New IKEA Catalog

I just recieved the new Ikea catalog, and what can I say. It is politicized cuck-shit. Seriously, look at that shit.

Can someone compare the catalog I got with some from other countries? I would like to know if only the German version is this cucked-up.

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Any self-sufficient white man could make most of that IKEA shit in a few hours in his garage.

It's the same photos as the Canadian version.

Ikea factory worker here.
Don't buy this shit.
It is pleb tier furniture.

True story bro.

I got one in the mail a few days ago, the cover was the same as yours, and I live in Canada. Not sure about the inside since I didn't look at it before throwing it out but if the cover was the same the rest probably was as well.

I've been looking at the IKEA catalogue since around 25 years ago. It was pretty much the same in the 1990s, although I suppose back then they had a much more limited pool of obviously-not-Swedish photo models living in Sweden to pick from.

There's one blonde white chick and she's always turned away from the camera.
Reminds me of the Swedish olympic photo where the only Swede was a cripple.

Isn't this redpilling a lot of people? This shit looks like an advert from South Africa.
Sie haben eine Menge Arbeit zu tun.

Shame because Ingvar Kamprad, IKEA's founder, is anti-degenerate and was in a nazi party in his youth.

The diversity shit in advertisements and media in general has been creeping in for decades now, but it's really gone into overdrive in the last few years. Even a decade ago the groups you'd see in high school textbooks and ads would be majority white with one or two muds. Now a lot of the ads I see have whites as the minorities.

Looks like a world vision brochure.

Holy shit really?

They use a lot of trickery in their corporate structure to avoid taxes, would have thought he was Irish or part of the tribe with that scheme.

I got the same thing recently, although in a different language of course.

Name one large company who doesn't avoid taxes….

The founder and owner of IKEA was natsoc in his young days.

IKEA is on another level though, I think they even present themselves as a non profit.

The Trump Organization.

Are you serious? lmao how does that even work?


I mean I know they have to push an agenda, but this is hilarious.

American here. Basically got the same catalog. Threw it in the trash quickly after. It all looked like shitty 3d printed garbage.

Try to find a white country with a birthrate over 2.1. It's very difficult. Whites are dying out due to their culture being poisoned and advertisers are chasing the growing market. It's not just propaganda.

IKEA is cucked as fuck you have no idea

They're not even hiding it.

I think the Canadian one is the same, you can view it online

And the US one as well

Look at that shitskin eyeing up the child.

Thank you for Correcting the Record!


Maybe Sweden isn't as cucked as we think…

It's not a chatbox, we are here mostly for discussions. If you want to react that much, at least use a picture to accompany your post.

Yeah they really went all out. Barely having anything to do with furniture, just a way to shove racemixing upon children.

Here's an even worse one made by ARLA (milk company). The entire message is basically "hey it's the current year!", mixed with images of racemixing and homosexuality.

Pic #2 just looks so fucking nasty, you would need to fumigate your apartment if that thing entered it. Who would even think of putting that Whoopi Goldberg thing in their catalogue? Furthermore, what's with the pretend gang signs he(?) is throwing up?

Not everyone is a man-child faggot with a massive anime collection to pool reactions from.

Are you seriously saying that Trump never used a loophole to avoid taxes? Laughable! He said it himself, he "took advantage of a broken system".

Ikea is basically the physical embodiment of SWPLdom.

And a European version of the catalog?
Of course its going to be full to the brim with racecuckoldry - that's the Shit White People Like in Europe.

The American version is probably very much the same.


Write them a calm email that you won't be buying from them anymore and why.
Only do this if you previously did

IKEA's wiped out most of the cheap furniture here, there's only high-end furniture other than them. Where should I buy my shitty $50 tables from?

I sweat to christ every time I've walked into an Ikea, it's a microcosm of Sweden.

There's ALWAYS a shit load of muslims, and they are always even more muslim than normal, fucking burkas and giant families. There's a bunch of yuppies and nu-males, and they even hire some of these people to strum guitar and play happy happy world songs for the kids in the food place. Whether it's furniture or people, Ikea is just packed with garbage.

Goddamn it'd be a wet dream come true to firebomb one of them these days.

Thrift stores… except you can get much better tables, like solid wood, for the same price. Only problem is that you need a van to carry it home since solid wood tables obviously don't ship flat.

America's future.

I don't understand what "normies" don't get. Everywhere the brownies live on Earth is the same. Without exception.

Yet the kikes that have used the stock markets to leverage all the media outlets are relentless in their mindwashing. Are they evil or just dumb?



Where do we buy then?

support local shops.

What's the problem here exactly? White people don't buy from Ikea.

I deliver it lel!

Shit is weak and most of the ikea staff are retards.

Buy real furniture. Even in places nearly destroyed by globalism you can still find real furniture that's made there. Yeah it will probably cost ten sometimes twenty percent more. But it's also not gonna be a piece of shit that's nearly falling apart a year later after normal use.

damn, I was about to buy a bunch of shit from them.
not anymore, I will give my business to the fucking amish instead and deal with old wooden shit.

Hold up just a second, I need to scan the Ikea catalog that we get here for you. I live in an Asian country (expat) but our Ikea catalogs are 100% white, was just there this weekend.


t. chink

nah, SWPLs buy IKEA man.


I just spent 3 days whittling wood to make a gun rack that looks like it belongs inside fred flinstones house. Came out pretty cool.

Look deeper at the other part of these pics…. They're depicting some fucking box-like micro-appartment packed with shitskins.

why are you surprised? they are fucking swedish.

also, why the fuck are you getting ikea catalogs


I don't understand though, last year's catalog was quiet normal, what changed? Or do yuropoors get different catalogs than Amerifats and Canucks?

Every time. Every fucking time there's a white woman, there's never a white guy around her. It's always a bunch of ugly shitskins.

I'm in the US and I got the same catalog as you, just with the prices in USD instead of EUR.

I am Chinese, while you are not.

Both of us are in China.

There's something wrong with this picture.

this faggots have some workers.. makes me sick to shop in their store

their fucking restaurant is cancer, tasteless garbage food

Just got the Swedish language catalogue. Exactly the same from the looks of it.

Looks healthily diverse, whatever is the problem OP?

I'll never forget some blue-pilled "skeptical" faggot on antiwhite media's old blogspot responding to a posted example from a department store ad where the featured female model is a blonde white woman and the feature male model is a nigger. This faggot had the gaul to suggest that "maybe they couldn't find any white male models". It really takes a special kind of ignorance to be so clueless to even suggest such a thing is possible.

I mean come the fuck on, they're models, you can find a model right now of any race, age, hell even body type on demand. The only reason a shitskin is in an ad is because someone made the conscious decision to put them in there.

Still looking for an actual copy of it, but found this press kit version:

Still plenty of diversity, but haven't seen a group photos of white women and rapefugees. Also found this really cute picture of a little white girl that actually gave me protective feels.

Full catalog online here:

Shit is way less cucked than the one printed in the current year.

Good chance her catalog-family adopted a rapefugee.


Maybe this is true in America, but my recollection of textbooks here in Britain (published by (((heinemann))) was that they were always teeming with Indians, in particular.
This was one of my early (sort of) red pills, in fact: joking about how overrepresented brown fuckers were in science and maths books.


I don't know if you're being sarcastic, but I was in Stockholm recently.

It's not good at all. Especially at night, it does have a very Brazil-like feeling to it.

If you're talking about the jews: both. Their envy and hubris render them unspeakably stupid and malicious.

All they really are, at root, are a pastiche of malevolent instincts, which find purpose under the umbrella of any number of trendy ideologies.

This is why the outcome of their movements is always the same, even when, on the surface, the ideologies in question should be diametrically opposed.

So communism naturally results in the same absolute control of every facet of public and private life for the jews, as free market capitalism does: not to mention the deliberate undermining of national traditions and mores evident under either system of thought and governance.

With jews you lose: never were truer words uttered (regardless of how sweet their latest endeavour, supposedly in aid of the dispossessed, sounds initially).

This envious stupidity is just as evident in all of the freaks and weirdos that the jews raise around them (to protect them from public ire, and to facilitate yet more control for the kikes).

They are retarded enough, at present, to believe that the trannies, faggots, niggers and women who wish they were men that they have facilitated the influence of (albeit, singularly as proxies for jewish influence) are a guarantee of absolute power for the jews forever more.

By and large, they completely lack foresight. This fact puts me in mind of the mental/spiritual state of both women and niggers, with whom the jews share much in common.

Where is Race War -chan?

I think it's just fucking sad and infuriating. They're pumping African and Middle Eastern subhumans into this wonderful country by brute force and nobody is trying to stop it.

I have to say, that might be a Syrian rapefugee too. Her hair and facial structure are similar to some Syrians.

At least you still have the white male privilege.


Their cheap furniture/ goods are utter trash. I once had a chair from Ikea (I needed a wooden chair and it cost me £3 from GumTree).

It fell apart on me (I am not overweight). I was sat on it and it started to give way, I got up off of it and watched it neatly collapse into 7 different pieces.

My housemate purchased a frying pan from Ikea; the paint came off onto the food that was cooked in it.

It is trash.

There expensive furniture is ok but no cheaper than furniture anywhere else.

I have reached to a point that i can't be mad anymore. I just laugh. I am living at a parody of something that could be.

I just came from my mailbox and surprise surprise ! This propaganda piece of shit was in it !

It is exactly the same here in frogland.

But where are the transgenre and handicaped people ? This catalog still is quite bigoted.

If only he were a mudslime too, would be the most special snowflake in the world.

all the blonde women have their backs to the camera.


Just the darkest days, user. It does seem like a parody in a sudden moment, but then the real darkness hits.

Ikea is everywhere, and they sell to all Europeans a lot. That corporation sucks up the sales of domestic true quality products.
The way at IKEA they destroy forests, too. As in they wipe them out because of their mass scale production to use diluted materials. That corporation is a vacuum of resources for products which don't last.
Anons, try always looking for local options and second-hand furniture. I just got a great deal for a divan sofa, quality for very cheap from.

Shouldn't you be fucking Nathaniel?

They aren't even bothering to be subtle anymore; they could have at least picked a pretty girl for him to kiss too, that girl is a 3 or 4.

Probably not from Swedes, could just be people like us.

Because he's a massive autist.

The worlds smartest national socialist means about as much to him as the world smartest ant.

He drove the same crappy Volvo until his company forced him to upgrade to reduce the cost of the key personnel insurance.

A place that sells real furniture. You know, the kind of furniture that doesn't break when you put a cup down on it.

To be fair user I wouldn't really give a shit even if he did avoid taxes, considering where that money goes.

Quite literally less harmful in some Cayman's offshore or Swiss bank than it is in the hands of ZOG.

nice disinfo kike

it is, but it's also cheap as fuck and works when you have no other options.

it has been this way for a while. I directly throw mine in the trash, too. Can't be any more blatant about racemixing and fag parenting.

It's like the intro animation from airbnb, have you seen that? practically a hymn to multiculti.