Brit/pol/ #1156 - Black, red and gold Edition

Isn't she pretty?

>Kebab removes itself

Other urls found in this thread:*Version*=1&*entries*=0

Louise Mensch a slut
Heatst is fraud

1st for Anglo-Prussian alliance

Someone make a different thread

this isnt kraut/pol/


Shouldn't have used the shit-tier flag tbqh

If you were gonna make a concession thread…

£50 youre not even a kraut

Did Peter Hitchens just coin the nickname "Chairman May" in his new column?

I was wondering what he was going to come up with after Princess Anthony, Blair Creature and Mr Slippery.

So? Did I say I was one? That Kraut must have really BTFO you SUBHUMANS :^)


Bet you're just a Harris poster trying to stir shit
typical anglokike ;^)

Thats the feeling your mom experiences everyday.

**tbh lad, I didnt even start this*
Butthurt subhuman shitskins masquerading as Brits are extremely easy to trigger


what about that black white and gold meme

Just a meme lad. The only good gold was from the HRE.


Atleast make an effort, lad.

Ty lads. No German should be patriotic to BRD GmbH.

I just want Krauts to go extinct lad.

The sooner the better.


He still does things other than appear on the big questions with islamic clerics?

Remember back in June when we used to cheer for you, britcucks? It was all peachy then but where is your gratefulness now? You are traitors to the the white cause, may chicken tikka become your national dish forever.

Lad, it should be obvious he doesn't invite himself to BBC programmes.

His column, blog and twitter are always active.

Aw, but with Rotherham, you go first.


Daily reminder HaWhite Nashunalism is a meme perpetrated by globalists and Jewtin worshippers.


This. I remember that Reactionary stuff (back in Dark Enlightenment days) appealed to me because it provided a justification in looking down at everyone else.

Looking back now though, that just seems a bit juvenile and narcissistic, and I'm more interested in what would be best for all of our people. Most even British people aren't particularly clever or sophisticated; it's always been that way and always will be. No point in complaining about it or intellectually masturbating about how much better you are than them. Doesn't mean their lives are worthless either.

The whole Traditionalist/Perenialist philosophy is about how history is inevitable cycles, and so there's nothing we can really do.

No wonder Evola did nothing useful whilst Mussolini actually built a fascist state.






Time for some meme lad


What do they achieve?

Did you post the wrong link?


No lad.
It is a site about polish whores, available only in German and English.

I've been away from Brit/pol/ for just over a week, what have I missed?


But why, lad?

That's some powerful memetic magic. I love opn but never heard that track before.

The fact that you went straight from complaining that he's disproportionately featured on BBCTBQ to the fact that he doesn't have enough influence as a minor celebrity and columnist, suggests to me you just want to piss and moan about him.

What's your point lad?

You guys are right, most of them haven't really read the authors they claim to love, from cover to cover. I call them spiritual escapists, that is exactly what most of them are, even in arguments they use obscure conjecture and not real arguments.

For most people it's achieved absolutely fuck all and is impractical. They should have influence on institutions who can relay it in laymen terms to the people through things such as the church and the military.

Having said that, I don't pay attention to what most of these esoteric fags say and go straight to the source to assess it myself.

I've learnt to have more respect for religion and traditions by reading Donald MacKenzie and other authors on ancient civilisations and cultures than I ever did from Evola or Guenon or self-proclaimed traditionalist.

Serrano is the only one I find fascinating and give a bit of consideration to. I haven't read him indepth yet though, I'm hoping I don't end up discarding him.

Daily reminder Mexicans are pretty much hapa's

Maybe I need to sharpen my wit then lads. Seems pretty obvious,

No more than in the UK ;^)

He's overrated here, that's my point.

Which British journalist do you prefer?

God Peter is going to be a pain in the arse in the gulags with his attitude
, he'll say "i told you so, i saw this coming" for the 1000th time and I'll fucking kill him.


Curry is a British dish anyway. It's not an insult.

I hate journalists, they're cancer.

Let me go back in time, lads. Let me stop myself from getting fat and injured and make myself actually work towards getting a job. PLEASE



On 8pol, almost no one likes him.


Morality posters are LARPers anyway.
ttpw is one of the biggest morality posters ffs

That's why he's so highly rated.

How do you do, my fellow Aryan warriors? What have you done for the White race today?

Good reply.

Andrew Neil

Nah, he'll just be kept around as the token Conservative.

It's not like he'll ever be a threat to them, given his basically passive and nagging attitude.

What about a weekliest, since journalist daily output bothers you? A monthliest, user.?

Being "better" in the journalism "profession" isn't really saying much.

Lad the maralityposters from 4cuck will be done in days, they'll willingly take the supplied water like the NEETS. While we'll be sane from sucking moisture off the walls and ground.

Imagine you've just gone back in time from dying alone as a 40yo NEET and have arrived now

curry has been in Britain since the late 1700's, brought here by British army chefs that had served in india

havent killed myself yet so thats something

I better change then… damn. That really made me think

No wehat you did was say we'd never do it for months and on the last night when it looked like it was going our way you joined in.



A lot of curries were made here in England and not India.

It always tastes better when whites make it. I know those poo in loos spit in it when serving it to whites or some rival Indian family.

That aside, this

meme is grasping at straws and originates with the French. It's just banter, shit banter, still just banter though.

Thoughts on based gays like Murray and Starkey?


Starkey can be cut a bit of slack because he's a shitlord extra-ordinaire, not like faggot Milo who's just a typical attention whore queer.

Douglas Murray isn't based, he's a neo-con shill.

Starkey is funny sometimes.


Murray's a neocon cunt, Starkey's based.

Both are degenerates

all Vindaloos are English in source simply for the fact they use vinegar in the recipe and pajeets didnt have vinegar prior our arrival


CF has major projection issues.

smh tbh

I bet you post on TRS

Because he's allowed to regularly present to the BBC?

Starkey is a good lad, though hes still gay.

Normal, non-degenerate people have wives and
children, they don't spend all day watching gay porn.

Just ask yourself: would you let Common Filth near your children?

tbh lads think I'd feel much better if I lost all my excess weight tbh

Because he's the best interviewer on British television.

I wouldn't even want him near me.


Literally socialism for whites only.


I wouldn't let most "alt-right" types near anybodies children, nevermind my own. I'm no normie but these people are cancer, completely arse backward priorities.


So I see you Tea Niggers are talking about me. What up? Any questions?

Homo-mafia, I.T.T.

Good bait.

Yes, although they can throw it away by being traitors.

You realise that Christians like CF believe that every person has inherent worth, right?

CommonFilth is anti-white because he believes that the actions of a small minority of degenerate whites is all of white culture. On the other hand, it is understandable given that he spends all day watching gay porn.

Vocaroo with timestamp or fuck off

If having all of those bits sticking out actually made them any more dangerous, then actual combat knives would have them.

I do browse here, you know. Where do you think I get most of my material? I don't trawl tumblr. I seriously get most of my material from what's posted by autistic weebs who jack off to traps here. Inb4 "it's ironic". Other stuff people send to me.

In case you Tea Niggers haven't figured it out, I am an entertainer. No I'm not projecting and into this stuff myself, and no I don't think it's that important. Do any of you do anything important in British politics? Didn't think so.

What said.

I'm getting schlonged in the ass daily by my transsexual boyfriend all for the sake of Kek, you know.


I bummed my ARYAN bf for the glory of the white race.

smh tbh

I'm not setting up my microphone to record a message for you. I'm a little busy at the moment fixing a shed. I've got my computer on and I'm just stopping for a drink of lemonade and browsing a little.

You guys go ahead and ask me stuff and I'll answer when I get back and confirm on twitter if you want. Or ignore me and carry on mommy posting and jacking it to traps while "praising kek".

Check you later, Tea Niggers.

lol u got us gud u so funny.

Yeah I'm always canvassing and a volunteer at the local community club on weekends teaching kids how to box.

Do your videos achieve anything? Didn't think so.


Tweet this post number or fuck off.

Are you actually Joe Owens?

Ignore this impersonator, lads.

I know that's you Ruseman.

I know it's you.

lads i have a dilemma
ive just noticed a girl i used to know on okcupid
she was attracted to me when we first met and she cheated on her current very platonic boyfriend with me at a party
i was drunk and stoned and her bored and sober
we were both underage at the time and im quite sure i was her first sexual encounter beyond snogging
what do? do i pursue?

Are you insane, lad?

Steer clear.

Don't pursue a long-term relationship with a girl who's a known cheat, lad.

I'm sworn to secrecy, but CommonFilth, Red Ice Radio, it's all a load of nonsense followed by dafties and WEIRDOS and pushed by Nick Lowles, hope not hate, Gerry Gables, searchlight magazine to distract from real issues.

What's funny if you think about it.

Past you has cucked present you.

Had you have not slept with her in the past you would be free to pursue her. Making you both cuck and bull.

Hey, are Irish Holla Forumsacks allowed in here?

Pump and dump her lad

IRA are scum

If you can take the banter then yes.

Kek. I can't imagine Joe Owens watching Common Filth. Would love to hear him make a video on it though

As long as you accept that Britain should rightfully rule Ireland.

tbh i know her first boyfriend not on a personal level but i know she was with him for seven years after
and hes a borderline autistic lunatic, one time while me and my m8 were at a party competing to bang this slavic milf this guys most interesting point of conversation was showing off his credit card knife to everyone


That actually makes it worse. A well-adjusted girl wouldn't be going out with a guy like that in the first place

How many years notice are we giving EU citizens before we secede so they can migrate to the UK en masse?

Because you'd think they'd end free movement as soon as it became clear Brexit was mandated, but instead we're delaying Article 50 until after 2017. How many are going to rush to relocate this year or the next?


Joe Owens is worse than Gordon. At least with Gordon you have a chance of getting a response, but 'HULLUUUU' man denies you even that. smh, lads. smh

Yeah, have little respect for those fucks, I mean I don't want to be part of the UK but I sure as hell would prefer it over this fucking failed Socialist bullshit we got going at the moment.

Id be interested in seeing his credit card jabby tbh and I'm only a cypto-autist.

You sound like a chad, lad.

Chad's out tbh.






of course, most of us are part Irish anyway

i dont really get your logic lad

considering it

oh she is not well adjusted i assure you
hounded me for a month afterwards on kikebook freaking out because her period was late and she kept staring at me throughout the night which stoned me really didnt find comfortable, had to relocate to the kitchen twice for calm banter away from her

I was in one of your/his vid for ironicly "flirting" with a trap on here tbh.
Only CF vid I've seen tbh.


this basically
and im no chad lad i was just mildly successful with girls in high school, no 10/10's for me at most an 8/10

as a thumbnail I thought it was a fedora

if he was intent on showing off his fedora to a crowd of party goers i doubt he would have had a gf


When will Gordo kill himself?

Its crazy that he's made it this far.

What I meant was I wouldn’t cast someone off as a retard just because they started showing me a knife. Knifes are cool (although they should be BINNED).

Why kill himself, he has more attention now than he has had at any other point in his life.

He is mad, you must understand this. Quite mad but suicidal? I think not.

He doesnt have the mentality to kill himself. If he was mentally stable, he'd see what a fat sack of pathetic shit he is and would have jumped off a bridge long ago. However he is super autistic and unable to see how much everyone views him. He thinks he's invisible to he world, and any problems he has with the world isnt because he's so fucked both physcally and mentally he can barely function, it's because the world is wrong and broken

it was at a social gathering lad
i did something similar but my cool thing was an extremely delicious cocktail id managed to produce from the hosts fridge that my intent on sharing with the world developed into hooking up with multiple girls that night
while poor sad he sat alone on the couch talking to a fat man about rap

You sound like a bully and a chad, lad.


That SLAP gets me everytime.


where does the slap come from?

impressive at that weight

her ass cheeks

if i was a chad i wouldnt be in the situation i am now tbh

i feel like its more one thigh hitting the other at high speed

Kek. Why isnt she wearing any underpants?

her crack ate them

after a careful observation and deliberation I have postulated a hypothesis that said slap is indeed its belly slapping down from it's upward state.

Currently playing Alien: Isolation with a mod so the Alien doesn't show up. Pretty great game tbh.


I do believe you may be right user


22 stone user in girl form?

Nah I don't look that fat. Thank God.

How's the gym going lad?

We triggered a kraut lads.

He's a yank, you can tell by the file names who it is.

Its a shit knife btw if anyone wants to know

Plastic trash, the blade itself is sharp, its just that the handle is utter flimsy wank

doesnt take much


Most of them are chinese knock-off's of which I can confirm are trash. I paid a quid for mine.

Did you have a real one, lad?

Fine, but slow. Think I might go back to a modified starting strength routine tbh. Just hate my injured fingers and wrists. Really ruins my mood tbh. Doctor says it will heal over time but I don't believe her tbh.

Nah, i had a shit one too, paid £2 for it on amazon kek

How was church for everyone today?

I see lad, all the best and I hope you keep at it.

We have no intra-board borders lad.
this tbh

Good lad. I went to a proper church so I didnt have female "priests" pretending they could legitimatly deliver eucharist

Thanks, lad

I only go for the MILFs tbh ;^)

Anti-chad is a codeword for anti-white


My vicars a woman and she's great


Good talent there?

Lads why do we say other races are violent? Just look at our history tbh. All those wars.

Thanks for the (You) lad.

I go to church in a rich outer suburb, it's full of upper middle class qts
sadly most of them are away on holiday at this time of year

lel …lefties

Based anti-racist Spectator journalists

Why does he act like a 12 year old? He's bloody pathetic.

Oh nvm, thought Eaton wrote for the Speccie not the NS. Not that they're that different any more

thats all i feel lefty posts are anymore, complicated crossword puzzles

poz status confirmed


This, it's basically a spicy stew

I want one


I go to the morning session with the oldies tbh
The family sessions are a bit much

What happens if there's a huge push to sexualise the Burqa?

I've been thinking this for ages

She's only *2** years older than me.

Fucking prots I swear. May as well just chuck the whole bible out and sum up sola scriptura with "be nice :)" and "dont judge :)"


Burkhas are sexualised.
That's why they wear them.


You just want to hide your man face tbh.
already done lad

There already is a push to sexualise the headscarf on porn websites, with women in them giving blowjobs e.t.c.
Women, not men who are mentally disabled and think they are women.

I already get a huge stiffy when I see hijab girls. Probably instinctive rape hormones telling me to impregnate the invading women.

Feels good man

It thinks it's a woman, but goes around calling everyone "lads"…So feminine.

Its not his fault that he'll never find someone who loves him and the only people who will be interested are people indulging in a fetish

I've said this before to it. It wants to be thought of as a woman, but talks like a lad, he's mentally disabled that's all there is to it. He's also incredibly jealous of his sister having been caught in her clothes by his father.

All this bully…

It's cathartic.


>work experience starts tomorrow

How old are you?

Dear fat bastard NEET's


And what's "work experience"?

Lad, chin up.


Could be fun, lad.

Is it proper work experience (to aid your education) or some sort of forced slave labour under a government initiative as you are on bennies?


What test lad? I did most of the RAF ones. If you have some kind of sense of direction you're ok

What has our militant isles come to…


Theory: Erdogan want to take his distance from the moslem state because the IS is preparing its biggest attacks so far.

Royal Arse Force
You will cum to know what it's called that
…only slightly better than the Navy for having your hole tampered with


The Airmens selection test lad, any advice?

You're the problem tbh


Ok lad, you go and fight for the Jews to protect Israel against Iraq, Syria, the other Muslim countries in the middle east while your country women get raped at home and the government covers it up. Good for you.

wew lad, im not joining the RAF Regiment.

You've already been assigned toilet cleaner for the TA with that level of autism lad kek

good lad


Havent joined yet lad. It's not gay if you push against it lad :^)

As cliche as it sounds you cant prepare for it. Idk what youll be doing, but when I did it, there was a page of different meters which read altitude, fuel, speed etc as if you're in a cockpit and you have to estimate what they're sitting at. Are you autistic? Youll be fine



Customer service

Slavery, but I want to escape neetdom

Thanks lad

We came second worldwide in the olympics lads.

Based Portugal!

And what are you doing defender of our white women? What military experience do you have to protect your country? Any plans for the DoTR?

And I'll do it for Britannia lad

Lad, you've been caught trying to craft this narrative before.
The other stuff is also a load of rubbish, but at least it's fairly novel.

It's basically a bigger version of this, seems alright.


What reg you joining lad?

How many medals belong to our local wogs though? I feel dirty saying we deserve any medals in long distance running if they belong to a wog.

Are you hoping to be offered a job at the end of it?

Good luck, lad.

Yes, but I'm not stupid enough to make it known an a Korean forum for paedophiles. Enjoy serving for her mighty Jewness.

You said so yourself on the brit/pol/ irc, don't lie lad.

How do I join this slavery?

I didn't keep track of it, but I remember we were 2nd before any of the nigger events started.

Put pig heads on border fences to deter Muslim refugees, Hungarian MEP suggests

Someone needs to break his window tbh.


>she says that they screened her out because of her mental issues (she's bipolar)
Abort abort abort

Thanks for helping me dodge that bullet, based RAF

Good for you lad, but I'm afraid you come across as someone who prefers waiting for other people to do stuff for you.

Stream it for us, lad.

Was her name Lucy?

If we're suffering from multiculturalism, these medals are like the wogs' reparations tbqh m8


I've only just signed up for some engineering/technical roles at the moment lad.

Yeah, but not counting on it.
And thanks.

Sell your soul to the job centre

No she was from Yorkshire

You come across as a lad who wants others to tell him how to live his own life, instead of taking hold of his own life.

Almost all women in any part of the military are slags, it's really quite disgusting until I saw it for myself. What's worse is when you see them serving alongside men, what they do to unit cohesion, the bitchiness, the backstabbing, the lack of camaraderie. Women in the military were a mistake.

Will they give me a job?

Probably wasn't me, lad, I certainly don't remember it. I was probably taking the mickey.


Based Magyars.

Sheffield right? I know a girl who was exactly the same as you described but she was called Lucy. She was fucking insane and a huge slut tbh

1 Para

Krauts, take notice, and stop being such easily triggered spergs.


Why can't these countries export some of their sentiments to us?

>wake up the next day and to a lesbian couple from Leeds, no less complaining about dumb shit like sexism/transphobia in the film industry
Reee tbh lads

Sounds like a good idea but I expect it would be tricky to keep the heads there from the vermin/birds

It was you, I remember it clearly because you were talking to burninglove around the same time and another one or two of the lads that were there. You must have been drinking.

Well played, use their own tactics against them.

kek. Good stuff, I do admire Hungary's approach to the invaders. Shame they're still EU cucks though.

Anyone watching Ross Kemp Extreme World

Fucking hell.

I am going to be in total control lad. And I will remain to be when I'm out. I make my own decisions on everything that concerns me. Learning discipline in the military is unrelated.
I have to ask what are you doing in your life that you can claim that others aren't living their own lives while you are.
Also, what's your aversion and where does it come from?

They will pay you to look, but it's peanuts if you're not a total scumbag.
Spend too long looking, and the work gaps in your CV just grow and grow. Doesn't look good to employers.
Better for me to work for no pay than sit about doing fuck all. I'll still get the neetbux, anyway.

He is cuck of obscene measure.

His ex wife slapped him about too.

Well it never happened, lad. Even if I wanted to, which I don't, my sister's at least two sizes smaller than me.

It's always the whites problem, even after the king of the Zulus himself said it was the blacks that can't govern themselves and it was better under apartheid for the standard of living across South Africa, it's always the fault of the whites.

Top kek.

w-what if I have been a NEET for 6 years?


Kill yourself my man

EU: Record billion euros budgeted for humanitarian aid

billions to be handed to fake charities and NGO's to continue the attempt to force global socialism and placate Soros and co making us all poorer in the meantime


Yeah. I'm not watching it for him, just the niggers setting each other on fire and hurling rocks at children.
Will Brit/pol/ be mourning?

That's probably why you've been a NEET for 6 years

forgive me father for I have sinned,
hungry for some chubby yank lasses tbh

aversion to authority*

You didn't answer my question either smh

You must have been really drunk then, doesn't surprise me, you must drink a lot to cover the pain of your illness.

I just don't know where to start. It's so much.

I only drink when I'm away from home tbh lad.

The only South African I know is also the biggest lefty I know.

I was out with him the other night and he was un-ironically using the word "problematic" and couldn't understand why I thought grown men parading around in bestiality-fetish wear in front of children at “pride” marches was wrong.

Lads, my life has been enriched by filtering TTPW. I never knew the threads could be so shitpost-free.


Take some pics, lad.

I know right lad

I started doing this a week ago. My state of mind has truly benefitted

It's a beautiful thing.

They should really show some respect for their new colonial overlords tbqh

Don't worry, TTPW, I won't filter you. I never filter anybody tbh.

if we could only get the non-white yank mods to just insta ban him we'd be right near perfect tbh

They won't be as kind as the white colonialists.

the asians will show them no mercy

in 50 years there will be a chinese man's burden, calling it now. they already made the dago mistake of fucking their ape women, the boers and us anglos had it right

We were more than kind tbqh, we offered to them the same opportunity we gave our own.

We treated their wounds; we educated their minds and shared our bounty.

The ant people will step over them as they starve.


Don't even entertain it.

Why are women so funny, lads?

Spoiler that shit lad

Video showing Muslim cleric's son chanting 'death to all Christians' sparks outrage in Belgium




Jesus fucking christ.

god made them as a joke lad, they are a bit of cosmic banter to remind us how worthless all our great struggles are in the eyes of the stars above

One assumes that the outrage is over those pesky bigots that will use this to justify islamophobia

He already lopped it off, stop being an attention whore m8

Christopher Hitchens was actually correct on this. They don't need to be funny. Also their social interactions aren't (jokingly) combative in the way ours are; e.g. they don't banter


He did? Please no.

I wish you'd fuck off, you absolute cretin.

Meh Varg went to prison for 15 years and he has 3 kids. I-I still have time

I'm not a homo, lad. I just don't want people cutting their dicks off.

it never looks real

Do you experience phantom penis TTPW?

You ask for pics of the mentally ill man we have roaming here. You're a fag.

just go and colonize some yank women when their society collapses

which part do you fuck?
because all i see is a caved in urethra tbh

Yank women go crazy over the English accent even if the face behind it, is a cunt.


No, I'm not, lad. I just want to see if he has made any progress.

No thanks, lad. Never know if they have nigger, Amerindian or Polish blood in them.

your guess is as good as mine

As someone who has a Slav gf. I can confirm her titties are huge.

if the girls not got a British haplotype dont breed with them tbh

thats generally what it looks like and most likely is tbh sorry user

Not for the faint of heart.

you see as a biologist I can watch this vid and not upchuck my guts but you should still spoiler it lad

Where did you find that Slav slag lad?

People actually like this shit? I'm 1min in and I'm closing the tab.

What area lad?

Are you OKC lad, lad?

I'm forcing myself to watch it
Can't expect anything better than a fat crippled NEET tbh.



Who /relaxed/ here?

Cheers lad

OKC lad here

Simple advice how to get a gf:

1. >>>/fit/
2. OKC and look for Slav girls as they're keen on meeting Englishmen

INB civic - goal is to leave tfwnogf

Probably got 15p for the shave. 6k for the video.

NB tbh.

Kind of hard to relax with that traffic and horns in the background, lad

Molecular genetics and microbiology

Already dated a few lad, was just curious about how you met her tbh.


You have come along with this week, lad.

Proud of you (in a conflicted way) tbh.

Migrants to be offered FREE degrees at top university while Britons amass huge debts
Reminder lads : Government needs removing
They're all fucking corrupt

Probably bought himself a nice street to shit on tbh

It becomes white noise after a few mins imo, cant really notice them once he starts doing his poo magic to melt my scalp

>tfw haven't had sex in 4 years

The yanks don't seem to like Manlet Wews very much

Nice lad, never really got biology too many words and shit tbh.

Kathy Burke is an exception to that rule lad


Is that why you eat people? Because your dry spell.

Here y'are, lad.

the refugees fell for the uni meme

Rees-Mogg blasts civil servants for damaging Britain by 'REFUSING to accept' Brexit

I'm not the cannibal, lad. Bit Torphobic of you to hurl accusations like that.

Date at the JDW after chatting on OKC a bit

I know it's not ideal, but tfwnogf is even worse.

i only got into it because physics and chemistry had too much math for me tbb with it
im currently at the level where i can extract and culture dangerous biological agents and even manufacture chlorine gas at an industrial level if i wanted too

>haven't had sex in 2 months

I just want a girl maybe two to be comfy with tbh

Whores lads, always try to avoid getting into a serious relationship with them.

Has your fingers become more girly, lad?

I was so close to not wanking today lads

so close…

Is sam hyde based lads?

Most of the academics are lefty/pol/ tier on politics, including the VS and the like.


I'd rather have no girlfriend than a foreigner.
You should kill yourself tbh.

tfwnogf is just a meme for mgtow and /r9k/ faggots who are so insecure with themselves they think they need to be in a relationship to be happy.
Be happy first, then find someone, not the other way around.

I bite my nails, it's a nervous tic I'm trying to stop, lad.

Just did a final online assessment test for Immigration removal officer at Gatwick, lads. It was basically an IQ test for dummies.

Fingers crossed I get the job, lads


Fair enough, I'm a maths austist

It’s odd, I once engaged regularly in carnal delights yet it has now been many years for me also.

I am conceptually aware that it could be a part of my life but not longer hold any expectation of it.

I’m glad I’m not a wizard and would sooner be having sex but it doesn’t bother me anymore. I am at one with it.

My knowledge level is also above that in almost all regards to those I know who have active sex lives. This is no coincidence, celibacy changes a persons mind.

I see Slavs as a bridge to getting real women lad.

You suck penis too, it's a nervous tick I'm sure your white knights on here would love you to continue.

Good luck lad, keep them all out

May the Lord bless your plans!

I don't lad, not even when I'm really worried.

Do you bite them in a girly way, lad?


Are you already an IO?

ofc lad

I remember on brit/pol/ irc you would come in to the chat drunk, saying how the 'hunk' barman you'd been talking too was so hunky. Really gay and degenerate.


Don't encourage mental illness

No, I just left Uni


How the fuck do you bite huge, manly hands in a girly way? Kek..

Virtually a dream job! Good on you lad.

I don’t understand what job you have applied for.

There are people who don't earn

£100K a day!!!

£100,000,000,000,000,000 AN HOUR

post bricklaying stories


I haven't been with another woman since the girl I lost my virginity to died because I'm a human lovebird tbh. I haven't had the desire to go after anyone else. I just miss sex with her.


Seriously Gordon has scared me with this automation shit.



Removal officer at G4s. Basically keeping an eye on them until they get shoved on a plane to Mogadishu.

Amy Schumer is a gottverdammtes dreckiges arschgeficktes Dreckschwein, das eine Kugel in den Kopf verdient. Jedesmal wenn ich ihr fettes Spachtelgesicht sehe würde ich am liebsten mit einem Hammer reinschlagen und dieser fetten Hure jeden Knochen brechen. Warum versuchen Frauen immer lustig zu sein ? Sie sind es nicht und das sieht man schon daran das weibliche Comedians immer nur Witze über Sex und ihre Scheide machen. Dazu kommt noch das diese dreckigen Untermenschhure jüdisch ist.

Sometimes you need to release you inne jerry.


How she go lad?

replace robot with polish bricklayer and youre pretty much there

Can't release the inner jerry lad, I'll kill too many europeans in the surrounding area.

good luck with that lad
ive heard the theoretical physics PhD's are oversaturated so dont try and aim for doing that you'll suffer too much for too little

I thought you were joking, but now he's making fucking farting noises with his mouth reeeeeeeeeee

Lad, you don’t have to walk this earth alone but I respect the fact you do.

Your post made me sad.


He said inner Jerry not your inner Blair or Clinton

The germans did it after WWII again. They just swapped the Wehrmacht with the european union.


feels good

I said europeans, not middle eastern children

It's not as if he's wrong, lad. Eventually there won't be any more of these low skilled jobs left, which sucks since not everyone is fit to be anything else.

Je vais juste poster une couple de vids sur les Britbongs, ne vous occuper pas de moi…

Oh they are, physics is a meme at this point. I got fam in banking so after I finish uni I'll get him to slip a word in for me

Vraiment le summum de l'humanité…

that bricks on the piss

This tbh. That's why they import so many Muslims; because they know that Muslims will be anti-Jewish, and they still secretly hate Jews. Therefore in order to hurt Jews, they import millions of Muslims.

Sorry, we don't speak new-Arabian here

might do that myself tbh

Ok I understand now.

You should consider applying for a position with the Home Office as an immigration officer once you have some work experience.

It's a frustrating job but the money is OK, benefits are good and everyday is an adventure.



That's true, but bricklaying won't be automated in our country for a long long time, the Unions won't allow it.
I can't stand unions but not realising their power in holding back technological is what sent the British car industry to Korea during the 70s.



wouldnt be the first time they did that

Ca tombe bien c'est en Anglais, Nigel…


Quel penses toi de ca?

Just tell her to RELAAAAX MY MOTHER

Lad, go to India.

The Barbour’s there genuinely take pride in their work, they charge next to nothing and you can make their day by tipping them a quid.

Fair enough lad

La tombe de mon grand-pere, cette pute le méritait bien…

I guess bricklaying can't be sent overseas since you kind of have to do the work in the country. I see. Still kind of sucks, and you're supposed to work for a lot of years in your life. It won't be a safe job tbh.

I really want to, looks like such a fun time


That would be more plausible if Israel wasn't behind everyone but them importing allah-akhbars.

fucks sake
reminds me of childhood tbh
cold cotton/polyester pajamas, starch smell, everythings slightly damp and going to bed cold and hungry

why is there french person

r8 my day lads

He was hunky tho tbf

What does your grandfather have to do with Britain?

probably here to moan about krauts and act snooty to brits

Merkels is a fucking cunt, but her deception game is strong.

Why don't you just admit you're gay, and stop dressing up in girls clothing? Your life would be easier.

Fire killed her and her younger sister.

Lad you know what to do

Lad, there's blogposting and then there's that

Dump your gf, cuck


prii shit tbh lad

I thought you lads would find it funny seeing how much you bully me whenever I post.


what in god's name?

Mais tu sais que ce n'est pas elle sur l'image mais une autre salope qui est tombée pour le renoi meme.

Shit lad, well don't gove up on love I guess

it isnt even her final form…

Worse than mine tbh.

I recommend it. The Indians in India are MUCH better than the Indians over here.

Stay out of Delhi or anywhere where white cucks go to “find themselves” and you will be safe and treated well.

The only thing that falls outside of common sense would be the hijra, they are terrifying. Stay away from them at all costs.

guns all wrong, should look like this drawn by a witness


Best post in the whole thread.


Maybe if you weren't such a useless piece of shit you wouldn't be getting cucked.

Ruse man.



I'm gonna dump her tbh lad.


Yeah he is


Post pics of her so we can judge.

that's her actual look.

Pourquoi proteger, c'est vraiment pas elle sur l'image. Je le trouve seulement un peut bizzare que son grand-père est le parrain d'un fils de Dieudonné.

sounds spooky

ill make sure not to go get raped in my poohole

No tbh. She is an 8 or a 9 and I'm a 6 on a good day tbh.


Lad, not all lesbians are butch.

Buy parrots
Muslims fear the parrot

You are

j'ai cru qu'il soit musulman?

I see you Captain Birdseye



Non il est catholique.

Fair point tbh, I was shocked when I found out about them in India.

They won't rape you but they will effectively rob you. They are like creepy witches.

The Indians being Indian think they are good luck.

This kid is so fat. Is it Palestine?

certain bird species interpret head bobbing as a mating display
the macaw is probably getting pissed off at them because it thinks they're rival male macaws trying to outdo it in a mating display
had a wood pigeon attempt a mating display on one of my feet once because i was limping at an odd angle when i sprained my ankle

Ca me rend tres heureux d'entende que tu souffrais quand tu était petit, Nigel…

Lewd tbh lad, spoiler that shit

id shag the one on the left

She's a big guy…

Women were a mistake

No way Kevin…tu viens de m'en apprendre une belle…


Je ne savais pas que Jean Marie etait tellement


is she half horse


lad mating display doesnt mean vigorously humped
it means a pigeon blocking your path on the pavement doing a weird bobbing head dance at strictly 30cm from your foot at all times


Seulement moitié-renard…la vie de ma mere…

why do french peope look so weird lole

That's a man, baby.


mourir d'escargot empoisonnement ail bum

Ouain, c'est ca, Francaise…


Well he's an exception


OO…un grand connaisseur ici…

please stop posting her she is ugly and french

tbh is this a man?

That filename,

That's a man, baby.

on a assez traps avec ttpw sans toi posting traps etrangers

It's late, lads. GCHQ has gone to bed. Post your rahowa weapons, ranged and melee. Don't look at the filename.

why is there french being posted here?

Lads have you seen the latest news on Trump? He's supposedly going to allow some illegals to stay.

Thread here: >>7203300

Day by day it seems we march closer and closer towards that glorious moment when we can say "I told you so!" to the yanks and revel in their saltiness.

Looks like fucking pewdiepie.

Consequences would never be the same if you did, lad.

Ca l'importe peu, regardé le cul apres ca…

William the Bastard has arisen it seems

legit would
thats how desperate i am

I love saving OC that lads have spent hours making.

Tu es vraiment arabe comme ton trip

Reported, you big faggot. We have enough shitposters to deal with already.

That's definitely a man, looks more manly than TTPW

The fucking Normans are infiltrating, lads.


tbf lad, all of our eu migrants are staying too

well it browses Holla Forums from time to time

Me too tbh, just for the novelty.

C'est un meilleur cul que ta pute de mere et de soeur réunis, Nigel…


Changes nothing


You're getting filtered for posting a man and speaking in French, a non-brit/pol/ approved language.

are they attempting to greet the Furor or what does this sign mean ? My sides.

Why didn't we genocide the Japs, lads?

What the fuck are they doing?

wew, lad. You're an evil (you)-stealing cunt tbh

Tu réalise que la plupart des blokes du Sud ont su sang Normands dans leur veines, right?

Didn't have time tbh

I don't get it
Am I the only one here who can't speak french?

Inverse Roman salute

brushed my teeth for the first time in a few months, lad. Just makes my teeth feel worse tbh. Is brushing your teeth a Jewish meme, lads?

I can't into French language.

Post moar Jessi tbh Jessi posting lad.

I fucking new it.

C'mon if I can't stop with the german and french you can too.

Un des seuls oui…les vrais Brits parle Francais comme la reine…

because until the yanks, canadians and aussies turned us against them the japs were our only true friends in Asia
our generals and armed forces were the only ones Tojo respected and was cautious of

No, it is actually a very important part of a oral hygiene. You should floss as well.

hon hon hon

fun fact: the french never had a written language until we were forced to make one for them

They will feel worse before feeling better lad. You should really brush them twice daily. I have fallen a bit behind lately because of messed up sleeping patterns though.


Go away

You should be glad your OC is good enough to be stolen, I've said this to you before but it's true lad. I like your OC. Shame you're a bit of a beta who is too easy a target for my bullying.


OO, un a un grand historien ici…Fomenko devrait te plaire…James…

But I'm not a lesbian, lad. You can't go round trying to prove things with a falsehood, that's wrong.

This is neither the time nor the place to show us your porn collection, lad.


Hell is forever!

Signifying how anti-racist they are?


Stop eating people tbh

She looks like my friends GF but a lot fatter.

No, it was invented by a black 'french' comedian to annoy Jews.

Fuck off with your retarded snorty frog-gibberish you smelly prick. You twats sound like a pig in a blender.

Effectivement, des VIkings mélanger avec des Francais…la vie de ma mere…

What are you then? You're gay, You're a lad who likes other men, that makes you gay.

I did floss tbh

For some reason it's really hard for me to do it in the morning tbh. I eat breakfast, and then I have to wait for a while since you can't brush them immediately after eating or drinking, and then I wait for too long and get hungry again, and the same happens until bedtime tbh.

I've been a beta my whole life, lad.

I'm not a lad, lad, I'm a lass, lad.

Qu'est ce que tu vas faire, Fat Nigel…tu es probablement trop obese pour te lever, comment va tu me niqué?

At least post pictures, lad


Fuck off.

Stop fooling yourself kiddo.

You have a dick and balls, an adams apple, and you speak with a lads voice, you also talk on here like a lad. You're a lad, and you're gay. Just admit it, come out of the closet.

how do I get a girl like this?

I see some ugly fucks worse than me with girls like this

How do i do it

Quelle grande dame distinguer…

Quand meme, c''est une partie de notre sang tres petite; il n'y avait que quelques milles normands qui sont venus ici

Pourquoi est ce que tu as tant de images de ca trap?

Started NoFap two weeks ago and made it until the day before yesterday. And suddenly feel the urge again to play five against willy after seeing that, pls lads tell me she's a trap otherwise my second attempt at NoFap will be one day..

It's a man fam

Mate I can't understand you

Lad, that's a mans arse. If you're getting a stiffy, well I've got news for you, you're gay.

its a trap
penis it has

I'm sure it's real in your mind ladess. Don't let the bullies tell you otherwise. Now I have a little sche-I mean, a proposition for you. Those hormones ain't cheap. But you could make me-uh, us, a lot of money. I'd need to see a tumblr portfolio of a few lewd images of you. And then we could get you started on chatturbate. Trust me, ladess. With a guy like me as your PIM-I mean, uh, manager, you could really go places in the adult entertainment industry.

Get a grip lad, and not on your willy.

seriously you dont want that, its broken, very very broken

Laisse toi allez, c'est normale…

Sorry lad, you're gay

wew lad

Stop posting.

C'est un de vous?


Reported again. Get of your arse mods.



Like this

Report him, spamming gay shit like the homo he is.

Fucking frogs.

Thanks for the (You)s, lads.

do you want to marry me

Tu as un probleme avec les gros clits, Nigel?

You're a (you) whore after all, doesn't mean you're not a disgusting gay.

Never knew that Lemo was french

Have you been pozzed yet lad?

Quelqu'un connait Zara Kane, c'est une des mes trap Brit préférer?

Good to know, I'll guess this time I'll last longer than two weeks, dubs confirm it.

Nope, the lord is my shepherd saves me from these rotten fruits of temptation.

As if my dick can tell.


reported for posting traps and speaking french

Ton trap Brit preferé n'est pas ttpw?

Zara et ces amies sont définitivement mieux…

You really remind me of Gordon tbh. His mind just breaks when confronted on certain things too.

It's the same tranny posting fag that posted in french/pol/'s version of this thread.

Probably a JIDF combining his work and passion together.

Is anyone else reporting this faggy shit? Or are mods just being useless again?

on Brit/pol/ the latter is far worse than the former tbh
Angevin Empire cucks grenouille


Lad, I'm a virgin rbh

another good REELLLAAAAX video

Tu les a tuer, Nigel…

Fucking gay lad come on.

How does this make your willy feel? Siffen it hard?

wtf has happened to this thread

i watch babba for 15 mins and now this shitfest

How old are you lad?

Tu sais que tu adore ca…

He'd be disgusted by you and you know it. Christ, you don't just like his blog, you want him to fuck you? That is disturbing. Were you sexually abused as a child ttpw?

Wew I just remembered, I asked Cuckchins on his blog what he thought of Garron Helm and he never approved the comment to appear, let alone responded.

The French poster is being very rude about you, lad. He says there are superior British traps

truly astonished if true

Just filter him, most of us already have, report him too while you're at it.

Mods will ban me straight away if I call them useless faggots.

They sit back and allow this bullshit though.


Ce qui est vrai…

doesn't surprise me at all.


filtered as well

left looks like a gothic polish girl I went to college with

This is some race mixed shit.

Non, juste une autre pute CD Brits…la vie de ma mere…

not really. The distance between her tits is kind of a turn off.



Lad I truly can't understand you
Just speak English

Tu as 14 ans ou quoi…crossdresser, petit Nigel…


you're saying you're not attracted by naked Lilyallen? You fucking racist, bigoted misogynist.

Donc c'est le temps d'acheter Rosetta Stone Francais et de te mettre au travail…

We've been through this, lad.


tbh lad he'd be disgusted by everyone here, apart from the based civic lads


That's just bigotted tbh lad

Something about that puffy vagina really allures me tbh. I wanna feel it

I meant the picture lad.

But you're also gay tbh.

Lads i've got half the thread filtered now. What's wrong with Brit/pol/ today?

Makes her less attractive, lad.

have you filtered me lad

Je lui lécherais le cul dans les toilettes et apres je la plowerais brutalement jusqu'a ce qu'elle shoot sa cum de bitch partout….


I don't like reporting anything though tbh lad. You're a bit of a faggot. You could just filter him.

Interesting that you didn't deny being sexually abused.

Some triggered spergs trying to fuck with us probably a kraut in disguise

The real question is why are mods such trap loving faggots?


not really lad but even id have boned you by now according to probability
at this point you're either too autistic or too ugly tbh

Vous faites vous-même et votre peuple un mauvais service.

Maybe we should post gore to combat the soft cocks in the thread.

If it bothers anyone they can filter him tbh.

You don't report it because you're a fucking faggot m8, and you haven't filtered him either, you're probably saving every picture he posts.

But he should be banned tbh.

i didnt think there were any transsexual Ethiopian marxists left on Holla Forums tbh

So we're doing this again then?
We'll it can't get any worse I suppose

I haven't filtered any of you lads.

nah, ttpw is still worse.

Underage b& pls leave

Just filter him, and post gore.

We're we're doing this lad, we have too.

I wasn't.

tbf lad there was actual philanderer, entryist and paedophile TS
It's a low bar, but I don't care.

That's probably an inclusive or, tbh.

fantastic lad.

In the filter you go then.

Don't save any tbh.

I appreciate your passion but I think your logic is a bit flawed.

No he shouldn't. He should be ignored and he'll lose interest. Don't pretend Brit/pol/ isn't a funposting containment thread. Actually get the mods to take an interest in these threads again and soon enough there won't be any because we'll all be banned. Let them be a blind spot, and filter the tranny poster and whatever else you don't like.

You were only salty at TS because he banned you from the irc, either him or someone similar.

Too late lad, he's gone.

TS had been driven out long before I got banned from the IRC

Is that still dead, btw?

Hay TS shouldn't you be going to the tanning booth?

Thank you mods, tbh.

Nah, people with your attitude are fucking cancer.

Oh non, je suis la, Nigel…

Who was the other one who kept banning you from the irc? He was friends with burninglove the gay? I know there were a couple who did.

Ne parle pas trop vite, James…

OK, fuck off 'barth'. Filtered.

What drove you to your lifestyle then? Pornography addiction coupled with sexual rejection and a general feeling of self hate that lead you to want to become the object of male desire? That's the best theory I've heard to explain most trannies on here. How do you think you got the way you are? If you're not going to respond honestly and you just say "I was born this way, I've always felt like a girl", I hope I at least plant the question in your mind again and you really think about where it comes from and if it's possible to halt. At the end of the day it's up to you to fix yourself. Or to stay course and destroy yourself.

It's not limited to funposting but funposting always has and should be more tolerated. Fuck off newfag.

Comme je disais, les bans de ce site, sont une vrai joke…

Going to bed, have fun posting trannies you strange baggett man.

Ils veulent seulement de la BBC, Nigel…comme toutes les truies blanches…

>it's not like it can descend into months of mummyposting, trap posting, posting pictures of man arse

No, YOU fuck off newfag, or go find somewhere else to shitpost.

I don't know his name? GGG? NHS?

tbh lad I think that's the best explanation in your post
I know it may not gel with your ideology but idc tbh

i wanted a comfy brit/pol/ where i could shitpost about the indian barber tbh lads

not this french tranny posting shit

It was all going so well and then ttpw and the frog started posting


J'ai de la misere a comprendre comment vos vrais femelles sont des grosses putes dégoutantes mais vos traps sont incroyables, Germany style…

Lacnunga ('Remedies') is a collection of miscellaneous Anglo-Saxon medical texts and prayers
…anyone got a copy?*Version*=1&*entries*=0

ttpw is the worst, he feeds off passive aggressively bringing this place down a level, all the while feeling superior somehow.

Filter and ignore lad, though I don't think we're going to be proper comfy till tomorrow now.

fucking cunts tbh

this is so pointless

Post pics of yourself in normal 'boy' mode.You degenerate faggot.

La premiere truie représente tres bien l'average Brit hoe, right?

I've been here since the beginning. By that I mean circa 2011 Brit/pol/ not the cuckchan move to here.

Maybe you have too. Brit/pol/ is a bit like Islam now I think about it. Break offs and re-merging and arguments over ideology (how much funposting is too much funposting) from the beginning with some quite different people sticking with the community a long time.

This is one of the worst brit/pol threads I can remember.

it really fucking is

newfag detected

Ne compare pas cette merde a l'Islam, Allah le grand punira ton insonlance, inshAllah….

what the fuck are you talking about? Holla Forums wasn't even a thing then.
You fucking newfag.

Go to bed m8. Or fuck off because you're really a newfag if you don't know these threads didn't start long before Holla Forums was a thing and moved here.


Not now, now I think about it. Different meaning. You wouldn't understand as a frog degenerate. Just like I wouldn't understand the nuance of different meanings in every day frog speak without learning it and immersing myself in frogland for a few years too.

I wish that was true, not by a long shot. It's still pretty bad though.

Been brit/pol/ since before it was brit/pol/ on cuckchan, I've seen it all. And I know where slow politics and bored shitposters leads to. I don't mind a bit of funposting, I just don't find faggotry and 'traps' "fun", and neither should you unless you're slightly homo.

Any of you watched the latest Harry Potter?

Looks quite good tbh

Parce que le Britbongland est le pays de la vertu et des gens bien éduqué et polis…

Ps;Cette truie de Jayda va finir violer…

You just misread my post. I didn't say Holla Forums was around since 2011. I said Brit/pol/ was, at least. You're the one rectum ravaged. Or just baiting me poorly and I, the master b8er of all people, am falling for it because I'm tired and drunk tbwy.

Fair enough. I don't, I was just saying he can be filtered. Fact he's still here shows like I said earlier, he's probably one of the mods taking the piss.


It wasn't too bad, the ending was stupid as fuck with the reformed kid but it could've been a lot worse.

William the Bastard… fuck off you onion munching salami swallower

Jayda va se faire expliqué le plan comme du monde un jour ou l'autre, la vie de ma mere…

Agreed the best method is to ignore it like. I suspect the mods half the time too, but we do have one or 2 IP hopping no-life autists.

brit/pol/ is best when it has a cause.

Essaie de faire la meme chose avec les renois et Musulmans qui défoncent vos truies…


I hope when I wake up Brit/pol/ will be better.

Odd how since we moved here we've raided online less, since it was strictly banned on cuckchan but not here. (Raiding other sites or harassing cucked leftist individuals like LibSocRants or bigger fish like Owen, etc. not other boards here).

But I assume by cause you mean elections going or something bigger than that.

Ca ne le sera pas, Nigel…

Nothing will bring back the glory days of brit/pol/

we are as good as dead

its over

Lad it's only just beginning

Tu es probablement un ostie de mongol de Jaywick, arrete de te prendre pour un Lord…

Right so the narrative of this film seems to be that Muslims dindu nuffin and that the real threat is White people.

im off to try and get neetbux tomorrow lads

im officially a piece of shit, goodnight

It'll come back again when question time is back and we sort out a stream + irc with it.

miss the times of brit/pol/ raiding the cuck's youtube channel and triggering his lefty fans

Non, les infidels sont les vrais ennemis, tu peut etre blanc et etre un bon Musulman, Nigel….

Well yes, but not necessarily. Small level stuff like messing with celebrity cucks etc is also what I'm on about. Anything to stop us getting complacent and actually doing a little something, no matter how little.

Messing with Owen Jones was fun as fuck since he takes it so seriously and it actually seems to bother him.

Night lad. it will be

Des gens vivent a Jaywick…ou connaisse la place?

We pozzed up Owen's migrant video.

In the early days we managed to get more dislikes to likes on his videos.

He's even written about us.

I like that his sign about a "Democratic Worker's Europe" is even more retarded than the shoop.

More or less. They're the real terrorist threat.

Hate you scum

Ah cmon, arreter de m'ignoré..on se faisait du fun….

When you see recent pictures/footage of him I really do wonder if we've memed him into being full blown poz. He looks so unhealthy.

well we have been trying to meme it into happening

He says on twitter that that the last two months have aged him plus 10 years, which is hilarious. Brexit and his reality being crashed by muslims shooting up a fag bar really has done him in more than all the poz he's taken in the last 30 years.

One of the best Brit/pol/ pastas and successful at triggering lefties. Kek.

Next video he does mentioned UKIP we should go all out and make the fuckboi cry tbh. It doesn't matter anymore if we inadvertently crash the party with no survivors. That might actually bring extra lulz.

Utter filth

Si vous ets tant des grands Chrétiens Nationalistes, pourquoi vous n'etes pas dans Britain first…

knock it off with the wogspeak lad, rather have yanks shitting up the thread than wogspeaking faggot continentals tbh, at least yanks have nice looking slags that got a bit of chub where its nice and bouncy tbh

Aren't they a bit bent?

Fucking white men! Living in a white country and providing healthcare for people. Grrrr!

Excellent! I can almost believe it, I know a few people irl who've had their bubble shattered by Brexit.

Bent as in a bit gay like Jack Cuckby or bent criminal? A little currently criminal behaviour might be necessary in future so good if they're willing, and able to hide it. Only kidding GCHQ.

Comme tu dis, Fat Nigel…

Fucking hell

Bit gay I meant

nice slag tbh, too brown IMO lads

hope trump wins, can't wait for his reaction

hugh mungus

who /givingyankslagsthebigbritishcock/?
best part about yank slags is when you shag them its like you are cucking a taig, a kraut and a yank at the same time

Yanks reacting to him losing would be better tbh

Les beurettes Francaises sont black owned, Nigel…

filtered for being an obvious Holla Forums cancer poster
not even proper frog wog tbh, just straight up shitskin


I really want to go to yankeeland and shag loads of yanks but I'm too autist so far


Je t'interdis de brit/pol/, sale pute de fond de baril…la vie de ma mere…

that turdskin has zero muscle tone and looks like a pussy, he only can roleplay as a tough man in a society which actively restrains the native white populations males from murdering him after hours of torture when they casually gangstalk him on the trams then kidnap him and cut off all his appendages starting with his pinky fingers using an electric scroll saw. the state owns women you moron, turdskins are just pity pets

this woman hardly blinks jesus

Vous faiser ca Québec style, bravo….

Quand je vois des truies Brits se faire défoncer par des renois ca na pas l'air de ca…




Don't lad.

why not chum?
Give unions more power, what can go wrong?
Could he be the final nail in the House of Lords coffin?

midwestern yank slags are top tier lad
its a different place, basically the complete opposite of our island but I visited the area and outside of visiting chicago it was a sea of big farmer women lad it was like heaven and they all like the accent since in the yank countryside they don't get many visitors and english people are seen as fun by bored farmer people.

Fresh Ben.

You know why.

Parce qu'ils sont de descendance Allemande…pas de chiens Britbongs inbreeder…

is this realistic?



There's time. but I'm not doing it



I thought the thread just goes to 751?

mods purged some of the "french" shitposts. Refresh the page lad.


Je suis le seul posteur divertissant de ce thread de mere…la vie de ma mere…

Ah ok, post count back to 732, need a new thread then.


imperium lad

Is it time to retake the colony, lads?
How about we send our NEETs to America so they can fill the yank wombs and create a new ruling class
we are superior

lad we got to breed the taig and cześć out of them, maybe even the jerry genes as well

Tu pourrais meme pas controler le Québec, Nigel…la preuve on parle Francais en 2016…la tombe de mon grand-pere…

sounds good

also if anyone here says Ate instead of Eaten you should just kill yourself

please make anew thread i want to post my waifu

we need to establish proper english speech schools for the yanks lad, it will be like the spainish encomienda system except the yanks do the work and learn to speak proper english and we shag their lasses


Anyone else got a "fetish" for women slightly older than them, like mid-late twenties?

Get out youngfag, it's far past your bedtime.

bugger off nonce

Lads, what the fuck. A secret, goverment approved, drug trial on school children in the 60s, no further information, all of it hidden away or further results missing.

How long has this shit been happening, and is it still being done today?

Should've guessed. Go back to /politics/


wendy is like 20 , but shes the exception fam

I also said "slightly" you remtards
