yourselves well, please.
Of course you do, CtR. You need to get to know us. Find out how to subvert us.
Said the underage banned.
Sure you are, CtR.
Do so readily thrust a fork in your ass and twirl it forthwith.
You should tell your classmates about Der Ewige Jude.
oh very well then, if you really wont leave
political correctness helped donald trump rise up because the politically correct have power over the people, since they can ostracize people or get them fired or even arrested for being politically incorrect
hopefully if turmp is elected that will become a non-issue as political correctness would die down with him in office, even if its because because of trump being at least extentually politically incorrect
i like trump because he doesn't bow down to the establishment, which is secretly controlled by those who say they are Jews but are not, and are the synagouge of satan, and i also like trump because he wants to deport illegals, even if hes gonna let them come back legally after deporting them(which many i'd imagine likely won't bother doing), and furthermore i also like trump because hes anti-tpp
i could think of some other reasons but i think id be wanting to put more effort into it to do that
and if you're gonna quote me word per word remember to put [sic] or something in the third line of my post
Thank you very much! :)
Kill yourself you cock sucking faggot.
Thanks, Holla Forums, glad to see that a kid trying to get his bachelors can get a good response around here.
I like Trump because OP is a nigger faggot who is using Holla Forums to do his fucking highschool homework.
Blow your brains out.
Summer ends and we're still pestered by schoolchildren staying up past their bedtimes.
Donald J Trump is the mother fucking man! He told those PC faggots to go suck his dick which rarely anyone does without their hate mob ruining their lives. Trump is rich as fuck so he can tell them to go suck his dick 24/7 and they will just keep getting ass-blasted into oblivion because of it. They then whine to their faggot friends in the media Trump is a big ole meanie just like Hitler which just fuels the Trump train even more!
Australian here. :)
Low IQ aboriginal nigger detected.
English-Australian, if that makes any difference.
I don't care for any of the mainstream, or even alternative media. You people turned me onto Trump, so now I need you to just give one cohesive answer that I can use to represent you all as rational and good people.
Fuck off with your bullshit. The first person who answered you mentioned synagogue of Satan. That clearly isn't a post to use for any sort of positive representation. You are just looking for easy posts to use for your own ends.
You post like someone unfamiliar with here. This place has been mentioned too much by media already, bringing in more dipshits like you.
You don't belong here, and you stick out like a parasite looking to feed off of our posts.
You have the stench of deceitfulness and lies.
What would you like me to do, man? Use 'normie', 'cuck', 'echoes' and all sorts of other Holla Forums stuff to try and fit in? No. I was trying to use this as a credible source, but, predictably, everyone saw me as a shill rather than actually trying to gather together a collective mindset and put it in an essay. Ah well, back to looking for other sources.