Post your perfect Holla Forums mate

Post your perfect Holla Forums mate


Jubilee is perfect and has been kidnapped by SJWs and shitty writers.


Here ya go.


Only because I don't know which board /cb/ went to

Best and only answer, coming through.


It's all for show, man. She's a quiet, friendly woman off-stage.

She's quiet because she's got 500 cocks in her mouth. None of them yours.

awful taste in women



Bann this fucking weeabo word.

Ban this word too.

I hate anime and waifu bullshit I came "here" (old Holla Forums) thanks to Deviantart, why do you MUST to like Anime ti be here anyways, when Otaku hate cartoons and they are extremely different to Anime?

You don't HAVE to like anime to be here. Hell it's not even supposed to be talked about here. This is a western cartoon and comics board. Anime and manga goes on /a/. It's just that most people here probably like anime for a number of different reasons. Probably one being that it's a better medium than the western cartoon industry.

Hello, Paul Dini. I liked A Dark Knight. How's it going?

Well then I guess I prefer shitty mediums then.

Fuck Dini.
He got to fuck his waifu for real AND fuck all of us over at the same time.

I would've picked Chel, too. I think she's what gave me interracial and eventually raceplay fetishes

Do you have any characters that you'd fuck TGed?
wwwwwwow i am such a bad drawer


These threads are 4chan-tier


with or without the fur

I LOVE AMETHYST, i wanna hold her hand, i wanna wrestle with her, i wanna eat pizza with her, i wanna lay on the beach and watch the sunset with her, i wanna watch lil butler with her, i wanna cry with her, i wanna hug her and rest my head on her breasts. I JUST WANNA BE WITH HER, FUCK THIS WORLD, FUCKIN FIGHT ME NIGGERRRSS

Git fucked, rock fucker.

Starfire > Slutfire

I call dibbs.


I wanna have kids with Laurie, even if they turn out to be mutants.

such shit taste

Never forget you're being cucked by a nu-male.

Hey there , PGA.

Cuckchan's oldest logical fallacy.
