Looks like Assange narrowly avoided shooting himself in the back of the head multiple times.
Looks like Assange narrowly avoided shooting himself in the back of the head multiple times.
Other urls found in this thread:
what do you mean?
Hillary is making bodies drop like flies and nobody bats an eye. Fucking 2016
Oh shit. Killary must be getting really fucking desperate.
Are they not scared of his dead mans switch?
Do they think that he just has so much shit some of the really bad shit would overshadow Hillary's cimes?
why else would that have been done?
maybe assange should reveal the existence of the blackmail videos of hillary and many others doing depraved things to children that are used as a threat to keep them "in line", and threaten that those will be released if he dies
I'm operating under the assumption that a) its common knowledge here that Julian Assange is holed up at the Ecuadorian embassy in Londonistan and that b) someone scaling the wall of the said embassy probably doesn't have the justest of intents.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
or maybe he should just say that he has blackmail instead
very, very incriminating blackmail, in comparison to what hes already leaked
I'm assuming Assange is waiting until October to release whatever he's got on HRC. I don't know if his odds of survival go up or down after he deploys the infonuke, but either way wikileaks is more than just him at this point.
Honestly if they wanted to kill him wouldn't they hire a better assassin? I mean the guy got caught on security cameras.
This was a threat.
they think or want you to think that Holla Forums and 4chan goes to reddit after they're accepted by chans
you should either be underestimating them over highly overestimating them
pure conjecture and conspiracy theory…
them or highly overestimating*
On the other hand, he seems to have successfully fled a protected embassy in London
Why do you even bother? Does your supervisor get mad if you don't meet a post quota?
I think he's just fooling around.
Fled fucking where?
Sometimes people make jokes, I like to make jokes and share a laff, lighten up bud.
Sorry. It's gotten really, really hard to tell lately.
Maybe they were looking for a little rape.
Im utterly convinced this was some loony (((businessman))) whose losing money because of the leaks.
If he ran to mcdonalds it was CIA.
I know how you're feeling
Seriously, what the fuck is going on?
That's a major metro area in London - we should have visible face images of this guy by TOMORROW, or any question of intent to whack Assange goes right out the fucking window, I tell you hwat.
There was probably a Ford Ka nearby with the motor running already
And when I say 'tomorrow', I mean tomorrow THEIR time, assuming its now past 3am.
There are cameras EVERYWHERE around there, no question.
The chance of someone leaving the embassy, in a manner of speed which would not be indicative of questionable doings such as to evade pursuant embassy security, would undoubtedly be captured by one of the cameras.
Pakistani embassy right across the street lol
Embassy security is not allowed to leave their grounds, I'm fairly sure. It would be stupid for them to do so, anyway; it could leave the embassy and Assange defenseless if they take the bait and pursue.
What? Security better get their shit together after this.
Pretty sure you're just autistic, bud.
and not been caught by London cctv
Holy shit, definitely an assassin.
If he's not caught it's confirmed CIA cuck
Y-y-you mean craigslist crisis actors?
Next time she should pay a real hitman and not some fun guy who is dumb enough to use a glock.
Looks like there's a camera pointing straight at where the guy started climbing. I hope they release the security footage.
Who all is on the list of Clinton's political vicrims this year so far?
I don't want to be a dick but if it happened on the 22nd I'd be more worried.
I mean, (to Australians) Sunday morning is still Saturday night, and J.Sange has a shitload of fans. If I was in London right now I'd be figuring out how to smuggle a slab of Carlton Draught into the embassy. Four years in a Mexican's cupboard would drive anyone nuts, better than even chance the guy wanted a banter.
At least 4 this year alone, pretty much confirmed.
Her old doctor that released records.
UN guy set to testify (crushed by barbell lol)
1 DNC faggot found dead in allyway
1 Other DNC faggot found dead in stairwell
The guy was hoping to be the shotgun dude behind the curtain like in "Scarface"
Don't forget the wiki leaks lawyer that played chicken with a train.
I don't think wikileaks/assange would be making a big deal out of it if it was just Assange's beer-runner getting caught.
I'm not a detective, but the fact that they were ALL involved with the Clinton foundation should be enough to warrant an investigation, hell probably multiple investigations of fraud, murder, conspiracy and treason.
And these are just this year alone!
This shit is getting ridiculous.
mate, sorry for trying to inject a little levity. but I still reckon it was a drunken expat, because you'd have to be fucken optimistic to try to spiderman up the side of a major geopolitical standoff in between three cameras.
Killing Assange will just cause the popularity of WikiLeaks and scrutiny on Clinton to explode. Not to mention, there is not even any real reason to kill him due to the dead man's switch. Dunno what these retards are thinking even trying to pull a stunt like this at all.
How are things over at CTR, breh?
Challenge accepted.
What makes you think I am CTR at all?
john ashe had nothing to do with the clinton trial, he was going to a trial about corruption charges regarding himself
I can't find a single article that cites the fact that he had literally any relation to clinton, can someone enlighten me?
Retards=who? Are you implying Assange is pulling a stunt? I doubt he would play with his reputation so light heartedly, it's too valuable for him right now.
Retards as in the people who want him assassinated like Clinton who shows a tendency to do these things.
He was to testify how the Clinton Foundation was receiving illegal donations, bribes, from China, I believe.
but do you have a source on that? I don't deny that but everything i find is either a right-biased appeal to emotion about how crazy the clinton foundation is or a left-biased NOTHING TO SEE HERE MOVE ALONG
Anyone know whatever happened to Arneheim?
ah, thank you. NY post is solid enough for me
Reminder Assange's attorney John Jones was suicided by train back in April fitting the Arkancide MO completely. Also reminder Assange has all but come out and admitted murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich was the source of the email leak.
maybe they think he didn't trust any one but his lawyer, they already killed that guy.
My only concern is that they will try and step up security thus bringing in more people who have a good chance of being corrupted and thus make assassination easier (at which point they blame Bernie supporters).
Still does not stack up to me. I see no reason to kill Assange since it will have no effect on leaks at all. I will just chock it up to stupidity. Some idiot, maybe Clinton, thought it would be a good idea to try to smoke him.
This. They can bust you retrospectively for dropping a piece of gum in London (if they were so inclined). If this person isn't identified then he was either let go/ it was a sanctioned hit OR it was a highly trained assassin.
Either way it looks like Assange has moved from marked to actively hunted. I would however imagine that he has plenty of failsafe’s in place. If someone murders him, who knows what will be leaked. Unless they have got to those responsible for releasing said information in that outcome. Which they might have.
Theoretically speaking.
she is brain damaged, is she really the one still calling the orders.
a chilling though for her underlings, having to serve the mentally feeble at the risk of their lives.
It would best be used as a scare tactic.
or a junkie
She has her handlers and advisors. They are the ones calling the shots at this point. She is a drooling figurehead.
Nice digits Satan.
top lel
Clinton is a brain-damaged moron. More reason that she would try something stupid like this. Regardless, we should not assume that whoever these people are trying to kill Assange are tactical and rational. They are, after all, just people. It looks like just another blunder.
That is a good point. It could be a scare tactic. It will not work though because Assange knows that if he does not leak and Clinton becomes president then the outcome is all the same. He has nothing to lose.
It's Ecuador after all, maybe they carry pure cocaina.
still doesn't explain why they'd try.
Killing him before he can release any more info is the plan. It's cost vs benefit: Does hillary/DNC/her handlers win more from keeping his clinton leaks buried before novemeber vs his deadman's switch triggering (if it even does!) and revealing some shit that possibly hits others not even related to hillary?
Ironically forcing him to hole up in an embassy probably made killing him 10x harder than otherwise.
As well, there's a lot of cameras in embassies, so they expected this to be an extremely public assassination. Maybe even a warning to others who might be thinking of taking up Assange's job.
I don't think assassinations like this would happen without them having a good possibility of controlling deadman leaks after the fact.
I wonder if there have been any simultaneous assassinations of individuals assange's been in contact with? People who could otherwise spread shit if he's knocked off.
Good idea, we need to dig.
All the deaths thus far and having the lugenpresse in their pocket, they are probably getting bold.
True. It is better for them if the leaks were exposed all at once to brush it over in a week then to cause constant discord and hanging in the public memory up to the election.
I hope that Assange's security adapts to this assassination attempt and prepares to catch the next assassin for questioning. I cross my fingers that this malfeasance eventually leads back to the perpetrators pulling the strings here.
Apparently not a very good one since Assange is still alive.
Fucking Clinton can't even murder people properly.
One lived out of 47, I'd say she's pretty good.
(((They))) may believe that the person holding his dead man's switch was his lawyer who they killed recently, thus if they can get Assange as well they can silence him, and if it still gets out they can bury the info with their complete control of normalfag media.
Democratic National Cartel are running the show now. The family assassin is either getting old or they hired sloppy new people now. They can't be arsed to make it look like a convincing suicide or an instance of pure coincidence.
Disregard… Misfire…
Yeah we need to dig. I kept hearing news about Assange's lawyer being killed. Wikileaks commented on it as well. Also, Roger Stone has been on contact with Assange and probably Trump and he lives in the US making him a possible target as well. I know he was hacked recently and some files Assange gave to him were taken but it was stuff he was going to release anyways.
Add Amb. Stevens to that list. That was no accident.
That was Conan, wasn't it?
All you crazy conspiracy theorists need to take your meds
Nice try, Hillary. Shouldn't you be changing your diaper?
Nothing to see here goy. Everything is as it should be. Return to your pasture like a good sheep.
I bet Hillary is very angry right now that her favorite assassin failed for the first time in years. If you think he didn't get any sleep before, he's probably getting shit on right now by that screaming devil.
but it did happen on the 22nd
Saving "tinfoil" for your next post with new ID eh rabbi?
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Stop that.
Looks like Pablo isn't going to get his $500k.
remember the guy who tried to climb trump tower?
hillary was probably trying to murder one of his kids or his wife
This is true. What bothers me is that he is some autist so who knows what sort of shit she did to program/re-program him. Maybe promised him fame and wealth or some nonsense. It makes me wonder how they find these people. Then again, Trump has said on air that he does not trust the CIA so it may very well be their doing or even the FBI. There was a news story about the FBI actually inciting some terrorist into committing a terrorist act.
3rd pic is wrong, see
you know giga satan, you do take your pranks a little too far sometimes
It was just a Holla Forumsack trying to get the new leaks before everyone else :^)
You have it backwards, mine is right. The guy in the other user's picture is some preacher. Google the guy.
This is just a right wing conspiracy. Who cares if shady characters are climbing the walls of the embassy that hold Assange, the "Osama Bin Laden" of the new world order? Nothing to see here.
kek gas yourself
Glad to see this hasn't been memoryholed yet
Actually it's the same guy in both, just different pics.
Pure coincidence but the CCTV network in that area had a small glitch an hour prior to the event. It's an Israeli system used worldwide. It usually works perfectly but you know how it is…
They both come up under Victor Thorn, some anons in another thread were saying the opposite but probably just to cause confusion. Regardless the guy was still murdered.
The fact that the media let this slide instead of making a large fuss over it ("hurr durr see walls are useless") like some twats on twitter did makes me wonder if they are trying to hide something. His handlers may have been extra sloppy or the autist kept records due to paranoia so there may be something there. Quite often these people, like the guy who tried to assassinate Trump with a cop's gun are buried quickly. I think there is something there. I think their handlers are not that good, seeing how poorly thought out these actions are and the quality of people used.
see timestamp.
Those are both Victor Thorn, fourth guy is wrong though.
No user, you are the retard.
Learn to fukken read.
The shills are going all out tonight.
Goodness gracious. They're not even trying to be clever about this. This could be used to redpill people on the jews by showing what Israel has to gain from this. Add their connections to the media Hollywood and their connection Hillary and you will have normalfags buying into the idea of what a threat Israel and by extension, jews pose for the free world. The fact that Hillary is having some special dinner/gala with various Hollywood/music stars and the Rothchilds some time this week makes this connection even harder to ignore. This is a rare opportunity to really make everything click in people's minds and even get some people on the fence on Trump's team if only for the sake of opposing Hillary and her machinations.
Link? I don't see this on their twitter.
Change the date next time.
You fucking liar.
Goddamn it user.
At this point they were probably betting on him bluffing about having a dead man's switch.
In fact, has he ever claimed to have one in place?
Do you have a source on that? Legitimate curiosity here.
Just a reminder that you can get their large archive encrypted insurance file here
I guess I have my answer.
The memes Jack!
80% sure he released encrypted data that'd release when he dies
Serious though if I was Security I would check for radiation, chemicals, and biological agents. Not to mention explosives.
Date is correct dude I am a pro faker
He released a fucking 88 gig insurance file man.
Here's a link if you want all of the dirt that he has
He has 500gigs of documents that are all insurance
Compressed vs uncompressed?
He's right you know. Assange is a nuke. The closer to the election his bomb drops the worse it is. Every day that goes by he becomes more dangerous to the zog.
If the Clinton machine was gunning for him now they must be absolutely terrefied.
We sticky nao
getting caught was clearly part of his plan.
if assange gets offed WWIII starts and everyone knows it.
what do you think insurance is?
Now I finally get Sam Hyde's latest episode name.
3 Down 47 To Go Countdown to Mass Funeral.
it's ogre, low effort shitposts from this point on.
I think the guy who said 88 was memeing
Of course, HRC, DNC and their MSM Corral are panicking extremely about the Dangerous Shitposting Aussie, they're trying so say everything he drops is fake but it's not working
This. It annoys me how sloppy it seems law enforcement seems to be about these things these days. We all know why but still.
That takes me back. Those dubs are your reward.
Assange and Trump proves that all it takes to change the world is the will of a single man. That great man can emerge at any time and for unknowable reasons.
And that fact and the uncertainty that goes along with it scares (((them))) shitless.
They would be fucking stupid to attempt to assassinate Julian Assange.
He definitely has a Dead Man's switch. He probably calls a number every other day to inform them that hes alive and if hes either killed or kidnapped and can't make the call, all of his documents on Hillary Clinton will be disseminated.
They probably exist on at least 10 servers in different countries, so the Clinton foundation can't do anything to stop him really.
And its always a White man.
This is an interesting take on this whole thing:
What are indigo children ?
all the more reason to believe he is all part of the fake media show….
MANning ( now WOMANning )
A theory I seen:
Kek, I…
Not always but usually.
Kids who supposedly have special powers. In truth, they're just autists with parents in denial.
This is retarded.
Every time I watch this gif I cry.
That crazy samurai single handedly saved his country from the Communist scourge. He changed history.
If that's true then why even care about the future of humanity?
Assange is Legit
The rest no so much
Who mentioned illums? I don't get it.
Even more so, how do we know that person is not part of the conspiracy?
And his last words where "if only I could give 7 lives for my country"
Read the voat link.
Its the same as why we support Trump. There's no way to know for sure that he's truly on our side, or that he's being honest about his intentions. We can only be sure that if its not him, its no one. Our most compelling evidence that he is legit is how fiercely he's attacked from all sides by the jews and their pawns.
So it is with Assange. He's technically broken no laws, and whistle-blower statutes protect him. They have to drum up a rape charge from an anonymous "victim" to even have anything on him.
The harder the jews push against someone, the more likely they are to be authentic. And if neither Trump nor Assange are legit, then who is? We're just truly fucked in that case. I'd rather believe that there's still hope.
It's 94.09 GB. What it is is unknown, it's an encrypted file. If anything happens to Assange, he'll release the AES key and we can decrypt it.
That file could contain HUGE secrets, or it could just be a massive bluff, and end up being 94GB of Assange's porn collection. No way to tell.
If there's no heroes left in man at this point in history than humanity was always doomed to extinction from the very beginning.
And i'd prefer not to live my life in nihilistic depression.
Can't the government with their super computers and quantum computers decrypt it?
I know nothing about encryption.
I thought Quantum Computers don't exist
Based on our current knowledge, there are no known attack vectors to breaking AES256 encryption. Even with all the super computers in the world, the Universe would end before they finished brute forcing all the combinations.
If there is a flaw in the algorithm, the NSA might be able to shortcut the amount of time they need to decrypt, but, it would still likely take a very long time. The government and military use AES256 for their own systems.
If we assume the NSA CAN decrypt it, that fact would be more important than the contents of the file, so it would only be known to a small number of people. Also, perhaps they look in, see what it and go… "oh shit, we can't have this getting out there".
It's still notable if they can crack it. If they know what's about to drop, they can try to prepare and set up damage reduction before they need to damage control.
Only in the eyes of an unquestioning git like you. Fuck off.
if you can trust nothing else anons, trust Trump's ego. let me explain:
you don't build your business, a business that's based around real estate, by plastering your name all over hundreds of buildings around the world, without believing that said name means something. to Trump, his name is his livelihood, and his livelihood is tied to the land. so as America goes, so goes Trump. if America is prosperous, Trump will be prosperous (moreso than he is) as well.
but his ego is deeper than that. Trump is a man's man, a classical man, in that his word is his reputation. this is why he's so careful with the "Trump brand." his name is not only his livelihood, but his legacy, and his legacy is embodied in his children. all of us here, we know how close Trump is with his kids. all three of his adult children have spoken highly of their father, and it's clear for all of his bombastic-ness, he is, at the core of it, a loving, caring father, not only of his family, but of his employees as well (as evidenced by a distinct lack of any sort of harassment suit against him, and even his ex-wife coming out to defend him despite their differences).
so, again, i circle back to Trump's ego. his own sense of his name, what it means, his reputation, he knows that'll be passed on to the next generation, his kids. we know his name means something because his name is his life. Trump doesn't want to be remembered badly, but more importantly, he doesn't want to shit the bed for his children. that alone is enough to say he'll do his damdest to come through on every promise he's made.
Another theory that might interest you.
If you followed any of the occult threads…
Some are making the connection that Assange is the second coming of Christ.
In revelations it states he will be an activist, and have white hair and voice reaching far and wide.
Now here is the crazy part. (((They))) brought up two sex charges on him. Someone pointed out they could be mocking him as the "second coming" with those 2 sex charges.
Also.. symbolism from the matrix. Him being Neo and (((them))) being the architect about to reset the matrix ( earth ). Perhaps not the first time (((they))) have had to reset. People in this revision haven't fell for the programming ( redpilled homies ) and changes need to be made to next revision.
Praise kek
Are there any cases of anyone breaking it ever?
Can I really encypt 10,000 images of Piccolo Dick and send the government on a wild goose chase?
Thanks, Doc
Who knows what kind of assassination technologies the alphabet agencies have access to. Maybe the guy had to get just close enough to deploy it. If Assange comes down with a mysterious illness in the coming weeks I think it'll be more than a coincidence.
Consider the record corrected, fellow anonymous poster.
Not as far as the public knows. You can do better though, and use something called a One-Time Pad. Theoretically unbreakable.
It's not practical though, as the key has to be as long as the message.
Well, it'd make for some good fan fiction.
I don't want to even contemplate that. Seriously though, how hard can it be to get some Ecuadorian inside man? They must have frequent staff turnover, and I'm sure they hire cleaners Implying they are not the cleaners themselves. Most likely, Assange isn't even there.
To those saying Trump is the best choice …
He is one of (((them))).
Look at his hand signal… 666
Now let's do the numerology on the Comments and Likes…
2.4k Likes 246 comments
2+4 = 6.
2+4 = 6.
Wish I was making this up, but he is in the same crew :/
Late to the party, I assume?
Plebbitors always come out of the woodworks when wikileaks is mentioned. Go back to your failure of a reddit clone.
user's voat link. Anytime you want to divert people's attention away from the what of an issue just shift focus to a conspiracy theory, the more outrageous the better. Reason why a trending hashtag will never happen.
Ok Moshe thanks for your insight it's very true
Schizophrenia please leave
no matter what you think of JFK he did have this nail hit right on the head.. he just failed to name the (((jew))).
I saw a Delta Force demo reel once where one of the guys was scaling a pipe on a wall in full tac-gear
a trained assassin could definitely scale a pipe and use a weapon at hand in the embassy to kill Assange
I'm in too deep, I'm making too many espionage connections, fuck
Every leak guy with the least amount of tech know-how has a dead mans switch for insurance.
You don't check in after so long it auto-leaks assuming something happened to you, he probably also has human backups of the same type of system.
There is pence throwing up the baphemet sign or "devil horns" @ 17s..
His name is Pence Mano Cornuto
Guess how you say "cuckolded" in Spanish, Italian or Greek?
It's Cornuto. Yea.
All our leaders are satanists. Good luck.
…Aaaaand then we can send the government after cultural marxists over the internet, scapegoating them as the source of it.
A+ plan.
Except his name is Mike Pence
One would imagine that in a city that supposedly has the most CCTV's on the planet the suspect would be caught fairly quickly, especially in a area that has quite a few high value targets to beging with.
Wooo woooooo
It looks like he is trying to do the University of Indiana's hand sign, which is similar to the longhorn sign save one finger or some variation of the ILY sign. That said, if that triggers you, you would think UT is the church of satan.
Goodness gracious, you're just out to derail this thread at this point. Can't even be arsed to make a separate thread fore your bullshit. Anyone noticed how the shilling has suddenly stopped as well as soon as this retard popped in?
Bollocks that hand sign comes from Southern Italy and is used to ward off the evil eye known as malocchio.
Ronnie James Dio was known for popularizing the sign of the horns in heavy metal.
What is the point of this post, are you saying you work for Correct the Record because that's what it appears like you're implying
All aboard the demon train!
They do, I've seen one, their greatest defect is that as you use more Qubits the probability of a correct calculation decreases. This uncertainty explodes so much that the usefulness of computer would be outweighed by the amount of hardware and software too check if the calculation was correct enough.
It's doubtful but perhaps there is some secret someone has found, there is a rare isotope of Iron which makes a much more stable kind though.
There is some strange studies out there into quantum information, such as where from a discrete worldview is the information stored in an object, if it even is stored at all?
(checked lol)
OTP is unbreakable but in crypto school classes they'll have you break OTP when the same key is used on multiple messages, because you can XOR the messages themselves together and if there was a Space '0x20' and a letter, you'll see a the opposite capitalization of that letter in the combined XOR. So OTP as an implementation is useless.
Now for AES256 the interesting thing with AES was how it was designed, the NSA never told anyone like with DES how they figured out the S-boxes, they could have used some unknown algorithm too generate them which only they have the inverse of. This is only a rumor and the NSA still hasn't stated how they originally generated it, another rumor was that Terrorist groups primarily use AES encryption alot and secretly governments might be able too see the messages in a very short-time, now this ofc could be a bad implementation in the tool though. But the NSA itself and internal military use only RC6 encryption. So…
That's why I use Seven-DES tbqh.
See the link, its Jews using memes and talking about breaking AES but its only for implementation of what kind of blocks you are using:
He's trying to stop is from spreading the shit that happened to wikileaks and spreading the fact that there should be camera footage of the intruder.
Only shills are this opposed to archiving. Filtered.
We have IDs you know
I fail to see what you're trying to convey
It looks like Trump is doing the rock on symbol because he is next to what might be a Metal Musician, a WWE Wrestler or both
Yep, I totally am CTR pointing out that both are on the same side :/
Sure your not CTR?
Shekels. Your account. Deposited.
Sorry, just bringing up some interesting stuff.
I'm sure they are all just giving the "ROCK ON DUDE!" sign. Your right.
Well you're clearly not acting like one of us
You're someone who is posting as if you don't know what IDs are
Interesting. I wonder if they are hoping to let the stuff get out and memoryhole the whole thing anyways. Since multiple heads of state are in on this shit, even if there was information that would normally be a cause for war, it would not come in this situation. They probably have an idea and have decided to fully bury the info in the media.
Also interesting that cuckolded = the name of that hand sign they are holding up.
Really interesting :/
Literally started a craze to make people say that on the internet … Genius !!!
Sure it's just a coincidence.
Well to be fair back in 09 or so I was reading stuff that said Quantum Computers are quite a long ways off if it ever happened
Fair point, good thing it's Stickied
Fuck off shill
Are you seriously trying to derail a thread about assange nearly being suicided by claiming Trump is a satanist?
It's time for you to go.
We should look more into this. This is pretty damning if we have proof and further hints at conspiracy. In this case, it would be easier to find names and thus connections.
He's some sort of person who thinks everything is subjective and there isn't an objective cause and effect around these events
Wait really?
Did Nathan Hale get reborn as a Nip just to serve his "Current Life" homeland and get killed while doing it, and manage another great quote of the same context as his one before?
Also to add, the death of Assange's lawyer has no CCTV footage apparently either and yet those things are everywhere. All these issues tied to this person and yet the vaunted surveillance system either sees nothing or stops working. Shit is very odd and worth looking into.
He's just trying to derail. That is why some of his posts don't make any sense and are designed to pester.
Apparently it was a reference to historical Japanese poetry.
Ayy gringos, Hillary is down with Lá Razza homes. She killing gringos that get in her with like Pablo Escabar gringo. Lá Raza gonna take over your shitty little country from you racist gringos homes.
Well that too
Fuck off we're full
Well that explosion of errors can be mitigated by using a Quasi-Quantum Computer, that's what the US government forces use now.
I never noticed that he actually punched the fag standing next to him as well. ahahah
Counter conspiracy:
Assange, or someone who wants Assange's leaks to be focused on, paid someone to climb the wall at the Ecuador Embassy.
This is why we call Japs "Honorary Aryans"
Hitman: Agent 47
The Clinton Contracts
Well back during the Manning incident it seemed the government was holding off on raids because they wanted too find all of the tunnels Wikileaks was using. The whole thing itself might have been a mission too find all those who had the info, I assure you they didn't find them all but they still are trying.
Really we are getting too a point that the majority of the people in the west doesn't really care about leaked info, especially if the MSM doesn't report on it. Remember when Obama was raiding news stations when Snowden did his dump, too ensure military secrets at gunpoint.
Only leaked video at this point would sway the public away from their doom.
I doubt that Assange would leave for a second on risk of being grabbed by British police.
I'd be more willing to believe that if it wasn't for the CCTV cameras that are all over the place. It would be too easy to find out the person's identity and thus track down any connections he has. If he was not hired by Hillary's handlers, then they would have an incentive to investigate deeply and prove that theory true. Furthermore, the possibility that there was a camera glitch makes this less likely. The death of Assange's lawyer who was also representing Colonel Gaddafi’s son Saif and Libyan spy chief Abdullah-al Senussi makes that theory seem less likely since all parties connected here are connected to Hillary in some manner or another.
There's too much that counters the suggestion of a paid agitator/attention-grabber. The lugenpresse would have been fast to push that story as well.
I think this is why Assange is sitting on info now. He probably intends to release the info closer to the debates so Trump can bring it up and before the lugenpresse has a chance to come up with a counter-narrative or spin and I think he is waiting for October as well since the media has thrown around the term October surprise, which has people now primed for something to go down in October (probably in hopes that people will ignore everything until then but it's back-firing). I think this is why they are trying to kill Assange now and get everything out now. In the end, all their efforts is aimed at figuring out what the info is so they can figure out how to spin it.
You know what's sad? They could kill Assange and 99% of the general public wouldn't even shrug their shoulders.
Autism 'is' a special power.
Indeed. And then you would have some people trying to argue that nothing is wrong. These people would argue everything is fine and people should stop worrying on a sinking boat on fire.
That reminds me of this.
I just don't see the point of killing Assange. If he dies, he's proven right about everything. Someone as high profile as he is, even if the media doesn't talk about him being alive, will be reported on if he gets killed. Talking about him in the MSM means bringing up the general conclusion of Wikileaks.
Though someone like Assange would do well to fake his own death….it would be the only way out if he somehow pulls it off.
I still think it's too early to tell if he was a Hillary or otherwise assassin. Those who investigate this at a ground level are never aware of any operations going on which lead to problems if talked about immediately. You need MI6 or whoever is the UK's agency that deals with stuff like this to organize a narrative.
If Assange is kill and literally nobody talks about it, we may as well be on Mr. Bone's Wild Ride.
Actually we even had one TIME journalist come out and arrogantly declare his excitement for justifying it.
Hmmm. Good point.
What if there are multiple dead man wills, and they are all are linked, as in if one of them dies/disappears, the information is leaked anyways. This would prevent TPTB from controlling the leaks. If Assange were to die any one of the others, or a outside third party, could quickly tweet/FB/spam the backup DMWs link.
Lee Rigby (RIP) was beheaded in broad daylight by a Muslim nigger, and the British public gave a mere collective "tut". No real consequences.
Trump would talk about it
The lugenpresse can't help itself.
Hillary and her handlers see him at the root of all of this and feel that by killing him, they can send wikileaks into disarray, have an easier time subverting it, and have an easier time shutting it down as a whole and maybe even spreading lies about the next person who takes over since that person will no doubt be an unknown to the greater public and thus would be easier to spin lies about.
You're assuming the media cares about the truth. They believe, however true or false that is, that they can bury any truth with repeated lies, even when something is obvious.
We've been on his ride for a good long while now. You have CNN and BBC defending sharia law and calling it progressive, just because Trump bashed it. That' how fucked things are.
Trump also talked about the suspicious death of Justice Scalia (which most goys never even knew or have forgotten if they did). Trump said, "Strange place for a pillow to be", and the media called him a conspiracy theorist.
So assuming Russia is responsible for the DNC leaks, who does it follow is responsible for the assassination attempt?
Hillary/Soros of course.
That honestly sounds more like leftist desperation as they're scrambling to remain in power.
It amazes me how Scalia's death was tossed under the rug as well. He may have been the first death by Team Clinton this election season.
Hillary and her handlers (Soros, Rothchilds and so on).
Not saying that this isn't a top lad, but an Assange death isn't comparable.
If Hillary really believes that Assange is better dead than alive, then her campaign is in shambles. If there really was an assassin, then I think it's someone trying to be opportunistic and take out Assange while it's possible to blame it on something that's a already a dumpster fire.
And normies are smarter than you think, pic related. Instead of listening to the TV, people will instead google Assange and get introduced to his rabbit hole.
I've heard that they killed him so that when Trump contests the rigging at the supreme court Scalia won't tip it in Trump's favor.
Perhaps one of you can answer this. When the diplomatic incident between the UK and Ecuador began, the Brits claimed they had authority to raid the embassy, but since backed off.
What is stopping the US from promising to kick Ecuador out of international banking unless they release Assange to the
UK->Sweden or USA?
She wouldn't need the lugenpresse being as obvious as they are if it wasn't.
That's unlikely as well since that would assume some random person is opening himself to the repercussions of not only the law, and people who are fans of Assange but opening themselves up to Clinton and her handlers since that would cast suspicion on them and thus such a person, who has the resources to carry out such a thing, would understand that angering Team Clinton would spell the end of him and his family or whole bloodline. Even more so, if they are aware of Clinton and thus her connections, they would know the media would stop it nothing to pin the blame on him and make this out to be a lone wolf situation rather than a larger thing.
But are they willing to stage an armed revolt if Hillary is truly corrupt and the system refuses to do anything due to obvious bias? Are they smart enough not to let it get to that point then? The latter is important because apparently they have been dump enough to let things get to the point they are at now.
I can see this. Obama angling for that top UN position probably plays into this as well, making it so that there would be no international reaction in a rigged stolen election too.
I think Ecuador already got out of Internatonal Finance and are using Assange to fuck with (((them)))
It's not about if the normies will stage an armed rebellion, it is weather those normies will sit back and allow those who are already primed for such I'm looking at you /k/ommandos to get the needed weeding done.
This. I'm expecting a late October leak. That'd be a good tactical move because most normies only start paying close attention to candidates in the month leading up to the election, and it would also stop that cunt Clinton from recovering.
Is anyone else legit terrified that he'll get taken out? He should release a statement saying "If you kill me the leak will happen anyway. I have redundancies." Not only is it true, but it might force them to waste time trying to locate and eliminate his redundancies before they take him out. He could then, obviously, just make more redundancies.
And if there are enough people willing to sit back or at least agree with those changes. That is the main reason why Hillary persists with her bullshit. I'm sure there are people who disagree and dislike her but how many is the question.
This month alone.
Why would they kill him? Looking past the fact that it would blatantly obvious, I'm sure Assange has multiple insurance policies in the event of his death for all kinds of shit to leak out anywa
The stupidity of this shit has Clinton written all over it.
No, normies would never bear arms and many normies even, have arms.
It will be the staunch leftists, probably antifa that would even try to fight such a movement. All they are however is a violent mob, a few /k/ommandos would be enough to take out a platoon of them to be frank.
I was worried they would try but after this attempt, they will back off of it possibly. It depends on how the media handles this one. I'm worried they will go after Roger Stone since it is known that he has had contact with both Trump and Assange and does so freely. He is one of the few people that could be seen as a direct-link between the two since it is unlikely that the two would interact at all.
The FBI didn't prosecute hillcunt over the emails. She probably feles invincible and thinks she can be as reckless as she pleases.
You have to give her credit, that's some next level arrogant corruption right there.
This. She is this brazen. Soros would send an agitated mob to do it. The others would get suicide bombers or some shit.
Oh please Assange, do not disappoint.
If there is no link/archive next to the image, consider it phoney.
Victory has defeated them, power and dominance always breed weakness, stupidity, complacency, and arrogance.
It has happened to our civilization and thus it has happened to our rulers as well, they may think so but they are just as human as the rest of us and must abide by the same natural laws.
Assange does it again
Yeah, sorry, just woke up.
Are you a bit thick?
No worries, the faggot is the one who posted it here.
Wasted dubs,you stupid faggot.
Was referring to
Learn to read and also maybe acquire a taste for bleach.
Your mother been telling ya stories about me again, eh?
so tired I can't even see straight
still ain't going to apologize because fuck you, that's why
Would you say that you regret causing any personal harm?
Would you say that you still promise you won't ever lie to us?
There's 3 different files of different sizes.
Morning time in Tel Aviv isn't it?
Maybe if you say it a million more times you'll convince us all.
Looks like he's looking forward to lunch break, and not putting in his full effort.
Top kek. I can actually see that being true.
According to this article CCTV footage of the lawyers death does exist.
Any context to the eye one?
Like magic, the IP-connected camera stopped working three minutes before the action.
Mental illness I assume.
When you have asperger's maybe.
Don't most anons at least have assburgers?
fair point
wew I wonder why, are you still triggered masterbaiter69 ?
[citation needed]
wikileaks is the only one covering the story and they haven't posted anything like that.
The doctor leak was fake.
Messy work!
Thanks Doc
I was going to correct you, but I realized that the Greek word for cuck (keratas) means "horned" (with horns on his head).
Assassin tried to disable the camera network, thought he was successful, and found out later that he failed
That's good. Though I wonder how legit it will be. We still haven't ruled out blackmail and so on.
It's the same in Italian.
What? Media don't think. And their handlers can't decide on everything they bring. So there they go.
In my country (Switzerland) with tons of cultures and languages, internationalism and hyperlocalism you'd think news would be hilarious, but they give away 99% of all occasions to make deadly funny headlines. I envy the sun and daily mail for their inventiveness.
But as they reported on that incident even here I come to think of that event as a potential stepping stone just to be reported, in case it gets important. The angle was as always a different one of how the Trump campaign is being hated by the normal guys. Now that crooked Hillary snapped they of course don't report on such stuff anymore. We could spot a pattern. And they don't want to enrage the beast.
This is just embarrassing.
they misspelt 'let go'
That fucking picture. I don't understand, what the fuck
While both dubs, I actually believe its nearing the final stages of syphilis, and now he's just noticing it as the skin on his face starts dying.
If there is one thing you ought to show whores is pictures of babies with congenital syphilis inherited from the mother. if she doesn't care then that slag deserves the fire
They hide their despair in bravado.
We'd never do such a thing
That's certainly something interesting to bounce around in your head. Imagine if Assange were assassinated, would that be the end of it? Probably not. He already has a following of supporters. His death would just galvanize things and bring him to cult status.
The Church of Assange and its followers, Assangians, see it as a religious obligation to leak secrets and tear down existing structures of power. If Clinton is fucked now, she's ten times as fucked if something happens to Julian.
Thanks, doc.
Read the thread, you literal nigger. Such a waste of double dubs.
What the fuck is that thing
Why is he speaking African?
tfw when you learn "bix nood = dispensed upon moving" ha
its really not hard at all
even a moderately fit person can climb a rope using only their hands, and a pipe is easier than a rope
Anything can be contained. But nothing can be memory holed.
And some stuff is just too wild or too obvious but never confirmed (i.e. Snowden-Leaks) so they have to time the leaks. 2013 was the perfect year to make it once and for all clear: We know everything, we are the ("cyber") gods.
The unintended consequence was Bitcoin not imploding and tor had to be dismantled in the usual manner. Now even cellar door nerds behind 7 proxies know it is about one minute to midnight.
Maybe that guy in the embassy is the reason they don't go full retard this election.
What is this, a 8K movie feed of the dissection of Roswell?
That's the word for cheated partner, because for some reason to be cheated on is also what's make horns grow on your head. Don't ask.
But when the cuckservative phenomenon started, the word has been used to include that accessory meaning as well.
If anything, now you know the italian hand gesture for cuck.
If you use it more than once its not a one time pad. That also means its not the proper implementation.
One time pad cryptography is still used often. Usually someone is given a small (often edible) book of random numbers to use. As long as you keep your book secret and never reuse a previously used sequence. It can't be cracked. When used properly, the only way it can be cracked is if the book falls into enemy hands. Of course, you can have someone memorize the key, but they are still vulnerable to rubber hose cryptanalysis.
We have "putting on horns" as an idiom for cheating as well in my language. Must be an universal European thing. Something in the act or the mentality.
Thank you for correcting the record.
From what I know about Europe, only Celtic based deities, have horns on them, that's the reason both Germanic and Latanic cultures adorn evil things with them, even too this day.
Also whether it is a disregard too the other culture or the Celts practiced such a thing, I don't know. The Celts sexuality like most things with their culture is all over the place, on purpose of course, mattering on the source used each tribe may have acted completely differently, only being separated by a small distance.
In Spanish Cornudo or Cabrón (male goat)
mental illness
Definately something the establishment wants to happen.
The assassin got away!
Not just any assassin.
I really want to see bix nood to enter the lexicon. Like if you see a teacher in class walking around the class, handing out papers to each individual rather than just giving a stack to a person in at the head of a row, they are "dispensing upon moving" therefore handing everything out 'all bix nood'.
It is Somali language, after all.
Please tell me that tweet it real and you have an archive or something
Was it James Bond?
Its not, that was just a funny edit sadly.
Hillary sending the correctors in personally since astroturfing online isn't getting the job done.
A new age word for Holla Forumsacks.
any guess what kind of agency sent him
must be one hell of a fun job , scaling outside embassies and assassinating people
or do you think it was a "normal" contract killer?
i doubt underworld contract killers have these kind of skills ( offing someone inside an embassy )
The fact he even got away can't help but lead to the fact that he was helped by people in really high position.
Wouldn't it be sensible to assume that Assange has a deadman's switch that releases all of the stuff he still has on the plate?
Killing him would seem like a very bad idea, really.
makes sense
im wondering if they just hire these types of people
i doubt it because youdd need a real pro fot´r this
Its known that he has a deadman's switch for a big leak. The issue is that normalfags seem to not really give a shit about leaks at this point, they're completely apathetic.
Yeah, it's creepy. There might be a network "freelance assassins" but I think it's more likely they are involved in governments; literally some secret agency getting rid of problematic targets.
Then why did he fail?
Did he fail?
Well, he was spotted. Probably not intentionally.
I'm pretty sure most influential politicians and public figures have assassination attempts all the time. The success rate is just way lower.
Assange is probably one of the most protected men in the world in a city with dystopian level security. Even getting as far climbing the embassy is an achievement, actually murdering Assange would be even more surprising.
He just failed and was helped out so that the people behind the (((attempt))) wouldn't get caught.
one week later 2:00 am
So you're telling me that the elite doesn't have genetically engineered super assassins?
Man the secret tech that they have and we don't must not be all that great.
It's probably just that Hillary needs to spend all the dosh on election programs and bribes. Ain't nobody got the money for genetically enhanced elite assassins anymore.
Or maybe the CIA hates the cunt and refuses to lend her their superhuman assassins anymore.
Kek wills it.
I used to be in triathelete tier shape, and I could climb brick walls using just edges of the bricks. with a pipe or two sticking out? fuck back then i could scale a 20 foot wall in maybe 5 seconds tops.
I remember reading something about how some ancient people already called their enemies "cucks" to insult them. Anybody have it or know anything?
Not really ancient but at least in Civil War Spain it was already used.
ah fuck it was France, should have read it again
A double October surprise? Just saw an alert that they found 15k more Killary's e-mails to be release by state department on October?
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton tweeted Monday morning that the “FBI found almost 15,000 new Clinton documents. When will State release them?” In an interview, he said: “It looks like the State Department is trying to slow-roll the release of the records. They’ve had them for at least a month, and we still don’t know when we’re going to get them.”
Wikileaks should go ahead and beat these folks to the punch. This waiting for October shit is stupid. Wait until after she has to give written statement and burn her ass. Of course she will do the "I do not recall" act and will also plead the 5th. Meanwhile another Clinton patsie will be found dead or left for the blame.
Fuck this Cunt!
checked and thanks, pretty crazy. But it's the cycle of the sunwheel I guess
Better do it before he gets deaded; He might be safer post-release.
I think President Trump would get him set up nicely (and securely) if he destroyed Hillary before this election.
put the crack pipe down, tyrone… or better yet just keel yo sef nigga
I think I found the suspect.
How high are the chances this fellow can climb a fucking wall?
I missed this last week.
Absolutely disgusting. Hillary Clinton is a granny not a cougar. There is a definite cut-off point for being a cougar. It is when you are so old you shit your pants trying to walk up a flight of stairs. Hillary is now a CryptKeeper.
To get this straight - does this man that Sweden no longer wishes to extradite Assange - that is, that the US no longer wants to try to bring him onto American ground?
O-okay goy! We are dropping the charges! You can come out now! Go to a local pub, have a pint and maybe hit on a local girl. YOU ARE FREE! We promise nothing bad will happen!
The funny thing is, they're still more competent than Hillary's IT department.
Please tell me they're talking about someone other than Hillary
Yeah, that news is almost 6 years old to this day… they're still after him, which is why he's been holed up in that embassy for so long.
What the fuck? Is this Assassins' Creed or something?
How come normies will jump at animals like cecil, harambe and kony but yet some how msm can cover up assange and no one cares about hiliary?
Oh… missed the date. I only saw that because Wikileaks tweeted the article some hours ago.
climbing is incredibly easy,
That's because in all cases the normie flood occured in an organically viral fashion. We all know msm is the opposite of organic
Updated version of that pic
There are security cameras everywhere in London and I think they're all connected on the same network. So if the police really wants to find out where that guy fled they probably can.
Is that recent?
Because that looks like a "please don't fuck us over for trying to kill you" move to me.
Could Farage do anything about the Assange situation?
indigo children are what a new wave of rappers and liberal hiveminds refer to as people who are one with the "universal consciousnesses" its very "new age" and it has something to do with Hindu like culture. people who think there indigo are just kids who take LSD and think there enlightened and have almost supernatural powers. of course its all horse shit. gold soul theory they call it
exactly kek. its the ultimate blue pill too
Stupidity is plaguing this board.
I e-mailed Ecuadorian embassy and asked if I could put a chair next to the large tropical plant pot on the second floor and sit guard there with a gun. They said yes.
Good thing the assassins didn't think of this first…
Pop culture believbes the connection lies in the myth of Pasiphae.
Poseidon gifted king Minos a bull to sacrifice, but he didn't do it. The god was angered and had the queen fall in love in the bull: she built a contraption shaped like a cow, so she could be fucked by the bull. Her son was the minotaur.
He's not trapped anywhere, Assange can get out of there at any time, all he has to do is dye his hair brown.
If there's footage, we can only hope that WikiLeaks will leak it.
Like sweden has any right to prosecute anyone for rape after that they let happen to their own country.
Daedalus built the cow dummy.
Fuck you.
pajeet electrician detected
Is the equadorian embassy on the designated street by any chance?
Maybe he was just looking for a loo……..
get that degenerate filth to the bottom of the fucking bog where it belongs, faggot
Pasiphae fieri gaudebat adultera tauri
Pasiphaë took pleasure in becoming an adulteress with a bull
Burritos are particular to northern regions of Mexico. Nobody in Ecuador eats burritos.
this isn't a movie or a video game
assassins aren't infallible shadows who can be anywhere at any time without being detected
people fuck up
maybe he made a bit too much noise
maybe he had bad info about where guards were going to be, and when.
maybe it was just bad luck
Nano thermite which he bought on the darknet. Which he learned about on white supremacy sites like Holla Forums and Donald Trump's Twitter.
That's because there are no brits left, just wogs.
does Assange have any weapons to defend himself?
Embassy security, and he looks like the sort of guy who probably took Kung Fu, once.
Assange clearly has no fear of getting killed and enjoys the attention. But if he commits suicide with a silenced pistol will his coworkers be so brave or piss their pants and delete all infonukes?
I am sure not all members of WikiLeaks have such poor relations with their loved ones and would cave if they knew if they could get to Assange then no one is safe.
so close!
in all seriousness though, his weapons appear to be countermeasures rather than anything else.
also the reason why we have flat earth/hollow earth threads.
Sage, hide and report those, yet people still fall for them
wearing the horns as a euphemism for cuckoldry has been around since the Middle Ages.
when will someone wake up and imprison that fucking nigger & his bitch!? ww3, the nigger is fiddlin' with the button and you kids play "election"!! ARE YOU SLEEPING OVER THERE????????????????
Are you kidding me? Of course I take them!
Only when I get asthma attacks, that is…
The embassy is legally Ecuadorian territory. They have firearms on base, every foreign embassy does. Assange might even be armed. The fact the guy escaped from armed guards is really disturbing.
There'd be a diplomatic incident if Ecuador was to open fire on the streets of London. This is big boy stuff now, politicking is the order of the day.
user is probably speculating based on what happened during the 7/7 London bombings with the bus and rail CCTV mysteriously being disabled on the day of the bombing and the system being run by an Israeli company (legit happened).
mhmm. try harder next time.
He wasn't in the street.
Listen, if he wasn't in the building unauthorised, there would be no way out of a diplomatic incident if he was murdered. This isn't Die Hard and the Ecuadorians know it. The best they can do is step up security and possibly move Assange to a room further inside the embassy.
kill that monstrosity, then kill yourself for posting it
Nothing would happen if an intruder was shot inside an embassy at 3 in the morning, you don't know what you're talking about.
The home office might complain in private but what can they really say about an armed intruder, nothing.
As I said, it is not British territory, it is Ecuadorian. If they shot someone in the street then it would be a diplomatic incident but no one would be prosecuted.
If you were not a millennial you would remember the 1984 Libyan embassy incident, when Libyan diplomats shot a sub machine gun into the street, injuring 10 and killing a police officer. No one was prosecuted.
Close protection inside the embassy is not the business of the British.
Who's this fat fuck?
Assange is an Aus-fag.
"Police in Australia have concluded that WikiLeaks and its Australian-born founder Julian Assange have not broken any laws in his home country by publishing classified U.S. documents, the government said Friday."
So who's betting they're doing this to soften the blow from Assange's incoming leaks? If not outright deny them as "fake because we released the originals"?
Another reason that shooting an intruder within the bounds of the embassy wouldn't cause a diplomatic incident is that no one would admit he was their man. If you think about it this is obvious.
It would just be "random butter shot trying to murder assange."
This. No one's going to take responsibility for him.
Sort of got sidetracked. My original point was that it's surprising that once apprehended by security, who will have been armed, that the guy just managed to escape like a ninja.
I wonder if he was actually caught, hands on, or just shouted off the building, or did he flash a CIA identity card and tell them it wasn't worth it.
Well, that would explain the botched hit.
You know, it will probably turn out to have been a fan boy looking for an autograph or anal ravagingworse.
Lots of strange people in London… And lots of fags.
I'm guessing the word "caught" has been used incorrectly. We're all assuming that they mean he was apprehended, and I don't think that happened. Pretty sure they simply mean he was "detected", ie. "caught out" in the attempt to gain entry.
Yes, this makes more sense. Occam's razor says it was an amateur fan, used to happen quite regularly to the Queen. A man made it all the way to her bedroom once, she had a chat with him, then he was arrested.
But the wording of the tweet suggests otherwise. Is this Assange enjoying a bit of celebrity drama, or did the security/review of footage perhaps reveal a professional (dress, tactics, tradecraft) leading to the suggestive tweet.
Maybe Assange will clear this up later, pretty much speculation until that happens.
A fan of Assange would just tweet to him or talk to him on Skype or something. Can't do that with the Queen.
This dude wanted to kill Assange.
I'm surprised the Americans would have to send an actual man climbing up a wall to do it.
A normal fan would tweet but celebrities always have a few who take it to extremes, imagine a relationship and reciprocal love etc.
He fled from security after being caught. I don't think it was a drunken fan. But it's good you care enough to speculate. Maybe it wasn't even a human maybe it was a vampire? We won't know until later, but we can assume that whether it was or wasn't a vampire no people wearing capes work for Former Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton. Did you enjoy that?
I didn't actually consider alcohol. Madness doesn't inhibit climbing and Assange has more fans than the Queen. Surprised he hasn't had a visitor before now.
If I was CIA and wanted to off assange I would wait until he took a walk in the garden, then sting him with a micro drone. It would be easy.
And that is to say "Julian Assange dies of anaphylactic shock after wasp sting."
That's Bob Beckel democRAT contributer for Foxnews commenting on Julian Assange.
We need a good meme for this. What rhymes with Assange?
Can't Mossad the Assange.
Can't Arkancide the Wiki guy.
Can't ninja the, I give up.
Can't assass the Assange.
Yeah fuck, photo of the unknown man on the right.
Good. I want to see the bitch squirm for all the people she's murdered.
Oh, and one last thing; Since your breath smells of utter lies and falsehoods, I recommend you take some shotgun mouthwash. It worked for notable individuals such as Kurt Cobain and your deceased father, so why not give it a try?
So they would capture him and have him sacrificed to moloch by 3:30 am?
So they would capture him and have him sacrificed to moloch by 3:30 am?
has anyone else figured out how he was both caught and fled? I assume they mean "spotted" but still how the fuck did he get away?
You never run from the police before? Imagine it went like this there was a guy on a ledge he got spooked he climbed down he ran.
In other news WikiLeaks are now archiving that shit too
Ok what's going on? I'm seeing reports that came out last week about his lawyer being hit by a train and then I'm also seeing reports saying he died in April? if you do a search on Google it's quite strange that the news is coming out recently if this is the case. What is the exact date that this lawyer died?
Which meds would those be? The blue ones in pill form factor?
The lawyer died some time ago but the inquest only recently confirmed the death wasn't a suicide, so as opposed to suicide it is now known he was murdered which was not known in April.
My biggest worry at this point is that the extorted enough information from his lawyer to compromise the dead man's switch at this point. Killing his lawyer for the sake of just killing him would serve no purpose, he can get a new one and at worst it is a setback. They probably interrogated his lawyer, or at least tried, even if the death was investigated as foul play they would not find signs of torture if his body was liquidated by a train. If it was not for his dead man switch, they would have assassinated him or tried to long before now, but right after his lawyer is killed they make an attempt on his life, it is possible they compromised the dead mans switch so they can keep resetting it after he is dead if they have the password.
This infograph is almost right but it's full of bullshit. I wouldn't be surprised if it's deliberately inaccurate to make it easier to "debunk"
Lucas served the DNC papers but he was not the lead attorney. He wasn't even an attorney for the case. He was sort of a Sanders campaign e-celeb though. This lead attorney meme is everywhere though. Stop spreading it.
There's no hard evidence that Ashe was going to testify against Clinton. He had dealings with Clinton and he was under investigation. Did he have dirt on her? Likely. Would he have used that as leverage? Also likely. Do I think he was killed for this? Yes, but he was not due to testify against her.
Rich was not due to meet the FBI. That was pulled out of someone's ass. He was implied by Assange to be tge source of the DNC leaks though. That's damning enough without making stuff up about the FBI.
If you're going to use this image, update it and make it water tight. Include sources. Ones that normies will consider reliable. Don't add made up or unprovable shit. It hurts the credibility of the information that's actually true. If you post that on twitter as it is, even the most retarded CTR shill could pick so many holes in it that you will end up looking retarded, even though your info is like 75% accurate.
i think it's a little outlandish to assume that only one other person had access to the dead man's switch, considering the magnitude of the stuff wikileaks has. In addendum, the leaks keep coming while this lawyer has been dead for months now, any compromise that may have occurred must have been rectified by now
I feel nauseous now.
Assange is just a kike shill, bro.
Pan is greek you retard.
And if it wasn't, you can damn well bet that'll have been the first thing Assange did immediately after this security scare.
Using hitler reaction images won't make us believe you, kike
every fucking time
Fuck off faggot.
He had an urgent errand to do at Harrods.
Isn't it obvious? May and Hillary are colluding, the UK wants him dead too.
Unfortunately, you cannot Farage the Assange.
I could totally poison Assange if he ordered a pizza. Delivery dudes make the perfect assassins, ppl let you in anywhere.
I wonder if this is what he's been sitting on, or of its something else entirely. Thinking about it now, the fact that the possible assassination attempt happened not even a full day before the FBI announces it drudged up more dirt seems highly…(((cohencidental.)))
And on that bombshell it's time to end the Clinton family, thank you so much for watching, GOOD NIGHT
He's a functional kike shill, not actually. Do you know how many phone calls, paper documents, and compressed images it takes to make 500gb?
Because that's what's in his insurance file. The good stuff. The stuff that prevents certain powers, paranoid of just the potential, from doing anything at all. Powers that would silence, kill, maim, go to war just to stop him from releasing them.
Now think
Really think
Because Julian, though conspicuous, is incredibly intelligent when it comes to keeping himself alive.
So now I present to you a scenario, and you can call the flag yourself
And an attempt was just made on his life.
Assange may very well have hired the man, a false flag. No one knows what's in those documents, and the people who have anything to lose, the people who are terrified, paranoid just by its existence, they now think there is someone trying to kill him.
To that end, those powerful people will spend every dime they have ensuring he lives to a ripe old age of "forever"
Maybe that was the plan all along. The second someone tried to (((suicide))) him, he would either leak the emails to sympathetic elements within the FBI or have his dead man's switch do it for him.
Or he could disguise himself through emma watson cosplay. I bet he has bigger boobs than her already. Just have to take care of the hairy nipples
I afraid only orange and lozenge. sorry cunts.
Whatever it is they're paying you, it's too much
my guess
Rhymeanon is right.
Hillarys health isnt rhe issue.
Its that shes a mobster.
Are you implying the DNC staffer was on his way to impregnate Assange?
There must be a DA notice on this because there is no mention of it on bbc website.
Some papers like the mirror have the story up.
pure conjecture is the classic defense line of the british state along with nothing has been proved and according to experts.
attempted mi5 state execution.
to any number of nearby friendly embassies who may owe us a favour, ie the gulf states.
Or implying that mi5 officers don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of london, even london black cab drivers have that.
Gareth williams reference, giving yourself away more mi5
user,who controls the cameras the police?
Who controls the police the masonic lodge?
No pictures have come out or are getting out.
The Cia along with mi5 run a child explotation network over the british telecom/att backbone through a front company called sohonet.
Gareth williams found out about this and this is what caused his death.
Gareth was a computer network exploitation specialist, he found a way to break into the hidden network (after all this was his job).
He found out to much and was in turn assasinated by mi5, much of this was to do will the peadophillic acts commited by bill clinton and hillary. is an example of how a coded website only used by elite peadophiles works,its also how spy websites work and often they are one and the same because the same people are involved.
A seemingly gibberish site once many codes are entered reveals access to a peado underworld.
The real darkweb is in plain site,many of the webs founders are peados etc, thats why it exists so much in the web today.
Like homosexuality, the next movement is pedosexuality, which this website is a part of.
The endless child porn you see on the chans is not there by a few dedicated peadophiles, no it is the work of the intelligence agencies to normalize this agenda.
Please expand. My time hasn't been very free lately, and I don't think I heard about this.
oh fug
I recommended a meme campaign that got overlooked earlier this summer.
It revolves around the idea of normies "redpilling themselves". I believe they are far more open to something they believe they discovered.
The main image being pictures of these 47 people and the text "His/Her name was [first] [last]" framed in a consistent manner. This would be all that exists in the meme.
The magic happens when everyone keeps seeing these photos everywhere with no explanation and start googling them for themselves. This automatically ships the initial defensive fortress they form when something is anti-Hillary.
Give me some feedback please. I don't have the skills to do this myself and wonder if I should just scrap this idea completely.
If it's not obvious this quote pulls from the famous quote from fight club
Do it
There are several methods that work but none work (well enough) on a proper implementation. If you can secure a device that has the key in memory you can freeze the ram or cold boot the system into an alternate os and scrape it out. If the system implementing it has an improper random number generator you can go after that and crack it. For that to work you gotta know the nature of the fault in the random number generator and probably things like the exact time the key was generated. For things like wifi wpa2 aes can be cracked but not at the aes level, instead it is cracked in the handshaking level when the aes key is sent to devices, so once more the aes is not at fault but the implantation is shit.
If everything is done by the book you gotta brute force it, which is now 4x easier than what was previously believed. Even so it would take billions of years to crack, its been described as being the equivalent of turning a aes 256 into aes 254 or from 128 to 126. Having a chink show up in the armor of aes's shiny armor may indicate the possibility of future attack vectors so who knows.
*note the headline is deceptive
There is a means of brute-forcing it before the Universe ends, but it involves a lot of computers and letter-number ranges.
Consider the following: A game developer released an update for Counterstrike that allowed him to mine for Bitcoins a few years ago.
He made off with thirty Bitcoins before getting caught and fired, netting the company a major fine in the process.
What if you had a widely-used and bloated piece of software that prominently featured things that require an Internet connection? What if you had each of them attempt a three-to-four thousand combination range, reporting its results to a central server for another range of possible combinations?
What if it was Windows 10, which does all of these things anyway?
I like it.
It needs more work, its rather fallascious driven by assuming that usage of the device is an issue in talking. You would do better to complain how its a niggeress that's holding up traffic at a stoplight if you want to rankle people.
Its all horseshit, selling their snake oil to niggers who want to feel like they're special, but I cant help but like their music. Them and Flatbush zombies too. I should kill myself.
nah u lit fam, I like those roody-poos too somehow. it just works.
Listening to them on LSD makes the trip great. But I think a lot of kids have a hard time snapping back into reality after being in a dream world of LSD. Instead they just stay in that dream like state the rest of their lives living in a delusion that was caused by a psychedelic substance and a pair of philanthropists. I've seen too many people with so much potential burn out because they were so caught in this delusion of being god. I like drugs but I am not like most people; drugs effect every differently, and I am well grounded in reality.
Fuck that takes me back.
I would love to do it but I honestly don't have the skills or time. I own/operate a restaurant and I'm in the process of opening my second one right now. I don't even do my own logos, menus, promo designs….It's just not my thing.
He's got insurance files as well as pretty much a kill-switch.
kikes will really be that retarded while running clinton's campaign.
"I wouldn't worry about it."
You are right that Windows 10 is a botnet but you still underestimate AES, you could literally have a computer the size of a planet and it would take thousands of times the timespan of the known universe to crack it.
There are cameras everywhere in that fuckin' city. They know where he went.
Can't Flange the Assange
it's just you yourself and >(You) [beat related]
Yeah even better is a decent stream cipher, so you don't need a book, especially one which uses the Bent Function. But that OTP exercise is really about not reusing keys or information which happens more often then you think.
For instance in your large book of numbers, if you used it too encrypt messages with a similar structure, letters or words I could start too get your keys. And unless your talking about some kind of virtual book with a huge space you'll need too reuse them, and I take my prize.
Of course "randomness" as you well know is just a high dimensional chaos, from Chaos Theory, it which exists in so many dimensions that it looks random but when you look at data in fractional dimensions rather than ones which use only whole numbers you see things which hide there but are always working. The chaotic attractor and then always its opposite the repulsor I see as the future of study for mathematics and then thus science, since you can see chaos even in simple circuits or even what was thought of as strict scientific laws.
OT: Since there are a few of us here interested in math, crypto, comsci etc, it'd be nice to have a /polsci/ or /polstem/ board.
Indigo is a shade of blue too. It all check out
/polsci/ was supposed to be for political science but now there is a /polstem/. Some of us will have too make the siege engines, propagate crops and build new inventions during the happening.
Nice, did you just make that? I just discovered /poltech/ also, but that's more of an uncucked Holla Forums
Yeah I did, I'm going to be making some posts on Euclid's elements too start off, maybe latter calculus, tell any scientifically oriented people you want. I'm sure many of us here know some programming as well.
Pretty creepy you mentioned that. I was just thinking about what sort of books I'd recommend to onboard new comers, and really that's book #0 for any serious mathematician. At least Euclid Elements (I-IV). Will take this conversation elsewhere now, apologies to the rest of you for the noise.
It'd be anuddah shoah.
That's his dead man's switch: The Holocaust.
Holy fuck.
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Trump-Tzu C10_Memeos boogietime Prepare2GetSchlongedLonsdaleite shash1 minja134 chisauTakeMyHighEnergy_Don Plugawy_Nedznik CynicalYetOptimistic Simplicity3245devilwearspantsuits TalktoberryFin absoluteskeptic watwwatcthisisATHENS build-a-guac GamingForHonor rainkloudAnal_Vacuum SATexas1 IAmInAComa filewulfStormystormynight irumeru BeachHockey AllHailKingJebIsometricRobot Gringo_Please ItsYaBoyBeasley escalationCarsonOrSanders DaveThomas_1969 UvonTheTerrible GunOfSodNebraskaGunOwner pancakees GringoClintonMiAmigo USA_ALPHA_MALEDrWeeGee Omniquist MrBullyGoat drtosziTrumpGal JumpyPorcupine an_alphas_opinion Ins_Weltall00Spartacus TrumpSJW Frontgecko I_Just_Ruined_Itsuseu Elided_Ego robotjosh rimperAugusto_Pinochet drodkiin ClintonsBush DirtyMouseBallsyuube Dank_Gandalf_Memes phenifukd WOW_SUCH_KARMATRUMP_SHITPOSTING wytxco Augustus_Caesar1 LB-2187Velostodon finally_a_normal_guy soalone34 LightBringerFlexbernieaccountess _bobsacamano MacrameNChz motley_crewTrumpOP ianamolly Cyclopitchorn blizzardicemoonsprite DanThaMac HILLARYS_BLOOD_CLOT VincentpersichettiHitlery_Clinton Alpha-as-fuck UhOhSpaghettios1963 DangerDamageTRUMPIZARD i_smell_my_poop fdsa4326 SyntheticManMilkDoyourememberwhen misscee phil_katzenberger poochyenarulezPhinaeus Bert-Goldberg an_angry_dave rpolcuckingtonChomskysChekist BebopRocksteady82 Satexas2 LILwhutIamabioticgod axelrod_squad PreternaturalMo theswordandthefireYrocATX RubioIsDone StarDestinyGuy PoogerGTheManWhoPanders BoringSupreez beapop SuprDrummydalisu Duderino732 JCD2020 HelpingHandBecausegrizzlyhardon NebraskaWeedOwner myndzha MoralisticFallacyjimmiefan48 carbonate_the_juice EL337 raider02uswhole reltd SandraLee48 bulla564thercias aledlewis NewYooserMan
Fix your own site, don't expect us to do it for you. Are plebittors this impotent?
Its obviously not our home and its obviously cancer but its filled with millions of Trump supporting normies and fence sitters, so not defending against the flood of paid anti-Trump shills is pure insanity. The only "argument"
can come up with is spamming the thread because MUH REDDIT
Shut it down because muh reddit muh cancer muh secret club.
I obviously can't "call for action" on reddit…
Yes, /r/the_donald is biggest normie Trump community at the moment. Dropping occasional redpills and showing "other side of the story".
Anti-trump is very strong elsewhere with dissending, sensible pro-Trump opinion being pushed down to near-invisible.
It really shows that you are a plebbitor with advanced form of pretender syndrome.
If you are too incompetent to fix your shit, don't expect user do it for you.
Reddit is anathema to user-kind and imageboards as a whole.
Did you just admit that you do not have the capability or manpower to keep your own turf clean? Shameful display of weakness and ineptitude
You've been spamming this rhetoric since first DNC leaks. Come back when plebbitors grow a spine.
How fucking hard is it to set up sock accounts, 'karma farms' and get your own act together? Plebbitors can't be that demotivated can they?
Its not fucking hard, but its not a one man job. And its not like I can spam this on reddit without getting either me or subreddit banned. And I am pretty motivated, hence consistent spam.
Did you just say that you tried to call for a PA from here all by yourself? That's pretty sad, fam and that shows how demotivated plebbitors are as a whole.
Like I said before, do something back at home base for a change. Anonymity and ban evasion isn't hard even for a Plebbitor.
Like they wouldn't just take Assange if they really wanted him.
And whats your point ? I do what I can. I also spam this short guide so if anyone (less tech-savvy) want to help - they can too.
It sure is better than circlejerking here while shill overrun every website with normie exposure.
Are you triggered by mentioning 4-plebs websites or are you just shilling ? Because splitting community and demotivating "plebbittors" sure sounds like shilling.
What's my point? If Plebbitors don't bother fixing their site it's not up to us to babysit Internet's entitled brats.
In case it didn't occur to you everyone has to carry their own weight.
Reminder that leading up to this Assange strongly hinted that Seth Rich (RIP) was behind the DNC email leak.
Goal isn't to "fix reddit". It is and it will be cancer. My point is positive traction for Trump campaign on platform with huge mainstream exposure.
Why would anyone risk slightly offending the Equadorian's just to get to the root of an international "anti establishment" spy ring?
I heard once he leaked info that Net'nyahoo once wore plaid pants with a striped shirt. That's evidence enough for me.
Not to mention that the walls have anti climb paint on them. They're practically impenetrable.
Your pedo network theory IS conjecture, got any links any further reading that has made you come to that conclusion?
I'm not trying to discredit you but I need more information than that. I don't necessarily need concrete proof, I just want to connect the dots myself.
I had this idea too, and it was similarly overlooked.
It's human psychology. When people 'discover' things for themselves, not only does it circumvent the mental blocks they have against anything that doesn't fit their views, it makes them feel smarter for having figured something out for themselves. And we always want positive emotion associated with our redpills.
Furthermore, when someone perceives that they've discovered something on their own, it's more deeply implanted in their mind as truth. For example, wouldn't you trust your own mind, your own reasoning, before you'd trust Bob Miller who you talk to on Kikebook and haven't actually seen in five years?
This holds true for the majority of people; No matter who we are, no matter how low or high our IQ is, we like to believe we're smart. I'm just as prone to this as the next man, and so are you, whether or not you care to admit it. Inducing people to discover truth for themselves is very nearly always far more effective than beating them over the head with it.
I like the idea.
Maybe make a new thread for it?
Even though you didn't think of it?
Thread on it here too
I liked it enough to make this.
Still needs that special something, though.
Needs a laughing Hillary somewhere. Preferably with blood on her hands.
That looks to conspiracy theorist like for normies. It has an obvious agenda. The most important aspect of the meme was that it was something someone would google without their guard already up.
Nah, the common normie would look at it and immediately dismiss it as right-wing propaganda.
This shit needs to be subtle, to drive them to redpill themselves by digging into it.
please no. the idea is to not look like propaganda and to let them think they figured this out themselves.
How many are on the Hillary kill list?
Your best bet is to have the entire thing parsed as a "things you didn't know you knew" infograph, probably revolving around the 24-hour news cycle moving on to the newest crap before wrapping up the old.
Most will have never heard of these people, and that's fine. They'll look them up when you toss out a few details about their lives and add in a few pictures.
His name was John Ashe
That should be the only text in my opinion. The subtle mystery is what makes this work imo. The phrase is insanely popular b/c of fight club and people will start to wonder what this is if it's done on a single person image with that simple text. Can someone drop files of the deceased that look nice and friendly? I'll give it a go.
Maybe add a 1/47 (or how many there are) next to the image?
You'll get that "gotta collect them all" vibe from it, like these are a part of a set.
I have a theory on the assassin.
I think the reason they are so effective is they are using scopolamine or "Devil's Breath" to get the victims to help kill themselves and cause no alarm. And he may have a team. Making the cause of death so obvious they don't check for minute traces of the drug.
Might be. Not sure that the sleepiness, heart failure, and lack of sweating symptoms line up with an assassin-in-a-box solution, though.
Here's my crack at it….
I incorporated a Fight Club font called "Fight This" from dafont i think.
I used wordart with a pink trim like the soap from the movie logo.
I also used the 1/47 collector card idea.
Any thoughts/suggestions?
I dont mind doing them all but dont have time to find nice pictures of all the deceased….
Something like this maybe ?
10/10 card idea. I think the black bars over the eyes like
are good though to make people more curious who they are.
AP posts smear job article
Assange must have pissed off (((someone))) if "serious journalists" are going after Wikileaks. Check the twitter reactions, you'll see some familiar socjus names sprinkled within.
love it. Im still partial to having one per meme and FLOODING all outlets with them in a trading card style.
Honestly that would be great.
A DNC card game.
Hell, you can even call it "Do Not Collect" and it abbreviates to DNC.
Or you know… forensic investigator just get a phone call…
I agree with this possibility, but not all locations have a paid forensic specialist on the dole. So you need a way to help them get hit by a train for instance with no signs of struggle and assailant DNA
I fucking love it. Like i said in the op this isnt my area of specialty but I will try until someone better takes over.
Love what you're doing with these, but that D in CONRAD looks too much like a J.
One other suggestion: Maybe change the "Do Not Collect" font to a 'rubber stamp' font like pic related?
Maybe as a layer on top? Instead of title?
Ill work on that. The fight club font makes the D that way. I could change fonts completely tho
idk, I'm not a graphic designer. try it both ways and see which works better
I think the DNC card game needs a separate thread.
i kinda want to keep it hid here for a while and get some feedback before i start one. Heres the first 3 ive done. I will upload the template (publisher) when everyone has some input.
Again, I believe these should be posted as is with zero other context. let the normies research for themselves without having a guard up after seeing them everywhere and with different names and photos
If you had a dead man's switch using a one-time pad, that wouldn't work, because anyone could claim they were entrusted with the key and produce any plaintext of the same length and say that's what was secret. If you overcome that by saying "my lawyer holds the key", then you just made your lawyer a target.
DoNotCollect.Us is an available domain thru godaddy for 1 dollar for the first year.
"Do Not Collect Us" has an ominous and personal sound to it
I dont want to be collected so I'm not touching that. Im not the best with VPN/Privacy issues anyway
Texas, Arkansas, Colorado
Damn, that's a neat name. The domain fits and everything.
John Ashe should definitely be shilled to black people. They're obsessed with this shit.
The cougar is some woman who came to DNC headquarters and came on to one of the staff in front of everyone.
It's not all DNC though. Why not HRC?
You really don't need a domain name. Just make a full deck of these Bill and Hillary victims and slowly leak them onto the web. Make sure they are numbered too, and people will spend time searching for the rest. Spread some more than others. The very fact that people will WANT to collect them all, is the call to action to search and talk about the cards.
This card idea is one of the best propaganda campaigns I've seen on Holla Forums for years. It's amazing.
DNC is more specific/iconic
HRC is too broad, can be dismissed too easily. unless you're going to make cards for all 40+ people that died . that would be something
Isn't it nearly 50? I think you can stretch it out to a full deck.
The more I think of this, the more amazing I believe it is. If the Dems did this, it would take weeks and weeks of meetings and focus groups to organize, and it'd be shit. An organic concept like this is very powerful.
There's a good argument to be made that the nsa may have an insight to aes256 allowing it to be broken given a large subset of weak keys. If us defense uses only the secure keys (generated by the nsa) then they are safe. AES128 does not have this issue. The 256-bit variants of serpent and twofish do not have this problem and run faster on 64 bit processors. Basically aes256 and 192 have no advantages over other AES finalist algorithms.
matrix. you try to kill yourself, it never lets you die.
Assange is white, so he still has to follow the law.
Oh no Assange tripped and fell on a bunch of bullets.
Im about to make a new thread. I have a simple template in publisher that i can use to crank out all of these in this format if I had pictures/names to go with them. I dont really have much time at the moment to put in the research. I definitely dont mind uploading the template either….I'll start a thread around noon ET tomorrow and bump it with the cards ive already made. If anyone has spare time and can find nice pictures of the victims and post it alongside their names I can make these pretty quickly. I'll leave the distribution techniques to you guys.
Sounds good. I'm sure our collective effort can assemble names and photos of the victims in short order.
Vince Foster, for one. I remember when he 'committed suicide'.
There is a big list here.
In more current news, this pahjeet is investigating the Clinton foundation. Make sure to spread this around and keep an eye out for any mysterious suicides he might suffer.
And pray for him.
For sure.
Can't outstreet the Preet
Saved, would buy.
But would some super secret government assassin just climb a public building wall and get caught?
Super sekrit gub'ment ninja or not, he's human, and humans make mistakes.
Is this damage control?
It's Snopes kikes, of course it is.
It saddens me when I have a discussion with someone and people bring them up as if they actually do research for anything they weigh in on.
Yep, conveniently leaves out key facts from every case (including why if Malak was just an "inept" coroner the Clinton's would be personally involved in keeping him in that job) and uses the term "conspiracy theory" repeatedly to turn off reader's brains. Wonder how many shekels it takes to turn a lefty blogger in to an accessory to murder.
None, the retards think they're doing it for justice.
Look at that image and tell me you want to take them seriously.
Because he's likely NOT a government assassin. He's probably a hired thug that the Clinton's or someone working at their behest hired for the job. Being in the UK, they probably didn't have the luxury of using their own people.
Even their cat is fat.
Requesting Vince Foster.
We could also throw in some sort of "rarity" mechanic.
So if the, say, border, is white, those cards are common. Those would be for the murders that are usually spoken of in the media (so the most recent ones). Then you get silver border which is uncommon, and gold border which are not at all.
You get the idea.
Kek bless this post!
Were you a brony?
Agreed. The name alone is more effective in attracting normalfags play internet detectives. Redundancies make it seem like shitty viral marketing.
If we did that, most of the cards would be rares.
Also, cards should not say "out of 47"; that number will grow before they even get finished.
First set, nigga.
True, I suppose. But you'll need something to trigger the autism in the normies. And having a rarity mechanic of sort would do that. Maybe based on severity of the murder / political involvement of the victim? A DNC staffer is common, but John Ashe would be fucking gold (dude was President of the United Nations General Assembly).
Though maybe it's too much.
Bump for importance.
How do I open this file once we have the key?
Bump for this question.
Bump for this post.
I think I'm going to start digging on snopes, because this amount of shilling without real sources is fucking ridiculous.
Also, your daily reminder to copy+paste links rather than click on them.
Bump thred to combat slide
its rather convoluted to even get to being able to enter a password, and you'll need to download some an aes decrypt thing.
Personally, my bet is if it ever comes time to unlock the insurance file, they'll just release a batch file you'll drag the insurance file over to unlock it.
Any new info on this?
Has he released the password for this one yet?
It's burning a gigabyte sized hole on my HDD, tbh.