The German Government is advising the country to store food for the first time since 1989.
Are they just being cautious or is there a happening around the corner?
The German Government is advising the country to store food for the first time since 1989.
Are they just being cautious or is there a happening around the corner?
could be trying to get the economy moving. what are interest rates in Germany right now? what does consumer spending look like?
Have you been living under a rock? they're being invaded as we speak.
There will be a night of the long knives, where Merkel and Juncker will remove all their critics and set up a new government. All media will be filtered and controlled, immigrants will be put into positions of power in the police forces and the military. Fuckin happening.
Nigger, how new are you? Germany has been occupied territory since the end of WWII.
I don't see your point here
You don't literally need to have non-Whites in positions of actual, visible power when the entire system is set up for their benefit. Any population that toils for the benefit of others is not a free one - exactly what happened to Germany after it lost WWII. They're still occupied territory, and the wealth they generate through their labor is extracted via taxes, which are split between elites, banks, and a danegeld paid out to a literal horde of invading mudpeople.
There are still signs of growing opposition like the AfD, which I can imagine the globalists would like to nip in the bud. What better way to achieve that than shutting down media platforms critical of the establishment and replacing authorities with non-native people?
I've got a theory, but at this point it's nothing but just guessing.
We know that Turkey recently demanded that the US hand them over the nukes that were stationed in their territories. US refused, and moved the nukes to Romania.
Sometime later, Biden (the guy with the nuclear launch codes) visits the region. While there, he goes to Belgrade and urges them to make peace with Kosovo. He also goes to inspect the troops stationed in Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo - the second largest (or the largest) NATO base in Europe. He also goes to Romania.
My guess? At this point, the nukes are armed. And they're in Kosovo.
We also know that, according to the news, that Pentagon recently "lost" 6.5 trillion dollars. That's almost three times as much they "lost" before 9/11 happened. So whatever is going on, it's going to be big.
Alongside that, there's that recent San Diego alarm on Facebook, in which an explosion gets reported. The explosion radius fits the size of an American nuclear missile (the ones launched from sea). Similar to the ones that were stationed in Turkey. And that Facebook requested that all people from the San Diego area "check in". No be safe, just an order - "check in".
Throw that in with the Germans advising that people store food and water. Facebook essentially became the service announcement where the bombs will go off, and they were checking if it works in San Diego. Germany also has the largest number of Turks and refugees in the region, most of which come through - you guessed it - Kosovo.
I hope I'm wrong, but Germany, you're about to be fucked.
Why would Germany get fucked though? Is it that much of a danger to the kike agenda that it's unreportedly going back to its nationalist roots?
If anything I'd be expecting that America would be getting nuked in certain areas for starting to go to its nationalist state and be rejecting the jewish influence. All they'd be doing is blaming it on Russia, or making up a story of the middle east seizing the nukes.
what would nuking germany do though? they are either going to nuke america or they are going to go full retard and nuke russia and blame it on america
Perhaps the idea is to supply the Germans with food if uncontrolled looting occurs like during an emergency. I am not sure about ranges but could the moved missiles be aimed at Ukraine in a false flag attack?
Germany received more than 1,5 million shitskins since the last year, they're getting fucked anyhow.
Turkey did an 180 in its politics regarding Russia and NATO. Erdogan is calling Putin his best friend and is even letting him build his gasline through Turkey's territory. He's considering taking an active interest in fighting the war in Syria.
NATO is crumbling. Turkey's all but left it, the only thing remaining is to sign the papers and make it official. And if Trump wins? NATO's gone. It's history. The only thing that could give it second wind is if there's a war with Russia - and you've undoubtedly noticed the insane push for it in the (((media))).
So the (((NWO))) needs a replacement for it. You remember how there were talks about forming an EU military? How that supposed EU military's going to be supranational? How the territories near the Balkans, Greece and Turkey were supposed to be the "border" zone where they'll be the most active?
Combine that with the happenings going almost daily in Europe. Especially Germany and France. You'll get the picture that the people are being groomed for war. Combine that with the fact that, each time such an attack happens (like Nice) all you get is the politicians in charge declaring war on some nebulous threat (the terrorists)?
Yeah. The (((NWO))) wants, through the EU, to create an army that will fight their wars for them. Of course, all the while, the EU countries will keep bringing in immigrants and terrorists. After all, how will you keep the populace in check if there's nothing they should fear in their midst?
Me and friend were discussing a similar topic user.
We both reach the conclusion that the next false flag is gonna be of biblical proportions, lately we have been seem the mainstream media pushing fear of ~ nuclear terrorism ~.
I would put my money in a nuclear false flag event, the elites in every country in the globe are becoming desperate.
Also, they will use PMC`s.
Germany is preparing its citizens for the total Communist takeover by the EU.
This is the next phase of the plan, the immigration phase is over.
That one is definitely happening. The question is where and when.
According to another thread, San Diego itself is also a high-possibility target. They've got reports of huge fires in the region, supposed ISIS sightings across the border, that whole emergency broadcast from Facebook and recently something that looks like a missile being shut down. And San Diego is also the place where a bunch of US submarines is stationed.
So it's entirely possible that San Diego might be the next target. That would also work better for the whole "declare war on Russia" false flag.
Either way, it would serve as second wind for NATO. They'll finally have a purpose. If it happens on US soil, expect ISIS to go quiet. If it happens on EU soil, we're going after them and the failing system gets to chug on for several more years in a continent-wide martial state.
Hint: The 'refugees' are the mercenaries who will be used to instil EU government in Europe. It will not be an islamisation. It will merely be communism 2.0
NATO is preparing conflict with Russia. This only is another step after increasing the size of the Bundeswehr and NATO training in the Baltic.
My money is on Ukraine border nuclear detonation. The Russians are ready to ensure that there is a buffer between themselves and the EU/NATO. It will happen on the Ukraine side allowing the West to claim Russia did it. The Russians will blame the west (justifiably so). NATO finds its purpose and a new cold war with Obama/Hillary at the helm. Trump will be condemned as a traitor by the media due to his "soft" stance with Russia. Votes will swing away from Trump (according to Hilary's boss' plans).
It will be in CA, that is for sure, but I deduce it will be a dirty bomb, or massive gun attack. For strategic and geopolitical purpouses, a nuclear false flag needs to be inside the EU, any place really.
War seems inevitable as of now.
The reason they want it is because it's one of the most industrialized sectors in Ukraine. Same with Crimea. The Russian would NEVER use that as a nuclear no man's land.
EU/NATO cannot allow themselves to appear as the antagonists. The EU/NATO don't need the people or buildings in Ukraine, only the physical location. I fully expect Ukraine to be sacrificed pawns.
The "missles" are actually gravity bombs. B-61 variants using dial-a-yield.
Interesting observation, and that makes it a perfect false flag target.
Thanks for the info.
I'd say more likely than a dirty bomb on US soil.
While a dirty bomb would be scary, I reckon a false flag gun attack would help Hillary's camp more. They could spin it according to Trump's second amendment comment from a while ago. A "redneck" militia attacks a major gathering of people (is there something big going on in SD soon?). Bonus points if the guns are provided by Russia.
Hillary gets to take away all guns, and if you refuse you'll be associated with said redneck terrorists and taken down. Boom, no more resistance for Hillary, and she even gets a legit reason why to seize guns. All gun owners are demonized as terrorists. A lot of the people who might get up and rebel are put under constant surveillance because of the gun attack. They can focus more on the shit going down in Europe, and the incoming war with Russia.
Side note, first guided B-61s were tested in July this year.
Is it still? Hasn't it been shot to shit?
What exactly are they after? The technically skilled workers? The machine tools? The rail lines? What sort of "industrial resource" is in Donbas that Russia wants so badly?
The next happening isn't going to be in America Goys, it'll probably be in Turkroachistan.
Coal, mostly. Over 10 billion tonnes of it. Supposedly 95% of Ukraine's energy resources depends on it.
Which means another way to combat the gas/oil that the Saudis are providing.
Deutschland must perish. That's the plan.
Keep an eye out for any Jewish exodus's out of major cities. It will probably be in Jewish only media if at all but it will be a major tell.
So does Russia want that coal just so that Ukraine can't have it? Seems a bit vindictive.
Russia surely has plenty of fossil fuels of their own. With that much land, they must surely be swimming in coal.
Imagine the position NATO would be in if it was capable of striking Russia with nukes in a 2 hour time frame compared to Russia's conventional missile 6 hr retaliation strike (I am unsure how far their ultrasonic missile systems has been rolled out). Due completely because it could get nukes closer to Russia's major centers as opposed to NATO ones. Add to that NATO's anti missile defense system and then NATO's military coercion on top of any economic one. This topic has gone off track from OP.
One could expect the rapefugees to loot the shops. If the German natives had prestocked food, they would be in better position to wait out the looting.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who digs through ebay for candid Nazi fotos
I thought all governments advised citizens to store at least a 3-day supply of food and water for disaster preparedness. The US has been doing that forever.
man city folk are pathetic…..
Praise Kek.
war. war has changed.
Praise Kek
Most if not all the rebels are tradesmen of all sorts, the industry itself has been fairly untouched by the war and even if said factories were bombed I'd assume they'd still be ready to crank out shit after a day of relining the electric grid like Krupp and friends did in Germany.
A retarded amount of Soviet production was done in the Donbass region, the coal and the salt that is mined there is a bonus on top of all untouched* industry. There is a reason why a Russian Empire/Soviet Union/etc cannot exist without Ukraine being a part of it and that reason is Donbass is the heart of said Empire etc.
*untouched meaning the Ukranians never did anything with it and let it sit after the fall of the SU
Practically zero.
Well fuck. That settles it, then. Saddle up, boys!
fucking idiots are too retarded to go Keynesian. They need Hitler. Lowering interest rates isn't stimulating investment (because of insufficient demand) but they cannot deficit spend bc muh European Union, so they're doing this to stimulate aggregate demand. I don't mean to downplay the possible happening, but dollars to dimes that's what's going on
People should be doing this anyway.
You're thinking France. We'll just store beer.
kek will betray you
Kek will fuck up your shit.
ahhh you think kek is your ally ?
You merely adodpted the kek
I was born in it molded by it
Nah, you're thinking too small. It's another gambit to expand their economic influence over Europe. Similar shit to the gaslines through Turkey / Balkans which ended up attacked by Albanians a while ago.
emphasis on mold
Oh my.
What do we have here?
Did you call my name?
The jokes on them, I always buy large amount of food in bulk when it's cheap, so I always have enough for atleast two weeks.
And civil war happens in the US.
If it doesn't happen sooner with BLM goons.
If this post get trips
The reason why Germany gov. advise people to stockpile food will be
WW3 Atomic war
wew lad.
That's enough time for the poor oppressed muslims to find you, kill you and your family and take your remaining supplies so Germany can be the Muslim country it was always meant to be to apologise for the 6 billion.
Praise Kek
Molon Labe.
Also, what guns? Every gun owner in CA is in the registry (happens with background checks for gun purchases), so if I'm not on the registry then I don't own a firearm.
Will you fucking pathetic Germancucks just fucking do it
It can't be that fucking hard
I know of you fuckers are crazy enough
VLC is cancerous trash, install mpv for god-tier video playing.
At this point they more or less deserve it. Top that with their French tier arrogance, I literally couldnt care these mongs wont exist soon
I want the race war to start and you should too
Does anyone have the recommended list?
Even Hitler was elected.
Give the Deutschbags some more time.
They have one assassination attempt on a govermental figure up on all the others, for example.
They also hold regular rallies and protests.
Order above all.
Killing Merkel at this point would cause a massive crackdown on any non left networks and she would just get replaced by some cuck, who will continue her policies
those dubs
low energy confirmed. you can't wreck the kek!
Thanks for the heads up, Kek.
Did a dog chase a pussy into a bush?
All wars are planned in advance and are stage managed. (At least in the last couple of hundred years.)
One of those articles is also talking about cyber attacks. That bullshit is being pushed ever more. They can blame quite a few things on a so called cyberattack, but any evidence is the digital, unverifiable, it practically becomes accepted evidence in the mind of the citizens through propaganda. (Such inside jobs probably also require significantly less people to be in on it.)
It was always the governments who pushed people into wars throughout history. What's up that fact? (And who's puppeteering them? And on the situation of shortages of goods and energy, it might be worth looking into what preceded some big revolutions in history. In more than on case food shortages. But who ran the grain trade for example? Cause it was run by merchants for a long time. But even not centuries earlier but around 2010-11, grain prices were jacked up, affecting the Middle East, prior to the Arab Spring. There are also some accounts that the grain was held back on ships. In certain aspects, we're still getting negatively affected of what developed out of that situation.)
Let's see what we have so far…
Yeah, they're already calling for an EU Army.
AfD is fake opposition.
They have literaly nothing exept for "NOT WHAT MERKEL DOES XD".
They are just another part of the game.
My grandad died a few weeks ago and he left us with a full trolley of beer cans so check.
You're a fool
Wait, a Western government (Germany, no less) is actually giving good advice to whites?
And that replacement would live in fear 24/7. If/when he or she drops, too, the next one in line will seriously doubt whether it's worth the risk. It has to be that way to prevent the sort of evil that's happening now.
Irlmaier predicted all of this tbh
This screams grey goo incident to me.
I highly doubt that any world government would have access to a weapon that sophisticated. It is true that many alphabet agencies have access to tech that's way more advanced than what many could fathom but we are only now starting to develop nanotechnology in the civilian sector. It's a field that is totally in it's infancy and could be five or more decades before anything like a grey goo weapon could be developed.
"The dust" sounds more like nuclear fallout to me. I honestly don't know why you people entertain prophecies though. I guess larping is still fun to some people.
Nukes (radioactive fallout) or bioweapon transmitted through air is more likely.
How much more ? If this keeps going every major city will have a muslim neighbourhood if isn't taken over completely.
And those are next to impossible to remove in times of peace because of the western idea of *order*.
This news combined with the mass amounts of flights from Turkey is more than a little unnerving.
I can't take this shit anymore. Are the Jews really going to set half this planet on fire just so they can stay in power?
Remember, Judaism is very close to an apocalyptic cult, much like the Neocons. They WANT this world to burn because it means they get to be with God.
Friendly reminder that nothing good will happen in Germany until there's a cultural change, not a political one.
Consider the fact that the only false flag that'd bait the westerners into war with russia/middle east is a nuke
Anyone caught stockpiling goods and supplies will be flagged as a volkisch and dealt with accordingly.