4chan's Holla Forums mod is batshit

in b4 why go there

Fuck that, I like and want to discuss toons and stuff. I post here and there or try to post.

I don't know what I did wrong and I probably didn't do nothing. This kind of shit just keeps happening every couple of damn days. I post about whatever the topic is, no dank memes, no porn, nothing except just participating in the thread. And every few days I get banned for a day for some bullshit reason. I'm sick and tired of it and it's making me rage hard. How can this shit fly? Who is the retard that's ruining Holla Forums?

You have no-one to blame but yourself.

But why go there?

It's your fault for still sucking Niggerwood's dick
Everyone smart enough left Cuck/co/ to rot 2 years ago during the first exodus, last year was your only chance of redepmtion and never look back

look into the history cuck/k/'s mod

he would put the cuck/co/ mod to shame.

Have you NOT seen the niggerwood banner?

We should ban you here also to spite you faggot

If I was a BO, I'd make it a rule to ban anyone who admits to still going to 4chan.
And I'm probably one of the few people who have never called it halfchan.

At least post the fucking bans you idiot. How else can we laugh at both you AND the mods?

Lucky you're not, because Beyond is best BO I've seen so far. He's not a cunt, doesn't namefag and only uses the account to clear spam or define something in the rare meta thread.

Don't answer why you went answer why you haven't gone back yet.

I haven't gone back to cuckchan ever since the first exodus, but I do miss non Holla Forums'd Holla Forums, and alt boards like /fit/, /mu/, /ck/.
I hope that with elections over these boards get back some traffic.

He's also a homo.

hopefully a cute homo

isn't niggerwood still a mod over there?

color me suprised

Sounds horrible. Where is the "Holla Forums'd Holla Forums" so I know which site to avoid?

Also, we have those boards here. /fit/ is decent.

He means 8/tv/. There's one user who is either the best baiter in the world or the worst Hillary shill ever. Every thread, and I literally mean not one single thread doesn't cop this, is instantly spammed with something about Trump, or Drumpf, usually in ALL CAPS and redtext.

If someone is white in a show, 'Drumpf is enabling it'
If someone is black in a show, "Drumpf btfo'

It's insane, and because anons are fucking morons, they all continue to reply to him. BO is either MIA, doing it for giggles or is the actual poster himself, because the guy never gets banned or warned, only people who oppose him. Even then, the bans are infrequent.

Best part was, though, he stepped into OVERDRIVE MODE in the last week, and spurged harder than ever before, going so fast there was spelling errors and failed redtext everywhere. Then once Trump was announced, he instantly stopped, board was fine for about 4 hours.

THEN, everyone started collectively shitting on him, even Leftists, and he got so assblasted that he came up with the brilliant method of making sure that Holla Forums would forget the past 8 months (probably more) of him making the board more cancerous and meme filled than 4/tv/, he posted ON TOPIC.

Everyone lost their minds. His shitposting/shilling went full circle, he and the anons he was against swapped sides, so his shitty threads got meme'd hard, while he posted more 'Drumpf' memes in response to the shitposts he received, always assuring people he wasn't the same user.

Honestly, I don't even browse Holla Forums aside from maybe checking the catalog once every day or two, but it was the funniest thing I've seen in such a long time. I swear, I'm from Australia, and you seppos are the funniest cunts in the world. Over here, if we don't like someone in politics, we just bitch about it for 5 minutes, then tell them to fuck off and go back about our days. We had the shittiest government since Federation last decade, and all we did was ignored them, made shitty memes, bullied them in public then voted them out while laughing, but you seppos act like it's the end of the world.

Anways, enjoy your new President and Holla Forums.

Reminder that he got assblasted over some nigger kino and started sperging on /sudo/.

To be honest, you were so fucking boring and forgettable I don't even know if that's your tripcode or not. Anyone got a screencap from his brilliant storytime, or /jojo/ "raids"?

Oh yeah, forgot about that one.
Consensus was they are, but you're still a cuck for watching them.

I love how he's a rampant Liberal, but calls people who watch interracial porn race traitors. They are, but it's a bit hypocritical.

How's that storytime coming along?


that's how it is man, and that place'll only get worse

This Pro-Anime, cartoon-hating board is not much better.

Nice priorities, faggot.

cartoons and anime are kiddie shit, i come here to talk about diversity in comics.