Czech anti-islam party stages a mock ISIS invasion, kikes triggered

Today this Anti-Islam party in my country staged a mock ISIS invasion, in the vicinity of the kike square, with Israeli tourists nearby. They pretended to attack and the kikes were triggered. Now its apparently some kind of big drama. Vid related

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Kike Aaron Günsberger who runs a kosher restaurant nearby was quoted as saying that Jews perceive these threats several times more strongly and how they caused great shame internationally to the Czech Republic

Christ… If any one else pulled this shit, there local "police" para military force would remove them.

I only wish other peoples had the balls to do such a thing.

Top fucking Kek. High quality bants.

The International Jew might be shoahed over this, but I think it's pretty god damn funny.

When I was in high school (9/11 period), the Jew kids would try to turn everyone against Islam (which was something unknown to us) and shill for Israel. Now that we're in deep shit with the muds, they're siding with them and bash Whites/Christians…with Jews you always lose, there's no way around it.


I lost my shit when they found a fucking camel.

Why do jews care if people are against Islam? I thought jews and muslims were enemies? Shouldn't they be happy that people are against Islam?

Oh wait………..

i guess i don't get what the big deal is…



probably a beer too many

Just a bit of fun, lighten up Chaim

have a Czech kike rubbing his hands after selling some kosher wine

Did you smash up his stand?

are anons posting this reddit tier shit to troll people into calling them ctr shills? I don't even know anymore.

the op is hilarious tho.

Nah, found it on this Czech kike eshop thats actually new shekel, lol.

Driving an American Hummer

very accurate

It is our government which funds ISIS and provides all the weapons they could ever need, yet somehow Russia is the bad goy.



I like how the media are saying that this play scared everyone shitless and caused injuries, but when you watch the actual video, everyone is just chilling around and having a good time except this one feminazi looking bitch shouting "xenophobe!" over and over.

Also they brought this goat, pretty great.

Czech em


I wish BIS, being a Czech company, would release an ISIS dlc despite the guaranteed backlash from leftists.

that's a fucking jew faggot tho


This is a step in the right direction, but with more westernization in Czech Republic relative to any other state in the V4 they better keep at it. Maybe an alliance with their Slovakian brothers in Kotleba's L'SNS could help.

To je mnoho dobre, very good lads
t. Polfag

Kinda reminded me of this.

Reminded me of these Swede shitlords blasting mudslime call to prayer in posh neighborhood at 6am. Top kek

ISIS has killed exactly 0 Israelis. Why are they scared?