Got a friend who is REALLY close to accepting that it was all a lie, and I just need the best of the best material to send him over the edge.
Best Material to show someone very close to being red pilled on the holocaust?
Other urls found in this thread:
while holocaust trutherism threads are nice, the fact that you made this thread so personal (to give you information rather than asking the community to share their thoughts) leads me to not want to help you
A thread died for this abortion of an OP to be posted, keep that in mind. That said, there is also a QTDDTOT thread on the catalog. Make your threads more general and less about helping yourself and then we might oblige.
That doesnt make a lot of sense. Considering post the best stuff to show my friend would logically help others as well. And why would you not help someone to join the right side of history?
These are probably the two most emotionally powerful arguments.
This is pretty good if you haven't seen it. It covers:
etc. etc.
Dammit, OP.
Think about it for a second. If every fag posted a thread about ammunition they needed to fight various youtube or facebook fights they get into, the board would be covered by these threads. Instead of the board being full of 500 reply megathreads of conversation on a topic, it will be full of 20-30 reply shit threads full of reposting of images and very little discussion.
Like I said, a better way of doing the same thing and still providing back to the community is to make a well structured OP (you seem to have barely inched past the 75 character mark) and include some of your own information and ask about the holocaust in general.
Your pic reminds me of this one from the first days of GamerGate.
This. Best documentary on the hoax, by far.
I'd say anything by Eric Hunt. He produces excellent documentaries with practically no funding.
This is his most recent. A merciless debunking. Very digestible.
For his other documentaries just search for his name.
I red pilled a friend of mine by having him call a crematorium.
We has already had the discussion about how long it takes to nuke bodies and he was convinced after he read from one of those jew books how they stuffed two or three into each oven to make them burn faster.
I told him to call an expert, dont bring up the holocaust, just ask basic questions. After a 20 minute phone conversation he was questioning everything.
Talking about the jew holocaust is a waste of time and effort. It's a rabbit hole that's led nowhere. Redpill people on things that are actually important.
Actually, this is his official page for the film. Use this link instead:
His Last Days of the Big Lie is also excellent. If someone's picture of the Holocaust comes from Schindler's List, this totally rakes it over the coals
Do you remember the Tri-State Crematory scandal back in 2002? When that black guy was burying bodies in pits and leaving them in the woods instead of incinerating them?
I found myself asking "Why didn't he just burn the bodies in those pits, or throw them all in the ovens at once like in Auschwitz? Or incinerate them on a big outdoor grill like at Treblinka?"
Because that doesn't fucking work, is why.
I came to Holla Forums in 2013 specifically to debate the Holocaust. I'd read several survivors books, and spent nearly eight hours examining exhibits at the DC Holocaust museum. But I still failed to support it in debate, because everything I had read and seen was either physically impossible, contradicted by incontrovertible historical records, or emotionally manipulative garbage which proved nothing.
Being forced to accept I'd been lied to about something so logistically enormous and geopolitically important opened my eyes to the possibility that all kinds of modern ideological truisms are really myths.
pastebin of those two posts? I think that might work better for me…
The Holocaust lie is the main thing the jews have going for them, we aren't going to win unless we demolish it.
It really is the source of the moral authority both secular gentiles and evangelicals invest in Jews.
Mostly the 2nd picture.
our whole system of (((ethics)) is a direct result of that poisonous lie
reform soon, by ballot or zyklon pellet
The thing I find utterly ironic and a bit amusing, is the modern fascist use of holocaust imagery as a threat, or revenge fantasy.
If we ever have our grand putsch and try to any of implement it we're in for disappointment. It's all grossly inefficient, and none of it will fucking work.
contact me if you want a funtionally-engineered extermination solution fam
are you the dude with the sprinkler system setup
also i mean at the end of the day these are jokes but a bullet will do just fucking fine
Naw. I would use an air-evacuated tunnel, dumpable hinged rail carriages, and a hundred miles of track in another nation's annexed territory. Because you simply can't safely dispose of 6 million+ bodies. It's an environmental catastrophe however you approach it. Leaving them to rot in someone else's country is the only rational option. Preferably a vassal state that won't give you any trouble.
Nope. The physical labor and expense involved in shooting six million people… Even if you believe the official story, it wasn't possible for the Einsatzgruppen to do it when they tried.
In these threads all I see is "look how these particular jews lied about Holocaust". Fake gas chambers, lying eye witnesses, stuff like that.
But is there any hard evidence that proves there was no plan to exterminate the jews? Just because some greedy kikes lied to extort shekels and sympathy from goyim doesn't automatically mean that the whole thing was a hoax. I understand that the death toll was highly exaggerated. But to think that all this was just made up of lies and victorious countries decided to knowingly go along with it seems unrealistic to me.
Any evidence besides "look at these particular lies and just believe that the whole thing was a lie"?
False, It's the hardest red pill to swallow, but for some people it works. Like for me. In my opinion if the holohoax is the first red pill you take the others are easy.
"I know for a fact, that the holocaust is a complete fake, because it's a simple technical arithmetic, It can be solved by a child in highschool, now any chemist knows you can't gas people with hydrocyanic acid, 1000 or 2000 at a time.. There was only 3.2 Million Jews living in Europe at the time, so I don't know how they could kill 6 Million Jews when there were only 3.2 Million living in Europe"
- Jewish Scholar, Dr Roger Dommergue?
The real red pill is not that Holocaust did not happen, but that it did happen for good reasons and should happen, with no survivors.
Is there any hard evidence that proves there was no plan to destroy the Sun?
Only after realising that it actually didn't happen, you realise that it should have happened.
Fucking this. Once I started questioning Holocaust, I hated myself, I thought "What sort of evil hivemind could convince me to question the death of 6 million innocent jews?" I felt like a horrible person. But after spending a few weeks digging on my own to fight this 'neo-nazi propaganda' I only found more evidence that it was a lie. After long deliberation I was able to accept the one truth in the Holocaust:
Once I realized that, I started to search for more globalist lies and my eyes were opened. Now I'm one of you, for better or for worse. I have some catching up to do, but we need to talk about this sort of thing.
Here's the main point though: The Holocaust is one of the biggest and easiest lies to crack, and the most important. It's easy to get people to question the PURE MATH that is the lie of the Holocaust. After that, if they have the right mind and are truly interested in the truth, they will redpill themselves.
Fight the Holocaust, and they will be open to anything else you say.
It's always Majdanek for me. I just tell them to research that specific camp and they end up wondering what else was grossly exaggerated. Worked for pretty much everyone in my family and most of my friends who took the time to look into it.
Kill yourself.
You're asking to prove a negative, which is impossible. But the "hard" evidence is the lack of evidence.
An enormous number of Reich records survived. Apart from one or two pages with a suggestive word in them, there simply isn't any written evidence.
The minutes of the Waneese conference where the final solution was planned, make no mention of mass exterminations or gas chambers. Merely deportation and resettlement.
Raoul Hillberg, the Jewish Historian who wrote the definitive work on the Holocaust concluded that the mass exterminations were planned by individuals, acting alone, with nothing in writing. Which is synonymous with "there is no evidence of a plan."
Dr Arthur Butz gave a very good lecture in 2000 on how establishment historians play games with the historical records to come to the conclusions they want:
Don't forget how Germans also destroyed all hard evidence (the real gas chambers and shit). It's really a perfect lie.
What I can't understand is how the fuck did everyone just decided to go along with the jewish lies, especially Soviets. Even if 6 gorillion were true, still a LOT more Russians were killed in WW2, wouldn't Soviets want to expose jews for lying and claim the real victim status?
If you're elaborate on the Holocaust with him initially, then he will think that you're crazy. Just joke about bullshit testimonies like the masturbation machines and holocoaster.
A tactic I found very useful for the normies is to not go full 'never happened'. When it gets brought up, I say that it's a misconception that the nazis lined up 6 million jews and gassed them. I pin the blame on starvation caused by the allies' bombing the supply lines, and take the brunt of the guilt off the german shoulders.
Are you old enough to remember the runup to the Iraq War? If so, do you recall how it was common knowledge the UN weapons inspectors found no evidence of WMD? And how it was easy to find out there was no evidence of links between Sadam and Al Queda? But the media and the Bush administration kept hammering those two talking points over and over again, for two and a half years. Until finally everyone just gave in and accepted it as inevitable.
This is essentially what happened with the Holocaust. Both the Soviets and the Allies were guilty of mass murder and horrific atrocities. They needed a story to turn the Germans into worse villains than they were. Likewise the Jews needed a narrative to justify seizing Palestine for themselves.
So all governments and an influential ethnic group were in perfect agreement on the narrative they'd promulgate. The newspapers and radio dutifully reported it over and over. Textbook committees included it in school curricula. Jewish historians published endless unreadable volumes of sophistry to support it, and thus insinuated it into acedemia.
The propaganda came from all sides, and ordinary people just living their lives had little choice but take the unquestioned word of authority. No one with any offical support questioned it. Those that did were publicly shamed, humiliated, and stripped of status. So everyone learned what happens if you doubt.
And that's how religions take hold of a civilization.
The bigger cause of mass death was Typhus, which the Allies had a vaccination for, and the Axis did not.
Typhus causes uncontrollable diarrhea, and death by dehydration and starvation. This is why the bodies in those films and photos were emaciated.
Thypus is spread by lice, which every civilized country controlled by mass cyanide gassing of clothing. Even Ellis Island once had a gas chamber for disinfecting immigrant luggage and clothing. This is why the camps used so much Zyklon B.
The real irony is that, much like the food shortages, bombed rail lines cut off the supply.
Hundreds of thousands of prisoners died because the Nazis ran out.
It was the realization that the holohoax was a hoax that forced me to become a 1488 Neo-Nazi white supremacist esoteric Hitlerist.
I just don't see any other way to stop them. Libertarianism can't do it. American Constitutionalists can't do it. Marxists won't do it. There's just no other alternative. Hitler was right.
Correct, start slow. the Holohoax, as I mentioned, was an emotionally wrecking red pill to swallow. That is the approach that was fed to me, and it worked.
The entire foundations of the modern world are built on the Allies being the good guys and the Axis being evil, and that is built entirely on the holocaust being the worst crime in human history and guilt by association.
Take away the holocaust and the whole system of globalism collapses, history rewrites itself as the jews no longer have any justification for their actions, as well as the guilt of more war crimes and genocides than even they can kvetch about.
The holohoax is not a redpill,
it is the only redpill, from which all others follow
In my opinion 9/11 leads to all truth. I had my eyes open to the JQ after 9/11 research revealed the hebrew handprints of the affair which in turn led to discovering Israels history of terror, and ultimately the jews history of swindling and cheating the world. It all began with Isaac and Esau… the jews love isaac because he swindled esau's birthright from him, it paints it clear as day how they operate. Ultimately the talmud revealed the need for resistance.
I mean Jacob and Esau
Give us your 9/11 spiel. I know it wasisrael/saudis while the neo-cons knowingly sat on their hands, but I have no idea how to approach it with normies. What are the most convincing arguments and memes?
Load them into train cars. Gas them in the train cars. Drive the train out into the wilderness and dump them into a ditch. Bury them with excavation equipment that you bring along with the train
No camps.
The Mongols killed FAR more, and they did it with blades.
The claim that the Germans didn't have what it takes to simply shoot the jews is pecular because of how it humanizes the Germans. The Holocaust is often touted as unique because it was the first/only "industrialized" genocide. We are to believe that the Germans are unique among genocide perpetrators in that they alone were too moral to do it by hand.
I once thought as you do now. I was dismayed when I finally had to admit to myself that it never happened.
Oh Hitler, why couldn't you have been a badder goy? You had the opportunity, but you squandered it.
If the holocaust didn't happen then where did all the jews go?
Just pour over all of the well laid out information on the ErnstZundel website.
Or watch David Cole's documentary.
Here. I spent an hour extracting and cleaning up this audio, just for you.
"Video can't be played because the file is corrupt"
Yeah. It didn't work I'll reencode with different options.
Yes, and so did the Hutus during the Rwandan genocide. But the Einsatzgruppen supposedly had to dig mass graves. They couldn't just kill a bunch of people quickly and keep moving. Also, when you kill lots of people with blades, you don't have to reload or carry more ammunition. You don't even spend much effort on any individual; you deliver a mortal wound and let them die on their own time.
At any rate, I have my doubts the Einsatzgruppen actually exterminated so many people.
Essentially my plan, but with self-dumping cars, and you don't bother to dig ditches. And you don't gas the cars, you put the train in a tunnel and pump out all the air. Very humane. They'll go hypoxic feel a bit silly, and die before they know what's happening. The whole thing can be completely automated, and the cars can even have a degree of passenger comfort.
And ALL of that could have been done very easily with 1940's tech available to the Germans. No need to build huge camps. No need for all that expensive Zyklon B. They would never have tried to mass exterminate in the ridiculous manner claimed for them.
Hitler dubs of truth. Everything in the modern world and all the globalist lies directly or indirectly lead back to the hoax.
Building 7, free fall controlled demo, and who occupied the building.
And the dancing israelis and the House of Saud being a jewish puppet state.
When I think about it, I don't really have one that would be normie friendly. I was always the type to try and convince people who were already interested and willing to spend time browsing dense and exhaustive information and watching hour long videos, etc
For the people who would always say "someone would have to spill the beans" I say I agree with them, then present the idea that what if, say, a cohesive group or Tribe undertook something in confidence that they wouldn't betray one another. The Jews are one of, if not the most tightly bound group of people on earth. Coupled with the entire supremacist Jew/Gentile dynamic and the fact that nearly all the major positions in private and government sectors involved in 9/11 for it to be pulled off were filled by Jews and you begin to come to a logical and reasoned conclusion.
There are a couple great videos and books that detail what groups and firms were in the towers. So much shit was going down that day with multiple directives, objectives etc. it's mind-boggling. I'll try and find the vids.
Christopher Bollyn's book in my opinion is damning for Israel. Check it out. I don't really want to go back into the 9/11 black hole because I've already spent so much time there and I can get into strange (synchromystic bs etc.) depressive states easily over the entire subject. It was really an abominable thing. So many people affected and destroyed over the years by it and it's consequences.
What disturbs me the most to this day is how much the played tho footage over, and over and over and over and over, showing so many people dying over and over.
I'll have to search more for the longer 9/11 vids I'm thinking of but this red ice interview with bollyn is pretty good if I remember correctly.
Here we go. This oughta work.
Forgot to sage
Bollyn is actually a pretty shady character.
yea I was about to add that, something having to do with him lying about a broken arm and other shit. I just remember his book had good info on Israel. I think I found a copy for free on internet archive.
even if bollyn is disinformation all I know is that the yids did it. I don't have the patience anymore for 9/11, I just want change
The mother lode of movies and links. Will take you months to read it all and watch all the videos
Didn't quite read that far down before i posted.
Yeah that's a good site, but I think of it as an armory.
Once you know the arguments they use, and the factual counterarguments, then it's just a matter of pulling the right link from that stockpile and saying "This is why you're wrong, here's the supporting evidence."
Hot off the presses
do you have hard evidence to prove that right now there is not a magical invisible pink elefant sitting right next to you?
point being, hard evidence for proving a negative is usually very difficult to provide. generally for that reason you demand the hard evidence for proving a claim.
Here is a brit site just as jammed full of infos, and talking points.
It's hard to point at any one thing that brought the red pill, but >>7216086 and (2nd pic) certainly helped
No, the real red pill is realizing that not only is the holocaust real, but it is still happening, and that it was never the Germans genociding the Jews, it was (and is) the Jews genociding the Germans, because they dared name the Jew (The ultimate "Oy Vey, shut it down!")
I think many "Holocaust Survivors" and those "escaping" Nazi Germany (such as Wernher von Braun) were really just Germans fleeing the Soviets/Jews when they saw the war going south, knowing what was coming if they stayed.
The same place your money goes when they inflate the numbers :^)
Even so, the best evidence is that despite the enormity of the alleged operation, the number of documents that can even be said to contain a hint of the Holocaust plan, can be counted on one hand.
And Israel, and the USSR.
oy vey!
Flat Earth society is a metaphorical control cult
Not necessarily. Or at least, not at this point. Regardless of the precise origin of the hoax (camp rumors exaggerated with the usual jewish fidelity to truth, in order to smear their enemies); a lie can outlive the liar. Modern jews are mostly as bluepilled as any good goy, I suspect.
If Canadian he might be surprised to learn there was a holocaust trial in Totonto during the mid 80's. Despite thoroughly debunking it the court eventually ruled the truth of the matter was irrelevant and the defendant wound up spending several years in prison.