Sometimes it's hard to tell whether or not it's cp...

sometimes it's hard to tell whether or not it's cp. what are some telltale signs that what you're looking at is indeed something you should NOT be looking at?

Other urls found in this thread:;

Most of the ones that get posted here use an older quality camera. The boy or girl will be under developed l, flat tits, child face, etc.. Prob is there's also regular porn that has porn stars who dont start to develop until they're in their twenties. As for the jailbait "cp" good luck..
click this to find more

go away, dan

What the fuck is that

definitely not clicking that

I really wanna "accidently" click for just one fucking second

No way am I clicking on that link.

nice digits

one second vs life in prison
Think again, please



It will be on fucking accident

Nice try mr fbi

I clicked one of those links before by accident i think it prompts you to download and you have to cancel it

dat vulva


Ah, okay. Download what?

Just stop, please.

I don't know lol I didn't download that shit

Stop telling us to stop, please

the video is clearly labeled and requires you to confirm the download. there is no 'accident', only intent

You're going to jail

But I am fucking drunk as fuck right now, what am i fucking do I don't know





What the fuck… How is that even on wikipedia?

Sheer amount of screeching on a thread is also a sign that its cp.

Theres nothing wrong with that picture. It's perfectly legal(in a sense of art). Theres a legal picture of a nude ten year old girl(70s) approved by the FBI. (MERICA) Read up on Wikipedia. Educate yourself. Now, can I post the Wikipedia without getting fucking banned (all my appeals are successful anyway, it won't matter)

Look at that. It's fuckin wikipedia, so it's official. Are you looking at it? Brilliant, isn't it? (It's fuckin art)

If you're in Sweden I suggest you post the picture on Facebook to spread the word.



Not everything is a joke

I don't get what you just said right there.

Jokingly shouting cp when someone really posted actual cp. This is why Holla Forums is so shitty, because mods let pedophiles run rampant and make le maymay jokes like retards. At least report it.

It's called the "Pam Pom Effect"… fuck you, Rin!

I'm sorry. Did you look? Was just a wikipedia article I was responding to.
Don't make me laugh, most of us are intelligent and bring more to the table.
It is not illegal in the US. Nothing to report. Bitch.

You truly are unfunny and I just hid your post.

I was referring to the link that we're scared shitless to click.

Then you shouldn't have replied to the post in the first place you dumb cunt

I'm tired and I've been up all night, so fuck off and try not insulting me for a mistake.

I've been up all night too. Just goes to show how much more capable us smart pedos can be. Of course I'll leave this on a friendly note. That's what we do to avoid any more confrontations with the low-lives.
So, the friendly note is… uh… Basically, I love children. See ya!

Source for the music in that video.

Thats a dank track dam this is good on psydelics. Little girls are always so spacey and pure.

There's nothing you shouldn't be looking at.

Get off my board and never come back.

Maybe when John Lennon was singing about Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds he wasn't taking LSD. He was taking LUCY!!!

LUCY = Baguette Pam Pom

Somebody give me source of the music in the video!!

It's "Baguette Pam Pom"


You know what really bothers me of CP? I've always wanted to see MILFxBoy but everything you see are little girls, and any time is a boy he is being molested by a creep guy.

Fuck you and your boys.

Unless it has the watermark of a reputable porn studio & stars a known porn slut that's confirmed to be over 18 y.o., avoid it at all costs. That way you know you're not going to "accidentally" & end up v&, serving 10 years with a nigger's cock in your ass.

I get your feels. No /ss/ for us, huh? Is it that much unpopular?

Doesnt compute

In what way is that gay?

Sometimes when i see a nice pair of loli pokies i think to myself "that is where my mouth belongs" and then i get a little sad.

Its gay when your "male" is a 10 year old with a cock the size of his legs.

What the fuck am I reading?