Episode 4 was "leaked" on cuckchan...

Episode 4 was "leaked" on cuckchan. An user ripped the AS "secret" kike video stream and posted the new MDE: World Peace on Jewtube

Here's the entire show that's supposed to air Friday, remember goys, DVR that shit so they stay on the air.

Other urls found in this thread:

adultswim.com/#/DO NOT DEPLOY/Million_Dollar_Extreme_Presents_World_Peace_104?_k=2xkcl7




are these qt's their redpilled gfs?

Not as good as the first 3, but pretty good.

top kek what a bunch of madmen


making fun of retards and cripples is based

What the fuck is happening? Why is this being saged?

sam hyde is my hero

Can I buy Cartoon Network on Vue and if so how much is it?

World Peace… WP…. White Power HOLY FUCK THE MADMAN!




You mean the ugly Midwest jew hags?

Because Sam Hyde is an unfunny piece of shit pandering for shekels. Him and his degenerate stoner groupies do not care about you or your values. They are just capitalizing on the attention, like that faggot Milo "the Greasy Greek kike" Yiannopoulos. His whole routine is perceived as shock satire and he's laughing all the way to the bank.

or you could watch it directly from [AS]'s website in higher quality you scrub
adultswim.com/#/DO NOT DEPLOY/Million_Dollar_Extreme_Presents_World_Peace_104?_k=2xkcl7


how is this on talmudvision


Yeah Sam made millions on fucking youtube skits and now AS, a second rate channel, is giving him billions right?

Also what is censored on Moonman's jacket?

Is it just me, or was episode 3 the worst of the bunch so far? I thought 2 was the best, then 1 and then 3.

best episode yet. Segment with wheelchair wizard was hilarious.

Best episode yet, also I think Sam didn't expect the bitch at the end to say reincarnation and thoughts an authentic laugh

Holy shit

He made a bit based on kikewheels

I need to get off this ride

good stuff. im enjoying the show so far. do they ever replay it? because i missed a few. they have full episodes on the adult swim site, but i want to watch it when its live to give better ratings too.

I don't know if its intentional, but one of the kid drawings look like it has an 88 on it.

He understands me, and I understand him


These keep getting better. Thanks OP.

LOL, and soon Trump will be President. Why get off the ride now?

The cripple is hot wheels and Chris-chan fused into one. Look at the shirt.

This shit is basically a shitpost.

This show is basically a shitpost

[spoiler]and I basically have Alzheimer's[/spoilers]


it was leaked on cuckchan, [as] put it up on their website early as some kind of anniversary thing

go look at adultswim.com


No way is that airing on tv. Fug I love Sam though.


I wouldn't rip him if I thought he was funny. I've seen most of his stuff, and even tried to get through his show. They suck. Not everyone has the same taste, but then again not everyone is shoving their shit show in my face. Like I said in another thread, at least the Mr Robot shills finally fucked off.

Is the amount relevant when it comes to shilling for clickshekels on a board who's preferred format is the webm? Is it more relevant that a large cut of that money goes back to Google who would delete this board given the chance?

You don't have to click on a thread. People starting a thread based on stuff they like and you don't is not "shoving it your face" you goddamned autist.


Speaking of Sam Hyde, isn't Eric Andre's beef with Sam that he's politicizing [as]? I saw a couple videos on jewtube about eric going to both the RNC (to make fun of 'le dumb rednecks') and DNC (to not make fun of anyone).

Anything that breaks containment will have SJW and shills trying to shut it down. They LARP as 1488ers with incredibly high standards, everyone but them is a cuck, hitler is a cuck, trump is a cuck, if you talk about jews outside of Holla Forums you're a cuck etc.

You guys are welcome. I worked with World Peace

Absolutely fantastic, that smirk after David Duke.

is that second skit based on hotwheels? he even goes for an azn like cripplecuck

His laugh in the car skit got to me too. IMO each episode is getting better and better, this one in particular seemed to have more shit going on, whereas the others had 2 or 3 skits that were longer.

I think this fast paced style suits the show better, because they can cram in the references really fast which makes it more fun to watch and dissect



Pretty shit episode asides from the pickup artist shit and the single mom skit.

Honestly the entire PUA skit was fantastic. I don't remember who it is but some famous PUA actually looks a little like Sam in that skit, with the hat and all. I'm sure someone here knows who I'm thinking of.

Is that guy in the wheelchair supposed to be hotwheels?

This one

This guy looks like an ugly nigger Jew. Is he kike?

so much retard in one post. First off they have been literally doing this for YEARS with little to no mainstream support. If they were just capitalizing on us they would have just started when they got the show on Adult Swim. Second of all they aren't "stoners" and they actively make fun of pot smokers. You are just overly paranoid.


Fuck this kike coming at our boy Sam

Alright, so at 4:37 you see the American Sign Language hands come up next to the W and P.
Some have already said this could be White Pride, and with the Moon Man and David Duke shout-outs, I wouldn't doubt it. However, at first, you see the sign for V next to both the W and the P. Any guesses as to what this means?

that single mother skit really unnerved me

forgot pic

Make me. Oh and have a bump ^:)

He hails from Boca. That's all you need to know.

It's a peace sign… as in "World Peace"…

Guys I'm sorry. This "leaked" because its never going to air. The Duke name drop was too far and its over. You know where to find us.

man i'm in boca, between this new batch of zika, all the somalian/mudslime invaders, and the various flavored beans streaming in over the past 3 years I've been here the jews are actually getting antsy. They're losing ground here, condos keep getting built but nobody wants to live around all the niggers and spics that are flooding in

send help, pls.

Was that hitler at 3 seconds in?

That's too easy though

it's a trap

don't forget to tune in on friday, or they'll use falling ratings as an excuse to cancel

move to destin or niceville if you're white

Top kek. Where'd you find this?

destin is nice, but i think it's time to abandon ship.
23 years here is too much. Good luck to you though brother, hopefully NWFL can hold out against the pure shit bubbling up from Sofl

That's exactly what I thought too. Don't forget to give your support or the kikes will win and shut it down.

That was my first thought too but I don't think so

are they not doing the home movies thing on friday?

You're right the video of them hiding smoking weed while talking about the two grand giveaway was my imagination.

…holy shit.

i don't get it

there is no evidence Andre is upset over MdE.

Wasted 5mins of my life. Skimming though it. I can see the appeal if I was 12 years old or if I was stoned off my face but drugs are for niggers.

Taking drugs means you're Anti White and pro nigger.

Guess you had a shitty childhood.


kek they weren't hiding that at all man

Whose approval are you looking for by posting this?

Hitler liked drugs and I like Hitler


i did, thanks for bring it up


Kill yourself.


Watching that cripple was honestly uncomfortable.

Just fuck off and keep watching The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon or the Ellen Degenerate Show you normalfag.


And this is why you should not put any weight behind this "alt right" bullshit.

Considering that Hotwheels was once a member of Wizardchan and tried to get laid for a so long time it makes now sense. He was banned btw from there after he lost his virginity to a succubus.

You too my man.

He's a Jew; if he isn't upset yet, he will be.

Is that the supreme faggot in the middle??

what i imagined the (((alt right))) looked like

That's one of the best things he did, unfortunately they don't make this stuff a lot anymore on their youtube channel.

i don't think they're as adamantly anti-weed/drugs as some ppl want to claim, and they do seem a little stoned in that vid (and others) but all we do know for sure is that they fucking love tobacco (and just nic in general given that they vape lol)

Yep, it's the leader of the alt-right.

I really enjoyed this episode. It's up there with episode 2.

Top kek. They had no clue.

I will be sure to tune in Friday for ratings.

I lost it.

Anyone figure out the sign language?

KMFDM cameo at 10:10?!?

The KSTV stuff is hilarious.

why are there two threads about this?

I know. I watched all Kickstarter TV and most of them were hillarious. I pirated them, then I bought them. It's worth it.

Is there a fucking hot wheels reference?!

And a PUA reference!

Yeah and the wheelchair virgin is trying to solicit a chink

Just like hotwheels would do

Looks like the episode was already censored, not like the executives know who moon man is so they would only see david duke and not care as much.

How does he get away with it? This is fucking amazing.

Good shit.

fuck off back to cuckchan

Here's the "directory" of the "leaked" ((([as]))) files. Cuckchan is fucking with the (((Eric Andre))) episodes.

Totally a marketing stunt. Doubt the kikes will order a second season.



Think about it.

Come on it called out the teachers for BSing though the school year with holohoax, black history and 3 movie days. Also Charls' water skit was practically calling for revolution.

How did you arrive at Sem + Ite?


Too busy uploading degenerate photos,

Here's the fake 'leak' link, goys:



This is why Civic Nationalism is cancer. All these non-whites need to be purged from our nation. This idea that some shitskin is Just as American as a white needs to die.


Say "Sam Hyde" to yourself really fast.

What does it sound like, goy?


Nope, I hear Semhide. Nice try though.

I thought Sam Hyde was a reference to some NE folk story or colloquial expression:

"Lies like Sam Hyde"

Is that the best you can do?

It's not them.



I guess the single mother sequence was alright, but I can't say that I found any of the other "skits" entertaining, probably because I wasn't raised in TV culture saturated with Jewish "comedy" which gives off a similar vibe to this, but likewise fails to amuse.

Since when is H in Sam Hyde silent, you dumb faggot?

it's that way for spics

You have to go back.

We should use meme magic to ruin that nigger kikes show

m9 how is this not an ED article? my fucking sides have surpassed escape velocity

fuck off. no one is taking that bait.

theres this


Why did MDE leak this?

Are they getting canned?

There are currently 3 threads about this faggot's show. When you niggers quit shitting up the catalog, I'll stop making factual statements.

I hope the shame knowing so little about how the Internet functions will cause you to end your pain.


apparently there was a thread on normiechan's Holla Forums that said eric andre would quit if world peace got renewed for a second season.

can anyone confirm?

2016 is a crazy place

TRS is cancer tbh

Why is the ATHF Boston episode in there?

When this eventually gets cancelled due to reasons, MDE really needs to "leak" all of the uncensored videos.
It seems like every episode there are big blocks that cover up shit during the intermissions and intro/outro.

talk about low T

I died

Civic nationalism is the rational choice in the US for at least the next decade, probably multiple. Non-whites will be given the option to peacefully leave before the race war.

World Peace World Wide


Want to see him drop more obscure references like oswald mosley and julius evola.

Should we check them?
Does that mean anything?

Makes me think of the CEO from episode 2 actually, even though I don't think he really looks like that.


that would be autistic though, he should just stick to being offensive
fuck off back to your containment thread

he should just go full madison grant nordicism tbh

I am currently in the afterlife

he already dropped an evola reference in his rutgers video

mosley was an autist cuck tho

it would be pretty based if they played william luther pierce broadcasts over the top of some skit where lazy sam is walking around a gas station looking at pretzels or something tbh

He is dressed like an autistic raver you dumbshit.

you know what else would be cool? if sam wore a white pride t shirt and started saying heil hitler

am i right?

filtered for brit/pol/ cancer

Hitler is dead mang, why would you hail him?

Wearing a Trump maga hat and cracking Pocahontas jokes would be cool.

found episode 4 of it under the do not deploy directory.


this tbh the hitler thing is more for germans, he could just as easily trigger people by imitating some archie bunker tier trump voter or post actual david duke/ pierce shit in subtle ways

His job is subversion. Making people google obscure shit should be part of that.

Kill yourself cuck

also easier to get past the execs

it's s-A-m not s-E-m you fucking low energy autist.

are you starved for attention? at least put some effort in to your posts.

is anyone else seeing the adult swim website like this? tons of weird shit on here, including a password protected folder titled illuminati.

Sam Hyde showing his fans some love?

It could have been Eric Andre to lower the amount of viewers tuning in on Friday.
Not likely, but the thought crossed my mind.

password to the illuminati folder is 666

This user understands.

What the fuck happened to ED? I just read their Aut-Right page, no mention of their faggotry, autism, or LARPing. Reads like a fucking HuffPo piece by someone who takes them way too seriously.

mde didn't leak it, adult swim did.

they also leaked EA's new ep and brian neely whatever the fuck it's called

Either way they can use it as an excuse to can the show, don't forget to tune in or DVR anyways to keep the ratings up.

Preddy sure his name is


what a group of manlets


Anyone who wears graphic tees past 18 is a fucking loser.

Milo throwing the 666 sign. Deferentially controlled opposition

So…was this leak an inside job from some (((ornery))) AS people?

We will find out when the episode airs. Either it doesn't air or its censored even more because we found all the secret shit for them to censor

started watching the leaked eric andre, I don't know how ahead of time they were filmed so I could be wrong but it feels like he's trying to emulate MDE in adding more political shit. In the opening he talked about hannibal being an african muslim hermaphrodite and leeching off the gov or some shit before shooting himself with a gun he took out of the bible. Then he says something about how both jesus and reagan are in hell


What happened here? mde would never be able to get away with this on [as]

Makes sense, all of these MDE episodes have gotten more views than any of Eric André first season episodes.


What about that "Jews Rock" thing?

How pathetic.


Looks like (((Andre))) is trying too hard to be edgy for the sake of it. Which answers your question, he is jewish so of course he can get away with the kike jokes just to seem edgy.

The little grin after David duke was fun.

There is a man who is known to browse Holla Forums who now has a television show that broadcasts to millions of people, and in this show he drops redpills and literal racist memes. And even though it comes off as satire to the uninitiated, he is genuinely sincere, and yet he still gets away with it.

I want you fuckers to sit down for a while and think about what the fuck is going on in this world.

it doesn't end there either

Eh, it's not that surprising really. There's gotta be a Jewish producer somewhere who knows what's happening and said "we can make money from this."

Same reason they love talking about Trump all the time, he boosts ratings. If he didn't, they would just ignore him and fill the airtime with Shillary.

is this what being triggered feels like?

our memes have become strong enough in the past year and a half that we have a direct influence on the ether, and our power is only growing.

Think about it like this: Ebola-chan was our first attempt and it was incredibly successful. That was our busch league.

Honestly Hitler having no trigger discipline bothered me more

of course the nigger puts stalin as the executioner and not one of his tribe as it should be

Sewing the.cultural.cloth, user. White men in some way or another, sew the cultural cloth.

The kike knows what he is doing. Just seeing this and that failure at the rnc, (((andre))) seems to like parodying right winged groups in an attempt at humor.

So these dudes who can "write" 10 minutes of autism are suppose to reflect pol? fuck off.

Thank you for correcting the record.

Sam's body language tells me he's a chill guy to hang with,

This show is a bit too experimental for me. If it wasn't for the fact Sam Hyde himself is fucking hilarious I would never bother with this show. Sam is literally the sole thing pulling this along. Also


top kek what even is this?
Only a couple minutes in, but I love it
Remind me of the cooking clown from super deloux

Either a swear word because they're in a black mall or something about trump 2016


I mean its funny to a degree, but 10 minutes? is this the only amount of time they have?

If this season does well they're probably increase the time.
It's not unusual for AS shows to only be about ten minutes, anyway.

Didn't he create the place?

I don't think so, despite what Kikepedia says.

you need to fuck off back to /r/thedonald, you faggot queer

Who owns Adult Swim?

Fuck your hugbox faggot.

Get the fuck out.

Does this make hotwheels Moonman?

Go back to 4kike kid. They actually welcome sumerfags who don't lurk before posting.

Fucking retard nigger.

this is his PUA inspo, mystery the jewish pua.

Time Warner

Didn't time warner give a bunch of money to hillary?

Nah, Fucking hang yourself, you disgusting shitskin-loving cuck. You redditors have and always will be a cancer that just won't go away.
put a bullet through your brain

Who owns Time Warner? Jews?

Holy fuck you kids are sensitive, go take your meds and shut the fuck up.

Nice projection you fucking idiot.

Lurk maor summershitter.

You are some real damaged goods, is this Sam I am talking too or?


Yes to both.
They're one of the big six that control the media in the US.
I'm amazed they let this show air.

Nigger, the fact that you even used "pol" and then cried "muh hugbox" when you got called out for being the dirty Redditcuck you are is proof enough. You're just digging that hole deeper and deeper

Uh huh, what else do the voices in your head tell you user?

Are they not aware? or are the bants so well hidden that they just dont catch it.

Confirmed 4chan trash.

Still going huh? why dont you ban and report me?

It's not voices, Redditor. It's fucking obvious.


All it needs is proper trigger discipline and its good.

>>>Holla Forums878692

the armband is on the wrong arm

WTF Charls actually looks somewhat passable in drag.

I can see why they always get him to dress up as a woman in the show.

Jesus Christ you even talk like a fucking Redditor. You're not doing yourself any favours by proving me right.

Don't you have any "muh based minorities" to suck off back on your cucked subreddit /r/thedonald?

Next you'll say: "Take your meds."

Why do you fucking Redditcucks always have to be the most insufferable of faggots? It's almost like you go out of your way to make yourselves as unlikable and obnoxious as possible. No one wants you smug little faggots here shitting up the board with your meme-spouting and love of shitskins. Go back.

You could just stop posting and lurk maor. This is 4cuck. We will call you out for your bullshit and tell you to fuck off back to your honeypot.

isn't 4cuck*

Straight up hugbox rules. Glad I stick to Holla Forums and let you Holla Forums faggots circle jerk into nothing. Trump is going to lose or get assassinated, You will be forgotten. Get fucked you fag fucking morons.

Mmmmhhhhmmm, keep it going, how is that accounting degree coming along? or that TS where 4 of you faggots play some shitty jew game?

Each episode gets better than the last, and the ratings are reflecting that. Even despite all the censorship, the show is still pretty funny, even for normalfags. I'm proud of these boys.


Where can I cash in my ctr coins? I keep doing my job like a good little goy, but I don't know where to cash in these little coins they give for correcring the record.


Is it going to air like this or is it going to be censored?

Or maybe we just don't want you cocksucking redditcucks shitting up our board and turning it into a cancerous narcissistic circlejerk of meme-spewing, PRfagging, and leftism. Not wanting you worthless sons of bitches ruining our board is not "hugbox rules" - it's common sense.
Honestly you should have stayed there. You redditors already killed Holla Forums and destroy gamergate with your PRfaggotry and prfaggotry.
Nice job outing yourself as the leftist anti-white you are. How about your hang yourself from the tallest tree? You won't be missed.

Inside the mind of hive, keep it coming.

Who even watches Adult Swim, is it cable tv or?

We are both at (11), are we just going to keep it up and break the record together? I am willing but only if you are.

Man, this masochistic faggot keeps going. Do you even sleep at night?

Just grab a mirror and start yelling at it, that is all you are doing.

Let me guess. Wanting to keep out shitskins and immigrants from our country is based purely on "xenophobia" and "bigotry", right, Redditor? Topkek

Ironic, considering you're the one embarrassing yourself beyond repair at the moment

No fair, you aren't supposed to pull ahead and break the record first.

Reminder that "hugbox" is derogatory code for rules that promote unity, as well as fight D&C and shilling.

how is that even possible on an anonymous mongolian cartoon board

no body will give a shit or remember any of this in like 30 minutes

No one will take anything he has to say seriously in this thread and will tell him to fuck off like the Redditor he is.

super busy

Hahahaha, so pathetic.
I am white, I have a white wife and 3 kids in a white working town. I fall trees for a living. What the fuck are you faggots doing with your lives? Alone? Mad? With Parents? Get the fuck out of here.

Besides, this is probably 2 faggots I am talking to right now.

People lying on the internet? I agree, I am a simple white man which also has 2 kids in a mid western town and working hard. Since I cannot provide pics, I cannot prove my claim, but don't worry I am a hard superior working American who is better then this board.

He's trying to sever Holla Forums and Holla Forums, you moron. Don't let him get in your head.

Yup. predictable response from a Redditor. Typical arrogant snide remarks. Not that I really expected more from someone who clearly has had arrested development since the age of 14.

Those Asians that passed on kripplekike, haha great shit. Love the show. Does dvr help or do you have to watch it live to boost ratings?

All these buzzwords.

Holla Forums hates Holla Forums, Get over it. No one wants to play games or try having fun with some dumbass who cant even think for himself.

That explains everything, how is your nigger king doing?

You're both niggerfaggots for bumping this garbage thread. I'm picturing that faggot sam hyde and his stoner entourage sitting dutifully at their MacBook Pros, bashing out what they perceive to be a witty distillation of a Holla Forumsack flamewar. This is almost as unfunny as his show.

Please grace me with your wonderful country! Clearly the superior man with better taste in everything will continue posting here for no reason!


the irony is palpable
You seem to think we give a shit
No one wants to play anything with you degenerate Holla Forumsniggers.
Oh wew. Pic related. And this is coming from a Holla Forumsnigger no less

You're trying too hard freechan, need me to nuke your catalogs again?

oh shit, I had no idea.

there is no way that is a coincidence. I can't believe Sam motherfucking Hyde is giving shoutouts to Holla Forums on talmudvision.

Year of the Fire Monkey

We know you're trying to divide the boards, freech.

Classic well poisoning.

Really, faggot?

The best thing is I dont even come on your shitty board often enough to know more then half the shit you faggots are talking about but if you want a catalyst


You're from the same board. I know your shitty little game, faggot.

Strike a nerve, freechan?


Just give me your country man, and maybe your address. You clearly need help and if they have a gun to your head, we can try to help you.

WP is obviously world peace / white power, what is v v though?

Sure, which you wearing?

I am Canadian, we dont have guns.

Blow your brains out, you fucking faggot. I'm on your side here.

hilarious. Go back to your shitty board and be a waste of oxygen with the rest of your manchild friends

Canadians have guns

That's a yes

I'd nuke your board but it looks like you faggots are down to less than ten active users across all your containment boards.

Didn't you get the message? If you shitpost your enemies, they win! Better stop now while you can.


Or just a fucking brand.

Its Monday night, no wonder all you faggots are so pissed off. I have run out of things to shit post with, have some anime.


Come on m80. You started to shitpost and now you weren't prepared for the long game? Is this your first attempt of this?

You're working with him. Aren't you?

go play some more "vidya", Holla Forumsnigger. After all, it's the only thing that compensates for your own lack of value as a human being.

Again. Why are you trying to divide the boards?


Why not watch it on Adult Swim? They need to hits faggots

adultswim.com/#/DO NOT DEPLOY/Million_Dollar_Extreme_Presents_World_Peace_104?_k=2xkcl7


Well yeah thats the long game. Maybe you should leave to some shitposting land and come back in a month. Clearly you are not ready to endure even (50) posts.

Please don't post zoophilic shit here.



vaginas are so weird looking tbh
good thing i'll never have to fuck one since the happening is coming and I can finally die with a gun in my hand and go off to the next world having served a human purpose and not an animal one and leave all the normie faggots who've never read a page of hegel and think the meaning of life is shitting out white children behind on this collectively defined pointless rock in the middle of nowhere

You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste the afterlife?

It's a marketing campaign

this right here is my boyfriend, nitro dubs

So fast I couldn't even check them.

The way they feel makes up for the way they look, user.

Also, your post may have been meant to come off as deep and paint you as morally and philosophically superior, but instead it just makes you come off as bitter and lonely. Not trying to pick a fight here, just being honest.

I kinda wish they air a different episode on friday, or at least have different editing, this is not as good as the first 3 episodes, mainly because there si no good ending musics and less redpill dropped.

+ moon man and david duke name drop
+ micro machine (hotwheel) tribute
+ single mom segment
+ the gambling father
- singing contest
- the random driving skit (not bad but just out of pacing)
- shit music ending


How much do you think they paid that wheelchair guy to drag him around and make him look like a fool?

You read a book that excused you from being a beta.
How beta

Pretty sure he's not actually disabled.


awesome quote man

this is just sad

not really a proper understanding but I'll grant you whatever social standing you assume you have over me based upon entirely text-to-text interactions. understanding the world as spirit and man as a process as opposite to the idea of man as a concrete solid object is key to beginning to understand hegel.

how so? is it as the other user said? or am I supposed to "ride the tiger" t. faggots who've never read evola and participate in this sham of a society and validate the given-being of all the thoughtless drones about us, particularly the women, who've squandered nearly two generations of the wests male youth's best years chasing their own little narcissism?

I wouldn't deny that I am bitter or lonely but the only men who've ever lived who've mattered more than a bird dropping on a lapel are men who were bitter and lonely and used their anger to create actively in the human realm. ex: movers of history, napoleon is hegels example. once you begin to open yourself to the world of the gnostics and the metaphysical realm you can really feel reality falling away a bit.

also porn posting faggots are cancer tbh

sad for who exactly, I have no shame on an image board its not possible. there is nothing shameful about women hating virginity when all around me is gorefetishists, crossdressing men, homosexuals, porn users, drug users, alcoholics, chronic masterbators, childless women, the growing herd of TRS retards who have no actual opinions except what their porto-demagogues tell them to believe (yet they call themselves classical traditionalists or whatever).


is that supposed to be a witty response or something? there is no "afterlife" as this life is nothing but a fucking dream in the first place, it is the effect of non-material causes. everything you experience happened in the ideal realm. waste is defined using consensus. having children and mindlessly having sex with consumer-drone women is what you and the herd (which has infected this place after infecting 4cuck) define as "proper" use of ones life, then I would state that I am above your petty morality and that you have the mind of nigger and are spiritually enslaved to the materialist epoch in which we live. the next world in which whatever I am is animated will not be an "after" but a "next" and therefore there will be new opportunities to evolve oneself. keep baiting me with this basic bitch shit you newfags

Unironically proved my point man

back in my day, we filtered shills

PUAs BTFO'd too.

PUAs = gay men exploiting genetic duds.

you have no point for me to prove, you just spouted some cliche about wasting ones life as if that were possible as if women are the source of meaning in this world in ancient times dying in battle was the choicest way for one to pass over.

can't see shit through your filter man

people who disagree with me

newfag detected
your filter is probably broken as well

Am I the only one noticing that she doesn't have an asshole?
I mean, I don't go for buttsex but she literally is missing her asshole. Creeps me out because I'm thinking she just shits out of her vag.

Nobody cares about your faux-intellectual ramblings m8

double dubs confirm your uselessness

thats why you tried to respond repeatedly to me right? thats why you took issue with my shitpost instead of filtering me

i only filtered the guy who called it pol and said LOL IM JUST HERE FROM V. We're in a thread about a fucking tv show. I have no idea what you're arguing about

hegel and the meaning of life, sorry I thought some of the early riser britcancer was ITT already

Is /wiz/ retarded?

I fucking love this show

everything they type is a reflection of what they actually mean

Who was slightly unsettled at the single mother skit? It was really good but it had this creepy vibe to it. I love it.

This garbage is concentrated autism, nearly as terrible as Tim and Eric.

Tim and eric has a generation of fans lad

That doesn't make it any less autistic. Sorry you have bad taste.

Your shitty taste doesn't determine if people like a show man


Fuck off with this enlightenment bullshit, just because they're too pussy to find themselves a girl in their life and choose to instead act "superior" and "enlightened" doesn't actually mean they are.

They're not wizards, they're faggot virgins.

wtf I hate MDE now

"Tell her you got that nigga dick"

"I don't want to say nigga"

"Tell her you got that gorilla dick"

did they just call niggers gorillas?


please tell me you have a twitter account I can follow

fucking shit, I meant to respond to

why would you follow a shbill



either i'm fucked up or this episode is incredible



Arrow made an Holla Forums reference last season. To put the clip in context, Felicity is Team Arrow's techie and at the end of the mid-season finale she was shot and almost killed.

I kinda doubt they'd cut it just because they said a name. They didn't even say it in a positive way, you could easily just cover it with "lmao they were just namedropping a crazy guy to be edgy and controversial XD." It's not like David Duke is that obscure.

so what else? this shit couldnt even be funny if i was doped up to high heavens

OP is a massive faggot

I take it your also welfare trash, nigger tier "hood" mentality too?

Nah, TRS guys are mostly in their late 20s early 30s.

The blatant metaphors and finger pointing is just icing on the cake.
This is a critique of culture being sold as humor to idiotic kikes.
They allow it to exist even if they can't understand it, because they make money.

You reek of idiocy. Or Kikery. It doesn't really matter either way.

They are one and the same, Juden.





Dubs of truth, much checked.

You know, I see these types of images posted all the time. But if it's really that big of a problem, what exactly is it going to take for the rest of Holla Forums to stand up to them?


Why do you watch this shit lads? MDE is the most forced meme on pol


There's not much we can do about it sadly, we do have the ability to create a new board of course but a lot of other people have already tried this and failed.


You are incorrect, friend. The most forced maymay on /POL is

Why even bother when you can gorepost?

I think it's official, Holla Forums has gone mainstream, it was a good five years everybody and all worth it, because we finally did it.

Any faggot who comes up to me and asks me, user, whats the point of all this shitposting and meming, I can point to Sam Hyde's show and tell him we are officially mainstream now.

It's just not as effective as it was before all the degeneracy was as widespread as it is now, user.

Eric Andre (kike mongrel) trying to undermine Sam Hyde from within because he hates the politicized nature of WP

I'm sure that the delicate faggots on Tumblr are still bothered by it.

Didn't we actually get 2-3 Tumblrinas to kill themselves during the 2014 independence day raids?

David duke and moonman, that's crazy, definitely trying to bait as or others into streisanding those names.

The micromachines though was a shout out. As was Nitro dubs (literally hot-wheels).

MDE World Peace ranks second to the nigger kike in the most valuable demographic: males 18-34.

Literally the most valuable advertising space for [as] since advertisers pay top dollar for this advertising space.

The nigger kike Eric Andre is scared by this as well as the show's redpilling. [as] will keep MDE WP if he scores high in this demo.

Fuck the nigger JUDE.

Sometimes I'm convinced you people are humourless, autistics with low reading comprehension and no concept of satire. I've seen the maddow poster drop dox of influential shitlibs all while satirising the shit out of the left. I mean I get it avatarfagging is irritating but that doesn't mean you should be a complete fucking potato and ignore good info because of the source. If you're incapable of prying good info from a mocking source then you're a fucking nigger and need action T4 stat.

Hey Maddow poster.

Kill yourself anytime.

Are we pretending to like this just for the namedrops?

Kek I wasn't expecting that.

I'm not sure user, it's bizarre isn't it. This vidya is fundamentally shit. I guess we just support sam anyway

There's certainly something we can do about the mongrel.


This episode wasn't as good as the last 3 imo, however sam had humble beginnings here so it's nice at the very least he's able to get this shit on TV

And you love it
It's a wonder no-one's taken you for all you have yet

Hi Summer. Isn't school back in session or are you guys going back next week?

It's clear that Adult Swim leaked this early, hoping that MDE's ratings would tank on Friday night.

I knew this was a (1) before I even looked

Quit spreading disinfo.
imkampfy and therealmoonman are two different people. imkampfy is Rach, realmoonman isn't.

Sam Hyde is his real name, you fucking idiot


Tim and Eric is literally just random shit thrown together with no message or plot line. There's a point to MDE's comedy.

I liked all the episodes so far. I don't know why some of you faggots are complaining so much all of a sudden.

It seems to be broken for me. I just keep getting Sam Hyde as Sam Hyde…

Also the fact that gorillas have the smallest dicks.



does anyone know the song while they walk over to the shop?

You (((guys))) really are retarded.

I see the current tactic is to lump every right wing ideology that isn't Holla Forums into "TRS" and then discredit them using any stupid thing X group said, or gay thing Y group did. Even though they literally have nothing to do with TRS.

What you're seeing in that image is a group of literal gay people that follow Milo.

are truly desperate to shut down any alternative news outlet that isn't controlled opposition.

Why can't I hold all these nods.

Isn't TRS full of fags who want to have a trans trad wife? Or is that just an "ironic" meme?

He re-created it after it went down.

It's a bad joke the more autistic posters on Holla Forums seem to take literally. Go figure.

newfag pls go

Why is there an "illuminati" folder on their server with password 666 and a movie of people making a statue of Moloch?


Password = 666

Also notmyboy.txt: geocities.ws/greenberg/

And pic related, "Escort_Photo.jpg"

Weird shit

Your forgot Nitrodubs

You forgot Nitrodubs

I don't know who's jewing who anymore…

Insider information from within Williams Street has shed light on nefarious dealings behind the scenes. The higher-ups at Adult Swim and Turner Broadcasting consistently have protected Greenbird/Greenberg—altering Coin Quest scores and punishing those who didn't "play ball." We have obtained damning e-mails that outline a conspiracy of favoritism fueled by fear.

This is hilarious.

But wtf is it, and why is it on the servers of (((as)))?

That "man" in the photo looks fucking creepy


But you certainly need to learn how to spoiler again.

It is a marketing campaign, you dip.

Can anyone see if the cotton eye Joe thing is right?

Marketing for what? That youtube-video is over a year old.

The Internet knows that Illuminati permeates every crevice of the world — especially Adult Swim. The most elite of this shadowy organization is known as The Council of 8-Men. This revolving cast of power brokers has rewritten the history books, twisting politics, economics, and social issues to their liking.

It is promoting the show called fishcenter which features that fish, Greenbird.


Isn't that the girl from Hanson?

Only Greenbird is a pretty good Jew.


I don't know? I can't make sense of any of this, even as "marketing"

Cmon, it's a weird thing, no?

It's funny. It's not supposed to mean anything.

Sam Hyde's parents?

OC, this will be a good reaction webm

I have to wonder if he is going to pull a HAHA GOT YOU FAGGOT thing like he did with the ponyfag game kickstarter where he makes the target audience look dumb.

It sure does make me want to watch the show.



Can we get Molyneux to interview Sam Hyde?

Someone post request here: youtube.com/watch?v=2ktseCdBnyg

I'll upboat you, youtube shadowbanned me.

Kill yourself.

Holla Forumsedditfag BTFO.

>>>Holla Forums

Where can one watch the third episode?

This while thing is shilling am alternate reality game.

Sam Hyde is turning into a good goy, basically.

If you go to MDE's fake "Greenbird/Zionist Conspiracy" YouTube page, which [as] paid for to have backdated (it's called marketing, they paid Google sales for this shit) , and there's an obvious fake as fuck link to a "GeoCities" site in the caption under the video.

The fake, ws "Geocities" site is more alternate reality game. This bullshit site basically uses a fucking Gefiltefish as Greenbird for some alternate reality game.

My two cents: We are being cucked by Sam, he sold out to the Jews for the show. Probably to show how 'crazy' Holla Forums is.

Its probably nothing but are those hotpockets at 0:27?

My theory is that intense thoughts about cock go through your mind daily.


It was obvious from the beginning that the pony game was a joke. I can't believe so many people fell for it. I guess it proves that MLP fans are autistic as fuck.

Nah. I browse Holla Forums and most folks don't care. Occasionally a whiny leftist will cry about Holla Forums and everyone else will laugh at him.

I love Modest Mouse.

It's nice seeing paid shills fail so hard with all their money, influence and strength to convince a bunch of anons to vote for faggots.

Feels good nigga.

it's the cool new thing

Is there anything linking that jewtube page to MDE and not just Adult Swim?

shitking shitpussy


Back in my stupid pothead days I loved those things. I tried them again a year ago and it was fucking nasty.


Nice D&C shilling though.

Hi therealmoonman

Just fuck my scale up fam

The first girl is qt.

possible reference to rlm (back when they were good)

Just be sure to watch the show when it airs on Friday so it still gets a good viewership

What the fuck I typed "sam hyde" into my adress bar and it immediately took me to milliondollarextreme

Dudes in porn shave now because anyone who watches porn on a regular basis is turning into a pansexual faggot and the Jews want to encourage that.


if you goys noticed this the mother gave the baby honey.
Honey is dangerous for kids under 1 year old.

honestly this seems totally redpilled

It's a shame they didn't let him name the kid Tyrone or something similar

Go to 5:00

I haven't watched it yet but was saving this worth it?



Forgot to mention, this was "Sam"''s proof that he was in fact posting on Holla Forums in the thread about the previous episode.


It's almost 11pm and I need to wake up at 4am, I can't fucking sleep for some reason, but I'm so tired. At least I have my Holla Forums to lighten my mood. Also, bravo mods, although I'd rather you execute him rather than just deporting. He might be back someday

nice try sam


Mystery was the greatest PUA of all time

IGNORE the Strauss shills, and Tyler Durden wannabes can FUCK OFF as Mystery INVENTED game and these PUSSIES would not even even hold a candle to him

Holy fuck episode 2 is redpilled as fuck

I lost my shit when he made that fucking smug face.


Cmon Bros save me from this shit. This was a good whisper. No idea.

Is this you, sam?





I wish I was a mod. I'd clean this place up yesterday.

Nice shitpost, faggot

David Duke :⁾

Not as good as three (I doubt anything will be as good as three), but holy shit was that the dogwhistle we've been dying for.

What is the point of the singing bits? Seems like an awkward addition to the episode. Were they just taking the piss or something?

0:00-1:30 - Music producers being money hungry?
1:31- 4:43 - Faggot PUAs, The Black Pill (some people will never breed), Moonman, David Duke
4:44-5:30 - Faggots driving Miatas?
5:31-7:04 - More PUA faggotry
7:05-8:41 - Looked like 3 Asians coming up escalators (mass immigration because of white women not having kids?), Pappa gubmint, Females shitting on me (DAD BAD on wall), bad parenting
8:42-9:18 - Fat singers not worth backing?
9:19-10:10 - Deadbeat dads?
10:11-11:16 - Fucked if I know

MDE Ep 4 is in the "Do Not Deploy" folder. Were they even planning on airing it?


lol I was inspired by Strauss no lie, but everyone had already used up his methods on the whores. Mystery is an extreme faggot bruh, don't care how much "game" he invented because it only works on braindead skanks.

That's an owl, Moloch is a bull.

What band was it at 10:10?

Harvey Marvey subscribes to styxhexenhammer666 and molyneux


Kill yourself for being this retarded.

i've seen it as both.

Athena is also an owl

Moloch is represented as both a bull and an owl.

He's wearing a CWC shirt



You are experiencing the beginning of the new phase of humanity; a confusing mess of propaganda, social conditioning, and convoluted desktop games like dwarf fortress.

In this new age, cultural traditions, languages, and funny jokes are rapidly becoming faster to consume for the Human-Resource Units that you maggots exist through.

You will engage in cyber warfare as the zionist jewish factions and fraternities have fractured, and everyone is clawing for power and control.

Within this chaos, you will get:

1. Cool videos about the truth of abrahamic religion and its structural purpose.
2. cyborg-enhancements from whichever elite jewish faction has found you first. They will hide under the facade of being anti-semites, don't worry, you'll have cool ass germanic rune symbols to wear.

And 3. If you accomplish your goals you will have full access to websites providing you otherworldy hentai, like exhentai or gelbooru if you're a normie and can't get into exhentai


After the physical and cyber bloodshed of our dark and wretched history is done, we will all be absorbed into a super advanced hivemind, which will be a big fleshy blob, committed only to survivalist pursuits.

Once inside the hivemind, all sub-conscious systems will be tasked to absorb as much material and power within the scarce and dangerous planes of our observable reality.

There will be enemies, political alliances which are boring as hell, but, there will also be pain and fighting.



It was mocking all those singers on those American Idol type shows who suck at singing but the judges blow smoke up their asses anyway.

When does it actually air?
Or has it already?

Tonight at 12:15

UK time?


That's 12:15 Eastern, for all you on Central time, remember 11:15. Don't miss that shit, fucking watch it on official AS stream at the same time. This show is triggering the fuck out of the left.

That's apprently 5:15 in the UK.
Fuck that shit.

I never get half the jokes in this show
including the moon man Davd Duke bit. I mean I know what those things are but I don't see how they were relevant in the skit

I'd love to see Sam Hyde and MDE go primetime. Maybe something like Ylvis' show.

But we are initiated aren't we user?

Are you older than the average Holla Forums user? If not, there's a very real chance you have aspergers.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Sometimes stuff is just funny because of it's absurdity. This joke however was just based on the fact that he's making a shutout to us(and a callback to the wheelchair man being hotwheels and the stigma around him) on national TV. That's why he looked at the screen when he said that.

A sizable chunk of the humor is delayed, in the form of triggered lefties and butthurt responses, be it the initial reaction or subsequent social media whining.

Another portion of it is the fact that it's being aired or accepted at all. That's one of the themes Sam seems to like when it comes to standup. His content isn't always the show. Him having convinced someone to give him an audience, seeing the absurdity of the performance even existing and the audience being amenable to it the show.

He can say and do close to fucking anything, and because it's in the general vicinity of humor and has a paper-thin veil of satire to it, he's going to keep getting away with it.

The joke is that people are absurd. Everyone. But especially the ones who don't think that's the case.

I wonder how he'd get along with Scott Adams.

I do

That actually makes sense.

I'm pretty sure ratings don't work that way. Unless you're one of the randomly selected people who fills out a sheet based on what you watch they won't know who tuned in.

The only way you can help is to either write AdultSwim an email asking about merchandise, like t-shirts and stuff or watch it on their website to give that page traffic, and of course talking about it online and showing friends.

If anyone else has any ideas let me know.

It does work that way. Nielsen random selects a sample population and checks what they're watching to give ratings. They obviously don't check everyone.


Not really funny, trying too hard.


Should be Israel though, he knew Israel controlled America and wanted to stop that. That's why he got hunted down like adog.

Pretty sure all cable boxes track what you watch not like it's a huge amount of data to just send some text.

You sure about that? Nielsen boxes are something you know you have if you have it cause they audit the fuck out of people who have them.

He's pointing out how absurd Political Correctness is. By saying a few memes and names, he's being provocative in a way that nobody else is on cable television.

It's all sooth-saying and Shakesperian fool stuff, so if you don't understand those concepts you won't be able to find humour in it, user. You may not be able to understand it at all, even…

I'm an #Andremissile now.

OK so there is a sketch where some faggots pimp up hotweelz and dubs him Moon Man AKA David Duke and it's the unfunniest shit I've seen all year.

I guess memes into reality but I've still got to give it an F for horrible fucking execution.

Still better than your shitpost :^)

Love you Sam =)

Strait is the new gay.

You guys are the new creatives.

Europoor primetime and American12:15 on a second-rate pseudo-network are basically the same thing.

that's Dr. David Duke to you

They absolutely do, because how could it otherwise suggest On-Demand shows for you to watch based on your viewing habits?

If you have a DVR with On-Demand, it has to be hooked into the internet, and if it's hooked into the internet they know what you're watching and what you aren't.

Who cares?

Fucking hell Sam

Out of the park once again. I don't care what anyone else says, you are alright in my book.

No, you retards. The owl is Minerva

Larpers need to get fucked

what does it mean?


MDE didn't make that, adult swim did. MDE is a third party.

Betrayed his waifu to a succubus.

micro machines - hotwheels
striped shirt guy - chris chan
nitro dubs - points the finger towards the right

Is this real life?



I love it. Them buttblasted cucks who saged this thread need to hang.

I need to watch the other 3 episodes NOW!

The Neilson box just collects the "public" ratings.

All the pay tv services do internal polling now.
If you have a "set top box" with a service like Comcast,Charter or any other modern CATV then they don't need to use the Internet. The boxes are 2 way devices that report telemetry back via the cable system. They do their own ratings internally for instant results and to get a really good idea of what their customers watch. Also this data is very valuable to companies like Comcast because thay are also content producers now since they own NBC Universal.

If you have DishNetwork or DirectTv then it reports back via the Internet.

If you watch TV via antenna or a cable plugged directly in to your TV with no box at all then they can't see what your watching.

Is this fucking faggot vaping ?

Ylvis' The Fox has been viewed by over 618 MILLION people on TV Norge's YouTube channel alone and made Ylvis HUGE internationally. I'm not in or from Norway and I became a fan after hearing the story behind The Fox. (I originally thought it was just another retarded "dance" music song and didn't pay any attention to it other than to avoid it.)

Well over 11 million people on that YouTube channel alone have watched Ylvis' Massachusetts music video that rips the shit out of it for being the faggiest place in the USA. Yes, I assumed San Francisco was too, but apparently Massachusetts really is officially the faggiest place in the USA and was the first state to legalise homosexual "marriage". Admittedly the song being musically superb couldn't have hurt the view count either though.


That's not how views work you fucking imbecile. 1/11th of the planet has not watched that video.

God bless Sam Hyde.

The world doesn't deserve him.

Laughing to the bank is what every true comedian strives for

OK, I admit I made a mistake, I thought YouTube only counted unique views. I looked it up and they do have a system to try to prevent artificial inflation of views though. After the first 300 views the video has to be watched for more than 30 seconds to count as a view and if a viewer watches the video more than a few times a day only the first few views (this link says 3 to 5) are counted per day.


Ylvis are still hugely popular worldwide though.


Nice catch user

Here's a little gem from the AMA with the guy who played Robby

the only relevant part

If you notice they only had good things to say to the "attractive" girl and then played music over top of the second girl. It's a joke about how Hollywood only cares about your body, hence all the jump cuts during her portion of that sketch as opposed to them just playing generic dubstep over the fat girl.

Well that rather changes the "message" (though there barely is one.

I saw the whole bit as just mocking those singing bullshit shows. The empty platitudes are par for the course with judges blowing smoke up the contestants asses. The jokes to me were the contestants reactions.

The first girl is being heaped praise, but can tell she's being mocked. You can see her try to laugh along, as if she's part of the joke,which of course she isn't. Sam is hiding his face because he feels the shame the girl does not.

The second girl was fat and bad at singing. She was openly mocked without using a word. They could have ripped on her "look" her fatness or her voice. Instead they just played music over her, and watched her despondent reaction. She looks genuinely crestfallen. She know's she was bad, and was just waiting to be told so. Instead she was interrupted and openly mocked.

Third girl was sarcastically mocked with praise, but unlike the first girl, she could not sense the sarcasm. She fully embraces the praise, and posits her "deep" nature is due to reincarnation, causing Sam to finally lose it.

that smirk haha

Well, they (MDE) decided to cut it because it didn't ultimately fit in with what they were trying to do



That was fucking gold.

I love cripples who have a sense of humor about it

how does this madman keep getting away with it.

its funny how pua cultists always focus on how mystery is a self-proclaimed nerd but never consider his physical attributes might've played a key role in his success.

game "works" to a certain extent, but the degree to which is completely overblown. Its like telling a guy in a wheel chair he can be an olympic sprinter if he just does enough sets, fucking lol.

Shit I missed that before.

Is there supposed to be a new episode these days?

what is that relevant to?

To checkem I guess?

Hotwheels my dude, same as the wheelchair and the name micromachines

I see

>reference to Dune
Fucking hell, Sam, you animal.

And Moon Man.

Isn't tonight's episode the one Sam said was really good?

no, that's episode 6 next week.

I just watched Dune the other day, what's the reference there? The secret name stuff?

There's no new episode tonight, unfortunately.


Sam's hasn't tweeted about it being delayed or anything…

Are you sure the Wikipedia article hasn't just been edited to keep people from watching it?

There was never supposed to be a new episode today.

>there was never supposed to be a new episode today



We got a stream?

Not yet, but stick with the new thread



His assistant doesn't always do a good job

pic related

Is this the Andre show on right now? I don't want to give him ratings.

Stream here

Rerun confirmed.


Wew. Must have triggered someone hard.

This is episode 5. The decided episode 1 was too strong a start so they started with episode 5.


Not cancelled, Sam must have been fucking with people. Episode 5 airs next week.

They're playing a rerun tonight….


It's especially telling that Charls didn't say a single word, and Nick was just saying random shit. They didn't mean any of it, they didn't care at all.

You could also characterize it as how women have this awful denning kruger effect of having an inflated self-valuation. The other two girls don't just wish they were the first girl, they think they're the first girl.

That's too blatant, which is probably why it got cut. MDE usually thrives on subtlety except for when they directly tell you shit like with the tap water skit.

God damn, that must get under some peoples' skin.

I'm surprised it did that well, considering the fact that some butthurt kike at Adult Swim leaked the episode the Monday before it aired.

ironic title but definitely aimed at the SJWs because people love this show, check those nielsen numbers.

If it makes any of you feel better, Eric Andre was a rerun tonight too. Labor Day Weekend, they're not playing any of their premium stuff on the first night of a three-day holiday weekend. They're having a big Onepunch Man marathon tomorrow night for all the stay-at-home-NEETS.

They could do a hell of a lot worse than One Punch Man. Shame they made Genos sound like a fag though.

Oh hey, I'm off of work on Sunday so maybe I'll watch that. I've never watched One Punch Man but a friend recommended it to me.

For sure, but SJWs definitely hate the show, they bitch about it all over adult swim's facebook page.

Fuck. I was looking forward to episode 5 all week.

Any salt to share then?
I have a dream of WP becoming so widespread with how the times are changing that sjws throw themselves off buildings en masse.

One Punch Man is short and sweet. Not a fan of most animes but its a good watch.

I hope that our lad is making money…

What does this mean ?
can somebody give me some background information about this show ?




What the fuck AS?

That looks like the origin of Sam's Boiston Paul character, kek

lel even with the censor you can see the other guy laughing his ass off.

Ahhahah TRS confirmed!

Literally blown the fuck out.
mods = the people's champions


what was wrong about having him on the sidewalk? I mean other than the grass being more comfy? Was it just hot?

It's from the TRS page header

"You hate the state because you hate yourself"

They need to get Sam Hyde on The Shoah one of these weeks.

Watch it subtitled. Dub voices are faggy

I really want some of the boys from TRS to do a recording with Stefan Molynex and I want Sam Hyde to be on a podcast with Stefan as well.

I just want more Sam Hyde in my life.

Saying "you hate ____ because you hate yourself", isn't something TRS came up with,

Apparently Sam is a fag.


What's your average FPS in the game once you establish your fort? I'm getting about 45 fps with temperatures disabled and 200 population on 4x4 embark.

Wrong tab. Meant that one for Dwarf Fortress.


They decided that the true episode one was too fucked up to open the series so they swapped it for Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe


They had to push it back as far as second-last episode because they felt it was too extreme to start the series off with.
Even that name seems intense, I can't wait to see what kind of shit Sam came up with.

fuck. was that 'gayfacts' rant self-flagellation?

If you pronounce "Sam Hyde" like "Sem Height" it sounds a lot like Semite.

But no one does that.

Hell is forever.

Just end my life fam.

Cool it with the anti-samitic remarks

Laughed twice, really awkward not awkward cute singer part.
A moment during the single mother bit where she talks about how she wont let the baby grow up like her ex.

Be more funny.

Be more coherent

cry more faggot

That's obvious satire
Have you even watched KSTV?

It's you guys, you NEET bastards living with your parents LARPing as Nazis and worshipping Hitler even as you decry things Hitler approved of, like productive drug use, that are ruining this board. What's funny is that you think you are the purest Holla Forumslacks but really you are the cancer. Fuck off to Wizardchan.

This show is fucking terrible. I honestly expected better than "wacky clown guy" from Sam Hyde. I also expected better from the users of Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect who usually have a better sense of humor.

Not everyone enjoys absurd humor. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's shit. Am I on Holla Forums?


Did this just leak? I saw this a week ago on YouTube looking for random MDE clips cuz I've never seen the show. Am I missing something?

Jesus the fucking mods need their windows smashed