The Daily Beast is owned by a company called IAC
Guess who's on the board of directors for IAC?
Chelsea Clinton.
This isn't some Shemitah tier disinfo bullshit, this is the real deal.
The Daily Beast = Correct the Record.
The Daily Beast is owned by a company called IAC
Guess who's on the board of directors for IAC?
Chelsea Clinton.
This isn't some Shemitah tier disinfo bullshit, this is the real deal.
The Daily Beast = Correct the Record.
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What a waste. Her father screwing women younger than her must gave affected her studies.
Nice. This is basically what we should be doing with all media sources. Follow the money or family influence and you'll see who is corrupt.
oh very, indeed.
not everyone is a washington spindoctor, maybe they just want to know what's up with some of the stories that get sent to them by normies. It's better to face shit head on than sweep it under the memes.
dodgy AF, but there's a whole team of directors, and another company below them, and then a journalism department and the writers below that. It's considered pretty unseemly for directors to exact much editorial control.
the daily beast is stacked with the kind of liberal arts bernouts that would throw a shitfit if they were censored or forced to tow a party line.
that's a pretty slippery slope, you don't have to dig too hard to find out fox is owned by murdoch and that he's been implicated in hacking and espionage cases, heavily lobbies worldwide for tax breaks, and shits the bed and uses his frontpages for shilling whenever he feels like he's losing control.
journalism's a mug's game.
she could sit on her ass and do nothing and she'd still live as a comfortable millionaire
do that and you'll learn plenty of shady things about the trumps
unless sycophancy blinds your view to reality
truth is that both sides are so corrupt that you can't even really use corruption as a claim against either of them.
They go to college to meet a man. If that fails, they get a masters. If that fails, they get a phd. If that fails, they die an academic cat lady, or the rich ugly woman.
I don't think the lugenpresse cares about that.
I learned about this from the Berniefags, it was the Daily Beast pushing CtR's Berniebro thing.
they acknowledge the email scandal, corruption, wikileaks, DNC backstabbing, and powerbroking. That article is pretty damaging to the Hillary campaign without being sensationalist. Shouldn't Chelsea have banned it?
I'm not saying you don't have anything, but you just have one fact. If you want to dig you could collect the names of former Daily Beast journalists, see when they were fired or resigned, and research the ones that were just prior to or just after Chelsea Clinton taking a position on the IAC board.
If one of them started flinging shit then they had a change of editorial policy and if two did then you can accuse them of clearing house. With a narrative you have a story that can break on an outlet, anything short of that you're just shopping around conspiracy theories.
re-reading that it sounds dismissive. I don't mean it like that, I just want to inspire you to do better.
lol wut
The article is titled "Bernie Bros Celebrate Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Ouster as DNC Head".
Bernie's already pulled out of the race. Given the choice (if hypothetically you were working for the opposition) would you rather take a swing at him or not run a story about corruption in the democratic party and the clinton campaign?
just do some legwork brah, you'll be glad you did.
Can you determine whether this was published before or after she took a position on the board?
and would that conflict with this ethics policy?
you are the shittest OP in history stop copypasting from reddit.
Chelsea Clinton Joins Board of Diller’s IAC
>A securities filing issued on Monday disclosed that Ms. Clinton, 31, is now a director of the company, whose portfolio of Web sites includes the Daily Beast, CollegeHumor and It also publishes Newsweek magazine.
Do you think anyone here likes Fox?
Thank you for correcting the record.
Goddamn, someone needs to make shills great again. This is just pathetic at this point.
duh. doesnt everyone already know daily beast is trash?
fox and the daily mail are about the only mainstream outlets that get run here, one for nig stories and the other for muzzies.
I mean, what the fuck is the point of even arguing that?
Pay attention to what they're doing since The Daily Beast is a direct mouthpiece of the Globalist establishment.
trash and direct affiliation to liquid cancer are totally separate tiers that should be acknowledged
in case they try to scrub it.
Very nice
Fucking really? Guess I'll use a different one.
Is this what's being slid?