Homosexuals are just like us, right?
Homosexuals are just like us, right?
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It's implicit white identity, you fucking anti-white racist.
Get lost you illiterate ape shill.
Reported. Nice attempt at false flagging us you nigger faggot.
According to Trump so are transgenders!
Common Filth is always right, faggot
whatcha sliding abraham?
reported all of you
Ass mad common filth fans are false flagging us so they can post about how "gay" we are on reddit.
psst hey … hey OP … hey … gay marriage is legal.
stop bumping
fuck off brit/pol/
Homosexuals just want the ability too marry so that they can abuse children. That's why it has been a core tenant of Germanic societies in some way of "Don't ask, don't Tell", because if you try too harm the culture itself you are its enemy, if you keep what you are hidden then perhaps you can do something instead too help it, since weirdos usually have a higher IQ too problem solving which if left too its own devices drives them crazy.
The word you're looking for is "to." "Too" means "also."
I'm trying better into English.
just learn the difference between their, they're and there and you're/your.
Why? I did nothing reportable.
Here, have some more gay evil.
See how far in you can make before wanting to take a bleach shower.
Les fags sont des beasts sales, mais les trannies sont completement normal…
Reported back ;^)
lmfao Anderson pooper reporting on bug chasers
Sodomy is killing our society
Looks like Horsey has never even met a faggot before.
Ce site est supposé etre libre et vous reporter tout le monde qui n'est pas un WASP straight…la vie de ma mere…
Get the fuck out of here CF.
i dont speak faggot, faggot.
it's that weird francopedo again
Always relevant based blackman video.
Quand je vais te mettre mon poing dans la face et ma queue dans le cul apres, tu vas tout comprendre, Nigel…
Excellent nom que je pourrais utiisé ailleurs, la vie de ma mere…
Death to transfags.
T'adorerais la sucer, connard…rend toi a l'évidence…
Imagine being so autistic that you try to false flag an anonymous image board with faggot shit in order to get goodboypoints with an eceleb you'll never meet in your life. Hopefully CF gives you a medal for having the courage to not scrape shit out of other men's assholes with your dick like all the rest of us do according to your falseflagging.
So you're jacking it to Link from Zelda? Fucking kill yourself, Abderrahim.
So that's your new narrative?
Pretty shitty tbh
Je me wack avec ce que je veux, Bubba…
it's just an open relationship goy! both "lovers" has different dicks to suck and jump into all hours of the day! It's a great (((love))) isn't it goy?
I always love seeing that.
Purging pagans has been European tradition since centuries. Take your (((neopaganism))) and (((atheism))) back to fucking Tel Aviv.
Ces les agents impériaux qui run le show anyway, James…
And there goes the falseflagging again. le fashy GRIDS haircut man needs to fuck off too.
Oh wow…tu es vraiment un gross criss de mongol…la Chrétienté est une invention Juive pour controler les bon goyims…arrive en ville…
My tolerance for your faggotry is dwindling.
Tu réalise que le Judaisme, la Chrétienté et l'Islam on été inventé au 11e siecle…et qu'ils était une meme religion?
Pour te dire la vérité en face…tu as 15 ans ou quoi, connard…la vie de ma mere, tu dois etre une lopette de 115 lbs pas de muscles…
Meilleur comment dans ce thread de marde,,,
wtf I love niggers now
Continue a écouté Moshe Dayan, James…quel bon goy, tu es…
This is the type of person to agree with you:
Gas yourself ASAP.
Nah, je suis pas mal comfy, Nigel…la tombe de mon grand-pere…
Pourquoi tu continue a me répondre?
Next time say
Cuckstianity has been nothing but degeneration for Europe. To suggest otherwise is to spread falsehoods about the history of our race in order to promote the establishment of a Semitic system of control. All Christcucks are race traitors.
Fuck off with your Greco-Roman boy-lust
i thought brit/pol/ was traps not gays?
what would be the penalty for tradwife traps who aren't sodomites?
Mods, do your fucking job. Sage.
Le all of europe is roman/greek may may
Remind me again, which religious tradition is it that has a long history of molesting boys? Oh that's right, every Cuckstian sect as well as the other Abrahamic religions. Is that what gives you the idea to accuse others of lusting after boypussy, because you cucks are all so intimately familiar with it?
A little too manly, I guess
Why not gas both?
Shiggy diggy doo
Gas yourself shlomo
Europeans were degenerate and useless before Christianity and God made them worth a damn, now that we have turned away from Christianity again like at the end of the Roman empire, we are quickly crumbling in a very similar manner.
You have zero proof of Europeans being degenerate before christianity outside of WE WUZ ROMANZ N GREEKZ N SHIT. Medditeraneans aren't even white in the first place so this means absolutely nothing to me.
Vikings raped and pillaged, as well as all of the celts and scythians who were the main body of Europe. They all spent their time worshipping false idols and doing degenerate shit like butt fucking each other for centuries until Christendom took over and the Europeans became civilized.
Your response to someone advocating European heritage is to defame Europeans.
All Christcucks are race traitors.
Every Cuckstian sect is full of boy-loving communists. Every sect promotes the dissolution of borders and reconciliation with Jews. There is not a single aspect of Cuckstianity which is not anti-European. After all, it is a religion which is concerned most with spreading Semitic mythology to non-Semites. Membership in such a religion is therefore by definition an act which is treason against one's own race. Unless you are a Semite.
All Christcucks are race traitors. They will spread the same Semitic lies over and over to justify worshiping a member of a foreign race. They will never stop being subversive slaves to a Semitic agenda. They will hound our leaders until they are granted special prominence in society in order to brainwash our children into worshiping a Semite and upholding Semitic ideals. If you want a Semite free future for your children, the only path is a future free of Cuckstians also. While a single Cuckstian yet remains, the taint of Semitism cannot be consigned to the dust of history. Every Christcuck is a slave promoting the dominance of Semites.
Oh boy. Here we go.
Where is the proofs?
Where do you think that "implicit White identity" shit comes from?
I've never seen anyone post positive things about Richard Spencer
Probably because he is a fucking homo who needs to be thrown into a bog
I'm not a race traitor, but more importantly I'm not a god-traitor, I will not sell out from God to idolize and worship these degenerate heathens of the distant past.
You fags always worship the blessings instead of the god who rewarded us white people our many blessings because of how were the only people that stayed faithful to him for as long as we did.
Not really, there have been fags and degenerates infiltrating in some sects of the church, that does not define the church nor does it change what truly matters, which is the bible. Putting your faith in man and temporal things will only lead to disappointment, ruin, and damnation.
God was never about race, he rewards those who follow, and whites have followed him the longest and most precisely, but now they seem to think they are too good for him and are recreating themselves in their own image through stuff like becoming a tranny and wasting their seed on degenerate acts. Jews have gotten the shit smacked out of them multiple times because of their degenerate ways, this was a natural consequence of them straying from god as many times as they did, it is no wonder that after all the times they have been perverted that they are so fucking ugly and disgusting nowadays, not to mention the fact that actual jews don't exist anymore and the "ethnic jews" of today are really just inbred spawn of Canaanites and other heathen peoples mixed with jews for which god punished them, he forbade that they or anyone else racemix.
Thank you Christians for telling me that these people are most definitely in fact, white and because of them i should be ashamed of being European at all. G-d bless and praise YHWH.
Purest aryan genes in europe, oy vey
The average homosexual male has 100 sexual contacts PER FUCKING YEAR. The only "committed" gays are one so old that they can barely fuck anymore, and even then their relationships are disastrous.
Is this true? Does the bible teach against race mixing?
obviously that isn't true for all of them. i want one bf to be monogamous with.
I see, you actually believe in Semitic fairy tales. No wonder you are completely ignorant of history and consider adherence to a foreign tradition more important than unity of blood and soil.
Cuckstianity does not describe any sort of truth. The contents of the Bible are historically inaccurate, theologically incorrect, and ideologically opposed to the ideals of our race. You worship a foreign mortal as a part of a foreign god. You celebrate a tradition responsible for nothing but death and decline in Europe. You think it is more important that your people follow you in embracing foreign things than in nurturing love of our race. You are a race traitor, just like every Christcuck. Those are simply the facts of the matter.
Yes, I've been trying to tell people this on 8/pol/ for a long time
Skim through this
The cuck author tries to rationalize it at the end but it makes it pretty clear throughout the verses
look, i know most are degenerate. maybe i would be if i got the chance. but i hope i don't and i hope i'd get punished if i tried to be, so that i wouldn't even need to be trusted to not be like that.
"Hurr durrr, it was a coincidence that christian europe became the center of the world and it's a coincidence that society is collapsing amidst the rise of cultural marxist atheism.
If it's ideologically opposed to the ideals of our race, then in that case the ideals that you're talking about must constitute some form of degeneracy. You genuinely sound like a progressive.
Friendly reminder that Hitler was a devout Christian and believed it was the only way to go despite him knowing about jews.
You would definitely be degenerate when you got the chance. Faggotry leads to irrepairable psychological damage. If you've already had faggot sex you need to kill yourself because your mind is lost forever.
Where is the sodomy and decline in china an north korea? Where was the sodomy and decline in the USSR? Turning away from god has nothing to do with it.
Wow. The more you know. thanks for the article.
Nice trips
As one can see from reading the verses, the cuck who keeps verbally castrating himself and tripping over his words trying to rationalize the verses is wrong.
lol, i had a feeling that you were a marxist. Soviet Russia was a den of degeneracy. Rampant alcoholism, prostitution, thievery, corruption. A total cesspit of atheistic hedonism.
i haven't had faggot sex but tbh i'm already irreparably psychologically damaged.
i want to not be allowed to be degenerate though.
Stop bumping the thread, this thread is fucking terrible.
you're not my bf; you don't get to tell me what to do. bump.
stay celibate
Maybe in its early years until it was realized you can't have a country built on hedonism and they returned to authoritarian traditional rule.
You can try becoming a hermit or something, the only thing that will help you is a clean slate. You need to find a new life somewhere far from where you are right now and start over if you feel that bad mentally.
Well Homosexuallity is due to a Hormone Imbalance, I'm sure you can sort it out
Not a single one of those quotes pertains to a prohibition against race-mixing. Unless you want to twist like a kike in the wind and say that the instructions for agricultural management are metaphors. No one's going to respect you for arguing like a kike though.
Actually Cuckstianity is on the rise…in shitskin countries. In any case, you are completely skirting around the issue of comparing pre-Cuckstian countries with their post-Cuckstian versions. Look at Europe then, perfectly fine before Cuckstianity, degenerate afterward. It's almost as though abandoning tradition in favor of foreign religion is the first step down the path to ruin!
Friendly reminder that Cuckstians were the largest voting block against national socialists and that every Cuckstian sect opposed the nationalist axis while the politicians in other countries who answered the call of the Rothschilds were all Cuckstians (beyond the Marxists and chinks). How many holy wars were declared to defend the Third Reich and how many Cuckstians answered those calls?
i plan to tbh. i just want a bf to hold me in bed. gay sex is gross.
i'm too weak mentally to find a new life. that's why i dream of a bf to save me and give me a new life like i'll never be able to make for myself.
idk about that.
I'm completely against sodomy and I watch and enjoy Common Filth, but the way you fanbody faggots are going about trying to fuck with our board is pissing me off, I don't think Common Filth viewers would stoop this low, this is probably an Holla Forums raid trying to get us to fling shit at each other.
The mods must want this to be allowed too since such an obviously low-quality thread has been allowed to stay up this long.
Well it's defiantly not something you're born with, it's something hat happens due to environmental pressures
Same story with Transexuals
I'm pretty sure you're trolling now but in any case if what you say is true, you might as well start referring to you and your bf as xe and xim because you are a failure of a man.
I can see you are going through a rough time. Try to make some non-degenerate goals and work towards them. That will make you feel better.
Did you even read the verses? It made it quite clear that one should not take a daughter of another race.
You forget that the main supporters of Hitler and Nazi Germany were good god-fearing Christians, it's likely jew media that is trying to play both sides by saying that the good goy Christians opposed Hitler while simultaneously saying that they were for him to shit on Christianity which they hate.
Either way, (((they're))) screwing the subverted Christians and the Reich Christians.
common cuck please fuck off with your shitty christcuck memes
Holla Forums is a kek board
i don't even know what that means.
kek. it's always a mod conspiracy, isn't it?
i try to have non-degenerate goals and i'll keep trying, but i fuck up a lot and that just makes me wish i had a bf to help me even more.
You mean the verse that told the Israelis to not mix with Canaanites? That's not race-mixing. The Israelis are distinguished from OTHER Canaanites by their "monotheistic" religion which is simply an amalgam of the Canaanite pantheon.
Or are you gonna whip out some we wuz hebrews for us, christcuck?
Seriously just kill yourself you're not even trying at this point. This thread was not worth shitposting in, mods pls help.
yeah i often wonder how exactly i ended up screwed up this way.
tbh i'm more trans than gay. which is worse really.
yes i know i'm a failure of a man. i'd need my bf to not be a failure though.
Now check these dubs
You clearly didn't read the last 3, which made it quite clear that the races were created separately and meant to stay separate by God.
I think you made a good enough amount of posts to screencap and send to CF now. Please fuck off.
Sure, sounds racially aware that all nations came from one blood, Christcuck.
Nothing to do with race mixing.
Nothing to do with race mixing.
I know you don't expect people to actually read the garbage you link to, but I'll do it just this once so we can laugh at you all the harder.
cf is a horrid retard.
Well maybe ignore your base hedonist pleasures and be a Man, it maybe hard but it is better than indulging in your own delusion
thread was shit to begin with lad
You don't need a bf. You need a mentor.
Quel courage pour vivre comme il veut….
Trust me this should be enough low quality b8 to stir up more shit between CF and Holla Forums. You can go screencap your posts and prove how we're all homos now, congratulations.
i'm too weak mentally tbh for any hope of that.
i know. but that's never going to happen. so i just substitute it with the dream of a bf who mentors me.
filtered for idiocy
They way you talk makes me feel like I've read your posts before.
Why aren't you able to find other men with a positive sense of masculinity?
kek no surprise
possibly. i've posted before.
idk. maybe they exist but i can't learn from them. that's why in my fantasy my bf wants to educate me.
mostly i just imagine cuddling him and basically being a housewife for him, but sometimes i wish for him to encourage me to be masculine and support me and eventually turn me straight and normal and even encourage me to get a gf and then we'd just be friends with me always being grateful to him ;_;
This is just getting insanely ridiculous.
Yeah, I can almost guarantee I've talked to you before.
You probably need some serious therapy, although I can't really recommend actually going anywhere as people will just want to enable your feminine behaviors.
(((completely normal)))
i know i need help and i know people will just encourage me ;_;
don't you have any friends who can coach you through your crisis? You're not going to get better just by posting here.