When people say you come across as a nazi

What do you do when some says you come across as a nazi. like for example

today an aquatance who knows I support Trump and have very right wing views. They said by the I come across I could be mistaken for a Nazi. They said because I have short cropped blonde hair and side burns. I dont go around with jack boots or swastika memoribillia. They say that my views and 'obsession' with race combined with my appearance makes me look like a nazi.

ofcourse there perfectly right in thinking this. but what should I do?

You say: "so?" and stop being a PR cuck.

'but isnt that bad? your fired'


The answer is simple OP, nothing, if you decide to man up and admit that's what you are, try your best to explain your views, if you don't want to disclose that info, just don't say anything and joke it off.


Why do you care? Don't let them use it as an insult.

Mention that the Nazis has Hugo Boss as their fashion designer and tell them that you're flattered. Recommend them (whatever hairdresser you go to).

"Oh, I look like a Nazi because of my race and hairstyle? Tell me more about how it's wrong to judge people based on their appearance!"

Tell them a hobo that hasn't shaved and bathed in a month would never be mistaken for a nazi.

thatd be pretty gay

Agree and amplify.

Yes, I'm literally Hitler.

Yes, I have several Jews in my oven right now.

I have to go plan the invasion of Poland.

This works every time because there is no response to it.


sorry Im not ready to fork over my nazi identity in relationship to stuff I need and would rather have a good relationship with. If i was doing this in poltics itd be different.


bend over and let them fuck you in the ass to prove you aren't racist

Child molestors, trannies, and faggots are all brave enough and proud enough to come out of the closet. When will you, white man?

Hitler was homeless and in jail because of his beliefs. Where would Europe have been if he was another PR cuck afraid of losing material comforts?

You could always try playing the race card: "Are you just saying that because I look German? Can I only support Trump if I'm black or Mexican?" Would be good for keks if nothing else.

Seriously, though, agree and amplify like said.

No, no they didn't; they just used some of his factories to manufacture their uniforms. Stop spreading this retarded meme.


"How do you know what a Nazi looks like?"
"I've seen pictures of them on tv/the internet."
"Lol, you believe everything you see on there?"

Done and done.

Back in highschool, a classmate asked if I was a nazi, I just winked at him. Let his imagination answer the question.

Reply "You know, that's the most racist thing I've heard in a very long time." Put a lot of righteous indignation into your tone. Get very offended and angry. Use the standard talking points about skin color and assumptions. Talk angrily about your dead veteran grandfather. Threaten to make a formal complaint, whatever that means in your situation. Don't back down. Play it straight all the way through. Lodge the complaint immediately if they don't go on the defensive or apologize. Lay into them until they capitulate.

Best defense is a good offense. Make them scared to ever say it again.

Eventually this will lead to people making fun of you behind your back, calling you "Himmler" or "Adolph". Or snickering. Respond to this with a knowing smile. Because they think they're insulting you, but they're paying you a compliment. Your incongruous reaction will confuse them.

But if anyone openly brings up the Nazi talk again, pull the same das raciss routine. Never let them think it's safe to confront you with that insinuation.

This is good for you, and good for all of us. We want people afraid to throw around slurs and stereotypes against us. We want everyone afraid to attack the identity of white people.

This (but I will add, please for the love of god never use the word racist, the least people know and use that term the better). And slightly off topic but relevant to this what this guy said, if anyone talks shit about white people in general, e.g "Stfu white trash" or "White pussy" go and fucking confront them and make them scared to say those types of phrases again, whether they be white or mud, do it.

I often do this with class mates who make stereotypes about white people are being weak and defenseless and they shut up quick smart when they know I'll beat them if they continue.

Obviously don't sperg out and act like an autistic child (or an SJW) an embarrass yourself.

We need to uproot the negative stereotypes towards the white race and take steps to being a more "desirable" race.