Why do you hate two people in love Holla Forums?

Why do you hate two people in love Holla Forums?
Who is it hurting, seriously answer.

It's spelled incorrectly but I don't care.

Society and culture itself.

The white race, now kill yourself.

Okay sorry, thanks

All queers will die.

Ask Israel that.
They imprison people who marry outside their race.

Lust is not love.



every last one of you faggots is going in the fucking bog

hol' up

not age: 10 female, 36 male

Yup. Glad I'm not the only one who saw that. It's kikery to the max!

Nice meme there lad, I gotta apreciate it.

that is exactly what the image says goy

You should be gassed.

reported for subversive pedo thread

do not reply, only report

OP needs to kill himself NOW

Ayy OP i feel u fam.

"Christian love bears evil, but it does not tolerate it.
It does penance for the sins of others, but is not broad-minded about sin.

A cry for tolerance never induces it to quench its hatred for the evil philosophies that have entered into contest with the truth.

Forgives the sinner, but it hates the sin - it is unmerciful to the error of the mind.
The sinner, it will always taken back into the bossom of the mystical body, but his lie will never be taken into the treasury of his wisdom.

Real love involves real hatred.

Whoever has lost the power of moral indignation, and the urge to drive the buyers and the sellers from the temples, has also lost a living, fervent love of the truth.

Charity then, is not a mild philosophy of 'live and let live', it is not a species of sloppy sentiment.
Charity is the infusion of the spirit of God, which makes us love the beautiful and hate the morally ugly."

You know nothing of love.

Me. Everyone. Society.
Die, fag, and save us the trouble.

Step it up m8.
