Files reveal approved school drug trial plans in 1960s
Germany finally beefs up its borders to stem migrant flow - causing FURY in Switzerland
Extremist prisoners 'may be separated' from other inmates
.Justice Secretary Liz Truss will reveal the new measures on Monday, following a review into extremism in prisons led by former prison governor Ian Acheson.
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Slavery reports rise fivefold, Salvation Army says
EU IN CRISIS: Merkel and Hollande hold desperate talks to keep their European dream alive
Brit/pol/ #1159: STILL TOO RACIST FOR Holla Forums Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
First for kanker
second for cromwell
Remember to filter TTPW by tripcode.
Has anyone got the Benjamin Zephania pepe?
first for battle of New Orleans
>bunch of violent thugs break up a peace Muslim meeting with someone speaking who wants to lead a treason against the country
Well now we definitely know he browses Holla Forums.
You don't have to pay for the license fee, but lad guess what? you're filtered
What is this?
Also Yanks can't say "Supremacist" they say "Supremist"
When will we solve the manlet question?
Sorry Woes, you have to go.
Thank g*d I'm 5'7.
if you ever have kids make sure they arent lazy pieces of shit and make sure to feed them properly, lads
Stories about people who get into problems who use the help of Virgin Mary and where a rose appears and their problems are solved.
At least he wasn't as bad as Charles II of Spain
Does the based Holy Mother smite the dark child?
It's just ramzpaul being a mong, I think he does it ironically now
Daily reminder that Charles II tried to shut (((The City))) down after the Jew-financed Cromwell killed his Dad.
This precipitated the Glorious Revolution of 1688 in order to reverse the act and keep ((The City))) on top…
we can hope
Hope you lads plan on marrying a 6' girl
Daily reminder that Charles II was a traitor who was secretly financed by the French to keep Britain a French puppet
What is the ideal height difference between a bf and his qt gf?
my gf is 4'11
The men in her family are tall though. So I get the tall genes for my sons right?
thanks bruv
fuck knows how some people can be generals, the Duke of Wellington cried at the storming of Badajoz
wew lads
taller women are my fetish lad
he went too far tbh
Yeah, but Ireland is full of taigs though
Enjoy your dwarf children.
Their capital is like 70% white. They also have a small population.
Also he's Irish.
You're rolling a risky dice my son.
Sure you MIGHT get a tall-average son, butttttttt I think it's probably more likely he's a manlet tbh
Threadly reminder you are a sick freak.
Fix you're mind and be a man and stop hating women before you end up murdering a woman outside a club in rage when she laughs at you for being a man in a dress. I'm not even kidding or viewing you through some SJW specs. The word is overused but anecdotal evidence just keeps mounting up from your posts you fucking hate women because you're envious they're the object of sexual attraction you'll never be to a man and because you could never cut it in perusing them as a man. You hate women, lad. You are not healthy. You are not of sound mind. Get yourself real help not some kike psychologist pandering to your self-delusion.
What does this double slit experiment mean lads?
No, it's harry potter and the gas chamber of secrets
buying into 17C muh commie propaganda tactics
Did you even see the Act of Parliament you pleb?
You're probably a Catholic aren't you?
I'm not lad, the Papacy has and never will have any jurisdiction here.
But neither should (((The City))), and the Glorious Revolution happened to James II, so your excuse about Charles II doesn't stack up.
It was a putsch to save the Jews and we have been condemned to them ever since.
based jews giving us the empire tbh
fucking krauts and yanks forced us to destroy it
You know that the Glorious Revolution happened after Charles II was dead?
So how exactly did it happen in order to stop him from doing anything?
Shame Gordo's parents never did this to him
Because James II, would have pursued justice for the killing of his dad you mong.
For fuck's sake
I don't care tbh, it's in London it's guaranteed the lad he attacked was also a shitskin.
Yet he did nothing in the 3 years he had between becoming king and the Glorious Revolution
you're just thick aren't you?
Oh, I forgot
This is the height of comedy
Your daily reminder to join the Military reserves for free training in preperation for the coming race war.
Autists love order and routine so you'll adjust in no time. It would also have the added benifit of sorting out those useless NEET's.
Who else mil here? GCHQ your not invited, do something useful for once and try and save this country.
You were nearly right there.
When Virginia posted with her trip on in the thread the tranny was upset, trying all the harder to get attention. No one gave a shit, because as you say he's a sick freak degenerate. A man in a dress, when there's a real women around not even his white knight friendly faggots want to talk to him, because a real woman is just head a shoulders so far above a tranny.
They have a vagina, he never will.
What could he do? the lugenpresse were at full hilt calling him a Catholic and a tyrant, he was paralysed much like modern political figures today.
And you are really calling me thick?
I'm crying, lads. I miss her. She needs to post fresh pics.
Kill yourself.
send help, lads
Only a Jew could be this disingenuous.
I'm going to give your arse a good beating you sorry sack of crap.
No thanks.
Military's a load of shite tbh
Who is this loudmouth Yank?
Took these today, lads. R8 my green and pleasant village.
Looks a bit boring, lad
Virginia posted on here saying that the people who make up the lies about her are nothing but defamers, she's never had a black boyfriend.
She's still the perfect waifu lad
although she is guaranteed to have been fucked by several guys including giving a few blarsies maybe even anal being slapped hard while she's getting doggystyled right in her arse.
anyone else get faint after drinking tea or coffee?
Go for a late night run
Why would you want me to break nofap, lad?
t. Inner -city yuppie
Nice argument civi pleb, there's many benefits for being in the military. It would certainly sort your pathetic life out.
the farther you never had.
dont want you to get prostate cancer
Is this like an average family in Wales? Napalm the area where these ginger hill goblins live.
Yeah like getting your bollocks shot off lmao
Jog on, pretend soldier
epic meme my dude
If your a reservist you have a choice weather to be join a confrontation or not.
Is that a copypasta? I'm sure I've seen a picture of a very similar but different post get posted before
Do it for her ;^)
Why do they want to replace this with niggers?
right i'll explain it slowly for you.
Charles II decreed a quo warranto against The City, because he didn't recognise their power, spurred on because they financed Cromwell and the army who killed his dad. Charles dies and James II, his brother takes over. The City, still not producing the warrant, start to get agitated because James II would seize their powerbase, so they step up the Papist rhetoric and le tyranical monarch propaganda, force a Ukrainian-style coup and invite William, who coincidentally was financed by Dutch Jews, to rule the Isles instead.
One of the first acts he signed was to reverse the warrant against The City and give their power back, as shown here:
and the rest is history.
The main benefit for you to join the military is, the complete lack of funding the services get, the potential for your limbs to be blown off, your wife or girlfriend to cheat on you while you go away on tour.
this i've heard many times from different lads their wives cheating on them, some even with niggers, kek
Even if you make it back in one piece, you can look forward to being made redundant when another 20k service personnel are fired, but not a single bureaucrat from the MoD gets his p45.
Oh not to mention you'll get one of the shittest wages around, even less than a policeman, yet you're literally putting your life on the line for politicians who couldn't give a fuck about you.
Top kek lad.
So if a young lad like me was to join the Reserves, what would suit me best?
Or should I just join the RAF, wait for Argentina to sperg out and bomb the shit out of them?
because that tree would look so much better with "motherfucker" spray painted on it
They aren't from wales, you stupid fucking yank bastard.
This film is great, lads
Nah, lad. I appreciate the trees, but everything is so flat and empty. smh
day 2 of nofap lads
I don't know how you've got that impression, lad
you're projecting
I'm pretty sure I didn't have a trip when Ginny was posting. It might have been one of the anons
No one cares.
Nofap gives you prostate cancer?
She looks kind of weird, and I hate wrists, and hers is pretty disgusting tbh.
We need to do to the christians as the romans did to the druids tbh…as a precursor to becoming the druids ourselves, completely purging our nation and administering a tonic of common sense and good taste into our ailing nation's bloodstream.
The only advantage to joining the military seems to be that you'd get fit but it seems to me that's already done easily without fighting for Israel.
you do thats why you replied cunt :^)
keep it up, lad. I failed mine today after 4 days
no but fapping reduces the risk
what u talkin bout fam?
Then why join at all.
How exactly would you be fighting for Israel as a Reserve, pray tell?
Haven't even properly started tbh lad
I managed to go 6 days lad, then i found some nurse fetish video tbh, had a wank tbh
Had to reset the clock, i think i can go till the end of the month tbh
So much of the past was so good I just want to live their in my mind.
But what way forward from there?
Wasn't all western civilisation just trying to emulate Rome until the enlightenment?
Is it such a bad thing?
I'm sad tbh
This is my second attempt ever, i got to 6 days but then i wanked
This amount of butthurt. Kek, stop fisting yourself with your dragon dildos you sick pervert.
Kek, that's even more pathetic.
If you’re a reservist you'll spend 27 days a year on base plus two weeks for training.
I'm not implying you should join fulltime, but partime.
If there's ever a conflict you get a choice as to whether to go or not. So wusses like you can stay home and fap to anime.
Is that Laurie?
Lol I remember being 18 or so and actually thinking that film was pretty good (not that I was ever a wigger or a liberal).
A few years ago my friend bought me the sequel as a joke.
Funny how we change.
How so?
Would you date a milf lads
no its just some whore
Kek, back to Sam and his mom videos. The best ones.
Sorry, lad. Doesn't do anything for me tbh. Do you fap to these pictures?
Just imagine uglier girls would love me more tbh.
Might be someone from the midlands lad.
Although it is late, potential yank.
Imagine if Corbyn wins the 2020 election and goes on a Momentum staffed "year zero" style purge of the "un-mutual" wrongthinkers, would he opt for gulags and re-education camps or lynchings organised by local clp members? Also who would lead the resistance against Chairman Corbyn?
I'd happily entertain an older woman if she's well off enough tbh.
Ireland then. On second thoughts, defective as they look, don't carpet bomb them. You Brits have oppressed Ireland enough over the last 300 years. I swear you're the most evil anti white fuckers on earth the way you treated them. Starving them, sending diseased blankets to them, bombing their cities and destroying their cultural heritage. Fucking Brits always jealous of everyone else's architecture because al your buildings are grey with flat roofs. I've seen pictures of England. Don't think I haven't. England is basically like Russia at this stage in filth and degeneracy. But you try to keep up appearances with your posh queen doing her queen's speech where she talks about commitment to diversity and stoppin radicalisation innit m8. She looked fucking comical with that hat on with all the jewels. So many every slight move of her head made it sparkle a different way. And she says "my government will help the poor". Fucking kek. You tea niggers really need to get rid of her. She makes nothing but bad decisions in government. You're hundreds of years behind us "stupid yanks". Stay poor. Stay with bad dental hygiene. Stay mad. Success breeds jealousy.
post yank slags lad or fuck off
You just outed yourself lad.
That first pic.
You can see Corbyn, his soul being destroyed by his meeting with ttpw. Poor lad.
God you lot are thick
Not that ugly tbh.
i say mum
you ousted YOURSELF yank cunt tbh
Oh OK, you're just playing silly buggers
shitting up the thread tbh
surprised his mom didn't have a breakdown tbh
That Talmud part
It's mummy actually you pleb
tbh i think you're a taig, you dirty sinn fein lover.
Hey guess what lad? you're filtered again
When we say ugly we don't mean hideous she-gollums, we mean 6/10 plain janes lad.
>tfw no spitting image even if it was leftist propaganda
thats the best thing about yanks lad
thick lasses
tbh I have no idea what Hollande's wife looks like
Speaking of Ireland, let's play a game lads.
Her face might be plain, but that body is pretty fucking nice tbh.
I'd say that'd be a cheeki breeki
spud nigger
That's better, but I'd need some kind of connection to them tbh. Sorry to disappoint, lad, but my cock stays flaccid tbh.
That one's more than a 6/10, lad. I really like her though. I'd love to suckle on her teats. Do women lactate before they have children?
Taigs were given a lot of American guns so I'd say that's a Cheeki Breeki.
Sorry lads I was just desperate for some (You)'s tbh. I'm Xena NEET. I'm as British as fish and chips on Brighton beach and Doctor Who.
God (save the Queen) that fresh hit after a bunch of (You)'s. There's nothing like it.
10/10 body, shame she'll have had 20 dicks through her by the time she's 18, and that's a conservative estimate.
its a taig lad
That within given parameters you may alter the course of events simply by being conscious of the fact that you can.
If they get too old or have a hormone imbalance then yes. The same hormones that let men lactate if they're enough of a sick fuck to try.
Surplus DPM confirms taig
The taigs were given arms by the Libyans as well, including AK47s, so i bet it's a taig. He's also wearing gay surgical gloves, taig confirmed.
Sullying Audrey Tautou like that. The jews will pay for this. They'll pay through their not inconsiderable noses.
Looks like an american to me. So taig I guess?
Those who guessed IRA
I'll post another one next thread, ramping it up in difficulty till all I post is one pixel tbh.
Tbh lad I've never injected hormones into myself and wore a dress out in public and had the desire to murder women like you have.
Lad there's no point filtering someone if you're just going to unhide all her posts.
so meme magic might be real?
unhid just to laugh at you lad for this top kek
Brit/pol/ has descended into porn posting and other degenerate behaviour.
You wonder why your life has amounted to nothing.
Big words coming from an animu poster
Get a load of this goy!
Light can be measured as either particles or waves depending on the equipment used/set-up of the equipment, science makes no sense using Aristotelian logic anymore, quantum niggery seems to defy causality or even have backwards-in-time causality as things 'jump states' or seem to vanish in and out of 'reality' almost seeming dependent on the observer and the way he/she measures reality, thus the 'observer created universe' theories etc.
I don't fucking know lad. In Search Of Schrodingers Cat was a decent read about this (from what I remember of reading it years ago), grab a copy.
Feels good.
Is that Gettysburg?
It is real, it's the most condensed form of propaganda. One viral idea can undoubtedly change the world.
I don't know that it's related to the double slit experiment, more to the acceleration of communication of ideas because internet.
i have my life together m8, nothing wrong with the odd Chinese cartoon.
a mongrel mix of taigs, krauts, negros and wogs
ruled by the jews
Why wouldnt you hate yanks?
Welcome back Helmer
You better not be playing as the Union lad, the Confederacy was going to Britain's greatest ally tbh.
How is it? I was interested in it but never got round to having a go at it
Who knows good electronica music?
I hate my library tbh.
Will do based Helmer
comfy Danish electronica
Powerlevels are insidious
Evening lad, just taking it easy here tbh, hope everyone is having a comfy evening.
Fucking Cuckswell, could he be any more civic.
Post pics of qt daughteru
You should hate their rulers not the people. Sure their mostly uncouth simpletons but us people of European decent need to stick together.
Our birth-rates are low and we could become a minority within our lifetimes. We can't let that happen.
The Jew, negro, Muslims and the globalists are our enemies.
Will we ever reach the Hydeian ideal?
You had her cut? Are you muslim lad?
Filtered for being a yank apologist
Ugh. And to think we used to make memes about this wanker
For all you lads who are thinking of joining the military.
I salute you all Cpl ironmen of Justice league.
He is such a piece of shit, why did he even defect to UKIP? He's turned it into a pile of wank.
Soz my daughter has no internet presence whatsoever
she's on hgh lad
5 scoops
Is that film any good, lads? I liked the Buddy Holly video but I haven't seen any of his other stuff.
Wasn't that the point, fuck it up from within? I thought Farage should have publicly sacked him and Reckless for being disloyal to their party. Would have been top bantz tbh. Let them defect, join Ukip, then sack them.
Carswell just can't gobble enough negro cum
Yes goi- i mean fellow brits! Americans are the real enemy, forget about the jews. It's just a meme goi- i mean lads. :^)
I mean Americans are stupid lol XDD
Birth rates don't matter you fucking faggot.
We need to remove all non-Europeans from Europe. We're not getting into a breeding game with them. They need to leave.
i want to sniff her feet for a living tbh lads
Lad it doesn't matter if it's fucking black, white, yellow or whatever the fuck. If it's not good for Britain I have no reason to like it.
They look webbed lad.
Two bras.
they're not
Is he retarded enough to think that people believe he is sincere? Are all politicians actually sociopaths, lads? They seem to have a really poor grasp of how actual people interact.
Big tits tbh big heavy tits
I bet she's been
smh i wish i had a big tits girlfriend
Lads, I'm a bit worried. I have a pretty weird skull. Especially the chin. It's kind of like a downward facing sharp rectangular triangle. Am I non-white? I don't know much about muh heritage because I'm adopted and the records are sealed. Am I an Ayy Lmao Human hybrid?
Going through my old music folder and just listening to Datach'i Turning Dragon at the moment, not sure if it'd be your thing or not. Could do with some new stuff myself.
They always end up in the armpits eventually, or tucked into the waistband.
At least check what you write before you write it retard.
And you’re going to do that sitting on your ass shit-posting on the internet? We need as many able-bodied whites are possible to purge the brown hoard.
You should put your energy and focus on more important things .
this level of shitposting is on level with cuckchan. Go have a wank and piss off, you’re not doing yourself or anybody else any good fantasising about women your pathetic ass will never get.
fuck off back to r9k with that shit
Douglas get out
I think Sam has legit autism, he's hilarious though.
sorry i wasnt shitposting tbh lad, i need a wank but im not going to have one, just a bit bored i wont do it again
You're a habsburg.
Enjoy dying at 30 because you're inbred.
I did that on purpose, you utter spastic.
Lad this is about race. It couldn't be more relevant to the board. It's probably the best place to ask. People here are more likely to have done in depth research on the different physical characteristics of the races to back up their racist views in arguments with data.
I need to know what race I am. I always thought I was hu'white but lately I'm not so sure.
that charles face kek, saved.
Vid related one off their earliest, tranny/ gay prostitute pranking.
im happy for sam specifically, i got into his shit a few years ago and thought he would never go mainstream
Im glad he did
More importantly
Holy shit, Nick was such a lardo.
i bet your fat fattie
Could be autism. If you know the race of your parents then you’re sorted. You could research your surname that could give you an indication as to your heritage.
Truly, we are a CIVIC nation
How about some classic ginnies?
He had a full head of hair back then, and Sam was much thinner/ weaker.
You tryna say I wuz Kangz and Emperors and shiiitte?
Why are so many whites autistic these days, lads?
My sides have left orbit from this old gem. I'm happy they got a t.v. show, and I want them to get all the success them deserve.
Why does she have that kooky spacy look going on. Somethings not right with her
Couldn't breathe during this scene tbh
The pill
Lol she looks pretty pilled up in the first one.
I distinctly remember back on early 4 cuck days I actually tried to excuse some of him and Evans statements as them just playing the game (I'm talking really early days, well before the cracks in the facade showed)
Makes me feel so dirty.
To sow the seeds of discord and kill it from within.
Do you mean O'Flynn? Otherwise damn right.
I think Aaron Banks had it pretty much spot on "borderline autistic with mental illness wrapped in".
Why would Charls drop the E in his nam?
Lad, don't do that.
Charls carries that show tbh. Sam and Nick don't have the acting chops to pull off some of the sketches
You don't question the logic of a man like Murdr Charls. You just suck his cawk.
I didn't get it at all.
That's probably because you're a faggot.
Didn't even bother reading
Seriously wish him all the best, we need more subversive elements from 'our side' in the media etc. Been enjoying the WP episodes.
I'm sure I had seen the tap water sketch before.
Must have imagined it tbh.
Stop posting this defective cock gobbler.
Bald Charls is best charls
Wew. In both these posts the middle image is a Ginnie I don't remember seeing before.
Was she in the cadets?
Oh and btw they aren't Irish either. Fucking idiot yanks.
What do you do when you're absolutely sick of everyone around you, lads?
Lad the post was b8. You probably should have read it. Might have got a laugh.
Go for a long drive
She looked odd when she was young…like her facial structure is not as aesthetic.
Also, where the hell are you getting these? are you ginnie?
and what is it I could better spend my energy on?
Got this far tbh, bait or not it's autistic.
They were indeed actually mussies.
This fucking show is hilarious.
I love that the two women were real people picked off the street.
You want rares? You got rares.
Really? Fucking kek.
Good idea. The second one, I mean. Then if that doesn't work I'll try the first one.
The children had earplugs in so they couldn't hear it, I can't believe it took until the Charls bit for them to corpse.
The black one appeared to kinda take it in good humour, the white one? Not so much.
The first episode,
the gym part cracks me up everytime.
Pretty rare tbh lad.
No matter how hard they try to escape the reality of the wall, all it takes is someone to point it out and they nearly break down.
Seriously, what is the joke with it? It doesn't seem to have a message, it just seems grotesque for grotesque's sake.
Do you go to the gym? You don't get it lad.
Tbh that's one of the parts I don't find funny. A lot of their stuff is like that to me..not really funny, just watchable in a morbid fashion.
Sam's depiction of a half caste is the best bit so far for me.
The part when Nick started to unload on Britanny was fucking ace.
Gotta be said though something about Britanny really gets my sexual energies flowing
When he breaks character and just unloads on her, charls can barely keep it together containing his laughter, then he bursts and it cuts.
Women really do peak early, sad tbh
Yeah it was fucking hilarious
This show really is a funking gift of the modern times. Really hope it gets a second season
It's a top job
you have no idea how rare I can go, m8
Did you break into her house and go through her photo albums or something?
It could be me, but was this a hint at something? From episode 1.
I'm her number 1 fan lad. No court order can stop me.
I think there are just two straps for each cup tbh lad
She looks better now, and I'm not just saying that. Just judging by these photos, she looked far more autistic when she was younger.
I won't say your're wrong but I think you're reaching.
In my opinion it'd probably be more of a criticism of the American Educational Institution and it's practices.
Honestly I like it think i's just because that's my own opinion on the matter.
Sure you did Ginnie…..
Speaking of sam btw the KSTV I downloaded earlier didn't seem to have any viruses and the reason it was so big is because each episode is a damn gig. Maybe it was his compression software or something.
P good tho
Cheers, downloading it now but it's taking an age
I'm not a ginnie fan. I often call her ugly when she's mentioned.
That being said I think she was a genuine cute in her youth. Would've pursued.
Oh for fuck's sake.
Mods please ban these loser spergs fawning over 'Ginnie'.
I hope you two lads plan to throw a couple of quid his way, he's not a big multimillionaire you know, we all like his comedy, I've donated before for everything i've watched from him. You lads should at least consider it.
It's all good lad. I honestly think that sam has some genuinely valuable commentaries in on people in these.
Favourite so far is Mr.Gee
In the wall segment charls does the same peace sign that that muslim child did on that swedish tv show
Pretty funny symbolism
she is a sexy yank slag lad its only natural that you want to properly breed out her taig genes
Poor as fuck student rn but I genuinely do intend to throw Sammy some sterling when I get some £££ in the bank.
I'll send him a score when I can afford it
In fact I painted her. Rate my art
But in addition I think it might also be something about her arrogance.
She comes across like a psycho tbh. Completely soulless. Utterly shallow.
MDE Presents: World Peace S01E04 (LEAKED)
That's what I'm talking about lad
One part of me is amused by it
The other part wants to dominate her and teach her a lesson in worth
she comes across more as just naive tbh, all women are arrogant, she just gets me in an imperium mood with her air-head yank valley girl princess accent
shit lad woooooo
Time to make tea tbh
Same here, im gonna make some fucking toast
Thank'n ya kindly partner
leaked? H-how? I'm not going to complain, time to finger my butthole.
Cheeky lad. Cheers.
Genuinely surprised this wasn't a rickroll.
Watch Sams face when he calls him Davud Duke, he can barely hold it in.
How can he keep getting away with this.
He's got a spastic on the show, i'm creased already.
I'm laughing so hard, jesus christ.
This summers been boring for politics tbh
Fucking hell lads
that david duke too, and his face holy fucking shit my sides.
Why is Charls so good at playing women?
Cos he's a smooth-skinned twinkboi
fuck me lads
think this is the best one yet
Well that episode of WORLD PEACE was fucking tip top tbh
They must have cut some gold from this show
I legit couldn't stop laughing during the retire kyle, then it died when with charls playing the single mother, then that unexpected charls dad bit had me creasing again.
That fake American idol bit where Sam can't contain his laughter at the chicks, hilarious too. fuck this is by far the best one so far.
This is too fucking funny my god
You know what lads, Sam Hyde single handedly redeems Yanks IMO
lads i cant fucking breathe
I enjoyed the insidiousness of the single mom with the pram at the top of the escalator.
Shame the yanks on the Holla Forums thread about it can't seem to appreciate it, they're just moaning pricks.
LMFAO, Sam is a fucking genius.
Wait what? The Yanks don't like WORLD PEACE? Are these people irredeemable?
also nice ID buddy
i r8 gin / 10
The fact that they used MX-5's for the faggot sketch is just another one of those subtle things that makes them so brilliant.
Thoroughly enjoyable.
Spoilered for shit internet user
check out the 5th trustee, my friend. It will all start to make sense, Maybe…
I fucking love Sam, his subversiveness, his comedy, his breaking the 4th wall enjoying the comedy for what it is. No one else can do it like him. He's also got the right people with him, Nick and Charls.
lad you are being false as water methinks tbh, if you are going to actively promote yank media on brit/pol/ don't act like you are better than the yanks themselves. yanks are always shitposting hyde memes, especially after the shootings. sam is a yank/pol/ meme, keep it british or drop your false elite shit lad, its beneath an englishman to appropriate another culture, we take london with us lad not the other way
fuck me i burst out laughing when he did that
fuck sake
filtered for being a yank.
how far down the rabbit hole does this go?
only a yank would post american media on brit/pol/ tbh. a true englishman only watches BBC approved civic media such as top gear
Ask yourself this question - If I were working for the security services and I wanted to equip our agents with a false identity, what could be better than using the details of a severely handicapped child? They'll never need a passport or a bank account. And where better to find them than "one of the UK's oldest charities"?
Thanks for making me curious about my account you bastard. Login and the first thing I see is "Mo Farrah wins again. Bloody immigrants, coming over here, stealing our olympic places and MBE's"
People/normies were a mistake.
Probably the best episode yet, (I enjoyed the previous three too mind).
I'm well chuffed they've made this breakthrough into semi-mainstream, he's like our agent, sent in to insidiously subvert the normie hordes. Good luck Sam and co.
I laughed twice.
Thank god comedy connoisseur ttpw has given his opinion.
Sorry for breaking the circlejerk.
That's still more than the number of X chromosomes you'll ever have. Opinion disregarded anyway, because you're a contrarian little bitch because it makes you feel special.
Lad just do what
this lad says.
Filter the faggot.
I just wanted to pop in and say Im so glad you britcucks are in your containment threads
i love it when he tries to hide his laughter
tbh lads Anglicanism is just Henry VIII's personal version of Catholicism
England has never really been protestant
I wonder who's behind this post tbh
Im fucking tired didnt realise it was nearly 2am
googdnight lads
goodnight bruv
might stay up all night to fix my sleep tbh
Night lad
enjoy your aborted baby cells
Stay comfy lad.
do yanks understand turtles head lads?
going to go make some bacon and eggs and wash it down with a pint tbh, I have no shame
Who here /nitrodubs/?
Without the weird degenerate music it's a pretty normal video of people working in a factory.
Is anyone else waiting for the new deus ex to release on steam? I'm sure the story's shit, and I know it's going to be full of ham-fisted allusions to South Africa, but the gameplay might be fun.
It's not made by the BBC any more, is it? Series 4 only just started on the BBC but it first came out on Amazon half a year ago.
Anyway, series 2, which was made by the BBC, had one episode where a synagogue got smashed up. I was thinking "here we go…", but it turned out to be nutters stirring up trouble with false flags, and not le ebil Christians. I was genuinely surprised.
…and it's still hundreds of times better than Doctor Who. The head writer said that by putting a ton of niggers and chinks in the 11th century he was "giving Britain a better past". That ought to speak for itself.
The music was featured briefly in the latest MDE show.
I was referencing just spreading Sam's work tbh
without suffering there is no transcendence tbh
based taigs tbh
I find white nationalism weirdly perverse and gross tbh
Most of Holla Forums makes me feel uncomfortable with the frequency at which people talk about their sexual desires and post porn.
Just seems like degeneracy but with a racist twist. There's no principal to it.
Also the worship of a fat billionaire who made his money off of daddy's name amidst posts about "survival of the fittest" and "being alpha" is weirdly paradoxical.
t. paki
tbh the dad is right
dads need to be more aggresive tbh
mines a laid back one who never motivated me to do shit
I would have just axed the door down and beat the fuck out of both of them.
What's the story here?
Same. Or when he can't hold it in and just starts laughing. He doesn't do this in the show though.
looks nice where is it approximately?
It was all worth it
Want to complain about your flight delay? It will cost you! BA and easyJet passengers will be charged £25:
Probably Sam's best video
Who Here /tattersall/
No, they don't have it at sports direct
Inshallah bruv
Is your melanin ready Godz?
Faggy, dumb Millenial Scum
this is what happens when you keep an entire generation poor.
they have no stake in the country anymore so they don't care if it burns
win-win tbqf
Stubdale, Littlewick Road Knaphill,Woking, GU21 2JU, UK
Thread where Gordon is doxxed archived:
Honestly I think it's because the modern world is so bleak and depressing. It lost its soul somewhere along the way. Probably with industrialisation and the world wars. So nobody really values it these days except the people who were born before the spark went out.
she was fit, but I wouldn't
she was probably sikh, not pakistani
you're missing out, tbh
You're a scientist.
Sikhs can't shave their body hair, he's not missing out tbqh
Now thinking about it you're probably right. White Slavs are my limit for being civic tho.
Ever since Brexit I hate millennials more than I hate boomers now.
My civic limit is half Indian or Asian tbqh
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fuher
wew, lad.
Lads, here is my promise to you…
no more Slav posting. It was a bit stupid of me tbh.
Morning News
Where were you when the Beeb came tumbling down?
'BBC is like a walking advert for Remain' News channel sanctioned for Brexit coverage
'It was my religious duty to help Britain' Immigrants explain why they voted FOR Brexit
‘Brexit will be the beginning of a new Europe’ EU leaders pledge to reform troubled bloc
Human Rights Act WILL be SCRAPPED for British Bill of Rights, Liz Truss insists
Seven day NHS pledge faces 'staff shortages'
Yemen crisis: Oxfam critical of UK-Saudi arms deals
Thanks SA.
…and earn £100,000,000 a day!
Rorke's Drift by Sabaton
i majored in bricklaying
Sam > Millenial Scum
Charls > Sam
Who Virgin Media here?
What's this new forced meme?
Blew em all the fuck away lads.
We are the champions!!!
It was in DM.
The DM website is effectively the front page of Reddit tbqh
Yes it is. It's like they are publishing reddit top threads.
Just like Breitbart aims to be a front window for Holla Forums
Truly we are the best out there
Meh, a lot of stories I see on Breitbart before I see them posted here.
Another hot day.
More bread, sir? And a circus? There's a good pleb
Canadian IKEA
British IKEA
Swedish IKEA
ffs, I just want it to be cold and comfy. rain would be ideal
Move to Glasgow
Sweden Yes!
So you care about how we do in Eurovision n'all?
fckn w0t?
Give it a few more weeks.
London leaving is the best thing that could happen tbqh lad
Bully man is right tbh, it's meaningless
It is especially meaningless when niggers are playing or competing in national teams for England, Wales, Scotland, and NI.
you're a stooge, lad
no bully
tbf though, most of the sports we do well in are white ones like swimming, rowing, equestrian etc.
adblocking is for wimps tbh
Sweden’s PM Issues Brexit Threat to UK Over Planned Corporation Tax Cut
Despite Extra Security, Sex Attacks Double at Swedish Festival
Charls looks like he has AIDS and he also has gayface
Lads, my steam account just got hacked. I hope they don't send nasty messages to my friends tbh.
what can they get from a steam account?
Are you the lad who has Bennie Raymond on steam?
No clue tbh. They might be able to bruteforce their way into buying games with its associated paypal.
'fraid not, don't even know who that is.
Who /civicfeels/ here?
I love this image. Gives me feels.
Woman subjected to 'appalling' sex attack after celebrating London Pride
Luther Edwards: Family of man 'hunted down' and stabbed to death by mob urge witnesses to break silence
They should be easy to track down then
They missed the lines…
Lord, grant that Marshal Wade,
May by thy mighty aid,
Victory bring.
May he sedition hush,
and like a torrent rush,
Rebellious Scots to crush,
God save the Queen.
Fury as Tory MP mocks up Rio Olympics medals table with 'British Empire' at the top
Can't wait for the media to start using this in every rape/murder case.
that was stupid
gotta keep those demographic stats correct!
solid banter
The good news is there are only white people in London it's just some of them have tanned skin and funny accents
Murka and the UK are only up there because we're multiracial blaggers that literally steal black cunts.
If I was just shown that picture, I'd say he was Arabic.
fkn ell this is mad.
They're getting organized.
Definitely middle eastern (arab)
Just looked through the British gold medal winners, and apart from the civic runnning man of integration, an Albanian and a boxing negress, it looks like they're all white
I stand corrected.
He has to make money somehow tbh
No, actually I just double-checked. I was right there are loads of nigs and civic rape babies.
But which one do they use to represent the country and its victories? :^)
First on the list is a nig who won silver, whoop-dee-fucking-doo there's a gorillion that won gold but we have to shill for dem fuwheners dat we wudnt hav if bwexit had their way :)))
Not if we are talking about golds lad
Sick of seeing that Somalian prick everywhere
I fucking weep for the west lads.
Here we have a nigger "from birmingham" with a name like parking patawayo, who travelled to sweden shithole new-africa. And got grenaded because all niggers are criminals. Why are we putting up with this shit in our continent lads?
Because "muh diversity2
Same, lad, it's becoming really tiresome.
Took these for you yesterday, lad.
Is anyone else a bit worried that in the re-alignment we see going on over in the Continent may not happen here (or at least not for a while)? I've been listening to Vox Day who has said that the re-alignment in Europe will happen and it will be swift and surprising even for people like us, but I kind of feel like the UK is immunised in some ways to that.
I mean Brexit is likely the greatest symptom of a re-alignment happening here, its not often taken into account that leaving the European Union was a fringe opinion until quite recently and we still won that. But I don't see UKIP storming into Westminster like AfD and FN could be doing.
I mean they are dealing with rapefugees on a much larger scale over there, so maybe its a case of it having to be worse before it gets better?
immunised is the wrong word, I'm not suggesting we're immune just that we're more distant from whats going on over there.
u wot, lad.
Those are lovely, lad.
Not in the golds though
Pretty sure we're at the front of the queue lad. With Brexit, it just showed there were more silent right wingers than the loud lefties. The fact that we all voted leave in silence and the lefty press tried to play it off that we were confused and unsure and voted by accident. That despite the majority we still sound like the minority in the media. It all goes to show. The real Britons are white, silent, and certain of what's right. But also there's more of us than there are of them, we just don't broadcast it.
Is that anything like Integration, you dim bastard?
Britain is beautiful. It is like Narnia on acid.
Is this a new meme?
They're at least being used as fodder for the British beast to bulk up on. Not acceptable. It's racist and exploitative tbh, your lordship.
Oh right.
Too right it is, lad
Looks like shit when it rains though in winter. In future I will get a house abroad somewhere warm, and only come here in summers and autumn. Seriously winter in Britain is fucking dreadful
South East Surrey
Are you civic, lad?
Winter is the best time of year, summer is horrid.
I love my England in all types of weather lad.
Bit rude tbh lad
Someone posted 'Narnia on acid' here last week. I think he was right.
Sorry lad, have to be harsh. That's the only way you'll learn. None of this soft lefty cuddle crap.
That's some civic spelling lad.
googled birmingham people.
Narnia eh? Would explain all the weird fucking animals that can talk.
Don't encourage him with his new forced meme
u wot, lad
Why are you posting gnomes and orcs?
The gate is Jewish.
Reminder that the yanks lost every engagement against poorly armed, unpaid redcoats unless they had overwhelming numbers and French help
Okay lads, let's play a game of fuck marry kill.
Come on lad it is a bit shit. The absolute worst part about it is the wind chill. That fucking biting, awful cunting wind that smacks you across the face when you step out of your door to go to work or anywhere else.
I love my country, but honestly. Winter can do one. Live's too short to live in discomfort for a quarter of the year. Late Autumn and early spring aren't much better. We've really only got a sweet spot of about may to september.
To top it off I'm so fucking sick of all these fucking brown cunts ruining my country. I'm getting demoralised lads
You have a good point. I mean as pozzed as the media and establishment here, the real Left are in shambles. I am not in the least bit worried Labour will form a majority or coalition government, even with demographic shift, in the next 10 years.
A question I sometimes post to myself is that, if the Referendum was held a few more years into the future would it have been won or lost by us? Because I mean there could be more pozzed people but there would also be people who are aware of how fucked things are. Well it doesn't matter anyhow since we did win and that is what matters.
So in terms of meta-politics we are strong, its just there is no party or leader to quite represent us right now. I mean there is Are Nige but he's retired and UKIP but they need to get their shit together, and if they don't we'll probably get a new party formed so no big deal.
But lad, that's one of the best parts, and those
cannot stand it.
kill x3
I think your problem is lack of proper clothing. Last winter I just wore a wool sweater when out and about to shops.
Maybe. I think I just resent buying it because I'm a bit arrogant that the weather should just convenience me. So I never bother properly preparing. Or I find it inconvenient to have to put on a bunch of layers since I have to take them off again when I get into the office anyway. Bastarding fuck. Global warming eh?
I'm quite worried about the numbing effects of a pretend right-wing tory government. May might just say few tough things about immigration that annoy lefties, and then people who aren't paying attention will forget about the issue for the next decade or so
Look at that guy testing his tits in the background.
I told you lads - we are in Narnia on acid.
It ain't about the money
True but no one pissed about that will end up voting Labour, unless Labour somehow go legitimate anti-immigration which they won't. They won't be numbed, they'll get more and more angry as this effects them in their daily lives, which potentially coupled with the effect of the next economic crash will lead to people getting even more angry.
I'm not counting on the Tories reducing immigration, I'm more counting on them not and the anger boiling over into people getting more radicalised. So if they do reduce immigration, great, but I don't think they'll reduce it by enough. But remember Party Politics is not the be-all and end-all, the simple redpilling and metapolitics of educating more and more people and forming a new zeitgeist can be done without connection to Party Politics.
Am I just insanely thick, or are these people going around in incoherent circles with their point.
You're not thick, lad. That's what arguing with le fairer sex amounts to. Totally useless tbh
I'm sitting here trying to work out a response to it, as her complaint is no longer about gender, but about people getting paid more to do a good job? Or is she not complaining? I don't have a clue….
What a surprise
i don't get it either tbh lad
Why do they have such nice tits, lads?
What did she mean by this
Because they're hybridized with slav women.
Can't be lad. Pic related is a counter example
They just fail to come to the astounding conclusion that they have been lied to and indoctrinated to believe that gender pay gap exists. Then investigate who has been running this D&C play and why. That's why women rarely end up truly red pilled.
The author might have a bit too much time on his hands tbh
Have you never heard of Ashkenazi jews lad?
Mindblown tbh.
Trying to debate it on the hashtag is just making me feel stupid.
ofc I know they're intermixed, but it's not just ashkenazis, it's also sephardis (like Eva Green) and Mizrahis
Fucking spoiler that shit!
Awful site layout for all the time he has on his hands then.
I still love me some Jewess's though.
>she blogs about how she likes watching porn
smh, fuck my generation
Hell is forever lad.
Male Cis M…(something)
I reckon it's still a product of jewish slave ownership even for sephardis and mizrahis. They must have bred the most with their more voluptuous goyim, and the generations born from that spread the genes throughout the tribe.
Looks like the rest of Holla Forums has caught the bricklaying bug
how long before the bricklaying meme goes mainstream
not clicking, archived:
My money my rules, ergo I'm not paying for your abortive murder tbh lass.
I'm a bit older, in the 30-35 age range, but they're just as retarded.
Deep, deep down, I still can't *really* hate her since she's just brainwashed, but fuck me if my vision of hell isn't having to listen to shit exactly like this forever
I know right, we need to meme this so the rest of Holla Forums falls for it
It's too nice to post on /britpol/ today, you should all be out working on your gardens and then going out to drink white Russians by the waterside.
I know I am.
Don't give whores the attention they crave.
Bid my blood to run tbh.
tbh I have zero issue with abortion if it means cunts like this don't breed
They're LITERALLY a meme of themselves now.
>Jewess at uni clearly has the hots for me
>probably gonna fugg her next term
Does that make me civic?
This tbh. I don't understand why anyone would willingly subject themselves to the inane fucking drivel of a woman without the possibility of a shag at the end of it.
Even if they argue about person rights, etc, why can't they just admit the fetus is alive?
It clearly is
My experience is this: when I used to work for an independent computer retailer I was their best floor salesperson, I had good technical knowledge due to a personal interest and a no pressure sales style. As the company got bigger the owner hired new sales staff, a man and a woman. The owner tasked me with getting them up to speed on the till and invoice system, where stock was etc. It pretty soon became apparent that the woman had no knowledge of computers whatsoever, she had talked a good game at interview and was reasonably attractive. She had been hired to give a little diversity, and catch thick fucks who buy stuff on the vague possibility they might bang the salesgirl. Anyway I told the boss, she's shit, she knows nothing. He told me to train her but offered no financial incentive. I ended up banging the girl, finding out she had been started on exactly the same money as me and everyone else. And that was the beginning of the end of that job.
If you were an employer, given the climate around this issue for fucking decades would you really risk paying a woman less for the same position. I have had employers use this to prevent me negotiating a higher salary. If I pay you more I'll have to pay everyone more.
Amazing. The best bit is she uses validation of men, or not men, as her binary yard stick for comparative sense of worth.
They just can't fucking well do anything without men can they?
I wouldn't have an outdoor pool, fucking murder to keep clean. Riverside for me. A cool breeze and since it's a Uni City, nearly unlimited wrongness walking by on display. Now it maybe "degenerate" but I'm still going to look.
More than half those fucks post the shit here themselves in order to drum up attention. I wouldn't even put up with the drivel for a shag.
Makes you degenerate lad.
The real question, is does the foetus matter? I argue a white foetus only matters at X months, when it would be crueller to kill it. I'd also argue a black baby can be killed off even outside of the womb, because it is essentially valueless. Even ant colonies hold more value and I step on those all the time
Because they have a lack of personal and moral responsibility
It's against the law to pay someone more that another person for the same job.
That's an american thing.
The negotiating that is.
Yeah pretty much. Women and men are largely herd creatures, but more men tend to be a head of the curve. I think it is only going to take a bit of counter-brainwashing and for girls like her to notice the social climate is changing, before she changes. Most of what she writes is sloganistic repetition. She actually seems incapable of genuine insight.
That's hyper-individualistic as fuck. It's also impossible, surely she relies on male colleagues for validation at work?
I dunno, I think a lot of them instinctually know they are doing wrong and it probably manifests in their derealisation of the process and the objects involved.
I love Jewish women. I can't help myself.
The foetus is a living thing, it might not be fully developed but neither is a child, doesn't mean that it doesn't have the right to continue its life.
No it isn't. Negotiating in a business relationship is a universal thing.
The boss could/should have made a new position, senior sales, sales manger, added employee trainer or whatever. I was not doing the same job as her, what was she going to train me on?
It sure does. Who gives us rights to do anything? Except might and man? We conquer by force of might alone, we kill, we decide what is moral and right in our history, and in the way we interpret our scriptures. In all things man is god, and so rights are subjective to the will of man. If the majority decides it is right, it is right. Much like the crusades were right once (and I'd argue, are still)
I've been a NEET for about a month now. It's horrendous, how do you autists do it? I've already been for 2 walks this morning as well as the gym. I'm rotting away.
Rights are based on things that are morally good and justifiable, abortion. What happens is that these people kill their own flesh and blood for personal selfish reasons.
Alright lad. My brother has been working at some place for a few years, he's always complaining about how the women get preferential treatment there, funny because he is a feminist. His boss recently got a new gf and she started working there, so his boss gave her his hours so now he is only working 4 hours a week.
Continue to be a NEET, but get some side business running online.
Thank fuck indeed.
There is only one reason why somalis are visiting a swimming pool. They think it's a whore house.
1 minute in.
Did Peter just invoke Dresden and bomber command to prove that abortion is no different than infanticide or genocide?
He can be a disingenuous simplistic prick sometimes.
Any minute now some autist is going to come in here and say that we need to make a new thread because we're at 650.
Fuck that. I'll keep posting in this thread until 751 out of spite.
Dresden was a war crime that specifically targetted civilians, lad
And it's got fuck all to do with abortion.
I want to make a new thread tbh
His argument is that people often forgive horrible acts if it is convenient to do so.
Like when people dismiss the bombing of Dresden as morally justifiable
Or killing an unborn baby
I'm with you
Brit/pol/ why?
I'm with you
i'll wait till 700 tbh
looks awesome
I understand his argument. It's disingenuous and simplistic.
Of course it can be morally justifiable to defend by attack.
Stop that, or we'll do this…
you wouldn't dare…. because morals.
We feel you left us no choice, we must now kill you in order to survive.
Tweed jacket to compliment the style.
It's not even the core argument lad, it was just an example.
Today is the day lads
I like this style.
Pics or it didn't happen lad.
You better keep us informed lad
Still 80 posts to go lad.
Stock up on wool socks lads. Autumn is coming.
Tory larpers out tbh
Got to be straight with you, this looks so blue pilled public school oldboy. It's fooking hideous. I have to look past this attire and really make myself listen to the person wearing this if they are under 60 or not ex-military.
Lad, It is a distinctly British look and I am repurposing it tbh.
It will become the new look of British Ethno Nationalism.
New thread needed
There's one already, lad.
Look at the fucking state of it already because of the Harris poster
You should be the one to make them
By the time I've made one, another's been made.
they yanks never give up
I hope he's successful tbh. I like a lot of his videos.
Why blame the Harris poster instead of the yanks thick enough to rise to the same bait eleventeen billion times?