Website account of Ben 'Zyklon' Garrison has been suspended. Moreover, there is a big cleanup of Ben's images on Reddit.
1984 NOW
Website account of Ben 'Zyklon' Garrison has been suspended. Moreover, there is a big cleanup of Ben's images on Reddit.
1984 NOW
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Serves him right for editing other people's work.
The HIDF strikes again.
This happens everytime he uploads cartoons about Cunton by (((pure cohencidence))). That dumb fucking cunt seems to have never heard of the Streisand effect
I can't believe this shit is happening. Niggers are allowed to destroy millions of dollars of property but you can't draw cartoons any more?
What's that saying, when you cut out a man's tongue you only show the world you fear what he's saying, or something like silencing a man only makes people want to hear him more, or something like that?
Ben: I bet the satanic Illuminati did this!
tippity top my man
They are really desperate.
How can we help?
He's going to turn up "suicided" soon.
I hope everyone realizes if she wins they're coming after Holla Forums
It's from A Clash of Kings. The second book from the A Song of Ice and Fire book series (Game of Thrones).
Kek! Classic Garrison!
Holla Forums was always right, Ben.
and by extension the rest of the internet
So he's a cheapskate that has a shitty hosting company and won't even spring for a backup computer acting as a server in his house? Sounds to me like the man is just lazy. There is no reason for a modern website to ever go offline, legal action or not.
Bad idea
We know.
Are we even hosted in America?
What can she even do to us?
That's what he gets for being a bad goy
I hope YOU realize that if she “wins” we will be grabbing our guns and IMMEDIATELY taking over our respective cities and towns, reordering local laws to serve the populations thereof and releasing local news bulletins about the insurrection.
Not even George Bush was this much of a dick.
It's like they WANT him to metamorphise into the Zyklon nightmare they so richly deserve.
I guess the kikes got frustrated that Ben kept hacking back into his site after they hijacked it to post those offensive libertarian caricatures. What they don't realize is that ol' Zyklon Ben can smell Jewish lies through the interwebs, and he'll be tracking down those web holomoths soon enough now that they've really managed to bug him.
Be careful been not to accidentally bake yourself in a oven when checking the plot light when you make a pizza tonight Ben.
Shillary lover detected.
He's right but I don't think Benny G understands modern websites like some of us anons do.
Tell that to Holla Forums.
But for real, Ben Garrison has actually been putting out REALLY good content recently. I hope you are reading this Ben and I want to say good job, you have been on quite a streak with your comics.
I know you still dismiss much of Holla Forums ideology, but I also see more and more Holla Forums influence coming through in your work. And it's a good thing. Truth is the strongest weapon in the world. Now they're trying to shut you down because of it. Know thy enemy Ben and keep up the good work.
I know. The moment such thing as her winning comes about, expect mega info dumps.
If we're going down, we're going down in style
If that does happen. I just want you guys to know that some of you are alright. Don't visit the Whitehouse in January.
Remember that Obama and Clinton had a guy thrown in jail for a fucking youtube video.
didn't mean to sage, bumping.
No, I seemed to have been memory holed lol. Can you post an article or something?
he's the rembrandt of our times.
I've seen your stuff on twitter. Bravo, user.
The one with the nigger with banana echoes around his head made me chuckle.
oops, only meant the top post
There's also no reason to let Josh reprogram your codebase. But seriously
Sorry faggot, what does anything I said have to do with that cunt? Are you another one of those redditfaggots from the_donald who desperately shouts CTR at anybody he disagrees with?
They'll use the justice department to pressure tbe offending host nation via bribery or sanctions to remove the undesirable content. Pretty much the history of scrubbing shit from the Internet is like this.
When Benghazi happened they initially scapegoated a guy that made an anti-Islam video. They threw him in jail over it.
Nice forgery, I'll admit, but where's the original?
Nothing of value was lost
Does this cunt know who she is messing with?
Ben "bitches get stitches" Garrison is a known wife beater who has gotten off the hook for brutalizing and killing women numerous times. He has no problem dropping a ho and then bribing judges to get through clean.
There was this cartoon, but I can't quite recall the other two, only that they happened. I thought one was attack of the cry-bullies.
There is some rather interesting background to the guy making that video.
I wonder if this has something to do with his recent interview on Filterwars. As soon as people go on that show they become targets for bigger players, who may not know or care about underground / dark horse activists.
That Pastor Martin Niemoller poem comes to mind…
Arey really trying to to turn that libertarian Ben Garrison into the "mass murdering nazi" Ben Garrison?
Meme magic at work
The video was pretty bad, although the production quality was very high. IIRC the people involved and the publisher had a very shady background story, so i think it may have been commissioned by some of the players involved in benghazi to distract from the gun-running and the blatant corruption.
that vid was excellent and accurate lol
you are next
personally, i think that it should be bannable to post edited BG's here and you should take that shit to cuckchan. But, I understand if people don't agree. free speech and all
Look at Soros! another 6 months and he'll be putting the merchant in there himself. You can only do political digging for so long before you notice the same (((type))) of names coming up.
They are trying to turn Ben full 14/88, meme magic at play.
Underrated post.
I hope this will be an eye opener for Ben.
I hope everyone realizes that if she wins things that can't necessarily be discussed legally need to start happening.
Obama is giving up ICANN so she can do whatever she wants with us. Obama's crashing this country with no suriviors
Call me a tinfoil tipper, but I think her failing health may be a tearjerking ruse to stick us with Jew Biden.
"Oh me oh my, i'd love to become the first woman president, but alas! My health is weighning and i only have a few months to live. Take it from here Joe. Fight the good fight, joe. Blaarghhhtllltllrlll, the light i can see the light."
Oh you didn't hear? His eyes are closed….permanently. Something about a strange choking incident, an artists brush lodged in his throat. They found him tomorrow morning.
If they do that, it's going to be a complete disaster. The public knows that Biden is a lecherous old pig. No way he gets elected.
A move like that would be so weak that their electorate would fall apart.
If that was the plan then she'd be elected as the 1st cunt and whoever was the veep pick would take over after she overdoses on meds or some shit.
Really? I thought think of him as uncle joe. The friendly statesman next door.
And what about chelsea? I am sure there is someone in the democratic party who could put a challenge for Trump in case Hillary's real poll numbers make it impossible for her to win. At least with a ruse like that the democrat machine would have a chance to win the presidency . With Hillary at the helm who'd lose by a landslide they'd have no chance.
praise KEK
Because we are white
Consider all the next-level 1984 moves Hillary has already pulled. She is not running a conventional campaign either.
I can believe it.
Infact, they have done this already: Sanders' role was just to hoard the working class to the left, secure their vote, then Hillary secured the vote of feminists and other identity politics lovers.
The jews hired marketers to buy votes from all demographics, now they just need to pass the torch to someone who will secure the US presidency to semites for another 8 years.
Otherwise they'll buy shills to mislead Trump into their plans, since he plans to hire the (((best people for the job))) and has a lot of kikes in his staff who tell him what to do.
America has no choice. It is controlled by kikes, it will always be.
You made that choice in WW2, now you pay the consequences.
I actually that Hillary's death would be one of the worst things that could happen to the Trump campaign.
It would immediately turn her into a martyr in the eyes of the public, especially if she'd killed by a "right-wing extremist" or a Trump supporter. All the sheeple would turn out to vote democrat to honor her memory or something stupid like that.
Also, to the people who think that something like that is too outrageous: Look what happened a few days before brexit.
They sacrificed a dumb anti-leave lamb and it changed the whole debate and disrupted a very successful, surging brexit campaign. Without the death of Jo Cox brexit would've not been this close.
Another backup plan is to lose the presidency but take over the house and senate and ram through a whole host of lunatic legislation.
A Trump presidency would almost certainly cost the republicans a few seats in cogress and allow democrats to play offense in the house & senate.
In order to maintain morale people should be able to have fun. That said spreading overtly edited benny Gs around should be verboten really to preserve his integrity. These really are the only memes we can afford to keep to ourselves these days.
This only originals like should be allowed to be posted.
inb4 Hillary has every one of us executed
WWII was just icing on the kike tbh.
The jews started to arrive here since the first war, MUH FREE MARKETZ, probably durring the Californian Shekel Rush actually….
Aren't there around a million Holla Forumsacks?
She wouldn't risk it.
Biden is a pedophile who buys other people's children for favors and money.
half/pol/ may have tens of thousands, but Holla Forums is not as large as people may think.
Because it's a containment board.
Bad idea.
Given how many people she has killed, you know she'd try. That said, since she has already mentioned that she wants to shut down right wing websites and has already tried to shut down Garrison multiple times, we should get her to openly admit or find proof that she wants to shutdown both 4chan and Holla Forums, if only to make everyone realize how dire this shit is.
Reported. Fuck off.
fucking autists, that was a warning that you should find a more secure place, hillary's fema squads will hunt you down after she wins
A better idea: if you make an edit, change the signature to Zyklon Ben. That way, we can tell edits from the real stuff sometimes it's hard.
There's the bonus of someone getting one of the edits, posting it somewhere, and we get to laugh at him since lefties don't bother reading signatures.
Rule of thumb.
For every 1 active user there are 10 lurkers.
Ben shall have his revenge on these damn kikes.
6:00 – "Whether they roughed up Bernie, or they threatened his family…"
Damn son! The man in the stetson is going all out.
2543 active ISP lanes, you idiot. Holla Forums is fucking massive and that's why it can do the shit it does on twatter and other sites for example.
Bretty gud. Ben has shaped into a much more honest/admirable figure than the "Fairweather Libertarian" of yesteryear.
We are.
Ben has been a bad, bad goy.
It's not even fun anymore. At first it was fun because Ben was a right cunt about having his shit fucked with, and regardless of how much Holla Forums might differ we're all anons at heart, and anons love to fuck with people indiscriminately.
But once he stopped taking the bait, it's clear it became something forced by either shills or newfags trying really hard to fit in.
Are they trying to unperson him?
I love how GRRM plays the good goy but sprinkles his books with red pills.
heil kek
GRRM is a giant blue pilled SJW cuck faggot.
Personally I think they will put Kane in the whitehouse then just have Bill run it after Hillary steps aside due to health.
Kane will be the face bill the brains.
within 20 years meme magic will be feared and possibly banned. get ready my future felons.
No he isn't.
You do know that curry nigger was a massive hypocritical piece of shit, right user?
All that will do is serve as a call for arms. Take away the internet and people will spill out onto the streets. Do they really think people will magically stop being angry, especially when a key source of venting is taken away from them? Hell no. Besides by now enough Holla Forumsacks would have set up alternative communications to counteract any attempt to cripple coordination.
*call to arms
No, he was an Indian nationalist. He never hid that., the official propaganda wing of the Trump Presidency
She is aware of kek
fucking kek
Look at her, she wants the kek. :^)
If by hypocritical you mean he managed to get the public to attribute him with peace while he was actually more the hilarious civ 5 Gandhi AI, he would, like his nationalist pajeet successor, managed to have jewed the jews.
Seriously read up on how India managed to put nukes in their loo. It was a near decade long of lies, outjewing everyone and constant poo in loo behavior in front of the global delegates in the UN
Spect she might. And if my aunt had a dick she'd be my uncle. Not even remotely worried, don't give a fuck what poll you show me, Trump's going to bowl this bitch over in a landslide. Am I living in fucking lala-land, but is this bitch one of the most unlikeable presidential candidates in fucking ever. If she didn't have a gash between her thighs literally fucking no one would be talking about her right now.
Now them stealing the election, that's a whole other can of worms.
What she's done to many others.
Coulda just said ara ara, would have gotten your point across just fine, onee-chan.
is assange even hosted in america?
what could they even do to him?
Go read vox day's blog entries on GRRM, he is the worst kind of leftist sjw asshole.
the front page works fine but the cartoons page is just a blank 404.
Cries of hypocrisy are all fine and good, but it was a war between the colonial forces and a mass of street shitter Dravidians lead by their more capable supperiors. You use every method you can (to a reasonable extent). When your enemies would use all morality you value against your side, then having a double morality or a sort of hypocrisy against them is the only way forward.
Intriguing, will read.
Check out the outline in her pant leg.
Been looking for good, effortlessly downloadable gore collections in that case.
There's no way these wimps could stand their ground even for a full week if our collective autism does what needs to be done.
Poopoo peepee would be cool too.
You're in for a ride. You'll probably also discover why the Jews were so hellbent in turning Canada into degenerate central, which now is still worse than the worst America have ever manages in the last 30 years or so. There's a reason why Canada is self destructing under the progressive banner planted by the kikes
Yeah that's why he agreed with the producers to give Daenerys that completely indulgent "Roastin' Da Masters B)" scene with the dragons. LOOK AT HOW STRONG MY VAGINA IS! LOOOK!!!
I guess they made this thread to have an excuse for the coming (((suicides))).
Will Europoors be okay?
reminder : joe cox died for nothing , lad if your media tries to spin it they'll look like cunts like ours did
t. tommy mair
Why not do so now? This has been said for 4 decades now, and yet never happened in a worthwhile manner.
I like 'em.
Keep 'em coming.
His Tumblr page
Whenever his site goes down because of a new cartoon I always post it on my normie book to signal boost.
Well, between Holla Forums and /k/, I think those dogs will have to work hard for that meal.