Common Filth part 2: ISIS is better than white people edition

Continuation of our last thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

like clockwork
your chimping is hilarious

refugee rape and the allegedly rampant homosexual circles are two completely different subjects

Pretty sure CF's obsession with white people liking trannies is nothing but projection. Literally nobody I know is into that kind of shit. Why does CF think it is so common, unless he is guilty of it, is ashamed of it, and thinks everyone else must be like him?

Every time, first poster.

It's just tough love.

White people don't like trannies. CF takes Jewish propaganda and pretends it is real life.

Commonfilth used to advertise on /logcabin/.

I honestly think he just fell really hard for the black pill. He comes off as someone who probably watched all of the Nobody TM episodes in one sitting and now believes all hope is lost.

I mean we could always stop giving attention to e-celebs. That usually works.

Tumblristas is basically fatpeoplehate targeting degenerate whites. It's necessary to point the finger at these people and shame them. Watching it also keeps my rage going.

Well… is this accusation true? Has he really watched gay porn for "research"?

You don't need to watch men fucking each other up the ass to understand the inherent degeneracy of it. There is no legitimate need for such "research". What could possibly be learned from such "research"?


I stopped listening to Common Filth when the anti-white attacks started to mount up

Maybe he is a faggot, maybe he's not
No way I would let a man who watches as much degenerate shit as him anywhere near my kids

That seems plausible.

Either he likes trannies, or he has so little social contact with white people IRL that he browses the internet, consumes jewish propaganda about white people, and assumes it must all be true.

he was strawmanning

fucking seppos and their christkike nigger loving mexicans

Has CF watched gay porn? I've never followed CF, all I know is what people say about him on Holla Forums.


Pretty much the core of it. I am certain he is a hermit who never leaves his house.

Sure, strawmanning, he didn't go out of his way at all to find some random tumblr account full of gay porn to make a video of, goy!

He spends his entire life looking at faggotry, which is precisely the activity of a faggot and not a normal decent person.

Decent people try to avoid degeneracy, faggots like CF seek it out

Is it the ultimate irony that

I haven't watched any of his videos. If he really does this, then that settles it as far as I'm concerned. Only a degenerate pumped full with jewish propaganda would do this.

stop giving the faggot attention is really all you can do at this point
he's trannie loving anti-white christcuck. He's McCain levels of being a traitor at this point

I second that it's probably this. He lives in Commiefornia, which is a degenerate shithole. Moral people don't usually go outside much there.

t. Commiefornian

>Is it the ultimate irony that
Ignore that part, meant to delete it.

But is he any worse than TRS, who coined the anti-White slur "1488er"?

Why can't all the ecelebs be shit?

Common Filth is an unsaved false Christian who believes in a different gospel.

Christ died for ALL sins for ALL men.

The laws regarding sodomy and transvestitism that are in Leviticus and Deuteronomy are directly addressing the children of Israel. This means that it's possible for a believer to fall into sins like faggotry. The notion that all homosexuals are reprobates and cannot be saved is a false teaching of limited atonement.

>Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

Note: the phrase "abusers of themselves with mankind" was translated as "buggerers" in the Geneva Bible (the major English one that was released before the KJV that's also based on the Textus Receptus). Buggerers is an old English term for faggotry. 1 Corinthians 6:9 is explicitly in reference to saved homosexuals and degenerates.

Common Filth is apparently of the belief that perverts, faggots, and other degenerates are reprobates and beyond saving. A true Christian would be preaching to them that they can still be saved and enter into Heaven. Instead he wishes for their genocide. Common Filth needs to repent of his false teaching. He is doing nothing but turning people away from Christianity.

Didn't know about that. I guess they are both shit then.

I don't know what the guy does. I reject Jewish psychoanalysis and the whole "people who don't like things secretly actually like those things" bullshit.

I've generally supported CF and his fight against degeneracy but there are two things that have bother me recently.

1) CF did post gay porn on Twitter last week and immediately deleted it. Like you pointed out. I don't need to have gay porn saved on my computer in order to point out degeneracy.

2) His support of Islam is getting ridiculous. He totally ignores homosexual pedophilia rampant in Islam, the insanely high rape rates, etc. because it doesn't fit his narrative.

Tumblr is a website open for public like youtube or reddit you don't have to look for it to find that stuff.
Also it's not confined to the internet these degenerates roam and do vile acts in public you know them as pride parades.

Just so I understand correctly.
This is the same CF from YT who spams about POZZ LOADS!! and MED RESISTANT AIDS!!
Or some fuck ass rip off trying to screw him?

You seem butthurt.

Thing is TRS can actually produce good content, CF can't because nobody wants to watch some wog whinge about how white people are all tranny loving degenerates and how niggers are all natural conservatives

reposting from last thread

CF's stuff started out as the ultimate bad news porn. You could see the under-belly of society and get a glimpse of how fucked things are. Back then, he'd argue against this sort of degeneracy and call for others to reject it.

Then he fell into despair, and rather than taking a step back and thinking things through, he'll take to twitter and post twenty different things about how everything is White's fault and how we deserve to die.
"But CF, what about-"
"Nope, fucking Whites fell for the jew tricks. We deserve death and for everything that was or is needs to be destroyed and lost forever."

I won't say he's a kike, but he is a lost cause until he can turn himself around and have his spirit rise

Watched it? He posts stills and reads what they say during the gay porn, He's a fan of that shit

Isn't hopelessness a major sin in Christianity?

fuck off

Don't let him sidetrack you into a discussion of TRS; it's exactly the distraction he wanted when he brought them up a propos of nothing.

I htink most of us liked him but then he took a sharp left turn out of nowhere and went full KillWhitey!, blacks dindu nuffin!

Jesus Christ shut the fuck up about this dickhead already

sage for pointless e-celeb drama

Nope, it's him. That's his official twitter. It's linked in his youtube page.

Pretty ironic, considering that despair is a sin.

It is.


Damn… He is how I came to find out how sick my city/area is…

I still wonder how this fucker has subscribers

…this thread? Again?

Why? People are going to have different opinions of CF. What is this back and forth accomplishing? Taking your attention from other issues?

Thread hidden.

CF started off as a well-meaning christcuck doofus who exposed the dark part of the internet. Now, he's choking on (((The Black Pill))) and dreaming of dead whites int he streets.

Ask yourself this question. If a race war erupts tomorrow and a line in the sand was drawn….which side do you think Common Cuck would join? The well-armed and intelligent whites or the double digit IQ low-class niggers?

cf needs to stop taking jewish propaganda at face value

He's not wrong tbh

I used to like trannies (shemale pornstars with enough money to look presentable and slutty) and let me tell you there are more nignogs, arabs and persians into them than whites.

The sure fire way of killing the fetish is to see what most trannies look like in real life.

CF is an idiot.

CF fangirls are assblasted as fuck that Holla Forums isn't a (((Christian))) board.

It's pathetic how badly you all want to breed my tight boy pussy. Thanks for the views faggots.

The Catholic non-degenerate Mestizos

Oh right…the "natural conservatives"

What do you expect? He worships a dead kike on a stick.

No, sometimes being on the intarwebs too long can skew your worldview

Fuck off faggot.

lol you goys get trolled so easy

He's targeting the Christian demographic now.

You sure are triggered.

He would probably join ISIS, as he thinks they are more godly than white people.

ISIS does a lot more than fight for their god. They spend a significant amount of their spare time raping their Christian and Yizidi sex slaves.

Common Cuck is a fucking idiot. Read his Twitter. He actually thinks 8/pol/ loves fags and trannies and Richard Spencer.

We're as anti-gay if not more anti-gay than he is. We just don't like anti-white D+C cucks like him.

White people are ruined, lads. It makes me sad.

Christcuckoldry is degenerate Jewish garbage.

Holy fucking shit.

I've noticed that while his tumblristas videos were very obvious in their mocking of degenerate faggots on tumblr, he very rarely went after the left wing politics of those involved unless it involved degenerate faggotry

In other words his hate of the "alt-right" (hate this term, stop tip-toeing around the facts and call us what we are) his probably been around for awhile, it just wasn't as pronounced until people started going after him

Im gunna go through all the Tumblristas he has up and double check but that's my assessment, not anything groundbreaking I'm sure

Holla Forums once posted nasheeds and edgy jokes about supporting isis and trolling their twitter accounts now we have these newfags who think cf is seriously an isis sympathizer.
new exodus when?

We're not ruined. Gays are only 10% of the population at most. Stop taking the black pill and prepare for the happening.


Some people were talking about shoe0nhead in the last thread, saying she's a jewess who is all about "muh egalitarianism", and mocks race realism.

Figured I'd repost these here for those who don't know that she also fucks niggers


I don't know what your guy's problem is. You whine about him being a mexican, anti-white and obsessed with degenerates yet you are the ones who make thread after thread talking about him. If you guys would spend that much time improving the white race, he wouldn't even have something to complain about. You are like these guys who make fun of e-celebs like DSP but have thousands 2 hour long videos in their channel making fun of him.

And what's wrong calling out white people, if the only thing our culture have to offer is pic related we are pretty fucked , because then it's not implicitly white it's degenerate.

reported for e-celeb shit

And fighting to achieve Zionist geopolitical goals.

How about we don't have threads about shitty e-celebs?

What a surprise

Except it's not, as anyone who doesn't spend all of their time looking at gay porn would know


Man I just want dubs

Oh really? Gee, I didn't know.
I was thinking that fighting rather than being complacent was a good thing, but unfortunately (((ISIS))), being Muslim, is prone to actions that'd appall any White or Asian.

Isn't she Eye-talian American?

Fucking this.

*in other words, CF is wrong but right in that post.

thanks for exposing yoursel as a closet poof mate

You didn't read the fucking thread. It's totally fine to critique white people for being lax on sodomy.

The problem is that he praises muslims and advocates for white genocide.

It isn't. And statistically white are less like to engage in pic related, so it is a strawman.


I don't have degenerate porn saved on my HDD you twat. I have this picture actually from a Orlando thread. I love how people see accusations nowadays as arguments.

That's reddit tier argumentation.

Are you implying thats our only cultural export?

You are a special kind of retarded user

Muslims punish degeneracy among their ranks, we invite it in, this is his main point.

It was for research purposes. I-I swear.

When did I say he was an ISIS sympathizer?

Kill yourself

I'm new to this thread because I spent thousands on replies on the first CF thread and it's slowly becoming pathetic.
And he doesn't praise muzzies, he just says that even those people understand the most basic thing that sodomy is degenerate.

eh scratch that, I'm very tired

When did I say that you cunt?
The average ISIS soldier thinks he is fighting for a good cause. I know ISIS is fucking Jewish, hence the echoes

op implied that he's

I know, see

Incorrect. Only a sheltered idiot would believe this. Just ask any soldier who has been to Iraq or Afghanistan about that.

Also incorrect. We do not invite anything. (((They))) invite it. Stop blaming whites for the actions of Jews and Jewish media.

If you think that all white culture is is faggotry, then you're anti-white

If you think that white people aren't worth saving because of a faggot minority, then you're anti-white

So, how many white children do you guys have?

I have 3.

Some of us are in college still fam. If you want actual, slower discussion instead of memes, visit the end.

Well if you look how many white countries try to enforce their degenerate political agenda onto others I would say degeneracy is a white export product. You don't see other countries except maybe Israel telling white people how great homosexuality, multiculturalism etc. is.

I guess it's not degenerate to rape infidels and pre-pubescent boys? I wonder how CF feels about all of the Christian women they've made into sex slaves over the century.

Also, he always used to say "You cannot be loyal to something that is not loyal to you", so why does he praise non whites and muslims so much?

Why does he praise a religion that worships a false prophet?

Not even close.

Honestly, I have a lot of respect for ISIS in a sense, instead of just shitting around and complaining that things aren't going their way, they fight for their beliefs and ideology and have even managed to make a sort of organized group for themselves.
Instead of shitposting online we should get our funs and Make Right Wing Death Squads a Reality Again

Post proof

Yes but to say it's the SOLE cultural export? cmon now user you know that's not true.


that's why I said at most. It's probably a lot less.

These countries are run by Jews you fucking retard.


t. Mossad

Nobody ever said that you fucking retard. I hate faggots. Read my other posts.

Are gays being persecuted throughout the Islamic world or not? Is ISIS throwing them from buildings or not? Are we granting degenerates the right to have parades, allowing them to (((educate))) our children with gay propaganda and to socially ostracize us when we mix up their pronouns?


Actually no. Does Bacha-Bazi ring any bells? What about the Iranian state paying for state-funded sex changes?


It's obvious that most of the people complaining about him are assblasted TRS fans.

As bad as TRS is these days, they're fans are infinitely worse. Probably the most triggered autists I've seen since GG.

So you are saying we should just overlook pedophilia and sodomy within the Muslim community because ISIS threw a couple of fags off of a building?

*most easily triggered

Faggot, I'm pretty sure the average Muslim teen soldier thinks he's fighting for Islam

You are completly clueless how societies built around public shame work. Literally anything goes as long as no loss of face is incurred which is why Islamic countries are hotbeds of pedophilia, emergency homosexuality and consume and produce more beast porn and CP than the West ever could.

It's just like I thought. These people never leave their houses, have no life experience, don't know any people in real life, etc.


Oh, are they really now? I was initially on CF's side when the shit about TRS came out, but his recent pro-Muslim/anti-white rhetoric makes it very hard for me to have a good opinion of him.


I watch his content I like most of it but some of it I disagree with.
Have some free POZ Pics

Does that change anything though? They're just very low IQ pawns, useful idiots with guns, that doesn't make their ideology any less retarded nor their resolve any more worthy?

can confirm. am commiefornian.

Don't build giant dystopian cities centered around big counties if you're going to leave the borders open.

Yet you keep attacking CF for calling out faggots you idiot.Go and carry Milo on your shoulders maybe he will bless you with poz oh don't forget to praise kek gotta fight back those Muslims with memes.

And here again you blame the jew again for your own spiritiual downfall.

Well once it was weapons, blue jeans and hollywood films. Now it's that.

I will repost this here because you idiots are niggers.

Degenerate Jew-loving Christniggers need to kill themselves.

Jesus, last time I heard anything about CF, he talked shit on fat tumblrites, and followed me on Twitter but got mad whenever I posted anime tiddies.

When the fuck did he become such a fag?

Why are you posting all these Jews user?

once again you're fucking retarded user

Yeah, you're right. Let's just post völkisch girls in traditional gowns and call anyone a kike who dares to ruin the mood by pointing out flaws in our own community.

I have relatives who worked down there. They'd rather go to Siberia or North Korea.

This isn't the Ted Cruz thread.




And Jewish. Seeing the picture?

On the repulsiveness scale trannies are to me just one notch below homo sex.

What kind of guy deliberately looks at trannies over and over?

You don't let your future children watch degenerate jewish hollywood films don't you user, so stop claiming this bullshit.

is the same as


No shit retard, but ignoring the first leads to the latter, fuck off if you don't realize this.

Blame them jeeeewwzzz

Decent book for chillun. Pratchett comedy is pretty good.

Did I say gay porn you mutt, I was talking about the ideology behind those kids. explain me why does the US government spend 700 millions world wide to educate people about homosexuality.

You guys are that butthurt and in denial it's unbelieavable.

If kept within the borders of Arabistan, mudshit degeneracy is literally not our problem, our problem is getting/keeping them out.


Jews run arms industry. Jews invented blue jeans. Jews run Hollywood. Those are all Jewish products. The USA is a Jew-run nation, not an example of white culture.

Well Sergio Leone and the spaghetti western wasn't that jewish.

Getting kind of tired with the rat posting. Could you tone it down for a while?

And supporting banning cuckvalion fags because they spammed 40+ threads at a time about >her shitty jewtube channel is D&C jewery too, right Schlmo?

Kill yourself kike.

It's not like there are more important problems and challenges than indulging a bunch of LARPtards and their desire to murder faggots and trannies.

You mean 1%. Maybe 2% if you include bisexual women.

You faggots are as bad as leftists with your buzzwords.

The blue symbolizes the Israeli flag and jeans used to be worn by construction worker.They use hammers.The communist flag has a hammer.Coincidence?


Is this the latest ctr strat? Drown threads in irrelevant pictures while sageing to avoid dectection?

I'm not attacking him for calling out faggots. It's like you're too stupid to comprehend any of my posts.

All fucking gays deserve to fucking hang. However, that doesn't excuse praising islam and advocating for white genocide.

I know that. I was being generous with the margin of error.

Confirmed for having no arguments. Filtered.

Who is
you faggot autist?

This isn't a belief, it is a fact. 90% of white people are followers who trust authority and cave to social pressure. This is what allowed western civilization to function normally. Without it, we would just be a bunch of niggers constantly killing each other for street cred.

Normal people do not have what loosely could be called free will. They do not think for themselves. And this is a good thing as long as malignant parasitic people are not their leaders and intellectual elite.


The problem with that kind of logic, is that ISIS may be killing gays, they are also raping children, so I am not sure where your morality stands, but whatever happens in the West, ISIS is worse.


Which again, is the actual issue, if you don't see that, you're retarded, ignoring the degeneracy and barbarity of these people is what disparages the obvious negative impact they could have, which is why the European people were so open to welcoming their conquerors in the first place, ignoring degeneracy only breeds more problems than otherwise

Yes you fucking retard, I'm still talking about this where you claimed gay porn is the white man's only cultural export, I've called you out on that but you keep trying to change the subject, stop being so intellectually dishonest


Common filth is someone I really respect, perhaps you should realize the problems going on in your own communities rather than endlessly focusing on others and how "better" you are.

Just because Monkeys riot at the sight of another dead friend, does not make it ok for your people to have totally and endlessly devalued sex with both sodomy and "open relationships" that you all seem to forget about.

Instead of going "fucking dindus and sand niggers" maybe you should focus on how nearly half of all marriages end in divorce, how the "single lifestyle" is promoted in the media and how religion is said to be "out of style", how your people are dying from a world wide heroin and meth epidemic and that degenerate hedonists promote this way of life in the media, at home, in your business, family and children. Holy shit I hate Holla Forums now.

No, you just lost the argument, so you decided to spam the thread.

Pokemon Go is the most recent example of whites being good goyim.
And we have that anime posting faggot on this very thread.


If you can, why shouldn't others be able to resist too. It's not that hard, if you don't intend to start. You wouldn't let your daughter read Fifty Shades of Grey, wouldn't you and you know exactly why.

Spaghetti werstern and western in general make a big part of hollywood, today you have feminist ghostbuster.

I agree. But just because Common Filth criticizes white degeneracy does not make him above criticism either.

Maybe it's time to go back to where ever you came from.

Both the 1488rs and the niggers would get put down pretty quick. Most people dislike you both.

I didn't even use the word gay porn I was talking about homosexuality you depraved nigger.



Show me, where did he praise Islam. All he did was saying that even those idiots know that sodomy is wrong.


whether or not you meant gay porn or homosexuality, implying either of those things are our only cultural export is again, fucking retarded, so fuck off

Because people aren't equal, dumbass.




I was talking about normal western films too and some sergio leone films were american production often filmed in europe.

Well it's not films anymore and with exporting democracy…..welll that wasn't to succesful. Now it's degenerate ideology.

look at the picture in the OP.

They don't know that sodomy is wrong.

Kill yourself kike.

Muslim degeneracy should be pointed out too, of course, and for every cuckshamer like CF there are 5 channels that focus on just that. However, if you literally believe that CF looks upon white genocide as something positive, then it's really you who is retarded.


commit sudoku to preserve your little remaining dignity

CF fanboys show how not butt hurt they are by this thread

Why does he constantly talk about how much he hates white people, then? He's just joking, I guess?

Well it wouldn't be bad if white people fought for their religion instead of being degenerates consumers.

Again user, you are the retard here if you don't think the majority of muslims are depraved sexual deviants that use their religion as a way to justify their forceful acquisition of their desires


asexual has its own flag and symbol
its just the lack of sexual urges, why would they need their own group? nobody gives a shit if you dont have sex

these morons saying "I like CF because he's anti-homo" obviously don't like him enough to check out his bandcamp.

many months ago because I thought tumblristas was kinda funny when he said "Here's some non YT content on bandcamp, check it out for free" I did

it was
of him reading the sickest homo shit you can imagine – diaper play and worse – no commentary, just reading it. With pictures.
Deleted that shit and never went back to that page again. Just because Jews say "homophobes are secretly homosexual" doesn't mean it's not occasionally actually true.

Well these muslim countries don't have a problem with low birth rates and high HIV infections among their men. Maybe it could be because they are not that degenerate like the average white male under 25 who thinks that you can impregnat a chinese cartoon girl or the average white female whi thinks that she can only be happy by moving to jew york and fuck as many men until she hits 40.

i think /r9k/ would disagree

For the record, I hate that CF spic and I hate that Evalion camwhore kike.

This is still a slide thread designed to divide Holla Forums though.

So, boy rape is alright if you hide it and it doesn't decrease your birth rate?

The only bandcamp he gave away for free was the one where he talked about homosexuals like peter thiel infiltrating the republican party or about the hypocrisy in both parties.

You fags have been advertising cf for the past 17 hours.

Fuck off schlmo.

Boy rape is one of the worst things ever, but again its a muslim problem and we don't care about muzzies, we care about white people. And atleast those muslims don't pretend it's a normal thing like white people do with NaMbLA.

It's more like

Common Filth is anti-white and a disingenuous piece of shit.

He's not even worth our attention.

This thread is shit. It's designed to divert our attention from more important things and manufacture outrage against each other.

If you can't see that, you're a mouth breather.


Like I mentioned in another comment

It isn't. You know nothing.

Kill yourself.

some of them absolutely do.

I agree that a lot of white people are fucked up. That doesn't mean we can't turn things around and save our race.

No, it's because they don't use birth control. Using birth control requires foresight and planning ability.

Arguing over irrelevant anti-white ecelebs with tiny audiences is a waste of time. I can't help you if you can't grasp that with your lukewarm IQ.

aside from that, i think what he means is that at least the isis mudshits have a goal and fight for a cause together, while whites are dispersed and demoralized, and half of them hate themselves.

i wouldn't be possible for me to watch that much faggot porn. i saw a 30 second clip on twitter and it was so disgusting i almost threw up

If we care about white people, why are we teaching them to despair and give up hope?

bad advertisement is still advertisement cuck

It isn't white people that arr the problem. It is that Jewish liberal government will not allow normal white people to purge these degenerate elements from society. They would be going Duterte on fags if not for social pressure from Jewish media and liberal protections of "human rights" (origin in christfaggotry btw).

Lacking IQ is what causes it to feel "too hard" to post in threads like this AND in "important" ones.


ever heard of bacha bazi?

afghans anally rape young boys all the time

I understand his point of view, but ISIS aren't fighting for anything but Israel's interests.

Stay mad, Chaim.

i distinctly remember there were a lot less of these people are before the (((media))) started pushing it and telling people it was great


wow hating white people… how brave and progressive.. as if this has never been done before, by anyone.. ever.. truly a pioneer…

There's a fine line between criticism and self flagellation. The latter is how we came to have all of this degeneracy in the first place. Maybe if you actually read into the things that you spend hours looking at, you would understand.

because of feminism, promoted by jews

which is owned by jews

by the media, which is owned by jews

caused by open borders, which were opened by jews

which is owned by jews

You're wasting valuable time that could be spent shitposting elsewhere!

Oh these anti-white e-celebs are completely irrelevant, nobody cares! There's totally not a bunch of cucks jumping to their fellow cuck's defense in this very thread! Nobody cares! S-Stop caring!

I'm just here to trigger niggers

also why do people deny CF is a mestizo? if he's in commiefornia which is only about 25% white or less, statistically there's a much higher chance he is a spic, especially since the average white age is 42 and the average spic age is only 25 or something

if i was a betting man i would say there's over 90% chance he is non-white

you only have yourselves to blame.

We are alone in our crusade. We don't have allies like the leftists and cucks.

Shoe0nhead is a leftist in disguise. She will turn on us, she will end up being a whore who demonizes white people and anyone who isn't LGBTQRSBBQ. I tell you this now: you have no allies, Holla Forums is alone.

Describes every e-celeb tbqh

So this confirms that there are redditfag CF fans in this thread. Probably are many, if not all, of the people vehemently defending him here

I wonder whether they go around a ton of boards looking for anyone criticizing their favorite e-celebs, or worse, that they are regulars on this board.

and you see, this is where the difference between paganism and christianity comes in
Christians actually believe that mentally ill degenerates can be saved, Germanic pagans knew there was no hope and just threw them into a bog

Pretty sure it's already happened. Isn't she one of the goyimergate ecelebs that pushed for the MUH ETHICS scope shilling?


This is why I don't even have a jewtube account

He looks like a Mexican.

ITT: CFfags out themselves as the people who are anti TRS

I don't really care for either.

TRS has its own problems.

Beaner Filth is just angry that spics are both more likely to be gay and more like to have HIV or AIDS than whites.

Of course it does, but those who are explicit about being anti TRS are the same people who like CF.

is that a real photo of him? if so he could be mestizo, not sure. need a DNA result to be conclusive

That isn't a pic of him, you retard. The reason he's saying he now embraces white genocide is as a response to that photo of some random fag

Isn't that Anthony Fantano?

I'd buy it a lot of the mainline conservatives anons here have no qualms with non whites as long as their christian. I don't care for namefaggotry at all but if you like one and not the other its pretty obvious why, id rather support a "forum of white literal homosexual namefag" then a "anti-white Hispanic youtuber"

It is.

Just like libertarians, many Christians put ideology before nations and blood. It is a shame because my Christian ancestors would laugh at people like CF defending islam.

This is a HUGE point. I do not understand people that subject themselves to that much filth just so they can be e-famous.

It is cliche, but true. Do not stare into the abyss. I am not sure

Indeed. Christians used to see muslims as heretics. Dante put Muhammed in Hell.

Ironic, considering Jesus warned his followers about false prophets.

these poor kids man..

I think is a comparison how ISIS is better than SJW. One is fighting for what they believe debatable since we all know ISIS is CIA psy-ops and the other is busy being a degenerate

If he was criticizing SJWs, why did he say "white people"

You're probably lurking this thread for screencaps to tweet so. . .Look Charlie. You're worrying everyone. You've got to stop wallowing in all of this sick shit all day for some stupid youtube channel. Its making you miserable and dude you're a fucking drag to be around. Not everyone is a faggot. We are not fags, we just think you need to stop this shit for your own good.

Dude you grew up in SF. Its like fag Mecca and its a microcosm like nowhere else on the fucking planet. This shit is driving you crazy and its senseless.

You need to get back on your meds and start going to your sessions again. Kind of sort of reading the bible clearly isn't helping, I don't know where you got the idea that it would.

Dude stop. Please.


This is fucking hilarious

Where the fuck are you getting this from? Do you not remember how hyped everyone was during the orlando shooting? White homos aren't white people, they are traitors and ticking timebombs. Nobody here gives a shit about dead gays so fuck off with your shitty argument

Because normal white peoples dont hit up trannies on grindr



Notice that Westerns aren't even made anymore because they mostly promote family. Even gritty Eastwood Westerns promoted family, though it was in the background.

not even that dude. ISIS did nothing wrong. Like they literally host hitler redpill videos on some of their sites. They fight ZOG too.

HELL they even shoot up fag bars, if anything you gotta like that at least

You can't be this dumb

If there's an ISIS member, a faggot, a Hillary voter in the room and i have a gun with one bullet, i would shoot ISIS member. Since both other idiots still can fix themselves and do not oppose a real threat to anyones life right now.

If i had a MG42 i would unload an entire belt in your skull.Hitler would have made a real holocaust of the filth we are getting invaded with, and sure as hell ISIS has nothing to do with the muslims who fought in the SS.Even Hezbollah knows they are fighting for the jews.
Reminder that the Syrian deputy at the UN was staunchly against the formation of Israel back then, same for the Soviet one IIRC,and that Israel is still not an approved State, they created it without the UN approval when they tried to get 55% of all the land.

These two threads convinced me.

Common Filth has to be gassed.

They also buttfuck little boys.

And what forces turned people away from spiritualness? Are you saying that white people just at the flick of a switch decided to be degenerates? Do you have answers or are you just flinging shit to see what sticks?

Don't forget trying to genocide an aryanish people through rape! I guess ttpw would probably endorse that though

They cannot be saved if they do not seek repentance. And repentance involves leaving behind the gay lifestyle. Homosexuality/Sodomy is addressed as sin in the new testament.

I'm bisexual, and I literally spend less time a week watching gay porn than Common Filth spends 'researching it'. And I like vanilla shit. No one mentally sound spends 10 hours a week 'researching' the disgusting shit Beaner Filth tells us is happening everywhere.

But whatever. dumping on white people is fine as long as you can act like a holier-than-thou christfag.

funny how ISIS can explicit state they want to rape yazidi women with the aim of wiping out their race, but when i show people white on non-white race mixing they say it isn't white genocide

The dude has to be some kind of shut in or live in a loft on top of 3 fag bars. There's no fucking way you can arrive at that sort of black pilled madness if you go outside and live a normal social life. He's had to sit in front of a computer monitor with "The Gift" on loop for a year to get like this. Its some serious delusion to think that only his little clique is disgusted by shit like that. Any normie would draw back in horror from that sort of thing and he thinks all white people see it everyday too and just shrug it off. Well the vast majority, you know the 98 fucking percent of white people who don't partake in that shit, would gag upon seeing an anal prolapse. They don't even know about shit like that and don't seek it out, they never encounter it. But I guess because 98% of white people aren't "allahu ackbar" enough to go lynch a faggot we all deserve death. Fuck this nigger. He's got what, 5k subscribers? lol.

This. There was a recent 'chemsex' thing being reported on in the UK media where fags were having meth orgies, and everyone I heard talk about it was disgusted by it. Even the gay apologists didn't try to defend it, they just claimed it wasn't that widespread among gays.

Hey, cool it with the anti-kekic remarks!

hello kekman
didnt you get banned from ironmarch for being a muslim loving faggot, and converting your own religion because your paki puss was muslim?

then even the christians and pagans on that edgy forum teamed up to get you the fuck out lol

Despite some of you being retarted, I still love you niggers. Hail victory.


Can you link to a single post in this thread or the last one that said faggotry is ok?

CF's fans are too autistic to comprehend anybody could dislike him and not be a TRS fag. When this poll even shows most of us criticizing him don't like either of them.

TRS faggots and CF cucks both need to go back.

what a cuck
sage for e-celeb shit

The message I'm taking from the asexual flag + that inforgraphic is that you're a faggot unless you have a wife and children. If you're not going to have a wife and children, you're no better than some transexual tumblr-kin.

CF and his ilk are all incredibly intellectually dishonest whom only deal in strawmans that can be deconstructed in a single sentence.

I don't know if its the christcuckery or what but they don't operate on the same level as us.

I remember CF saying once that both IS and the West are degenerate in different ways.

So I read this as "Hitting up trannies and posting frogs" is the white people version of IS fighting for Allah (AKA pedo, rape, slavery, etc).


Why do you give this guy so much attention? He doesn't deserve so many threads.

and one leads to the degenerates taking over society, while the other leads to eugenics where even the farmers are kings.

Truly based.

Piss off Wews. You're time in the sun is almost up anyway.

This faggot is a fucking embarrassment to anyone that wants white people to improve themselves.

Sorry, no, when you voluntarily choose to spend most of your time watching fag porn "for research" you're not fooling anybody.

In essence, he's no different than Milo.

Fuck off with your e-celeb bullshit. He's an anti-white faggot.

They only kill gays that break their weird little rules, faggotry is kosher in Islam so long as you don't identify as gay.

Can you faggots type a single sentence of intellectual honesty?

He doesn't want white people to improve themselves. He wants them to die. He says this bluntly quite often. You have to go to chimping black panther niggers and kike Harvard professors to hear that sort of thing usually. What is hard to understand about this?

On top of that he tries to paint this laughably absurd picture of the entire white race getting fisted in the ass while smoking meth every weekend and that's all we've ever been and done throughout history.

No one is yelling "fuck yeah faggotry!" in here. I'd wager that most of us would advocate killing those types but for the reasons mentioned above CF can fuck right off.>>7202218

Most of the faggots shot in Orlando weren't even white, they were spics.

who cares?

fuck off with your shit thread OP

people who like cf aren't about to change their minds because you made this thread and everyone else is probably more or less on your side. you're just shitting up the board with your autistic obsession over some dude who gets maybe 2,000 views on most of his radio shows.

Yeah but the point stands, nobody here would shed a tear if a busload of gays exploded.

Also to add to what you said here


You know, we could also offer CF some constructive criticism instead of calling him an ANTIWHITE CHRISTCUCK JEW EVANGELICAL WHO SECRETLY LIKES TRANS GIRLS. You people are fucking children. Instead of admitting that he has a lot of good points and pointing out where he may have gone too far (tho the white genocide shit is clearly a joke on his part), you sperg out like literal autists and demand the doxxing of someone who agrees with us on 95% of things.
He isn't accelerating white geNOcide. He is pointing out the problems our "movement" faces because he cares about his race and wants us to achieve the higher plane we used to occupy.

I did offer criticism. I do think he has a lot of good points and I used to listen to his show very regularly.

My critique is that praising Muslims for their devotion to God is anti-white and indeed, anti-Christian.

You realize he's just doing it to get lazy fuckers off the computer chair and actually doing shit, right?
This thread has no worth.

Sure is Reddit in here
Oh fucking please. Stop sugarcoating the blatant anti-white sentiment he espouses. He isn't "pointing out the problems in our movement", he's going out of his way to pick out the worse examples of people affected by Jew propaganda, and then using them as examples to justify his support of white genocide.

they mad

I mean, the guy took the GOD SENT ISIS thing a bit too far even if he is joking. I can understand seeing Muslims as having a healthier society in SOME ways but they are in no way an acceptable alternative. The guy is more reasonable than you think. Write to him, make this clear to him. He will read it on the show and we can see if he is truly the ISIS-loving anti-white some of his memes make him out to be.

Isis is a us/mossad proxy

Clinton's emails prove this.

Well, if it's a busload of American fags exploded by a Muslim in America, I'll use it as propaganda to push my anti-Muslim/anti-immigration agenda and pretend as though I care to trick the normalfags. But that's just good realpolitik.

Yeah, and the Taliban shut that shit down hard. The boy fucking lords of the northern alliance were basically the region's equivalence of progressives.

ISIS throws them off roofs.

I have actually written to him before (around a year ago, when I was a regular listener). I'm not denying that he has been right about a number of things in the past.

iirc he was the first person to call out TRS on compromising their integrity on the gay issue.

My concern is that some of the things he's been posting lately have been a bit off, as you have noticed.

This is the perennial answer
You don't have to give attention to e-celebs

Literally who?

Boyfucking is an integral part of Islam. It occurs everywhere in the Muslim world.

Stop shilling.


You're going to need to explain the telling injuries of the boys in Taliban controlled villages in Afghanistan. They do it too dude.

This is not true. I'm 48 and been fucking pussy since I was 15, but the older I get the more I find the idea of climbing in with a 12 or 13 year old boy highly erotic and arousing. A smooth body, developing muscles, a round ass. Sounds good, no?

Wew lad. CF, you could at least try to falseflag a little better than that.

no it doesn't, just because Huezuelans do that doesn't mean all latinos are trannies, apart from the fact that all trannies are treated as a fucking joke here/all are prostitutes
source: I'm venezuelan

Nice false flagging.

Can confirm this. I live in commiefornia next to some spics and at least one of them is a transvestite.

This nitwit must realize that if white people became militant like ISIS they would be swinging from the trees and the first to go, right? I've never understood this level of provocation. Also, e-celebs can fuck off.

ISIS: cutting little girl's clits off
Common Filth: obsessively searching rule 34 of isis cutting little girl clits off

Literally who?

Why should I care what this person on twitter thinks or does?

That's the point CF continually makes.
He's baiting people hard and it keeps their asses bleeding. Note how people are more willing to attack him for calling the retards out on their shitty lifestyles rather than denying it. CF hasn't dropped the shitposting because he feels he struck a chord. He's identified a key parasite in the right, namely the self-worshiping, racially obsessed, pagan niggers masquerading as good and well refined people and he's trying to excise it by making them look more and more ridiculous with every post and podcast. If anyone ever stopped and sat down to argue with him reasonably, he might find himself to be wrong, but that never happens because the people he's accurately calling out are petulant children.

Notice how virtually nobody in this thread or the last gives honest criticism. It's always "He's an anti-white spic!" or "he's a closet homosexual!" Never anything of substance, only ad hominem attacks and gross overexaggerations which are immediately debunked with the slightest bit of listening because they only ever want to hear what they want to hear. And what they want to hear is that he's someone they shouldn't listen to because listening might lead to reflection and self examination, self criticism, and nobody, least of all the petty, self-righteous egotists, wants to be wrong.

Now personally I disagree with him on a lot of things. I find he often throws the baby out with the bathwater and he has absolutely no concept of the overton window expecting everything to get better overnight in one great happening. But he is absolutely right in addressing the alt-right/larpagan/cultofhitler niggers as they are, having declared themselves the height of moral and traditional values while viciously defending the sins that destroyed their nations.

But that's wrong, you fucking retard. If he's going to just throw libel at everyone that isn't some deus vult larper, he's going to piss people off. I not only don't care that he attacks homos white and altright or not I want him to do it more often. I just wish he would stop calling Holla Forums a bunch of fags because we have occasional altright spergs post here. Not to mention his fanboys try to falseflag us so they can send him screencaps of their own posts. They do this to overinflate his ego even more with "muh CF was right."

Nobody does this outside of autistic altright homos. We are not le fashy buttsex man fans.

It's like you posted without reading the tread.
Oh. That's exactly what you did.


This was my exact point. There is no reason to praise white genocide just because whites are struggling to reclaim their nations from those who spread poz. It's also no reason to praise ISIS because they tend to be more religious than whites.

and basically you're missing watch the free video.

Just hand over your daughter to a godly nigger already.

It's not honest because it's blatant that you haven't listened.
He doesn't praise muslim degeneracy, he condemns it just like any other form of degeneracy. He's made it a large point of multiple videos, particularly the pedophilia and paying whores so they can shit on them. He deliberately avoids talking about it because he doesn't care what the filthy heathens are doing to each other; they're filthy disgusting heathens.
He doesn't praise nonwhites and other degenerates, he generally ignores them while chiding whites who should know better and claim they know better, but aren't any better and are often times worse. He's trying to goad people into action, reflection, and self improvement by telling you you're just as bad as the filth around you; change that.

Just spread your cheeks and accept the gift of poz from your aryan ubermench already.

You're taking it too personally get a life.

Why is he comparing Muslims to Whites on his twitter and putting Muslims in a favorable light, then? You are the one being dishonest. He ignores Muslim degeneracy, but points to them as a shining example of a culture that is devoted to god when compared to the west.

Yep. Liberal poz is just the last stages of Christianity. The phase when the Christards, after worshiping a Jew for so long, willingly hand all control of their society over to hostile Jews.

You're not listening to him either. He gives zero fucks about race and has repeatedly said that racialism and tribalism are stupid.

And as someone who's been in a certain facebook group with him and argued with him his understanding of race and nationalism is so basic bitch that he doesn't know what to do with the fucking white rabbit memes. He shuts down when you point out his racial apathy is bullshit because he can damn sure see race when he's calling for all of us to die.

Seriously. And the Christian thing is new. He was just another godless nihilist very recently. He just has a healthy disgust reaction to obscene acts.

I also heavily suspect him of being on the spectrum because the dude cannot detect the thickest, most obvious sarcasm or trolling. He has no concept of humor or irony. He's a one trick pony with an autistic focus on a single issue. He wouldn't even dive into any complex or nuanced data on faggotry and its real word impacts such as disease rates, no thats far too complex and he doesn't have the capacity. Leviticus is much simpler. He can handle that.

So look, this guy doesn't have some higher cause or motive behind what he's doing. There is nothing esoteric about CF so when he says shit like white genocide is a moral imperative that's exactly wtf he means and he really feels that way. Its sad really.


You seem to think that he'll stop bullying you if you cry loud enough.
He's just going to double down.

That's for sure. Every time I've ever heard someone ask him a question about what to do/read/learn he always shrugs and says "I dunno".

He's admitted to being "not very well read" multiple times.

You goys are giving CF way too much attention. His schtick is being inflammatory. Kinda like Howard Stern shock jock just in the opposite direction, but I've never heard CF say anything that insightful or productive. It's just general this is sick, that is sick, everything is damned, everyone is doomed, in that same monotone depressed voice injected with "download my bla bla bla from bandcamp". Kids connect with it because everyone is depressed as fuck. It's an act. If he was really that miserable and nihilistic he wouldn't have this much output because what's the point? If he was really that sincere about his faith he'd be doing something about everything he complains about to save souls. All he does is whine.

Why would I willingly subject myself to several minutes of tumblr faggotry?

He clearly is

its entertaining?

That one clip of him laughing at the toad kek statue meme is honestly so creepy he's off the hinges something isn't right with him

for the sake of things I think that the toad statue meme is unfunny and forced

Entertaining? Reading cuckfetish faggotry by mentally ill degenerates… entertaining?

No thanks.

look it up newfriend

But… but… he does a witty commentary over it all!!!

CF is more of a CinemaSins meets The Vigilant Christian meets Holla Forums tbh

Know thy enemy?


His "Christianity" is quite new. Like a year and he doesn't even attend a church. Basically he couldn't justify his newfound anti-faggotry with anything but muh bible because he doesn't have the agency to do a little research. Its much easier to google "homophobi bible verses."

And this sort of attention is not good for him because this crowd of guys who are anti-degeneracy and anti-faggot are generally racially aware as well and this Arab cucking and godly nigger shit is bad for his subscriber count and the ever increasing crying about white people and calls for our extinction is just suicidal for him. As you can see by these threads a lot of guys here used to be fans of his. Now look.

Ok just don't get butthurt then that people call him a closeted kike spic nigger.

The he quotes the Bible, further solidifying his image of an insane hermit.

Is CF chimping on Twitter over these threads?

It really speaks volumes when you realize that people here really want to dox some nobody youtuber they disagree with rather than the trannies and faggots that are infiltrating their movement via Trump entryism.

It's not my fault our mods won't ban trap posters.

Why shouldn't someone calling for white genoside get their's too? Because you're another member of the CFIDF?



Because he's not your average basic bitch who posts his info on the internet.

Complacency leads to decay, after all.

Hey, I ain't stopping you from doxing him.
Let us know if he's actually a really depressed white dude and not a spicjew.
Though if I had the energy to dox anyone, it'd be the "ironic" trap-thirsters here and on twitter that pretend to be "traditionalists" and actually have meme-power due to how many followers they have.

that guy probably fucks kids

No but you just have to look at that morons twitter to see the sjw tier retards he circlejerks with.

He mentioned it a few times.
Yeah that was really a Vigilant Christian-esque moment

Whites need to be decimated in order for us to actually be functional again. I don't understand why this is so controversial.

Most of you would be fine with throwing suspected communists into camps, even though the occasional innocent might get caught in the mess. It's the same deal here; the vast majority of Western whites are like communists, but far, far worse, and need to be exterminated. Anything less extreme is not good enough; too late for anything else.

The state of whites, generally speaking, is contemptible, far worse than what can be seen in the ascendant cultures of even Black Africa. They at least can reasonably claim to be ascending, rather than descending. We achieved great things, we were great; now we are not only content to, but insist upon the most depraved forms of self destruction.

You are witnessing the fall of the American Empire and don't want to acknowledge it. Instead you are content to indulge in your bread and circuses with electoral politics.

You have put your hope in that which deserves none. Put it into something worthwhile or abandon it in whole.

Barbarian tribes are already massing at the gates. You can cower as they sack your cities, steal your goods, and defile your women, or you can leave for the countryside to rebuild, to do something of value. The people of the city hate you, and wouldn't hesitate to rummage through your house to see what the barbarians left behind; you owe nothing to them. They have decided their own fates.

Nobody disagrees with you. There's a difference between purging and white genocide though.

Common Filth is a FUCKING IDIOT!

He has no idea what the fuck hes talking about %100 percent of the time, hes a wannabe Christian Fundementalist Nihilist, hes the equivalent of that faggot you knew in high school who wears pot leaf socks and drones on about the NWO, Chemtrails, and how "we're all slaves anyway". Hes a total fucking faggot and every minute of attention you give such a fucking idiot is worth double negative minutes to your fucking lifespan. He knows this which is why he will not debate anybody on video, because hes a fucking idiot who relies on google and watching fag porn for "research" to justify his whining.

At least Nobodytm made some sort of actual content with a message out of his Nihilism, but no, CF is just a fucking faggot who is probably mixed race. Hes Elliot Rodger without the fucking balls to shoot up a sorority.

Also, like all Christian faggots hes totally obsessed with death which is why the message of all his videos is to fucking give up.

Kill yourself faggot, you're a fucking idiot

Well the issue with fags getting doxed is that they really don't have livelihoods to lose in the first place so it doesnt really matter. But yes I agree, I wish they got shit more than CF does but I have little sympathy for CF getting doxed either. I would actually be on his side if his fans weren't such obnoxious turbo autists. You all have to le go back (queers and christkikes included)


Only if you're a sperg. Targeting any demographic with extermination will get called a genocide anyway.

Anyway, far better to die at the hands of an enemy than your own decadence.

Good taste. Don't see him get posted on Holla Forums much these days

I agree but that comparison was out of nowhere

Are you retarded? You can't die from your own decadence, only when there is an enemy to take advantage of your weakness and kill you. Do you think whites are all going extinct from GRIDS or something?

Seem to be the case

Start with yourself faggot, pike up the anus and jump off your roof

no they'll die of low birth rates

Normally I just ignore people, but CF kind of got my attention since I used to watch his videos. Didn't take long for me to realize that he's nuts and some sort of Christian/Nihilist.
If you just complain and tell everyone to give up, just fucking kill yourself, nobody cares about a worthless hermit.

This isn't really the first time I doxed someone, I helped /cow/ dox an insane tranny named Jerry Peet and even got his phone number. CF seems less retarded than Jerry since he hasn't left that big of a paper trail.
Time will tell though.

You are an edgy nihilist. You can recover somewhat from decadence. Many of the people here started out as leftists.

Either way, someone like you would never die at the hands of an enemy. You opt to do nothing because "It's hopeless. Why even try?". You know that despair is a sin, right?

what paper trail has cf left lads?


CF plz

Whites are 1 billion of the worlds population, how long according to you would it take where we just die off simply due to low birthrates? Just admit you have no idea what you're talking about.

The barbarians must be decimated and whitey must be re-educated, simple as that.

Islam is utter degeneracy and on the same level as faggotry.

Why would you hate faggotry?

Because it destroys your culture and your tribe in many ways.

Especially children.

Why would you care about children? Why would you care if faggots cannot make them?
Why would you care if faggots spread diseases that kill people?

Think about this innocous question, hard.

But I'll tell you the answer right now, anyway.

Without children, the vast majority of efforts are in vain and we might as well give up.

Imagine you're some sort of person who wants to improve something in the world.

Why would you give your best if you knew that after the current generation everything you struggled for would be a goner?

You wouldn't like that, that's why you don't like faggots and trannies and everything else along those lines, they pervert and twist the circle of life.

Likewise, if you piss away western civlization and whitey you equally destroy actual progress.
Have you ever looked at muslim majority countries? Would you really rather have that cover the world because it's easier to sink on your knees and have your throat slit than stand up and unfuck your brethren?

Would you rather regress into an automaton most muslims are?

The whitewashed ones living in the fat of white civilization nonwithstanding, they are not the majority, they are not the essence of muslimity, just like basketball americans aren't the same as negroes in their natural habitat.

You talk about throwing commies into the ovens and shit, yes, that's a good treatment for them, but they're commies.

That's a thing anyone can be.
But white? You don't just get those genes anywhere, unless perhaps you want to wager for some more whatever years until evolution might, *might* bring them back.

Ovening commies and traitors is one thing.
Going full blown "hurrr fuck whitey" is fucking retarded and, in my opinion, is not what CF even preachs.

I see his message like this:
"You are weak because you let your muscles waste away. Destroy the part of you that pussyfoots around the effort of lifting weights. Stop blaming other factors. You are of great genetic stock, so don't act like you're not."

That's why I think he mocks white IQ and co.

The potential is there but is being used for shit.
The potential of lifting and getting strong is there, but people rather slump down on the couch.

Anyway, I do think his approach isn't always the best and he should re-evaluatue it.


We aren't breeding, we are increasingly killing ourselves outright due to despondency, and we poison our bodies with medicines and foods that make our lives more convenient.

Yes, but you don't know what that even means. In a Christian context, despair is the belief that one's soul cannot attain salvation, and is a denial of the power of God. It has nothing to do with material affairs. In fact, I'd argue that the way some people put their faith in earthly institutions is tantamount to idolatry.

This OC is reminiscent of stuff from Holla Forums, because you don't really know what the author's intent was.

Is he siding with the fags on this issue, or with the dumb-as-fuck, fag-obsessed cretin?

If any of CFs autistic fans can prove his claim about 60% of the population being faggots, I will take back everything bad I said about him.

Fuck off CF, you want to die so badly join fucking Hezbollah so I can watch you get executed by ISIS in a particularly entertaining fashion.

Nobody is actually going to dox him. Someone made a thread complaining about him, it became an intense and interesting debate, so I made a second thread.

Fun fact, CF said in one of his CFR episodes that going to the gym is gay because it promotes lusting after male bodies or some shit.

Do you really believe that?
Do you really believe that god is okay with you wallowing in your self pity while you refuse to do anything to improve the situation?

EU average is 1.5

Population is shrinking by half every generation.

Keep in mind that birth rates are getting lower too.

Do the math.

I'm advocating fucking off from the people who are doing that and starting fresh, unlike you, insisting that you try to bring back the increasingly weak pulse of this sore-ridden, emaciated, and gangrenous body.

his bandcamp maybe

Someone needs to do some type of compilation of CF. Either a graphic with a collection of his tweets, or some audio excerpts from his podcasts. He is too dumb and boring for most of us to follow him, especially when it comes to his hour long podcasts.

I'm really surprised that common filth isn't a really popular lolcow

You are a fucking moron

I might do one at some point. There is a lot of content to go through though.

Also, this fucking defeatism some people who listen to CF have is pissing me off, too.

Because it's the same as liberal doublething.

On one hand they mock "Hurr, durr, it doesn't affect you, it doesn't affect you." because they know that it DOES affect you.

But on the other hand:
Ehhh fuckkkkkk, we suckkkk, we must be killled, we can't fix ourselves, we can't affect the insane, bleeehh.

What is it, then?
Why would faggotry affect you if you, likewise cannot affect anyone else?

Both the faggot and the non degenerate think they're right.

But if faggotry affects you, then you should also go put the money where your mouth is and give your argument a "reach around" and affect them, as well.

There is a difference between a prancing fagmo and a dude with a core like an iron pillar who could probably lift you up and throw you across the room.

Anyway, it's just an example of self improvement.
Being strong ties in with being healthy and the human body loves being uses for strength.

I've already explained what I do. Exit. What you are doing is hanging around a nuclear disaster site trying to find a kitten among sewer rats. The situation is lost. Start creating a new one.

Join Hezbollah, drown in a fucking cage

There was a thread on /cow/ talking about him. Probably made by him since it was filled with rage over cartoon frogs.
The thread quickly turned into the discussion of CF and some even asked if he was worthy of lolcowdom. He's certainly getting their and probably deserves mockery after shilling himself so hard on Holla Forums.

Always a good place to start.


What you really need is for these people who are "oh so inferior" to you to kick your motherfucking ass because not only are you a fucking moron you're a moron who wants to drag those that are just as unintelligent as you into believing that they "can start a movement" by being edgy nihilist fags when they could make better use being cannon fodder or thugs for RWDS.

Like this guy.
He doesn't look like your average "aesthetics mirin" faggot.
He looks like who can build a house and carry all the resources on his shoulders and slaughter a bull at the end of the day.

I would if I didn't have family. They're cool guys.

Read Jünger and go for a walk.

He's a big guy.

you worry me

You don't know shit about me or what I'm doing.
I guess I should't get married because I'm just trying to find a kitten among sewer rats, huh?

Or at least the people who aren't yet fags.
The majority of people, by the way.

Oh no but they all pale in comparison to you so you might as well fucking kill yourself

Based pastor manning telling it like it is to all the anti-CF sodomites who dont support israel.

Wait, does he really support Israel?

We know that's you cf jeez

Well, since he's mentioned several times that Tel Aviv is ranked as the gayest place on earth, I'm sure he's not a big fan.

Movements are for fags. Just be a functioning human being in your sphere of influence and start doing something that will actually help those close to you.

You are trying to save a ship with every compartment flooded.
By all means find a wife, have children, be a good father. Don't do it out of some misguided notion that you have a duty to the people that betrayed you, do it because it is what men are meant to do.

CF doesn't, but Manning does, and CF generally likes Manning because he is no bullshit on sodomy. CF has discussed Tel Aviv being the gay capital of the middle east in passing.

Well he's a pretty big fan of pastor manning though since he shills for him in basically every episode of CFR.

No idea what you are talking about. I have no loyalty to sodomites, white or otherwise.

This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Is that how the national socialists in germany rose to power? Is being a good family man what prevented the communists from taking over imperial Russia? Is that how America was founded? By saying everything was shit and life is for the most part meaningless?

Here is a tweet from Common "I'm not very well read" Filth chiding us for having a low literacy level.

From listening to CF's radio for a while and all the questions I've heard him get, it seems like he only has fans anymore because so many of them are fundamentally broken people. For the same reason there are so many former crack-heads, whores and faggots in the church these days. They have never had concept of good in the first place so they automatically assume everyone is as depraved as them.

He argues like a redditor.

You have loyalty to this notion of the white race, yes? The same race that has overwhelmingly enabled it's own destruction and turned against those that actually care about its health?

The NSDAP lost. The Bolsheviks ultimately lost. What won is just the insidious meme of liberalism. It will continue to do so unless you build something strong enough to resist it. Just trying to make your own never works.

You need to make something new rather than try to fight it within the system. Political clusterfucking will not make anything new, just drain your resources on a shitty battlefield.

Sodomites on TRS must be really salty to keep making these threads on here. Doesn't really hold water when you consider that TRS and OP takes men's semen in their rectums. Frankly need to be ovened. If you're a homo, you'll be hanged on the day of the rope especially if you're white.

These "whites can't do nuffin" posters are likely Jewish since that's never been argued in the white nationalist circles even since Will Pierce

I'm going to bed lads.

Good night Holla Forums. I hope you're all comfy in your precious husk of a civilization.

"Hurr durr because victories don't last for infinite they are ultimately meaningless" explain to me how liberalism would win this time around when the only reason it won in the first place was because stronger men fought for it. Those stronger men are all dead or on our side now, the solution is not to commit sudoku because barbarians are at the gates but for us to become the barbarians.

i mean quarter
Whites birth rates on the other hand is even lower than that
Eurabia soon

Most of the people arguing against CF dont like TRS fags either but i guess you already knew that, huh chaim?

There seems to be three broad groups of CF detractors.
1. People that dislike CF because they are unrepentant faggots. We had a few of them in the previous thread, and they really wanted to dox CF and kill him.
2. People that dislike CF because he's a christcuck. Can't do much about them.
3. People that dislike CF because he's a demoralizer. There's some truth to that criticism.
Again, it's important to remember these distinctions.

Ive watched a couple of vids by him and theres some funny moments, like med resistent aids but in general its just blackpills and degeneracy. And I see no point in watching fucked up shit, just to get grossed out. Thats is weird in its own way tbh.

My opinion about degenerates is to kill them or lock them up, I dont need to "dive" in to tumblr bug chasing section to understand "why", its just natural to want to kill off people thats fucked up in the head.

And as I said in another thread about him, you cant watch and read about so fucked up shit too long, because it will effect you. You can really tell it has effected CF.

Guess who you sound like?

Who claimed anyone is trying to fight within the system?

Good night Holla Forums. I hope you're all comfy in your precious husk of a civilization.

You are just babbling at this point. Nobody ever claimed that the west is in good shape. We just think that nihilism is a waste of time

As detractor #3, this is accurate.

I don't care if someone's a Christcuck, just as long as they wish to build a better future for the white race. CF obviously just wants whites to die because "muh jesus is comin' back soon!"

CF is white and just like Pastor Manning mostly focuses on black behaviour because he is black, CF mostly focuses on white behaviour because he is white. The true redpill is that the important struggle is not a political struggle or an economic one but an internal one. Until white people stop being such degenerates on an individual level, no Trump or UKIP is going to save you.

Point out to me any other black, jew or whatever non-white activist that wants to help his own race while simulataneously calling for the extinction of themselves. Even Pastor Manning doesn't say blacks should all die because they have faults.

You're a minority among the anti-christcucks here, I bet. I've argued at lengths with asatrufags that sincerely wanted to wipe out half of Europe if they could remove Christianity.

I'm blackpilled that the Jews can be stopped without spme sort of divine intervention but that doesn't mean that I do nothing.

CF doesn't hate good whites, he hates the culture that good gpy consume. It's jews fault for poisoning the well but the subhumans that consume it most eagerly happen to be white. If you love yoir white brothers and sisters, work to FIX this internal problem imstead of pretending it doesn't exist.

For fucks sake, this was an entire chapter in the Turner Diaries. This is why you're newfags or Jewish or homo queers of you think whiteness justifies degeneracy.

I would agree with that, in order for whites to fix ourselves we probably need a significant portion of the cucks and faggots to die off. Only faggots believe in redemption for the weak and advocate against eugenics i.e. CF

Come on now Facts are demoralizing?
If he's wrong people can just point it out in a civil argument not whine and cry about their feeling.

Since when is 60% of the population being faggots a fact.

Nobody is pretending that it doesn't exist.

Tried to do that, got accused of sodomy for disagreeing with Saint Filth.

I think the group with the most significant overlap among his haters is the alt-right. There's no nice way to say this, you guys fucking suck.

You claim to be right-wing, but you embrace faggots and encourage the death of America, the Republican party and the Conservative movement. Someone says the exact same shit back to you and you throw a hissy fit. Maybe you "let it all burn" faggots should acknowledge that the white race is part of what you'd be destroying.

The reality is, CF has a point. Muslims are throwing faggots off of roofs, alt-right people are embracing faggots like Milo.

The bottom line is, you faggots are hypocritical, narcissistic babies. Nothing CF has said about you guys comes close to the shit you've said about anyone who even slightly mocks Trump. Maybe if you want respect you should fucking respect others.

I tried to get into the alt-right at one point over a year ago. You suck. You want to talk about demoralization? Every fucking podcast I found on the alt-right was promoting the death of conservatism, when the supreme court legalized fag marriage, some alt-right beta cuck posted an article on AVoiceForMen saying social conservatives were "soundly defeated" and should just give up and give the alt-right control. You're parasites the left wouldn't take. I tried listening to stream after stream, and I think the moment that epitomized everything wrong with the alt-right came in listening to one that was posted on /cow/ over a year ago.

Some liberal sociopath joined the alt-right to try to promote the "coming out fasc" and "coming out conservative" ideas, and portray it as like being in the closet. While the stream of chucklefucks was all mocking this depraved cunt, Davis Aurini was in the stream and was among those who kept changing the subject to talk about himself. I'm paraphrasing, but when he acknowledged he was doing this he basically said "Yes, we're narcissists, but it's justified because we're geniuses." to the agreement of the stream.

The alt-right is a worthless embarrassment. An embarrassment to conservatives, nationalists, traditionalists, and any pro-white group across the board. You SUCK and you deserve every mean word said about you.

stop talking about yourself in a third person you fucking faggot

blacks who follow tj sotomayor think he's anti-black and a white supremacist

Autism: the post
Maybe you are mentally handicapped or shilling here, who knows. But most of us shitting on CF do not support the aut-right.

Like I said: Grow the fuck up.

What other argument is there you fucking moron? I said that most of us do not support the altfaggot and that's true.

This is the cringiest shit I've ever seen here. This is a parody of "Threw it on the Ground" bt the Lonely Island, but without any creativity.

That was Rachel Haywire, a genuine kike that was an NRx entryist that really REALLY wanted to co-opt the movement and make it "revolutionary" as how her natural Jewish predisposition would have her.

Perspective is all that matters.

By the way, that's the same Jewish cunt that helped invent and popularize the word "Fash", which is hilarious to me whenever I see that word and know that whoever is using it/has it in their username has no idea it's a Jewish invention.

I don't think anyone is denying he has a point, unless they themselves are in denial. I'm not alt-right and I hate faggots.

However, CF deserves some criticism for his weird praise for Muslims. For someone who criticizes others so much, you guys sure do get upset when you receive criticism yourself. Or is CF some holy saint who is perfect and immune from critique?

Wow you sure did it

60% aren't faggots thats true
But 60% think its okay to let your kids become transgender

link to the vid or it didn't happen

Its funny you say that shit after writing 2 paragraphs screaming about how everyone who doesn't worship your mongrel false prophet is gay.

How about a counter argument in poem form?
If you think that the "right" is so much different to CFs (potential) utopia.

So let's see, you read a post criticizing the alt-right, and took personal offense while claiming not to be part of it yourself.

Since you speak with an air of authority on retardation, maybe you can see why your posts are fucking stupid and don't make any sense? I can spell it out if you like.

Not in a video, in the other thread

someone called you a faggot on an anonymous imageboard
wow tell me more about it

First of all that stat is BS and it's more like somwhere around 40%, with constant media propaganda it's still not a majority and people are getting less tolerant.
But do you seriously think I or anyone else should care who enables faggotry? Faggot enabling is something that can be reversed, same goes for people who are pro-integration. Having a majority population of fags is not reversible, having a majority population of niggers is not reversible either. But why should I give up trying to change people's minds because you don't like some faggy e-movement that you think I'm related to for some reason.

You wanted a civil discussion and I'm trying to give it to you.

You get proven wrong then start throwing insults and sperging.



What does commonfilth actually do in his videos again?

Jerk off to gay porn and cry about whitey.

talk about how gay white people are and how we need to be eliminated because of it.

Mostly talk about articles and why the events in them are degenerate.

Okay you seem to agree that white population is shrinking now why is that?
Why are whites of all races in the western world not having children?

meant for

The thing about CF is he reminds me a lot of me when I was a kid and didn't understand why animated lizard/dragon people made me feel funny, especially the male ones.

I know the " you hate it so you are it" meme is in the vast majority of cases used by leftists to shut down discussion of the horrors of sexual deviance, but this guy actually follows the pattern. He isn't just freaked out and disgusted, like you or I might be when a Pokemon foot fetishist enters a thread. That's a good feeling, even if it's negative. You love and understand that feeling. He's spending an inordinate amount of time looking at these things, more than necessary to understand the facts, and going into long diatribes about them.

When I discovered my weird fetish as a kid the feeling I got was a bad one, because it was good and I didn't want it to be. I hated the media that elicited it for making me feel that way. I'd go into diatribes about how terrible those shows or images were, and most o it probably had the benefit of being true, but it was way more attention than they deserved.

I'm thankful every day that my deviance had that impossible element that makes it harmless for most of everyday life. I can't imagine what it must be like for a full, non dragon/lizard=specific-furry gay.

You're playing a game of broken telephone with each other, have you actually absorbed more than 140 characters of what he says?
sage for e celeb cancer

His early episodes were an attack on modernity, cultural marxism, moral relativism, standard Holla Forums fare.
Lately though it's been a giant subtweet in podcast form counter-signalling faggots like Richard Spencer and Greg Johnson.


Literally who and why should / would anybody care?

Why are you trying to differentiate the two when Faulk did a show for TRS and still has his writing published there? At least add the Daily Stormer or some other outlet that isn't just crypto-lolbergs.

I think I used to know cf before he created the cf personality

Yep. I used to listen to CFR a lot. I actually enjoyed his content before he went full nihilism.


Richard Spencer is the guy who invented the term "alt-right". He's rumored to be a homosexual, and runs a secret gentleman's club called "phallanx" which many suspect is a giant literal circlejerk.
Greg Johnson is the guy who runs counter-currents. He too is also rumored to be a fag. He wrote an article that called homophobia "Jewish" and tries to brush off the perfectly healthy anti-faggot reaction in these circles as "purity spiralling".

The purpose to a sage is to not bump off topic or cancerous threads while still contributing to the cancerous discussion. It's a polite thing to do for all of those that do not partake in these threads.


DS didn't come to mind at the immediate moment pal'o, but I'll got off my ass and cook up some dank spicy meme soon as I can.

New and improved as per protocols of the Elders of Zion.

My point isn't that he is, it's that he's well known to the current White Nationalist climate and if that user doesn't even know a name like Richard Spencer he's probably not taking WN seriously.

pick one

I never even knew about Tricky Dicky and Grindr Greg until it was made known that they were faggots. White nationalism is nowhere even close to limited to the autright or even more specifically several dozen faggots on the internet. You realize that amren, radix and counter currents don't get nearly as much traffic as the daily stormer or Holla Forums right?

No, he wrote an article about the "gay suggestion" that anything remotely intimate between two men is homosexual is a Jewish social engineering project. His point is

None of that shit is gay at all, that is objectively true.


TDS is pretty big, and they had this to write about Greg:

wrong link, but relevant anyway.

The alt-right doesn't consider Spencer an authority on anything, most of us just try not to signal against him because he has useful resources in his position at NPI.

Also, you do mean Chuck Johnson of WeSearchr right?

Then it seems you're mistaken, he doesn't call for the genocide of white people and neither does he claim the reason to be because they're gay.

Recently in one of his radio episodes he pointed out a part of the book of Deuteronomy where it claims that if you follow gods laws your enemies will flee in several directions, because of this he believes that because whites are not following gods laws they are now under assault from their enemies and losing the fight. Most of the victims to ISIS terrorist attacks on westerners with the exception of a few attacks have been people who don't live Christian lifestyles so there may possibly be something to what he says.

To clarify, CF believes that the wages of sin is death, and that's why whites are dying out. You may argue that only a minority are sinning but a majority of them are giving the minority their blessing, and to give your blessing to someone so they can use it to sin is in itself a sin.


Look, I'm obviously not the first to see that Greg has a soft spot for homos. Just see the TDS articles I linked above, dated from 2013. Apparently this in-fighting between "pro-gay" and "anti-gay" has been going on for a long time.

Yeah and TDS also called out kosher cucks like Jared Taylor and Implicit haircut in this article from today. Yet still CF spergs seem to think that white nationalism is only confined to TRS weeaboo memesters.

Spencer coined the term alt-right what are you even talking about

Whoa there, I disagree, but at least use a GOOD image.

If you actually payed any attention to WN circles, altright was co-opted by non faggots for a while it's just only now Tricky Dicky is trying to claim everything Holla Forums has done in that time as an accomplishment of his.

Before he turned himself into a fucking joke with his series of retarded comments that Holla Forums likes to circle-jerk over as if we elected Spencer as if hes a politician and not just some faggot on twitter.

You assholes don't seem to understand that the Alt-Right is taking a page out of the lefts handbook and not shitting on our own movement to our own destruction.

Fuck no, all it means is we don't take him seriously or view him as an authority because we disagree with him on all the fucking retarded statements hes made.

"Implicit" is even a fucking meme on TRS podcasts and shit because of how retarded it was to make that statement.

Our memes are the only thing that made what is currently known as the "Alt-Right" relevant.

btw does anybody else remember the Radix spam here a year or so ago? They even wrote that retarded article about Ben Garrison and "/pol" they were trying to push.

We understand it very well, that why you are faggots .

It really gets me how Commonfilth and Ironmarch have started to hate memes because of how well the Alt-Right has used them.

I don't know, why are Chinese not having children?


and thats why you Hiterite wannabes are fucking irrelevant meanwhile we're taking over the Republican party with down ballot candidates

I'm a Marxist but i don't subscribe to the ideas that Karl Marx promotes.

Because they're fucking irrelevant, they're like people who still had a horse and buggy into the mid 1930s

Spencer did not invent the alt-right, he invented the term to describe it

This is the best argument in CFs favor that I've seen thus far.

However, he has made tweets about being in favor of white genocide. (pic related)

and if you say "it's just a joke", well, so is kek posting. He didn't hesitate to rant about how sinful it is in his podcast and tweet about it a bunch though.

"Hehe give up goy, nobody is getting the message and the youth are just becoming more degenerate. Here look at some purple haired tranny faggot on tumblr as proof."

Paul Gottfried was the first one to use the term.

Asians are a minority and going to stay that what's the problem?
Whites are a majority and are declining that's the point

Now he's going through the thread on his reddit deleting any kind of criticism.

Do you think I only care about whites in the USA? I hate America for the most part, if it survives okay, if not i do not give a shit. I have the same policy with anglos. Also maybe you didnt understand me when i pointed out Asians have below replacement birthrates in their own countries. This is not exclusively about America.

He's stated on his show a few times that he now uses his twitter almost purely for upsetting the alt right people on it. And kek posting may have started as a joke, but judging by the fact that if you insult kuk or the faith surrounding the demon in communities under the influence of Holla Forums someone will get upset it's safe to make the conclusion that there are poor disenfranchised people who take it seriously. I've seen them myself and had long angry conversations with them, not on Holla Forums but a community with its user base imported from Holla Forums.

china has abolished the one child policy
japan is a dying nation and we should take it as an example and not mimic it

How are they a dying nation when they're just going to replace their list workers with robots? How can they die if there is no other race to replace them?

I'm sure there are some spoil sports. Does that mean we shouldn't be able to have fun with it every once in a while?

Also, you never answered my question about what he tweeted about ISIS/white genocide. How can you be so sure someone won't take him seriously on that if people take us seriously with kek?

few old men who own automated factories isn't what i call a nation
china will invade them

If this post is legit and my sleuthing skills are on point, CF is confirmed not a spicjew, but some mostly-German American Euromutt.

People take kek seriously the same way people used to get mad if you said ben garrison wasn't a neonazi mass murderer. Maybe you're just autistic.

He said he was primarily Polish at some point. I'm not sure if that's true or not.

Even if China were to invade them, how would they not end up succumbing to the same low birth rates as china? The jews will just move to China and start the parasitic process all over again.

People take whatever group you identify yourself with seriously because a lot of you do worship kuk, whenever a large amount of people in a group do something worthy of note it becomes a stereotype for that group.

Also having fun every once in a while is fine, but not when it's something evil that drags people into taking an ancient false god seriously.

Meant to say succumbing to the same low birth rates as Nippon

Why do you guys even care about some shitty e-celeb shit?
I thought people on Holla Forums were smart enough to know that the media just repackages information in an edible way.
Of course they manipulate you until they're blatantly obvious.

Ditch these kinds of attention whores.

Do you think people take Ben Garrison or Moonman seriously as well?

No he's right, if this is a thread about critiquing our own community, the people who honestly believe meme magic is real are rather silly.

Oh no wait he's a crazy Christcuck, praise Kek

That's the thing with American euromutts, they've a little bit of everything, so they're born rootless and are easily maleable for the kikes.

But if I'm correct, CF has a German surname even if he's part Polish. Not uncommon.

My theory:

He got molested by some faggot as a child (maybe a priest) and now has developed an unhealthy fixation on that matter. It probably got triggered when he was doing research for his old videos.

This in combination with marxist propaganda and him being a hermit with no real contact with white people IRL-

This would explain his weird fascination with homosexuality and almost irrational paranoid mad behavior - almost as if he has the feeling people want to molest him … again.

There's totally crossovers from /x/ who believe some really stupid shit.

You are taking that meme way too seriously.

So, kek posting is evil because a few retards took it too far, but when CF praises ISIS in a tongue in cheek tweet, that's okay because it's not like they worship a false god or anything.

Yeah and those people are usually schizophrenic or autistic, do you think anyone besides you takes them seriously? You need to go outside.


yep. He's banning all criticism. See

What did you post?

The way Holla Forums is set up they reflect on us as much as anyone else does. This entire thread is about internet people fam.

That's not what they're saying you stupid retard, they're calling out cf on his hypocrisy of exclusively blaming whites and ignoring that niggers spics and kikes are degenerates too.

That and the fact that CF is a crybaby bitch that can't defend any of his stances outside of his hugbox and for some reason has a bunch of cumslurping tumblr tier fanboys.

China's population is going to boom for the upcoming war

nice trips you lost soul

CF has been very particular with the word "degenerate".
That people can only be "degenerate" if they had accomplished creating civilization and have slipped away from it. So nigs and spics cannot be "degenerate" but rather depraved since they've never created civilization.

But if you want to know how awful nigs and spics are (as if we all don't already know), there's basically no limit in the number of people covering that material. I guess CF made pointing out white leftist degeneracy (and more recently, right-wing degeneracy) his own niche.

The Chinese are complete subhumans though, clearly you are unaware of the inhumanity that these chinks are capable of, right? They just simply are not intelligent or organized enough to defeat anybody in large scale combat. There is a reason japs pushed their shit in during WW2. Also if the phillipines elected a nationalist dictator, why can't we?

Just remember that CF is lurking and trying to defend himself. Last week he got realy butt hurt and caps lock spammed some thread about him calling people faggots. Then he went on twitter and posted those

Everybody say "Hello CF!"

Hello CF! I'm not alt right and I hate faggots, but don't let that stop you from straw manning me and ignoring any criticism sent your way!

I suppose he's right in a way niggers still act like niggers did and spics are still beheading each other and taking drugs like the Incas and Aztecs.

stop proving him right for starters

He really does come across as a moron though not in a mean sense just in a low IQ sense.

Unsurprising if he's a spic

I never posted that. Not sure what you're talking about.


you linked the deleted reddit posts as criticism
if you're going to cry about straw men stop being self worshiping faggots

Nobody TM is superior to CF in every way.

definitely agree, nobodytm was instrumental in my redpilling process, the only thing I ever liked about CF was some of his arguments against faggotry.

That wasn't my criticism. That was just proof that he is censoring criticism.

My criticism is that he is a hypocrite. He talks about how we shouldn't pay attention to Muslims because they are heathens and it's in their nature to behave that way. That's the exact logic that faggots use when they defend sodomy. "It's not relevant to you. Just ignore it."

I've always been afraid to show nobodytm to people that aren't already "there"

I get it, but it makes me sick when I watch. But I think if I show this to people that are even half-redpilled, will they get it? Shit's crazy

Just give up, I know I'm done arguing. These faggot fanboys of his would rather live in the comfortable mental hugbox that everyone who doesn't like CF now must be a TRS autist. I used to be a big fan of his but whatever, I guess I just don't get the cult of personality surrounding him these days. If they don't want to believe any of us that have any qualms with him aren't sodomites than so be it. I never really understood Holla Forumss instinctive hatred of all ecelebs until CF went off the rails. Now I finally get it.

He criticized the rapefugees and muslim terrorism but he also talked about how you fixate about muslim shitholes in middle east so you feel better about yourselves

I showed "You" to a couple of my normie friends and it definitely left an impact on them. I think you have to find the subject where they are most open to new ideas about and work on them that way.

After watching "You" both of my friends aware that pornography was harmful and ultimately developed an extremely negative opinion of it.

You're the one to talk about fixating on things. Why are all of you so fixated on white mens' anuses?

The people I most want to show it to are Christians. And it's too abrasive for them even though they would agree about decline. That's one example at least, but everybody I know that would appreciate it most also would have a problem with it, maybe

Why does CF get so rustled, he is kvetching all over Twitter and tactically retweeting the little support he gets to make the 1000+ critical posts he has had in the last 24 hours alone seem like a lunatic fringe.

CF is a two bit cringe compiler no different to any other on YouTube apart from the fact he get’s a fraction of the traffic. Nothing he compiles is new to me, I’ve seen it all before by the time he puts it out. He is little more than a buzzfeed curator only he condemns instead of promotes.

We care about the future of our planet and our people and you stich vines of brainwashed children together for a living.

Stay mad CF.

nigger you made a two threads each with more than 500 replies to circlejerk about an eceleb and now you're whining because people are calling you out on it fuck off

homosexuality is one of many issues. he talks about like materialism nihilism drugs…
you only hear what you want to hear

A lot of people do agree with the things we've put in Moon mans mouth and some have put those words in his mouth because they wanted to amplify their own. And no one here believes that Ben Garrison is actually a mass murdering shit lord but a lot of people here would seriously agree with the things we meme Ben to be.

I have encountered them multiple times, though in making my decision that kuk is a serious problem because people take it seriously I did not factor in posts on any image boards because there's no way to tell truly if they believe it beyond their fervor in giving me (You)'s. I made the decision based on outside communities with their populations coming almost purely from image boards and by hearing their voice and seeing their dedication when they would try and sway me towards Kuk I knew for sure that there were people that take it seriously, and with internet communities if there's a few there's bound to be dozens if not hundreds more.

He's clearly in an unhealthy state of mind, maybe he'll kill himself.

Getting his meager following really went to his head.

I've been listening for over a year now and I used to be a big fan. The thing is, I've noticed a significant change in his content recently.

You're the one who bumped it 26 times lol

Still you ignore the hypocrisy. You can't say irony is dangerous and then make ironic posts yourself.

It's new for a lot of people though.
There are enough people who think the decadence and degeneracy of the western world is a good thing, and vanishingly few that think correctly.

If you care about the future of your people why do you take issue with someone who condemns your people for things that they actually do do wrong that will take away their future?

He is a hypocrite. He loves to criticize other people (Holla Forums) but he gets a big ego when other people bring up valid criticism about his own actions.

That's the problem, he has taken a position that is incompatible with the continued existence of the white race. We think that our race should be helped and bettered, he thinks we should die out.

We aren't condemning him for that. I completely agree with his criticisms. I'm simply pointing out that he has been hypocritical on several occasions.

there's something else cf talks about putting faith in men
sorry senpai broke your heart

What the fuck are you talking about? I didnt make either of these threads but I will admit I was butthurt enough to make a lot of posts in them.

People are making up scenarios in hopes of getting on his show. It is a dumb meme.

A thing I have recently noticed was that he always manages to be right and invents way to come out on top when he is called out for taking patently false things too seriously.

Anyway, there is nothing wrong with accepting christ in your life. You can do that without hating white people and making a fool of yourself on the internet.

I have done nothing hypocritical in that I originally said there is nothing wrong with good fun until it does something evil.

I don't think CF has ever said Kuk is dangerous because it's ironic, I think he claims it dangerous because it drives people away from god and towards auto theism.

Oh we know that you love the jews very much as a devout christian. But I have to inform you that they are pedophile boy fuckers.

And now lets read a bit in the talmud´. Very important book for judeo-christian thought.

And the first homosexual porn cinemas opened by jews in weimar germany. First transsexual operation made by a jew in germany. Every major boy fucking pedophilia theory created in the sexual liberation by jews (willhelm reich the father of the sexual liberation and advocate for sexual contact with boys - The freud family and his cousin Bernays the father of modern propaganda pozz) etc.

His position is that whites need christ, what position to save your race do you have that will save them without god?

is (68) posts worth of spreading rumours and hatred for someone who has done for the most part good warranted under a few instances of hypocrisy?

He offers nothing more than a constant and outright bombardment of focused and clearly biased criticism. He combs the internet (probably just Holla Forums to be fair) for examples to include in his propaganda, and for what purpose? Does he offer his followers any advice to deal with the problems he points out; no he claims that the death of the White Race is the solution.

His tactics are all too similar to that of a certain group that we are all familiar with.

I'm the OP, of course I bumped my own thread.

Does it go "You cannot be loyal to someone who is not loyal to you"? I genuinely liked CF, but he shat all over us because a few shills were posting tranny porn and the mods didn't ban them.

You could say that about almost anything though. How do we know simply spending time on the internet doesn't drive people away from god?

I don't know, but I don't think it's right that he criticize others but be off limits for criticism himself. That's my point.

He's not defending Jews, he is attacking you and people like you who seriously blame all their problems on a group of people that they consented to being ruined by.

People can only lead with the will of the people, and when a Jew is in a position where he is leading or more likely influencing someone who is leading he wont be able to do much if the people have no will to smoke meth and hail Satan.

Time to ask the autist your questions.

I've never heard him say that whites should go extinct. The closest thing he said was that ISIS is "chemotherapy". Again, I want that earlier poster who wants to compile all the material CF made promoting white genocide to deliver on their promise. Until then, all I see are hyperboles from people that don't understand what he's saying.

see pic

Who are you
the alt-right is a big tent with no moral standards
Holla Forums isn't a movement its a board on a website a tool

Do you see what's written on the MAGA hat? It says "Make America Gay Again".
What I see is a manic preacher exasperated at his audience.

I'm not alt-right. I have no idea why you guys are so obsessed with them either. I'm just a generic white nationalist, I guess. I don't like degeneracy and I think that white people deserve to have Europe to themselves.

Pro-tip: Most Holla Forumsacks are anti alt-right. As soon as Milo emerged as a leader of that group, most people here dropped it like a hot potato.

CTRL-F White on his twitter feed. He is obsessed with bashing the white race.

1. Whats the problem with being biased towards something that's evil?
2. At this point he does not comb the internet as most of the content is user submitted. 3. Please provide an instance where CF offers the death of the white race as a solution to sodomy because the closest he has ever come is to saying that those that go against the will of god will be wiped out, and whites are the most guilty of that.
4. He has very clearly stated the solution is god.
5. How has any of what you claim CF to have done used as tactics by the group you are implicating?

he insulted a trap why do you think that insult was meant for you? are you retarded?

He said in one of his more recent CFRs that white nationalists were closet homos or something to that effect.

How dumb are you?

Don't you know NATT is the official leader of the altright?

white nationalists think other white nationalists are closet homos see radio free skyrim cast/daily stormer/ironmarch…

Everything you ask can be answered by browsing the last 20 posts alone. I’m not repeating myself for you. Look; he isn’t going to recruit people back into Christianity through berating them alone. As for question 5, lurk moar.

I didn't say he was THE leader. I said he was A leader. And yes, he certainly did spin himself as some kind of hero protagonist of the movement in his gay little articles.

Yeah and that's a problem. Why the fuck would you attack someone who is trying to help you?

Replace "homos" with "Jews" and you'll understand.

That sodomite is not a part of the alt right.

I myself and those I shared CFs content with were drove to god through absorbing his content, there's a reason why god created the desire to bully in some; if there's something that your insistent on doing that is harmful to you and others sometimes you need to be mocked endlessly to understand the gravity of what you were doing wrong.

Over 500 posts, fucking really? It's a gimp on Twitter who went there after continually getting btfo out here. It's shitpost replies but on Twitter. Who cares? 99% OP is the tard. Otherwise this fucking dummy would be ignored like he always has been.

There's THOUSANDS of these degenerate losers there. Let the gay nigger talk to himself. He hates white people and we hate him. It's just fucking NOTHING. You know it's some impoverished basement dweller, do nothing cunt like every other dumb asshole in his family tree. Nth generation welfare faggot with daddy issues whose uncle touch him and he liked it who'd never say any of this shit to anyone in person.

If you want a crazy person, we can do better. You know there's some sheboon going on about kangz 10x better than this faggot. He just an attention seeking little shit which is why his comments get more and more absurd. Ignore the fucker and he'll cut his wrists.

Is being an edgy esoteric christian who posts Holla Forums memes considered the pinnacle of modern ideological thought now? What the fuck is this shit? Are you people even from Holla Forums?

Do you except anything better from Danes?

This fucking retard 5ba3b1 must be him. He has over 10% of the posts in this thread. Mods should filter and ban anyone who posts this Twitter faggot again.

Sodomites have a tendency to involve themselves in political movements, it goes beyond more than just white nationalism. They see it as their only means of reproduction because they're unable to procreate and through politics they can ensure that they can make or push policies that guarantee them a future of blood orgies and the creation of more of their kind.


No, I get it. That's not what I was talking about though. Why would CF attack a community that helped him gain notoriety? Surely he doesn't actually believe that there are sincere sodomites on Holla Forums in more than minuscule quantities?

If you hate my thread so much, why did you bump it?

They're probably from twitter, youtube and reddit as that is where CF resides most of the time.

Sorry, nobody bumplocked it so I assumed it was okay to talk about. I only made this thread, not the first one.

That's true. But most white nationalists are not homos.


CF seems to think that his most vocal detractors are those sincere sodomites. While that's no excuse to dismiss genuine criticism, he has a point since in the last thread we had genuine fags threatening to dox and kill him while spamming fag porn.

So people are still not getting that the "alt-right" is not one cohesive group/org/ideology? It's a blanket term, and it's definition changes depending on who you ask.

Anyway, CF is a nihilistic spic fuck boy christcuck that spends all his time watching gay porn, listening to fringe nigger "pastors" and shitting on everyone on the American right but get seriously buttblasted if anyone gives it back to him. He cannot handle the bants and that is why all his little cock gobbling fangirls come here to defend him.

He even called out MDE for being faggots for featuring that gay stuff on their most recent episode but CF quickly deleted the tweet. Maybe he realized the irony? :)

CF seriously think all of us are smoking meth and worshiping frogs.

There are four kinds of homosexuals on the right.

1.) The one who smelled the ashes from the liberal camp, which sold out everyone in favor of mud people who throw fags off towers.
These faggots would not be on the right if muslims worshipped faggotry.
2.) The gays who are into nazi shit, the uniforms and wanting to be fucked and dominated by one, or vice versa.
These fags are just cosplayers, basically.
3.)The gays who know they are sick and detrimental to the 14 words and fight faggotry at every opportunity.
They are rare and when they do crop up, nobody cares, really.
4.) The invader/poisoner, who wants to weaken the movement.

None, except 3, have any bearing or intrinsic connection to 1488 anything aside from shallow shit or subversion.
3 will never act like the flaming homos cited against the (alt) right.

In other words.
anything that doesn't further the 14 words you can discard. No matter how much they claim to be right, white nationalists or white supremacists since no babies (and even with babies, if the culture is poisoned) no continuation.
No continuation means no supremacy, no nation.

It is self evident that faggotry is incompatible with it.

We're trying to deduce the motivations of an idiot.

Good point, but it's not equivalent. An inherent part of jewish belief is the subjugation of all goyim and the genocide of all "amalekites". An inherent part of homo belief is that gay buttsex is great. Sure both are negative traits, but one is more tolerable than the other.

The difference being that most europeans (I don't like the american definition of races) are just following and virtue signaling. I remember when Obama said he would oppose same-sex marriage because back then that was a mainstream view. Do you realy think everyone just turned gay in the last eight years? Now look, people will follow what ever their percieved peer group does. The problem today is that many orientate themselfs and their views based on the television and constant media barage instead of their regional and local community and church. This doesn't mean we have to kill whites who have no clue what they are doing. Communists do exactly know what they do - people who just follow are usefull idiots and / or naive believers in some kind of liberal Utopia.

Video related

You missed the part where homos believe that "breeders" should be subjugated to the homo "natural aristocracy".

This is what they sincerely think. Don't be fooled by the preface:

I agree that's pretty gay.

lol. I wonder how he will react when he realizes that Sam is an athiest.

That may be the case, but a lot of them see no issue with it. The Libertarian ones say it's their decision to destroy themselves, the traditional ones unearth dead traditions from Greece or Rome, all schools of thought in the alt-right and other Nationalists sects have their own way to talk it away.

Any answer I would give would be dismissed as LARPing, probably correctly. That said, the Christianity of the Crusades or even the Christianity of 100 years ago isn't coming back. The church has sided with our enemies, the greatest irony of CF being so dogmatic on the Christian issue is that many Christians endorse everything he rants about. On the balance mainstream Christianity is far more accepting of homosexuality etc than the alt-right, whatever definition of it you want to use.
Hoping Christianity will return to a previous incarnation is almost as silly as hoping for a large scale return to paganism. I have faith in the spirit of my people, but I won't try and tell others what to worship.

Just because someone does not see faggotry as the biggest immediate threat (so immediate that you have to spend countless hours watching gay porn) does not mean one does not have any "issue with it".

Christianity in itself is not god.

I call bullshit.
The exact same threads appear here and on TRS forums, with the exact same tone of comments.

The only difference is here ppl can be a bit more edgy and pull out the nigger/jew/spic card.

Allah is though, apparently.

You cannot be libertarian and white nationalist. They are contradicting ideologies.

I agree that this is a problem that needs to be dealt with.

I don't know or care about the alt-right because I am not part of it. The only thing that I know is that they seem to be sodomite apologists.

Just because you saw something similar on TRS does not mean Holla Forums is pro homosexuality.

There's a reason why god glassed Sodom and Gomorrah, homosexuality and all other perversions are you're immediate threat as a race because they drive you away from the path of god which is the only way to preserve yourself.

That's cuck talk user, whatever happened to following the Great Commission?

Okay, that DOES sound kinda like some gay Kalergi Plan.

I see muslims and gays both as immediate threats because they are both gaining power and influence at an alarming rate

I and others are using the term alt right because it is the fastest growing and most vocal sect of Nationalism and the movement itself considers nearly all Nationalism a part of it, by their "Big Tent" definition saying Alt-Right means pretty much everything Right Wing and against social norms.

They're both enemies of god, but one is more of an enemy than the other because they disturb the natural order.

Funny that you would attack liberalism in one moment and then advocate for it in the other. Individualism is the nihilistic outgrowths of liberalism, my friend. Infact it is what powers the whole machine. The atomized and faithless population only knows self-interest.

And that is exactly what is wrong with CF and his cultists. He is pretending to be a proponent of family values and community but his only output is nihilistic nominalism. His work is a hypocritical nonesense that amounts to nothing but complain about lack of action or constructive behavior in the west while not giving any contructive output himself. He only delivers the filth onto the screens of even more people.

As a christian in the old tradition he should try to give guidance, focus on constructive force of community and activly try to save as many people as he can.
Instead he is posting yet another compliation of degenerative tumblr postings.

Sorry but I can't take such a person serious

No, it's pro-trap instead.

Now realize that there are people in the alt-right that are brushing off the faggot question and telling you to simply ignore them, while positioning themselves as leaders (Greg Johnson, Richard Spencer). This is no different from kikes co-opting conservatism and creating the neo-cons. That's why it's important to remove the infection right away, lest the right-wing continue to grow and you'll have in the future what the Catholic church currently is - a den of pederast faggots - as the end result of the alt-right.

Fuck off kike, your "hurr durr this problem isn't as bad as this right now" is what got us into this mess. I swear to god CF would be bitching about faggots during the protests for women's suffrage as well. Compromising your ideals for any reason is always a mistake in the long run.

No, it's not. That's a meme that you have engineered.

Go ahead and remove Spencer and Johnson then. I'm waiting.

Muslim invasion is merely a symptom of the secularisation of European states, who were the people who originally said "this problem isn't as bad as this right now" before the current Muslim invasions that have been ongoing for at least twenty years?

Muslims come a lot closer to following god than sodomites do.

The endless mockery Spencer receives for his implicitness is part of the removal process. Johnson is next. The Daily Stormer has done plenty to expose him:

It does not matter whether or not anymore then a small minority practice something evil, it matters that the others neighbouring the evil ones who do nothing or even go so far as to give them their blessing which only allows the evil to grow.

That's nice, you specifically said christ, though.

He thinks today's conservative movement is real conservatism.
Maybe you're just an politically illiterate but if you speak about traditionalism you should at least READ what traditionalists wrote about todays conservatives vs original conservatives. Did you vote for Bush because he called himself a conservative while clearly being a modernist neo-conservative backed by ex-trotskyists?
Good luck with your world view based on 'Christian conservative movement + ISIS vs godless faggots". I know that worked so well in afghanistan against the godless homo soviets but I doubt it will save your ass now.

Yes I did, and Christ is god but his following is not.

I'm not a mod. I can't ban them for posting. What the fuck do you want us to do?

Speak out.

Shame them.
Don't accept them. Report their posts, call them what they are, tell them how disgusting they are. Remember the Goebbels quote about naming the Jew? The same procedures apply.

Lol. Don't you get that the notion of removing someone from something that is not a formal organisation is impossible?

Counter-Currents is one of the best right wing websites in the world and it's gonna keep being that way until something better surfaces.


We do. All the time. I've reported every trap poster I've encountered.

I'm already doing that.

8/pol/ already exists.


Believing a mortal human to be synonymous with the metaphysical godhead is pretty unique to Christianity. You use weasel words to make exclusive claim on certain esoteric subjects most normies aren't fully aware of then cry that anyone who takes a different view is an evil demon worshiper.

But this is abstract theological bullshit that distracts from the point that CF's "community," so much as he has one, endorses everything he despises, which he conspicuously ignores in favor of blaming "white people."

Sorry, a fucking imageboard and a site like CC is not even comparable. You're retarded.


Yet 8/pol/ and cuck/pol/ have had incomparable influence on the rise of Trump and shifting the overton window rightwards. I'd like to see you homo-apologists get to anything close to what we've done here.

A very silly article indeed.

Imageboards and a site like CC have completely different purposes and functions.

Nationalists identify with the group, and when you do that you need to answer for the group, what CF does is he condemns the group for doing nothing about its own downfall and those that claim to be caring for the well being of the group respond not by taking the criticism and trying to make the rest of the group understand what is wrong but instead sling insults and make things up about CF for insulting their sacred cow.

We really do need to just instaban anyone that pretends Holla Forums isnt the foundation of the revival of right-wing ideology in the modern world.

And I'm not a homo-apologists and I have been a part of Holla Forums since before Holla Forums existed so fuck off.

Okay does that mean CF has to answer for his turbo autist fanbase and also answer why he let christianity cuck itself so badly?

You mean, like Christians?

By that logic, all Christians need to answer for pedophilia within the priesthood

Do you see how ridiculous you sound?

Why? I'm 21, I am not responsible for this mess. That's some Christian original sin repackaged for white nationalists, and I'm not falling for it. Talk about problems, discuss steps that can be taken to fix them, all he does is sling insults and take in that drugged up voice about how much we deserve god's wrath.

We even got a movie (kinda) made about us recently, Imperium.

Speaking of sacred cows, why are you so defensive towards the critique of your own community?

That speech by the racist Rush Limbaugh character was clearly inspired by Spencer and the dude that built the bomb on Jared Taylor. I saw no direct correlations to Holla Forums.


Yes, CC is a web-zine of some sort. Great. Its influence is minuscule compared to 8/pol/ itself, not even counting cuck/pol/. "Something better" has surfaced by that metric alone.

If you want to play the e-peen card, I've been around since athens and invisible-sky-magician were trips and Obama was still a muslim senator.

Off-topic but one thing that always bothered me about this story is:

So he basically wanted to give his underage daughters to a horde of perverts and degenerates to be gang raped to save some angels who clearly are above human capeabilities? Christ!

Probably because the average CF fans look like this. It all makes a lot more sense how ridiculously "repentant" these people are when you notice they used to be the most sickly degenerates of all. It's much akin to the supposed conversion of jews during the reconquista, they are just slime using christianity as some sort of shield against accusations of their own morality. Most Christians today are the result of dysgenics.

Christianity is about following gods law and helping others in doing so, so yes Christians who aided in creating traitorous churches or pederast popes do need to reevaluate what they did wrong, and they can do that by condemning the mistakes they made so others will not be consumed by it.

You stop listening when he provides solutions, there's a process he normally uses of:
Most of what he produces though is the first and last step
Because that's the point of his Common Filth project, to point out filth that's common and what it brings to us

I'm not clear on what community you think I'm a part of.

CF should stop making these threads or mods should anchor them

NO. All christians are homosexuals like www

Idk fam, they should probably all just kill themselves for letting their religion deteriorate so much in the first place. They need to be replaced with more wholesome and anti-degenerate non-whites like pastor manning.

They used our memes.

Holla Forums is clearly known for their publishing of philosophical works from men of the right and autisticly researched articles on anything from and related to the historical right up until today. Apples and fucking oranges.

You were talking as if I was not a part of Holla Forums. Retard.

They did? They Wyatt jew at the shooting range?

Fine. It seems that we're splitting hairs and I'm not gonna convince you anyways.

You seem to really like this CC website though. Enough to defend the editor, who himself is a homo apologist that thinks "gay-panics" are unwarranted when they most certainly are.

I really do like CC, yes. That's why I said it's one of the best right wing sites in the world. Homo or not, he was fucking spot on with the gay panic thing, nothing could be more obvious.

He confuses the symptom for the disease, brainwashed children parroting what their elders have told them are not at fault. Even if they were, waiting for your volcano demon to kill them isn't very impressive. All living things die, your sin isn't very impressive.

The solution will come from the hearts and muscles of brave young men, not from the code of a 2000 year old book.

Angels sent from god are more precious then virgin daughters, don't worry about it influencing your decisions in your life because I highly doubt you'd be in a situation where you'd have to defend an angel.

Lot himself was not someone to emulate, god saved him because he was the only man in Sodom left that wasn't rotten to the core.

Also it's unlikely those angels in particular were so above human capability that they'd be able to take on an entire city of horny men since they were only sent to tell lot and his family to leave Sodom before it got blasted.

Heinrich Himmler was right. Christians reject spirituality and their ancestors in order to find comfort in church communities and "god" while paying no mind to the degeneration of their race. It's even more ridiculous and insulting that they pretend to care about us when they talk about whites in 3rd person as if they're above their ancestors and us all because they're christian. Even the supposedly "well meaning" ones still work their very hardest to undermine everything and anything we do to try and fix our people, just as they've always done. They would rather have a population of lobotomized slaves constantly engaging in petty conflict with eachother, with no drive or purpose as long as they are worshipping their god.

The only way for the west to be truly saved is if those hearts and muscles granted to the young men made by god did something that fell in line with his own laws, provide a solution that breaks god law that will work.

This whole thread was started because a christian paid mind to the degeneration of his race
Anything that harms your group goes against gods laws.
The bible says to love your enemy, how does that promote petty disputes? And from your picture you seem to be taking a level of pride from the totalitarian state that was National Socialist Germany, what do you care if people are slaves if you like nazis so much?

I'm sure everyone in the NSDAP voting BLOC was an asatru and not a protestant who was in no way interested in voting for Catholic or Bavarian nationalist parties.


Fuck ISIS. Fuck Islam.

Did I imply that was a bad thing, and how was it not totalitarian? All authority was given to Hitler and his party.

Authoritarianism is not the same not the same as totalitarianism my friend, also yes it did seem like you implied it as a bad thing. Totalitarianism is a bad thing in general unless you want to live in a 1984-tier surveillance state.

Where are you from my friend?

ITT: Retards falling for bait and flaming faggots getting butt flustered (aren't they supposed to like that, though?)

Yeah, that rant was a special kind of crazy. It was clear at that moment that I should never listen to another word that this delusional nut job, shut in has to say.

CF definitely isn't projecting his latent faggotry on to everyone else. He just watches multiple hours of gay porn every day for research purposes

Wasn't there a propaganda piece the media used that said that out of US Millenials, 60% "weren't strictly heterosexual"? I haven't heard the rant, just watched couple of his videos.

Prove it, Freud.

Surely CF is closer to Freud, given that he buys into the Jewish meme that everyone is secretly a fag or otherwise degenerate?

Would you let a man who spends all of his time watching gay porn near your children?

I can tell you now, among the 16-22 kind of age group, in urban environments… there's a fair percentage of men who could easily get turned after some ecstasy and a few drinks.

People in general are just more sensual/sexually focused.
e.g. 15 years ago, no male would even admit to jerking off. Now it's the topic of conversations and films ffs.
You don't realize how quickly things turn.

That's a fact, though. Animal instincts unguarded are naturally degenerate. Discipline is not natural, it is learned (learning is natural, though, but even information can become an addiction, ie. a form of degeneracy).

I wouldn't let you near my children because you lack mental capacity or are jewish.

If homophobes are actually gay what would that make all the anti-cucks?

A shot in the arm about the need to not be too prideful and look at ourselves while being against the shit tide is a good thing. As Yuri said: "Subversion is a two way street, the people that fall for it have to be willing to be subverted."

CF has mentioned how the sham of Freudian psychoanalysis has ruined humanity's progress in understanding the mind.

And besides, CF is extremely homophobic. You accuse him of secretly being gay. "Homophobes are secretly gay". This is a dumb leftist argument. "Antisemites secretly love Jews". See how stupid it is?

Sounds like fag behaviour to me

No it's not.

See this is what I'm talking about. You nutters don't go outside and interact with people. Do you actually think its possible that 60% of the population are now faggots?


Quality argument. I based my point of view. Healthy society fixes the innate failures of man and guides him forward, cuts the unnecessary parts out. However, the challenges -failed or otherwise, make the man stronger, so in this way, a society will always be beneficial to anarchy.

Anarchy is freedom of the beast within you.

Sure it does, as must everything, given that you are gay.

That's not what I said clown.

Go to a nightclub at 2 in the morning and you'll see that the men there are practically animals.
There's a severe lack of sexual discipline/decency across every level.

Obviously they're not all faggots, but most of the prison rapists don't consider themselves "faggots" either. The bestial nature of man has been unleashed and it's not fuckin pretty.

Not to mention the "straight" people that are attracted to traps and don't consider traps gay.
Nah bro you're fucking gay.

They follow certain patterns, surely, but they discipline their violence. Else we'd have more fights, like in the 19th century and before.

Actually at 2am they're all usually lethargic and drunk ready to go home because the girls have all left. If they're engaging in animal like man on man sodomy you went to the wrong club.

Ok do you fags have any other comeback?

I was agreeing with you.
"Straight" trap-thirsters are fucking gay.

Ah yeah my mistake. The trap-thirsters are probably a small percentage though… but still a telling sign of how bad things are getting.

It was a joke you hyper sensitive faggot

I wonder if any Holla Forumsack actually changed their opinion on CF due to this. I mean, nobody can be that stupid, right?

I would wager that more people on Holla Forums probably hate CF for his fanbase at this point than anything else.

I think CF has his own issues but here's a big portion of his audience:

They're a bunch of really bitter incels who turn to a Puritan view of sexual morality in order to be able to claim some type of superiority over the Chads that are fucking all they girls they wish they could. Faggotry is a low hanging fruit that should be gassed so that's obvious but these chodes hate all forms of sex. Because its never going to happen for them. This is why an impossibly hopeless and bleak view of the world appeals to them.

I'm betting more than a few people who'd only seen a couple episodes of Tumblristas and didn't know about the shit he spews on twitter are now full on "fuck this guy."

None of us are pro faggot. Make a strawpoll right now and ask what should be done with faggots here or even on the TRS forums and you'll find death is the most popular answer by far. So there it is, we hate faggots white or not.

But CF is going into the same fucking bog with them since he seems so set on all of us having to die. He and his little cult have concocted this pants up ass retarded dichotomy that not wanting white genocide = you're a faggot. Nah, fam. You're getting roped.

I used to watch some of his stuff and listen to his ramblings. Until I realized that he mocks people for blaming the jewish media for degeneracy, like it doesn't matter, you buy it goy, muh media supply and demand, as if thats how it works.

Blame the dealer for your drug problems…
French revolution freed the jews. He is not wrong, but we should still kill them.

That's how retarded you sound. Three generations of westerners have been raised in this shit. How the fuck was I or my parents supposed to know better?

I'll blame the dealer when he's the one manufacturing, distributing, advertising and engineering it for max effect on my children. And also has a monopoly on the drug trade which is ingrained into our daily lives. I'll blame the dealer then, no problem.

Sorry if you had bad parenting. Won't make you less of a faggot.

Hm. This thread just illustrates that Common Filth is doing something right. He must be, to bring all these demons out. He's gained a fan from me.

And also, this just goes to show that you children would rather blame literally anything before accepting responsibility for your actions. Why don't you just repent for how badly you've bought into the jew in the past, and try not to do it? You're more blackpilled than CF.

Are you saying jews aren't activly pushing for faggotry through beurocracy? Israel is the epicenter of faggotry, and jews pushed to legalize gay marriage in the USA and other nations.

For what? I'm simply pointing out who is pushing the faggotry to become mainstream and cool.

Yes, and we're trying to fix it.
Accepting what the left has pushed (faggots and trannies) won't help us fix anything.
Attacking people that expose these subhumans for what they are isn't helping us fix anything either.

Answer the question. Where was this message of morality supposed to fucking come from in New York in the 1970s 80s and 90s?

You're calling an American an illiterate pleb for not being able to speak Latin.

Go see the religion thread. You either have Christianity/history or your race.

Yeah, just ignore the point. My grandparents, parents and my generation were raised from little children to think religion is stupid and racial nationalism is evil.

If religion is stupid than evil doesn't exist and racial nationalism is therefore pragmatic.


Kek at the post, but I still want to refute it.
For the group, not for the individual. Even for the group, it might not be, if one wants more power to a specific clique, mafia or house.

That is, of course, if the largest portion, or large enough, agrees on the subject at hand. However, with atheism, no values except the enforced ones (and the counter) arise as movements with vigor. All else is smalltime hipster subcultures or social signaling.


will mods start deleting these after the fifth part?

Of all e-celeb fans you choose cfs listeners ?
They're not the one spamming threads constantly whenever someone makes a video like Evalion/Stephan molyneux/Alt-right personas or Alex jones

CF seems to have an excellent promotional team. Guy filled two threads within 24 hours. Usually only the big fish such as Soros are able of generating this level of interest.

Which btw leads to no other conclusion than: CF=Soros

This is most likely promotion for the new MDE show
Someone will post "MILLION DOLLAR EXTREME PRESENTS WORLD PEACE" any moment now

Interdasting. You see to have also filled the thread with 2 quality shitposts. Usually only the big fish such as australians are able of bumping this low quality of threads. Which leads me to no other conlusion than you=faggot

The reason why CF threads get filled to the brim is because it brings up two very important topics that this community needs to resolve:
1. Whether the alt-right "big tent" accepting degenerates is a good thing (it isn't).
2. Whether criticism of your in-group is defeatism and leads to nihilism (it isn't and it doesn't, or at least it shouldn't).


You're forgetting that he's also an autist like the rest of us, and autism battles are extensive.

fake and gay

Hadn't heard of this cunt before today (i'm now beginning to suspect he starts these threads for attention. From what i've seen;
1)Clearly a closet fag, it's all he seems to care about.
2)He's a flat-earther, so he believes there's a huge, global conspiracy to suppress knowledge of the Earth's true shape (why would anybody bother?) but at the same time mocks the stormfags for believeing there's a huge global Jewish conspiracy.
3)Directly calls for white genocide.
4)Believes in the redeeming power of a dead jew on a stick.
He's bad people.

Yea CF drank up the ISIS propaganda.

I guess I shouldn't expect more from some self-proclaimed uber-zealot that whines on twatter.

"Flat-earth" is one giant ironic joke which is still a thing because dumb people like you keep falling for the bait. The only "conspiracy" stuff CF subscribes to is 9/11 and the Holocaust, both of which we all know were 1. an inside job, 2. never happened, respectively.

Nice one, he's like a christian crossed with an edgy atheist who uses unconventional to try to sound smart.

What's his obsession with jello.

Nobody should fucking care about this. It seems Holla Forums is mainly divided between two people. Mouth breathing retards that start worshiping the ground of whoever they start idolizing (being it historical or on the Internet) or vehemently despises a bunch of literally whos because they said something they did not like.

Basically, you're all a bunch of women, teenagers, and children.

Are you really surprised? Beaner Filth has a hatred for whites, a deep rooted hatred. I don't know why, maybe he's jealous?

That was never the question, disliking cf for being a dumb hypocrite does not mean we still don't hate faggots.

He's not part of our group and has done a lot to try and set himself apart from us.

People are starting to see just how many fags are in these circles and it isn't a comfortable feeling. Then you get the usual responses…

I think somebody needs to teach you Americans what Irony actually is, if you think that's irony. It's closer to sarcasm. Still, he directly calls for 'stopping white people' and white genocide, how can anybody on Holla Forums defend him after that? You're outing yourself as a jew or a cuckstian basically. Western culture, the white race, they mean nothing to you, you're just mad that 'christendom' has gone the way of Sodom. Fuck christians tbh, they'd prefer an entirely black world where nobody is gay to an entirely white world where we let the 5% of people who are fags be fags.

whoops, the reply beneath was meant for you spastic.

Funny thing about Islam is, you pointed it out, homosexual pedophilia is insanely overblown. People make fun of the Catholics for being kiddy fiddlers, Islam makes that number look meaningless.

I don't know, maybe the people saying he's a closeted faggot could hold some truth. He browses through homosexual filth, tries to tie this garbage with whites, and then promotes Islam? What the fuck is with this faggot? And then, he posts gay porn?

Blood before books.

The only people who posted gay porn in these threads are the people who threatened to dox and kill him (all with the same ID) in the last thread.

You seem to be a big buttbuddy fan of Beaner Filth?

Is that you CF?

I just think the hate for him and how much attention these threads get stems from very important fracture points that people haven't grappled with yet. See:

Fracture points like whether we should 'stop white people'? Fuck off.

Stop white people from consuming Jewish trash like faggotry and moral apathy.
This is very simple.

Look there's a difference between saying.

In contrast to

When you do that shit, you're an anti-white shill, that simple. It's not a lack of wanting to see the degenerate shit of the white race. But to being a fucking spic yelling for the extermination of the white race while praising Islam because they throw gays off a building? Really? That's not anti-white?

Except he doesn't really acknowledge the jewish media, and mocks people who blame it for the rampant popularization of faggotry.

Common filth is just a butthurt, closeted spic tbqh, he makes it up as he goes along and his main motivation appears to be anti-white hatred, not anti-degeneracy.

wait, CF posted gay porn on twitter?
when the fuck?
this is fucking weird to ask but does anyone have that capped and properly censored, just for proof?

yeah it was fuckin gross too. some shit with a janitor guy aquarium jerking off into a fish tank (i dont know what language they were speaking though, probably italian?) with his buddy. cf only had it up for like 5 minutes and posted it with "this is why the white race deserves to suffer" i didnt manage to screencap it but yeah, CF is a weird fuckin guy,

Most the "whites" he sees online are kikes

sage in all fucking fields


all fields



christcucks out!

e-celeb drama doesn't belong on Holla Forums

especially christcucks like CF

Take pride in the good, absolutely, but this umbrella "white race" stuff is garbage. The fact is, nobility is damn near extinguished and the average white male west of the Oder is a low-t bitch.

Just that I don't believe in your false gods doesn't make me a nihilist. I do actually believe in things, just not the things you care about.

And idiots that fall for that bullshit should receive no quarter. It's like listening to Tokyo Rose on Okinawa and poisoning your unit.

I never advocated for liberalism. I think it is the single most evil thing to have emerged from men's mind in the last thousand years. I'm not an individualist, I just don't have any sort of collective, besides my immediate family, that deserves any loyalty. Until I find one, I remain in a small sphere.
I'm looking at the big picture; what happens after the hordes sack Rome, rather than put in a futile effort to prevent the well deserved sacking.


Common Cuck masturbates to furfag porn