This is a headline on CNN now. Anderson Cooper is discussing it with several guests.
This is a headline on CNN now. Anderson Cooper is discussing it with several guests.
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No links yet. It's still fresh.
Just entering the country illegally is a federal crime. Working in the country illegally is another federal crime.
If they narrow it down to just people who have been popped for assault, drugs, hit and run, etc. [usual wetback shit], it's a drop in the bucket – a couple million, tops.
We'll see how it shakes out and we do not have a better electoral option, but this is the inherent problem with capitalists who have jewish connections. White, working class people are in inherent threat to their existence and they aren't going to throw anymore bones than they have to.
This just in: Anderson Cooper's porn stash found!
Hillary Clinton wants to deport: 0 spics, no wall
Donald Trump wants to deport: Millions of illegal spics and possibly all of them and build a wall or good barrier between the spics and us.
Trump > Clinton still. Trump is still better than Clinton if he only wants to deport a few thousand. A few thousand is better than zero. Therefore Trump is better than Clinton and our only hope.
think maybe that's the catch? they lull people into thinking "Oh, well you'll only get deported for committing a crime." but in reality just being there is a crime.
I'm sure getting federal aid despite not being a citizen is a form of fraud or at least it sure as hell should be
It's been months of you faggots pulling no name faggots out of your ass saying whatever nonsense springs to mind about the God-Emperor's plans. Why do you keep doing this?
Just found this interview. She says he will start with criminals. Not sure if CNN is referring to this interview.
"It would be impossible to remove 11 million people overnight, this would definitely be a process… We cannot be the only country in the world that doesn't enforce its immigration laws."
Because they think they are winning.
note the times on pics related
fuck me forgot sage damnit
Why keep that thing alive, its going to live a tortured life, thats just fucked up.
We hope that's the catch.
The catch very well could be on us – not the spics. Like, yeah, we'll deport a few million hardcore criminals but we'll leave another 15 million behind to be fast-tracked or touch backed to Mexico first, whatever.
We cannot survive anything less than a total deportation and complete revocation of citizenship from all anchor babies and multi-generation children of anchor babies.
Just trust in Trump for now. He's obviously the best choice for us, but he's got to get elected first. "Softening" might be a bad election strategy, but it's just an election strategy.
I clearly said we don't have a better option, but spare me the rhetoric. This country cannot demographically survive a piddly 2-3 million deportations. We cannot survive it.
If that's all that happens, you're looking at complete latino communism in this country possibly by the next election cycle.
See? The emperor keeps his word.
you know whats funny? i flipped on TRMS (the rachel maddow show for those of you who aint picked up on the must-know acronym yet) and she was doing a whole thing about trump "walking back" [complete with presumed walking dead reference in the graphic] his immigration stance/comments/etc.
so of course, if trump sticks to "WE'RE BUILDING A WALL! MEXICO'S PAYING! SEND EM ALL BACK!" the lefties are like WTF?! and up in arms about what a racist/bigot/hitler trump is. but then if he starts to "walk back" and loosen up his stance on immigration then you gotta make fun of him for…. flip flopping?
last few times i've put on TRMS for a token glance it's been 100% trump bashing all the time. i guess it's one way to avoid talking about hillary cuz in the end, really, who wants hillary? this election will end up being a referendum on trump with hillary potentially benefitting from being "not trump"
still tho, trump could wake up in the morning and take a shit and have a pararazzi catch him wiping his ass and TRMS/lefties would be all "HOW CAN TRUMP DESTROY THE ENVIRONMENT BY USING TOILET PAPER? AND LOOK AT HOW MANY SQUARES HE'S USING!!! HE CLEARLY HATES THE ENVIRONMENT!!!"
and then it'd be like "why is trump shitting? does he do this all the time? why is his privileged ass eating food when there's tens of millions of people starving all across the world? it's like he's just mocking the poor once again" and then we'd find out his toilet was made in china or mexico or something, so while he preaches about american industry he goes global like everyone else.
then i reckon we'll find out that while on the can he's reading a newspaper that's sympathetic to putin/russia so CLEARLY there's some kind of trump/russia connection…. and then ummm yeah i guess we can just talk about his shit stinks so much it's like WHAT IS HE EATING!?!? and then an in-depth look at his diet and why he has the worst smelling shits since hitler and rah rah rah blah blah blah world war 3 vote hillary or your children are doomed.
What is wrong with Katie Tur? She is most, most ass blasted, all the time. And I was at the Akron rally, not to bad but short and sweet. Some people looked a bit jipped but he spewed hard facts the whole time.
I think he is sick of rallies and just wants to be in the oval office already. That's how he looks now anyway.
Well her father is pic related, so I'd say that's probably had an effect.
I feel like all the Trump worshippers on Holla Forums should put their money where there mouth is and enlist in the military. Chances are you wouldn't actually get in until after the election. I mean because Trump is going to win without a doubt right? And you definitely won't be dying for Israel so no issue there.
You guys seem to be misunderstanding.
Criminals get deported back to spread havoc in spixico.
Because all other illegals get a fucking bullet!
Off topic sage.
Why do people keep retard babies that will never function alone alive?
Literal definition of a parasite.
Fuck, forgot the sage.
Oh, damn.
Doesn't that just mean that he's going to kick them all out over 4 to 8 years rather than in a month?
What's the problem?
Damn. Meanwhile trump is a strong father figure. She must feel great desperation.
If CNN meant this interview the headline would definitely be misleading. I posted it because two Trump supporters were among the guests and didn't object. They always defend anything he does/says.
4d chess move
Seriously. They are foreign invaders. Charge them with espionage, and shoot them as spies.
Others will understand not to come.
I don't understand why this is hard.
This, but also charge them with "aiding and abetting" and contributing to the genocide of the White Race. Execute them all.
You can take the Zika babies back with you, faggot!
You're one of those too user.
What a time to be alive.
It's Trump using clever doublespeak. He's goading the liberals in, "Oh, only the criminals will be deported."
But we have to remember, being an illegal immigrant is a crime.
They're all going to go.
He's using a prompter all the time now because if he say's one thing during his speech like the 2nd amendment the media will run with it for a week. He's trying his best to starve them out.
This. Liberals will either say the criminals should stay or they should all go. It's how Trump got CNN to defend sharia law and tricked the ADL to fight with their jew masters recently.
So, what is the list of non-white countries we can enter illegally and stay in forever? Is there even one?
Stumping fatigue.
This man is going to MAGA and we're going to like it.
We can start with the ones in captivity before moving on to those in the wild.
It depends on what country you come from, user. If you are an American or European, you can travel most of the world without having to get a visa. It makes entering another country illegally difficult when they will let you in for free legally.
China and Russia are the two big ones that are hard to enter legally.
As for staying forever, it's the same in any country. Don't make waves, and no one will give a shit. This does fuck up your ability to enter again, should you leave for vacation.
Trump advisor Jeff Sessions will not commit publicly that Trump's actual plan is mass deportation.
He wants to send back the rapists, the drug dealers, the murderers and the theives. The people who arent good people. This was his plan from day one.
Have going to war with 55 million Spics + 30 million niggers. Triumph of the will, remember that spics have guns too.
I'm not discounting the possibility of Mexico trying a war over the deportation forces, but from a purely domestic view I really don't see this igniting into a war just from deportations.
You'll start a real bitter race war if you deport patriotic latino citizens.
every single spic has to go back. trump is only the beginning.
Well that's pretty much the point. They are nothing but a dangerous mass of scum that will always permanently subvert the country and bring it lower.
They need to be removed – through any means necessary.
only problems will be in texas and cali. we'll just surround their areas and starve them out. they all live 20 to a house.
ah, fuck you man… I'm already sore from edging for like an hour last night and I just jerked again an hour ago.
fuck this is going to hurt
Entering the country illegally is an act of foreign invasion. They are foreign invaders. There isn't a single good one among them – not one.
These people deserve NOTHING. No convenience, no consideration, no compromise, no compensation. They are to be afforded no imposition upon us.
Yeah, that's the point. First, you send back the pure scum. Then you send the rest of the criminals (all illegals and anchor babies). Then you get the remnants out. Because spics have to go back. Any hlateeno patriotic before Trump makes America great again better be 10 times as patriotic afterward, because his only other choice is defending criminals.
for being a fag
So we can have some keks in this shitty world.
Too many happenings without comedy would be catastrophic.
wtf did i just watch? is that thing alive?
It only has a brain STEM and its mentally ill parents decided to carry it to term despite knowing this months before delivery, they also had two of them.
Yes, its alive, what these people are doing with this child is extremely cruel.
Extremely funny as well
how the fuck do u know this?
They have a youtube channel, or used to have.
Theres been threads about it for years
She just needs to stop being hard to get and get on the Trump train.
good thing illegal immigration is a crime.
People are already on it, but I'll lay out exactly how I see that working out
Her Dad got his shit ripped off to look like her.
She was dating pic related when she was 26 and he was 51.
Poor thing.
I still refuse to believe that Olbermann is not a crypto.
They're all criminals.
Good. This isn't their country.
Holy shit is that the guy who threatened to send Ben Kikepiro home in an ambulance?
I'm so sorry*
Yes, yes it is. Katy Tur's tranny kike dad everyone.
No wonder she wanted to date the old guy as her substitute father.
Katy is conflicted, user.
She wants a masculine guiding figure because her failure of a father couldn't provide one. So naturally she is drawn to Trump, but she can't admit her feelings publicly because her tribe would crucify her. Her shit is all fucked up, and she can't help but make it all very public and very obvious to anyone with an IQ north of your average leftist.
I guess she will kill herself when it is too difficult to handle her complicated personal situation. Poor girl…..her father shouldn't do that to her. Why did her father decided to become a tranny? Money?
Spot on, user. It's a shame, really, because she seems like a really sweet and feminine girl.
I know right. 😡
What will happen to her if she admit it?
I once had a guy tell me there are millions of illegal immigrants in the U.S. who "haven't committed any crimes".
He didn't seem to realize that their very presence here is a crime.
I think if she met a real, non-cuck of a man she would be much happier.
Yes if her tribe don't attack her.
Yeah I know I'm right already, faggots.
Source on her jewishness?
this would be nice, but you know it's not true
this is like people dissecting sean murray's promises about no man's sky
He also said them being anti-semitic or not will determine if they're allowed to enter the country or not. This mother fucker is a clown and you're all getting played.
Phrasing a ban that more or less applies to all Muslims and will make cuckservatives get on board with it, which is politically necessary this election (until we get a good chance for a good purge).
go ask a mudshit how they feel about kikes and see how they ape out. It's a subtle way to keep out the religion of pieces while having no-argument from the kike controlled media.
Any white European who is dumb enough to answer this honestly does not deserve to come into the US.
now stop getting triggered like a faggot
No, she wants to deport criminals, same as what Obama and now Trump has been doing. Obama has deported more illegals than any president in history.
So what Trump wants to do is basically all that Obama is doing. Oh, and build an expensive wall that is more symbolism than anything.
Trumpcucks got owned.
So, no refuge for holocaust revisionists or anyone else who could be persecuted by the Jews over free speech issues abroad.
Bye bye, fag.
Here is the difference, Trumpcuck.
Muslims come from shitty parts of the world with poor documentation. They can lie, and nobody would know. By contrast, whites come from parts of the world with good documentation, so they could lie, but it won't help them. So going forward, no entry for anyone regarded as anti-Semitic due to any history they have in a political party or activism or writing or music or what have you.
So basically all this shilling about a flip flop is nonsense as usual.
Fuck off moron no poor as shit skinhead is coming to America. This keeps Muslims out becasue they can't help but start screaming about the Jew every 5 seconds.
Hopefully it's solely based on legal status as it should be. We'll find out I'm sure soon.
The jig is up you aren't pro white. You're some fag from lefty Holla Forums or some buzzfeed intern.
Good thing all illegals are criminals.
Op-ed's like this masquerading as news are beginning to pop up more and more. I'm not so sure how I feel about this new public relations bitch of Trump's. I can't seem to find the interview mentioned in this article, does it even exist?
Could use any insight as I'm arguing this very article with someone.
Wow, do they not remember the 6 million?
You seem triggered, friendorino.
fwiw that's the Washington Post story verbatim. Various outlets are running the exact same content.
I got banned for shitposting earlier for posting that. Just so ya know.
Buzzfeed interns need to be banned
Except it's NBC?
I'm not shitposting in this case, but thanks for the heads up.
MSM is so obviously coordinated… Did the WP article have a link to this supposed interview, because I can't seem to find the damn thing and am now beginning to wonder if they meant the interview with that woman…
I wasn't shitposting either. The content of the post was considered a shitpost by the mods because it didn't fit the narrative they're trying to push on here that Trump is an infallible second coming of Hitler. All I did was post exactly what you posted.
Why should the working people pay payroll taxes to keep that alive? Shouldn't they at least pay for it themselves?
It's 12 years old and can't eat on its own.
I will bow down to Kek the day the trucks come.