Anyone else browsing naked in bed?

Anyone else browsing naked in bed?

Did someone steal your underwear? Why are you naked?

Should we start a Gofundme for OP so he can replace the clothing that was stolen?

I just hope he doesn't get chilly. OP do you have any blankets? please tell me those weren't stolen as well

He didn't mention anything about blankets, he might not have any.

he has access to the internet, he needs to contact someone before he gets too cold.

he needs to contact the police about the thieves as well, do you think the thieves could still be in his house? OP lock the door please.

browsin' naked in the slums

I'm worried that OP is in a home invasion scenario, please bar the door OP, don't let any strangers in.

no, fug you

are you the thieves?, OP please don't speak to them or let them know your location, please contact law enforcement

he said he was in bed, could he be injured and unable to walk?

i browse bed in naked

We are the law.

I hope he wasn't injured by the thieves. I have WebMD open in another tab, OP please tell me your symptoms.


you are not law enforcement , please don't listen to them OP and leave your door locked. try and curl into a fetal position for warmth.


OP ignore the accidental greentext, it was a mistake but the words are very important.

ya know, not all the thieves are bandits or psychopats. i never left anybody nude in my life but myself. i hope op will be okay, seems like a cool dude i could chill with in winter night

there very well could be, but the only victim we know of currently is OP, so we need to concentrate all of our efforts to get him to safety

Are you suggesting that this is an organized ring of underwear smugglers? What about pour waifus?

its true, the situation is very grave.

wow, stealing panties is too damn disgusting, who could even think about something like this?
some thief


Op has posted a waifu picture, could he be trying to warn us to the danger?

we need law enforcement

he will freeze without intervention

I agree, OP can you find something to use to warm yourself?

Is it possible that OP is a waifu? Is it possible she's trying to alert her husbando without notifying the perps?

A waifu would be unable to browse internet. It is safe to assume from observation that OP is an early twenties male who is in urgent need of medical care. OP can you reach a phone? you need emergency services soon.

I just noticed that the waifu that OP posted is partially nude, could this be a cry for help due to his currently unclothed condition?

i think we might need to re-activate Sunshine and grab OPs IP before the thieves get to him and it's too late.

OP call law enforcement

it could indicate that he's cold and defenseless. this is urgent. we need OP to contact the authorities immediately.

Its safe to assume that OP's data has been mined by Jim Watkins, can Holla Forums staff help us locate and evacuate OP?

Op needs to keep his chest warm and maintain body heat

i pooped recently, so no. i get very self-conscious about being naked in my bed after pooping because i'm worried i still have some butt sprinkles still left if you what i mean

What are you, a fucking sandnigger?

i will send a tweet to codemonkey asking about details of this madness. how dare they direct thieves at a cold, helpless OP. we must put an end to OP's cold nights…or else…HE'LL GET SICK!!!!

how do you know about my fetish of dressing like a trap?

also i'm very thorough when i wipe, but poo is as poo does.

thank you, we need to get OP to safety and warmth soon.

A straight man would never post some ripped midget pics outside of thematic boards

f-fair enough


Op are you qt? I want some pics to add to my boybutt collection

Feminine dicks

i wasn't OP and i'm not OP

i'm not hideously deformed i guess


Sleeping naked is very fun.

Show me your nudes guys


Sorry… I don't have a camera lens big enough to capture my whole length at once