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Filter King names the Jew
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No… no more of this CIA shill
Wow he named the Jew in the least offensive manner possible. This is powerful for us because he isn't targeting or talking about all Jews, but he is explicitly naming Jewish meddling in affairs. This is sweet persuasion that I doubt AJ is even doing on purpose. Raising awareness of Jewish meddling in various aspects of our life is an easy to digest red pill because it is subtle and builds up steam over time. If AJ keeps naming the Jew in such a way his audience may become hyper aware of Jewish meddling. Just look at what is happening with Molyneux.
Fuck Avraham Jonstein
Obama's new ketchup law.
Who of you fuckers did this?
Impressive, I like the change
Bump because this pisses some off lol
I really don't want to listen to Alex Jones hystrionically pontificate for two hours. You say he coming to his senses re: the JQ? Great. Welcome to reality, where the rest of us live.
Made me actually lol
Hi, Sarah Silverman.
She is/was weirdly hot for a flat, lanky, hairy Jewess.
I'm still highly skeptical of Alex Jones but I feel like he's been improving as of late, only time will tell.
I used to listen to AJ years ago, until I couldn't take him anymore. He never, ever names the jew. I'd like to think that the ::cringe:: "alt right" has forced him to do this, or to feel like he is able to for a change.
I'd also like to think maybe he is a little bitter against his former jew-wife, and hopefully that'll give him a nudge to bring up the j word more often
Alex Jones has done more to redpill the masses than most.
Now, you shouldn't stop at Alex Jones. He's an intro redpiller but he's a great intro redpiller.
Hello CIA, what are you sliding?
You will not make Alex "I am a Jew!" Jones popular here.
I never admitted that, but that but an only kike I would fuck senseless till I would drop.
Oh JIDF is it? You'd think you would at least have good taste in your own women.
The archetypal female comedian is a kike and/or a dyke. Everyone accepts this. There's nothing at all crimethinkful about praising the outstanding Jewish sense of humor.
Kill yourselves.
He's fucking hilarious.
Get out of 8/pol/.
Stay! Stay!
Being an anti-Semite shouldn't prevent us from appreciating the Jewess in all her beauty.
I wish fugg Jill Stein Gilf
I never saw this woman before, but there is something weirdly attractive about her.
You've never seen her nude then.
This dude is a slimeball and I don't trust him as far as I could throw his fat ass.
… But that was kinda funny.
Jesus Christ dude, spoiler that shit.
That disproportion in hip-to-tit ratio is enough to give a man nightmares.
That's why, when I used to watch porn, I only looked at pale white girls with B/C cups.
only because her nose (/face) is facing directly at the camera. as soon as she turns just a little bit she looks like Mr Ed. Huma Abedin is similar in this
Jonestein shilling
Everyone is so close. The nose is breaching the surface and everyone can see its outline…
fucking cuck.
you're running out of time, kike.
they dont laugh much about the holocaust or their talmudic principles, do they?
nice pics thx
also, some insight form my jewish phone-affair: