Is it just me, or are women just OBJECTIVELY better looking when they are in their teens?

Is it just me, or are women just OBJECTIVELY better looking when they are in their teens?

am I wrong Holla Forums?

Holy shit, you just blew my mind.

enjoy prison, child molester

kek. im actually very normie. just something i have been noticing.

It's as if nature is telling us to impregnate a woman when her uterus is the most effective.

Steal the essence of preteen virgins to extend your own longevity

t. sage


Girls in general do not look good, faggot

It's because we are naturally sexually attracted to youth. Nothing wrong with it.

Now go fugg yourself a loli

s-stop talking such silly things, lol! th-there are n-no bases on mars… that's… thats just silly! why'd you even say that?? implying we'd ship them through space on a foreign planet just to rape them and farm their blood for transfusions that only rich people that are insiders may receive. i-i mean, come on!


Women have tricked men into being against optimal age women because older women are scared and jealous that they cant compete for the top 20% of men against actual cute women that are sexually mature and teens with a much longer reproductive span. This entire society is gynocentric and the reason reproduction rates are plummeting. Because women and their mangina white knights are dictating sexual norms, not men. As a result the numbers of monogamous relationships and old fashion family unites are getting hammered and mostly the idiots are out breeding those with higher IQ.

I want to make myself clear, I am NOT promoting pedophilia by the way. Children are clearly and obviously not sexually mature. There are a good majority of teens that were already sexually mature and blossomed back when they were 14 that it is illegal for a 19 year old boy with a steady job to have sex with. Yet those boys are also made to sign up for the draft and unable to drink till they are 21. Even just basic critical thinking shows that this is bullshit double standards.

Only RECENTLY has western society (which ironically is run by pedophile elites politicians practicing satanic rituals and child sacrifice) looked down on marriage of teens. Only a century before, is where you had "sweet sixteen" and "quinceneras (15yo)" because it was a ritual of fathers displaying their daughters for suitors and marriage. Obviously to church going, pious, and socially respected men and not to random suitors.

Everyone claims that "girls mature faster than boys" yet if this is true; it would make MORE sense for a girl (say 18) to be penalized harsher for dating a younger boy (say 16). It would also make sense for society to push for older men such as 20 to date younger girls 15, since those women are more mature than men of their age. However clearly there is no stigma for a young boy to be having sex at that age or banging a hot teacher. Yet if the situation was a girl, society would go ape shit against the male. Why is that? Because MEN do not show jealousy to fellow boys. In fact, there is a general sense of admiration and rite of passage. Women however DO get extremely jealous and enraged that a younger of their gender is now competing against them in the sexual market where the older women are already running against the biological clock and due for a date with the wall at 30 years old. Also, it shows that society actually holds men to adult responsibilities while women are treated as mental children.

Women and whores do NOT want the most desirable and wealthy men in their 20-30's to PASS THEM over for marriage for a virgin bride who will tend to be more loyal due to her lack of cock carousel riding history. If you adhere to the belief that girls mature faster than boys; then turn around and say older boys around the age of 25-30 shouldn't date younger girls around 14-20 who supposedly matured faster than them at those ages, you are promoting conflicting narratives. Especially since men also need to be the ones to be ready to serve and die in a war, pay for dates, provide for the family, and many other things that disadvantage them at their teens.



From my experience, a woman can look good at least into her 40s or higher if she takes care of herself. The problem is that most stop taking care of themselves as soon as they either bag a man or fail too often to do so and they never go back.

Women are definitely more attractive than little boys, faggot OP

shut the fuck up


Jaden Smith?

I was thinking the same watching old sitcoms from my childhood.
I mean Julianne is still hot, but not as much.


We're not dumb. The sane people here aren't going to fall for your subtle attempts at turning us into pepdophiles

I graduated with a commerce degree majoring in business administration. In my HR unit we were taught that the big reason why there is a lack of female workers is because HR departments are run by older women who feel threatened by the young and are not likely to hire em, NOT SEXISM.

I didn't go to a North American university.

You have a lot of chi blockages, cloudy mind, frustration, inner turmoil, bad juju.

If women were at their hottest in their teens, then most models would be teenagers.

Come to think of it…

That's where evolution's gonna take us tbh. The children are getting smaller nowadays (so smaller is cuter) Sometimes I ldrive casually in the high school building parking lot and the 6th grade girls are so tiny(tinier than they were when I was in 6th grade) Like hot fuckin damn. Oh and the older girls aren't bad either.

wow, America is such a cucked country

This, so much this

Care to elaborate?


I'll make it REAL simple and elementary for you in case your a femanon or ride the short bus:

less cellular damage, i guess

Teenagers are irresponsible, adults are still teaching them.

I'd rather fuck my hand forever than give a single dollar I've earned to some roastie



it depends
I'd fuck 40 yo qt chinese milf rather than 10 yo black niggas


There are heaps of 14-15 yr old fashion models, you just don't get told about it.

no there aren't.


Of course they are better looking when they are in their teens. It's all downhill after about 19.

BTW, this has jack shit to do with pedophilia. It's because females in their late teens are at their optimal child bearing age. And we subconsciously recognize that in them.

wait, what?…. (pic related)

The older a woman gets above 19, the higher the likelihood of birth defects and miscarriages. This chance rises steadily until 30, rises a little faster between 30-35, then spikes massively from 35 until menopause. In other words, despite advances in fertility science, around 30 is the age of reckoning for most women.

its legal to fuck them just not legal to parade them around for the viewing public

To be fair, the increase in birth defect chance also increases as men age. Especially in 40+ men. I believe the perfect genetic shit storm of a 40+ man and 30+ woman having kids is at least partially behind what has given rise to so much autism lately.

are you saying 90% of 8channers have parents who were 40 or older when they were born?

Right, adults are teaching them how to be even more irresponsible. Teens would be better off figuring shit out on their own than listening to the current crop of "adults", who are living proof that maturity and age aren't related.

Maybe we should use this thread to discuss strategies to fuck with the Chris Hansen-loving faggots. In the teen pickup thread we were talking about setting up reverse honeypots and doxing the fuck out of them.

Like I said, I think that is at least part of the reason behind the jump in autists lately. I think other reasons might be (((better))) detection of the disorder, environmental pollution, and/or lack of proper family units (both parents working).

why Holla Forums?…..


You are correct. Abigail was a sweet teen and child. Time is our greatest foe.


Greeks, spics and puppy fat TS do not disprove the theory.

i clearly said teen.

Females are generally treated by society as children even if they are adults. Look at the way they get lenient and sentencing in court. The biggest example is how they get the lion's share of welfare programs to fund their lifestyle while men do not. Another example is how it is socially unacceptable to criticize women harshly in public. In almost every instance women are treated far more gently because they generally can simply emotional and break down crying if they face the level of criticism a man may. This is why females get their own female drill instructors of their own. The age of a woman generally will not change they way society will treat a woman as if she is a teenager.
The sentiments in treating women by white knight manginas are are usually are expressed as:
"She's just a little girl; she's just a girl; why would you be heartless to a woman like that; think of the women and children; it's just a little old lady."

As for teen boys, because sex is a biological programmed drive, they are going to fuck regardless of any attempt to ban underage sex once they are ready. They however won't be able to be have a stable marriage till they have finally gotten themselves financially squared away and able to take on responsibilities. Again if males are the gender that doesn't mature as fast, you would promote the idea of there being more protections against young male teens being victims of exploitation by women of the same age or older who supposedly matured faster.

Those people put on 20 pounds of makeup and get surgeries.


First in line to suck the tripfags dick.

Is that the same girl?


fuck off pedofag

because they age like milk


they are really immature though

agree 100% I bought the narrative in my 20's in my 30's in my 40 and now in my 50's see it was all bullshit. I was chasing a consumer-driven narrative and all of the girl I met had more sexual experience than I did. They were all whores by the time they were 24. The first girl I fell in love with I still love to this day but she died at 15. No one will listen because a 30 year old thinks he knows everything

Is it just me, or are women just OBJECTIVELY better looking when they are men?

that one is.

16-18 is prime age
everything beyond is tier 2 only.