Israel just launched an attack into Syria. Add that to the recent piece in US news about them being part of the new "axis of evil" and its starting to look like they're about to pull another invasion of a middle eastern country.
Israel just launched an attack into Syria...
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Ultimately there will have to be a war and the US will need to lose it. It's unfortunate that such a war will probably just be a catastrophic stalemate that destroys Europe and the Near East, instead of a full-on invasion of the United States so these niggers, patriotards, and imperial marxists can live in the shit they stir up for everyone else.
No gonna happened while russia still have a base there
I'm hoping the public sentiment against it is still strong enough, they tried to get an invasion going a couple years back with the claims that Assad gassed them. Only for it to be revealed that it was the rebels. As long as they don't go full in before Trump wins maybe the whole mess can be salvaged.
Yes goyim golan heights is jewish ehehehehe
Will israel ever be forced to pay for their actions?
Will Russia strike back?
Will the Syrians?
Or Iranians?
Our only hope is Trump.
I thought Hillary would just shorten the fuse, but she would literally cause WWIII (as in boots on ground and drafts) we are already on WWIII, just the very early stages.
How peculiar that they never even mentioned that there was a threat of armaments beforehand
Usually if a goat is about to fart near the israeli border, it's breaking news in jerusalem
Meh, I wouldn't be hopeful it will be WWIII. It might just be yet another war for isreal without anything escalating that far.
The thing is that at this point Iran and Russia see the writing on the wall. Iran knows its next and Russia knows that all of their allies are slowly being knocked off. They might be left alone due to nukes but their geopolitical influence will be at a complete end if they don't do something and the longer they wait the less likely they are to succeed. I could see things escalating. I doubt China would get directly involved but I can definitely see them supplying their forces as they've been working on strengthening ties with all three.
And all of this started over a bullshit story about Assad gassing his own people?
The jews want to start another war before Obama leaves office. jews always seem to pull bullshit in the waning months of a USA administration.
Way to blow things out of proportion (no pun intended).
Jews do this act of force all across Golan Heights because they know there's oil below it, to get the goods Israel knows it has to enforce dominance there constantly.
Why do people say "no pun intended"? What does it matter if there is a pun or not?
Care to link to other incidents then?
We're at a point where the only false flag that'd get clappistan on board is a nuke in a burger city. The shit economy will be blamed on it
The fucked up thing is I wouldn't be surprised if that's the plan
invade the US
thats cute.
Syria has been meddling in the Golan Heights, but if any other country or group started meddling there the result would be the same. It's a god's given territory.
So you have no links to Israel attacking other countries over Golan Heights then?
Let's be honest, we know whose side the IDF is on and who they would rather target.
Syria is the only country that has meddled there recently, her borders go all over there. If Egypt pulls shit on Golan Heights do you think Israel will not similarly use force against them?
The Golan Heights belong to Syria - Israel's occupation is illegal as you well know Moishe.
One, it's not meddling since it's their territory. Two, rebel forces like ISIS and Nusra show up in Golan too - but to receive aid from the Israelis. It's how they maintain their border enclave.
This isn't the first time? Did people already forget that Israel bombed the Russian AA systems deployed in Syria a few years back?
Yet in your original post you said that I was blowing things out of proportion as Israel attacks anyone who is in Golan Heights. Now you say that only Syria falls in that category. Seems rather obvious that you're just trying to minimalize this, do you think that Holla Forums is unsophisticated enough to fall for such obvious shilling? Its almost insulting.
Reminds me of the ancap story images.
pissrael won't be a problem much longer…
Armageddon is supposed to happen in Israel and Syria
just a little fun fact
I think you might be retarded.
I'm not a kike and don't care.
Realize that would be a fact 5 years ago. But one country across the atlantic decided to shoehorn its influence in the conflict, effectively balkanizing the country. Now every player is with a knife in their hands to carve their goods out of Syria. The Saudis gulf want their pipeline (and destroy Iran and Russia's ally), as does Europe, Israel wants the Golan Heights and US wants to curtail the power of Iran and Russia and advance its prestige with the aforementioned players (not to mention US too will get a share). It's an epic clusterfuck.
Israel has been at war with Syria for 30 plus years. Syria is still butt hurt about losing and refuses to come to their senses and end it. Just like DPROK. They won't attack, just get attacked and hammered rather than say its over and force Israel to declare war.
I'm starting to lose hope that I will ever see vengeance for 9-11. I'm not asking for the death of all juden; just three times the casualties.
Noone called you a kike so its funny that you're trying to deny being one.
they are going to get their asses kicked and then cry for tge us to save them again
He seems very brief on that part user. And he's not wrong, Israel has done this a dozen times to Syria already. It's not so much that he's downplaying what's happening as he's calling out people for going "AAAAAAAAAA"
I miss the 'nuclear glass' thing. The board speed around that time was so perfect.
I think this belongs here
WWIII soon, get comfy lads.
You're reaching if you're saying that I wrote the OP in such a manner.
Isn't it funny how Holla Forums has been right about this for so long?
Do you think nuclear war is an inevitability? I think nuclear proliferation is an inevitability for certain. Maybe thats just how it ends for all us. We all die in a global firestorm and the only people left where the ones rich enough to build underground fallout shelters.
I doubt it.
Though I wish it, I think we have a lot of nuclear countermeasures now, via lasers/missile intercepts and only the large cities would be targets.
Most of the non-cucked whites live rural anyways.
Their sacrifices will not be in vein.
Oy vey filthy Syrian goyim, stay out of (((our))) Genie drilling zones!!
Stick to just grabbing a portion of the page next time.
I’d be upset if it was trying to be a joking screen grab.
if anything bad happens to israhell, we can rest assured that the real hebrews are still alive and well
I kind of assumed it was just from the Roosh tab and the name being Antoine.