Sup Holla Forums. Let's go /k/ for a bit and talk guns, tactics, shop, etc. We haven't had a good gun thread in a while, and I think it's time to change that.

To start, I give a pic of my current favorite - Mossberg 590 Special Purpose, and some simple stuff you can do to /k/ up and get ready for whatever.

First and foremost - GET IN SHAPE. You don't have to be some operator tier dude to be able to take care of yourself. For all you faggots thinking it's hopeless - something is better than nothing. Eat well, do some pushups, run a couple times a week or even just bike to work if you can. Lift, jog, do SOMETHING.

Second - learn how to use a gun if you haven't already. Get a gun if at all possible. Better to try a few first and get one you like. AR, AK, FAMAS, it doesn't matter as long as the gun fits YOU.

Third - Supplies. Get some food and water and survival stuff. Backpacking gear is generally of a higher quality and tested to higher stresses than camping gear as it has to be dragged over rocks and god knows what. Get a rig and keep a bag that can be packed ready to go. I'd recommend a weeks worth of non perishables and water at least. Rotate out your stocks, and camp semi-regularly. You will not regret it.

Fourth - Training. This ties everything in the first three points together. You get in shape, you get your weapon, you get your gear/supplies, and you learn to use them properly in context. Combat, get out of town a few days from feds, even just hiding from your crazy ex. It pays to be prepared. Anons who live in areas where natural disasters are a thing know this. A blizzard can shut down large cities, as can a hurricane or earthquake. Tornadoes present a similar threat to smaller towns as there is not sufficient rising heat to push them away. Some areas help can be counted on, but you shouldn't in any case. Be prepared

Post info relating to firearms, militaria, survival, and general preparedness and let's have a good thread.

Also, post 'em if you want. I fucking love my mossy.

Other urls found in this thread: Handbook.pdf M&P 15 SPORT II .2235.56 16" AS BLK 30

Expanding on training a bit - a good way to train is to take the US Army Ranger manual and use that as a guide to play paintball once a week. If you do that you have more tactical training than the average US infantry unit. This is due to the insane amount of BS they have piled on them at any time.

Although I have standard calibers mr dataminer, i find a special mention must go to the .270 win.

Its a amazing sniping cartridge with a whisper of recoil.

Adding in a flash sup and a night scope and you have a weapon that makes nearly invisible entry wounds and huge cavitation wounds on exit.

Also: tannerite is a legal binary explosive compound that can be purchased online.

A great place to research what strategies work during civil unrest would be the ukrainian civil war that is still ongoing.

Remember: that fact that you get to bring your own gear gives you access to shit police and military only rarly have, mucch less will be able to be used on civilians during civil unrest.

Flamethrowers and molotovs despite the tradition, are very deadly and bypass body armor.

I have some PDF's I'd like to dump here (it's old but better than nothing) but they don't seem to want to upload. Does Holla Forums allow PDF file uploads?

Name, address, serial number of every gun you own and a picture of your dog for recreational target practice please.

Also, molotovs are your best friend for causing chaos.

Army Ranger Handbook online if anyone dares to click the link. Handbook.pdf

Or archive if you're a pussy.


Molotovs can destroy apcs and even blind tanks.

Just takes alot of them, like 7-10 for an apc, and 15-20 for a tank


My family had a rifle my grandad got off a dead nazi, but we sold it to the government during a gun amnesty.


But what do when guns and knives are illegal?

Get another gun.

Kill yourself.

That pic is from bongistan, which I assume you are in? Being from burgerland IDK exactly what the laws are there but you can get a shotgun right?

Single-barrelled, double-barrelled shotguns, or those with a lever-action or, pump-action, or semi-automatic and fixed magazine capacity of no more than three (2 in the magazine and one in the chamber) cartridges are permitted on a Shotgun Certificate. Shotguns with a detachable magazine or larger fixed magazine are permitted on a Section 1 Firearm Certificate. Types of shotgun ammunition, such as rifled slugs and larger shot sizes can only be bought following the grant of an FAC (Firearm Certificate). There is no limit on the amount of guns or ammunition that a SGC (shotgun certificate) holder can acquire or possess at one time, although each shotgun is recorded on the certificate.


You need a firearms certificate issued by the police to possess, buy or acquire a firearm or shotgun. You must also have a certificate to buy ammunition.
How to apply

You can get a firearm or shotgun certificate application form from the firearms licensing unit of your local police force.

You must:
complete an application form
provide 4 passport photographs
have 2 referees for a firearm certificate and 1 referee for shotgun certificate
pay the fee for the certificate you are applying for

You can get the fees from your local police force. The fee amounts can be found from the firearms licensing unit of the police force where you live.

You must also prove to the chief officer of police that you’re allowed to have a firearms certificate and pose no danger to public safety or to the peace.

A shotgun certificate won’t be given or renewed if the chief officer of police has a reason that you shouldn’t be allowed to have a shotgun under the Firearms Act. Or if they don’t think you have a good reason to have, buy or acquire a shotgun.

A certificate usually lasts 5 years from the date it was issued or renewed.

Your certificate will include a photograph of you and information about the firearm(s) or shotgun(s) you have in your possession.

You must:

follow any condition attached to the certificate (the chief officer of police can vary these conditions at any time by giving notice in writing)
be able to show your firearm or shotgun certificate if asked by the police

You must have a European Firearms Pass if you want to travel within Europe with your guns. You can apply for this at the same time as your firearms certificate.

European firearms passes are normally valid for 5 years or the length of your firearm certificate - whichever is shorter.

You can renew a European firearms pass by applying to the chief officer of police in your local police force.

I still like the idea of euro/brits running around with steel pipes,hammers,2x4s,broken bottles and broom handles with butterknifes(if you can have them) duct taped to them.

There's really no excuse for being an unarmed burger in this day and age.
I get that there's a number of newfags swarming in, and that's fine, but get to it already.
A maverick 88 (check it) will do fine, and is cheap as heck.

t. armed to the teeth yurofag

You can find shotguns for $180 dollars or 9mm/45acp hi-point pistols for $150 better than not being armed at all

also don't let anyone try to shame a brand all that matters is it goes bang when you pull the trigger.

Best happening platform in yurup?
Which calibers?
I believe in 5.56 or 5.45 or 7.62x39. But I'll stay on something that is lightweight

If unarmored targets .22lr will kill 100% of whatever you are shooting at even deers, not a lot of mass but the thing is cruising through the air just like .223, small but it has massive speed. Why do you think the Ruger 10/22 is so popular right after the AR-15. Cheap,fast,effective,ammo is light ect.

They see a little .22 hole in their skin and they say "that ain't shit" as they slowly bleed to death internally. Just during the 1980-2000 in the US almost 25% of homicides were .22lr


You made a point, but it drops too fast past 75m

.22 rifles were often used by urban snipers during the first Chechen war.


hmm now that I think about it remember reading somewhere about being able to get shotguns easier than small caliber rounds in Britain or some European country wonder why.

.22LR and .223 Rem/5.56x45mm have the same diameter round, but 22LR is a shorter round, is less dense, and has a much lower velocity. The primary benefit to .22LR is that it is inexpensive but the drawback is that there's a ton of cheap shit out there.

That said, 10/22s are fun plinkers, but I wouldn't try to fight a war with one.

because of shit legislation; here in france legislation and quotas are based on use by the military.
What suits the military is not meant to be in the civilians hands.

Lowest weight I could find for 223 was some hornady bullet at 40grains. I believe that 22lr ranges between 28 and 36 grains, if I remember well.

I mean based on if that is all you can get I would rather be barely armed than unarmed as hickok45 would say think of the liberator pistol

What part of yurup?

If you were a burger I'd recommend an AR-15 platform in a heartbeat, but I don't know what the overall part availability or ammo availability is like over there. Maybe some slavshit like a SKS or other Kalash/variant. One thing I'll say is that you don't want/need a full battlerifle cartridge (7.62x54mm, .30-06, .308, etc), they're heavy when packing it around and have a ton of recoil. Ounces = Pounds and Pounds = Pain. Also, slow is smooth and smooth is fast.

Britbongs are shit out of luck though, nanny state wont let you have a lot of firearms, so your selection is limited (just like it is here on the worst coast of burgerland).

Average .223/5.56 round is 55gr, which works best in a 1:9 rifling twist rate, US Armed Forces uses 62gr, which works best in their 1:7 twist barrels.

True. I'm not saying don't use what you have if that's all you got, but typically you'd want to upgrade to a better weapon sometime soon after SHTF.

being able to pick up a S&W m&p AR-15/AK is nice too for like $500-600 then just slowly upgrade with aftermarket parts once you have a platform.

A cheap used Chinese Mosin is $190+. Ammo for that would probably be harder to obtain tho. My uncle mentioned he has a 91/30 from some armory stock pile I'm hoping it is the marine carbine version that they bought from the Russians

I'm in france
I only shoot 62gr in my sig which has a 1:7 twist
Also I own all of the calibers I mentionned and the guns that shoot them.

Oooo. Now this is something I can help with.

Former USMC grunt and Private Security contractor who has worked in South Africa and the Congo here. Ask me anything you want to know about urban and open area combat, gear and equipment, weapons systems, and combat wound treatment.

I'll be busy today so answers will be sporadic but I will get to them.

Why do they shake their AKs back and forth as they fire?

What are the most defensible areas in a standard city? (if such a thing even exists).

What are the areas to abandon in a city?

Are there everyday materials inside of a city that can be used to block bullets and shield people? (cars?, brick?)

Remember: CCW is for pussies

.454 I suppose?

nvm it's written on the holster.

Should have clarified, 55gr is the most common in burgerland. 62gr is the next most common, and I've heard of upwards of 90gr for competitions but don't know what rifling they'd like (probably 1:7).

Recently the ATF lifted the ban on 5.45 ammo, so now we can use AK-74s again here in burgerland, but it only affects people that own AKs really.

Whatever the local law enforcement is using. When shit decides to plaster the fan they're going to be your resupply.

First- I don't run enough. I do lift for at least an hour five times a week, and have a martial arts class once a week.
Second- range time is fun, but I've been neglecting it recently due to the disgusting heat and not wanting to burn through my ammo supply. I'm a stay at home dad so this fall and winter I'll be going almost daily. As to what guns to buy, I'd say you should at minimum try to have at least one long gun and one handgun per member of your family/group. 500 rds per handgun, 1000 rounds per rifle or shotgun
Third- a week? You can stock up on food for cheap over time. Having only a week on hand is irresponsible. At Giant you can usually get 10 cans of chef boy r d for 10 bucks. Do that every time you go grocery shopping. Grab whatever deals are there. Soon you'll have the beginnings of stockpile. Water is more expensive, but if you go to Sam's or BJ's they usually have six packs of gallons. I have a filter to set up buckets to filter rain water, but am waiting till it's necessary to set up so as not to advertise to neighbors/make my family look like we're lunatics.
Fourth- also try to pick up skills for your group where you can. Wife is a medical professional and I have her working out. She's a decent shot, once I got her to shoot semi regularly. Have her carrying a revolver in her purse. She can handle medical shit, I train her in MA and taught her to shoot. My brother and his live in gf would round out our group, he's kind of a pussy, but I'm pushing him to get in shape. Also all of his guns are redundant with some of mine ammo wise, so that helps pool resources.

Oh, also I'm very surprised that gun threads on Holla Forums are so rare. The race war will require weapons.

Caliber/Brand/Country shills are probably asleep so it hasn't turned to shit yet.

I also tell my family to stock up on beans/rice at the very least. They just ask why and call me crazy. My dad is about 75% aware of how far up shit creek we are. Luckily I live in deer central, hell this morning 2-3 deer walked down my driveway. Got my sister to at least buy a shotgun tho.


Gotcha. Yeah that debate turns pointless real fast.

You're better off than some. Get in range time when you can, and practice drawing from concealment at home. Obviously check and double check first to make sure the cylinder is empty. And don't forget to keep buying ammo! Try to at least get a used 12 gauge pump if you can. There's nothing wrong with a revolver. One of my ccws is a revolver, as is my wife's. I bought her an SR9C, but she actually prefers her snubbie.

Are you limited on your choice of knives for some reason? I don't know your situation, but I do recommend to everybody who carries a knife (which should be everybody) to check and see if there are kali classes in their area.


I was thinking about posting this on /k/ but since we got a thread going here…

I want to get my gf a gun. We're both yuropoors so we know fuck all about guns, never held one, never seen one outside of movies.

But they are building a "refugee" camp not 10km from where we live, and so for me, it's either she carries a gun for defense or I'm not letting her out of the house. I already started the process for getting a license for self defense.

I'm looking for something small, not too heavy, for an absolute beginner. I don't want to spend more than 500€ on it either. Any amerifags care to help me out?

where do you live in yurup? Germany?

Sure, a couple of questions first- what does that equal in dollars?
Are you going to spend the time to get decent with it, or is this pretty much just for use as a "belly gun"?
Not being a smart ass but your answers will affect my recommendation.


It's about 550USD.

She will have to take lessons at some police thing to be able to finalize the license process, I can't really tell you what that entails.

I'll probably go through the same process early next year for mine…

Also is she like 100lb and weak where you think she might need something smaller so she doesn't hurt herself? the 9mm might be fine for you if ammo is available. They have some smaller calibers than 9mm but ammo for them might be even harder to find that 9mm

They have some nice 9mm Smith&Wesson or Rugers for $250-350 if you plan on trying to get 2 for under $600 at the same time in case something happens stopping you from getting another later. I know in all those countries they end up being at least $100-200 more than in the US. There are some 9mm made by those same makers and are closer to that $550-600 number if you want a higher end one and will have enough money next year for another.

Just get her a ruger sr9 or a revolver in 357. Have her train with and carry .38s, but over time get her used to shooting 357 mag.

I've never fired a gun so I have no real idea what the recoil is like on any caliber really, which is why I want to play it safe and just go with something quite small for her.

She's about 1,70.. 55kg, and about as weak as you'd expect. That's… around 5'7 and 120lbs in your monopoly money.

Think this would be a good option?

Site doesn't have english, sorry.

Find something in 9mm or 22lr . 38sp is no pistol caliter.
Usualy you can find .22s with threaded barrel and for .22 silencers are cheap.

That Ruger sr9 looks nice thing hold 17+1 and is like $400-500 not sure if the 26oz they show is loaded or not.

Ye the 380acp is only slightly weaker than 9mm so you might as well get a 9mm. You can always get more or less powerful loads

do you have any other sites you can order from maybe with more variety?

38 special is fine, faggot. You seriously suggesting she carry a 22lr?

It's better than nothing, but you'd be better off with a 9. They do make decent .380 defensive rounds though.

Lots of them don't understand how sights work, and many of them literally spray and pray. Thy trust Allah to guide their shots more than they trust their own ability to shoot straight.

Defensible areas would be the routes into that city and the outermost buildings. After that it's completely based on the city. Ideally you want a building with few ground level windows, an open lobby with few points of entry and viewable from a second story catwalk type deal, and lots of rooms across from each other. (For example a courthouse)

MOUT is fucked for all parties involved. It's not a good time. You can learn some basic shit, but almost everything is a solution you think up on the spot based on those foundation skills. SEALs and shit are only good at it because they have Intel on that specific building and literally rehearse it for up to a year.

As for cars and bricks, just learn the difference between cover and concealment. Engine blocks are cover, the rest of the car is concealment. Brick walls aren't the best either, unless they're thick or reenforce somehow. You actually want to stay an arms distance away from walls, too. When a bullet ricochets they like to travel down them.

I'm in a similar boat as . I know fuck all about guns, but I live in Burgerland, Indiana to be specific. My dad was in the military, but died when I was really young, and my mom never re-married so I don't really have anyone on hand who can educate me. I just don't know what to look for.. you know, what's good / bad and why it's good / bad. Is there a guide or something that I can go over when I have time? I don't exactly have tons of spare dosh lying around, so I'd probably start with a pistol, then get a rifle and shotgun down the line.

Deagle for CS:GO memes?

look, I'm thinking functionnal, when it comes to costs in yurup you better not take something less usual.
38sp is fine in revolvers, never seen in pistols.
My bad, I read 38sp when it was .380.

nice little .380 acp for about $300-400 Also comes in multiple always funny to buy them a pink gun especially if they are wary of guns in the first place

saved this just for names/kinds take anything that is commentary on the sides with a grain of salt. Has lots of useful information at the least not sure how reliable it is tho.

half chan /k/ breh. they have guide on what guns to buy first. .22lr i think is your best choice so you can take it to the range and get comfy with it.

find your local range and then search for a gun safety class. it should get you comfortable with your gun and make you and everyone around you safe while you are handling your weapon.

This. Cuckchan /k/ is much better than ours. They still produce contents over there.
Over here it is literally just a lolberg hugbox disguised as /k/ to shut out dissents.

That is actually where i got those pages not half /k/ they got posted on half Holla Forums

I've dunno if you would have this available where you live but I've been looking into beginner guns myself and one that's gotten a lot of praise is the CZ-83. It's a Czech military sidearm which is going out of service and being sold as surplus cheap. 300-400 US dollars. Holds 12 rounds 9mm makarov. It's cheap, incredibly reliable, and apparently great to shoot as a beginner. It's a butt-ugly slav pistol but it's function over form all the way.

Depending on your environment, you might need a 7.62 NATO rifle. I'm not caliberfagging, and any gun is better than none, but being that you're not part of a squad, and especially if you live somewhere with wide open spaces, consider a 7.62.

Also, the biggest thing is PRACTICE! I'd rather have someone with a less-than-ideal gun and 5-10k rounds of trigger time, than someone with some gee-whiz gun with all the widgets, but only 500-1000 rounds through it.

"Owning a rifle no more makes you a rifleman than owning a piano makes you a musician"
t. Jeff Cooper

The gun is actually the minor element of the purchase. You should own the dollar amount of the gun multiple times over in ammunition. For 5.56, this is not too hard. But for 7.62, this gets annoying.

Remember, "firepower" is not "rounds per minute", it's "HITS per minute". Practice until that gun is an extension of you.

Pic related has an excellent breakdown of SHTF rifle criteria and I recommend it for all anons. Written a while ago, some of the info regarding gunshows is off, and his ammo price guides are painfully out-of-date, while his rifle prices are surprisingly not far off current rates. He also gives advice on prepping, bugging out, bugging in, vehicle stuff, and other things. Get the 3rd edition, (2009), as it has the most info, but is a hard advocate for 7.62 NATO, (after testing and experience with 5.56 carbines in the field). He extensively tests the main battle rifles, and even battle carbines for accuracy and reliability under field conditions and published the results.

Also, never forget logistics. Ammo and rifle should be a common caliber and platform so you can scrounge ammo and parts. If not, stack it high and stack it deep with ammo, and have enough spare parts to last decades when not if shit breaks, (and the skill to do your own gunsmithing, should the need arise.)

t. vet with combat experience and prepping/field experience.

I've been meaning to make a thread on this for a few days. I'm a former Marine and I have some knowledge on the Phoenix Program from Vietnam which is the most extensive, brutal anti-communist strategy in the war. This program was updated for the GWOT in the 2000s.

I can answer questions if you'd like but I'm working and it will be sporadic

I used to work at Sturm Ruger in Prescott on the 1911 line. I put one of these grips on the desk of a guy that wouldn't do his job and left a note, signifying his cuckoldry. fun times.

Actually, the Ruger LCP and LCP custom dropped by about $100 recently and I just picked mine up for $240. The LCPs are selling so well that I had to wait two months between ordering it and my LGS getting it

BZO at 150 and it only climbs a foot at 80, but will quickly drop off after 175. or you can go full Sniper and zero at 300 but it will basically be useless at other ranges.

Not super scientific but its there.

while we're on the topic of race war, what does everybody's RWDS soundtrack look like?

50 yard zero master race reporting in

Since we weren't being radical enough shills might as well start spamming RWDS and RACE WAR NOW to kill the thread

Red Willie Dance Squad


This is the best test of .22lr at distance I've seen.

I'm ready.

I have two full cans of M855 and about a thousand steel cased rounds for practice. 12 30rd magazines. Sidearm. Half a dozen other guns with varying amounts of ammo for them.

Chest rig and pouches. Food for about a month and water for 1-2 weeks with the means to get more easily. Tons of camping/backpacking supplies from a lifetime of outdoor recreation.

The only thing I'm really lacking is armor but I'm saving up for it.

With a 10/22? You're out of your mind, 50 is still handgun territory. If you don't want to follow my advice at least do it for 100, would only rise about .5 but drops off after 125.

Nah, sorry I meant .223/5.56 mm

That sounds nice in theory, but IRL you are probably shooting people who can shoot back. In which case, knowing they might die from complications in 48 hours is not the same as wanting them unable to respond in kind immediately.

Yeah but even with .223 a 50m zero means that you're probably BZO at like 450/500m, meaning that you're packing magnification to engage further targets, with the trade off of being useless at closer ranges due to climb. Good luck with that.

Lower recoil from .22lr means that double taps at center mass are easier at range and automatic within 100. Mozambique Box Drills are a .22lr's friend

I have sliced my forearm by accident with a broken window lost maybe a palm full of blood in 1-2 minutes before I started getting mildy light headed and I have normal blood pressure ect, I might just not be meant for a hole I wasn't born with.

Nope, your perfect out to about 300

Variable power optics with holdovers and stadia marks handle drop and ranging pretty well without giving up close range effectiveness.

le .22lr warfighter meme

le wow thanks for the wonderful insight


Who needs fucking guns? Look at all the fucking deaths caused by firearms. You're not really helping by allowing everyone to buy shit like that. Guns are for people in order to ease their own insecurities and small dick.

ignore me, just a jelly yrofag :3


Oh, looks like I had it backwards my bad.

That's also an option.

As strict as the EU is, I know some member nations allow long gun ownership. Ironically, communists are so worried about handgun crime when long guns are what wins wars. You can always do the illegal thing: Take a "vacation" to the east and get some hush hush slavshit

It's not perfect, but you could get setup for under $400

$200-250= 10/22 rifle
$100= BX-25 magazines (x5)
$80= 1000 rounds of .22lr

So you get a mag-fed semi auto with 125rds ready to go in magazines and 875rds to stash for $380.

The take-down version just barely fits in a jansport backpack.

Was implying how a little hole can really inhibit your effectiveness quick

the illegal option is bad, since using such a firearm in a legitimate self-defense situation will get your ass jailed. Buying guns illegally in Europe would only make sense for civil war preparations where no one would be left to prosecute your ass afterwards

The father of a friend owns several firewarms (rifles, guns). I could potentially go over and ask nicely when shitskins start rampaging

Enjoy getting beat to death by the 11th nigger.

This guy has a good series of how to get into long range shooting.

You do really want to be legal for all the sub-SHTF situations like riots and diversity-enhanced natural disasters

Imagine some mechanic or farmer pulling a concealed handgun right before their scheduled trip to the gulag! That's unacceptable, Comrade.

It's hard to wrench on a car with a rifle slung, and even more impractical when all firearms are "illegal"

telling me not to get a 110 round 10/22 drum magazine so it doesn't jam on the 25th round?

These are the only guns I can offer, I'm sorry Holla Forums.

Getting my CC license next week. So fucking ready.

sry FBI but I'm behind 7 boxxies

* havn't

Yes, because being caught in these sub-happenings equals life in jail, even if you defended yourself righteously.

What is it and why are you going to shoot ghosts?

It's just the upper receiver replaced by a serial number free version out of aluminum.

You're late chaim.

It's a thing in the US where you get all the parts for an AR that don't require a background check, then you get what is called an 80% lower, which legally isn't a firearm but it easy for anyone with a drill to complete. You finish it and you have a gun that the gov't doesn't know exists. Build 100 and watch the feds shit themselves and not be able to do a thing about it.

lower receiver actually

No ghost gun is obviously a racist code word for a gun used to kill spooks, bunch of nazi racists around here

Last pic is great, which book is it from?

Shut up, goy.

Yeah, the ability to be able to go full oathkeeper on a fraction of an AR build is really the 10/22's strength. There's so much aftermarket for them, not to mention ammo choices with flatter trajectories too.

Apologies, It was a little abstract but its a real good point. I'm a fairly stocky dude but just giving a pint of blood for donation makes me unable to even workout for almost 3 days so I can't imagine continual, adrenaline fueled blood loss would effect me.

Dude your prepping for a racewar, not common thieves. I would pay that friend a visit before the happening, but if you're too puss to stock slavshit now, stock up on unperishables, first aid and precious metals that can be traded for it when it finally goes down.

Yeah yeah, but if you knew that have attracted attention for being a bad goy, you can at least go out attempting an ambush on the commisar's cronies. Success would increase your arsenal, failure would secure your glory in valhalla.

Or, Polymer, which can be milled out with a Dremel.


Dropped $2000 on a zigzag recently because they are sexy as fuck and built like tanks. Other than that just your typical mosberg, m1, ar, 1911 and a ruger bolt .308 setup. I also have a punt gun but that stays on the wall

They scurry from cars backfiring and firework so it sounds about right after the first shot.

With guns like that finding a real gun shouldn't be too big an issue. Even a hi-point helps (the carbines are quite nice I'm told)

Oh hell, forgot the .22.

I actually had a problem with the hipoint 9mm carbines cost seeming kinda silly for what it was and what you could buy instead but the price has actually dropped to down $250 now that I looked it up again making it a decent buy now.

Just imagine everyone running around with .22lr sounding like Chinese new year when SHTF.

I'm thinking about getting a .40 since a 9mm has a chance to not kill on impact.

The reliability is very poor but the warranty is second to none. Just send it in and they will fix it no matter what. Great for practice but I wouldn't put my life on it.

.22lr is good and all but there are better rounds that will actually stop a man. If you poke a hole in someone they will very likely keep going for a bit.

.40 takes a bit more practice to get the hang of but does have more energy than 9mm. I use a .357SIG myself that I kind of stumbled in to and greatly enjoy.

If Harold Covington's prophecy self-fulfills you can use your 10/22 on 10/22.

confirmed for nogunz
there are faggots ITT who honestly think that .22lr is better than .38

if you are going to larp with a rimfire use a revolver or a bolt action, semi auto rimfires are not reliable tbh and the extractors wear out fast

I have an AR and a Browning Hi Power.

All you really need tbh.

Handguns in general suck at killing on impact, that's why you should get a fucking rifle. Just get something that is readily available, easy for you to train with, and easy for you to control. What matters is how much lead you can put down target. .44 mangum can blow a head clean off, but if you can't put 6 shots center of mass with it why would you bother?

That said user .22 does have its merits. If I had to survive off a rifle I could eat best with a .22 or some other rimfire.

ATF pls go.

Please post your name, address, guns you have with serial numbers, and a picture of your dog.

niggers cant possibly be stupid enough to bring their bullshit to white neighborhoods. youll probably have to venture into their hoods to eradicate them, dindus will be catered to by this pozzed government during a happening. maybe a handful of uppity niggers try some stupid shit but their corpses hanging from trees will be enough to keep the rest away. any nigs already living in white areas will turn into the most dedicated uncle tom house niggers you can imagine. burn their homes down under the cover of darkness

Everyone should at the very absolute least own a semiauto .22 and a few thousand rounds. I wouldn't trust the drum mags in a firefight but there are plenty of reliable 25 round mags.

The point is poking a bunch of holes in em.


That is what I meant it jamming on the 25th round instead of just getting a few 25rd magazine and saving the frustration

Well .22 obviously just bounces off leaving only flesh wounds for me to fight another week.

stop posting larp pic southcuck, nobody cares about your ruger scout rifle and utter shit knowledge of how to use camo

I want to get a rifle eventually for the house, but I want something small that I can conceal to have on me all the time.

a .22 is a third of the price of .38, and most budget carbines can make it effective to 150m.

If you're talking a pistol then its more a matter of taste. Its a toss up between power, capacity, size and cost.

Thank you for correcting the record.

Viable starter pistols (semi-auto edition)

Any surplus pistol such as:
Beretta 92s (the trade in berettas - these may need some tweaking to be accurate but are very sturdy pistols)

Hi-point pistols are a good starter due to warranty
Most .22 or .380 pistols

Now THIS is an FBI post

To a point. The issue is that .22 is very easy to stop compared to everything else. It is great for survival but doesn't hold up as well in a fight. It may stop jamal and tyrone but will get you shot if you go up against anything else.

Might I interest you in a nice .22lr house rifle?

I'm gonna .22lr shill this thread into the ground and i don't even care next he will say the AR-15 suck or something dumb

you are stupid as fuck, don't make the CTR meme into the generic shill response. semi-auto rimfire have the tendency to have the bolt destroy the extractor and the entire idea of having shitty unreliable rimfire help power the whole apparatus of your weapon is stupid. while the autist with his marlin 60 is pulling out a failed round with a shit primer the bolt action .22 is already 6 rounds plus.

a hi-shit carbine is superior to a .22

Add the SCCY CPX2. 10+1 of 9mm for about 250$

I personally got a Taurus PT111g2 (275$), takes Sig 226 extended mags but can be concealable with the stock 12 round mags. pls no bulli about Taurus, uncle hickok says its good to go

its funny how there are like 3 fags on Holla Forums who shitpost muh .22 in every gun related thread but they are never anywhere to be seen on /k/ because they are seen as a joke. just buy a fucking shotgun

I forgot about those guys. They are cheap as fuark. I'd argue against Taurus since their QA is HUEHUEHUE tier. The PT92 is one of the few I'd consider from them since all they did was buy the factory from beretta and slap a taurus sticker on it.

Ignore them user.

Very true, Going against anyone with any kind of armor and you wont do squat unless you hit meaty bits. It isn't a good gun for civil unrest, it's great for cleaning the streets though. I don't expect the cops or feds will be too keen on getting between citizens and black terrorists after all the shit the blm has been piling on them.

its sucks because I fell for that meme when I was 20, its like starting strength shit, I could have bought a lee enfield jungle carbine but instead the asshole memefaggots and fudds were like no dude start out with a .22 and have zero ammo availability so you can experience what its like to buy milsurp and have zero ammo availability. meanwhile if I had bought a 12 gauge I would have had all the ammo available in the world

Small and concealable? Get a 9mm.

What matters is being able to put a lot of bullets in an precise area. Trust me, a mag dump of 9mm HP will kill just as effectively as a mag dump of .45 HP or .40 HP.

Also, .40 Small & Weak is a meme catridge. It beats up the gun too hard so .40 S&W pistols don't last as long as a .45 or 9mm

Not exactly. They bought the ancient, outdated tooling from Beretta, (note the Taurus has the earlier frame-safety, not the later slide-safety), and it was all worn out and tired. They eventually brought it up to speed, but the earlier ones and even some later ones had really bad QA/QC and Taurus still struggles with those quality issues today, though, it's largely abated.

With police trade-in 92FSs and even private-sale 92FSs being so common, and with the guns being dead-nuts reliable, even if they are fuckhueg, I honestly wouldn't get a Taurus. Hold out for a deal on an actual Beretta, and get a spare locking block or two, and you're set.


Dudes not everyone has deep enough pockets to be tacticool. No one has talked trash about sporting .223 or .308 but even the bargain bin PSA AR-15 is 550$ which is prohibitive if that's someone's entire budget.

I almost got the SCCY myself but the lack of positive safety and magazine choice is what killed it for me. The PT 92 supposedly doesn't take Berreta mags.

shotguns are literally 100 dollars at pawnshops

Even if it's just cleaning the streets it's questionable. If they are high on anything or drunk they may not feel a .22 or the effects will be dulled down. If this is the case you have to fire until they are physically incapable of moving either from blood loss or by destroying the central nervous system.

If you have nothing else it's better than nothing, but if you have something better I recommend using it.

Always do your homework. First rifle I bought was an SKS which was OK but there's better.

I didn't know those details about Taurus. Thanks.

PT-92 is hit and miss. Like the other user said you are best off waiting for an actual beretta to go cheap. Keep your eyes peeled and you will find them.


I always thought the "you can't find .22 anywhere" was a meme, I have never had trouble finding it but I guess I'm just lucky. As for 12 gauge, that's simply vital.

There are I think five calibers everyone should have listed in ascending order .22, .45acp, .223, and then it's a toss up between 12 gauge and .308 for first place.

That's just my personal opinion though.

I just know he didn't even read the thread when the first thing i posted 100 posts ago before .22 shilling was shotguns under $180 and hipoints under $150 for low budget happening

Chans in a nutshell

I agree that something is better than nothing. Does anyone have the pic of the japan user that had a room full of .22lr?

They do make those rifled inserts for 12ga if you want to shoot smaller calibers for dispatch or small game. $150 for a shotgun and another $100 for 1-2 adapters in the caliber you want to use/can find. not sure how reliable they are for any kind of distance shooting tho

Well that is if you want a break-action for a more in the woods than city happenings

Yeah but then you are shooting out a 3 inch barrel with a 2 foot shroud. I'm not too familiar with the inserts myself but I assume accuracy goes to shit.

I would add 9mm. Most common autopistol cartridge in the US.

Honorable mention for commonality and "you will likely be able to find it anywhere" is 38 Special.

Why is it that every guns/tactics thread on either cuck chan or even here turns into a stopping power or poorfag shit tossing fest?

Since theirs a refuge camp only a few miles away carrying a full size handgun might not be that crazy. If she is willing to carry full size the canik tp9 seems to be the best value for the money. Their 350 American dollars and can hold 18 rounds of 9mm. If it's too big she can get a larger purse I suppose.

Side note if theirs a magazine ban in your area get a Tokarev in 7.62x25. Their 250 american dollars, but have hot round.

how do those 2 things even go together?

Can't exactly argue with that. .38 pisses me off though and I'm not entirely sure why, shooting it just doesn't feel right.

You're a big guy.

None of us but that faggot shill (267913) with his meme black hawk was shit tossing about stopping power or costs we were all being extremely constructive

How fucked am I Holla Forums ? Should I go to eastern yurop for some funz ?

Also, can I carry antique rifles in Yurop ? Because them i'm getting myself a rifle from 1890/1880

I believe you are safe with matchlock rifles without any extra work and shotguns after you join a club.

So you would go shotgun, where 00 buck at 100m makes almost a meter group, 7 (at best) shot tube and adapters rather than a .22lr with holo sight and 25 rd magazine accurate to 150m? I guess that's your choice bros

wax slugs are a thing that exist.

Personally wouldn't try to use a shotgun in urban warfare type setting outside of 30 yards. Anyone with at least one skeet shooting experience will tell you they aren't as fire-and-forget as the internet would have you believe.

I think for SHTF and bugging out, logistics is king. If you can't feed it, your gun is a poorly-shaped club or a doorstop. These guys with the exotic or meme calibers will be sucking hind tit when time comes to resupply. Stick to common-as-fuck calibers even if they are "boring" or some meme caliber is slightly better. There is nothing a battery consisting of .308, .223, 12GA, and 9mm or .45ACP cannot handle from 0-700 yards, if you do your part. Not "exciting" or "glamorous" or tacticool or whatever, but they work damn good and are available as fuck everywhere.

I'm no big fan of .38 either, but it's common as fuck, cheap, and has killed a LOT of people over the years.

Disagreed. I find that having the advantage of CCW (I carry daily) is far superior to flaunting to the general public the power and responsibility that I carry when I carry. I prefer that niggers don't try to get a drop on me because they know I'm armed, rather I get the drop on them because they think they can roll up with their 'squad' on me.

If it werent for the degenerates, I'd OC, but the fact is your head can only swivel so much, and if somebody spots you with a piece and makes you a target, they can get a drop on you.

Daily carry: M&P Shield, 8+1. (had the filthy trigger reworked, since then it's been my favorite of my pistols)

-Ernest Hemingway

Don't get a 22lr it's to small. It's meant for rabbits and paper targets. Get a 380 at the least.

Women have is so easy when it comes to conceal carry for that reason.

Well for yurop you have to tell us what country you are in at least. The laws there are so all over the place it's insane.

I already did. Also, I have slugs which are very nice.

Both correct. When you are firing a shotgun at anything under 30 meters it is like firing a rifle.

Or if you aren't a poorfag you could get a glock. Caliber conversion is literally drop in a new barrel. It's trivial. I paid 350 for mine + 100 for the barrel and now I can shoot two calibers. The powerful one for carry and 9mm for plinking. The extractor likes to spit 9mm brass in my face but not when I use it for the intended caliber.

How the fuck did I miss this? This is insanely retarded.

Because we're planning for worst case scenarios, I'm not defending my loadout with my life but as said, logistics is the most important thing for the race war. I wish we would have a way of identifying ourselves in such a scenario but until we do its every man for himself. So I personally don't mind shortening my effective range if that means I can have money for other valuables.

Get a '88 Gewehr.

5 round internal mag of 8mm mauser, was built in the 19th century, and arguably the best bolt action of its time.

God dammit apparently I can only carry shit. They edited the law in 2012 so we can't carry firearms from before 1870 anymore

The only thing I can legally carry

At least i can besiege mudshits in their home


yeah you need logistics but thinking youre going to find rifle ammo laying about and use it effectively is kind of delusional. different brands/bullet designs and weights have a different point of impact on target. so if you have a 308 and run out of ammo but loot a nigerian UN soldier with 7.62x51 milsurp, its not going to hit where the ammo you zero'd your rifle for hits. be cognizant of that and try to stock up 1 type of ammo placed in multiple caches so youre not stuck looting and rezero'ing your rifle every other day.

Get a Baofeng radio. One of the very few chink items I could ever trust.

I didn't mention "stopping power" once. This is actually a surprisingly productive thread.
I did question the logic of the user who suggested a 22lr as a carry Pistol. But hey, work with what you have and train.

Disregard this post. I interpreted the law wrong

Apparently I can buy firearms from before the first of January 1870. Got any candidates for me Holla Forums ?

I just stuck around shilling for Ruger 10/22s but like others have said .380 minimum preferably something higher is what you will want to carry.

Truth. For your precision or long-range rifle, absolutely. For my battle rifle or carbine, I always battlesight zero with NATO-spec surplus, and go from there. I only practice with and hoard NATO-spec stuff, since it's likely what the "bad guys" will be using, plus it's cheap and proven effective. It's also sealed and more weatherproof (hence reliable) than "normal" civilian ammo.

For my scoped precision rifle, I know what it likes and I have that stacked deep, but I know that in a pinch, I could run surplus in it and the POI wouldn't change too terribly much within 300 yards. I do need to get to the range and adjust my dope book tho. Thanks for reminding me.

I would like to note that where ever you see those football sized riverstones used to fill in a curbed areas (around grocery store parking lots, intersections, etc) almost never get renovated or changed in any way whatsoever.
But that's only really helpful if you live in a city.

A old lever action, it would be faster then a bolt action rifle.

A howdah shortbarrel shotgun?

Any round has "a chance to not kill on impact". Shot placement is key. That's why you train.

$$$$ for good antiques and the steel wasn't heat-treated, so good luck using modern loads. You'd be limited to black-powder, or black-powder-power loads only.

Also, the selection of leverguns pre-1870 is limited and kinda shitty. The best of the breed was the Winchester 1873, though the 1892 is stronger and cheaper, but both of them are, obviously, out of the running.

It's like a dinner plate hanging off the bottom of the rifle…what do you think?

Gotcha. I think we misunderstood each other before.

best /k/ommando dirt cheap weapon

Don't tell the feds :^)

Deadliest weapon ever.

That 20ga at cabelas is awesome I do love blackpowder guns tho.

I actually get payed $0.25 every time I say "22lr"

How do I get that job?

Wow I didn't even know about these, any recommendations? We should come up with a comms guide for frequencies and codetalk based on memes

To everyone in this thread worrying about legality: if they don't know about it, they can't jail you. Just get one from black market.
Nah, just Slav.

As far as long guns go, try to keep in mind what area you're most likely to face conflict in. If things degenerate to where open carrying a long gun is an option, where are you likely to be? If you think BLM niggers rampaging down your street is likely and live in the suburbs, consider a shotgun. Buckshot fired into a pack of feral niggers will be likely to take away their desire to chimp, and isn't going to blast through Jamal and through the front door of the chesty blond across the street.

Nice meme friend.

UV-5R2+ is awesome. The UV-82 is new and I don't have one but I have heard great things about it. Check out amazon.

This. If your door gets kicked in for something like this thread then this thread is the very least of your worries.

The argument I'd apply to the .22 applies here. Get the tool for the job.

There are 10/22's with six figure round counts. They're not fragile and spare parts are dirt cheap.

Conversely, I had a Romanian M69 trainer and a Savage MKII FV give me trouble…both are bolt actions.

No issues with 10/22's.

just dont get taken down for your money by some sketchlord criminals.

Yea I was looking at some antique stuff like a Schmitt-Rubin 1898 but its all way over the date of 1 january 1970.

how easy is it exactly to get black market weapons in the east?

I'm sure when Shawnquavious and pals roll into your neighborhood, they won't take note that it's a "mere 22lr" that split his afro. I'm a fan of pistols in 22lr for plinking and popping squirels, but given the disadvantages of all handgun rounds in general, wouldn't carry one for SD unless I got some reason had nothing else.

Exactly if you don't have a stockpile of spare parts next to your hoard of ammo you have really fucked up somewhere.

I meant a .22lr strictly as a general purpose house rifle that still makes holes.

I agree with you. I do miss the old cheap ammo though.

newfag detected


Slugs are not 00. if you want to use 00 at those ranges wax is the way to go.

.22 isn't the first thing I'd grab but if it's all you got then it's all you got

8mm is super available and totally affordable for plenty of practice tbh

With some simple tools it is a trivial matter to convert any shot to a slug

If the problem was coming up my suburban street, fuck yeah I'd use a shotgun. Or rifle. Depending which was closer, and which the wife wanted to use. I wouldn't really be taking long shots out down the street anyway unless it was into an approaching mob of groids or dunecoons.
Out back is another story, probably go with the AK.


Any shot is a slug until it hits the target if you pour wax into the shell.

Well i said that it wasn't a good first option 100 posts ago, tho we were talking about being barely armed vs unarmed

also pretty sure jamal used all his coke by month 2 but now he is starving looking for you.

Manual of arms is a big deal here. Shotguns are amazing and underrated CQB weapons, but they have low ammo capacity and reloading is slow as fuck. If facing a banzai charge of massed niggers, consider a magazine-fed rifle topped with a bayonet. It sounds retarded, but bayonets have a HUGE psychological impact on an enemy; pointing a rifle at someone cane make them bow up further, but with a knife on the end, it awakens something in our caveman brain that we do NOT want to be stabbed with a pointy stick.

Read and practice this if you can. Bayonet drill is fun to do, and a lost art. If you're gonna go down, make them earn it.

British Bayonet Training:

Not at all what I was implying but ok. They guy you initially replied to was talking specifically about 00 and you move the posts with slugs.

stop posting anytime tbh filtered

Disregard then.

When I get home a full copy of the do/k/ument (minus a couple of files) should be ready for me to share out.

Full Army bayonet training film.

My M14 is 44" long and with bayonet is 51". That's a fucking pike, and being all wood and steel, either end (steel buttplate) can fuck shit up.

why would you use buckshot beyond 25 yards? who cares if its 000

larpy tbh, i'd rather have some fixed blade buck knife or a shiv than some dull short sword
also knives would only be not a nightmare if you were using them strictly offensively and with the element of surprise

That's the idea. It's perfect for nofuns poorfags to have a gun that can be pressed into various roles.

I could leave a 10/22 leaning in a corner, not shoot ANY guns for a year, then pick it up and empty the magazine into a torso sized target at 100m offhand without effort.

Depending on choke, you can get decent groups and accurate fire out to 75 yards with a riot gun. The SEALs in Vietnam preferred #4 buck for social work, so take that for what it's worth.

You typically wouldn't without a choke but you could use it with much higher accuracy with a little added wax. We are talking shtf scenarios. Logistically speaking it would be much easier to pour a little wax in each shell than to turn all the lead already in them into slugs.



Now I should start shilling blunt weapons over edged.

I'm going to buy five of these fucking flintlock pistols, light my hair on fire, paint "Bloody Mary" on my car and charge mudshits with a sabre in good old Blackbeard style.

To be fair maces and morning stars are pretty rad.

Something to think about. I'd like to see more discussion of tactics in here. I hope both nogunz and regular people alike haven't forgotten about hand to hand weapons, as a just in case. No matter how armed you are you should have some manual way of nog removal on your person as well during an event.

now we shitpost about stopping power of blunt weapons vs edged.

I like your style

If it's all you got then it's all you got.


do you even imperium?

It's like you all want to get shot


Postan official RWDS version

Also, I like the M36 Slugger better

If any of you are stuck using a sword during the impending race war, you have to remember to yell "there can be only one!" every time you drop an enemy.

"End him rightly !"

Almost bought one the other day

A little larpy, but so is single-handedly facing down a streetfull of niggers.

That said, many rifles come with a bayonet lug already attached. Why not have a bayonet. It's a cool accessory and many can be used as a utility knife as well.

got gats on gats on gats
nickle boron and nitrided

If they want what you have bad enough they'll press on.

For the moment, it's easy for them to peel off and slink back to the projects to get high and gorge on EBT food; That dynamic will change.

They're basically half-feral now. If the gibs get cut or just appear to be getting cut they'll go completely feral.

Goddamn the prices have spiked. I got mine when they were 150 still. Good thing the ammo is still cheap.


Hey user, this has been a long and tiring day. Thanks for breaking it up with the picture of the hot girl.

last .22lr post
for today
I promise

Japshit rifles from WW2 are still ludicrously cheap because burgers don't think too highly of nip equipment. They use a japanese calibre though

Well I took a pic of this one due to the hilarious mispelling by some redneck type who was only there to off load them. I found a mosin specific dealer who had this really sweet but autistic kid and we memespouted. he even offered me one for 175$.

Shit, I had a C&R FFL and remember buying them for $60 shipped to my door all day long. 2003-2004 timeframe

Article VERY fucking related.

Any in particular worth recommending?

I thought about getting a bayonet compatible AR for hostage scenarios, but ultimately not that worth it.

I like my tumbling .22lrs… straight outta the jungle poison round. Know what it is? Shhhh…

Arisakas are some of the strongest actions out there, but the above is why they are so cheap. Try feeding one. Nearly impossible unless you handload.

I read that Matthew Bracken article. Years ago. Are there any others as good as that? Bracken is moderately red-pilled.

Well we did kind of nuke them… twice

175 is the very highest I would consider one

Those days… man…

Pricey but not impossible

Type 99 is a good rifle from what I've heard. Not many people shoot those things because see

The rifles themselves are generally very accurate though, and some regard them as the best bolt actions of WW2 even better than those $1500 meme kar98k's every self-aware national socialist faps over

With training, keep in mind the stuff you see on youtube and read in field manuals are designed for US military units. Fighting an insurgency is a lot different. For example, you are going to be treated as a terrorist whether you're in a uniform or not. So dress to blend in.

Not a Falchion, Cold Steel Grosse Messer.

Enfield was arguably better. 10-shot magazine, fastest bolt in history still is, strong, and they can be rechambered in 7.62x39 and made to take AK mags.

British .303 is the same diameter as 7.62 Soviet, which is .311 across the grooves instead of .308 like everyone else, so rechambering a Enfield in .308 makes accuracy suffer, but 7.62 Soviet is right on.

I can't think of any, but I read these guys, and their connected/friendly blogs, and they're chock full of badass info in the same vein as that:

Yea but its kind of a one-or the other. The Lee Enfield is more expensive than the Arisaka, but the Arisaka suffers from having a japanese calibre. You can either choose to get a cheaper and good rifle which has rounds that need to be handloaded, or a more expensive and better rifle which can be rechambered to 7.62. Its one or the other, really.

You could however also get an M1917 rifle, which is less expensive than a Springfield but uses the same rounds

Truth. .30-06 is one of the most common calibers in the US. Problem is, collectors have driven 1917 prices way up. Made in way less numbers than the 1903(A3) and prices to match.

They are objectively shit.
That is literally one aspect of a weapon. The fact you can't find ammo for it is BIG deal. Just build an AR. Yes it's definitely feasible for cheap. IraqVeteran8888 just released a great video on. How to build a basic AR. Definitely worth a watch even if you don't want to build one.

Make a monkey's fist out of paracord and a lead fishing weight.


problem is those are being outlawed state by state.

As you command, Satan

Or you could just go around all of the kar98k memeing and buy a Czechoslovak or Yugoslav kar98 like the Mauser Vz 24. Kar98's are expensive for WW2 rifles but the versions made by the Axis' allies are much cheaper

Jokes on you satan I already have one. Also, AR's come in a fuckton of calibers.

For my birthday my dad bought me a Mosin for $300.

Bracken being prescient as always.

I love the Enemies trilogy. Kinda lukewarm on Castigo Cay.

I tried reading Rawles, but that shit was too goofy.

- Former DHS instructor that taught me to shoot.

Eh, whatever.

"A bird in the hand…"

People used to say the same about the SKS.

m&p sports are back in stock, best entry AR along with ruger ar556. M&P 15 SPORT II .2235.56 16" AS BLK 30


I liked part one, and being in Texas, I really enjoyed part two where they fought the beaners, but life got in the way of part 3. Any good? I should probably re-read the whole trilogy.

The good thing about an entry AR is that the lower is one of the parts you can cheap out on. So you can modify and build at your own pace while having a good working rifle in the mean time.

Hello Australia

Hickok's videos are god-tier. Just about anything he makes is good.

They're all solid. One is still my favorite just because I wasn't expecting it to be that good.

Never owned an M&P Sport, but I built (assembled) a PSA 16 incher that shoots bretty good for only 450 bucks.

Nice, I'll check them back out. I know some of the characters are definitely NOT Holla Forums-approved, but the books are still good.

I imagine things would change had he written them today.

I think so, but not all. I can't remember all the "yeah right" characters, but I remember the "stronk woman" who was also Lebanese. Not sure that would pass muster around here, although I personally didn't mind the character too much. It did make the point that women are typically less suspected in an insurgency and can get access to places men cannot. I also saw this in Iraq and Afghanistan. We learned quickly tho.

Bracken is moderately red-pilled, but is a civic nationalist and fairly bluepilled on race and the JQ. His military analysis stuff is pretty dead-on tho.


I was curious about what it would take to acquire a carry permit in New York City. Turns out I had to start by calling the carry permit office of the NYPD in my borough and ask for the initial paperwork.

An officer answered the phone and I asked about the application and the accompanying fees. Just filing the application was $320 or something, and it was non-refundable, even if the application was denied. And the application could be denied for any reason or no reason. If, hypothetically, the initial application was accepted, getting the permit requires fingerprints, an FBI background check and several other hoops you have to jump through. All of this comes out of your pocket of course, and you have to get the FBI report on your own. The NYPD won't run the check for you. You would have to jump through a separate set of hoops with the FBI to get your own report, then have that report released to the NYPD. After all the applications, reports and fees, you're given a photo license to carry.

But of course, all of that is hypothetical, because the NYPD never accepts the initial application. No carry permits are issued in New York City to regular citizens except for some business men who regularly carry large amounts of cash or valuables on their person. So people like jewelers and pawn store owners. And their permits come with a lot of restrictions. They are only valid during certain hours, like 6AM to 8PM or something, and the permits apply to specific firearms. So your walk-around 9mm has to be listed on the permit, and that's the only gun you can carry. If you want to trade out your 9mm one day and carry the .45 instead, you're violating the terms of the permit.

And on a sidenote, take one guess what ethnicity most New York City jewelers are. Basically, of the few citizens allowed to carry guns in New York, almost all are Jewish. Go figure.

But what happened during this phone call to the permit department was eye-opening to me. I saw just how tyrannical and Orwellian a "progressive", liberal government such as New York City's can be.

All I did was inquire about the initial paperwork and fees for a carry permit. The officer who answered the phone was friendly at first, until he found out exactly why I was calling. He became rude and evasive. Then, without me even formally requesting the paperwork yet, he wanted my full name, address, date of birth, an alternate phone number, two email addresses, place of employment, and any states I may have lived in previously. This cop was going to put me on some list somewhere just for asking about a firearm, not even actually trying to get one. Just for asking what it would take. Just thinking about a gun in New York will get you added to a database of thoughtcriminals.

Also, going back to the armed Jews in New York, there was recently a scandal in the firearms licensing department of the NYPD involving the Jews. A Jew was bribing officers to get carry permits for his fellow Jew brood. The story was quickly dropped out of the newspapers and local TV news, of course, and I don't know the current status of the case. But when it was reported, he was being accused of illegally acquiring 150 carry permits for his family members, business associates, and members of his synagogue. I saw it reported once and never heard another word about it.

Where the fuck do I find that patch?

bro 50 feet is barely handgun territory

He's reworking his site so it's more user friendly from what I heard.


I hope you didn't give it to them

His site is completely down, have to order with direct e-mail.
[email protected]/* */

Sounds like every other NYC/NYPD story I've ever heard. Corrupt as fuck assholes who would probably sell their own mothers up the river if it benefited them.

Also, this.

You can kill at 50 yards with a handgun.

Hell no. He already had my first name, my cell phone number and the fact that I lived in the Bronx, but that's all the info he got from me. I was politely refusing to give him any of the other information he wanted on the grounds that I wasn't ready to apply for the permit yet, and I was just gathering information for the future.

But he kept asking for more personal info, and got hostile as I kept refusing to give it to him. I felt like I was being interrogated over the phone. He even suggested that I must have wanted the gun for nefarious reasons since I was being so evasive about who I was. As if I would bother getting a legal firearm to go rob the corner store with.

Cops love guns until the citizens have them.

I can't emphasize how important that is. With drones and modern FLIR, the larping fags who wear their favorite multicam to the battlefield are going to catch a hellfire missile up their ass in under 30 mins. I could write a huge piece on how many misconceptions there are about modernwarfare from Iraq, Syria and Ukraine

Liberalism in a nutshell.

It's ok when I do it, and a felony when you do it.


Big Daddy Government will handle everything. I just have to exist, and Daddy will provide for me, including my own safety.

New York
Not even once

would would you guys suggest for a beginner?

An entry AR.

Easy to shoot, lightweight, ammo is pretty available, easy to clean and take apart, after market parts up the ass. Probably the best choice.

fuck me, what would you guys suggest for a beginner?

What are you looking to do? Target shoot, or just having guns in general?

I ankle carry a ruger lcp, great little gun and surprisingly accurate for its size.
Ammo is pretty expensive though.

Ask yourself whether you'd enjoy shooting skeet or killing paper targets more, then buy a cheap shotgun or entry AR.

Honestly just self protection and having guns in general.

Here are my guns…

Whatever you want, guns aren't exactly hard to operate.
AR-15 is pretty much the "standard" gun of the USA so just go for that unless you really want something else.

I'd say start with a revolver. Why? Because they are the easiest to maintain. You can leave them laying wherever for ages and then pick them up and just use them. Either that or just about any shotgun. A lot of people say AR-15 which is fine if you want something a bit more robust and complex. I would recommend building one as they are very easy to build if you have any mechanical aptitude beyond using a toaster.

Thanks anons

I carry a shield too, I dont find the trigger that bad but I used to carry a ruger lcp, possible one of the worst triggers on a subcompact

Buying a used one?

My first gun was a S&W Model 10 used. It ran like a champ until I traded it away. If you buy used always test it out. Hell if you buy new test it out. Always check the bore and action.

AR500 has some cheap plates. I run a banshee carrier with a curved IIIA pistol plate in the back and a III flat rifle plate in the front. Totals around 12 lbs and will stop anything other than a 308 in the back.

entry ar I suggest a colt oem if they are still around 750. also get a hand gun revolvers are fine, personally I want 14 rounds vs 6 or 7, my suggestion for a carry gun would be a mp shield for 350$ or if you feel like spending more a sphinx compact if you can get one for around 600$ on gunbroker

It's great for plinking and not running up a high ammo bill, even if 90% of it is utter trash. Unless you reload.

Your first gun should be a 9mm pistol. Use it for conceal carry, open carry, self defense, home defense, car defense, practice shooting, etc, etc. The most important gun is the one you are carrying when your life depends on it. You can take a pistol almost anywhere.

Glock 26

Your second gun should be an AR15 rifle. For home defense and SHTF.

wears out the barrel faster, but is around 100$ cheaper per 1000 rnds, so if you shoot 10,000 rounds then replace a barrel you just spent 200$ on a barrel and saved 1000$

Make sure it's empty, then check the cylinder index by cocking the hammer back at every chamber and shining a light and looking down the bore to make sure it properly indexes. By that I mean you don't see any slivers of the cylinder, the chamber should be in line with the bore. If it's out of index you could get lead or copper shavings shot out the side, or if bad enough, the gun will completely destroy itself.

You need to also check the cylinder gap, the gap between the forcing cone and cylinder, but I forget how to do that exactly.

You need a gauge for that. They are cheap online.

Good to know, I never looked at steel ammo cost before.

How would you go about foxing the cylinder index if it's off?

Gunsmith has to replace the hand.

Nice patch

Gunsmith. If it's being sold to you don't get it.

I'm pretty sure a gunsmith would have to fix it.

feeler gauges available from any auto parts store


Lolberturdians and anarkiddies
Hitler gun control

Get a baofeng radio for airwaves and a /k/ or magical place patch for visual.


Who's gunning for kommandos that we don't know how to identify? Why wouldn't it work as ingroup ID? Us and a few alphabet soup are the only ones who know what it means.

it was a joke. /k/ is spergy as fuck.


also dumping random ukraine redpills

So many Jews have such an "us vs them" mentality that they would rather have something be worse and a NYC permit, even if you have one, is worse than most states that allow concealed carry so long as they know they can have a leg up on everyone else.

I laughed at this way too hard

Don't forget the fear effect a sword causes, no one wants a sharp metal object to cut into their bones

Nailed it XDDDDDDD


Anyone know of a good scope for saiga 5.45?

I'm leaning towards Kashtan 1p78 since its made specially for it


Old ass pictures, adding more soon when I get some investment money back.


Your guns are going to be determined by who you are fighting. Any organized force with logistics will have access to arms, ammunition, and replacement parts an armed rebellion never will.

Know how to operate the firearms of all major threats. Prepare to make improvised weapons to kill enemies and liberate their weapons.

The enemy supplies the guerrilla.

I don't have much to add, but I'm bumping this thread because it's good for Holla Forums to be prepared.

best two for suburban areas

I can't decide between the ps90 and the fn five seven

I kinda want a P90. Then again I've been watching a lot of stargate lately.


if you dont have a pistol get that first.

yah the 50 round magz are awesome

Meme caliber and meme gun. Without the proper AP ammo, the gun loses a shitload of its purpose.

And without full-auto and with the Dirk Diggler Edition barrel on it, you lose the nice CQB PDW advantage.

Fun toy, but I wouldn't consider one for serious social work.

I'm well aware of this. Doesn't mean I don't want one just because.

rather carry a vector uzi clone than that belgian shit tbh. you can change an uzi from 9mm to 45acp in a few minutes with the right parts to swap

Nice to see you guys being armed and prepared.

Have a classic beauty.

Building a reliable sten isn't overly difficult…

but it is reliable as fuck, never jams, is easy to maintain, has no recoil, =and the bullets drop out the bottom (and you can put a bag there to collect them)


It's actually very easy to get a short barrel for it, IDK about full auto conversion though.


Enjoy dying first

A hacksaw and a crowning tool.

Manual crowning tools fucking suck. Crown your shit on a lathe.

AK74 when those cheap bulgie kits were making the rounds. What a gun


Cowards. Real men don't use ranged weapons. They use melee weapons.

Stop pretending there will be any war where you will use it anyways. The Happening will never happen. Just know this.

lol, butthurt noguns detected


how broken do you have to be?

hello Brit/pol/


its like 5am over there right now, its probably some shitskins in latin america tbh


True on the noguns part but there is no point for me having them to be honest. I just consider it a waste of money. Just say this country does go down the drain. Then sure I'll probably get one. But the chance of that happening is like 0.01%

How do you know it is blacked?

I am an American :)

/k/ exists you dumb fuck. What do you think the vast majority of Holla Forums is? The dominant board and ideological force is Holla Forums here and it always has been. This place was created out of moots chimpout against Holla Forums.

Do you really think 8/k/ is a bunch of dragon dildo riding libertarian faggots here like on 4/k/?

not even a real blonde tbh

Do you realize how fucking retarded that sounds?

because you cucks reuse the same jewish propaganda over and over again. truly consider suicide.

Come on guys, you're better than that. Filter trolls.

Have some gun porn.

I can't believe colt went bankrupt. They should've just made more pythons.

Let's play find the faggot

That guy with the blue headband looks familiar.

As mentioned its cheaper in the long run to use steel ammo even factoring in replacement parts. My trigger group is also designed specifically to handle steel cased ammo. In practice I've experienced no failures
due to ammo as of yet despite many hundreds of rounds fired.

Thats exactly what I was thinking of. Specifically these

I figure I'm more likely to need protection from a large number of lower caliber and non armor piercing rounds than a low number of high powered armor piercing rounds so steel seems like the way to go.

filter and move on, guys.

Anyway, as someone who'll be purchasing his first firearm very soon, I'm having trouble deciding between a rifle and a handgun. Can only afford one at the moment.

Been looking at nuggets, SKS, k98 for long guns, and H&K for handguns but they're expensive as fuuuuck. Any advise?


Trick question. All officers are faggots.

Worth the price for plinking and getting familiar with your weapon, but I would have at least 500 rounds of 62 grain brass for when SHTF.

Has anybody seen Richie?

This guys intake can be measured in cocks per second.

I'm busy getting a copy of the do/k/ument ready for upload… it's about 22 hours until completion.

Ok first off m855 is not an armor piercing round, no matter what the media says. Secondly pic related.

A rapier is 56" long dude.

Lol my fav

Nice messer… You get that from the pollacks?

remember lads, don't fall for the mosin nagant meme. they're complete shit unless the one you have (or more if you're autistic) is made in Finland.

sorry I prefer my revolver porn to be single action

buy a shotgun at a pawn shop and then save up to buy a pistol so you can buy a better pistol tbh
if you are a poorfag 8mm is a no-no

lift moar tbh

because when you're a filthy lefty handed person you enjoy feeling empty cases fly in your face as they eject.

Thanks, I'll look through these!

Damn shame I have to back on cuckchan, but I'll check it out. Thanks, fellas. I'll look into the .22lr. I've also heard great things about the Sig p238. Any of you have one or used one in the past?

That is why you just get an AR-15 that can eject from either side.

Not sure if those are actually cherry scales on there but man something about that red with flat black

That's better than nothing, my European friend. Arguably better than guns based on the scare factor alone. Any nigger or mudshit that breaks into your home will void their bowels upon hearing a sword being unsheathed.

Oh baby, that's gorgeous. Really tiny, but nice for concealed carry.

You can find the same one for about $500-600 online. They also have all kinds of random ones like these for the same price.

It is almost silly if these are all manufacturer made customs.

should I get an ar-15, ar-10, or a ruger mini 14?

I was think ar-15 because of the amount of customization, ar-10 because .308 stopping power and mini 14 because A E S T H E T I C seriously, its a gorgeous piece of work

i'm really having a hard time deciding between .223 and .308

who else /ak/ here?

Pffft hahahaha

You can actually change out to either of those calibers with different barrels for the AR-15

This one here tho is a real mans gun

I'm probably wrong all the shit with 300 blackout ect and them coming in multiple caliber options gets confusing.

Alright faggots, want to know how to get body armor users extremely butthurt and extremely dead?

.375 H&H Magnum

Find a sidearm you're good with, don't concentrate on caliber too much beyond what you're able to control. If you know someone that has an indoor pistol range membership, use that shit and find out what you like, if the range's membership benefits aren't shit you could wind up with free gun rentals (all you have to do is buy ammo, which they will sell) or more, and easily find out which sidearm you like.

Also, .40 S&W is nice, but when SHTF if you're in a prolonged engagement or on the run, you'll be wishing you packed something a little lighter (and can therefore carry more rounds) and more common. Which means 9x19mm, the most common handgun round.

Or you could .22LR it, but my experience with .22LR semi-autos are not good since they jam too much with cheap ammo (notice I said cheap, not inexpensive).

Another thought for SHTF, you may also want to get a reloading press, and reloading 9mm is just about as expensive as buying factory ammo, but what happens when you can't go to Wally World (or bass pro shop or where ever) to buy more ammo? That's where the reloading press comes in.

For a side arm I suggest a Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan in .44 Magnum

No, you can't. AR-15 is for .223/5.56 and AR-10 is for .308/7.62. The lowers are different sizes since the cartridges are longer. If all it was was a magazine and upper change, then sure, but the actual mag-well is a different size.

He could switch uppers though, but not for AR-10. Even armalite and DPMS lowers don't accept each other's uppers and they're both AR-10.

I'd go for the AR-15, search youtube for "$500 AR-15" to find interesting videos how to build one for cheap. After that you can try building or just buy an upper for either 6.5 grendel for longer range, .458 socom or .50 beowulf for stopping power, 6.8 SPC for short barreled or .300 BLK for subsonic. There are shitloads of cartridges for AR-15, just don't listen to people who tell you changing the barrel is enough because you will destroy your chamber. Even firing .223 in a 5.56x45mm chamber or the other way around is questionable.

I was confusing it with a 300 blackout swap

"You feeling lucky, punk?"

Ruger Super Redhawks are great revolvers.

In fact, I recommend starting new shooters off with revolvers.. in .22LR.

Always have a safari load out

wow that is some fucking pozzed cancer.

please god, nuke new york and all the jews in it.

Got to make sure it is loaded so hot you don't even want use it unless you have to.

do we let niggers loot all the gun stores/sporting goods stores? what about costco for food and shit? we all know niggers are going to loot…..and unprepared whites. im just saying the nigs are going to get all the good shit because the first thing they will do is loot during a happening.

reminder that if you dont have food/water (enough for months) and a gun you are a failure and are not thinking this through.

Where do they go each time niggers kill white people out of spite?

Hey man, not everyone knows about the golden rule.

Implying I haven't hired 500 roof Koreans to watch my store for 2 bags of rice.

implying they will be smart enough to maintain or be prepared even if you gave them nukes they would just use it on tyrone down the street for his nikes. they have guns in africa check out where that got them.

Gun newbie here, I was asking about the p238 earlier in the thread. I've been educating myself a bit more about it, and it appears to use .380 and not 9mm, but I thought that .380 WAS 9mm. Am I just stupid / crazy or is there some minor nuance that I'm not aware of?

these are the only guns you need homeboy m'fam😂 💃💃 🙌🙌☝✌ 👏👏 👌👍

.380 is the 9mm bullet (I believe) in a smaller case. It's weaker, not as ubiquitous as 9mm, but smaller and easier to carry.

tfw my pt111 g2 fell apart after 50 rounds and is nowback in miami for repair and I cant find another small 9mm handgun anywhere near its size with a mechanical safety that can hold 12 rounds in the mag :(

other options:
beretta px4 sub compact
fns 9c

380 is a retarded name for it, but then again this is america.

its better to call it a 9mm short or a 9x17

buffalo bore makes some super strong 380s btw

This is why people are fucking hopeless, they'll shill constantly for Mossberg/Remington model X and end up dead the first day because they're so easily fooled into selling products for others that the first salesman offering them a "good deal" on post-apocalyptic cartridges will trick them into opening up the habbening door on their secret underground bunkers and turn them into gay sex slaves.

if you find a gun you like in .380 that is fine that p238 is nice, but like they said weaker by about half it seems than 9mm. It will end someone just as well.

also you can never go wrong just getting any brand/size in 9mm for whatever you can afford just to not be unarmed

No one has been doing that, shill harder Tyrone.

The Ruger LCP and LCP Custom have been selling really well since the price was dropped by at least $100 I had to wait months for my LGS to actually get it in It's a very popular .380 pocket pistol for good reason

You're the shill, you're just too stupid to realize it. This is why you're going to get rolled - because you're a productfag who thinks Sholomo Shekelgruberbergstein has all of the solutions to your problems in a compact form. Most people here don't even know how to make a firearm or reload ammunition, all they know how to do is buy buy buy. Fucking worthless.

That's absolutely not true.

In the event of a race war you simply need something to keep you and your loved ones safe. That's why I always recommend the Black Legion Jungle Hunter machete. Wielding the power of the Jungle Hunter you will be able to swiftly decapitate niggers as well as amputate their limbs and find out this machete truly lives up to its name! You can buy one complete with sheath at Budk's webshop. Here, let me conveniently post a link for you:

When it asks for a coupon code fill in SCHLOCK and you will get a $2 discount. If you fill in the code I will make $0.50 so we'd both profit from it. And with the race war coming every day now what have you got to lose anyway?

Ahhhh, I see. So I'm not completely retarded then, that's good. Thanks again for the help, guys.

Fuckin' saved


Yes, the guy who admitted he was shilling .22lr to fuck with you caliber/brand/country faggots is totally the REAL shill not you. How many shekels did you get?

Some of those random machetes look cool but I would be worried about them breaking on Jamals dense bones with all those notches and sawblade cut out.

What a sad state of affairs when people are such good goyim that they shill and

Every one of these threads, every prepper thread, is some faggot trying to sell you shit you don't need. It's fucking filterman shit. Instead of turning Holla Forums into a giant advertisement for H&K, Armalite, or some other mass manufacturer why not make it a knowledge thread for people to maintain, repair, improve and improvise their own weapons instead of promoting gun and ammunition hoarding so that these thoroughly Jewish manufacturers get rich menacing you with hobgoblins?

These threads are hardly ever about
They're invariably nigger-tier

You're gonna get rolled and your hoard raided because you worship what you can buy. So much salt is going to be mined when these manufacturers are shut down and no one here will know what they're going to fucking do. In fact 75% of you faggots will probably go online and brag about how you own highly valuable "pre-ban" weapons instead of fighting to restore your 2A rights.

I reiterate: fucking hopeless.

Any one ordered a handgun from US to Europe through silkroad, how does that work, does it get stuck in the customs? I've tried browsing for one, but all the sellers seem to be located in the US. What's a good model that's reliable and doesn't require much maintenance (=doesn't mind if it sits in your closet for years with out any use), is lightweight and small as possible while still maintaining a good ammo capacity and most importantly isn't too expensive? Some Glock variant would probably be my best bet?

What's a good caliber with plentiful ammo that can also be found online/from the streets (although my country isn't so cucked yet that you couldn't buy ammo legally, but I still don't know how it works if you don't have a lisence and try to buy ammo)? Every one hates on .22 LR, but isn't it far more commonly used also on rifles than 9mm is (=easier to find legally, since my country's legislation has become increasing anti-handgun while rifle and shotgun ownership is common due to hunting)

You know I typed up some long shitpost like the one you posted but half way through I realized you are nonconstructive faggot doing the typical elitist-prepper type kike shilling version 1.2.

I don't need to live INNAWOODS just kill as many of your brothers before I die to thin them out for everyone else. Again kill yourself Tyrone.

kek you didn't type up shit because you're a lazy nigger and you have no argument. Don't tell me I'm being non-productive when this thread is full of posts that are exactly on the receiving end of production: the goy end of mass consumption. The fact that you continue to be a faggot retard after I've pointed it out in detail demonstrates that you do know what I'm talking about, but you'd rather brag about what you own and how your shit is better than everyone else's shit.
If something bad happens what you own will be a liability to you. Your conspicuous consumption is going to cost you a great deal… but you still hold on to this illusion that you're going to safely do the equivalent of parking a Ferrari™™™ in Coontown, USA at 2 AM.
In fact, the best advice I could offer you faggots is to paint your shit rust-colored and make it look all beat up and non-functional so no one will want it.

No all your statements are "wow what a bunch of dumb goys don't you have a lathe and workshop to rebuild everything what about the means of production duurr hurrr" but keep thinking you are intelligent when you are actually a mental nigger.

If it's so important to you, start posting the good shit. No one will stop you, in fact, many will probably thank you.

I'll continue to make honest recommendations for burgers and yuropoors when asked about firearms.

It's so fucking hard to get a licence for a gun in Finland bro.

First you have to get a hunters degree and after that you have to join a hunting association. After that you have to decide what do you want to hunt / shoot and that pretty much dictates what gun you will be able to get, maby. After that you will have to get some one of the gun maniacs to recommend you and to testify that you have indeed shot some shit up. After that the poulice does their thing and valuates you, then maby (MABY) you can get your lisence. Obiously licences for shotguns and rifles are easier to get while for handguns it's practically impossible.

So because of this I do not have a licence or a gun of any sort. Would be relativily easy to get one illegally but because I would like to maintain my good boy status a while longer (now that I finally got it back and cops pretty much leave me be), I haven't got one yet

But just for keks, it's around 800€ for a 9mm pistol with ~500 rounds.

Do you need a license to just buy a gun?

$900 dollars for a 9mm is a lot most places a gun might be like $100-200 more in those no-fun countries but that is just ridiculous is it at least a high end HK or Beretta? 500 rounds at burgermart is like $120 too.

Try harder, faggot. And yes, why don't you build a lathe or milling machine and take some gunsmithing courses?

Your shit's probably going to get stolen or damaged, what matters is what's in your head when your fancy products stop working and you have no one around to repair them. Shitting on engineering pursuits and independent knowledge is about as close to a mental nigger as one can get - keep projecting, Le-a.

You're not mentally prepared for anything. You will be among the first to die sitting in a puddle of your own precum spooning your Brand-Ⓚ™ gun, double nigger. Someone with a 20¢ Bic™ lighter and a pair of your mother's Playtex™ granny panties will smoke you out of your fancy underground bunker because you were too busy spending your days singing commercial jingles instead of having friends, being vigilant and setting up shifts to keep what you have.

Yes, If I do not want to get the gun from the black market.

SIG Sauer P226. Don't really know is it a good weapon since I lack the necessary experience in these matters. However if I rember it correctly the legal one cost's around 1200-1400€ in here.

A quick jewgling would suggest that in here 1000 rounds cost something around 200€

Where are you buying 200$ 9mm sidearms?

I've looked into several options for a future CCW and the better options are like 500$ minimum (current finalists are a Glock 19 which is 499$, and a PX4 Storm which is 599$, since I've put 50-100 rounds through both platforms and they felt good). Of course, this is in commiefornia, but I live in the best county to get a CCW in, so there's that.

All I got

If that is what you can get and are willing to do what ever you need to get a license. I would say to just go for it. It is definitely a decent gun. And a huge plus if they give you training in the process.

or like you said go the shady route so you aren't just hanging out unarmed you can always keep it away somewhere till you need it.

I mean that if a gun is $500 in the US it ends up being $100-200 higher priced in no-fun countries but apparently they end up being ALOT more than that.
I would go with the Beretta just to be a brand shill and not use a Glock to be edgey but I have heard mostly positive stuff about the glock 19 being very reliable carry guns ect..

Now that is what I call mad. You just keep confirming every post how mad you are about no one talking about tactical war games and LARPing "muh whiskey delta charlie network of super autists just like me"

Can I interest you in one of these?

It's better to break the bottle on their head than to cut them with the shards of glass, since it takes more force (PSI) to break a bottle than break bone.

My brother has one of the PX4s, but I was actually shooting his wife's PX4 since his is .40 S&W, which isn't bad but 9mm is so much less expensive if I ever wanted to go plinking with it.

We tried the G19 out for shits and giggles, and were impressed, since we both thought Glocks were meme guns (and also the Honda Civic of handguns). If I were going for the Glock, I'd actually want a G17, which is the full sized duty version of the G19 (uses the same mags, etc) and glock mags are less expensive. Seriously, here the PX4 mags are like 45$ a pop, and uncommon, which effectively puts it out of my operational price range should I decide to try and get several additional mags.

I understand now about the 200$ thing, that makes so much more sense.

It is funny how Glocks get slightly less shit even tho the track record is pretty good.

I have been seeing alot of .40s&w talk tho looks like it is because it has about the same ftlb/fps as 9mm but almost twice the bullet weight on the heavy loads so muh stopping power is way better

Then people still shit on things like Hi-points or Taurus even tho if you look into it they are decent guns for the price once broken in and greased to hell.
again unarmed vs barely armed vs armed

I think the whole issue with Glocks is that the first gen versions were basically plastic shit.

30 years later? Glock has the manufacturing process down, worked out the kinks, and has built a solid platform.

Same shit happened with the AR-15, everyone loves to say they're unreliable pieces of shit because of the gen 1 M16s in Vietnam. Nearly 60 years later though? Pretty much all the bugs have been worked out and they're reliable platforms now, but they still carry the stigma.

Dad has a Taurus .38 Special/.357 Magnum 5 shot. That's a fun one to shoot, but we don't put .357 through it very much, too expensive.

If they didn't work every single cop wouldn't be running around with them

My grandfather actually has a mattel stocked m16 that he took when he left the army.

The Taurus revolver line up is pretty good not going to find anything more reliable than a decent revolver. Seems like that might be best for a home gun for family members literally fool-proof double action

Anyone have any thoughts on the Sig p320? I've been looking into purchasing my first weapon, and I really like what I see with the p320. Still have yet to go and actually hold it, but is there anything really negative about it? Striker fired seems like a better idea for a newer user (less to think about and less motor skills required), and the fact that I can swap out frames and calibers with it makes it very appealing.

Long range precision shooting is a very good skill to have.

Sig Sauer is tip top tier. Go for it.

Get the full size in .357 sig and .40. You will not be disappointed.

I was actually thinking the Compact in a .357

Again, I haven't held them and I'm in a pretty safe area in burgerland atm, so it won't be an immediate purchase. My local Cabela's should be okay with letting me hold them, and from cuckchan /k/, I'm sure I can find them for cheaper. Sig's website has them around 700 USD.

Now, what else would I need for a gun? Holster, some sort of box to put them in and at least 3 mags? And just to make sure I don't get a pedantic little shit responding, obviously ammo too.

Typical, fighting yesterdays war with old tech and strategies. Hand held guns are like the hood ornament in a head on collision.

$0.15 has been deposited into your account. Thank you for your shilling service with Correct the Record!
Kill yourself (1).

Tfw yuropoor

At least I have fabrication skills and if organised, shitting out weps would be easy. Getting rounds is another story id have no idea where to begin.

It still often penetrates level 3

I just looked at the URL. Regardless, there only application for using AR500 as armor is on a vehicle. That plate weighs at least 33% more than mine and is smaller.


I own a tp9sa and it's the best factory pistol I've ever touched. Glock is going to be about the same quality for $200 more and are questionably better once you put another $500 into it, meaning you've just pissed away a lot of money that could be doesn't on ammo or another firearm entirely.

2 funs will always be better than 1 fun with 2 barrels.

Again no one cares about your reloading bench and whatever the fuck you will still run out of primers and powder quit being a faggot

You can use match heads, see the US Army's Improvised Munitions field manual.


"Stop trying to be self-sufficient, goy!"


I'm not allowed to own a gun by virtue of being on anti-depressants. Thanks, Canada.

Now we are LARPing, do you have fields to plow or cows to milk? What about clean drinking water 24/7. Please don't fucking talk about being self-sufficient without all of these things you sound like that autistic person earlier who was mad we weren't talking about army field manuals and all the "code talk plans of my 10 man network of autistic downers"

I live a mile from lake michigan and have a water filter rated for 10k gallons

bretty sure you dont need milk to survive a race war

Forgot water was the only thing you need to live. I apologize.

lol, yes I quite literally do.
Not all of us are fucking basement dwellers.


Again just because the media and lawmakers call it an armor piercing round does not make it so. To defeat armor you need either high speed or very hard materials, ideally both. The mild steel used in these rounds is not hard enough to penetrate and they are fairly slow rounds even out of a long 20"+ barrel (which most people don't even use).

Face it ceramic plates are designed to break its a feature not a flaw. They might be great if you have unlimited funding and a military supply chain to replace those $1000 plates after a single impact but for an individual or small groups looking to prepare themselves steel is 100% the way to go as they last forever and can take multiple hits from anything you are likely to encounter without losing their protective capabilities. Not to mention you could buy 5 or 6 plates for the cost of just 1 ceramic plate.

Good for you then.

Man, why own a house with a basement if you're not going to live in it like some kind of STALKER with his stash of guns.

I think this thread has gone fairly well, with minimal infighting (for Holla Forums).
I think the main thing to gather from this is that shit is coming so get what you can now. If you absolutely have no access to firearms for defense, at least get some kind of weapon and carry a knife. Learn how to use whatever you have, seek training if available.
Remember, in the past, fire has always been an extremely useful tool. Being white, we are intelligent enough to NOT lay waste to our own neighborhoods for no reason. "Don't burn our suburbs, we need our homes! Take that shit to the ghetto."

It was designed to penetrate steel helmets, see section 3.9

Now you're LARPing that you plan on getting shot in the chest so many times that you need a wear a steel target. Just face it, youre desperately trying to justify your poor buying decisions.

Oh and don't forget to stick food and water. This should be a no Brainerd, and you should already be doing this anyway along with weapons, ammunition, etc. Whether the race war kicks off this afternoon, or a blizzard or hurricane shuts down your area, if you're consistently working on stocking basic necessities (canned goods, water, ammo, cleaning supplies, magazines, etc, etc) you're in better shape than many of your neighbors, and in better shape than most of the frizzy haired savages who may want to gang up to try to take your shit.

If people are going with or can only afford steel plate, why is that a problem for you? We don't need to be standardized. Even if you have an old school police Kevlar vest laying around, it's not ideal but better than nothing.

I know there is fish, good shit that you have a plan and everything, I apologize legitimately this time as not to throw the thread more.

Has anybody considered house hardening, traps, etc? Not to sound like a retard, but if shit goes down in the winter, I'm Home Aloning my house.

Here's some more gun porn.


It feels like I'm in a fever dream every time I hear that.

Exactly what was the article about people having less than 3 days of food on average.

And the CIA or some place saying if the power went down 90% of the population would be dead in a year.

All of those things are pretty fucked mostly because they have actually done the research for some reason

It isnt a problem for me. Its a problem for anyone naive enough to follow in user's foot steps and repeat his poor buying decisions, by thinking that getting the cheapest armor plates available under the guise of it must be better because it can be shoot multiple times, because all the rounds you'll ever be shot at with will hit a 10x12 plate. This ignores that the manufacturer he was recommending has had serious quality control problems in the past, because they cant be bothered to test the steel they buy before manufacturing.

I was actually surprised that one of the street nigs realized that burning down your own neighborhood and stores isn't an effective strategy. That seems to be their go to opening strategy.
"Jamal, race war be kickin off, yo! Quick, you steal some weaves and burn down the beauty parlor. I'm finna steal one roll of toilet paper then torch the grocery store. Black lives matter!"

I hear you. The plates are pretty small, but again better than nothing. Hopefully once the wild rumpus starts, supplies can be liberated from sources that accidentally slipped on banana peels while supporting zog.

It does make what people here say about their lack of long term planning being true.

If I burn this store down some other cracka is just gonna build another one when it is owned by the only slightly intelligent black person in their tribe.

That is fucking thin in comparison to standard steel plate for a vest, in fact I believe that is the standard thickness of a Russian steel helmet.

Belgians are fucking retarded, you should feel bad for thinking Russian steel helmets come close to a solid plate of hardened steel. M855 is shit ammo, get some proper match loads if you want good groupings. Shot placement is everything.

It's actually good, because in an all out race war scenario, blacks in white areas will either chimp and die, lie low, or retreat to join their brothers. The black areas will quickly be without supplies since they apparently can't steal a 40 without burning down the store, ensuring that they destroy a store of supplies. Stores in heavily mixed areas will be sites of carnage, but heavily white areas won't likely see complete destruction of food stuffs. The whole "supplies will go fast in the city" idea will happen but far faster than they expect, as fire will eat more of the precious supplies than the nigs will.

Also, brave souls could simply drive trucks full of "tampered with" supplies to the outskirts of enemy areas and drop them off.

Half the thickness. Also at 600m.

I literally said this

Anyways stay btfo user with your poorfag plates.

AK-lover here, Holla Forumsacks actually do buy AK aside from the stupid memes about how Kalashnikov stole the Stg44 and muh commie guns right?

I hope you don't believe those because AK is god-tier rifle that even american soldiers love.

People really aren't aware of how fast the system is going to melt when things do start happening they might think we are being tinfoil but civilizations ALWAYS have a reset. So i think these people are actually so far disconnected from reality keeping contact with them is a safety hazard.

Dirty dirty

real men have both.

Yes you sound this retarded right now.

Yeah nice strawman. The point of that video is that m855 is in no way an AP round and that it WOULD take 60+ direct hits to defeat that armor which obviously would never happen unless you are terminally retarded so for all intents and purposes a level III+ steel plate renders you impervious to any likely threat that strikes it.

Sounds like you're projecting, I haven't bought shit as I mentioned in my first post, if anything you are the one experiencing choice-supportive bias.

Nothing wrong with the AK. Just stack ammo. Buy up cheap Tula and Wolf now.

Sorry forgot to mention in my previous response: there are all kinds of mags, and whether a given mag will fit right in your AK is kind of a crap shoot. You may have to file the lip thing a little on some, others immediately lock in just right.
Don't waste money on expensive brand name ammo for the K. There's cheap Russian shit all over, but there will probably be a run on it prior to the election.

Great article. Thanks for the share.

I think it's just better to buy the cheapest steel banana mags.

It lists that as a requirement in the mil spec you didnt read.

You were going on about that here:

UHMWPE ceramic composites are bad plates to buy? Right…

Who cares if it was a but expensive. Your dad sounds fucking cool.

Also to be completely honest at least 20-30% of whites are going to be no less feral then their counter parts, Hopefully it will be less but they will be wolves in sheep's clothing to the unwary because he looks like me so it is safe. A lot of "normies" are very mentally unstable(we wouldn't be in this situation if they weren't but you should know that already) just watch them at stores or in public they may be able to work a 9to5 and seem like upstanding citizens but do not be fooled because they walk among us.

paranoid much?

thanks jewboi

This goes doubly so for any Canuck here. The most common cartridges here in Canuckistan are hunting calibers and 7.62x39.

.308, 30-06, 45-70, 7.62x39, .275 will all turn your cinderblock walls into rubble.

It's easier to get two dozen sandbags under a window (be careful about trying to reinforce upper levels, as a sandbag weighs 40lbs. Two dozen sandbags is 1000lbs in a small little area.) than try to get a bunch of engine blocks into a building.

Cement is brittle in nature. Even those barricades they put on the edge of roads would probably crack and crumble under the pressure of sustained fire. Again, best bet is sandbags. You want them high enough to crouch behind, and at least two deep. If you ARE using cinderblocks, put the sandbags in front of them and use the blocks for support.

get an ar 15 chambered for 7.62 and you can run 308 ammo thru it, check out aero precision

Only bad thing about 7.62x39 is that there will be ammo shortages in SHTF unless Russia intervenes.

ARs confirmed babby killing assault weapon designed by Satan

Given that Russians operate in Canada when it comes to arms dealing I don't think there would be a shortage for the maplefolk considering when steel cored x39 and x25 were banned for import it all and I mean all of it went into Canada, also Norinco has shop set up there too.

Oh yeah, instead of visiting the police station, I guess I would loot gun stores instead.

Much more x39 there.

russiafag reporting in.

got an ak109 and an old but goodie akm. for the 109 i hav convert kit for nato ammunition and diffrent optics and cobra but dont like green)))

if europe needs mother russia we come if we cant send army. friends also ready with packed backpacks. was in ukraine with friends for few weeks to fight ukrops. killed spanish private soldier fighting for ukrops at 300 meters with my ccbal sights on my 109. friend killed 12 idiots with his svd))))

My god, ruskies can has guns?

Glock double-stack 9mm (17, 19, 26, 34) with a fuck ton of mags.

Reliable non-gucci but non-shit tier AR-15 in 5.56mm. Get a run of the mill FORGED lower receiver (Anderson, Aero, etc) and mate it to a high quality FORGED upper (Colt, BCM). Keep the whole pkg lightweight. Under 8lbs dry is good. You don't need a bipod, grip, laser, none of that shit. You don't need a quad rail. M-lok or Keymod is great. Get a good quality optic like an Aimpoint, or if you can, an ACOG. 300m shots will be a breeze with either. Everything closer than that will be easy.

Get good boots, and break them in so they fit like a glove. Build thick foot calluses such that you never get blisters.

Get commercial but high quality hiking gear. Anything with little to no MOLLE. In a crisis, MOLLE will be the neon sign saying, "HEY ROB ME I HAVE A GUN THAT YOU CAN USE." And no fucking military surplus, or tactifag 5.11 pants. Carharts, good jeans, just look normal. Look poor too, less noticeable.

forgot say: dont buy wepons on markets in darknet. most traps. only buy private from other onion market sites. one good site is from ukraine. people sell conquered weapons with geo service but never buy on shit like agora or what.

i bought my things more less legal))))) just says

Police stations generally don't have tons of ammo from what I understand. Also guys like that in the video aren't to be fucked with as in he's got a line right into Russia.

Russians are scary yo.

Товарищ. Украина забавное место.

и зарабатывать деньги . товарищ


22 magnum doe, I have a kel tec pmr 30 on the way

you jelly?

From what I know, police station is usually great loot because they are guaranteed to have some weapons either from the police, or confiscated/evidence stashes.

Нет. Боевой опыт, немецкий солдат в ᛋᛋ рун не борется за деньги!

You'd want the evidence locker which they tend to not keep on premise apparantly.

I just found the .22-250 round almost 4,000fps and 20% more energy than .223 says it is a varmint cartridge wut, I only knew of like 3-4 .22 cartridges apparently more than that.

Here legislation in France allows you to own BP and airgun (>20J) without registration (category D2).
You need a license and a registration to own category D1 and C weapons (basically any non automatic nor semi-automatic gun of less than 10+1 rounds, and semi-auto shotguns of max. 2+1 rounds), with pretty much any caliber (7.62x54R, .308w, 22LR, 270w…) except categoryB-only calibers (like 5.56/223r, or 7.62x39).
For category B (all calibers, pistols and semi-autos), forget it. You need to have a license, pass 3 shooting session in min. 6 months, and wait 12 to 18 months for the dept. to grant you access to such weapons. S will HTF well before that.

I have made a thread on /k/ asking for gun and preparation advice. The setup was a poor/middle class family of 6 in a rural town of 4000 inhabitants in France.

Came out well >>/k/399759


- get fit
- strengthen bonds in your community
- stockpile food and water for 3 months
- plan the securization of the village when SHTF
- find some places to hide food and resources as bug-out plans
- teach women and kids to shoot
- have a 12ga + buckshot and some slugs (add birdshot if there's small game in your area)
- have a fun caliber (.308w) bolt-action
- have 2 .22LR bolt-action if you have the money
- buy BP

shit I meant

Is the pump action 2+1 with a plug (like bird hunting the the US) or do they actually shorten the magazine tube?

The decocker is fairly handy and completely out of the way when you need it to be. Lots of people whine about them for no reason.

The trigger though is absolutely excellent, as is the utter lack of safeties.

Just take the plug out.

based squatniggers come to burgerica and help purge shitskins


There are many, pick up a reloading manual sometime.

Damn dude just read this, that sucks to hear but I hope your issue isn't typical since most gun shooting channels I've looked at have mentioned that the only negative is the shitty trigger. I've learned that the reason for that is that the PT111 has a double action that supposedly takes up the slack.

The SCCY CPX2 was my number 2 choice but I also didn't get it because the lack of a positive safety. Best of luck to you my friend, the PT709 is basically the same thing in single stack.

In the event of a race war, are you planning on hunkering down, gtfo of dodge, or hitting the streets to show people just how much black lives actually matter?

Hunker down, make plan, go moonman.

I've been kind of thinking that's how it would be for most, at least at first. Hunkering down with family and friends, trying to keep your home safe or relocating, and eventually going out once supplies start dwindling or as carnage gets closer. I'm sure there will be some hardcore Ben Garrison motherfuckers who are hunting in the streets from day one, but I'd guess your average Joe won't be taking it to the kikes at first.

Glock can barely keep up with the competition! Those adjustable backstraps that are new on the glock gen4 were already done by Walther, H&K and Smith & Wesson. Gen3 was good but to say that glock are some kind of leaders in the gunmarket is ignorant, you probably haven't read a thing about gen4. Also despite being good guns their reliability is highly overrated. Walther PPQ, CZ 75 SP-01 or Springfield XD are just as reliable if not more. Glock is going the way of the Beretta M9. You're right about AR-15 being a standard now but you're forgetting that the most attractive thing about owning an AR-15 is that you can swap pretty much every part because the parts are not proprietary unlike AR-10 where an Armalite lower will not function with a DPMS upper. If AR-15's weren't so customizable they would never have become this popular.

Except not every single cop runs around with them. How can you even say such a thing? What fucking area are you from? Did you check every cop's gun? Sig Sauer P229, Smith & Wesson M&P, Springfield XD, even CZ 75 and more are carried by American cops.

Man that was some dumb circlejerking you guys had going on. "Muh glawk" I'm not saying Glocks are bad but they're definitely not great anymore. The most useful about glocks is the many cartridges they come in. Looking for a 10mm? Go look at glocks. Looking for a 9mm? You would be doing yourself an immense disservice by only looking at glocks.

I should've elaborated; the new systems are much lighter than full quad rails, which was the point, not that it is more or less cool.

I'm currently building a .22-250 off of a Spanish Mauser action. I've already threaded and chambered the barrel. Currently inletting the stock.

Yeah, i want so badly to love this gun. I hope it gets worked out and I can love it after the repair. Does anyone make a trigger kit for it? I just hate that its so long and all the way to the back

Don't forget the importance of hooking up and networking with others who share your beliefs in real life. Eventually you may be able to convince your white neighbors to work together and form a cohesive plan for defense, but at first you need to have previously established where you and your friends and family will be meeting up, who's doing what, who's bringing what, transport, where everything will be stored, etc. Have clearly defined signals as to what constitutes "time to meet up" other than outright messages, in case communications go down. For instance "if there's a big blm rally downtown, everybody meet up earlier in the day at Bob's cabin in case the niggers set the city on fire. Bring supplies." Or whatever, but make sure everybody understands.

The reason a lot of cops have glocks is marketing. Glock has an amazing marketing machine towards law enforcement and militaries. The pistols themselves are OK, but they aren't OMG AMAZING that fanboys would have you believe. But as you noted a lot of US cops are moving away from that.


We reeeeaaally need to start doing this. Anything that puts us in meatspace is necessary at this point as a full chan shutdown is a very real possibility.

I'm sure most of us have similarly minded friends and family. Try to get them to go shooting with you, take a martial arts class with them, see if they'll go hunting or fishing with you. And start going over your backup plan with them.
Obviously use discretion. And try to find people with useful skills or belongings in your group of friends. Any nurses or doctors in your circle of friends? Former military? Anybody have a big house in a nice area? Any research chemists, veterinarians, etc?

Get talking to them and start getting them to understand the gravity of the current situation. You need a plan and you need to be working on it as much as possible. Getting the shit you need bit by bit, how you're going to move it, back up sources of food and water, secondary locations, etc

Again, its due to the double action that the trigger is so weird. I read the manual and apparently modifying the trigger voids the warranty but since the gun is fairly new I should hope someone makes a kit for you in about a year or so.

I appreciate the help, but my family a shit. This is not really an option until I create my own. Until then I gotta network however I can. Right now I live in an area that most definitely does not harbor any other (known) Holla Forumsacks, and others that even come close to me politically are very inclusive. I'm pretty much on my own for a while except for shitposting here.

Sorry, just continuing my little rant. The possibility of a chance shutdown can be seen as a motivator for getting your shot together now. But even if they didn't go down, if there's a local incident near you and you have to get your group together and hunker down, Holla Forums won't be very useful to you for the duration of the event. If you take the time to come on here and say "shit guys, there's roving packs of niggers in the streets, me and my in laws are sitting here waiting" or whatever, the typical advice you'll recieve is "start blasting Moonman at them. See you in valhalla."
You need your plan and supplies in place or ready to move anyway.

Glock also popularized the polymer frame for which we should all be grateful. It was the polymer frame that allowed more abuse, that's why other polymer guns can perform similar or better than glock. I mean jesus just look at this video, sure it's a promotional video but you get the point… Torture proof is a popular concept now.

Steel frame guns are not without their merit though. With proper care a stainless steel gun could outlive a polymer. Especially stainless revolvers are good for the purpose of "eternal lasting" since they don't require magazines with springs.

How did he get away with that?

OK, then try networking in places your likely to find conservatives. They can be brought to understand about the JQ later. If there's a decent boxing or martial arts school near you, or a gun club, go. Hopefully you make friends that can help you later, and if not you're still learning skills you can use later. Strike up some conversations, build friendships, maybe over a few beers once you start socially hanging out drop something like: "these blm riots are crazy. I can see things getting worse." Or "did you hear about those Muslims raping children in Idaho? It's like we're being invaded. " Or stupid shit like "wow walking dead is really unrealistic. How do you think we'd manage if there was a pandemic or we got attacked?"

I've made some progress here but like I said the ones locally are rather inclusive. That said I've made some headway but progress is slow.

In terms of getting them to be a working group you can rely on or redpilling them? You said they're insular, what seems to be the main barrier to you making inroads with them?

Being insular. I've made progress with a single co-worker on redpilling. But as for a group… that's a ways out. The only way I see to speed it up at this point is going to church (which might speed it up a lot) even though I don't pray.

I meant revolvers in general being reliable given not much to them, I know Taurus can be very hit and miss on functioning. Like that guy had said his dad has a Taurus that works apparently.

I'm not at all sure, I know is he was in a higher position later in his career doing "ambassador" type meetings with saudis ect. Then when he was done blasting peoples faces off point blank during bay of pigs, My dad actually had to tell me the stories since my Grandpa wouldn't on account of him experiencing ALOT of fucked up shit like them locking him in a cage while rats ate his thighs in korea or one of those fucked up places. So he probably just walked out with it in his hands.

Then go to Church. Hopefully you get something out of it, spiritually I mean.
Also, your friend. Do you guys,go shooting together? Get him stockpiling supplies along with you. If he has a gf and she's trustworthy, get her in on it too. You have to start somewhere.
I understand your frustration. Keep chipping away at everything you can do yourself and hopefully you have some like minded friends or family when the time comes. If not, at least you can put on your stetson hat and get down to business.

Also know that time line is all fucked up btw

any anons like convertible weapons?
the rugerblackhawk is a great convertible piece, it can shoot .357/.38 and 9mm and its built extra strong for hand-loaders and being single action it makes it easy to save brass. its certainly not a combat weapon but for SHTF it is a easy to maintain and very adaptable self-protection tool IMO

I own a Taurus. 357 with a 2 inch barrel. It's timing is off apparently, it's the only revolver I've ever known to JAM. I didn't even think that was possible. It was very accurate for the first couple hundred rounds, now it randomly locks up or shreds jackets inside the cylinder at which point it usually can't be opened easily.
I still keep it as a pocket gun, but it is garbage.
Not speaking for all Taurus revolvers but this one is shit.

Maybe down th4 line. Unfortunately I have yet to start handloading.

I'm considering it. We already chat and do some stuff but going there can't hurt.

Revolvers tend to be very resilient to neglect, but taurus has managed to fuck up just about anything it got its hands on with little exception.

Damn that sounds rough, I would of had a nice .357 service revolver from when my other grandfather worked as a Police Chief in Illinois but he gave it to my piece of shit uncle who probably pawned it.

.375 H&H Magnum makes steel plates cry

I'm a big fan of revolvers. I'm an advocate of having a revolver for every person as well as a semiautomatic pistol and rifle. My wife loves her .357 Ruger

there are some Blackhawks on GB for under $600 too

one of the first revolvers I saw randomly was a chiappa rhino the thing looked so bizarre at the time but awesome got me to look into revolvers. They just cost a bit tho.

If you're considering getting a Chiappa I really stress you treat it as a range toy rather than a main firearm. It's great for that unorthodox recoil management. Behold the inner workings of shit that will break if you look at it wrong. And then compare it to a time tested design of a nice and bulky Ruger Super Redhawk.

That's a lot of extra parts… why the added break points?

I need a real revolver only one I have is a pietta 1851 confederate navy BP .44

Dubs of truth.I also had no idea how effective and cheap steel plates are. Excellent info.

A Chiappa revolver exploded in someone's hand a few days ago. They're lucky it only removed the tip of one of their fingers. They may have been using hand loads and got a double dose or fired a squib followed by a live round. Either way, I haven't heard great things about their quality. Meme gun.

did the guy get caught?

ye I know it is just so edgy tho.

I really recommend a Ruger Super Redhawk in .44 Mag. It's a very sweet bulky revolver. If you need it to be somewhat concealable you should get the Alaskan variety that they offer.

Everywhere i see this i must shit talk it. I liked the design a lot. Felt recoil was noticeably lighter than other 357 but after about 25 rounds the cylinder release lever fails on these becoming loose. Normally that is not too big of a problem. but the Rhino requires the release lever to bu fully up or the cylinder will not turn and you can not pull the fake hammer back. The Rhino 20DS, 40DS and 50DS all have this issue. I ave not tested or looked in to the 100DS 400DS and 500DS but they were all released after Chiappa lost their shit acknowledging the issue and calling their customers "tinfoil hats" hen owners started disassembling them to fix the issue only to question chiappa as to why there was an RF id tag under the wood grip.


When I looked into it a few years ago the lack of available parts did seem weird like they didn't want you fucking with them yourself only sent back. I always assumed they were the apple products of guns, parts costing more than the gun

You don't have your RFID implant yet? I got them for my whole family can never be too safe, comrade.

All the better for our ((protectors))) to keep you safe with go-guy.

What was that video alex jonestein made with the reporter saying "of course all your children will have RFID chips ITS CURRENT YEAR"

the literal only reason I mentioned the ruger blackhawk is because it is basically the AK of revolvers, meaning that it is manufactured to be able to take a beating from shitty drunk fudd handloaders, it is super easy to maintain, and you can switch calibers in under a minute by pressing a button and pulling a rod and popping in a new cylinder. if you want some hi-tech shit, get a semi-auto with a double stack mag tbh.

You mentioned that earlier found the sr9e model for under $300 on GB seems like a good deal for a high capacity 9mm

ah not you but someone else did

IDK. There are a lot of vids where they say retarded things.

ruger revolvers are p gud IMO, a bit more affordable than S&W for a new gun
you could always buy a used 686 though

Is it possible to get a galil without having to build one from a parts kit? I'd even take one of the century arms golani sporters but nobody seems to be selling them. There's only parts and magazines on gunbroker.



Say what you will about das juden but they sure make some iconic gats.

When we finally get our holocaust I want to kill them with a tavor

Just imagined greedo with jew locks and jew cap getting the blaster.

Greedo dindu nuffin he a good boi and sheeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

Does anyone have the instructions on how to build a sten? For all legal purposes of course.

Here you go man, the guy who made these plans got cancer and was jailed by the British jews, who denied him any treatment while he was incarcerated.

You can find pdf instructions on /k/. Sten parts kits are cheap as fug.

Those are instructions for a luty, not a sten.

For all the nofunz, skim this first.

you done fucked up spergkraut, no one will tolerate you saying cuc/k/chan is better :^)

aaaaaaaaand, I forgot an image

Question I have never seen answered:

Everyone says that revolvers are more reliable in a life or death situation because even if you have a misfire, you can just keep pulling the trigger and cycling a fresh round, no need to unjam.

But what's the protocol for a hangfire? Not talking about range time here but life and death, man vs man, if you pull the trigger yes, you can keep shooting but when the hsngfire explodes, it is going to blow your gun to pieces in your hand.

Why does no one ever mention this?

I'm not sure why u think it would explode

1 Don't use revolvers
2 Cycle the action like your life depends on it
3 Failing that, bayonet charge

Because the hanging round doesn't have a pressure release after you've cycled it, it's blocked off by the frame. Revolvers can and do explode when a squib goes unnoticed and the operator keeps shooting (blocked barrel), a hsngfire that gets cycled will also be blocked from releasing its pressure when it finally detonates.


I see your point but not all revolvers have openings like that.

Also the revolver thing wouldn't matter for months or years. You'd probably be dead 100x over before it mattered.

Basically any semi-auto (or auto) needs a specific range of power in it's cartridge to cycle properly.

Manual actions dont have this issue and you can use all sorts of over or under powered loads including black powder and improvised things made from match heads.

So yes, in year 5 of the apocalypse you'd want a manual action. Chances are the world will never stop making new high quality ammo for years, and if it does, you will already be dead.

If you really want to prepare, get a good pump shotgun. It's the most versatile weapon. Or a good bolt/lever action rifle.

Pistols are for concealment. Year 5 of SHTF you won't need to conceal anything.

with 4 of the 6 ports exposed to open air and facing down-range find this highly unlikely.

chambers i meant, not ports.

to spergs who think it's impossible:

South Africa

Know any reliable cheap raifu that are sold in burgerland?

You just have to remember to wait a second or two before cycling after a failure to fire. A hangfire is even worse in an autoloader, because firstly it will completely wreck the firing mechanism and fuck up your gun. In a revolver the gun will still have one round chambered and possibly fireable. Secondly as you clear most of these guns the live round is right next to your hand, externalized, might even be pointing to your face and kill you. Often people HOLD the live round in their hand after clearing a misfire from a semi auto.

Besides the reliability, other (superior imo) benefits of revolvers are:
1. The grip doesn't hold rounds, so it can be molded perfectly to the hand. This allows much easier instinctual shooting and less training.
2. The round isn't in the grip, so its not limited in length/size. This allows the use of much larger rounds.
3. No slide to rack. Dunk your arms in ice water for 15 minutes to simulate battle adrenaline. Try to work the slide. Imagine a granny trying to work the slide….

There's a large body of anecdotal evidence from cops and criminals that shows in pistol fights even the fast box magazine change is too slow for the fight, and that adrenaline can make hands shake enough that inserting a magazine into a semi auto is almost impossible.
Thus in my personal opinion the best thing for self defense in a close combat situation is any snub nosed revolver chambered in .327 federal magnum and loaded with six shots of 100 grain JHP. Carry one of these in either appendix or pit carry for quick draw capability, with some moon clip reloads on the other side of you.

But here's the family secret: Carry fully loaded two of the same revolvers in kidney holsters and two on ankle holsters, for a total of four extra revolvers. Shoot one empty, throw it away, shoot the next one… there's no reload time, and compared to a semi-automatic handgun you'll be firing a lot more accurately, reliably and with more power per shot.
Only downside is more bulkier/heavier than carrying a semi automatic with multiple magazines, but consider that reloading that semi automatic isn't assured, and you'd have to carry 10mm to even come CLOSE to that firepower.
Suddenly the weight and bulk seems worth it right?

OK now you're clearly LOOKING for things to dislike about revolvers.

Fuck, wrong video. I fucking hate youtube autoplay.

this is literally the worst advice ive ever read.

what the fuck man? get a glock 19. adrenaline doesnt make mag changes impossible or racking a slide some herculean task. calm yourself down, its just buck fever.

its called a new-york reload idiot, that was common practice for old-school cops back in the .38 days of trying to kill a 350 pound nigger with a S&W 10

Anybody? Also, are silencers legal in America?

lrn to google

This is your personal opinion based on absolutely nothing, in f, but thanks for the comment anyway.

Seriously? Out of all the semi auto options on the market, some of them fairly decent, you choose a glock. This is the worst handgun in existence, it is one of the semi autos that made me abandon semi autos forever. How can you stand the mushy trigger? Or the slide that has those poorly designed grip notches for two fingers only. Or the really awkward straight grip. And the grip is so FAT! I'm not even sure I could hit the broad side of a barn in a stressful situation with a glock.

In a dry range I have zero problems with this.

However I know from experience that if it's raining or my hand is sweaty, it's way more difficult. If it's snowing and I've got gloves on, forget about it. And having been in a few fights I know my hands become useless noodles. Semi automatics are a favorite of firearm instructors and bloggers, not people who use handguns in the day to day. Talk to any criminal that's been through a gang war about their experiences, talk to cops, especially old cops who served before the semi auto mafia paid off the procurement people.

Jewgle tracks your searches

I don't feel like being on whatever list they're building

But I did use a different search engine, so my question now is, how hard is it to obtain a silencer? Where are they sold?

If you get a tax stamp.

Might not be legal in your state.

look it up at gun stores you fucking retard

They're called suppressors, and yes they are.

special operations units ask for glocks by name. none of them use revolvers. no military or police force worth a damn uses revolvers. its not my personal opinion.

This isn't an opinion, your post is objectively shit. Glocks are not the worst on the market, but that said they are not the best. They are mid-tier. Great pistols for sure but there are better and worse options to go with.

You can't go wrong with BudK my fellow natsocs, why my great grandfather used to slice up 2-3 nips at a time with one of these bad boys in the pacific theater!


Don't get me wrong, it's a good skill to have, but it's in no way anywhere near as important as close range shooting ability. I'd much rather be with someone who can handle their shit in a 10-100m firefight than someone who can drive nails at 500m+

Long range precision shooting is a very specific application, especially where I live. Everything that's not city is a sea of trees and mountains and gullies and hills and grassy knols. It's a sniper's paradise, because a ghillie and the skills to use it means you'll never be found, but if someone knows how to read a fucking map and moves well, they'll have no problem closing the distance on you, well inside your zero. At which point, I hope you've brought a fighting rifle, because your pistol is going to put you at a majour disadvantage to an AR or AK (I live in Canada, so probably a Tavor) that's zeroed for 100-200m.

Most engagements are fought around 10-300m anyways. If you're farther than that, even a sniper is going to have difficulty hitting a moving target with the first shot. If that target is wearing armor, they'll have to pin them in the head. That gets more and more difficult the more variables you throw in there. Rain, wind, light, hunger/thirst, distractions, etc.

Again, someone who is proficient at movement and communications, and is a decent shot at 10-300m is much more valuable than somone who can hit a steel target on a perfect day out at 800m with a bipod and a solid zero.

There is no such thing as an AR-15 chambered in .308/7.62. Those are AR-10s.

I shot a Glock 19 (gen 3 cause CA), I liked it, was sharing my experience with it. Glock mags are not all that expensive, that's all.

I actually liked the PX4 better, but I was impressed with the G19 because, like you, I thought Glocks were plastic meme guns for years.

But hey, you'll be happy to know I'm buying a Ruger LC9 from my sister-in-law's folks instead of a Glock, because unlike gun stores I can make payments on it and they're cutting me a deal cause I'm family. It's a little light and the grip is thin, but I'm gonna make it work.

try to buy a surplus Glock 17, maybe a a surplus FN browning high power?

.380 Auto (9x12mm/9mm Short) is a good way to go for a self defense gun.

You absolutely need to practice with it, when then time comes you must be comfortable with the firearm and be able to place rounds where you need them to go.

Stop shitposting, the AR 10 was a different design that was very similar but there are slight differences.
People just call them AR 10s because it's an easier way to distinguish the two but they are still different.

Boondock saints up in this bitch.

build a sten gun outta tale pipe

sten again england

You know reloading doesn't make a huge amount of difference. If you want to carry like 4 .357 magnums, be my guess, but two 9mm glocks or whatever concealable, reliable, and cheap polymer handgun works.

Yes, you are absolutely correct. I was more thinking in conjunction with a working group.

if specializing in something like 8mm mauser is what it takes for /pol to get a Rifle and cache of ammo so be it.

and it isn't that expensive if you buy bulk.

Cut cost in anything you spend going towards jewish owned businesses and spend it towards you firearms goals.

Stop embarrassing yourself, LOLBERTURDIAN.
Jesus, it still thinks it represents all Germans and Holla Forumsacks

Um…if you're worried about being on lists, maybe a thread on prepping for racewar on a natsoc board isn't the place to be posting…

jew york city … and you expect to have a gun

Special operations units don't use pistols of any kind ever, and also lol if you think the units are ASKING FOR GLOCK BY NAME! Someone got paid off to procure glocks, this is really naive of you.

For their price, for their reputation, and for the market they cater to, glocks are the worst.

Reloading makes a huge difference in a realistic situation, and there's more than that one benefit to the revolver.

There's simply no way to shoot a semi automatic handgun instinctively, the angle of the grip is too shallow which makes the gun stick down about half an inch. Most of semi auto handgun training is simply training to ignore instinctual hand positions.

On top of the reloading problem and the instinctive positions, revolvers are inherently more accurate as they don't have a moving barrel, they use more powerful ammunition, and are more reliable per shot.

that 12:1 KD ratio doh

While funny, this isn't really helping the discussion. If that's what he's comfortable using, so be it. This thread is about sharing tips and getting ready for a shit storm that's been coming for a long time. If he wants to rely on revolvers, big deal. I'm sure there are guys are actually going to rely on flea market katanas. Is that what I'd do? No. But if shit kicks off and revolvers only guy drops twelve attackers, that's 12 the rest of us don't need to defend against. If theoretical katanas guy drops two, that's two that won't be attacking anybody else.

so wat, the whole premise of this thread is cancer anyway. never tell anyone what guns you have. only retards do that

stopped reading right there


No, reloading doesn't make a huge difference.

Look if you want to be a little tacticool cowboy, go ahead. I don't care, it's not my head getting crushed my niggers. But please don't tell some idiot that your way is the soundest in tactics.

Yes, people did that, FUCKING DECADES AGO. It's not because it's the be all and end all, but because that's all they had. There's a reason you don't see cops with 4 or 5 fucking revolvers on them.

You are fucking autistic.

I laughed.

lold too true, except the last part where I'd just pull out another revolver instead of reloading.

Nah that would be the glock crowd.

Also I love how you agree that it's a great tactic with a long history of being successful, but you still take a dump on me for bringing it up.

ignore them tbh, it just some faggots who want to role-play as chris-costa

honestly if you are just a normalfag you should just have some un-assuming fudd weapons for self defense and not roleplay as a SF operator. the new-york reload has worked since the the time of blackbeard i.e. before wheel-guns, sure its not operator to carry like 3 used shit-tier colt detectives and just dump them into a nigger and then run off but its more realistically achievable than being keanu tier with guns when you are living pay-check to paycheck

When the fuck did I ever say that, retard? I said they did that, because that's all they had. It's not the best technique ever, it's a technique that was used because that's all they had. You really think I'm gonna be carrying 12 flintlock pistols because, HURRDURR PEOPLE HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR CENTURIES. No of course not, that's fucking retarded.

I'm using Norton antivirus, they'll never find me

mfw living in germany


Give me your name, address, list of guns you own with serial numbers and pictures of your dog for recreational target practice

Can you even own baseball bats?

Only if he puts a rag on his head and screams 'Death to Europa'.

All jokes aside though I hope these help

Excuse the blogpost, but if that's the case and Blackhawks are bombproof, what about Ruger Super Redhawks?

I went to an indoor range when visiting some family in Alberta (Canadastan) and it was run by flips or gooks. Couldn't tell. PingPong all sounds the same to me; lots of disgusting throat noises.

Anyways, I was shooting an HK P30L and a Super RedHawk. The P30 was alright, but the trigger was gritty, the mags were fucking near impossible to load, and the pull and reset were finicky.

The Redhawk on the other hand. Oh my fucking god, I did not think a revolver could even have issues. Keep in mind, this was the first time I've shot handguns (Canadastan) so I bought into the "Revolvers don't have issues" meme, but the timing was off, the trigger felt like there was fucking gravel in it, the hammer would get stuck, I had 3 misfires and the baby munching sonofabitch range officer came up, took the gun out of my hand and FUCKING OPENED THE CYLINDER, TAKING THE ROUNDS OUT BY HAND! Luckily they didn't go off, any of the 3 times, but Jesus Christ!

Anyways, what level of neglect is required for a revolver to be almost unusable like that? Double action was almost unusable, due to the cylinder timing being so bad and jamming all the time. Single action wasn't much better with the hammer getting stuck.

On the contrary, you're permanently butt-blasted that you can't shekel your way out of the fact that you have zero skills. You went full nigger shitting on the very concept of self-improvement and self-knowledge because your entire life has been dedicated to nothing other than spending NEETbux that are no longer going to be there when something actually happens.

That's why my comment that was directed at no one in particular has triggered you to stand up for the filtermen and useless eaters of the world. The only LARPing going on here is you thinking that you're just going to sit at home turtled in, never sleep and always have the upper hand simply because you spent more money on shit.

I hope you get taken out by a nigger with a rusty shank that was sharpened using sandpaper - you're that much of a faggot that it would be laughable to see maximum disparity between the amount of shekels you spent thinking you could buy your way to a secure future in a war zone and the amount it took to end your pathetic life by someone who had just one small skill more than you do.

Eat a dick, Harry Ellis.

Get AAC or Smith Enterprises. They're used by the military.

Shit, can anyone confirm this works?

Can't go wrong with a Smith and Wesson.

Yes it works you can check youtube. It's a one shot pistol though.

on reloading manuals they have a section titled "ruger only"

The range is not the battlefield. Even Cletus is not dumb enough to wait in the open. People will run and cover themselves.
You won't hit shit past 25 yards with a pistol in a gunfight

I mean the pipe gun, sorry.

Another thing to mention, is that slide weight depends on the individual gun. My hands were sweating when I just went and did my CFSCR (Canadastan makes us do a safety course before we're allowed funs) and the cocksucking Browning Hi Power was almost impossible to lock open with sweaty hands. Luckly, there's a magazine disconnect so it locks on empty and smacking the slide stop with a thumb isn't too bad, but still. If you have to manually rack that gun in a high stress scenario and you don't have 10000 rounds through that gun, you're fucked m8ty.

this tbh

Yes it works.

And while you're there don't forget to pick up one of these!

But why stop there? Pick up a Hillary mask and a Hillary knife today! Nothing works better for sneaking up on Bernie supporters and stabbing them in the back! Order both now and get a free Hillary nutcracker!

Posted in a thread yesterday, but this is what I'll be using.

I got a good understanding of crypto, computers, some basic radio theory under my belt, and a lot of reading material stored away in my head.

Me and my extended family in my state have a "Riot plan"… in case the peaceful protesters visit.

Is that 4 of clubs thing still going around?

I'll take "What are Speed Loaders?" for $700

There's no reason to be either/or about this. I was in the military and I guarantee that people who practice with bolts or battle rifles in a variety of conditions (not bipods and shit) and ranges out to at least 500yds will wreck most anyone's shit as long as they aren't fighting in cities. People who are set up for tactical shit and relatively close can only function because of artillery/air/armor.

I agree that long range precision is not necessary, and learning sneakiness is a must.

Tell us about that textile business again

I never thought you were a german nor do I have any problem with Holla Forums. Chill the fuck out

I thought it was 8 of diamonds.

I'm going nude undermine tbh

i thought it was the ace of spades?

IMO we shouldn't appropriate the vets ancient memes tbh, we should use millienial shit and make it our own, I think that blue eyes white dragons would make great death cards tbh

Or moon clips. Even less fiddling required and take up less space, and have no moving parts.

Does Moon Man use Moon Clips?

I think he uses a glock.

Eight of diamonds now bro.


Nah it was half chan's /k/ IFF. IIRC it was 4 of Clubs something of life

Fleck Parka. I want one of those Zeltbahns. They look comfy, plus I'm looking to buy some Wehrmacht uniform stuff. Might be getting oen of the oakleaf or peadot 44.

If moonman had a laser gun, would it be a moon beam?

When did the IFF change? Is /wrol/'s IFF still in effect? Can we still do the whole "cheeki breeki" and "get out of here stalker"?

Are those your tactical groid menthols for distraction?

Someone was talking about tactical decoy type stuff for drawing attention maybe a case of weaves or some black and milds almost like cars in Afghanistan cause all those armored boys would run over cars to crush them like goofballs .

uhh i don't follow what your are trying to say

sportsmans guide has heer sniper smocks tbh

Cigarettes are a door opener. I can walk up to someone just standing around, if they're smoking I can pull out one and ask them for a light. They then talk to me and I can use that for gathering information.

I can also give them to someone as a way of building a good image in their head. I used to do this with an old black guy who was on the same public transit with me. Sure, he expected cigarettes, but I eventually learned hes a felon with 2 pistols.

tl;dr for my enjoyment or for theirs depending on how the winds blow.

I'd rather just buy from Hessen.

That is some well thought out stuff my man and does make alot of sense, didn't we do that with food/water every time we went to random countries? I remember some documentary about the ME where they would hand out water ect then after awhile ask them who/where the bad guys were since it would make them open up a lot more. I know alot of people there were farmers and shit not wanting to die for no reason.

tobacco is more natural and personal to chat a guy up. dip is good as well in in rural areas or around military.

food or water is too forced

drive bys are nigger tech but they work if you know how to lead the shots

Just take out a bottle of vodka with two shot glasses.

portability and still unnatural way to gather intel (or whatever)
inb4 too serious

US did this in every country since the begining of time. Water is a mainstay, plus you're seen as a nice giftgiving gaijin/infidel/paleface/ etc. So they're more likely to feel as if they need to return the favor.

Something else done is where the medic is used or one of the riflemen will be "candy man".

Medics are trained when caught to just give out as much first aid and doctoring to the locals who found them so they feel graditude for finding Americans. Candy man is the rifleman with candy, he hands it out and a cryptolinguist is with the guy generally. The kids will be all nice but the cryptolinguist is listening around to hear the adults and what the older kids who are more reserved are saying.

Water can be used. It's not too forced. Try to look for the guy on his own. He's less likely to be influenced by those around him eg "don't talk to dat cracka, sheeeiiiit"

Its best to be sweating or to pour a little on yourself before approaching. Drink the water from the bottle. Approach him and say something like "Do you know whats happening over there?" or "What was that person shooting earlier. It was loud as hell." Its dependent on previous events and the type of person you're approaching. Stay reserved on swearing unless they open it up.

Remember the acronym of MADE
Mimicry, Adoration, Direction, and Entourage. This is how you can find a leader in a urban environment, but for basic bitch conversating, you need to jsut mimick the guy a little and check the entourage or people around them.

If I can recommend a book, Left of Bang is a good start for this kind of work.

As the "kundschaft leid" of some leftist band says "euer deinst ist die aufklaurung" or "our duty is of information gathering".

That is what really interests me, How you change the tactic depending on higher/lower intelligence or other factors. The whole idea of mind manipulation seems kind of jew tier but very intriguing.

Ah good shoot I will look into it.

this is a thing, I agree.

still, tobacco is the equivalent of legitimacy, food/water of 'hearts and minds.' Not saying it won't work, but tobacco can really make someone open up for some reason. Alcohol can work if culturally appropriate, like cracking open a beer and chatting with someone.

So how do you get them to tongue kiss with you?

I had to study it for the sketchy computer stuff I like to do. The general term is "social engineering". The best example of this is walking to the smoking section of a company, talking to the guys, and walking in behind them. You now have access to the whole building instead of going through the front.

The military calls it "hunter killer" Basic bitch psychology and the ability to plan ahead are your main stays. If you can play chess you can play mental chess. Other things people sould be interested in reading is "Getting the Confession". Apply interrogation techniques subtly and you can get what you want out of them.

It works with people who agree to follow the implied social contract. Its kinda why female reporters sleep with guys and they tell them stuff.

Tobacco is the easiest to do in person. If its hot and you're talking to rioters water would be more appropriate. Maybe even a granola bar or something. Pretty much do what a girl does to get you to talk.

Open mating signals. Look for those who are receptive to the signals you give. Girls play with their hair, if they cross their arms they're pretty much shut off.

A retard is you

What about self-defense techniques btw? Too little talking about that. Anyone recommend anything in particular?

Anyways, I got a few hours to burn. I'll throw some basic tradecraft out there for people who are interested.

Lets start off with radios. A good resource will be AMRRON. To some they're "Christ Cucks" but they mean good. They're also into preparedness and weapons. If there is a section you should listen to, its "PARTISAN RADIO" and the "Radio Free Redoubt" stuff is hit and miss sometimes. Check for "FLDIGI" and for "Underground Chuches"

Please don't fash our their comments. Just take the information they give and leave it at that. has some resources on making and using OTP and DRYAD encryption sheets.

For your radios on your person you will most likely be using a Baofeng uv-something or another. Its a 1 or 4 watt radio most are capable of commo on ham, murs, frs/gmrs frequencies. You want to get antennas for the frequencies you are using. You also want to use as little wattage as possible to conserve battery. For portable carry, try mounting to the back or to the shoulders, preferable behind you. This gives you the ability to lay prone and also get the message out. VHF/UHF commo does not reflect well. So its mostly line of sight.

I've covered some of this on /wrol/

What type of self defense, 1v1 irl pvp? Don't get hit, use a knife if you can, otherwise a body chisel works.

Against a dog? They generally jump up to bight leaving the neck exposed when they bight your arm. Punch the throat/cut it. Hit them in the eyes.

If in a lock with someone thumbs into the ribs, behibnd the ear, under the chin, eyes, quishy spots. Knees to the junk/grabbing and twisting.

Breaking from a choke hold generally involved slamming your thumbs into their eyes, mule kicking them in the dick, leaning forward as much as you can, if they lean back throw yourself into it so they get unbalanced/ fall.

There's a quote from a a man about "americans" and needing to "abandoning previous views of fairplay".

“It is now clear that we are facing an impacable enemy whose avowed objective is world domination by whatever means and at whatever cost. There are no rules in such a game. Hitherto acceptable norms of human conduct to not apply. If the United States is to survive, long-standing American concepts of ‘fair play’ must be reconsidered.”

“It may become necessary that the American people be made acquainted with, understand and support this fundamentally repugnant philosophy.”

Jimmy Doolittle

what do you think of the war room?

I got more but they're at the pawn shop right now.

Tell them "The economy is liable to shit the bed at any time, the more beans, rice, home dried meat, pickled vegetables, homebrew beer/wine/cider, sproutable grains, kompot, lighters, firewood and ammunition you have, the more comfortably you are going to live, and the cheaper too, as you can process cheap raw materials into expensive homemade goods.
You buy insurance for your health, yes? Well this is my health ensurance, that I will eat and live in relative comfort cheaply and my guns and their food will run off any trouble that wants me and the kids dead, and you tied helpless to the bed as he "replaces" them by force.

Also you need bleach as well for water purification. Remember, 2drops of bleach per 1quart of water.

Chlorine for pools can be concentrated and then used properly to purify water as well.

Once you've "purified" with bleach/correct amounts of chlorine, pour the water into half filled containers and shake them like a mother fucker. It gets rid of the taste and smell.

Boiling is better but this works.

That's if you have fuel to spare and you can safely boil your water without people noticing the smoke, and smell. A cigarette can be seen at half a mile at night, imagine the fire needed to boil a quart of water.

Whats the long barreled handgun on the bottom rack?

its actually a suppressor.

I don't rightfully know what it is, there's no markings but its a .22lr hand gun, detachable magazine. Oddly enough its not semi-auto you have to pull the bolt back after every shot.

Good point.

Last year I made the decision to trust my life on the street to Second Chance body armor. I got the level IIa because it stops the most rounds. plus I got the Trauma Plate for the front.

What scares me is that, although I can fit an extra trauma plate in the front, I cannot fit a second one in back. As of late I have taken to duct-taping a second trauma plate to the area of my back where the heart and vital organs are located. Then I put my vest on.

Here is the questions. The ducttape solution, although tactically sound, is hot and painful to remove. I would like to go to the single-plate solution in back. What I am worried about is repeated hits to that area with .308 ammunition. I have a high-risk security job and I fear that I would be the target for repeated long-distance shots to my back.

Are any of you aware of a thicker plate that could stop, say, .338 Lapua or something like that? Is there a better way to do the second plate?

BTW, I am, of course, usually carrying a pair of ceramic plates in my briefcase so that I can shield my head. My SO (we work as a team when necessary) has a similar accessory containing a breakdown NEF single-shot 300 WinMag with an 18" bbl. The plan is that I shield us with my body and “catch the rounds” while she assembles the NEF. I lay down covering fire with my 23 (Bar-Sto .357 Sig barrel) and she makes the long shots. I will then throw smoke grenades to obscure the area while continuing to lay covering fire. The problem, of course, is when I have to turn my back to run, and then the problem crops up.

Do you think this could the solution to my problem?


I like to build a special firepit for cooking that hides light and smoke. It's a dakota fire hole, but i pack wet mud into an encircling dome wall around it and then secure my pot on top after lining the inside wall with foil. I used to smoke shisha a long time ago, and got the Idea from that.

my best guess is it was some weird project my dad was working on, he makes a fair number of guns, he sold it to me for 50 bucks so whatever. I've only ever used it once to kill a rat, frankly I don't see a purpose for it beyond that.

I have a Mark 9 commando 9mm semi automatic Thompson and a 22 stoeger luger remake from the 60s.
only have a 100 rounds right now and I'm not sure how many 22 rounds I have.

r8 me
I'm not very gun savvy please no bully

I have a few barrels to catch rain water the state I live in actually gets like 15% more rain than other states, So I have a few rain barrels just for that also have 2 creeks within eye distance. I will take my chances on drinking either of those unboiled/purified if I must but I do have axes/saws to cut trees on my property if I have to.

Also have a few lbs of yeast and seeds since I really enjoy gardening/brewing. I might be a UBER NEET but I'm not useless. Need to increase my book collection it is slightly lacking.

If any of you can name all the knives in the picture I'll give you an upboat

More pics, it looks cool.

It's situational. Boiling is simple as hell.

How's Africa buddy?
Whats your expected range of ambush? Training of the persons you're expecting will shoot at you. ETC. Steel plates are heavy as fuck. Stick with ceramic. If you can afford it, try titanium for a back plate. If you remember your reaction to contact drills, 3-5 seconds for a shooter to engage a new running target. When going prone try to roll a few times to get to better concealment/cover.

Dakotas take time but are pretty useful. Do you put a grate on yours? Like a tiny grill grate?

Meme/10 would still operate with. What size waffen SS outfit can you wear?

How many cubic inches are you looking at each time it rains? Barrels are a good idea but I can't fathom how to keep them clean or keep the tanks from breeding mosquitoes/germs.

Pokey, stubby, stabby, tiny tim, fat and shiny, kidney stone fixer.

HK-416 w/ drum roll 22cal
old German Walther P38(?) 9mm
3 shotguns, two old, one new 12G Remington
AK-15 Bushmaster (.223)
I know I have some others like an old Browning pistol.

Stocked up on plenty of ammo (bulk 9mm, bulk 22cal and plenty of 00 buckshots) and extra mags. Cleaning kits, rem oil, a few spare parts but not much. Am I good when SHTF?

feels bad

I wear a medium
I'm gonna focus up on getting alot more ammunition and some body armor before I get another gun.

Banned in UK

Banned in UK

Banned in UK

Banned in UK

Banned in UK

Banned in UK

What do I win?

I'm not sure I only have 2 55gal drums right now slowly getting more, but in about maybe 5-10 minutes could be more of heavy rain they are both full to the top. I just make sure to use it for gardening so it doesn't sit too long and just sealing it seemed to work for the mosquitoes I know they sell something called like mosquito dunks or what not that last like 30 days. If I'm only using it for gardening using vegetable oil enough to make a layer on the top kills the larvae by like sticking them to the top or suffocating them when they go up for air not sure 100% how it works but it does.

A link to a free SHTF manual so you hopefully don't die.

just get a fucking sks they're less than 300 bucks.

Makarovs go for 200 bucks too.

My family pooled part of their tax refunds and we all got weapons out of it. See if you can find a friend whos willing to help you, or find some fashy goys in the "book club" Die Taglish Sturmer set up.

Set aside 20 dollars each paycheck. Sell something you really don't care about and stop smoking/ don't buy booze for a weekend.

Cheapest I've seen lately is 350. Where are you finding them for 300?

Or hell if you're really desperate you get get a hi-point glock 40 problem solver for less than a hundred.

I know what some of you are about to say but it gets the fucking job done and its better than being unarmed.

Ye i like how that guy was saying I said to buy expensive stuff like a good goy consumer, When i said buy a $150 hipoint (which i still got shit for) if it means you arent unarmed and looking like a fucking idiot when SHTF and all you have is a sharp stick cause you didn't/couldn't save up for a $800 gun.


go to a pawn shop, go to a gun show. I bought an SKS for 200 bucks, surely the prices haven't gone up that much in 8 years.

All the pawnshops near me are fucking jews $100-200 rusty guns for $500 but i do agree first place to look is pawnshops>shady gun guys>gun stores>online shops


also, rate me, legal ownership, is a yourapoor.
+a 10/22 and 6 months away from a CZ-75

remington 870 is GOAT, fight me faggots.

Peroxide works to take away the bleach taste too and you dont have to jack off a water bottle.

CZ's are popular, not sure why. I have only shot one once and it was nice but I have other pistols I prefer.

Suck my 590


Here, have mine too.

What's the writing on the one next to the switchblade?

I was trying to just show there are 300 dollar ones. At the gun shows near me, mine were kinda hebrewed.

I'd prefer to save my peroxide for wounds. But good work user. The more you know.

trip's called it.

still deadly as fuck today as it was yesterday.

you just thought you knew better, you armchair expert you

I can't translate it, I picked it up in Greece, but here's a closeup.

reliability, double stack mags (18+1), quality product, no fancy gimmic, just a plain old european engineering piece firearm, I guess.

And in this infograph you see that more important than caliber is shot placement. Unless you have a shotgun, in which case you are probably dead.

When I started going ok /k/ the meme was to exagerate the virtues of the mosin.
Since about 2 years ago now the meme is to exagerate how much it sucks.
In truth the mosin works, and it is ok as long as you use it like its supposed to. It's a 5 round full powered bolt action rifle with average sights.

Yeah they have. I got mine for about 300. Mosins are starting the same trend, I was lucky to find one a few years ago at 120 before the prices started to skyrocket.

The surplus is drying up thanks to king nigger.

Bleach or cheap vodka that stuff.

Watch this then, Kurt Saxon was a Holla Forumsack stuck in the 80's and saw all this coming miles away. Hell, he was even part of the original American Nazi Party, but his main work was in compiling manuals from older sources and handed-down family traditions of self-reliance.

Here's a video demonstration he did on home processes you'll find interesting, it's an hour long but well spent.
Demonstrated are: Sprouting grains and beans for flour production, homemade meatjerky and hobo meat dryer, cooking with thermos containers, and proper long term storage of food.
He also goes into homemade (and inventive!) weapons. He's an awesome guy, and you should listen to his words of experience.

why is .44 spl so fucking hard to find? Why is it so damn expensive? None of the gun stores in my area carry it and i'll be damned if i'll pay 40 bucks for 50 round not even including shipping.

When you're paying close to a buck a round its just not worth it. I'm thinking i'll just get something in .45 acp.

It's considered a snowflake caliber thanks to lol9mm and other trends. If you use that you really do need to get into reloading. That said it is a great round.

I will definitely have a look at that. Thanks

Yeah not sure why people think the .22 shilling isn't legit even tho it should never be 100% the first choice, I'm sure when the .22 turns superball in your skull or punches a hole in a lung you wont be walking away very quick.

where in UrUp?

if Britain, go for 12 gauge
if scandinavia, go for 12 G., 7.63 (.308) and 5.56 (.223) [NATO]
if rest of UrUp, go for whatever your local police/military base is stacking.

I just flat out wouldn't trust my life to a .22. I trust it to take out varmints but in a SHTF scenario i'll be going for the shotgun or my M1A before I grab a .22.

3 grams may be just 3 grams, but if you have 3 grams of metal going 1000 M/s you best get out of the way, because that ain't no BB gun.

(also, BB guns are surprisingly deadly - signed, my dead neighbourhood kid)

In Mexico they can't use anything the military has, so most of them go with .38 super


Some of those spring piston ones can be over 1000fps and they have some pretty gnarly looking pellets you can pick up

Literally anywhere in Canada. If you can get a passport and someone to drive you, one can be had for $250 CAD which translates to like $200USD.

Not sure about all the bullshit with customs though.

I'm actually curious now. Can anyone translate?

Shot placement will drop almost anyone, but most people, myself included, are simply not that good.

556 is just an upsized 22. Its got more weight but is still lethal. I'm thinking of a ruger to "modify" or a mk3 long barreled luger looking mother fucker.

I'll try to find the story of the guy in Vietnam who sniped 30 VC with a 22 when he was shot down.

Yes. As the mud wall and foil combo reflect heat easily and prevent it's loss not only does it save on wood, but can be used for baking as well.

Obongo hates guns. Usually they get taken and you never see them again is what I hear.

Someone early was talking about Chechen urban snipers using them then some guy got mad about it saying we were .22 warfighters or some shit he was super mad actually. Especially when i said what you said about it being slightly smaller round but still screaming out of the barrel.

My attempt at rewrite:
Jewgle Translate says Kretikes Kataskeues is Cretan Construction, possibly "made in Crete". Palia machairi is old knife, anthropous obviously man/people.

as far as I can tell its actually supposed to be a short poem. The few words I identified were something about nations and…paper? I don't know, greek is greek to me.

Greek letters:

Oh, good. Knowing it's a full phrase helps so I can search for it. I got quickly.

This is a good bread. I'll create a new one when this hits autosage.

People can be real nit pickers over the shit others do. I'd put a wager the guy who went screaming about the barrels and the 22 shit was probably some armchair faggot who's played too much cawadooty.

To be honest, just about everything is lethal if used right. I went to an all black school and learned pencils can be used like knives. If a pencil can make a kid go to the hospital, I'm sure .17 can kill and 22 would not be something to sneeze at.

IIRC 556 weighs more than 22lr. The length of the projectile is what gives 556 its killing characteristics. Since the back end wobbles and its a funny round, the second it enters it goes off in weird angles. When it hits bone the damn thing shatters… this is why 223 is effective.

Also there is a slight wobble to the back of bullets. Lighter bullets are effected more by this. The rear wobbles by 1 degree or so. Overstabilized 556 will pass right through under stabilized makes gnarly wounds but you can't hit shit at 500 meters. Its a trade off. Look at vietnam barrels vs the modern barrels.

That is what my dad always said about his M16 it just starts tumbling and essentially turns into a giant chunk of shrapnel. Also says You don't want to kill the guy you want to make 4 other guys carry him off.

Nice. Maybe I'll have to make a gift of it.

lube and clean it every day, even if you didn't fire it.
there, done.

Make sure to put the tiny pieces on the carpet so you don't lose them.

Also you should read his memoir, Wheels of Rage about the Iron Cross bikergang he helped the American Nazi Pfound and their IRL shitposting and redpilling efforts.
Of special mention is the time they trolled a limosine liberal party, it was like Holla Forums raiding normiebook and revealing some grimly hilarious truth to normies. It's one of the most awesome things i've read, and easily digestible to normies.

I need to start picking up some more ink for my printer so I can start printing stuff out, No better use of ink than that.