Mormonism General

Why aren't you a Mormon yet, Holla Forums?
Mormonism is the original communism.
Book of Mormon is communist propaganda comparable to the Bible and our early leaders were all communists.

Must read for all prole homies.

Patriarchy isn't communist.

Because religion is for those who cannot do philosophy. It has it's place… for second-fiddle, that is.

How do you mean?

In my own personal experience, Mormons have always come across and the biggest classcucks and Porkies.


They sure were big time commies when they were refusing to let black people in.

I'd rather be amish than mormon tbh

Hasidic Jews are more communistic than Mormons.

Oh hell, historical materialism has a ton of overlaps with the version of history described in the lurianic kabbalah, which Hasidim follow.

Tell me why Mormonism is better than Orthodox Christianity?
What does it say that Jesus didn't already?

Did anyone in your book go full anarkid and smash the trader's stools in the temple?

Muh native americans

So, Mormonism is directed to 'Muricans.

Ok. So why should I abandon easter orthodoxy?

Because the Jesuits did it better and earlier without the polygamy and fear of the incoming end.

*tips crown of thorns

*drips blood

In a nutshell during Nicaea council people made some mistakes and Joseph Smith undone them

*picks at flayed skin

Sooo… The Nicea council didn't include native americans?

Honestly though, this makes more sense than Protestantism.

Mormons had communistic leanings, but that role was purely historical, reinforced oppressive hierarchical social relations, and ONLY existed in-community. The modern Mormon church has little to do with that tradition, nor do we need an American-centric religion to piggyback on the communist movement in an increasingly secularized society.

It's like Christian communist movements and liberation theology: it has a specific time and place where it is pragmatic to use, but only as a means to an end to appeal to a demographic that might otherwise not consider the left "compatible." There is ZERO appeal to the LDC outside of SLC, and even there it's a dying tradition rather than growing on.


My mother's half the family are all LDS from the Salt Lake valley.

It's called Latter Day Saints, not "Mormonism."

And they do charity, not communism. They're pretty opposed to communism/socialism and very socially conservative to be quite honest- you'd probably have a bad time if you lived among them.

I am a Mormon, and pls do remember Eden is Iowa, and all other land is inhabitable wasteland intended for sinners.

Mormonism is the 5th stage of Marxist science (with maoism third worldism being the 4th)

Shit. I never thought I'd see the word "Patriarchy" on Holla Forums unironically.
Good Bye Holla Forums

You almost had it.