So what do they gain by showing such good numbers? Has anybody else seen simular results from other sites or publications?
So what do they gain by showing such good numbers? Has anybody else seen simular results from other sites or publications?
muh dik
If only we more Gay Nigger Chimpin' on live television.
One more shameless bump. Also Why are we getting flooded by stupid threads about feminism and vegans?
Oy vey! Good thing we have (((Nate Silver))) to tell us that he may be winning nationally but he is losing important states!
May as well just not vote, goyim!
While I'm at it. NYT talking about how the Clint Foundation compromises the Quenn Clinton
Trump is building up a "redemption" story right now. To normies, he has always appeared a villain. But now he's obviously trying to soften his image for them. In the end he will capture all their hearts and eventually become what they perceive as the good guy, the underdog, and the agent of change.
Clinton is just a sick, shrill criminal that no one likes. Seriously, it's over.
Gotta love all those Primary predictions
Heading down to Baton Rouge really fucked everybody else image that for sure.
Don't relax remember to vote
That goes without saying. Special mentions for the Palindrome.
This is kind of stupid, it would be more realistic to just have the Tman be nationalist and help his nations so then he can help other nations and destroy Israel and then help other nations by conquering them.
Not sue that would work out. the EU still writhes with their imported scum.
Too late, the ball is rolling. Even Trump can't stop us now.
The polling folk still have to eat. So, they have to report more or less honestly.
Better for the polling companies to show accurate data than to show obviously skewed and biased data if they wish to stay in business.
The main difference between this poll and all of the other polls that we keep seeing where Killary is ahead is that this poll samples 3,000 random households. 400 households each day (number updated daily)
Most other polls are sampling heavily Democrat and misrepresenting Independents (40%+ of the country)
I imagine this poll caught more independents and is painting a more honest picture of what Americans are feeling
You also always have to factor in the shy Trump voter effect.
Also the people who haven't voted in 10-30 years effect
Also the old fucks who have never voted effect
Pedro's going over the wall one way or the other.
Anyone notice the logo.
Why can't all die? What the fuck does the Clinton Foundation even do other give cash to the Clintons?
Many things, user.
Dealing with aids in africa and some delivering water filters and stuff.
It pretty much claims to be an octopus of a charity, doing everything.
My own assumption is it makes iteasy to launder the money.
We brought wells for an african village and.. oh no… they got stolen by bandits again. All the money has gone.
That's what a lot of charities are there for. Money laundering and tax evasion.
Dubs confirm that Kek will ensure Hillary's defeat.
So effectively fuck all. They have their own high grade Patreon cash pit. How do you steal a hole in the ground in the first place?
It's not good enough, if polls continue to be this close then shillary could rig the vote and normies wouldn't suspect. It should be clear as day that he's going to win so if he doesn't people would be mad as fuck. Don't sleep on your laurels and make sure to MAGA
Kek. (((they))) are blatantly biased against Trump and obviously they're rigging their polls. Trump's probably up by 10% in reality.
They will have to (((tweak))) their polls even more now.
Kek confirms.
This is basically it. Trumps apology was ripped to shreds by celebrities and media types but they were trusted less and less as time went on even in their own hugboxes. If you check the facebook page for say, George Takei, he tries to constantly shit on Trump but the top rated comment is some normie shitting on HIM in return and calling him a retarded shill to his face. The exact same fucking thing is happening on every celeb and eceleb page and every mainstream media page as people don't just say individual stories are loaded, but just outright call the people pushing them retards outloud. Normalfags are now fully aware of what the Lugenpresse is and don't give enough fucks about their current non-careers being threatened to keep quiet.
Trump saying he was sorry then physically doing the work of helping people as a 70 year old man, not as a press event or giving a speech, but just physically handing out goods, was something the media tried ripping to shreds but just couldn't, and since they tried to run with it like everything else he does. It was such a powerful image that it forced basically everyone to realize that no, he wasn't literally Hitler reincarnated(regardless of whatever Holla Forumsacks want him to be), but a regular dude made a target like literally any other republican would be, since the media was already gearing up to attack Ben Carson before Trump was running despite the fact that he was an actually educated black man who didn't need gibs.
Get ready for the mass suicide of well over half the US population.
There a point where they rig the polls so drastically they become unbelievable. I'm waiting for the CNN polls to have Clinton going at 341%.
Just think of it as adding a few chlorine tablets to the gene pool user.
That was reference to the "Suicides".
I must say public opinion of trump has really changed lately.
I went to the supermarket to grab some things, I usually walk since its 10 minutes away and I need the exercise, and I was surprised at the reaction I got when I was was wearing my MAGA hat. I was used to people giving me shit and getting sideways glances but not today.
Hell, today was downright pleasant. I got 2 compliments and no one was rude to me. The worst that happened was some beaner lady gave me a weird look, but was more fearful than spiteful.
I live in seattle btw
Holy fuck. Things are looking up now.
That's because Trump has started apologizing and reneging on things like the wall and deportations. Normies aren't starting to like him, they're just starting to hate him less.
Kill yourself CTR
You're not paying attention to when he speaks, I take it. Stop being a cheerleader and start actually paying attention to the man.
He never renegged.
You have to go.
I wore my MAGA hat to wegmans, and I got pretty good responses like "nice hat" and winks. Here's my cousin outmeming me.
To be determined.
You're scared of the rally today, aren't you?
Shilly out today.
Acceptance stage.
Trump isn't backing down or slowing down. They have grown used to him and his statements.
Rallies don't scare me. Some bloated idiot at a podium pandering to a select crowd, silencing dissent, and babbling on about simplistic ideals.
All sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Your prose scream Correct the Record.
Reported again.
Isn't great? And Clinton is nowhere to be seen.
Hitler dubs confirm
You outed yourself big time. Go away shill.
$0.25 has been credited to your account.