Mulatto Vegan Attacks The Jew

Vegan Gains spurns Israel and doesn't buy into their scam.


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Is that a dude?

This looks like a woman to you?

it's this fucking vegan poof again…why won't you fuck off?

There's more than one of us. Lots of us use Youtube as well. Recently Cory McCarthy a pro-white YouTuber recently got attacked by literal Jews on YouTube.


wew that a very rare Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
I never heard it before.

A vegan faggot arguing with another vegan faggot about vegan faggotry…

Why is Holla Forums supposed to care about this?

fuck off vegangains nobody likes you

stop shitposting in diet threads with your bullshit too

Stop being a newfag and lurk more. We had several Supermeat threads. It's a Jewish Israeli Frankenstein scam that wants to create lab grown meat.

Vegan Gains, Richard Burgress, made a video where he pointed out how it was a scam. The Jews have been attacking him ever since. This is an excuse to turn our enemies against each other. We can get the Vegans to attack Israel and help rip Israel's victim card away from them.


I can't stand that sociopathic vegan cuck.

Fuck off, Leafy. Why don't you go cry more about how he ass-raped you.

At what time does he say something about Israel?

The entire video is him shitting on an Israeli Jew. The girl he's responding to is Israeli, Supermeat is an Israeli project, and the mad scientist is a kike as well. Watch the video, you faggot.



Reminder that Hitler was a vegetarian. There's nothing wrong with being vegan.

What's wrong is: Caring about animals more than you care about humans, and wanting to abolish products produced from animals for other humans that genetically can't be complete vegans, or they will die of various sicknesses or go really fucking weak.

I know people who a ripped as fuck and are vegans.

But about that video in question, they are founded by some israel guy.

A cow is higher in value than a semite. Not all humans are better than animals.

Yeah, the entire thing is from Tel Aviv. It reeks jewish faggotry. Probably full of things that will poison stupid nu male minds, who "want to eat meat, but do not want to kill poor animals".

Why the fuck they are vegan in the first place, if they want to eat meat, that's beyond my understanding of hypocrisy.

That's the thing. Lab grown meat makes no sense. Not a single vegan I know wants to eat meat or fake meat. If we did we wouldn't be vegan. It's a Jewish scam meant to poison meat eaters who are too pussy to defend the fact that they have to kill animals to get meat.

Also this "meat growing machine" doesn't sound suspicious at all, right. Like DNA of those cells won't produce worse meat than alive chicken have gained over years.

Its either going to be shit as a meat, or completely dangerous genetically fucked up product.

Ergo…it's time to eat the Jews.




Vegan Gay go away.

Kikes just want all the meat for themselves tbh

Are you an idiot? they don't want to eat meant because they don't want to harm animals. Eating psuedo-meant that no animals are in the making process isn't made from animals isn't contradictory at all. But anyway mods delete this shit thread.


If you don't like the thread then don't read it, faggot.

when are you faggots going to learn that these are two different things, at least as far as lefty faggots are concerned?

No, that's wrong. Hitler was an Ovo- Lacto Vegetarian, he ate eggs and milk and their process products like cheese and pies and baked goods.

To be fair that's a common assumption to make.

That Hilter was a vegetarian is what originally said, faggot.


Git gud, faggot.

Git gud, faggot.

Kill yourself faggot I hope you get banned for posting mislead thread titles you vegan cuck.


Fucking Hotwheels… He better be pig food.


Okay, bruh.



Problems, pussy?

I know what you meant and even taking what you were trying to type:

that is quite literally what fucking happened you retard

You know you can eat shit too, right? Your body can handle it. Does that mean you want make shit a staple of your diet?

wew that is some potent retardation right there

If this looks appetizing to you then you are worse than a nigger.

you are a fucking pussy.

Hitler was not a vegetarian, he supposedly had what we call nowadays Irritable Bowel Syndrome. His favorite food was Bratwurst but it didn't like him very much.

But I like white meat.

Do you use shit as lube too?

End yourself, nu-male cityfag.

That would be an SJW known as Nyanners imitating the meme. Yes, the one who ended up performing a song involving pedophilia.

Food looks like food all the time. Chicken periods look like chicken periods. You're literally brain washed.

Haha yeah have fun growing meat in your fucking crockpot and paying $2m
you fucking NIGGER

Looks pretty good to me, faggot


And scat fetishists exist. I don't care that you think periods are delicious, the human mind can be programmed to believe anything, society has programmed you to eat shit and ask for seconds.

holy fucking shit are you some 10 year old pampered rich faggot? How is it even possible to be such a fucking pussy? Even lefty cucks aren't this fucking pussified

choke on your fucking grass, faggot

I never said anything about vegan food, lad, but hating a food because it's not visually appealing is the stuff of feminised nu-male manchildren.

You can fool yourself, but you can't fool me. Enjoy the colon cancer, meatcuck.

How fucking dumb are you?

so you ARE a shill

you eat the egg not the cloaca
you also clean and cook them

Lurk more.

'xDDD, ewwww, it looks icky and gross, I'm not eating it xDDDDDD'

You're only making yourself look worse.

Yes, and you stuff your face with fucking plant embryos how does that make you feel?
Plant embryos that have been selectively bred for thousands of years to be larger and more sugary.
And no i'm not talking about GMOs all plant food that you eat has already been cultivated and selectively bred for thousands of years to be perfect for consumption.

Wew, he doesn't know anatomy either.


if you can convince me that veganism won't interfere with my paycheck compared to meat eating, as well as give me stats such as nutrition compared to my current diet, I will switch

Basically convince me. I don't give a shit about what I eat, I need ~100g of protein a day though. I'm not incredibly picky but I work out so it needs to fit that, as well as have some flavor. Otherwise no go, because all the arguments are morally based and therefore biased

justify yourself

Unlike you I don't suck semen, you'll have to answer that one for yourself.

Watch the video. Veganism is cheap as fuck.

Humans didn't evolve to digest cow milk though. Meat and eggs yeah but dairy is bad for you and the only dairy products you should be eating are butter, and isolated whey everything else is too hard on your digestive system.

I advocate a Paleo-esque diet and guess what? Our paleolithic ancestors didn't drink any fucking milk. Casien and lactose will fuck up the digestive systems of adults.

it also depletes your body of vital nutrients slowly

vegans simply do not recover from fatigue, meat is needed in a human diet

maybe your shitskin ancestors didn't drink milk but pure europeans are in fact adapted to digest dairy


I don't believe that one little bit

describe you ancestry to me user

*your fugg

no it isn't, They are perfectly compatible. I may enjoy the way sugar tastes but I know its bad for me so I don't dump it into my coffee, purchase snacks that have sugar in it, or prepare foods that require a large amount of sugar.

Liking something but not wanting to have to deal with the consequences of indulging in it is perfectly reasonable and if you can do both then all the better. The supermeat seems like a huge scam though so fuck that.

Vegetarians are cancer

If you don't eat meat you will get sick and waste away

This is why Jews have started their anti-meat campaign, which is based mostly on evolution and ridiculous environmentalist delusions. Soy is also full of estrogen and will make you grow tits

Not every body lives here faggot. Get some sunlight.

Fuck off, lactose intolerant sub-human scum.

Go back to 4chan.

Great, so now I have a price.
Am I still getting all of the vital Amino acids, vitamins, and fatty acids in my diet.
Protein is one thing, but If I am not getting a good amount of Omega 3 fats; which are only received through diet, bad things happen.
Also lowering the level of HDL fucks with triglycerides, and you get it from saturated fat. What vegan foods have saturated fats? I think 5-6% of my diet needs this.

Not relevant, Paleos didn't consume milk because we hadn't started domesticating animals until later, and if you knew anything about lactose intolerance you'd know that it exists on a spectrum. People with white ancestry can usually tolerate larger amounts of it than people of other races but that dosen't mean we have infinite lactase and can digest as much of it as we want. There is a reason why its impossible to drink a gallon of milk that reason being nobody's body can handle that much lactose at least not that quickly.

Plus you didn't address casein which takes 7 hours to digest and places a massive strain on the digestive system. Have fun being constipated all day from your cheese intake you fag. In the meantime I'll be eating steak cooked with coconut oil with sides of salads and cantaloupe and have no such problems.

I actually just looked this up and I fucked it. you can get good cholesterol from unsaturated fats. I guess if it's actually cheaper I might as well go for it. If it's shit I'll switch back but I see nothing to lose


I have never been constipated before in my entire life

All memes aside, it's actually a really enjoyable diet. Your digestion will improve and you'll have more stamina.
So looking at this It would actually be good for me it seems, I eat a lot of chicken and beef which apparently has saturated fat which isn't that bad, it's just pricey. I'm probably going to switch to fish on occasion. Kinda hyped to spend less of a $/g. on protein.

I don't care what kind of diet you have, unless you are literally an infant that's a fucking lie.

Ditch the dairy and just stick to meats, fruits, veggies, and only small amounts of grains and nuts. oh and eggs are fine. You'll be better off. Prolonged infancy isn't good for you.

not an argument

Woo boy, vegan beanpoles come out of the woodwork when someone questions their religion. Every single fucking time.

Veganfags aren't any different from Christian faggots with messiah complexes

You can eat whatever the fuck you want kids.
If some people choose to get their required nutrients with or without meats, for whatever reason, that's their choice.

If you are looking for the argument, it's probably along the lines of whether or not veganism can provide the same required nutrients and caloric intake, which I'm pretty sure it can. I'd happily take evidence to the contrary, as I'm potentially "putting myself at risk". Currently I don't give a fuck what I eat, as long as it's healthy. Up until now I've been eating lean meats and chicken which have small amounts of saturated fats, and happen to cost more per gram as a source of protein. So from an economic and personal health standpoint, I see a reason to try "veganism" for a while

I'm not lying. I never get even remotely constipated. I ask again, why should I care if casein is "hard on the digestive system"?

When you make a stupid argument founded on what anyone reading your post can only assume are baseless assumptions don't expect people to take you seriously and argue with your points.

Stop acting like a liberal and actually post studies if you are going to argue that not eating meat is automatically going to sap nutrients from your body because last time I checked Phytic acid can do that but you can counteract the effects of that to a degree by increasing your intake of vitamin c and various fat soluble vitamins such as vitaman A and D and its possible even on a vegan diet to moderate your intage of phytates by consuming legumes like lentils that are very low in those compared to say pinto beans for your protien(or maybe even just straight up taking protein supplements) and moderating your intake of grains, legumes, and especially nuts. I've never seen anything stating that the mere act of forgoing meat or dairy would do sap minerals or vitamins from your body though and I highly doubt that you'd be able to find such studies either. You're probably just talking out of your ass.

You shouldn't. If you don't have digestive problems, or see no reason to change your diet, don't. Fuck; if you like meat, continue to eat it to your heart's content. Vegans have no right to impose shit like that on you. If you somewhat care about what you're eating, you can do your own research into what is best for you health and nutrition wise. Maybe find a way of eating that costs less. If you just don't give a fuck, that's fine too. So much bickering, so little substantive argument haha

Maybe you should learn how your digestive system works then. Consuming things that are very hard on it(and casien is exceptionally hard on it) on a regular basis is bad for you. That's common sense and questioning that is honestly kinda dumb.


I thought only blood type A can be vegan?

Go full vegan diet without checking body compatibility is dangerous.

yeah I think milk is just fine. Do you have a link to casein being bad?

our paleolithic pastoralist ancestors drank fucking milk even before developing farming you retarded nigger

The vast majority of Europeans have evolved to digest lactose. I'll enjoy my milk and other delicious desserts that you shit skins shit your colon out by eating

Get fucked vegans. Yes the meat industry is shitty and fucked, a lot of that is due to kosher and halal slaughter BUT, trying to argue that natural animal products are bad for humans such as MILK THE ELIXIR OF LIFE, eggs and meat are bad for you then you cannot be smart, educated or honest

I drink milk and eat cheese, meat and eggs every day and I have a wonderful digestive tract because I'm a true European

Oy vey eat the soy, goy, it's good for you!

WOW, Living off of cheese and eggs for hundreds of years haha what a low iq idiot your culture probably loved the Jew nector mead haha.

This is what these fucking posts from niggers trying to use cultural marxism sound like.

too bad niggers are too dumb and would eat the chicken instead of getting hundreds of eggs from them

the point isn't to prove anything to you, the point is to make you think