Is that John Constantine? No! It's way stupider but that's for much later!
Is it…Origin time?
Get ready…for blasphemy.
RIP Nick Fury
I warn you Holla Forums shit is about to get stupid. Hellcat levels stupid.
I know I said it's stupid, but I mean it. This is up there with "Gay Brother Rapes his Sister with Bomb Baby"
I wonder what his fetish is
I'll spoiler these bits. Let's see.
Let's see if you can work out the twist Holla Forums
And that's Volume 2.
AGAIN with the fucking cat saving the day??
I'm pretty much getting off the train right at the third page.
If the MC was supposed to be a villain-protagonist, I'd be more inclined to keep reading despite the ridiculous thong-pants-thing.
But she's so random xD
She is supposed to be a villain protagonist IIRC.
Ooh, Islamic superhero! How progressive.
Why does this turn me on?
She is supposed to be a villain protagonist.
6/10 I hate character, nice drawings, fuck everything else and creator is a massive faggot and deserves to be shoot with my airsoft gun.
Islamic superhero
That made my day.
I didn't believe you when you said it would be stupid.
I should've listened.
Volume 3 soon stalker.
It's about to get even dumber.
And it's time to introduce some Image heroes that nobody except me gives a shit about!
Side note: A super hero who is afraid to fly but can, not a bad concept
Hey this isn't half bad, maybe we're actually improving the- oh. nope. spoke too soon.
Whoah could this new hero be a fatal foe for our favourite villain?
No. It's Bomb Queen. It's the Sonichu of Image.
Honestly volume 3 is just boring, not aggravating just really dull.
For those of you who don't know Tumblr is a legacy hero to Female Doctor Midnite whose husband is sort of how SJWs view Hank Pym fucking hate the le so wife beating xD
Tumblr got raped
Savage Dragon…Invincible…Wolfman. Image usually does okay by me
Again this arc is less annoying and more so boring. The edge is wavering.
That's right the bomb queen has been cloned and the fucking cat can talk - why can the cat talk? It's far worse and stupider than you think.
Welcome to the final issue of Volume III of Sonichu
Blacklight did nothing wrong.
That's right Bomb Queens next enemy is…A TEEN VERSION OF HERSELF?
Which Sue will win? Which Sue will lose?
Christ. At least we get Editor girl soon, who has an interesting power.
Say goodbye to all coherency.
Say goodbye to all narrative.
If you thought it was dumb before Volume 4…will break you as it broke me. I have to have an IV drip of whiskey to get through these.
This is what I call edgemaster
and this? This is what I call edgemaster that has ascended beyond. I guess you could call it edgemaster 2.
I guess this is an edgemaster level 3….black lives matter!
Wait…is this a comic about Holla Forums teaming up with gangbangers and a super-powered bimbo to shoah the government?
Hold on to your labias, we're about to get fucking retarded
No user, this is Sonichu with tits.
It begins. The ultimate retardation.
I wish I was reading Savage Dragon.
I bet you've already worked it out. Haven't you?
You've worked out what the big twist of this arc will be.
If you haven't killed yourself, you are stronger than I am.
I don't know, user. This guy seems pretty cool, there isn't even any politics on his twitter. He writes and draws all his own comics and he's got one coming out right now.
As far as comic creators go, he seems alright.
Are you reading this story?
Jimmie is an upstanding guy and he even signed my issue of Bomb Girl. That's right, I own this shit.
Doesn't change shit. I love Dragon Ball but Toriyama is the worst in terms of canon, I love Grant Morrisons works but the guy is a pants on head retard at times.
Sometimes good people do bad things, sometimes bad people do good things.
This comic is retarded, but it's honestly entertaining. You wouldn't be posting it if it wasn't. Also, the arts not bad.
This is from his tumblr.
Also how great is Editor Girl?
As I said, Jimmie has great concepts but a terrible execution. He's trying to be edgy but I don't he's an edgy guy. He's sort of like making Masako Nozawa play a villainous role. She just isn't that type of person.
Again, no disrespect to Jimmie, but come on m8. Are you reading this?
Nigga it's the dumbest, worst comic I have read.
Is that entertaining? Yes in the same way Sonichu is.
Think it through.
Content =/= Creator.
A creator can be based but his content can be shit.
Doesn't make him a bad person.
Same way that making something based (Grant Morrison etc) doesn't make you based.
Context user, learn to seperate this shit.
I want to fuck Morgana Robinson, but I don't want to fuck Lena Dunham yet they have the same body type but their personality is off putting.
Well, he seems like a decent guy, but a co-writer, hands-on editor, or at least someone to bounce ideas off of and get criticism would help.
Bingo. Good ideas, shit execution.
He's a good dude but an editor is needed, again don't look at the guy look at the content anons
Any Spawn fans on Holla Forums?
Was this intentional.. Like, did they work with MacFarlane or something?
I thought that was Spawn's daughter or something. This comic and Spawn have teh same publisher I believe.
Spawn is Image and thus usable. This is the "current" (at the time) Spawn. As a Spawn fan though Bomb Queens transformation makes little to no sense it's like Kal-El going super saiyan
Wait a moment. That's Frank Cho's monkey-Frank and his con fangirls! Blonde one seems to be kind of referencing Lianna K's pose, but I'm not so sure about the others.
Actually it's Arthur Chu's brothel
Thought it couldn't get any dumber than an elder god cat, a mystic dildo and our mary sue tearing up the joint?
Editor Girl still best
Give me some toot toot, give me some peep peep
This arc is retarded, but honestly? from here on it escaped being annoying and gets Sonichu levels entertainment. How will they push the edge? How will she grow? Honestly it's about to get stupid but in a glorious way
White Knight is a pretty good guy.
Oh also be sure to make the asian grill your waifu asap. White Knight is king and she is top tier waifu
Kino is best girl.
What did he mean by this?
Is this kino?
Kino is waifu tier,
But is Bomb Queen anyones Waifu?
Another hero much like Editor Girl that I love the concept of. Hell I love the idea of super hero paparazi too.
So my darlings, anyone care to do a review of the characters thus far?
Choo choo! seriously I love Train Waifu
If you want to check out good image titles:
Damn, you're a faggot with shit taste.
As an /m/ fan? Not bad.
Also, Read those? Well…:
Oh Spawn is a fucking disaster, but I like it because of that in the same way that I won all of the Bomb Queen Volumes as well as having them signed by Jimmie himself.
For my Volume 2 I had him sign it and told him it was awful and he laughed and said "Yeah, I know, but it's fun" and I agreed and ended up bringing him a sandwhich from the canteen cause the line was long as fuck and my Majin Buu suit was super itchy.
I like bad things
So, Holla Forums, I have about 16 Gig in terms of comics but I focus mostly on Image and obscure comics. Is there any you wish to read? I could go through the worst of the worst after this but who cares.
While you vote (aka, I'll take the votes of whoever seems to be a bro) I'll go through the specials before we entire the retardation of…littleville. Maybe I'll do a weekly Crossed? Maybe a Xombie? Perhaps even a weekly iVampire?
I'm thinking maybe I'll story time Crossed. It's sooo good and then soooo bad.
Funnily enough I work at the big two and got to see a certain Hades Kitty crying as she entered work
oh-whoah-whoah it's magic
But seriously, Holla Forumsmrades, What's your review?
It's shit. It's not funny like Vampire Knight Requiem, and the MC is completely unlikable. There's nothing entertaining about a smug mary sue that kills everyone, especially the more likable characters.
But user, I-It's entertaining right?
Theme coming soon
Again, Hack/Slash, Invincible, Wolfman, Dynamo 5…Image isn't TOTALLY retarded
If there were more sex scenes maybe, but as it is it's just pointless edge, and that shit got old in the 90's.
Also the writer killed off Kino so he's automatically the worst fuck-up ever
So this is basically Tank Girl if it was written by Mark Millar and drawn by Greg Lands?
Best explanation yet 10/10
What do you want me to post yet, if it's you I'll do it
Yo! Son Nigga and his journalists return - but know Kino got raped.
Woah dude it sure is good of you to post a comic that's as widely despised as bomb queen instead of something good.
For a second there I thought you'd actually have to make a thread with some kind of point instead of going "LOOK AT THIS THING EVERYONE HATES, ISN'T IT AWFUL?" for about the billionth time.
So how many more issues do we have left?
Please tell me this is the last one.
Think of the nth degree user, you'll make it m8e
Is the point to read something terrible? Because that's what you're doing.
What's the point of eating garbage, user? Maybe you'd like to enlighten me.
I mean not only do you smell of reddit but you smell of a faggot who does not get what fun is
I get what funny bad is, user. That's not what bomb queen is supposed to be. If you enjoy it, you just have bad taste. This isn't the room, it's not even the star wars prequels. It's a turd and everyone knows it is.
If we only endure the pleasure we accept ourselves of being soft. I choose to look at all views, all comics because maybe I am weak and I wish to be strong.
As I have said I actually work for the big two and Holla Forumsmrades will work out who I am easily. Anyway this is the new issues. Hint is my favourite is Hank Pum
I'd argue that it's easier to read only shit because you don't have to think about it at all.
Which would make sense, because you seem to me like someone who's particularly adept at not thinking.
like what? I'm not being a dick here but seriously point what specifically is wrong with my favorites. If you know (DC) comics you will know who I am.
Oh and I have fucking terrible tasste. I liked Booster Gold (2008), Uncanny X-Force Volume 1 and Spy boy volume 2
is her super power explosive abortions?
Soooo drunk…but on the plus side in between this am heading hack/slasj
The writing doesnt hurt as much as the blindness to potential.
And this is where it gets to be too much for me.
Can the comic be about these two instead?
It probably wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so retarded in terms of dialogue. The story is at the level of a decent porno, but there's very little erotica in it and the tits don't cut it. Seriously, the nipples look like someone else copy and pasted them on afterwards.
Making the villain super clever gets very old very quickly and it only works well if the writer is also very clever. That isn't the case here, so a lot of the plot comes off as rubbish. BQ reminds me of Aizen in terms of how Kubo handled him. Kubo used nothing, but asspulls when it came to Aizen. The visuals look pretty nice at times, but BQ feels like she was written by a teenager.
Is this the new edgy comics thread? Please?
This is Nemesis levels of stupid here. Who wrote this shit?
Bomb Queen is a fun comic in the terms that not even the writer takes it seriously and drawings are above average and very close to being good. I'd say costume design needed some actual work for BQ. Now what I don't like is half assed sex scenes. If actual fucking can't be legally shown than give a silhouette of some kind. None of this unsexy images of sex. Now for sex in comics in general, it is usually bad. I have read only 1 manga where the sex scene was superb. The angles, the look of passion w/o the heart eyes. The intensity. Never read another manga that came close, also the manga is on hiatus cause fuck me for ever having anything good in life.
I wouldn't hate it as much if they didn't kill off the more likable characters at the drop of a hat just for the edge.
Bomb Queen kinda went the direction that One Punch Man would of gone without the support characters. BQ really needed support characters. Hell, that reporter she offed would of been a great as supporting cast, but nope too much Bomb Queen screen time kinda ruined bomb queen comic.
Sorry got drunk and passed out
And that ladies and gentlemen. Was bomb queen.
Well, it ended. I can say that much.
Thank god this is over.
feels bad, man.
Bomb Queen reminds me of Death Note, actually. And a load of other mystery manga.
In that the point is not to have a coherent story, but to have the most amount of plot twists per issue to keep that dramatic tension running high.
And we all can see here how well that turns out eh?
At least with Death Note, Light gets his comeuppance in the end. It still sucked after L died, but you at least got that moment of Light realizing he can't ruse his way out of things and running away only to die pathetically. BQ never loses- she always makes it out on top in every situation.
Have you got that one about the Irish girl who went to Japan and ended up fighting Yokai? She got teleported back to Ireland with her catgirl friend, then the storytiming stopped.
I freaking knew it. It always comes back to the cat.
I figured this guy was the kind of person who gets suckered by SJW's pretending to be decent people. He's says things like, "Yeah, I don't hate women. I guess that makes me a feminist." Look at how Iraq, WMD's and other political hotbuttons litter this work. Look at all the lesbian talk that never gets a follow-up. Based on some of the dialogue, it looks like that's a deliberate punch at comic readers.
This garbage is a vomit-inducing swill of armchair politics, randumb humor, edge, misuse of meta-commentary and disrespect for one's audience.
Wow, she really is a Sue.
Wait, is Bomb Queen the Lady that raped Invincible? She looks exactly like that one image that gets posted so often.
I tried every angle and not a bite. Oh well special time.
Holy shit, people are actually posting comics and having conversations about them here again !!
Gave up on this place a while back due to the "which Disney cartoons you jack it to" threads taking over, glad I checked back in again now.
But now we're posting the worst comics we can find and then crying about it.
Everything is weirdly getting better lately.
I don't know what the fuck happened but everything has been really pleasant as of late and not just here on the chans
Still reading? Cause after the knife-nipples I think you are allowed to leave now.
And now.
Bomb Queen versus one of my favourite series, Hack/Slash.
Cassie, I am so sorry
I've never seen Vlad talk this much before
Cassie may have dated girls in the past but this is wrong
The final special and the best saved for last.
Black Light vs Bomb Queen.
I guess we know who draws and writes this.
So, After this I'll abandon thread and go and gather my energy preparing to story time something equally as bad.
It's been fun
That's all she wrote.
Until next time,
I'm considering doing Crossed, Wolfman or even Faith. Just focusing on Image as they need more love and story times.
Do Hellcat. The new one's out.
Nah the other guy has that,
I'll try and find some more obscure stuff so we can talk about it or how we'd do it.
Since we're done with Bomb Queen I'll ask 5 questions:
By giving her her richly deserved commupance
Reminded me of the only time I ever tried to collaborate on a story with another guy. He created this heroine he was in love with and basically all he could come up with after that was situations for her to dominate effortlessly, ways to show how mich cooler and smarter and badder she was than everything she came across. Edge! shit aside there's no tension around a protsgonist who is always smarter and a step ahead of everyone around her. Bomb Queen is never stymied for more than 1-2 pages before some Deus Ex Machina saves her, she always gets the last word and no other character is ever allowed to be as clever or bold or cuttingly witty as her. It is the greatest sin of any story, it's boring.
I would fix Bomb Queen by taking a run up and kicking the writer right in the cunt.
Then I would employ a different, better, writer, and a different, better, artist, to work on a completely unrelated comic.
Honestly? there is so much wrong with bomb queen, I don't even know where to start. Maybe the fact that she's extremely strong, even without the super powers. She managed to out outmaneuver people with super powers, super strength, and just outright make a fool out of them.
Also, better fight choreography, which doesn't result in Ache having to save the day, or her never having to struggle too much.
Honestly, I really hope someone defeats her soundly at some point.
Finding out the entire ancient evil sub plot and having her defeat said ancient evil in a relatively short amount of time, and then getting her super powers back.
It doesn't. At all. All she can do is throw bombs at people. she's not batman, with extreme training, she's not a super hero. The fact she won so many battles without powers is just stupid.
I hated New Port City. The fact that she and her under-equipped city could actually take on the US army, and threaten nuclear war. The fact that she's being written as some sort of near unstoppable force.
The entire comic is a mess, plain and simple. I don't think I liked a SINGLE character in New Port City.
Honestly, Bomb Queen reminds me of a terrible version of bayonetta
I think the only way to fix her is to completely change her character completely.
As she is, she's an overpowered cunt who no one likes and who constantly outwits everyone.
I'd have her as more of a Catwoman kind of villain- not laughably evil, but still self serving.
When they killed off Editor Girl. She was the last character I actually cared about because she had an interesting power and she got killed off so unceremoniously.
The moments when the supporting cast were doing things completely unrelated to BQ. Erase BQ and her city and put the other characters in their own series, and I'd read it.
I don't read a lot of Image comics, but it seemed unfitting to me.
The moment where BQ was stuck in hell for all eternity.
It is Sonichu but with a budget, the blacky author sexually identifies himself as an unlikable whore.
Thank god.
Buckley's loss.jpg comic funny funny
Trump would annihilate that bitch in a blink of an eye.
rip fat Richard Pryor, he was too funny for that shitshow
I'd rather she wasn't
How's this going over with "progressive" audiences?
The funny thing about this is I was contemplating that if someone took One Punch Man, trimmed away the humor and . . . I guess you'd call it drama?
So basically have an overpowered hero win fights with nothing else, and make the main character female, "feminists" would eat it right up or at least pretend to, so long as it was clique approved.
The aggressive nudity aside, this is exactly that.
This seems to have had its run mostly c. 2007. Social Justice had not yet thoroughly infested cape comics in them days.
L and Light's interactions were the highlight of Death Note. I'd also say that Death Note redeemed itself by showing Light to be the utter faggot that he was all along. He gained the ability to kill anyone and it quickly went to his head. He tried to rationalize at it as just killing criminals, but that quickly went out the window when he started killing the innocent and those that got too close to him. The ending was beautiful. His entire world came crashing down and I would like to say that he at last realized he had been digging himself his own grave the entire time with the notebook. Light is not going to a happy place.
The issue with bomb queen is that she's a boring character. The artists trying to make he wacky violent, but that doesn't work if the writer can't make her engaging and she isn't. This writing is at the level of Kubo from Bleach. Whenever the writer writes themselves into a corner, they pull shit out of their ass. The issue with this is that asspulls become the only thing they can do and the story gets crippled.
The issue was that there wasn't any tension. You already knew it was going to be a series of asspulls, which kills any tension from developing. Just look at the Aizen arc and how that turned out.
If they want to be lazy, then cut back on the retarded story and focus more on the artwork. Her characterization was awful. She's nothing more than a grey blob in modern times. There's no tension and everything runs for too long. It reminds me of the 90s edge without any of the coolness they were going for. BQ is just empty inside to the point that everyone else in her story looks more interesting.
The queen's problem is that she doesnt struggle. She always have a major megaplan with all the details set, that makes her somehow impossible to kill.
Even being braintaped and stuck into a cache worked out for her somehow, considering the entire facility with the hardware to store and upload her back to meatspace was destroyed with one of her magic megabombs.
Whenever she kills a character that hung around for a while. Everyone who lives is a patsy made to adore her abilities by proxy, like Krillin watching Goku fight. Everyone who dies isnt.
The first series worked in the sense that there's this undertone that the city isnt made of crazy murderers who love her, they just behave like that or she'll kill anyone who doesnt comply. But thats a flaw for her, and a possible future threat. And flaws must be removed I guess!
Its possible. Transplanting her into the Image universe didnt quite work though.
Every time there's an ending comeuppance, actually. This series could be something without the status quo obsession.
An addendum to my first answer.
In many ways, Bomb Queen is like Heath Ledger's Joker.
But the Joker, you can argue he's acting reactively, making shit up as the situation changes in such weird, brilliant ways, you're left wondering how much is research, planning and improvisation.
Queen isnt written well enough for all these contrieved asspulls to be believable.
OP here,
Looking for more of Robbies comics online but shit is hard. Currently after his first series Amanda & Gunn which is about a black lesbian bounty hunter.
If not I'll seek out the Five Weapons
I'm at the shadowhawk part.
H.O.W. DOES THIS EVEN WORK. Like, it doesn't make sense that someone born in the queen's time can have that much knowledge over a society like that.
she just says 'i'm a fast learner', and that's that.
Well, the only difference with Bayonetta is that this lady is just a psychopathic super villain that never met a super hero competent enough to put her down, while Bayo is an psychopathic anti heroine that never met a villain able to even shake her in any way.
Frankly, this is not for me. The story got me tired. The character have a shit power, and yet there is no one who can even hurt her enough without being defeated or just being dumb and letting her escape.
Even if Bayo is a psychopathic anti-heroine, she's likable. She's got charm and style that makes you like her despite some of the things she says and does. Meanwhile. BQ is a crude, lewd, violent cunt who has no charm or any redeeming personality traits.
But that's a bit personal. Some people would like more a characters like B-Queen exactly because she is crude, sexually deviant and violent.
But both characters are never really threatened, and given an opportunity will not only win a fight, but completely obliterate, torture and humiliate their enemies.
In the end, I think they follow the same archetype, but they are an interesting way to see how different Japan and USA work with character building.
At least I must give Bomb Queen praise for doing one thing most hqs would not dare, torture women so openly. It's amazing how this was published at all on US.
By the way, talking about psychopathic characters that should not be alive doing what they do, for how long is DC going to ride the Harley train? In Injustice she became Batman's right hand against Super and Wonder, and now she is going to be a villain again it seems, and all the other stuff too. Frankly, it would be nicer if they just assumed that she have some type of super power to justify how she get into the SS or all the other things she does.
at least it makes sense for bayonetta to exist and to be totally overpowered. She's the last umbran witch and is able to summon monsters, and has supernatural powers which gives her invulnerability.
Bomb Queen can just shoot bombs with high accuracy. that's it.
Hell even Bayonetta appeared in a relevant clusterfuck of a crossover.
Bomb Queen? No thanks.
t. everyone
Bayonetta's sexuality was also more… classy. I mean compared to the bomb queen. Granted she wore a lot of skin tight clothing, and did a lot of provocative things, but compared to the bomb queen, she's somewhat tame.
Bomb Queen is more open, and Bayonetta let's you imagine what she'd look like naked
Any luck yet fam?
Unfortunately not so I did the unthinkable and decided to order it off ebay and will scan it myself.
Nobody is. They state at the start of the manga that both heaven and hell don't exist, so it doesn't matter what you do with your life. I am not sure, but I recall they implied limbo was the final destination.
I've had this fight with my XTIAN friends for years. It's phrased ambiguously enough you can think heaven and hell exist in the Death Note universe or not, basically.
Even Hack/Slash got dragged into this?
There is more to it than that. Bayonetta has people she cares about, looks like she enjoys herself, she fits in her setting, and is entertaining. Games have some pretty creative and amusing visuals too, which helps. Bomb Queen just makes everyone's' lives miserable and there is nothing interesting going on. Creator could at leas do something visually creative with the explosions, like clouds forming into different shapes, or bombs with crazy effects and designs.
And Bomb queen doesn't? What about her jailbait incarnation?