Biological gender is fake science

Biological gender is fake science

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Post the icecream one, its p0rn.

Appropriate trips.

Oh this was the video they were talking about. I kinda heard about Bill and the ice cream one, and I heard it was basic edgy reddit atheism. Which I'm fine, because he and the other atheists of his generation were most likely the anti-SJW of their generations in the sense that they really hated political correctness being used to silence other opinions, so I can get where they were coming from. But now OP you're implying Bill Nye the Science Guy, the guy supportive of facts and shit, is supporting pseudo science that is the 56 genders hypothesis just to say fuck you to creationists? Is he or is he not because I ain't watching the video or at least until you webm it. These guys that drinks the kool aid and turn communist just to flip off the the right wingers of the previous generations are just like those stormfront 10 year olds on reddit that goes 'lel you triggered reeeeeee' that's turning pol into complete cancer.

Bill Nye the science guy?
More like Bill Nye

Cumskins utterly btfo

Holla Forums died February 2nd 2016

Keep that shit spam on cuckchan where it belongs.


Nice try, Satan. Nye isn't even a credited scientist anyway, didn't he only earn an engineering degree or some shit? The man is literally a forced meme.

Did you stupid faggots click the video? It's not Bill's video, it's a guy laughing at him.

The science goy

Poor Little Science Guy

Did YOU watch the fucking video? It's Mike watching Nye's content. I don't care if he gives an in-depth dressing down which enlightens me to the inner beauty of all, I ain't watching the whole fucking video because you thought it was worth a cheap laugh.


Wow I've never seen such an intelligent and beautiful women in my entire life. When I clicked that youtube link it was like the clouds of depression that reign over my life separated and the gates of heaven opened up to reveal this transient beauty Rachel Bloom. The way the rap flows is like we've reached a whole new musical plateau. Thank you Bill Nye the science guy for giving us this beauty and enriching all our lives forever. This is the best song.

Honestly. Bill nye looks like a guy who will get a cp scandal

Daily reminder that the concept of "gender" being separate from biological sex was invented by a psychotic rapist kike who loved to sadistically abuse children (John Money).

Daily reminder that there is NO scientific evidence that "gender" exists in biological organisms. It's just another way for members of a certain ethno-religious tribe to subvert Western / traditional ideologies and values.
First two paragraphs straight up admit that gender is a Jewish, feminist meme.

Absolutely no mention of him being a sick pedophile responsible for multiple suicides. Wikipedia is so kiked.


That seems like a very vague and general statement. Would you happen to know at what time Holla Forums died?

who did this cause it is incredible work?

Article that debunks Bill Nye:

People who abandon a God will eventually devote to a ridiculous one.


What's up with this joke about seals?
I keep seeing it.

Its a sealcret.

Normalfags are finally catching on to the difference between science and Scientism.

I think most people understood that crap wasn't science, its not like people took magazine "studies" seriously. They just didn't knew how widespread in education it was.

Reminder: Most if not all Ice cream flavors use Vanilla as part of the flavoring.

Underrated post.

More reason not to click it.


No, that was an appropriately rated post.

"Extremely Feminine" Science boy!

The guy who made the art explained on his twitter that its a reference to patriarchy comics.


Shut up cumskin

Are you mad? Because you know very deep, that killing yourself is only right thing to do?

jews are pushing the gay shit to control population growth, you cant have kids by being sodomized in your stretched anus that will make your wear dieapers in your 40s or pumped with a rubber dick on your dried up blown up cunt

Why couldn't it be a regular atheist "scientist"TM that obviously have issue with conservatives than care about science and religion? Bill seemed like he didn't care about politics.

it represents redditors

Can we all agree that rap/hip hop is the most degenerate form of music ever created?


It's not all populations they try to get to stop breeding so it's more of a genocide than population control.

It's not music at all.

Because Gender is the social construct and sex is the physical trait you uneducated bucket of fuck butter.

they meant literally the same thing until a kike changed the meaning about ten years ago, obviously to nefarious ends

Because he cares about his own fame more than science. Kind of glad I was never into him that much. When it came to "popularizers of science" I normally watched Michio Kaku.

I love Mark Dice's videos.
He should make a TV series.

They tried to warn us…

right because religion didn't lead to some incredibly fucked up conclusions.

Humans are stupid and so far there's still no cure.

The artist was very kind with his depiction of that kike fridge frame.

Such as?

That niggers are human.

They are though, a different subspecies perhaps but they are human. What Christianity does is place the responsibility for their actions on themselves, it's basically an anti-cuck measure to stop excusing their behaviour on other things besides the people themselves. Some negroids are good people, many are not. You, just like any SJW or liberal, seems to think that one can not hold them to the same standard as white people due to their racial handicap. Isn't it this very line of thinking that has let the grip of barbarism yet again overtake Africa? I do not deny the reality of race, people are not equal in the least but I question why that should influence your judgement of people. Poverty is no excuse, race is no excuse, it's only a question of will.

Yeah man fighting with sand niggers constantly over a piece of Jewish dirt for 200 years was a great idea. Remember when we sent an army of kids to fight the sand niggers and they all got lost and sold into slavery? Good times.

Crusades to the holy land were crucial for distracting the muslims from enroaching on Christendom. They also lead to the destruction of those hairy brown heathens calling themselves Roman, but unfortunately they were quickly replaced by another set of hairy brown heathens calling themselves Roman.

Hork hork hork

Yeah bitch link to Wikipedia when it suits your whiny agenda, but otherwise it's a worthless shit-hole run by jews am i right?

Wikipedia should never be linked to in general and he's a faggot for trusting it when it suits him.
It's not a reliable site when it comes to controversial issues. It should only ever be used to find citations.

Calm that autism, tranny.


Just like Nigg deGrasse Tyson who desperately wants to be the next Sagan.

I don't ask why a rabid dog bit me, I just put it down.

What Christianity really did was give rise to the idea we are all equal under God (egalitarianism) and that we God's children (universalism). Little wonder then that Christians are some of the biggest cucks on the planet, right next to their Marxist brethren.

The mudshits were happy doing what they do best, killing each other, before the Pope's cucks came along and gave them a common enemy to unite behind.

Yes, we all thank you for dealing the killing blow to Byzantium and leaving it ripe for the picking for the turkroaches. So much for your claim you stopped the mudshits from encroaching on Christendom.

Christcucks are truly the best goyim and the eternal ally of Israel.

And don't think people aren't laughing at you for claiming all the accomplishments of the white race for yourselves. Worshiping the filthy God of the vile Semites makes you a race traitor just as it does every leftist.

That's one rare Wyatt Man.

Is he our guy?

Shit-tier populist garbage. Go shill your vid on Holla Forums, you fucking reverse-SJW.

Though that show is fucking despicable. How did the real world turn into a South Park episode?

kys E;R

Aw, you caght me.
I've been secretly posting webms from my channel here to shill, then I swap ids and shill my shills.
Now be a good goyim and watch some of my shitposts.

Also since they can interbreed they have to be considered a sub-species. That's just what the biologic definitions are.

Christianity is explicitly unequal as some people are just shit and born to sin and be damned while others are not. This is modernist horseshit which has nothing to do with Christianity or any philosophy which held sway in the west prior to the 17th century.

Also several of those quotes are actually fake, just looked up the passages myself. They pick and chose various translations(the shittiest modern ones specifically) in order to find the translation which suits the purposes of the exercise.

Also one of those is a tithe you dumb shit, are you not away that also governing bodies in history have instituted a tax including fascist governments. Soldiers don't pay themselves.

Not Jews and niggers though.

jews are Christ killers and thus will all go to hell.
Also….. "everyone knows the real jews is black".

They raped him.