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It pains me to no end how people can come so close to a socialist worldview then settle for "the niggers did this"

He has seen the light.

I always enjoyed his music, glad to see he is coming around on Marxist leftism and not being a capitalist shill/whore like the alt-right.

Varg is still spooked. He's so fucking close to FULLCLASSCONSCIOUSNESS tho.


He was so cllse.

There are people that are actually socialists but are too spooked to say the word

so we should stage a leftyintervention and spookpill him.

What's red about tribalism?

we should get Xixezy to debate unruhe tbh.

+1 for a spack fight.

nationalists cannot accept the marxist argument because muh feels

it may be clear that the ruling class of a given nation has interests distinct from the working class of that nation

it may be true that increased standards of living are owed to increased movement of goods globally and the rise of industrialization

it may be true that workers in different countries share the same interests and are opposed by the same increasingly global ruling class

but what follows from these observations concerning international worker solidarity, automation of production, the potential expansion of leisure time and the necessity of expropriating the traditional ruling class, etc. etc. is intolerable, because in their heart of hearts they are "deus vult" shouting crusaders, super saiyans or viking warriors who are opposed by a horde of brainless orcs from without and sneaky goblins from within

they have failed to separate those areas of life devoted to fantasy and entertainment and those areas devoted to reasoned observation and sober analysis

that is why they are so easily swayed by propaganda - because everything is judged by its entertainment value and not by its truth value

He's basically national-anarchist or a national-syndicalist in the most literal sense.

Man, that thread was great.

Basically true.
Niggers = Barbarians.
Whites = Civilized people.

Modern Marxists appear to have identified race with class.

White = Bourgeois
Black & Brown = Proletariat

…So even if they keep the ideal of "workers of the world unite!", poor white working class are not considered part of the genuine Proletariat as they are considered as benefiting from "white muh privilege" and thus are implicitly Bourgeois. Moreover, they are considered ideologically Bourgeois, for their allegedly "racist" worldview.

-The white working class lives in relative peace and prosperity in first world countries, are able to benefit from foreign labour (cheap imported products but also welfare which I suppose could be viewed as the government sharing the spoils of imperialism) and cannot be victims of racism. Have too much to eat and watch too much TV.
-The coloured working class live in relative chaos and squalor in third world countries, do not receive welfare, have no labour rights, do not receive any of the spoils of imperialism, can be victims of racism. Have too little to eat and no time or money for such trivialities as TV.

This does have a grain of truth to it, but is needlessly divisive and dismissive of the white working class, and ignores that conditions are not uniform throughout the third world. And sometimes it's their own fault for having a shitty culture, not that of imperialism… no Western capitalist ever taught oppressed brown people to stone rape victims to death, or massacre your neighbours with machetes, or marry six year old girls, or sexually abuse six year old boys, or make human sacrifices to placate natural disasters or ensure a good harvest.


I feel like I've read this somewhere before… I know you took this from someone else…

You know it's true fam.

It is true that you should go back to >>>Holla Forums

You know the truth in your heart fam.

Hell to the no on that one. People are disagreeing with each other all the time.

Yes, the truth of proletarian internationalism.

The minorities support establishment democrats. There can never be proletarian internationalism as long as they are a major voting bloc.


Sorry fam. Muslims aren't interested in proletarian politics either.

Western overthrow of secular nations in Middle East
Colonial divisions in Africa
Desperate parents marrying off young children for money; i.e. Capitalism
No one on earth still does this.

You seem to be implying that workers from white countries are all ready for a revolution. Muslim and christian workers worldwide are all equally classcucked tbh

>>>Holla Forums

I wouldn't say that they're all equally classcucked. There's a reason that Sanders got the white vote while Hillary got the minority vote. Minorities are the definition of lumpenproles.
Pic related.

1. I wasn't talking about just America
2. Muslims, asians, and to some extent latinos supported bernie lmao


no one's born a lumpen.

Either way. Most minorities (Muslims) in Europe only care about establishing a theocracy. They could care less about workers rights.
That doesn't represent the majority of those groups.

Proof and muslims exist outside of Europe
It does for muslims and asians, and its about 50/50 for latinos

I don't judge someone at face value. However, genes can play a role on someone's personality.

Actually, Islamic culture itself teaches that the vast majority of those things are holy in the eyes of their god

Might be true to some extent, but that's completely unrelated to race.

The problem you identify is a real problem only if you ignore the original international message of Marxism (rather than the globalist agenda which is Capitalist through and through).

In Marx was not an idiot, he knew that even during his time laborers from India and laborers from Manchester did not share the same burden of exploitation by the British empire. The point Marx was trying to hammer home, was that both the English and teh Indian laborer suffered teh same TYPE of exploitation (but not at the same degree). If both of them had realized this , the indeed their struggle is a shared one for they have a common enemy.

The opposition of proletariat against Capital owners is a qualitative one, not quantitative.

good point, now that we have namefag attention whores we can actually get someone to debate jason

The comment section of that video is pretty cancer tho.

If the left went back to being anti-immigrant, they'd suck up all the Trump fans overnight. But it won't. Cause the 'progressives' wear the trousers.


Bernie Sanders is also anti-immigration.

This image and the clip from which it came answers most of his questions.

I mean, he is a convicted murderer and also a church burner.

Being an edgy shithead is his M.O.

Seems like he's at least read Zizek.

I kind of worry about Zizek being an interlocutor to Marxism for reactionaries, honestly.

"I am a tribal traditionalism"


This is nothing new, as Varg was never pro-capitalist do begin with. He said awhile back that usury should be made illegal, so there you have it.

In all levels except physical, I am a tribal traditionalism

Why would anyone ever borrow money for free?


Ok mate.
Maybe capital could be common-owned. It's not like it's a basic of communist ideology.

if it's commmonly owned it's no longer a bank.


why not just abolish capital once and for all?



Except that the humans vs orcs antagonism in Warhammer was based on the Roman Empire vs Germanic and Slavic barbarian invasions, not to mention that the Eastern Roman Empire (that provides the basis of the God Emperor) that survived the migration period was mostly brown/sandnigger in composition given the bulk of the population were Assyrian, Arab, Copts, Berber, Armenian and Georgian, yes the Greeks and Vlachs (proto-Romanians) were a minority and the majority of the Byzantine army post Justinian were (Christian) Arabs up until the Islamic invasions following Mohammed's death, even the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius at that point was Armenian (the Roman Empire even had an Arab as Emperor under Phillip before it was divided into East and West).

I find it amusing how reactionaries and Nazis treat "Western" culture as though it were a purely "white" invention. And forget how it was "brown" people (and the Greeks) who were preserving civilisation against the tide of barbarian white peoples (and the Asiatic Huns, Magyars, Pechnegs etc) until the Muslims arrived.

It's a pastiche my dude

This is fucking amazing.

I can finally buy a burzum shirt AND be a commie.

They aren't, shill.

Think before you type, I'm not the one buttressing my worldview with Warhammer, it's Holla Forumsacks who are.

I'm merely pointing out the irony of saying that niggers are orcs and white people are the humans.

And 3rd world people should just go back to being farmers while you give them consumer products? Literally a Caste system.
Decentralization of production = self-sufficiency, necessary for Socialism.
You can't revert history, what the actual fuck.

i think he doesn't truly believe that shit, but he only says those things please his viewers

When we say "move back industry to the first world" we mean move back the industry that produces goods for us back to us. Rebuild factories in the first world to produce for the first world, and help the third world make its own industry to produce for itself, rather than having this shitty relation we have now, thats good for neither the first world or third world worker.

"The biggest threat to Europe today is not Islam, Jews or even Communism. The biggest threat is stupid Europeans."

Well that is in fact entirely correct.

Pagan communism when?

its about time

Nazism was not socialist though, it was actually very capitalist. Hitler privatised a lot of industry.

They own all the fucking media.


Wrong flag, Holla Forumsfriend.


Hitler invented nazism though.

If you truly want "socialism in one country", i suggest the nazbol flag.

Not really. The Nazi party was around before Hitler. He just joined it and took control.

I would have nothing against communism if it wasn't so obsessively intent on wiping out white civilization tbqfhwy.


He is kinda right, but it's important to remember that logical reasoning can be the basis for illogical reasoning, because of personal biases.

Wew lad

I'm already a satanic communist. Get on my level


but the youtube video with spoopy music told me so!

He doesn't even have a whole lot of viewers

Xixezy said Unruhe "isnt even that bad, I dont know why so many people hate him. Because hes kinda tanky?"

Its a sign.
West Virginia is Red Virginia!

How big of an Ochs fan are you?

Ochs and Comrade Seeger are essentials for any leftist tbh.

Marx was a Jew and Engels was bourgeoisie.

hardly call be a unapologetic racist or saying marxism is a bad system is 'full red'

and when he says 'capitalists' i think he means something slightly different than us.

even if it did exist, I can't see the problem with "wiping it out"; you should stop being so attached

Oh god we're gonna have those Nat1ional """"""Socialists"""""' shitposters now arent we

white civilisation = western civilisation

Take the red-pill

reality speaks better than words

So why are you a Marxist? :^)

It's hilarious to see /usefulidiots/ baffled at nationalistic anti-capitalism.

Good luck eradicating all hierarchy. Call me when you defeat the man keeping you in your mom's basement.


Because I'm a useful idiot.

Becuase reality shows Marx was right.
Also reminder Hitler singlehandedly destroyed European imperialism. I actually like him for annihilating European domination of world affairs

He was raised as a Lutheran and later became an Atheist.

He father was a jew, but he became christian before Marx was born

You haven't read much about communism before, didn't you?

Nobodys baffled, also nice projection with the "useful idiot"
Nobody here is stopping you either, good luck convincing rightwingers against capitalism

Civilizations in Western Europe were never one thing.

No. You take of your glasses first.


Its true, Mr. I'll-hide-behind-fake-amusement

Multiculturalism is just Imperialism in opposite direction




*nothing about

suprise! The nazis are anti-capitalists. And suprise again the old guard marxists were not some crazy SJW social liberals like most marxists nowadays. Does that knowledge make Varg a red? The whole video is an attack against the 'current year' left but not an endorsement of the actual left.


maybe in words but not in action

most communist movements were less communist than capitalist in the end. After all it has never been tried.
But seriously though, nazis are anti-capitalists in theory and their action did reflect that before the war: Abolishing interest slavery, making it illegal to earn money by manipulating money, refusing to take part in the international world market. Hell even the soviet union later took part in the world market, the GDR sold products to west germany via catalogues. It's not honest to unironically say that the nazis didn't oppose liberal capitalism. Dellusions wont do us any good. Just with the war they abolished alot of their initial changes to finance the war.

still not my comrade

badass music tho

You understand that the Warhammer Empire is the Holy Roman Empire and not the actual Roman Empire rightt?

The Eastern Roman empire didn't preserve much and declined. The arabs had all the greek classical texts and never put the to use. Preserving doesn't mean creating. Just because you deposite your money in a bank it doesn't mean those Bankers earned or even worked for that money.

Anyways you make a fatal flaw here in equating "brown" people with "non-aryans". Thats not even what nazis believe or anyone on the volkish movement. Alot of the then non-arabized people were considered of the indo-aryan people, until they became arabized by rape-conquering. In Nazi germany persians could marry and intermix with germans freely even tho they had brown skin. Only later through american white nationalism, the probably most dumbed down holywood caricature of nazism, the idea arose that brown people are somehow bad or negative (essentially through the uncultured lense of american black&white thinking). There is a fine speech of goebbels praising the Assyrians to be the "Herrenvolk" (Masterrace in the wrong english translation. It should actually be translated as "People of Lordship" or "a people of gentlement") of their time.
Alot of Nazis fled into the middle-east after the war just at the same time as miracously fascist dictatorships came out of the wood work of the post-colonial middle-east.
Alois Brunner (Austrisan SS) fled to syria and adviced the Baath regime for rest of the 20th century.
Otto Skorzeny (SS-Obersturmbannführer Waffen SS) went to Egypt after the war and helped develop Nasserism.
The same happening all over south america and Iraq. My turkish neighbours, immigrants themselfs, own a copy of the blue book which is basically just Mein Kampf in turkish. Today large parts of the Shiah-muslim world are somehow sympathic to the german regime of 1936.

Here is the problem I have with all of this and what you wrote. And infact many of my collegues at campus do the same mistake. They mistake the hollywood capitalist and revisionist image of Nazis as the real danger. Yes there are skinheads on the street waving their stupid german flags and kicking immigrants in the face. But those are not a real danger in anyways, just as some pot smoking hippy punks are not realy the driving force behind a vanguard party. Real fascism is actually on the rise at the moment all over europe and the US. And the mainstream anti-fascists are scratching their head how this could have happened "Didn't we kick the cropse that is nazism all these years? I thought it was dead-".

For you fascism basically means ethnic nationalism. Its definitely on the rise, even in many non European countries.
We dont see this as anything other than capitalism saving its ass. At the very least, at least politics becomes more interesting.



I like Unruhe. I just think his outfits are autistic.

Why don't you just stop caring about egalitarianism then?

Globalism is a direct threat to ME because different cultures are more likely to get ME killed or at least make my life miserable. I am literally just trying to survive.

oh, but I know! LE CULTURE IS LE SPOOK XD that's why it's totally irrelevant that brown people want to implement a theocracy that gets me killed because hey it's a spook after all hehehe