As sexually degenerate as me

not gonna post pics, promised her, other than that, AMA

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How big is her dick?

Are you a virgin as well?
How does finding her make you feel, is it a warm feeling?

it's really special, i thought all women were vapid whores but i found a kindred spirit, and yes i am a virgin

For your sake, OP I hope she's a Christian or something at least as decent otherwise she's going to go through "phases". One of those "phases" is likely to be "finding herself" which basically means finding herself on somebody else's cock.
Good Luck mang I hope she has a moral compass that surpasses superficial morality.

also let this serve as a message that there is someone out there for you guys, no matter how hopeless it may seem, just go out and look, you'll find them

Glad you can blogpost about your streak of good luck… for now.

i've made a vow that if i am to be cucked, i'll go out there and cuck them twice as hard with drunk stacey sluts out of spite, i'd never let me be uneven like that

you'll find it, i promise, just keep going at it. as for your anger and sadness, keep that shit buried and don't show self pity in the presence of any potential gf. if you're out looking for gf's look for the girl that looks bored/awkward. believe it or not online is a good way to find degen girls as well, the few that are on the internet, as long as it's not facebook/tumblr tend to be more what you're looking for. some girls might even find your anger hot

OP I'm so jealous

I'm jealous user, what you have hurts me.
How did you find each other?

are you looking for a partner to support so that they can stay at home?
I'm angry and sad as well
but I'm poor too

Thing is, I'm not young anymore. Also where i live now So Cal most girls out here are beyond bad. I have apartments in other states AZ and a house in Nebraska or I can even visit my friend in TN but it seems like i cant hook any girl from anywhere. It's funny because i asked a girl one time why women say they love to travel but yet when i tell them how much they can travel around with me they back off. She told me they like the ideal of traveling but don't actually want to do it. I do get alot of older women hitting on me now but i want kids of my own… So maybe it's not meant to be for me.

I like you, friend.

Staying positive is important. Don't let your happiness depend on having a biatch. You're only going to be attractive to them when you're super-comfortable with just being with yourself. Wrapped up in your own happiness and interests. They see that then they feel comfortable too.

how old are you? if you're 30-36 you're at the prime age for picking up teens if you want some virgin puss, if that's your plan check out the teen pickup thread. if you're looking for a degen girl you can bond with and you're in your 30s you might be pressed for luck since more sexually fucked girls tend to be younger, unless you can find a younger girl you can make an actual connection with.

Yes and also travel with me and help maintain the properties would be nice. But i can't find a good one and it seems most have nothing in common with me.

I don't. The problem is i would like to have kids so i can leave my wealth to them.
Thing is i've found most progress with women is when im a complete dick right in front of the guy they are hooked up with or dating at the moment. So yes i can take a girl away from a guy by just showing my cash and always having a good time but then i think "They are so easy to drop a guy, they would drop me also if given the chance". So it's bee a big turnoff for me and my respect for women is low.

I'm 31 but i have never been in a relationship. All i have done is build up wealth.
Thats one of my problems. Here in the states if i date a 19 year old i would be looked at odd. My sister married a Greek that is 15 years her age and it's normal over there so maybe i should just try to find a girl in Greece.

Sounds like a comfy life right there, are you unattractive or something?
Good people are hard to find, what kind of weird stuff are you into?

you could always adopt and love your kids without a harlot tying you down

i just found out she does drawings and shit and they're great, she's artsy as fuck
we even enjoy the same music
this is a great lull period
all is good and i haven't been this happy in a while

we met on a discord server, there's about 500 people in it and i know there's at least 3 girls on there excluding mine, if you want i could give you the invite link pls no ban me dysnomia


it's a discord with a mixmatch of 4cucks, some normies and us extreme cooldudes, so it should be pretty ok, but seriously you can just strike up a conversation with someone and they won't think twice

guys i'm gonna post it anyway
don't tell dys
come have bants and shitpost with us it's fun
you might even get a qt twinkboy or even a gf
ask for tummy when you join and you'll see how easy it truly is

That server is fuckin' dead.

it most certainly is not, also it's 5am for most there, now drop in and say hi so we can strike up a conversation


trust me this is the first time i've shilled here, there's other faggots who do this shit far more than me, and it's fun here don't bully and let's get back on topic.
you can do it! get that gf buddy!

Disgusting. If that's what it takes to get one, then i'm fine alone.
Ah alright, well that's a little better but still.

She could be more landmine than goldmine. Be careful.