What is the most offensive shit to Californians I can hang on my Truck? I'm tired of these fucking Greeks of America coming over to my state and committing faggotry in all forms.
What is the most offensive shit to Californians I can hang on my Truck...
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They're everywhere in my state too
Be a healthy White man with a strong family of the same race on the path to success.
That or live rural, all Californians are city-fags that don't understand nature in the slightest.
I think I'll get on well there….
Californian here.
Something saying Kern County is their best. People from all over the state deride it as the "Texas of California."
Farming, Oil, Guns. We are hated by the rest of Cali and revel in it.
Thought some parts of northern California weren't as fucked but just normal fag conservative farm type people.
Northern Californian here.
This will be a difficult task, most things will just simply go over their heads.
Depends on which type you're getting. Unless you're willing to go full All Lives Matter you're not going to dissuade most of my fellow misbegotten statesmen. NRA, Ag stickers, Confederate flags might work. I balk at Raider Nation stickers myself, since those mean "No insurance on this car".
Honestly if you want them/us to go away, rip the Coexist sticker (or equivalent) and watch them fade away like Back to the Future. Central Valley here, I'd leave if not for the family business needing me.
A mexican?
This. Anything you hang on your truck will only get you smashed windows, slashed tires and scratched paint.
Thats my point, they wouldn't understand "California: The India of North America
in bay area california my trump sticker gets people very triggered
Why is commiefornia like a black hole of liberalism? Why?
It was revolting. It was fucking disgusting, Holla Forums. Why is one of the most beautiful states allowed to be filthed up by this human feces? God damn it I want to slaughter them all. blm..blm…Bitch then go your ass to Oakland. Cognitive dissonance. All blm but they avoid oakland like the plague and openly joke how awful it is, meanwhile retreating to their whitebread neighborhoods with literal bars on the doors and windows, 1/5 cars had a smashed fucking window from niggers and hobos breaking in for change for their drug habit. Bitch if you thought blm you'd let the niggers into your home with welcome arms and give them a meal and pocket money. But no. On some level they are aware nigs gonna nig, but they do mental gymnastics until their head twists up their ass to avoid naming the elephant–that everywhere nigs go, they commit crime. I didn't see the WASPy little trust fund kids at Berkeley go walking around Oakland.
Coast and woods were gorgeous, by the way. 10/10 woods, would innawoods in. Please someone gas the commies and we can reclaim this land.
Be a public Trump supporter in areas less than 80% white and you'll piss off most people.
Because our State is owned by East Coast transplant Kikes who want to destroy everything Europeans have built.
this. come to Kern county! the last slice of the wild wild west! i think we're ranked 8th most conservative city in the US in fact. lots of guns and a strong community of white folk
just openly be a trump supporter
not just with a hat, but with a t-shirt and bumper stickers on your car, and maybe even a painting of trump's face on each side of your car
thatd really make em angry, especially if you're unapologetic about supporting trump
and make sure you have the means to defend yourself too
Fellow Californian here.
Kern County?
Californians don't hate you or talk about you at all. We've never even heard of you.
California needs to be removed, it is the headquarters of liberalism (even more so than DC or NYC). The demographics and laws there are quite literally a preview of what you can expect to see occurring all over the country once a democrat or even a controlled republican comes to power.
Rich and powerful (((white))) people ruling over muddled ignorant brown and black masses
Gun control
Homosexuality rampant
Propaganda capital of the world
Can we just have the big earthquake that sends them into the ocean already?
This. Kern county is that place with the river people from LA county get drunk and die in. That's about the extent anyone ever gives a shit about Kern here in LA.
I really like the flag of california and it's nature
Make California great again
remove jews and spics and halfbreeds
T-Thanks mom…
I read that the owner of this beautiful sign is himself a nigger, and that he parks his big truck in front of a courthouse in protest of something that happened at his job at Nigger Depot.
Just Californians? Probably a massive Trump banner or something plus CSA flags. Oh, and truck nuts. Can't forget the truck nuts.
If you want to offend literally everyone then a Parteiflagge is always a safe bet.
What state are you in? I could probably help you be more specific.
LMAO what happened?
It's a nigger in florida, sorry for the plebbit links but the digging had to be done
I wore a MAGA hat in a Wal-Mart in Stockton California, and it was obvious that a bunch of spics and muzzies were getting triggered, but were too cowardly to say shit. It's like they know they are not meant to be here. They are not Americans, and they don't want America to be Great Again (a.k.a. white, strong, moral)
The Sanfran bay area is where the white Champagne liberal gommunist activists are user.
I'm in Ventura county and my family shit talks Kern from time to time, but that's probably because we used to go up there a lot when an Aunt lived up in Frazier Park I liked it up there, but never was fond of Bakersfield
Are you NorCal? I would imagine you guys wouldn't have heard about Kern since NorCal is pretty much a different state.
I go to farmer's markets with my gf maybe once a month or every other month and I've never heard anyone shit talk the couple of older white farmers that wear MAGA hats, I think the hippies are just apathetic 99% of the time. I think I'd get harassed since I'm a skeleton and not /fit/
Most of California is rich jews and stupid fucking beaners. Hang a kike in a sombero from your mirror.
Then enjoy the fucking burrito illegals smashing your windows at the first opportunity.
Also, "Greeks of America"? Did you just make that dumb shit up, because Greeks are pretty cool.
You might just be a faggot OP.
Yeah, no, spics and muzzies never overreact to shit that offends them in countries that aren't their own.
No, born and raised in SFV. Living in OC now. Had a few jobs lately in Bakersfield, holy shit what a dump. Hot, dirty, every place I went into was crawling with sand niggers and spics. Not really somewhere I would be bragging about were I from there. Merle Haggard was pretty cool though.
Grew up north of Sacramento. Might as well be another state.
What about San bernadino county?
Make a bumpersticker that reads
This. Underrated post.
Most of it is that way. SF and LA are aberrations and rarely ever venture to the hick towns. The vast majority of freaks in SF and LA are from other states.
I live in oakland (actually piedmont) and all the liberals here enjoy our relatively nigger free, homeless free mecca. I don't know how they live with the cognitive dissonance though
I know quite a few conservatives from SF. They're just outnumbered by all the transplants with mental illness and no one really exposes them to a greater alternative, so they keep their mouths shut.
I've seen too many 100 year old houses get knocked down to make room for trendy hipster, burnout FAGGOTS who are making it impossible for native Oregonians to afford to live here
What state are you in OP, is it anywhere near this bad?
The National Guard should have been called in to seal off the park and shoot everybody in it.
Yes, they stay quiet. I used to live in an SF district that was solidly republican and it was like another world from the hipster areas, different weather even. You can find some of them hanging out at the neighborhood bars in the avenues and they are as different to the sjw stereotype as can be. And they despise the hipsters.
I was going to enter this contest but even driving it to the paint shop might get me killed. Bay Area here and you faggots are the only non-sjw's I know.
don't do it. its best to work under cover. learn from the jews – "by way of deception that shalt make war"
don't be stupid
god fuck that stupid park. I found her instagram btw
fortunately she moved to new york
i have no reason to go into sf anymore beside going to giants games despite the fact that most of my friends from high school and college live there
if you want to talk to an east bay user email me. I looked into the daily stormer meetups but they were a little to far gone on the militant autism specturm
strongthurmond gmail
Riverside county resident here, San Bernardino county is pretty much Riverside County 2: Hispanic Boogaloo.
Climate wise it transitions from dried out, dusty scrub brush on granite hills to the San Bernardino Mountains proper and then the high desert until you hit the Arizona border.
People wise you'll find mostly spics and nogs in San Bernardino county with some small concentrations of white and off-white people here and there, becoming gradually more conservative the further east you go.
San Bernardino in and of itself as a city is a dump and should be avoided.
make stickers that say "JERRY BROWN IS A COMMUNIST"
either that or hang golliwogs off your bumper like trucknuts and ride through nigger-hoods
enjoy being the next atlantis fags.
I ain't clicking those links but holy fuck those pics
As much as I want Commiefornia to "break off into the Pacific Ocean" that won't happen, the San Andreas fault complex doesn't work that way.
The benefit of a major earthquake along the San Andreas is that many low lying regions, like San Francisco and Los Angeles would be effected hardest. Many regions of SF and LA would experience significant liquefaction, to the point that major structure like highways and apartments would collapse.
Dams holding in artificial lakes may even fail.
Whatever you believe, hope for a major earthquake in the near future.
but empowered womyn and POC will be affected hardest, user!
Del Norte county here. Number of Mexicans = number of stoners. Them and liberal boomers do not make a fun place. All the good people are for the State of Jefferson. Redwoods and the largest undammed river basin in the fucking state are pretty great.
Essentially, Trump is enough to trigger any of weak spirit. His name is a killing word.
Saw "fuck Trump" spray-painted on an overpass pillar. Some impotent niggerspic tween shitting himself cause his madre will be deportado.
That's because you are all methheads who listen to ICP. You are all trevor from GTA5.
Bernie fags and niggers.
This has now become virtue signaling for the alt-right.
It's the Cascadia zone you need to worry about.
everything west of i5 will be underwater once it goes.
the worst SA can do is 9.0 megaquake with no tsunami, Cascadia creates 700ft wave that goes ten miles inland the entire west coast.
SA won't go for another few years, Cascadia will go in ten…
Both of these, its good to get into a fight but you have to remember you'd be dealing with cowards who are going to damage your vehicle while you aren't looking, so if you want too keep an eye on your car and are willing too fight a small mob which forms put this on it.
I like this one because its a coded way of saying, "stop white genocide".
Bay area fag here, been all around this state.
Can't say I heard of you.
Cool I though I guess?