I am the leader of a local Socialist Org AMA

are you a jew?

I am not ethnically a Jew, I just behave like one.


Socialists are the easiest people to fool. I just recite from Marx once a week and collect donations to live off.

National " socialism" isn't re socialist because Hitler kept private property and cracked down on unions and workers.
I would take you a bit more serious if you were an strasserist but not by much in either case kill yourself you corporatist idiot.

Do you agree with Hitlerian socialism, or just the standard, more typical and cancerous form of socialism, social democracy?

No, I am a free market capitalist. I just recite from Marx to a crowd of socialists once a week to collect "donations" to live off of.

So you agree with Usury, the exploitation of the working class, and the like, completely disregarding nationalism and believing in a globalist system in which bad goy countries are punished for not following the traditional economic system?
You did say you act jewish.

the entrepreneur is the real working class.
a worker goes to work, clocks in, clocks, collects their money at no risk.

The entrepreneur, takes legal, social and financial risks, buys machinery, makes sales, hunts clients. His workers will always earn money no matter how badly business is going if at all. The entrepreneur starves until he is successful. Deservingly the worker will earn his meagre wage regardless of circumstances.

Sounds like you'd make a shitty entrepreneur user.

A real entrepreneur takes out business loans to buy machinery, hires people to handle sales, and has no legal; personal; or financial liability for failure.
And if his workers can be paid enough "regardless of circumstances", the entrepreneur would have to be a special kind of retarded to let himself starve.

Oh look, here's Holla Forums autistically screeching without actually understanding what OP's doing. Regardless, as a matter of fact, National Socialism is the only successful form of Socialism. Stay mad or kill yourself, either one works.

Lol the entrepreneur is the exploiter of the working class he just has to invest hire some workers and collect the profit

It's more complicated than that, but basically this is what happens.
The greedy geniuses win. And they aren't even geniuses sometimes. They just feel no remorse and win anyways because people that do not care are usually more successful.
A dirty hierarchy, only the most jewish man wins.

if it was that easy, everyone would be an entrepreneur

Why borrow money when socialists give it to me for free? All i have to do is a little song and dance at the local community rec centre once a week.

Not true. There would still be workers, but they would get paid more because of a lack of manual laborers. Enterpeneurs naturally step all over eachother, weeding out the weak and those without the drive to become the most important one around. This means they do not care for good products, only good business models and money.
Capitalism is globalist cancer and has no place in a world where we can exert a better political model in which greed does not dictate those in power, but intelligence and good leadership skills do.

You sure you're not an ethnic jew? You sure share the same tendencies as them. I could atleast excuse a jew for acting like a snake because that's just their innate nature, it's my fault if I fall for their tricks. A gentile acting like a jew is just gross.


Depends on the business model. Which is why low price black and gold style labels exist and luxury labels exist.

Capitalism is what lifted the most people out of poverty compared to any political system.

I'm Chinese, AKA Jew of the East.

Capitalism also loves to replace native workers with automation and illegal help. It's nothing but the pursuit of capital, capitalists have no real interest in serving their countrymen if it doesn't lead to them lining their pockets.


>people have no real interest in serving their countrymen if it doesn't lead to them lining their pockets
ftfy. this is why the best system is the one where the best way to line one's pockets is to serve one's countrymen by providing goods and services that they want, i.e. the free market

thats a silly remark. you would need to define capitalism and poverty, fix a time lapse and provide reliable figures. you can do none of those things.


Sorry user, there are other economic models that fulfill that role without putting capital at the forefront of their objectives. The free market is nothing but a system of turning neighbors against eachother for the pursuit of green paper.

Believes in exploitation of workers still. Believes in central banks.
There is a way to exploit workers BESIDES 14 hr work days and wage slavery. A company can put a person in charge of a local corporate branch. They tell them to buy the equipment for it, but the person does not get paid enough to buy it. The compsny lends the machinery to him. He is now in debt to the company. He cannot pay off the debt because the machinery must be replaced "to standard". They lend him this machinery too. This is called usury, slavery of the managers. Only CEOs and higher ups have any real money left.

Well I guess there's nothing to be said here

sure, but these models are bullshit because they ignore the fact that people are self-interested

I'm not communist. Communism leads to a form of super capitalism where the production lies in the hands of a few oligarchs, while the equalization of the citizens leads to the perfect worker/consumer base. There are no more rich men that will remain just consumers that don't produce, and there are no more poor men who do nothing but produce but cannot consume.

[citation needed]

The point of a new system is to address greed as a problem, not asa way of life.
Greed is human nature, but it is the worst aspect of human nature. The only solution is to end capital and replace it with some other incentive.
Incentivizing selflessness will never work, but incentivizing collective progress will.

it never has in the past, but I'm sure this time will be totally different


It would work even better if their selfishness could be translated into collective progress. Some people will never be satisfied with simply helping society if they don't get a bigger cut than what others would get from it.

This is true.
More work should give a better reward. This has never translated well into collective systems unfortunately. A way must be found, without making it all unbalanced. Perhaps only personal property would be affected by this whereas government property is distributed evenly. It is a challenge to think of ways to reward those who do more but are the same as other workers in the eyes of the collective.

even if it's work that has no value to anyone?

I think the fascist model would work well in that setting. The ability to keep private property without any corrupt business tactics sounds nice.

already does, you get paid more.

Yes but at the end of the day you are exhausted and hate life. At least under capitalism.

Relatively speaking, yes. If a person who gets paid 8 dollars an hour works another 2 or 3 hours because he sees something wrong and wants to fix it, he should be paid.
Same with someone who gets paid 16 dollars an hour for a very challenging job. They'd rather not do it but they do it anyways, above and beyond. It requires some reward.

If you tell your manager you've found a problem and you've fixed it on your own initiative you're more than likely to receive immediate compensation or fall in his good graces for future opportunities. Companies are not some cartoon devil that exploits workers. Companies do care and take precautions to keep their employees happy, because the happier the worker, the better the result. The closest thing to commie's vision of a company is these temp job companies that hire students for tax hikes, these have really high turn over rate and things generally suck. Still, working for them yields high profit for the worker because less legal obligations, like no insurance or retirement fund.

You're talking about our current, mixed market system. Corporatism still fucks over consumers, even though they value their workers. Unions exist, companies get fucked if they dont follow regulation. But they still cut corners with the products you use. They value mass production to serve all of the people they can. They fuck the environment whenever they know they can get away with it. They replace your beef with artificial shit that is colored to look like beef. They genetically modify chickens and cows to get fat and forget that it makes the animals suffer. Im not even a hippy but i know that if the earth gets fucked, i get fucked. Did you know that chickens in corporate poultry farms cant stand up for longer than a minute without falling back down? Shit like that happems wherever a company know people wont notice, a closed farm is a great example. Nobidy sees what is inside it.

Nope, it isn't the government that "FORCES" companies to treat their workers nicely. Companies know that happy worker have higher productivity thats why they do it also they know that star employees have higher mobility (they can easily go somewhere else for better pay or start their own company) so treat them better than the rest.

As the other user said, Socialists just have a weird cartoony interpretation of the world.

I never said they did it because the government forces them to. But if they could get an extra hour of work out of a person without a regulation in the way they would. Everyone know happiness = productivity, even people during the industrial revolution. The problem is , they didnt care. They put them to work longer anyways and tried to make that work.

Actually the reason you generally work for 8 hours a day is because it's been streamlined and researched during the industrial revolution because the managers *did* care. Workers back then worked 10-12 hours, sometimes more and the result was pretty shit quality of work and frequent strikes. There was actual research involved you can manage worker satisfaction, time of work, endproducts' quality and profit for maximum benefit. From what I recall that research yielded that 6 hours is the most optimal for worker satisfaction and quality, but 8 hours allows for more work to be done at minimal penalty to either. If they made you work for 12 hours, you'd be shitty worker because you'd be constantly tired and depressed due to lack of any sort of life outside work. That's why 8 hour model lasted and 12 hour model died comparatively quickly. You can't just put someone to work for all day and expect him to do the same quality job every day all week. It's just unsustainable and industrialists who cared about the profits realized that. It's not because of regulation, these things were optimized way before regulations.

So what's it like being retarded?

Companies are a legal construct, to formalize certain types of collective activity. They are incapable of thought, emotion or action. Companies do not care. Companies are incapable of caring.

To ascribe anthropomorphic attributes to a company is to absolve its management of any responsibility for their decisions and actions - both positive and negative.



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