Alt-Right Comedy/Animation Creation

Sam Hyde is pretty inspirational. I'm a pro animator and am a semi pro comedian.

I'm wondering:

A) How the fuck did Sam Hyde get a show in Kikewood? Where I know personally, Jews run every fucking aspect of it and common knowledge was you had to partner with a kike if you are a goy to pitch a show.

B) What kind of animated comedy would Holla Forums want to see on Jewtube?

I'd like to start making animation on JudenTube, but I want to drop subtle redpills like MDE World Peace, not be overtly 14/88 and shit.

What would you guys want to see? Maybe it'll get on a Kike cable network for keks.

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Murdoch Murdoch is great. His most recent vids are kind of shitty, but his early stuff is great.

you should probably just ask him

maybe its because it would create controversy, which would presumably cause people to watch it

An animated comedy about shitskins being shit, kikes being Satan spawn, cucks being cucks, etc. backed up by rigorous citations. That last part is important.

Like if somebody brings up nigger crime statistics have a citation actually pop up over the video.

That cartoon where he gassed Pierce and said there was room in the Alt-Right for kike faggots like Milo was pure cuckoldry.

Some of Murdoch Murdoch's new stuff is breddy gud. Hit and miss but I enjoy the content overall.

Make something yourself first.
If it's good then you get the accommodations (and further recommendations).
If it's shit then we laugh at you.
Don't make us your "ideas guy", especially in comedy because then the jokes aren't "yours" and then you're not inherently funny.

Post OC sketches.


I think MDE got the show because they are post-ironic, so it sort of slew under the radar. That or the execs who made the decision just never took the time to look up anything else Sam Hyde and MDE had ever done.

How about an "All In the Family" in reverse where "Archie" is an old liberal sociology professor and "the Meathead" is a race realist shitlord?

You're not any better.


The Alt-Right is mainly a reddit movement, so that makes sense.

See these dubs right here? Check them, for they tell the truth.

I'm pretty sure they were pitching shows or some shit. There was a noticeable spike in quality for a time as they became more serious about it. They were also very active in public.

Just watch their shit. You can observe their evolution as they went from shitty youtubers to beyond adult swim quality.

This is a good idea.

Ch-ch-check these out

A political scooby-doo, where a group of amateur detectives went on bizarre adventure, coincidentally almost all villain turns out to be Jewish.

Keep it short and less preachy.

You should brush up on English context more.

Yeah I misread that one.


Do you actually have a source for this gif?
I could never find one. Pls post.

He's a KIKE shill. Don't you get it. Jews capitalize on EVERYTHING. Even anti-semitism.

No matter what they're going to find a way to make money off of whatever it is.

The alt-right is a reddit meme, no one on here calls themselves that

How could anyone at adult swim see this and not want to give them a show?
Having quality test and pilot material are what get the greenlight.

Wew, Moshe, you too need to brush up on English context.

You've mentioned this like 6 times this week, Kyle Hunt. Murdoch still owns your shit.

Something like Hotdiggedydemon

Faggot, I used "alt-right" as a fucking normie explanation for the fucking type of comedy.

Should I say, hey, I want to go str8 Holla Forums, Sieg Heil, 1488 on Jewwood?

(((They))) would never let that shit happen.

Hold on, mein neger, there can't be any way Sam Hyde is a kike shill, and his comedy is all Andy Kaufman meta bullshit to fuck with Holla Forums, like a fucking COINTELPRO psyop.

I mean, are you saying OUR SAM HYDE is a federal COINTELPRO full fledged FBI PSYOP to co-opt Holla Forums?

Murdoch Murdoch's quality has really improved. I miss the stand alone episodes, like Liberal's Night Out. I think his new stuff is consistently better while the older stuff was hit-or-miss as he worked it out.

I still love his banned works the best (Hold Back the Night and Trudeau's Divisityathon).

Yeah no… You're not Holla Forums bro. You're the enemy /christian/

Alt-Right is a take over meme by people like Alex Jobes. You don't use it. EVER. Or you're a fucking shill. The proper term is Right – because we're fucking right and the others are NeoCucks

Yeah, no.


Is Sam Hyde a kike?

Say his name real fast to yourself.

Mindfuck. His name sounds like "Semite."

Is Sam Hyde his real name?

Is he a Jew going meta on pol?




Where can I find caps like those? Is that the type of content of which Kickstarter TV generally consists?

Shit's gold.

You're stooping down to Sinead levels now.

iirc there are only a couple in kstv and i think that dude posted them. you should still check out kstv

What a faggot. RamzSaul tier

Being a kike, you can transmite everything you want.
Plus if you are a animator, vide the degeneracy related, they admit the jewish monopoly of power in these shows.

How do i learn to animate?


Sam Hyde has the most uncomfortable fucking truths I've ever read.


more like altistic

I fucking hate that term.

So I showed my dad million dollar extreme world peace and he thought is was funny. He's a normies normie and he pretty much absorbed alt right comedy in the same way that he would Jon Oliver or the other 20 daily show knock offs.

It really goes to show that Marxists and liberals aren't really that funny or smart as they think they are. What they have is a large media empire that reinforces itself. Normies are surrounded by this shit so they think its true.

I thought Moloch spawn.

Don't hate it. It's our term. Just because kikes like Milo use it doesn't mean it represents anything other than what we want it too.

Who's we cuck?


No, his real name is Sam Hoidel.
Word is he spent 6 years in the Israeli military fucking kids before he emigrated through a Mossad program.

I'm assuming they just liked the pilot episode and never imagined a bad goy would have enough balls to try out, so they just assumed he was a normie.
Try making one where it's a future dystopian world where everyone is a mixed up mud race and it's just a big 3rd world shithole.

Sounds like a block of time on AS to me.

-Sam Hyde

I wonder this too, but I think they would rather have people like MDE making content under their supervision and subject to their censorship. MDE is unique and fresh in it's style and comedy in general has been stale for so long that they may also just be looking different that might rake in some shekels. Their influence had probably far exceeded the most likely manipulated view counts of their content. They were famous on Holla Forums and we've all seen enough evidence by now of how influential our sphere is at injecting opinions into the mainstream.

Also I guess they must be personable guys and have enough charisma to be able to convince enough suits that their act is mainly just edgy satire.

Anything to keep watching and defending your TV and movie habits, amirite?

Interesting, many posts like this in every MDE thread. You guys really hate them being on tv don't you?

You're going to get this type of response in all of the threads because some of us are smart enough to doubt things when they are on TV. Stop acting coy you fucking kike

And to add

1) Draw well.
2) Draw a flipbook well.
3) Read the Animator's Survival Kit.
4) Draw a walk cycle well.
5) Learn how to use animation software.
6) Refer back to step 1 several times weekly.
In short, fuck off to >>>/loomis/ or >>>/ani/ because we need all the active users we can get.

World Peace isn't a Hollywood production, it's a Georgia one. They have the logo at the end of episodes.

Still surprising that Sam managed to get a show on adult swim.

HeathenMan and BlasphemyBoy! SJW superheroes who try to stop our heroes at everyturn?

Listen to the way he pronounces his Hebrew (Yiddish?). It is absolutely perfect. You can't learn that unless you either grew up with the language in your household or spent several years living in a place where it was spoken daily. This is fairly strong evidence.

man, if that guy had a fuller head of hair he could be my brother.

Could Sam Hyde be black?????

No he's Chinese

Gas yourself jew.

believe it not, sometimes a goy CAN slip through the cracks, but it happens rarely

A, By layering everything in irony so thickly it seems like he's being insincere

B, I'd like to see something about a perhaps slightly autistic Holla Forumsack trying to interact with teh modern, degenerate world

You could pretty easily just update "Confederacy of Dunces".

Post your work, figgit.

He's absolutely a Jew, and as typical for a Jew, he found a niche and filled it.

(((Virtue signal))) elsewhere.

that ugly mouth shit ruins every vid for me. Can't watch any of them they're so shit done.

Several have good messages though, so points there.

I'm suprised Holla Forums never really posted Murdoch Murdoch. It's good shit

I've been following them closely for like 6 years and I'm fairly certain that what happened was first they got rejected but they kept bugging them and then they started talks, then they almost got rejected again because someone ratted on their racism - then sam told them he was being ironic and making fun of nazis and they believed him lol