Fuck every single muslim on Earth

Fuck their fucking religion, their shitty culture, fuck the direction they face when they pray, fuck Mohammed, fuck allah, fuck the quran, fuck hijabs, fuck turbans, fuck mecca, fuck medina, fuck halal food, fuck saudia arabia, fuck iran, fuck turkey, fuck indonesia, fuck pakistan, fuck afghanistan, fuck mosques, fuck refugees, fuck Obama, fuck sharia, fuck ramadan, fuck jihad, fuck isis, fuck moderate muslims, fuck radical muslims, fuck shia muslims, fuck sunni muslim, fuck wahabi muslims, fuck all muslims, fuck arabic, fuck the hadiths, fuck the ground muslims walk on, fuck muslims, fuck islam, fuck mohammed ali, fuck malcom x, fuck osama bin laden, fuck linda sarsour, fuck the mahdi, fuck islam, fuck all muslims, fuck egypt, fuck africa, fuck everything to do with islam, fuck drowining refugees, fuck muslims.

Fuck every single muslim that ever existed in the history of the world and fuck the people that defend them
fuck you, fuck all muslims, I'm glad everytime a muslim dies.

Islam is the problem, Muslims are not. Persia was great before Islam ruined everything.

t. Moishe Goldberg

don't be a hater

Imagine a world without dark skinned people

yes, it's the dark skinned people who have kept us from utopia. definitely the dark skinned peopleā€¦

fuck jews also. It's not an either or, it's both.
Fuck jews and fuck dark skinned people. Fuck them both. Get out my America jews, niggers, spics and muslims.

Oh, right. I forgot for a second that the world's shit list also has Jews on it.

Remove kebab and gefilte!

Because that war pre Aryan migration you mong, they were Caucasoids.

For you user.

They're not semites like the arabs


Syria, too, was great despite Islam, and so were the Almoravids of North Africa. Berber people too have good qualities.

A good sentiment shared, brother.

Americans aren't white either.

The good ones are.


death to all zionists

all it takes is one prayer, user.

Five star post right here.


[eagles screeching in the distance]