Holla Forumstox

Secure Instant Messaging and Group Chat for Holla Forums


The more places we go, the less power they have to shut us down.

Join our Holla Forums group chat. Tox is a secure program for message, voice and video communications.

For now we have a chatserver called groupbot. Here are instructions for how to join:

1. Install qtox or any other Tox client (antox doesn't support group chat), then add this ID (the Groupbot) as a friend


by clicking the + icon at the bottom left corner of qtox.

2. Wait a moment until Groupbot appears online. Every time you wish to join the chat room, send this message to Groupbot:

"invite 1 pol"

Optional: Set up Tox to use Tor for anonymity: wiki.tox.chat/users/tox_over_tor_tot

Shills can't handle real time bantz!

qtox github.com/tux3/qTox (recommended)

utox utox.org/

There are many other special snowflake clients as well.

Other urls found in this thread:


Holla Forums tox? More like Holla Forums dox!

gah, was going to same fag post to beat jew poster… they're fast!


thanks for the uid, how could it be a honeypot? it's just real time shitposting, any "real" shit is done elsewhere. if you can't protect yourself, you deserve a v8n ride.


but seriously, people posting things like
make more harm than everyone else, because they support current order

It's a protocol, user, and it's FLOSS. The sad thing about this is I'm pretty sure you're not a "shill" and a lot of users here expect to fight juden while being proudly dumbfuck retarded about technology. Visit Holla Forums sometime.

Nice image, saved.
This is wrong. Tox has zero servers. Groupbot is a bot client that maintains a list of groupchats and can invite you to them, like any other user. This way everybody can try Tox out with a bunch of people right away instead of getting together some friends just to see how groups are.
Seems like a minor thing, I know, but the beauty of Tox is its totally distributed nature.
I've found this to be true. Retards, shills, any sort of cointelpro is going to have a much harder time formulating arguments in a live chat filled with other users who know their shit.

Note to the public: Tox does "expose" your IP, because it's P2P. If you're uncomfortable with that (like me) you can use Tox over Tor, as you would with anything else you want to anonymise. Instructions here:

Happy toxing.

Well gee willikers, who knows?
I completely forgot that it is entirely impossible for an malicious organization to set up their own place to shitpost and then gather data.
I already don't like using this place (thanks Jim), I don't need to take on more risk.

What's a technology?

dude Holla Forums is a honeypot

you are giving me secondhand embarrassment, user, please stop this

how come the fucking group bot is impossible to message someetimes

I assume you mean the Protocols of Zion, shlomo.

give me da aids, wtf the fuck are you saying? reality and you're ideals don't match, why should i take you ideals as something more plausible than what i see?

Genius. Use a VPN. Or tox over tor.

It amazes me how retarded you all are.

REEEE someone answer me

seriously nigga get the fuck outta h8chan if you are too stupid to operate a fucking computer.

I'll be waiting in the chat window


post your tox id here, someone will invite you




Have memes gone too far?

Your "posts" are encrypted in ToX. So while they can know who and when they can't know what.

the worst thing about tox is that it transmits messages to OTHER USERS OMG


Tox is a honeypot and your ip will get hacked if you use it! I know you dumb goys can't figure out how to use Tor or a VPN, r-right? Better stick to safe alternatives such as irc because you can totally trust the network admins to keep your pms safe! Oh and make sure to check out some other kosher alternatives such as cyberdust(tm), discord(tm), and telegram(tm). Did I mention that Tox is also a virus? Stay away! Oy veyyyy

Most tinfoil fags are shills trying to trick retards, I'm sure (((he))) knows what he's posting is nonsense.

guys, you waste your time. Pe/pol/ple are not clever enough for anything other than chatroulette

gotta try on krautchan boiz

You are probably using Tor in which case just reconnect. Since Tox is peer to peer you need to establish a direct connection with each user in order for them to appear online. Or in the case of using Tor / tcp-mode, all of your traffic is being funneled through a Tox 'supernode' which functions as a bridge to the clearnet clients, its sort of a workaround for Tor's shortcomings, namely lack of udp support. This often times makes it take much longer for connections to be established. It's just a trade off for better security. Get used to it, or shell out for a VPN.

If you make a thread make sure to tell us about it so we can keep it bumped.

By the way, any toxcore instance can function as a "supernode" and normal clients simply don't because that would be idiotic on a home connection.
If you want to run toxcore in helpful mode, serving as a TCP relay and permanent bootstrap node, (think running a Tor relay or exit node), you can do that:

If anyone is interested in data mining apps and still insist that they give a damn about your privacy heres a handy list.

Seriously, nigger?

I deletd tor a long time ago. And I2P is dead as a door knob.

Thats not the entire thing. Here is the link to the actual website.

Also check out these sites.

It is worth mentioning that a lot of us are into the esoteric/occult. Book related:


By "a lot of us" you mean "one guy (me)"

I tried that before and It would connect for some reason, is there a Holla Forums discord?

What's with this autistic obsession to have open discord for every board?

Discord servers won't work just like teamspeak serves. Having one for Holla Forums is a baaad idea. Every single channel/server turned into a autistic shitshow.

Also Tox is still compromised.

I like discord because I can easily have it in my browser and have control.

Discord is garbge as they openly monitor/sell your data. I refuse to touch it. What happened to the old days of Ventrilo?

Every one of your posts in this thread is irrelevant rage.

Oh, user.


Not if you go through Tor, fagit!

There is the Holla Forums mumble, which is like a better, open source version of vent. Never been there personally because i am reluctant to do voice chat with strangers but it is still active according to what some anons on Holla Forums said.

btw tox is supposed to be a no bully zone, so please be courteous

tox is only useful for people you already know, if literally anyone can stroll in here and join there is 0 point whats more they will harvest all your IP addresses which your ISP can correlate with your name and address even if it's variable and they will break their own rules and provide the minute someone mentions the word "nazi"

Then use tor you useless sack of shit. Good luck on your epic daily battle with the jews that control the whole world and media when you can't be assed to learn to use computers.

Shut the fuck up, meganekko.

gas yourself kike!!!1

NightOwl will never fuck you

This is NightOwl you dumb fuck


hermeticism will never fuck you

Neither will anyone else.


How can i be sure this is actually secure

Pretty sure this is just a honeypot, but fuck it, at least it doesn't seem too bad, not being instantly bombarded with CP is a good sign, although nobody seems to be active.

it's open source, go through the code yourself

I did some research, did you know he raped some girl who was converting to Judaism for her husband.

And you think that was enough?

Not like an organization operating a website would publicly release code but use different code on their website.

Probably the only way we on Holla Forums could have realtime live chat would be to hack the TOR network so that we could send our own encrypted bursts through it and/or do something similar with random VPNs. There are a lot of good networks acting as means of transport if we'd the time to use them.

this is why no one gives a shit about you retarded incompetent larpers

you will never be relevant because you are proud of your total lack of skills

spoonfeeding time:

You don't really know what you are talking about. Just stop.


I join the illuminati group on SoulSeek for good chats.