Craigslist: The final red-pilling frontier

So the other day, I was reading my local Craigslist's "Missed Connections" section and of course it's full of feminists and cuck regulars and I decided to call out some "stronk indepenynt wymyn" who claimed she didn't need no man.

With a common-sense approach to a return to values and basically shitlord-tier banter, I was able to win over a lot of women. My inbox flooded with women overwhelmingly in support of men being the dominant figure and women being "housewives." Even some of the cucks came around after a little bit of persuasion.

Craigslist is home to the lowest of normalfags. So normalfag that they don't even know what Reddit is, let alone use it. Hard to imagine since most of us have been playing around with imageboards and messageboards for at least a decade or more.

So I say with this election looming, at a time of importance like none before it, we need to storm Craigslist and drop intelligent redpills. If you post to the wrong section, you'll get flagged quickly. However, dropping subtle redpills in the relationship sections and in the "rants and raves" section. It's a place where people are actually susceptible to good propaganda. I've overlooked it for years, but we need to take control of Craigslist. We need the normalfags to swallow our propaganda if we want to win in November. They need to know that those thoughts they have deep in their heads about niggers, dune coons and faggots are true. We need this.

Take to your local or even another city's Craigslist and give Holla Forums quality posts, statistics and images. You'll be surprised at how receptive this group of normalfags are to decent propaganda. This is a small battle that we can win and goddamn it, we need a victory.

Other urls found in this thread: info.7z,8599,2015274,00.html Wage Gap Final Report.pdf,7340,L-4466574,00.html

Tell me your secrets of rhetoric.

Decent op idea, not like CL ever bans spammers.

Don't go full 14/88 right out of the gates.

Start mild with some Molyneux-esque information. Have sources.

I just dropped pic related and I already got an email from a woman who is asking me for more links. They're coming to me, not me going after them. Slow and steady, no swastikas just yet.

Things to tackle: Feminism, cucks, fags, niggers, Islam, trannies.

Have at it. Just be subtle and post sources. You're going to get some angry cucks and dykes, but my cuck to curious normie ratio is 10:1. Hell, I think we get more liberal faggot shills in Holla Forums than that.

CL is filled with the less internet-savvy young people and baby boomers. I hadn't even thought how ripe a redpilling ground this could be.

Bump for potential.

If this normalfag woman isn't ripe for the pill, I don't know who is…

some nice, outside the box thinking user. will give it a shot when I'm back at my pc.


wew found a cuck, think I'll drop him a message

There are people on craigslist who aren't looking for buttsex or free furniture?

Drop off the DoJ murder and rape stats. Explain nogs are 12% of the population committing 54% of the murders.

Like shooting fish in a barrel. Infographics and pics work like a charm.

No. Craigslist is all people looking for buttsex and furniture.

However, of those looking for a cummed-on couch for free, some are susceptible to propaganda and are otherwise decent people who need to be freed.

You aren't the first to take note of this. I rarely browse CL anymore, but years ago when I did browse on a regular basis, it was full of shills. The good news is that they are easily identifiable. I was able to detect them as a normie before even visiting a chan.

Even after my meager 4 years of training here and on cuckchan, it's gotta be easy mode to call those fuckers out.

I remember I mostly enjoyed it over there, so it must have had a right wing general consensus, at least at the time.

Wouldn't be difficult to take it over at all.

Easy, user. Those Chicago RnR weirdos haven't left their containment board for over a decade.

There's a guy that bashes niggers that pops up sometimes, but none of them seem educated in any way, and their memes are horrible.

Checked and true.

They are waiting for an intelligent poster who has sources and doesn't have the vocabulary of a retard. They want our dank memes and will swallow them whole.

I should add that smuggies are gold on Craigslist.

I love these things

Who doesn't? They're easily digestible, snarky and contain facts.

Just one tool to use.

Hell, use the same propaganda that redpilled you. What worked on you to help you see the JQ, niggers and faggots?


1992 L.A. Riots


well if you spam people might automatically disregard your post even if they read it

these are ones that i think of a relatively high quality

actually, change the face of the second one so it doesn't look like bill cosby first

I approve of this. We need to talk about propaganda and subverting the public a lot more. There's millions of dollars getting pumped into the other side. We gotta start getting our shit together.

Also, dump your spurdos.

those aren't quite the same
i wouldnt use those to try to persuade people

True. Spurdos optional, but they are pertinent when talking about how Jews control many aspects of American life.

Bump for a fucking excellent idea.

It's like going into the past (Craigslist) to affect the future.

the pictures of straight-up humans are much more appealing and blatantly reveal hypocrisy

im not sure if those pictures would have any desired effect on normies at all

im not even too sure what the first picture you posted is trying to convey

A. Wyatt Mann will probably do well, also.


if you use it, don't do that until later

that is not entry-level stuff and the predisposition of normies to want to conform to society might push them away from you before they get anywhere close to you

The merchant is leading the American bear into the oil fields to crush sand niggers with his motorized cart for his benefit, but point taken.

also, the wyatt comics are not nearly as easy to digest as the portrayals of liberals being hypocrites, which can be processed in under 30 seconds unlike that picture

Why not just redpill whatever the current facebook memes are?

Point taken.

I do keep forgetting how normalfag Craigslisters are. Your audience could very well be an unemployed down on his luck 50 year old man just looking for a job. Keep this in mind.


another thing

if you plan to make one of those portrayals of liberals being hypocrites, make sure you do and/or follow these things:

don't give it a name as if it were a meme; really

make sure the picture of the person is crudely-drawn, but not quite like a stick person's face; and don't portray the person below the torso if it isn't particularly relevant

the one of the guy protesting cops is almost the lowest you should go with how crudely the person is drawn, but it is highly effective since it is drawn so crudely

the one of the black guy saying to apologize to slavery is done in too high a quality, and would be more effective if the face were cruder and didn't look like bill cosby

it should have 2 blocks of text at the most; if so, one block of text should contradict the viewpoint(s) expressed in the other block of text

always include a blatant and obvious contradiction in the text in the picture, but don't do it by drawing the words hypocrisy then drawing an arrow towards the text boxes, but instead do it by having the liberal person portrayed say hypocritical stuff

Bump for excellent and worthy idea

It's worse, the 80 year old nog-grannies aren't killing like the 18 year olds. Really it's closer to 5% of the population committing over half the murders. Luckily they are mostly killing each other.

This is true, but the the only "provable" number is the 12%. But I went on to explain that it was really more like 4.5% or so using deductive reasoning that half are male and another at least 2% were just not eligible to commit murder - i.e. babies and people under 13, and the elderly.

Dumping some easily-digestible mini redpills

Top kek, please disregard that first pic.

bump. I agree, this is a very good idea.

fuck, disregard that third pic as well. I mistaked the thumbnail that one pic about all the people who's careers were ruined by saying the "n word."

I saved the Glenn Beck one. Top kek.



My point was that they aren't policing that shit like FB/twatter/etc.


Craigslist originated as a San Francisco based community, of course it's going to be full of degenerates.

Of course it is. But it has now leaked into every metropolitan area and it's still full of degenerates.

However, we can not overlook the normalfags who want a free couch or are looking for a $1,000 work truck or sporting goods or a used welder, etc.

The bottom line is that they are nowhere near as committed to facts or as stubborn as we are. We will win. We can take over craigslist. It's ripe for the taking.

What a time to be alive

Holla Forums gets no points
that one never happened

Holla Forums always does it best. :^)

Anyone got any good sources for infographics/stats on trannies?

I have some, but would like more.

Not sure gamergate will work here.

True, but of course you've seen some good stuff that reaffirmed your suspicions about social issues in the beginning of your awakening.


These might be decent


Does anyone have that collage of all the news frontpages pushing the shellshocked syrian boy?

I wanted to suggest attacking the media is a great way to stealthfully redpill normalfags about the content. Most people are receptive to the harshest criticisms you about journalists and news corps, but by showing examples where they are propagandizing war in syria, racism, feminism,etc you are discrediting those things as well since the media's forced consensus is a major source of influence.

I do not have that image, but you're right.

Attacking the media is your door to attacking the left. Even niggers blame the media for their shortcomings. Opening your eyes to the fuckery in the media is a step toward opening your eyes to the JQ and the rest of it. Good call.

I'd go for a Trump approach start with exposing the evils and slowly red pill them further and further until they start going 14/88.
I was a Bernie fag around the start of this election and now I'm a National Socialist.

My state was a Bernie state.

I'm betting that attacking the "1%" will resonate with a lot of craigslisters. Attack the 1% and then let them know who the 1% are and also that those same people control the media and they just so happen to be of a certain (((tribe))).

Can I get some examples of successful posts you are making? Just copy paste one or two as an example

Oh, and another thing…

Craigslist allows you to "self bump."

Once you've put in the work and posted, you can simply bump your posts up to the top again by using the "renew my post" feature. This works for a whole month. After it disappears, copy/paste it and start again. Your posts will perpetually be at the top and thus, seen first by everyone.

Pathetically self checking my own Satan trips.

Additionally, we need to push the Murray Gell-Mann Amnesia effect into the wider consciousness. I don't know how anyone who learns about it could ever trust the media again, no matter how bluepilled they are.

Here's one about the homos.

I can't remember exactly where but in Jewish scripture it actually says to lie to your enemies.
kinda like how mudslimes lie saying they're peaceful.

Might have to axe some of this, but good.

Thanks… Looks like that pastebin will be going up in the near future.

The sad part about this pastebin is that - while having numerous sources and making sense - people will dismiss it. I see some FOX and Breitbart in their and I know people will dismiss it all due to their belief that they are "right-wing' and therefore untrustworthy.

Also of importance, though obvious… Completely anonymous and no "le reddit downboat" button. You can not be silenced unless you're flagged by lots of users. No censorship except the very basic.

'S why I said you might have to axe some of it and reword it.

No actually kikes control Wikipedia through the SJW moderator cabal.

It occurs to me that we could completely remake Craigslist into a Holla Forums stronghold before the Jews even notice. SRS, CTR and other shill organizations have virtually no presence there because the site is considered so insignificant (yet it's still hugely popular with normalfags). Bumping for a fantastic idea.

It's insanely popular with normalfags.

If you're not on Goybook, if you don't post to Reddit, no matter who you are, you use Craigslist or you have browsed it for something. Hell, it's almost as normalfag friendly as Google.

To me, it looks like we keep going for the heavily fortified outposts, but they've left the gates unlocked and the guards are sleeping at the command center. It's time to ambush it and claim it for our own.

We should begin setting up craigslist raids.
I'll set up a Vancouver one tomorrow.


I was thinking we could coordinate attacks.

If one of us took two cities each and posted to them, we could really put a sizeable dent into it.

The rants & raves section is basically half-chan Holla Forums. Constant shitposting from the left and right in 1 place.

But the shitposting is grandpa-tier. It's pretty much one dude in all caps talking crazy about armageddon and another nu-male posting buzzwords from his Gender Studies classes.

But us… We're battle-hardened.
And have a look at what we consider assets. The left has reddit, tumblr, facebook, pretty much all social media.
We have the chans, the comments sections of news articles and that's pretty much it. I think we need to take craigslist from the unwashed normalfags and add it to places where the extreme right thrives.


This is a pretty good idea. I have only one question: does it violate the Prime Directive?

Absolutely it does. But we need another home and a normalfag-friendly place to drop the best of our information.

Some of the most intelligent and thought-provoking things I've read about race, religion and politics have come from Holla Forums. The only negative is that only people who agree get to hear about it. We never reach the normies because they're shielded by liberal censorship. We can't find the normies on reddit or other forums because we're banned and censored before a logical discussion can even begin. Reddit is obviously a lost cause. We'll never take reddit until it dies, like Digg.
So that leaves Craigslist and the chans. We already own the chans, but it's not enough. We need to bridge the gap between us and the normies. The left is winning the game of internet territories and we need to take one of them. Craigslist might be the Baltic and Mediterranean, but I think we need it.
Think of how efficient memes will be spread.

Usually it goes Holla Forums ->4chan ->reddit ->goybook ->normalfags

We can streamline the process by going
Holla Forums -> Craigslist ->normalfag

And holy shit, will there ever be an easier raid? Nobody even cares about Craigslist. But they will when we have it. You bet your fucking ass they will care when our beliefs are plastered all over craigslist for everyone and their brother to see without contest. They'll fucking care and it'll be too late.

We should make paste bins regarding topics such as black lives matter, rotherdam, Canadian refugee crime and how much money has been spent on them, who's funding ISIS, that one's guy who's grant was cut due to it being to white and how that was views as a "threat to the state", south African firefighters, how mcmurrey was left to burn. TPP, etc.

Arguments for traditional gender roles, firearm statistics, the daily migrant attacks in europe, definition of refugee, how protectionist economics lead to buying and selling power increases (Henry Ford's good for this one ).

Yes, this raid, though it will feel like the Yankees versus a little league team, needs to be quick, concise and we need all the material to be on hand.
I'll start working up some material, we'll make this easy.

say you wanna bang over 30's and pay for them to not work.

Craigslist is all people looking for buttsex and furniture.

I lol'd

I love the smell of victory in the evening.

nice dubs, here's who we're working with


I love it. When grandpa starts goybooking and chain-mailing our memes all over the nursing home, we will have covered new ground.

This is what Shackleton felt like.

Also, I fucking kek'd.

My sides have orbited.

Fucking lol

Actually brilliant idea

today, op was not a faggot.

So we just do this on missed connections?

What about rants and raves?


Rants and Raves is what we're after. Missed connections is going to be tricky, but we should do it anyway. It's pretty hard to get flagged in missed connections.

Don't fuck with the for sale section because that will get you banned. Casual encounters, too.

here's those, and some other pics in my media folder

we truly are Trump's Goebbels, let's fucking do this.
someone else in my area already took care of black crime infographics.
let's start with heavy ammo on kikes.

spread AWM shit and merchants on craigslist

i noticed this on jewbook. I sometimes call out some cuck or femicunt because I get so TRIGGERED i cant help myself. I wont log on for days, then suddenly I have dozens and even somtimes HUNDREDS of likes all from 25-35 year old women. and I get pretty edgy too. It confused me at first but I realized tons of normies that know nothing about reddit or cuck bullshit on chinese image boards like strong opinions from men that seem to know what their talking about even if its edgy as fuck.

another here


Hillary on the stairs picture.

That's an awfully steep sun angle for February in the northern hemisphere..Where and when was the picture taken?

You probably need to update the chart, stuff like Ailes is out of date now

Should focus our efforts particularly in contested/swing states, but it is a great idea

I thought /bane/ is the highest scorer

Absolutely, I have a vested interest in Michigan, but we need Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Florida.'s stated in the picture?

some race and crime stuff



Might wanna look up the definition of subvert mate


Yes… please dump. Even if you think it's obvious shit that we've all seen, remember that normalfags get their news from CNN and have no idea what the world is like.



economic migrants

trying to include both informative articles with stats, and quick-and-easy stuff

Also… Hit San Bernardino and Orlando with Muslim stats. Tons of fags in both areas that could vote Trump if they feel he'll keep them safe from the shitskins.

Hit Texas with immigration stats.

Hit the former industrial cities like Pittsburgh with NAFTA and TPP information.

Hit the bible belt with fags and trannies.

Each area has its own niche to get our foot in the door.

Jeeebus, I lost my shit with these.



My family in a nutshell

muslim shit in general

Jeeebus, I lost my shit with these.


*wrings hands Jewishly*


Fuck yeah make this a thing


Jews call it babba kamma mudslimes call it Taquiyya both are the sleeper agent underground sect doctrines that allow a semite to do anything to throw off suspicion in order to subvert further, even if it's incredibly blasphemous like snorting cocaine off a whore's baconwrapped cleavage.
If it benefits pisslam or kike rites it's holy fullstop

Surrey is pretty redpilled, just needs a bit of poking and steering onto a better path, try there first.



some america related muslim shit

Post pages from the talmud, especially the ones about rabbis marrying 3years and one day old girls. THAT will be a super slam to the normie guts. Will post in reply once I get them.


finally, some juden



Found them.


here's the rest and an image on economics



Evalion had a good video on homosexuality.

Recently trannies got allowed to compete against women in the Olympics, that could work too.

I understand that jews are behind the mass migration of mudskins to europe, but why? What is their motivation?

Surely it cant be revenge for what the germans did to them? They cant be that petty.


Terrence Popp did a very well sourced video on trannies, and included disturbing visual imagery involving a sausage and a melon baller in how the surgery actually works irl
It's worth a watch

was meant for

that fourth image would be a beautiful meme if it listed sources

Another good idea:

As I said, the "for sale" section is locked down for only sales. Or is it?

Make a fake ad for something really cheap with the redpill dropped inside the ad.

Example: a 50 inch HD Talmudvision for 75 bucks. In the ad, say you're selling it for such a low price because a nigger broke into your house and you have to sell it to survive, since he took all your valuable possessions. Normalfags love appeals to emotion. This will get a fuckton of traffic.

Selling a 2013 Cadillac for 5 grand? Sure you are… But it's priced that way because you have to move immediately. Your daughter was raped by refugees.


Craigslist is already full of this, it's 90% scams. If you do a scam to redpill you'll likely just look like a regular scam, but not do it with the street techniques to prevent getting busted

tldr: do this and a cop is going to think they actually busted a regular craigslist scammer that they never get to bust

How will they bust you?

Don't respond to the emails. You put up the ad, drop the pill inside and you don't answer any emails about it. They'll assume it's sold or you changed your mind. That happens just as often as scamming. It's not illegal to post an ad and then "change your mind."

short term, create civil unrest to justify more state control and further leftist policies

intermediate term, to destroy Christianity

long term, create a mongrel mixed-race of low IQ idiots who have no cultural or racial identity to tie them together, thus making the state their only shared bond. easier to rule over.

that's a fairly large dose of redpill to swallow though, considering your target audience here.


You're not going to convince somebody with a "item for sale" type ad. They're just going to be pissed off when they can't get the item, and report it to police as they do nonstop considering nearly everything that looks like a good deal on craigslist in most markets is a scam now.

And when you figure it's mostly black males, that narrows it down even further.

dropping normie friendly redpills.

Last one is the best one.

True, but if you're good, you've made them read your propaganda.

I'm not sure if you understand how Craigslist works. What will they report? The only info they have is an anonymized email address.
>"Yes, is this the police? I've got a hot one for you! [email protected]/* */ is trying to scam us by faking the sale of a car!"

Yeah right. Stop concern trolling. It's a good point that they may get pissed, but I think you're stretching it on the whole "getting busted" thing.

First one links the Talmud to all the pedo filth on MTV

They've had it in for the Germans for far longer than you'd think. Jews believe that Germans are the secret descendants of Canaanites and that they must be completely wiped out for their messiah to come. This has been their belief since at least the 1600s, since Johann Eisenmenger studied the Talmud and wrote about it in his book "Judaism Unmasked".


I think that says "goy", goy.
Mind you, is that a term bluepills are going to understand?


This thread deserves a sticky, this has huge potential and will most likely expand our community, and therefor our ideology.


The guy who helped to start off the whole "gender as a social construct" bullshit is a redpill all his own:

Here, have some coincidences.

Jesus christ a vancouverite who isn't a cuck

Man you need to look up the valley at the dumb shit they're talking about.


Careful not to overdo it, though. If somebody starts seeing this stuff all the time, they'll write it off as bunch of cranks desperate to shill a position. Low down the table, but still fairly prominent, has more of a "stumbled upon forbidden knowledge" feel to it.
Also a few media scare stories about the the far right have "moved" to Craigslist after being "kicked out of" Twitter and Facebook, and the lockdowns will start.





Suicide should be negative points. Survival should be positive points.




I don't know how 4U9525 will work for me





What's the sauce on the second picture?

>message with your favorite super hero or villain

Someone should send her the most shitlordy super villain with real life statistics about races and stuff. (((Marvel))) has done like 3 villains with Trump's policies so far.

Nice idea, make it a priority to warn about racemixing, look at this coalburner desperately trying to get a white man now that she's used goods. Despicable


This might be surprising to younger people on Holla Forums but a lot of old democrats are every bit as racist as we are and not in the cuckservative, "T-The liberals are the real racists way" but in the "Yes niggers really are more likely to commit crimes" way. I work with an older man in my office who's a democrat but has had plenty of rants on niggers, he's a democrat because he's pro-unions and pro-environmentalism. Basically imagine taking the economic policies of Holla Forums and the racial politics we have and you'd have him.

He was a big Bernie supporter, but bitched about how Bernie handled BLM, and is now supporting Trump because, and this is a direct quote, "Trump will put those niggers and spics into place. Plus even if he's a billionaire his policies are still more favorable to the working class than Clinton's, he actually seems to give a damn."

Gee I wonder why.

Its a two pronged attack. If we don't fight it then they muddy up our countries by idiotic shitskins that are easier to prevent from resisting. Terrorist attacks don't really count as resisting as they don't give a fuck what happens to plebs as they're safe in their little gated homes and resort islands. The second prong is that if we do get pissed off we'll be more likely to go along with things like invading Syria/Iran so they can follow through with their greater Yinon plan. Never ever fall for the shills who try to say that talking about jews to normalfags should never be done because unless the masses are redpilled on kikes we're fucked regardless of which direction is taken.

Which is why it'd be a shame if some loons started climbing up george soro's walls, or hillary's walls, to explain to them the folly of their policies.

Not that I would ever advocate such action but if some crazy extremist were to do anything like that people like Gates would be a better target.

A part of me feels bad for her.

But I'd never cuck for a coal burner.

Full blown redistributive communism? No thanks.

Here's the updated version.

well thanks guys, I accidentally clicked missed connections and now I have to gangbang a chick.

I didn't say it was admirable just pointing out that there's plenty of racist democrats too, so being a tree hugging liberal and hating niggers and spics isn't incompatible.

It's almost like they're doing it wrong.

Loving the environment and being racist are not mutually exclusive. The National Socialists in Germany instituted many environmental protection laws and regulations.

But to be perfectly honest, the fact that there are any racists who still identify as democrat is idiotic. Don't they realise that that shitskin infested party is actively trying to destroy their entire race?

anyone else have a friendly neighborhood cuck?

would you still follow the prime directive if the Borg soros, Klingon ISISand Romulans SJWs were attacking at the same time on the Federation, and you needed new planets and warriors desperately just to survive?

Sometimes you need to break the rules to win, user.

Captain America comes to mind, although a part of me wants to find out if they're a paki and how I can double the asshurt

Here's the "A Great Man" story without the faggotry.


I find it incredibly hard to believe that normalfags messaged you in waves, especially women, telling you that women should be housewives and such. You did not provide screenshots of those messages, and if that actually did happen, I can only assume they were washed up former sluts and whores who are now in the "I need a real man/good guy to come save me from myself" phase of their lives.

I'll be dropping a few videos that redpilled me on the banking system, which led to me becoming a lolbergertarian, and then a son of the west

It helps redpill normies when you use cutish cartoons, especially when their young/uneducated

polite sage because yt dump

I used this video to redpill more educated friends on the fed and money in general.

but it spreads the lie that JFK tried to end the fed.


What does that prove? I'm not trying to provoke a fight here, user, but you have not proven anything. The third and fourth screenshots are very true in general though.

Ok… You wanted screenshots that women were emailing me about my posts. I gave them. What more do you want?

But JFK was a bad goy :^)

I wanted screenshots that proved that people, especially women, were messaging you, and agreeing with you that feminism is corrupt and that women are better off as housewives.

I also believe that feminism is degenerate, but I would never expect normalfags to do what you said they did. I don't believe it.


JFK was killed by Mossad because he wanted to investigate and open up Israel's nuclear program

The first one tells me nothing, the second one is from a BDSM degenerate. Those people are scum, filth, trash, human garbage. Like I said above, it wouldn't surprise me if these are former sluts and whores that are looking for a "real man" and a "good guy" now that their biological clock is ticking.

Ok dude… Then don't participate. Nobody is begging for your cooperation.

I'm aware. But this is an anonymous board and this thread is open to anybody. Perhaps you would do well to inform yourself about the types of people messaging you here. Not all women are bad, but many are, and the ones that specifically go on about "traditional gender roles" are walking red flags. Especially if they are BDSM sluts.

Breivik gets bonus points for not having a life sentence.

I am not going to date them. I just want to shift the way they feel about society and politics. I could care less what they like to fuck. This is about something bigger. This is about imposing our will and creating a status quo that doesn't accept feminism, cucks, niggers or illegals.

His counter was always that the republicans weren't any better and used things like Reagan's immigration policies and people like McCain to justify that. He's not really wrong there. I mean he's supporting Trump so its not like he's a total lost cause.

to ease into the jewish question, play up how the orthodox jews hate israel zionist jews, just link to the demos they have against them. Let the kikes do this part for us.

I don't understand the kid bonus.

If you don't kill kids, le supreme gentleman gets +10xp. But if you kill kids, you get one point for each? So the only way to get the kid xp bonus is to kill more than 10, otherwise kill none?

President John Kennedy was anti-white and a genocidal monster to the core. #WhiteGenocide

The bill was called for by President John F. Kennedy in his civil rights speech of June 11, 1963,[7] in which he asked for legislation "giving all Americans the right to be served in facilities which are open to the public—hotels, restaurants, theaters, retail stores, and similar establishments", as well as "greater protection for the right to vote". Kennedy delivered this speech following a series of protests from the African-American community, the most famous being the Birmingham campaign (including the "Children's Crusade") in which students and children endured attacks by police dogs and high pressure fire hoses during their protests against segregation. Following this a wave of black riots swept the country in spring 1963, and the racial tensions moved Kennedy to action.[8]

Emulating the Civil Rights Act of 1875, Kennedy's civil rights bill included provisions to ban discrimination in public accommodations,

Policies for the "assimilation" of non-whites into whites is White Genocide.

Duly noted, user. Best of luck to you. It's painfully obvious though how many women in western society are being fraudsters so they can fool traditionalist men. It seems to be very common in this era we're living in. Every man worth his salt would do best to realize how to spot these fraud women. The ones that are legitimate are easy to spot, they stick out like sore thumbs.

Good stuff. Ty.

Here's an entire 7z full of nigger-on-white killings and some infographs. info.7z

Alright mate, gonna have to ask yah to stop raight there! Stealing /bane/ memes is an act of terrorism, now put the meme back where it came from an no one gets hurt

Seconded. Must read the rest of this.

Shit like #4 always gets me in the mood to hit the gym. Fuck yes.

ty for sharing this info. Holy shit this guy is incredibly evil.

Remember weev's RACE approach. You can google it to find out about it.

Just thought you might like to read this exchange I had with a bugchasing faggot last night. I always thought that retards who think facts are racist were mostly just a tiny minority. Turns out, they're probably not. First pic is the ad this asshole got shitter shattered about. Second is obviously the emails.

Yes that's a great intro video.

All Wars are Bankers Wars is another gem.

These topics are slippier than a slip 'n slide on a hot August day.

Kek sorry, I didn't see that you already embedded this video.

never thought to use craigslist for good, only thing i ever used it for is trolling hookers, recently sent a fat one a text just saying "fat asf" and had about 30 raging texts an hour later

When the early pioneers and settlers arrived in America, they found a land unfamiliar to them in a place far away from home. There were savages, wild animals and unfamiliar terrain.

Within a short span, they tamed the land and made it into where we live today.

Craigslist if full of savages, homos, dykes and assorted queers. We must tame the land and settle it for a new home. For the white race. For the November election, to preserve our way of life. Make Craigslist Great For Once.

Good thread, glad to see Holla Forumsacks thinking outside the box on spreading info.

a group of anons started working on Pinterest (yes, "home design and inspirational quotes" Pinterest) a few months ago, it's been proceeding pretty well. The "outdoor and hiking" sections are stealth /k/ with a ton of survival and sthf stuff masquerading as handy infographics for when you go camping. So this kind of project can definitely work.

Get a load of this shitlordette.

yes. Kennedy was a anti-white bastard. I wasn't defending him.

It's obviously from a woman who wants to have a normal life and is horrified that having a normal life is considered a "kink" by BDSM people.


it really blows my mind that people feel compelled to respond to strangers on the internet like that, but then I remember that I post here.

it appears to be "Resistance to Tyranny: A Primer" by Joseph P. Martino.

ISBN-13: 978-1450574280

he actually admits all his gay friends regularly engage in anonymous sex, as if this is a normal thing that everyone does.
perfectly healthy, just normal people!

We should be celebrating this healthy and diverse lifestyle, though!

they got ties to the CIA bro

get rid of the eternal anglo, as america is the world's most potent source of jihad

Can I get those stats on fags?

420/pol/ hates them. They think its proof that the "alt-right" can't into humor

No, you tard, that study found their brains to be intermediate between male and female brains. Which is what previous studies have generally found, with some studies finding particular areas of trans brains to actually match their gender of identity and others not.

Child predators
fags fuck everything

Thanks man, perfect timing, I'm in an argument with a normie friend right now.

Here… Take this…

Study conducted that shows kids from fags and dykes are worse off, develop more mental illnesses and end up on welfare more.

"But who are they hurting tho!??!"

Their fucking kids.

Forgot link because i'm a faggot.

Nah, we still hate you chaim, even more than the muslims.

Meh, I hate them equally.

Sand niggers are retarded, backwards faggots that get used as pawns by the kikes and they're more than happy about it.
They suicide bomb and rape children.

On the other hand, you've got kikes. They rape children and kill in Palestine and own the world's money.

The best case scenario is watch them destroy each other over some fucking piece of desert. It's like watching two niggers fight. Doesn't matter who wins, but they both should die.

Since we're already on the topic of redpilling normies through stats, studies, and dank memes, can we work on our ammunition?

As much as I love infographics, those are better suited to cater to the more internet-savvy of folks. So I would love more stuff like this in order to save it into a .txt document and have solid backup for arguments when the need arises. I named the newly made one 'Rasons to hang fags'

There used to be a cool site called that functioned as a search engine for studies that shit on the progressive narrative. It came in handy when argiing with libs, but it has sadly been offline for months

I think its funny how the average IQ of Philosophy Majors is almost 130. Guess all that intelligence is going completely to waste.

Oh well, at least anything's better than gender studies or sociology

mfw we turn Craigslist into a respectable business site.

I think this should be a weekly thing. I want a folder for all the stories we'll make.

If the thread dies or maxes out, I'll start a new one with the stories and I'll try to consolidate talking points and fact sheets and sources in the OP. I already dropped my first Uncle Adolf pill and it was reposted by someone else, though they labeled it "Neo-Nazi post."
Hell, if they're that comfortable swallowing the fact that "ebil Natzees" post, this shit is really going to be easy.

If I see it, I'll bump it.


I hate them, my hatred is perfect.


Nice, but doesn't this Jewess have an office phone number? Should have given it.

Calls from weirdos for days…

I was looking through my local listings to see if there's any of you glorious faggots near me, and found this gem that's almost a month old.


See what I mean? Craigslist is basically ours. The normalfags on Craigslist are a funny bunch. You're either a literal faggot looking for AIDS or you're pro-white and pro-family and basically pro-Trump.

We just need to chase out the degenerates. It's not like Reddit where we are up against a fuckton of dirty mods, downboats and censorship.

What craigslist is missing is intelligence. 99% of those who would agree with us have poor writing skills and can't stay on point long enough to have an impact and of course the humor is grandpa-tier and their maymays are fucking garbage.

But those things are our strong suits. We write well, make good points, we know where to find the information that supports our arguments because we have the truth.

Craigslist is practically begging us to come and make it interesting. And the user base reaches millions more than Reddit, Huffington Post or Tumblr. It's so obvious that we should have mounted the attack long ago.

Top vid, though I'm only two thirds of the way through and need to go out. It comes so very close to naming the Jew, but doesn't quite get there. Still, anybody with any intelligence will soon work out what it's getting at for themselves.
Mind you, the short aside about "dangerous GMO's and fake global warning" could poison it, knock them on the head and both cuckservatives who still hate "the fed", and liberal pacifists, could begin to be swayed by it.
I might have a go at an edit myself at some point. Only have to cut a few seconds of audio and rejig the images.

psychopathy is treatable

HIV isn't deadly.

Faggot lifestyle is deadly.

Outstanding user.

You are a Craigslist soldier and you are changing hearts and minds.

Anyone third party who followed that exchange just had their life changed.

Faggotry is now prevalent on every single normie sitcom on every channel.

Keep getting after it, you have skills.

Gas yourself.

I met my gf five years ago on Craigslist. It's really not a bad service. Ask me anything on the subject. I'll just get a few things out of the way:

here's some muslim related links. i haven't checked any personally, read the link before you use it

Pew Research (2007):

stuff about one-in-five rape and pay gap. again, read link before use

One of the the original sources of the 1 in 5 raped figure today is just another version of the original (oldest) 1 in 4 figure from around 30 years ago in a Ms Magazine article in 1985 where it got a lot of attention. They published data by a woman who conducted a vague survey in 1982 with a really small sample size. Now here is a link below by the Bureau Of Justice showing that since 1994 rape has declined by 60%. However this did not stop the 1 in 4 or 1 in 5 raped myth. Some people are even suggesting that its 1 in 3 that will be raped.

The survey asked indirect questions and the survey giver made their own conclusions as to what was rape and was not rape regardless of if the person answering said they were raped or not. For example, having a drink and then consenting to sex was rape. Regretting consenting sex in a one night stand was also rape.

So what is going on? Sensationalist garbage being pushed with an agenda, misleading and vague interpretations of figures questions and answers, and a very broad and loose definition of what counts as "rape"

The most accurate information on rape statistics is about 1.8 in 1000. And lets not even get started on false rape reports by conniving cunts.

More links,8599,2015274,00.html Wage Gap Final Report.pdf

some israel links

Up to Six Mass Graves Discovered in Jaffa, with Hundreds of Victims from 1948

Mass Graves Discovered In Jaffa Containing Palestinian Bodies Predating 1948 Arab-Israeli War

The Anti-Defamation League: Covering Up Racism and Israeli War Crimes For Nearly A Century

Israel looking to mend ties with UN Rights Council, but says 'built-in discrimination' must end

Rachel Corrie, U.S. activist killed by Israel bulldozer, brought it "upon herself," court says

Palestinian children tortured, used as shields by Israel: U.N.

Israel’s use of white phosphorus confirmed

Israel: White Phosphorus Use Evidence of War Crimes

Mass grave uncovered containing dozens of Palestinians killed in 1948 war that founded Israel

finally, some general jew-related links
Israeli students to get $2,000 to spread state propaganda on Facebook:
Israelis taking courses on how to plant Zionist propaganda on Wikipedia:

Police force asylum seekers into buses back to detention:,7340,L-4466574,00.html

An array of Jewish groups urged President Obama and Congress to ease the path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants:

Jews Demand Open Borders for USA, But Use DNA to Keep Israel Racially Pure:

Testing immigrants for Jewish DNA before allowing them to settle in Israel:

Jewish group advocating for cultural enrichment:

Jewish Women's Group Head Among 100 Arrested At Immigration Protest:

Jews Unite Behind Push for Immigration Reform:

Israel Civil Marriage Ban Blocks Those Not Considered Jewish From Wedding:

Chabad: The most dynamic force in Jewish life today:

Rabbi: Intermarriage for you but not for us, goy:

Biden: Jewish leaders drove gay marriage changes:

Israeli parliament rejects gay and inter-faith civil marriage bill:

Top Rabbis in Europe: Wide-spread phenomenon of assimilation threatening the continued existence of Jewish communities:

Rabbinical Center of Europe (RCE), European Jewish Parliament (EJP), and the European Jewish Union (EJU) urge the Hungarian authorities to restrict freedom of speech to stop the spread of “racism” in that country:

ALCU: No Christmas for you, goy:

These are great, you're awesome. Gonna save when I get to my actual machine.

You anons might enjoy this. Pretty sure this faggot killed himself after these emails.
First is the post that got him in a tizzy. Second is the email exchange.

White female English Speaking Catholic.

Although it is surprising for a 2nd or 1st generation coalburner to shit out a niglet, due to the shame and Church.

That's a win in my book. Cheers m8 have some tits

How did people suddenly stop being Jewish from 2013 to 2015 between the images?

Oven dodgers sure love to break the noses off of statues.

These links seem familiar. Are you using the Redpills of Zion data? I know you are, they are even in the same order

I was hoping for more psychology studies and the like, but your contribution is greatly appreciated.

Here, have a study describing how western civilization is in decline:

Morpheus was the redpill dealer, not Neo.

Red-pilling is like martial arts in that no matter how many times you run a specific form, it is always different when you use it in a match or fight. Debating each other here is fine for general mastery of raw information, but without real world experience the general mastery undermined.

We need to send graduates among the blue-pilled masses. To do this we need a curriculum from which one may graduate. Graduation would be on the honor system. No tracking, no diploma. Your black belt test might be a live red-pilling in some hostile environment, with proof.Screencaps and such are great, but leave themselves open to subjugation and counterfeiting. To avoid this, sessions must be live-cast and unedited.

The forums are cuck central and regularly censor any non-approved opinion. They unfortunately have a process where people can "flag" off any opinion they don't like via multiple proxies and the mods are sacks of shit. I used to post there and got sick of being harassed by cuckservative normie faggots and censored when I responded because I didn't want to devote energy to creating multiple handles which you have to do to survive there. Take a look around, especially at the Job, Money and Politics forums to see what losers post there. If you had enough people or wanted to devote time to it you could take it over. It would be fun to fuck with those assholes too.

Never forget this either:

We should raid the discussion forums too.

Pakistan was never Hindu, that's bullshit.

Pakistan was mostly Hindu and Buddhist until the 700s. Hint: the HIndus Valley is in Pakistan.

Vancouver's CL is seething with rage and despondancy over the conditions wherein. They just need some good memes and some good truth. They just need to be taken up out of the darkness and into the light

If you image search that on google, there's a post about it on stackexchange and a hilarious, exasperated effort to debunk it by a community (((skeptic))).

Does anyone have some infographics about the Rotherham rape scandal that I can share?

easy enough to do. Both fox and brietbart generally cite their sources. just cite the original source

Pakistan wasn't even a country until 1947, and the Indus people and region were around for 2000 years before Hinduism.

1/10 made me reply

I did Rotherham and just used the original BBC article.

Even the BBC thinks it's ridiculous. And even liberal faggots think the BBC is some omniscient news source.


I had gay sex off of craigslist once. It was tops

John Lasseter is a Jew? According to wikike, he's a christian.


So I got the best gift a Holla Forumsack can get.

I got a death threat from an actual kike faggot. Been meaning to post it, but have been busy turning Detroit's RnR into this:

Great work, user.

Awesome idea OP bumping for exposure

If nothing else, this has definitely brought my debating skills up quite a few notches. Totally serious about that, too.
I thought I could probably hold my own in a debate with my collegefag friends, but now I'm absolutely certain I could fucking destroy them all.
I've had several series of debates via email and I just shit all over those cucks. Some were intelligent and tried the ol' "socioeconomic disadvantages" route and they got fucking smoked. Just fucking hammered.
On the bright side, if you aren't doing well, just stop emailing them. They have no idea who you are and you can choose the next city and git gud. Come back after you've honed your skills and kick the shit out of them.
This experiment has been completely satisfying. People are now shitposting on their own on Craigslist. It's been beautiful, but they just don't have the memes yet. It's getting there.


what is the balanced thing ?

This shit is lame. WNs and other such Far-Righters have been doing this for ages. The lowest hanging fruit, the easiest targets, the idiots, poor people and so on. In the end you end up with a flock of degenerates weirdos and misshaped freaks and it all falls apart because none of those people are capable of achieving anything.

When is someone going to step it up and become the white George Soros? When is someone going to step it up and become an actually rich successful person LIKE George Soros? That is the only thing that is going to help us right now.

Sure thing, shill.

When am I going to be on the Rothschild payroll and be a fucking kike like Soros? Never. Furthermore, those far-righters are doing an absolute shit job if they're on Craigslist. And you can gas yourself any time, my man.

No, he's right. For the most part except for the doing this for ages thing. In reality they did the exact opposite and went the intellectual route with organisations like Amren but failed. Meanwhile Holla Forums has done this barely in any time at all and made the largest gains of anyone but it'd be much easier if we had a big guy. If this was back in the old days we could have tons like Henry Ford on our side but it's not that easy anymore.

So we should give up because we don't have Henry Ford on our side anymore?
Also, if you wanted to, why not do some Holla Forums-tier posting on craigslist?
Are you saying we shouldn't have an outpost for shitposting, riling up and waking up some normies and dropping crime statistics and rape statistics to people who seem receptive to it? What the fuck are we doing if the object isn't to spread knowledge and shift momentum in our direction?

But we do have a billionaire. His name is fucking Donald fucking Trump. And until November, the focus is getting him elected, in case you haven't noticed. And yes, redpilling people on the refugee crisis when they've never even been exposed because they're normalfags of the highest order will help to do that. If you're too blind to see that this is beneficial, then you don't belong as a part of any movement to shift things toward national socialism.

I never said that because we actually made great gains. I am saying I agree with him that it would be easier if we had a big guy though. We've seen some interesting things in the past year alone like how many powerful people actually browse Holla Forums and how many are within all levels of law enforcement, government, business, etc around the world that are on Holla Forums's side and the things Holla Forums can get from them like even high security clearance documents. We might not have a big guy, but we have a bunch of guys and I have zero doubt we'll have more in the future. Surely enough, they don't like the direction society and their nations are going. Just let guys like OP have their fun and brush up on their skills.

I don't want a big guy to shape us. I want us to shape a big guy.

If we can spread our ideology far enough, we will attract a big guy. We probably already have a few "big guys" who aren't standing up because they don't see what we're capable of yet. Well, let's take it to the living rooms of most of America. We don't have to send them here, we don't even need to let them know about Holla Forums. The smart ones will find their way here. They always do. The problem is they don't know the first thing about the right.
This is a no-lose situation which could end up gaining at least a few more votes for Trump and each person that sees the light can plant 100 more seeds. And if Hillary gets elected, then I can't say I didn't do everything I could to stop it. This is better than bullshit phonebanking or goose-stepping through your town with your suspenders and wife beaters. I'm sorry, but you know I'm right. Intelligence and facts will win people to our side.

As for the failures of AmRen and whatever else alt-right-y thing you can think of, if they red-pilled just one person (and you know they helped a lot more than one person to see the light) then it was a success in my eyes. What the fuck have YOU done recently?



She has a nice case of diversity goggles right there.
