Holla Forums webm thread

Post Holla Forums-related webms, funny videos, music, historical footage, stuff Ben Garrison would post, etc.

I'll upload more Moon Man in this thread. I'm currently encoding webms of various albums.

Moon Man: mega.nz/#F!tV01DLJK!E-G1nj9j9RxN0ztfWak6lQ

Other urls found in this thread:





Better quality my.mixtape.moe/ebxsir.mp4

Holla Forums doesn't allow mp3 audio all of a sudden


I made my first propaganda piece today

Who is the old guy singling with moonman?!

pretty good

I watched that months ago, you lying cunt


I make seven figures a year from YouTube and related deals. Figured i'd spend some time trying the propaganda thing out. Perhaps i'll pretend to be hacked one day and redpill a bunch of normies.

I don't want to make a new thread, could someone dump their Trump webms?

Ben Garrison, aka Moonman's dad

So you changed it a bit from the original?

Nice try but it's pretty much the same.




why don't you post the original so that we can compare it.

CNN, Fair & Balanced.
Read the ticker too.


holy fuck that is simple but gold.

It's entirely original you autist I just proved that


you forgot THE

is this footage of Ahmed making that clock?





that comment screenshot at the very end always makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside

For fucks sake. Parents need to be able to hit their children again or this shit will never end



more oc

how do i make the pain go away anons?





MGTOW gondola

I was prepared to spam the first webm all over brit/pol/ if they didn't pass the referendum, to their joy they did.

Friendly reminder that the person who recorded this is in fact the faggot furry. He literally fucking posted the video on some furry forum and complained about his mother being mistreating and abusing.




bretty gud
sauce on first song?


classic imo

Can you host an HD version somewhere? It's cash.

Stop being so retarded, it's not the same.



Does anyone have the webm of the girl who replies to a spic on twitter something along the lines of "You should leave the country white people built" interspersed with clapping emojis, and then gets flooded with retweets and replies, all the while laughing heartily reading it?

Bump for quality thread.







Was making me want to vote for him part of their plan?








Hahahahaha that old kike who pushes the cop at the end gets btfo

















Art cancer started at (((Expressionism))), which was overwhelmingly Jewish/Marxist





Is that Morgan Spurcuck?



Mosley was a prophet

Is there a youtube channel of these?










Brits are the most obnoxious faggots on Holla Forums.

You are to Holla Forums what canadians are to cuckchan.



so ?

Posting my faves

It would be hilarious if he mauled a nigger at the end of the video



song name?


no idea user
made it from a jewtube rip
catchy though




meant to upload this:











Got a source for this? I want to post it at work tomorrow.


No problem, thanks!




Bill Wurtz




The mods haven't been on in 11 hours.


Kill Ur Self

(don't actually)

. . .

I don't know man… He just wants to be let alone.

His mother is the bitch who wants him to go with her to fucking Tropical Island even though he doesn't want to. Sure hes some fur faggot or whatever but for him to get to this point alot of bad parenting has been done.

She can't get a better argument than because she says so. His father isn't present, probably left the family decades ago. Which is probably also her fault, at least to some extend.

In the end she can only blame herself.

I would just leave that faggot alone like he wants it, but I'm no parent and feel no bond to him.


meant to post this version

Here's a kid falling of his longboard with a selfie stick

OK, they say nice things but as usual end run around the fact that politicians are only as bought as they allow themselves. Who is this group, why does the guy in the end of the video set of Jew alarms and what's their real agenda? I remember Bloomberg's bs no labels party. It was textbook nolabelsexceptformineandmyideas.party.

a blank png? post your actual stuff


Truly the best and catchiest Moon Man song.


pupper :3

Lad, you must be lost.

>>>Holla Forums

This actually makes Hilary look pretty awesome. Replace her with a dancing Trump and you have a new campaign ad for the God-Emperor's crusades to pacify this savage earth.


How does ISIS get all of these high-def cameras and shit?

Israel has deep pockets, user.

just like in my call of duty games

Two decades later and this song is still geting passed around. Love it.

I know, I know it's not Holla Forums related but I just had to post it. Here's a polite sage.



Kill yourself fam.

What's the uhh…

sauce on those?


Its ok, he gets to launch the nukes.

This is K-pop dancing right?? Except done by chubby white girl.

These fucking savages must be cleansed from this earth.



jellybeannose on youtube

Can someone post vids of whites beating the fuck out of niggers?
Moonman's got me in the mood for some Aryan on Monkey fisticuffs.

I just realized that her t-shirt is off by one.

Does that video actually originate from 1996, user?

Stay mad Chaim. I'm not even a weeb and I recognize that is why niggers and other non-white trash lust so hard over white women. Even the awkward goofy ones are more desirable than the ethic non-whites.

Not exactly what you /r/'d but is full of nigs acting like nigs and getting treated like nigs.







The girls are more masculine than the boys.



why don't we stop our government from invading muslims, Holla Forums?

Does anybody know which song was used for this one ?

Tits, mean to upload this one.



Hey kid…Want some cyanide pills?
They're like redpills, only they bring you a lot closer to your waifu.

Any recommended movies about Rome? Not necessarily educational or documentaries, just movies like this.


Oh yeah?
I had to improvise a cover for the webm, the trackkk isn't by me.


No, but you should really get off of my cantonese picture forum, retarded newfag.

Made this some time ago, didn't get very popular, but I still like it.

Creepy is that she was bretty of looking back then.

Is there a non potato quality version?

You wand gatana? Low prices :DD
So you can commit sudoku like your cartoon heroes.

Anime keeps normalfags away.

Maybe you should leave too if you're this easily triggered.

You know not of what you mock - it is the essence of the imageboard, and what allows Holla Forums-tier discussions to flourish.

Go fuck yourself with your childish anime folder you fucking pedo-faggot.

It seems to be working well

Yeah. I'm totally triggered by sailor moon faggots.

kek, sick burn
you sure do know your animu newfag

This is literally the first webm in this thread.

Anyone have the webm of the solid steel Trump sign that goes "bing bing bing bong bong"?

0/10. Kek. You are even proud of your reaction. Have fun with your pathetic life. I'll never be such a great anime faggot like you. Why the fuck are you even here? Shouldn't you be on halfchan? You think you are special because of your anime bullshit? Little girls and faggots are into anime but your existance has nothing to do with redpilled reality. You are just a little loser who likes to stimulate his own asshole. And then you think you can post your shitty pics which you've collected on the internet. In afew days you will even forget what i was talking about because you are just a fucking kike slave who doesn't know shit about real life. Plz go into your moms kitchen, take a knife and slit your throat. Nobody needs you.

thank you for your time, it's worse less than even mine





Yeah, go take a look at 4cuck's/8ch's /a/, so many non-normies hanging around mane, natural Holla Forumsacks I swear :^)
How inclusive and multicultural of you creating a safe space for them.

Holla Forums is a multicultural and tolerant place. If the tradition commands sudoku, I'm not one to judge :^)


Cry more, faggot.


woah dude r u ok?


fuck off, /intleftypol/

this a webm thread my dude, post webms

Yes she's a koreaboo whore that also has an ASMR channel for extra shekels, only unlike other ones and in true gook corner-cutting fashion she just does half a video and loops it.


Still pretending to be a big grown boy with all those chinese fetish cartoon girls in your HDD?

How big is your smug anime girl folder bruh

Animefags should know that by posting in a certain manner, especially in reaction to even the slightest negative sentiment, it will just spark more discontent. There's a thick, meaty line between reaction images in casual usage versus a deliberate call to attention. In reaction to any criticism, more animefags will start crawling out of the woodwork to reply with nothing of value other than yet more smug and usually some references to historical imageboard culture, which gets more shit, which gets more smug, ad nauseum. Once you cross over that magical threshold of recognition, everything's going up in smoke.

I'm not saying all the blame rests with animefags, but it's a lot easier to single out the posts with chinese cartoons defending chinese cartoon posting as the source than those who don't dress their shitposting in colorful livery.

Or, uh, you know, smug responsibly. People will hate it less and allow you to get away with more.

What is wrong with you man?

As much as I like it when spergs get asshurt over images I'd have to agree with this post, don't be a faggot.

Traditions are still alive and well over on /a/ where you belong. The point of creating new boards is to set different rules, different topics, and different goals. Just because the first boards in chan culture had a heavy anime culture doesn't mean every board to get created needs one until the end of time.

They start it every time and you guys know it.

Why can't I find this full album? I've never heard more rock-esque MM tracks before.

You can just not reply to them, you know that right?

Is there a place to download all the Blink 1488 songs as individual songs?






If a white guy said that, he would be the most racist person on earth. How come I never heard any libtard talk about this?

I know these have nothing to do with Holla Forums but does anyone have any more videos of girls shuffling?

"Hillary creates Isis for Israel"

The (((_))) made Black Pigeon Speaks take this down. He's usually pretty impartial… This is worth your time.

Sorry about the loss of quality. Most of the message comes from the Audio. Perhaps 8ch admin can allow files greater than 8mb so we can spread the message more effectively :)

oy vey, slide it! Maximum priority!

bump for prosperity

This is what you don't want, he was scared.
You must become stronger, train your mind and body to be ready for this shit. It doesn't matter how good your gear is if you dont have it.




webm potential here
good old music remade with a fresh and accurate video

Poor lady put all this effort into child rearing only for her fruit to completely rot and decay.

This is why we need Hitler

Those are Shias, probably Afghans/Persians. They need some redpilling on their ancestry and all will be ok.

Wtf? All will be ok when shitskins and islamists gtfo of Europe.

You, uhhh, dont have sause on those vids, I need them for some sciency stuff, and statistics and shit….


This cheered me up.

He must think he is Kenshiro or some shit.
He nailed it tho.
Someone edit it and add Guile's theme to it.

Western Cucks tend to bring shit like that because they're terrible fighters as well as all that Israeli aid too.









How can I apply for mod position or something like that? I am lurking half the time I am awake


Isn't that nujabes?

Yeah, it's Luv-Sic


2nd kid is female Jeb

Probably because it's depressing as hell. Well made though.

Cassius clay is considered different from muhammed ali to liberal poz chasers


I hate that confidence, racism, and fear are lumped in with intellect.

*lack of intellect

luckily i fall into the retard majority

Fresh OC. A repurposed antigun ad

Back to plebbit.


Y-you too…


Posting the best I got.






That was it. Stay strong brothers.

This one hits home hard




It makes me sick to think how many of my countrymen had similar experiences.





Is that a sex toy?

Love the nice touch of the little anime statuette.


I think so, but i'm not actually sure.

He's miserable because he betrayed his waifu in his heart.

Requesting more Discworld webms


Deep in the woods hopefully, there he can "be an animal" and die of exposure because I highly doubt he has ever even been camping.

I don't care what you guys say, I still wanna fuck Judy Hopps :3

The oriental jew strikes again :(

I've been toying with making vader choke hillary.

Fap to real rabbit girls or fucking kill yourself


Are you familiar with how Rabbit digestive systems work?

What if I told you you'd be fucking and making out with a literal shit-eater?


kill yourself furry.

rabbit girl videos!

How the fuck is this political? Fuck off you feel frog faggot

Holla Forums-tier gondola feels inbound


do you miss her too?

Is that AshleyJ or Evalion? I don't even remember anymore.

It's not rose i'll tell you that much.

Evalion is a filthy jewish whore

I want to fuck her face.



why would I want to go to war forever?



its ashleyj

She''s a cute

That faggot doesn't deserve a family. I hope he dies alone in his own filth.



nice trips

oy vey


Can't embedd video into page… Too big.

Smallest size is barely view-able and just above 8.5mb

This is historical popcorn.

Fuck trannies.

war dreams are best dreams
war night terrors are best dreams

Valhalla is a walk in the park compared to the hells your mind can conjure.

If a dream isn't reoccurring, it's a different you.


Vitamin B12 a little bit before bed. You will

Also other b-vitamins (b6, etc)

Zinc helps with sleep
Magnesium prevents crazy violent dreams
B12 in the morning helps with cognition, but only if you're low.
If you're depressed, take some B12 and go for a walk.

ZMA is a good package if you don't want to worry about getting the shits from Magnesium.

If you get wild dreams or night terrors like me, get a mouth guard to keep you from grinding your teeth.
Chill your room if you have frequent nightmares. If you can't cool your room enough, deal with the nightmares you pussy.

Dying isn't scary, it's just exhausting.

Vitamin B gives me liquid shits

I actually already take ZMA. It does help me sleep. I assume I'm magnesium deficient because most burgers are, also I have some habits like drinking that basically ensure that.

I have found that when taking ZMA as opposed to plain magnesium suppliments as found at the grocery store, I don't get dry skin.

Also funny that you mention cool rooms. I can hardly fall asleep to begin with in a warm or room-temperature room. And if it's hot and I manage to fall asleep, the dreams will be fucked up. Used to get sleep-paralysis too until I trained myself to not sleep on my back, which was cool a few times (out of body experience) but intensely terrifying most of the time (I can't breathe! What's that screeching sound, AAAAAHH)



I love that window break so much. Fucking T-1000

off by one

that first webm, where is it from? That was facinating

TV adaptation of Hogfather

ashley isnt a tranny you kike

Several people probably had the same idea.

Nice video, here's some pictures for ya.

3rd pic, september 12th on timestamp, lol.

That one is beautiful tyvm

Absolutely Inspiring


Source ?

How does Obama react when he stares at a mirror?




Now i'm triggered, why it's singing in French for fuck sake, i just want to puke, these fucking mudslim using my language for their video


"Whites have no culture!"



This is why race matters.

Here's her archive if anyone is interested


if only they knew it was the jews, not the citizens


Looking for a video of German artillery firing to dub-step anyone got it?


Somewhat degenerate

**If the police ever get my lap top, I'll be charged with something.


Wow I fucked up my spoiler


source please?

Someone make this a webm

Or just a part of it since it's long

I don't know where it's from



well for starters fetal alcohol syndrome crosses my mind


Requesting the webm about how our generation secretly dreams to own land and have a family and be like our ancestors. It was really moving.




Her eyes are so dreamy…

mate its easy but you will need will power. just do push ups, sit ups and chin ups every day also go jogging or take long walks. then go out and bring the pain to anyone you see with coloured hair, don't worry if they look like females because they don't believe in genders so its alright to power bomb their skulls into the concrete. repeat till you are a man to be feared , it doesn't matter who or how many as long as white women see commie faggots and niggers flee and cower at the mere sight of your power level , you will never be alone ever again.


Best Moon man so far OP.
Well done.

Now make him rap faster. And make him say "Cake Cake Cake " more.

Also more ak47 sounds.

do it for for the blood god


love PJW

Thanks user! I need to share
as far as possible

Does anyone have these webms from the Braless thread?


We have three webm threads in the catalog rn

ok fam

U mad ~johj~?

anyone else have this problem? webm says its like done but counter keeps going up and video plays so i cant tell how long it is

Good stuff. Have a kawaii Rail Cannon

fixed it, disabled auto loop












maybe that's the whole point of this rabbit furry shit.


Do they fucking not have TKOs? The second the guy with black hair got him on the ground it should have been called, that guy could have actually died from all that trauma.

Trump lives in a city that has more jews than Tel Aviv and Jerusalem combined, yes he has to pander to Jews.

dont be such a fucking pussy

I wouldn't care if it was a street fight, but this is sport, you don't fucking kill somebody for sport.

hot off the presses goys

Garbage. Stop posting, thanks.





our us military making their people left wing spawned this fuck


made some oc

This is brilliant.


That broke my heart.


What, the furry getting yelled at by his mom?

Well, my friend, I've got some terrible news for you, you might want to sit down for this one, because it's going to give you some really painful feels.

Okay, brace yourself.

Furries are the result of an enemy plot.

IT is based on some rather clever classical conditioning, and some subtle mind control techniques.

The entire point of the furry movement, is to selectively destroy this segment of the population, by removing social support from them, and turning the population against them.

The specific mechanism, as I am sure you have already guessed, is getting them to identify as animals.


Dehumanization is a psychological tactic to destroy someone, by convincing other people that the target is no better than an animal, and thus not worthy of basic human respect, empathy, etc…

The specific strategy of this tactic involves behavioral engineering on the targets, to get them to identify as animals instead of humans…. thus making it easier to turn the rest of society against them.

Now, I have been studying subliminal media for quite some time, and I would like to believe that I have grown quite good at identifying specific uses of the techniques.

Some months ago, I was browsing on Holla Forums and I saw a thread discussing "Bronies", which are the male fans of the new my little pony show.

As one would expect, most of the thread was dedicated to wishing death on these "Bronies".

Not all that unusual for Holla Forums, mind you, but something about the sheer vehemency of the hatred sort of peaked my interest, and I decided to do some further research.

I decided to watch a few episodes of the new my little pony show (I made it about three episodes), and was quite surprised by the level of writing, dialog, humor, etc (for a childrens show, it was quite competently done, I assure you), and it seemed that it was actually targeted at a more adult audience, as opposed to the writing being targeted for a more youthful audience.

But what REALLY caught my attention, was all of the subliminals buried in the animation.

Several times throughout each episode, the whole frame would focus almost entirely on a Big Pony ASS.

Just hovering on the screen for a few frames.

It was then that I realized exactly what was happening.

These bronies were being psychologically conditioned to identify as animals, by the medias subtle juxtaposition of stimuli (classical conditioning)

It occured to me then, that most of the bronies are white males, and also, most of the furries are also males.

I realized that the enemies tactic was to induce this behavior in impressionable young white males, in order to serve as a justification for society hating them.

They MADE them into furries, man…. it's a fucking warfare tactic.

So that YOU would hate, and kill them.

I don't think you guys quite understand just how sophisticated the enemies psychological attack tactics are.

After all, they HAVE been studying psychology and social engineering for centuries.

And this is what disturbed me about the original thread I talked about earlier… about how there seemed to be entirely too much hatred for them, Even for Holla Forums.

Then I realized, it was Mossad wishing death upon them, because they were white.

Or, more accurately, Mossad trying to convince others to KILL them, because they are white.

The furries are sort of mind controlled, man, they have been manipulated into this "Hobby" by some of the most powerful social engineering on the planet, in order to kill them without leaving a trace as to the true culprit.

Just to let you all know how deep the rabbit hole goes on this one…..

I had to reset my router 6 times, and disable javascript in order to even POST this.

That's because you're a schizo

Hi mossad.

Better luck censoring me next time.

You guys remember that one video of Michael Richards in the comedy club?

He was mind controlled into saying that.

He even says in an interview later on that he didn't even know why he did it.

The whole thing was set up as a form of propaganda, or divide and conquer.


He is a furry freak who has a lion doll with a rubber vagina in it that his family knows about and have seen, and he's attempting to take it out to Tropical Island with them.

Instead of taking the easy road and just letting him be a degenerate, they are trying to reach out to him and bring him back to decency and normality.

This is what we call being a good parent user.

Reminds me of todays BLM.

What's the sauce on the 2nd one?

Any slavs wanna do a rough translate on wtf is going on?

Anyone have the video from the fed protest?

Norm is my hero.

need more

give me something to search

WebM request:
Could someone dub this to say:
"Jews, why does it have to be Jews?"
"Ashkenazi, very dangerous….you go first"

Or some better jokes maybe…

Arstidir - Heyr Himna Smiður


That second one brought me joy at the end.

Everytime I watch it, I let it loop for at least a couple minutes.

i wish he didnt kill the dog. but i mean what else was he gonna do with it. niggers fault for taking in the dog in the first place


Fucking great

You replied to the wrong user, user

OMFG I hope this is real.

Are you new?






Japs hate niggers.

Sorry to disappoint you but the japs don't have much of a racial concious at all. There are Japanese and there are Gaikokujin and that's pretty much it. They are a bit xenophobic in the literal sense but they are not racist and they are oblivious to the dangers of multiculturalism as of yet. Listening to interviews with actual 3D japs I fear for them when the kikes really start to fuck with them. I feel like they might fall really quick and suddenly. They have no mental defence against the Jew as of yet.

They act like that now and say that before a camera, but were it to happen they would quickly ignore such beliefs and start doing what we don't much sooner than we would on the basis of it being common sense (which it is).

Your mental age might be lower than your actual age. You might be literally mentally retarded.

No offense.


I'm not so sure about that. Their men seem really fucking passive. Japanese women are much less of a nightmare to date than western women: All they want is a decisive, clean man with a decent and stable job. A lot of them are clean and have decent stable jobs but boy are they passive. Young Japanese really have trouble to date at all. I don't know if they are actually going to do anything if shit hits the fan or are just going to passively ride it out. A lot of young Japanese women also seem to be really interested in foreigners in general. I don't even want to think about how many of them will spread their legs willingly when the crushing fist of globalism really comes for Japan.
You also have to keep in mind that the attack from outside already happened after WW2. Germany is in such an especially pitiful state of mind when compared to other western countries mainly because of broad re-education programs after the war. They got some heavy brainwashing done in those ebil fascist countries.
I really hope you are right but I feel like they are in greater potential danger most people realize.

Well, guess you'll need to make another show with young female characters showing their butts constantly.

I acknowledge you are right. But we have bigger fish to fry, dealing with degeneracy takes time and resources [media connections/control or the funds to do so].

Jews cast many nets from many ships and wait to see what comes in. They can see what sticks, and time[up until now] was on their side. But peace has cost them their strength, victory has defeated them.

We are aware of that, that's where the hatred comes from.
Furries are the feeble minded scum not able to resist the enemy propaganda. We do not see them as animals but as failed humans. Animals wouldn't deserve the hatred furries get.

Furries are a constant warning to us. This is what we will become if we don't steel our minds and stay vigilant.

The common Holla Forumsack doesn't fear much, but succumbing to the enemy propaganda is the worst thing that can happen to us.

The Jews underestimated how much natural disgust even normal people feel towards these failed human beings, they banked on people feeling more empathy and offering more support to those poor confused furrrys, so that furryfying one person would take out two or three additional people, who would support them.
That didn't happen. Furries were turned into the most reviled group on the internet and isolated. That's why the propaganda focussing on them has abated over the years and the media is pushing other angles.

The furry fight was won. Hatred and disgust were proper shields against teh furry conditioning and the only thing you hear about furrys are echos of a bygone age.

But they still exist. Serving both as a waring and a reminder to how far we can fall and how consistent hate can win the battles of the culture war


forgot to say


PS: If you come into contact with it, it will harm you even if it is not lethal, make sure to wear gloves and use all the safety procedures you can get

Great shit.

what does this mean??

Who is this man. I want to watch all the content he has. The redpill is overwhelming.

It's like staring into the sun, it burns, yet you keep staring, and it keeps getting worse and yet you keep staying there. Truth has its own way of blinding us, it blinds us from lies and falsehood.




People often cite the fact that Cassius had about 70-80IQ in order to discredit his quotes such as that, truth of the matter is that the Black islamic separationists he hung around with helped him to form those opinions. They weren't wrong, either.



Oy vey what the fuck? I hate Trump now

((((( :^) ))))

Global reported both of you.

Moon Man discography


just fucking around,

So much has been lost. We will take it back brothers.

Posting my first webm, its your average Turk.

I don't know if that post is sarcasm.
I can't tell anymore.
transvestites deserve the bog



Vice Japan, "interview with a Japanese Neo-nazi" or something very similar. Should be easy to find.

i almost spat out my drink


I like those cripples.


thats a great melody

Those aren't really traps

Are they?


"Here's an unique onahole from Out Vision's P x P x P that its concept is a girl in the erotic hentai game comes out from the screen to give you a blow job!

Hardness of whether to emphasize the retention of the molding material is a little harder. Holes to dive immediately after the entrance without much discomfort Given the play style, you can stroke to somehow smooth.

The inner wall is a structure that is a mixture of ribs and bumps. Although sharp little throughout, high stimulation.

Back insult feeling like thrust force the penis to the throat would be unbearable sense for men of sadist. The contents of the included games with the appearance of the body is also coupled, they are also attractive devised to enhance the pleasure is planted everywhere.

It is pricey because the game comes with, but the cost performance would be good Given to fit the size and pleasure performance of the body. Since the 120ml is also with the lubricant, it is a bargain."

This reminds me of that animated video where a captain is talking to his passengers speaking Ingrish really poorly. Translators don't work too well for Japanese to English, lol.

Very nice indeed.
Finally someone with taste.

It's pretty much the most nuclear argument we have. It was spammed everywhere until everyone's sick of it.

should be*

What the fuck is going on?

Fucking kill yourself.

that furry shit should have his throat slit and get shoved into a bog


Watch till the end. wish I could configure audio better but it's not my stronk side


moar like this



This is the best POL movie. Still is, after such a long time.

It is thePOL constitution.




Fuck just post the whole video, I hate these abruptly ending webms :^(

We're hitting levels of daftness that shouldn't even be possible.

Absolutely revolting.

Sometimes I forget just how sound Trumps advice on business, work, and ethics are
I've been looking for the right words to tell a friend whose going through a rough spot, and these are the words, thanks user


This seems to be the original.

Fuck, watching this pissed me off.

That gave me a boner

Very well done user, have a direct link so I can give you a thumbs up?


Was making me want to vote for him part of your plan?

Fuck what these leftist rats have perverted the West into.

We're going to make them and their (((masters))) pay for it.

Don't worry thought goy, flooding your nations with millions of them is great for Democracy though!

What are you some kind of facist?

I love how their argument falls apart on two fronts.

1. Either they have to admit they are simply less intelligent on average and as such incompatible with Western Civilization.

2. Or they have to admit that they come from cultures that do not foster or support individual and creative thinking, which also makes them incompatible with Western Civilization.


Holy fucking shrekt.

Of course you just know the bitch didn't learn anything.

Fucking what?

fucking metal


For anybody who hasn't seen this yet, watch it. An enlightening presentation by Mr. Warner.


why should I vote for such scum? TELL ME /POL



Codemonkey just upped the filesize limit to 10mb
time to re-render all our webms!



Anyone have more like this? Nothing that serves a purpose, nothing that makes one laugh or provoke any emotion, just pure footage, things that just happen? An empty sort of image, one that might be used to artificially lengthen things.

this is, huh, wow.


Holy shit

The soullessness of the Chinese never fails to make me shake my head in disgust

Great webm, but this one cuts out half way

I didn't mean footage of chinese children being hurt, I meant footage of things happening, violent or non-violent.

what the fuck user

Furries: they're normal people, goy. We swear!

This motivates me everyday

Mac Miller BTFO

Not leaving those cripple triples unchecked


Source please. This is fantastic.

that fucking nose though


Anyone have the newest Taiwanese animation on US politics?








Take that shotgun barrel, stick it in your mouth and fellate it, you useless cunt

White guy alone in the woods advances from stone age to iron age by himself.

Entire continent of Africa cannot do this

No he doesn't. He forges two iron beads. You need to take a bunch of steps between forging slightly more dense metals to properly hammer out and shape your tools until eventually you get to iron. You can't jump straight to it from stone because stone will just shatter on the iron lumps.
Generally it goes stone->copper->bronze->iron->steel. Beyond that he has a pile of knowledge from post-iron age research so he wasn't making these discoveries by himself without any outside help. The mental power needed to create a new idea is magnitudes higher than the power needed to repeat (and alter/improve on) them. You only need one really intelligent person to invent something and for everyone else to be somewhat competent to keep the flame of knowledge alive. Zimbabwe showed pretty clearly that niggers not only can't invent new technology but also can't maintain technology given to them

This post is fucking hilarious. The reddit spacing it has is just the cherry on top. You are going by the assumption that every degenerate out there that has tugged his cock at some furry pic is a 100% delusional fuckwit that thinks he's some sort of dogman. The fact you bring Mossad into this shit is why I think this is a shill post, you are once again using terms out of context which only lessens them when a situation with an actual Mossad conspiracy comes into effect. People will just say "he's just a crazy who thinks Mossad is behind furfags". Go back to Reddit or kill yourself.

Wanted to post it on my kikebook, but it won't let me due to "copyrights"

Question. Does anybody here have a link to a webm called boonwake? It had a redpilled Black man take on Dindu Lives Matter. I remember it being posted in a thread for the Milwaukee Chimpout last Summer.

You can skip copper. Copper and bronze are both cast, not forged.

Fucking furfags, man.

I really feel bad for the mother.

This guy is a degenerate to furries as furries are to normal people, don't worry.

source: am furry. you should just gas the lot of us tbh

Also requesting some background on this guy

Are you the DODGE-CHARGER guy from /monster/?


brave man

Truly the person I strive to be.

Also note the jew voice of the interviewer.

the jews must never be forgiven.

They have to pay. They just have to.

That second webm: highly underrated


This is EXACTLY what I thought about when I listened to this song! Are you me?

holy shit this jew fucking rekt them

I know that voice! Cody's Lab is an actually good YouTube channel.


'Tropical Island' sounds like a grand time albeit unimaginatively named.

This makes me sad about Acer products.

whats the music and source on this one lad

Imagine the look on his face if you showed him Germany today.

Birds are more capable than niggers.

She's a feisty little beaner, surely she can stay?

Their goat bleating noises are awful. That fucking old cunt at the end shouting 'JEWISH' like it's his legal shield, fuck me.

I love how timorous her bullshit voice is before she even gets started. she can't even say 'extremely offensive' clearly for fear of the beatdown that's coming, she's like a dog that's shitting on the carpet right in front of you

Repulsive, so few care but the fire is white hot.

Sweden… oh dear.

It just keeps going… Literal parrots of their godawful feral parents, goaded on and encouraged to talk shit and escalate conflict as a matter of course in daily life. at least they didn't get into a knife fight.

What a nightmare of an existence, they have to be so fucking awful, so cunty so early, I know kids are little bastards but oh that's no way for them to be.

Cops need area of effect suppression weapons to keep retards at bay.

Pleasing. It's a bit like the fainting goats meets the screaming ones.


its creepy that she still didnt look human


Though niggers can't make tiled roofs and floor heating systems or a forge.

It never fails, this comment throws me into orbit every time

JCVD dropping some redpills

sauce cmon with it

Source on music please?

The first and the third one are too damn fat. The girl in the green shirt is ok.

source on webm?

Those three webms are of the same girl, idiot.
And to add, I find she has around the perfect amount of fat percentage for the procreation of high IQ babies.

That was PrideFC, everyone was roided to the gills and you were allowed to stomp and soccer kick you're opponent. Way more entertaining then the UFC.

That first one is just a joke and the last one is straight niggest africa what are they even doing?

The definition of Astroturfing, you are sheep.

You know there are many unique individuals here not all of them share identical views. Especially with the 'popularity' we are getting there is always going to be new people to get RP'ed memes and anime all the cancer actually does introduce new people to getting pilled so it isn't so bad.

To say one meme itself is Holla Forums is very disingenuous and I don't think anyone here is unintelligent to believe that.



Explanation: New encode, full length, vp9, mono sound, with the new 10mb limit


What a profound question. I often wonder how much of Holla Forums has actually seen this anime.

I've been wanting to get this clip to you guys for ages now. Finally pirated Adobe Premiere. Consider this my first foray into video-enabled shitposting. More to come.


Moonman was around way before anyone knew who that coal burner was

Sad tbh


i thought threads autosage after a few hundred posts



lky vs media



He sounds like Crowder.
1. Niggers
2. who cares if the public is in favor of an issue. all that matters is if it's good for the nation. i don't care if we have a dictator as long as he fixes shit.

OC Propaganda


That hit me right in the feels man. Thanks.

Great job. I think you really know your stuff when it comes to making these kinds of things. is the scene with the Romans from that HBO show?

This is the first ISIS video that is noticeably fake. Notice how it goes from intact to red mist in one frame.

Thanks! It was really fun to make. I'm actually not sure of the source of the Romans part.

except she isn't desirable.

Pirate vegas its more versitile

vegas is better than premiere?


Here's with sound because I fucked up


That's what the spammers said on 4chan just after gamergate.

Holy shit it's happening again.

No the anime shill posts have started again. It's clearly being used more commonly now, like after gamergate.

I had no problem with it when it was done in small doses.

Now it's just distracting and annoying.

The thing that really pushed me to become honestly racist was Holla Forums. The proof that only western people can create western societies transformed me from a civic, middle of the road,idiot to someone with an actual ability to argue my points due to a real intellectual foundation being present.

Thanks Holla Forums



The subtitles are wrong from 0:22-0:26. It should be "The Jew will not know/show any warmth or mercy".
Part 2 to

Part 3/3





What did you do to me???
I want to fuck those feet now

damn that's powerful

Can someone make these happy slavs into a webm? I don't know how :'(


I did and I found that particular exchange funny, considering that at the end Yang chose democracy in principle, even tho it failed in practice. The later battles in the series are almost comical as what left of the rebel armies that united under Yang keep telling themselves they fight for "the people" and the empire have literally a once every 500 year ruler and the ideal of a unified galaxy on their side

Not to say I am against democracy but Yang`s ideals clearly failed him, he died trying to make truce with the very system that his beliefs told was wrong.

Also Reinhard is the better character


In your response to

Why should she go? The problem isn't legal immigration. It's illegal immigration, polcorrect agendas that let thousands/hundreds of thousands/and now millions in Europe that invite degenerates of 3rd world areas into the country to bring it down to the level that they found previously acceptable or comfortable.

There shouldn't be a problem with legal conventional immigration. Especially those with conservation or healthy ideals in mind for the society they are moving towards.

God damnit, this is too depressing


Due to the new 10mb limit I upped the video bitrate around 35% and left the sound as it was for this webm.

The US-immigration system is completely fucked. It's almost impossible to become a legal permanent resident if you don't have the education for a high class job, and I mean high class. You need to be something really sought after so you can even apply for a green card which are also strongly limited in quantity per year and it needs to be something your potential employers have real trouble finding on the local job market so they consider going through the whole green card bullshit for you. That of course protects the US from additional niggers and other undesirables getting in but it also keeps perfectly capable and educated people out.
That essentially means that almost no white people can even immigrate into the US legally while millions of beaners just waltz in not giving a shit.

Forgot to cut out the creator message with wrong song source.


would someone extract and webm the greatness around 4:49? The world thanks you.

I was going to tell you to go fuck yourself and make one yourself but after seeing it I wanted to do it.

Here, have a cropped version too.

I would have done it my self, but this IQ of 70 is really holding me back. Thanks again.


Fresh content

I understand people's hate for Joe, but goddamn I love hearing him rip into SJWs

anybody got that webm from the princess highground comic where trolly the troll yells 'NIGGER!' and then struts off into the foreground while the ghostbusters theme plays?

Nice. I'll post the two I made.

and the other. I did both of these about a month or two ago.

Better late than never

Goddamn son, you're good at this.


OH FUCK now I gotta see this. Is it all red pills?

"America First will be our credo.

"We will no longer surrender our country or it's people to the false song of globalism. We will never put foreign interests ahead of our own people"

idk mate, seems he's sending some mixed messages.


fuck my life

Fresh Norm shitlording it up

Norm proves AIDS cured

She let her dog fuck her and I think she's a tranny, so no.

You need to have a file in your post to get dubs

God bless Norm

you're right, thanks


this is what you get combining sleep deprivation with sony vegas, i fucked up the audio in this one boy, used "fear not" twice and probably other shit i'm too tired of notice, goodnight Holla Forums



I can feel his boner from here.


I love Samno homo


hahaha nice catch


Fuckin awesome


Dude, who names their daughter ' Orange'?

she's total more of a September






That is shit and not Holla Forums


this stuff is dumb and annoying and doesnt belong here

Recently made some OC, no webm of it yet.

pls no bully

the smile on his face

"haha okay!"

Kill that autist, then kill yourself for having it, then kill yourself again for posting it.

This is more disturbing than any gore or cp or cp gore I have ever seen.

you could say the same about most of this board






Why are you shitting up this thread with your cancerous videos?


Seconding this request.


Probably just hopped off of the Reddit boat


Just when you thought you had seen everything after the commonfilth videos.


Get your head examined

More Cantwell shennanigans in this thread

underrated post

did she died?

Is this version with the youtube comments on youtube? All I can find is the original



The Temple of the Vampire is an occult group, he's probably one of the members.

It literally says at the end you autist.











The problem with these WEBM threads is that you can't post the videos in relevant threads because all the good webms are already here and duplicates aren't allowed.

Is that some kind of free buffet or is that just standard?

Green is said to make you look thinner in electronic media, I wonder if the effect took place now.

Chinks do that everywhere. They also piss and shit in the streets of their home country and the countries they travel to. When I say Chink I'm not being edgy and referring to all Asians, I'm talking about mainland Chinese specifically.

Use the pixel trick

lol I knew about the mirror test but I never knew that niggers failed so miserably at it

Does he mean all non-westerns or is he just saying non-western as a politically correct way to say "black" or "african".


That webm.
Some music is of spirit, some is of the flesh, and that webm is spiritual.

It should feature the mud ghettoes in the start, and more proofs of white majority in the last part.




Hippy faggot was probably so high that he didn't even felt anything.

I don't think that's the organization name, I think that's just the video name.

Hot off the meme press.

Fuck off.

He sounds vaguely familiar to the EPIC Penguin TROLL youtube.com/watch?v=85fSBUbjE20

Moonman is the King of Pop

Liberals always act like that when they can't argue or have a sensible discussion. Kudos to the guy for staying calm

nothing like subliminal political messages by employees of an institution of education

what was the class about?


make this go viral lads

Someday he'll realize he only got there because of quotas

negros de mierda

Got a bit of OC for you.

link to .fbx?

He meant blacks, they develop at a different pace than other races.

Kinda backwards to see a Trump supporter try to police speech.

How about you both get the fuck out.

Does anyone know who is making these videos?

This is the second one I've seen with this animated Pepe and high quality editing.

Nevermind I found the source.

Here's the previous video: youtube.com/watch?v=A1EqkwHd1zI

Any ancient Holla Forums lurkers here?

If I remember correctly, this guy dropped a shit ton of red pills (on youtube?) and he posted his videos on Holla Forums back in the day as well.


saved and checked



The negro in that video passed away today, leaving behind 11 children and 9 baby mamas.

It's retarded japanese porn, she's not dead.

Second webm might be closer than we think


TL;DR: my life experience has shown this to be true

This explains a lot to me. Between 1st and 3rd grade, I rode on a bus that cut through the corner of our mostly white neighborhood. It then went on a dirt road and picked up some spics and then stopped by an apartment complex filled with nigglets (which were most likely in government housing and living with their single mothers on welfare). The beaners could be annoying sometimes and I go into a couple fights with one. But holy shit these fucking nigglets acted like monkeys on the bus (because they were), and some of thier actions make more sense knowing that they were just starting to pass the mirror test.

Any ways, they actions were wild and I usually tried to sit with my white friends. We would often make side comments about their behavior and just watch them chimp out. Probably why I have been red pilled most of my life.

We 12 Mb max now?



