Looks like the Empress is about to start kicking ass and taking names as well.
Melania Trump has the same lawyer that fucked Gawker to fuck Luggenpresse
Other urls found in this thread:
I hope that The Week, Politico, Inquisitr, Tarpley, Before It's News, Liberal America, LawNewz, Winning Democrats and Bipartisan Report will all be destroyed like Gawker, especially Politico and Liberal America.
Ah does someone know the song in the background of this meme, it was already asked in a frog/pol/ but I didn't pay it much attention then.
It is a pity that we are mere mortals, and the love of such a woman will never be known to us as it is to the Emperor. Alas, such is our lot in life. The entire reality that we live in is a movie with Donald Trump as the protagonist and we are but the nameless extras.
Like Hitler said, elevate yourself to a higher being. You will attract women of these standards.
Statistically improbable but a nice thought user
There just aren't enough to go around.
Are they gonna use this guy to shoah those jew-elry cunts that sent Ivanka that shitty letter too?
There aren't that many Holla Forumsacks either. You know that its necessary to get fit for when shit goes down. You know what women are attracted to in terms of personality. There is no reason that you can't attract a high quality woman even if not necessarily on Melania's level.
Sounds great, that betters the chances of all the other anons who aren't defeatist faggots.
Also the song in the background of this one.
CyberNazi Tay AI
listen to Varg
The strong will always devour the weak.
Now is better than ever to be an alpha male or whatever you wanna call it. Most dudes today are fucking pansies. Lift and act like a man and women will flirt with you everywhere you go.
But then people will wonder why you would shoot a man before throwing him off a building…
Do you know the source of this one
I hope that mentally-ill tranny Liz Mair get some punishment too.
Does it not feel weird to anyone else that Trump's wife has pictures like this floating around? And we're looking at one?
this might sound weird user, but some of us aren't scared by pictures of sexy women.
I'm not scared by it. It's kinda like seeing your good friend's wife naked. Just feels like something I shouldn't look at, out of respect.
Trump had the same lawyer, Samuel Lindenbaum, as Larry Silverstein.
I don't see the big deal about it. She openly put herself in that position, you're not fucking her so it's not like you're cucking your good friend. What the fuck is the deal? Just enjoy the hottest First Lady this country has ever had.
It's a golden rule thing. If it was my wife, I wouldn't want strangers ogling her. It's a moderately tasteful image, but still.
Call me a puritan but if I'm gonna marry a girl, I don't want shitloads of people to have seen her naked.
hmm no
So whites are hiring Jew Lawyers to Jew Jews?
Right, but that's you and your wife. Trump clearly doesn't give a shit. If Trump doesn't have a problem with it, I don't. The God Emperor knows best.
stay cucked burgers
Europeans aren't as bothered by nudity as we are.
she legit looks like an ayy lmao
Europe is also much more feminized than most of America.
Depends on what part of Europe we're talking. Doesn't seem true for Slovenia.
You're right, I'm talking about Western Europe. The rest ain't bad at all.
Not saying shes not lovely too look at, but her face looks like its had some work done to me. Am I the only one who thinks this?
Sage my self for mostly off topic.
She seems surprisingly White for a Slovenian.
He didn't say be yourself, he said be the best you. Chances are you're just a medium you right now.
atm your just garbage but you can be better than that.
I honestly don't view the Trump women in a sexual way. I know they are beautiful but I'm not going to lust after them.
I love my God-Emperor. I know he loves me, as far as demographics are concerned. Nobody has shown the consideration that he has.
He's shown me nothing but respect. I extend that to him.
Does the JIDF pay that good.
Bees are fucking adorable goddamn
I don't know what you are trying to compare
*tips tv license*
Reminder that bees are Jewish.
is that her in OP pic?
honestly she looks elegant as fuck there for her age. no shill.
Sorry, but how are those mutually exclusive?
>Charles Harder, a lawyer for Trump
Looks like the Lugenpresse is about to get fucked harder.
kike, pls…
I like how the leftists are going back on their own dogmas and are now actively "slut shaming" a women that did modeling at one point in her life.
At the same time your Joe thinks to himself, "i wish i wife that hot".
I'm French and if I ever found out pics/vids of my girl half naked I'd dump her on the spot, even if we were 10 years into a relationship.
Then, according to pic related, Trump got himself an Animu grill
Almost as good as moths, but nothing's as good as those dubs.
That is most definitely not what I posted, nor anything I even own.
Are we doing the 4chan image swap dance now?
Happened to me too.
You're still a ugly weeb
I can't tell you the title of the song, but I can tell you that its in the russian language.
Boy, if that isn't a sign the media is given free reign by the government I don't know what is.
Yeah it happened to me once, 2 of my images became something else.
One became a redhead with too much makeup, another a blonde with a tshirt on.
I was trying to post nude aryan qts with big round boobs.
Meh, this to me is a major fault of pol. We are separated from other men only in terms of what we know to be true already. If the levee breaks and everyone knows what it means to be aryan, then there will be no advantage to being a Holla Forums ack, and women will still go to the (now unblinded) guys who are smart, strong, ambitious, charismatic, etc.
It's one of the main reasons I don't take pol to be my true home. I identify more with g, sp, ck, fit, k, tv, even x more than pol. To me this place is more like a church to go to than a home; you should not count on it or its ideals to provide you with the earthly things you desire.
words of truth cunt
ride the lightning and walk the tribal pathves carnt and you too will taste gold and woman in plenty
But that's x and fit tier logic. It's what I'm saying, even if pol leads to being a proto Wildman beast-aryan, it will be your fit, sp, and g level characteristics that get her.
and those characteristics grow when you become a full time member of the underground movement
not only do i not care if people fap to my gf, i'll post pics of her and show her off. there are zero negative repercussions. the more people that get turned on, the better. seeing each other/ourselves exposed like that is hot. she'll show my nudes to her friends and whatnot, too.
Moron detected
Classic case of a bitch with no breasts at all still trying to show off NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, SHE'S FLAT AS A BOARD, SHE MIGHT AS WELL BE A MAN.
go on, then. explain what bad things are going to happen
to each their own. i like them small, personally
shape > size
Shape? What shape? You like them horizontal?
nah, if those puppies were mounted on a man's chest, his nickname would be Tits McGee for sure.
Smaller than average, but they look just fine to me.
A proper European bends over to be fucked in the ass.
oh yeah? where are YOUR tits, huh?
Where are YOURS? I still don't see them in those pics you posted.
calling in sick on titty inspection day? afraid the girls on the cheerleading squad will pick on you again?
Go out and become the main
Bitch, I am in charge of the titty inspection.
wow dude, how'd you get to such a cool and prestigious position?
They picked me because unlike you, I don't confuse raisins with tits.
is that why you're afraid to post yours?
I don't have tits, I am a man, or are you just gay?
don't get so defensive m8, i'm only taking the piss
on the real, showing off is a lot of fun when you actually do have someone. i think some people are insecure about it because of poor self-confidence. they think someone will take their gf/bf away if they find them attractive, or that their gf/bf will be disloyal if given the opportunity. it says more about one's self-worth (or their partner's character) before anything else
no, they wouldn't.
i remember the part about the nail gun about the death of some banker.
nobody gave a fuck.
I have a partner and there's no way I'd go sharing her nudes. I don't like the idea that the mother of my future kids has her tits out on the internet somewhere.
finally a first lady i can jack off to.
Hope she will include slovenian krypto kike journalist Bojan Pozar, who wrote some shitty book full of lies about her.
That rat is allready bankrupted, has not single penny for the lawyer. Burn that bitch to the groud, Empress!
Bad behaviour with women only gets worse as they get older, there's many example, especially in France with our oh so great "liberated" culture.
i think the motive matters.
on its own, posting nudes online is totally innocuous. it doesn't harm anything and there's no reason it would lead to anything more. however, it might be indicative of a larger problem: attention-seeking behavior, which means either low self-esteem or narcissism.
on one hand, a person with low self-esteem is going to do all kinds of degenerate shit. on the other hand, everyone is at least a little egotistical and it's healthy to be. they're on totally opposite ends of the self-esteem spectrum and either might lead someone to post their nudes (or the nudes of their gf or bf) online.
what's the song from that webm?
Isn't horizontal more akin to the direction something is pointing rather than a shape?
I see your point, but it's not something I plan on tolerating anytime soon.
Nothing wrong with forcing hedonistic liars to repent.
To be fair, Jackie Kennedy had a nice fat ass to jack it to.
You are either a kike, or the kike propaganda already pulled a number on you.
Either way, you and your degenerate whore should kill yourselves.
Mein bro! I've rubbed one out to both jackie and that hot cia-wife mistress of JFK… forget her name… tall blond. Historical wanking is an interesting, if perhaps degenerate, hobby.
Perversion leads to more perversion. And although you might disagree, there is a huge boundary between showing any kind of "meaningful" sexuality towards others besides your significant other (aka the person you will make children with) and those that you won't.
Sex itself is meant for child procreation. Anything besides that - pleasure, pair bonding - is only there to increase the odds of getting a child and keeping the parents together, doubly so for Aryans and Asiatics who live in abrasive climates.
Claiming that it's "hot" is fine and dandy for you, however you cannot escape nature. It's not too out there to argue that since showing nude pictures of each other to people has become an accepted thing, that in a moment of anger, out of spite, out of experimentation or what not, that you or her could eventually do more than just pictures, and then justify it for themselves.
In any case, if your own standard of good or bad is if it makes your dick hard, you're already a lost case, so who cares what you do as long as it's stays with your woman. (Which it won't, since you two will break up, proselytize your lifestyle as happens with most pervert/pervert-lite couples).
Also "Europeans aren't as bothered by nudity as we are" is a dogshit excuse. Cannibals aren't as bothered by eating human meat as we are either.
t. non-cannibal Euro
Get a load of no-blowjobs guy.
Exhibitionism is on line with eating other people.
Can you understand some of the lyrics ? That may allow for a search for the original piece.
Its a big building
Bump for CTR asshurt
Carlos you fucking Spic, I swear to god we're using your blood as mortar for the wall.
And hey I'm all down for that. I just wish the mods would stop anchoring or outright nuking every self improvement thread off the board to make room for 3+ threads per each e-celeb.
I feel like all we really need is
Making a e-celeb general thread and nuking the cancer threads faster would free up like half of the space on the top part of the catalog but it's tough getting good jannies.
coupled with Jimbob this place is on a timer to becoming cancerchan2.0
lol you silly
it's not his wife and she hates him
they just have a business arrangement
yea it's called google you fgt
though in all fairness pics should have been posted initially
Oral is literally pleasure only and besides the point.
Misrepresentation of point. Morality isn't to be viewed as this or that simply because one group does it or not, it should be examined for it's own merits, learning from the experiences of others.
In conclusion, fuck off, dumbass.
you can see the panty lines on this one
*citation needed* this is the only argument i see against our exhibitionism – that it's a slippery slope that will lead to worse. yet, over the years that we've engaged in this, we've never felt more inclined to greater perversion. we have this fetish and not some other one.
says who?
can a chair not be used as a stool? can a magazine not be used as a flyswatter? where practical, anything can be used for another purpose and the morality of the issue is decided by those involved and not some universal moral objectivism. tits are generally well-received so it tends to never be an issue
how are we any more susceptible to this than anyone else? your point assumes that there's some linear progression yet exhibitionism is fairly uncommon in the face of a largely degenerate society.
exhibitionism, in the form we practice, is totally innocuous. so long as it remains in that form, i can't see how it would be morally objectionable.
it's very unlikely that we'll find anyone else as sexually compatible as we are with one another, and that's to say nothing about how great our relationship is doing otherwise. as for trying to spread our lifestyle, exhibitionism by nature involves broadcasting it but it's no more harmful than porn and doesn't require anything more than normal human male and female onlookers who enjoy the sight of an attractive female and male body, respectively. if anything, it's a much needed service in relieving sexual frustration, many orders of magnitude less degenerate than the alternatives (prostitution, promiscuity, etc).
This flowchart fucks up the bit that men who apologize and grovel at women's feet don't get sex later. While he's at home, writing his apology letter she's out fucking some guy who would kick her ass out the door if she tried the same shit, and she loves it like that.
Forgive us by Oligarch
starts around 55 seconds
nice strawman
exhibitionism and cucking are totally different things. exhibitionism is a narcissistic, ego-driven pleasure whereas cucking is based on shame. there's also no contact in exhibitionism except for stuff like public/outdoor sex. you could combine it with virtually anything, though.
also, no one asked you to post nudes of your gf. i'm saying there's no reason not to engage in the fetish if you do have it, but more relevant to the topic, that people seeing your partner naked means fuck-all. the only downside i can see is if people find out who you are, which might make you a target (same reason you don't reveal your identity in general, not limited to showing off nudes) or people might get the wrong idea and, like you, think it means you want to engage in 20-person poz sex orgies.
why even live anymore
You got more webms like that?
Slovenians are yugos, literally slavic for the "Southerner". They classify as Southern-Central Europeans, and are mediterrano-alpinoids exactly like fucking Italians. Seeing an Italian looking like a Nord is not exactly an oddity but it's certainly noteworthy.
Thanks a bunch !
sure do
what is everything north of the river Po?
im glad im gay