Gov. John Bel Edwards Corrects CNN's Record


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courtesy bamp

oh kek look this cunt's face

the look in that bitch face is priceless

Another courtesy bamp


How the fuck did I miss that not only Bobby Jindal wasn't governor anymore, but he lost it to JOHN FUCKING EDWARDS of all people. What the fuck was wrong with Jindal, Louisiana? He seemed pretty based against Islam and I don't recall him attacking Trump.

Also, is it wrong that I find (((Dana Bash))) hot?

That cretin is one of the ugliest things to pass for a woman I have ever seen.


We came to our fucking senses.

t. Louisiana



CNN isn't even pretending to be unbiased anymore.

Who exactly keeps flooding money into CNN again? These places are hemorrhaging money still, right?

It's not the same John Edwards, user

Fug I saw Democrat and assumed it was.

A nationalist white man is always the best option but I'd take a half decent street shitter over a Democuck any day. If it was against a kike though I'd take the Democuck.

Enlighten me, how badly did Jindal shit the state up?

The government.

Networks like CNN and MSNBC get a cut of every cable package sold to a consumer, whether the person watches the network or not. The only way to kill them is to cancel your cable service.

Yes. She's fucking disgusting and acts like Wolf Blitzer.

she looks creepy af

>democrat governor on CNN says Trump did a good thing by coming there
Can we just go ahead and crown the god emperor already?

He basically was completely blind to the needs of the state. He was trying to be like Rick Perry, but forgot that the State of Louisiana has a budget that can't even match a single Texas county.

He turned down Federal money at a time when we desperately needed it. Edwards said, "We'll take it!" and now tens of millions of Louisianans have medical care.

Jindal was basically standing in a pile of horse shit and saying "No thank you" when the Federal government tried to hand him a shovel. Unlike Texas, we actually need money from the feds to stay afloat - literally in the case of New Orleans and Baton Rouge.

Fucking hang yourself, you race-traitorous civic cuckold. No non-white has any place near a white nation. They will never be our allies or friends. You race-blind morons need to take your shit back to /r/thedonald and never return

Maybe Louisiana was tired of being poo'd on?

nice article found in the comments of the video

I'm a Louisiana user. John Bel Edwards is an anti-white liberal cuck who only snuck into the Governorship in a deep red state because the Republican primary was so brutal that the voters refused to coalesce around the final GOP nominee while our liberal media advocated for Edwards non-stop. Almost exactly like the #NeverTrump movement trying to hand the election to Hillary. Jindal was a shitty governor but he had nothing to do with Edwards being elected.

Edwards sold our soul to Federal medicaid expansion and more Federal overreach. He's supported the Bolshevik-style removal of Confederate monuments in New Orleans and has spent millions adding useless offices of diversity to our already bloated government bureaucracy.

At first he told Trump not to visit. The only reason he's changing his tune is that he realizes Trump is a lock to win this state and is immensely popular with the Louisiana public. Edwards has no shot in hell at re-election if he campaigns as anti-Trump in Louisiana.


I'm just fucking aching for DOTR.

Dana Bash (originally Schwartz) is also a jew.



What did they said?

Why are Republicans so brutal?


(((Superman involved)))