Hey Holla Forums explain why you like this cunt

Hey Holla Forums explain why you like this cunt

Don't be a faggot and say

p.s, try and argue Hillary hasn't done anything wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:


We don't, ask >>>/liberalpol/

No one likes her.

Bernie is the candidate we back, fuck off.

I don't
wow that was easy as fuck




bump ;3

We don't. We back Sanders, and only because he helps revive the political sphere of discussion by making the word "socialism" acceptable again after 100 years of red scare. Now that he's done his job at that he can fuck off, we don't support him anymore. Most of us will either not be voting, or throwing our votes at the Greens, whom recently became vocally anti-capitalist, so that they can get +5% and participate in debates in the next elections.

are you fuckin wit me

vote for her over trump to save lives and build the movement





kill yourself condescending piece of shit

honestly what else is there to do

Not voting for that reptilian flip-flopping cunt on the leash of corporations is a good start

Where do you make this shit up? Do you think Trump is just some satanic figure and you look at your closet when you can't sleep thinking he's some boogeyman?


Why would we support either a liberal or a liberal pretending to be a conservative?

sure, it wont make you any smarter, but it will make this board less cancerous.
now kill yourself

If he was really liberal then he wouldn't speak his mind in anything right related.


nice meme, did you get it from your mom's boyfriend's facebook page?

Did you get your reaction gifs from /a/ weeb?

go to sleep, kid, your mom and her boyfriend might be a bit loud but you have school tomorrow.

I mean, I guess my mom likes her.

in what way is trump good for the state of america

look up the definition of a liberal you dumb tard

off yourself autist

terrible, terrible thread.

Really a child's place to be huh newfag? Come talk to me when you're done grabbing shit reaction memes off of 9gag and cuckchan's /a/ and Holla Forums and get good comebacks that ain't as old as your grandma's dry cunt.

that proves how much of a newfag you are faggot.

wow so dank ive never seen that shit before.

realistically its true you have 3 practical choices vote trump, vote Hillary, don't have for either and it will act as a vote aginst the one of the 2 you agree with more




Actually their is a difference between American conservatism, fascism, and libertarian, the fact that Holla Forums can't see that shit is beyond me.

your self-awareness level is close to 0

Liberalism = freedom. American conservatism is liberalism because they generally want small government and muh rights.
So called "left wing" liberals, or libruls if you will, want freedom from social oppression like race and sexuality norms or whatever the fuck hot topic bullshit they are whining about this week.
Some of us here are maybe anarchist or communist libertarians, but we are not capitalists - that is the point of this board.
So ask yourself, why the fuck would we support either Trump or Clinton? It took months for Sanders to convince us that he might be a decent candidate, only because of some of the history on him that we dug up - his policies still support capitalism which made us extremely suspicious in the first place.
Yes I'm fucking mad, lurk more faggot



holy fucking shit.
honestly i feel a bit sorry for you.
lurk more tbh.

I don't.

you're a fucking idiot



what a pathetic sad little thing.

Nobody here watches those those things you fucking normie.

so whats your point? what are you trying to say? first you said we like hillary, which we dont, next you said all leftists and liberals are the same thing, to which we said alt-rights and conservatives are the same, to which you said they arent, but fail to realize leftists and liberals are also not the same. then you said trump wasnt a liberal, to which we explained how he was, then you just kept strawmanning again and again, and now you accuse us of watching buzzfeed and TYT.

either lurk more, ask nicely or gtfo, newfag

We already told you we aren't god damn liberals

I love how this retard opens by comparing democratic socialism to communism by strawmaning those who defend demsocs and demonises communism.
This is the opposite of what we do here. Stopped watching there.

She's hot. Even as a granny I'd lick her butthole.

Wow,even young she looked non human.

Also she hates niggers, even if she might need their votes.

Holla Forums hates him. Holla Forums hates him. Interesting.

Isn't he just hetero Milo?
he's too alpha for them probably.

Would you two faggots shut the fuck up?

nigga u dum