Murderer of 17y old german kid walks free

Germany YES!

Mudslime killed a 17y old German kid, but forensic analysis found out the kid was predisposed to a vessel illness and therefore the migrant couldn't know it would kill him after kicking his head on the ground several times

Meanwhile, a German guy was sentenced to 3 years probation and a 15,000EUR fine for making a concentration camp joke in a youtube video.

Germany is fucking done.. there is absolutely NO way this country can come back from this.

Other urls found in this thread:


Look, Heinrich, Germany has fallen so far from its glory days that if Adolf himself knew what weak-willed skin flutists you'd all turn into, I'm sure he'd quit politics and go back to painting.

In some countries, kicking someone in the head at all is attempted murder, even if the victim doesn't have any weird blood vessel conditions.

We both know the only reason this asshole got away without punishment is that he's a shitskin rapefugee. Like the rest of Europe, Germans are now more afraid of being called racists than they are of being killed.

Im not against reporting this kind of news.
But we all know whats the purpose of these kinds of threads.
Im sure this is a constructive thread meant to mobilize Germans and not brown beating them. And totally not created by some parasitic polish subhumans.

Rotherham 2.0

It has to be improved to be considered an upgrade, lad :^)

I think violently killing a 17 year old is worse than having sex with a 12 year old.
At least those girls have a chance at
a) hating mudslimes
b) having normal lives later
This kid is dead tho.

What fantasy world do you live in? Can I join?

Those that didn't get pregnant and escaped soon after.
They can go to therapy and find a nice, friendly, understanding white guy to care for them and give them a happy family.

That kid is dead - and no one cares.

Justnwork in groups, and beat them to death.

I grieve deeply at this loss. It's one less Kraut for the second coming of Harris to enjoy bombing. Truly, a tragedy.

Top kek

This is unreal. They couldn't have known physically attacking someone could kill them so they are let off. Fucking hell.

kike detected.

Thanks to MGTOW culture, the chance of this happening is slim to none.
Or would you rather a cuck takes care of her and lets her destructive womanly instincts to take over?

What are you talking about here? I doubt this will even make sense with context. It looks like gibberish. Are you still learning English, Manuel?

No, but Im learning how to trigger butthurt shitskins from brit/pol/.
Stay mad.

nothing to add here.

muslims & negroes are already taking over our local towns as the 2015 contingents are distributed in every province, every singly small town.

even in the village i live.

theyve closed and rennovated a former kindergarten for hundreds of thousands of € to house them here.

since a couple of months you can see them walking around here. and they do this in a manner like we are the new bosses.

I wasn't mad. I really just don't understand what your post meant, and suspect you aren't fluid in English yet. Calm down, Manuel. As I understand it you don't need to learn English where you are. Everyone you need to interact with knows Spanish already. Take your lessons slow.


Why don't the German people form an underground group that would remove the corrupted politicians, judges and such? They have to see that, these corrupted officials are the main part of the problem. If they don't punish injustice, the injustice will only continue, because the corrupted officials have nothing to fear. They have to be afraid for their lives, otherwise the Germans will be trampled.

polite sage just not to offend Germans.

Oh, so you're Haitian then. My mistake. :^)

well, that might be an idea.

back in the days i always thought the political way, without violence, is the only one to go.

but im not so sure about that anymore.

Bitch is obsessed with Germany and seems to think it's her homeland for whatever reason, she's some sort of Baltic mutt like me. If she wasn't such a lardass I'd turn her the fuck out.

Meanwhile, I tell these kids I'm a flaming, racist fucking bigot, and I'm proud of who I am. These niggers eat the shit up. It's like my mostly unspoken pride washes off on them and they immediately start holding themselves to a higher standard, critiquing others from their newfound high ground.
>She still has to go back

You've more in common with the vanilla communist twitter twat than you probably know.

It has as German authorities completely neglect anything about possible grooming and classify everything as isolated incidents. Insofar it's Rotherham Infinity.

zionist D & C outed.

Trying to split Germanics and Anglos all over this board.

Won't work.


The entire West is finished. Demographically it is completely and totally over.

thats exactly the argument of the leaders of the west.

thats why they said they had to get these millions of migrants in it.

It was over long before this kill shot on Germany. France was toast, England was toast, the US has been toast, Canada caught up to everyone else in near record speed. Sweden is toast.

Fucking defeatist fools.

You guys just don't get it. There is an upside to this forced immigration. It is turning the west right wing, and it's moving poor unarmed enemes into regions where we can easily genocide them.

they couldve made it a lot easier for natives to breed (financial stimuli to found families etc.).

instead they did nothing for decades.


They refill quickly because they breed like rabbits, so it makes no difference in the countries where they come from. The population is quickly replenished. We just get more shit to deal with.

Not everywhere, it isn't – and through the numbers it sometimes doesn't matter.
They aren't unarmed at all. They have access to massive weapons caches built up by Muslim networks in Europe and have the total support of all European defense contractors who are wholly dependent upon Gulf Arab money to remain solvent.

You talking about the "leaders" or the population who wouldn't kill?


I disagree. the only legitimate hardship in order to turn people into right wing is an economical crisis which almost always reveals the nose behind the shekel drama, whereas importing mudslimes, there is no downside besides women being raped, kids being killed and the gubermint increasing its propaganda to contain it. This is because the raping and killing is highly localized, and most people don't experience it on their own, whereas an economic crisis hits almost the whole society.

reddit shill spotted + filtered.

m' lady

You're a fucking hypocrite, just like all krauts.

That's why the best time to revolt is now, there is no time to let them import any more or let them breed. The time to act is now. If they will continue to go to work and think that the suffering of others doesn't concern them, they will die. They must congregate and first of all replace the corrupt politicians and kick out american troops.

Hypocritical, chip on shoulder stupid kraut fuck.

I think you're being overtly optimistic. We too are largely poor, unarmed and easily genocided.

Every European city has a sizeable minority (sometimes majority!) of people seeking to replace us completely.
You dumb 1000 Kalashnikovs in the ghetto, and the nice, regular white people have no chance for survival. And we know when our border security is shit, that isn't even that far fetched scenario.

DotR, the Event, Happening… It won't be kicked off by us but them. And I think it will be the biggest challenge we have ever encountered.
World Wars, plagues, foreign hordes are nothing compared to what we're going to have to endure as a people.

The worst generation must rise up to the greatest of challenges. It will be quite romantic story, if we make it. If not, well, let the nigs tell their tribal tales.

Who started the shitposting on h8chan?
Who made hundred of harris threads? You


Proof that appeasement doesn't work tbh. BASED Churchill.

So, because one autist keeps spamming that blatantly obvious' D&C shitposts which we have no way to prevent happening' or we end up with multiple threads (because mods are shit), then you and your like arrive and start sperging out which us non shitposters are bound to reply to unfavourably, thus giving you more justification in your mind etc etc and it just goes on and on.

By your logic we should be spamming kraut/pol/ in retaliation constantly, you're too dumb and autistic to realise the cycle actually starts with you.

You're obsessed, this thread is about Germanys problems, and once again you're talking about us.

The other tard made the complain, m8.

You must be retarded

Or are you butthurt that I was replying to the "Rotherham 2.0" post?
Are you that fucking thin skinned?

Also, in ages is an overstatement. It was just last week.

Don't blame Germans alone. I'm not one, and I shitpost in Brit/pol/ threads sometimes.

You are pure cancer on the board, and the Harris/Churchill spam is just the iceberg's tip.

Basing on your threads, the British worldview seems to be very poisonous and degenerate.

Do they ever win anything?

as a fellow sort of fucked but not quite as fucked as you cousin I come to bear you bad news
you cant trigger true Britons lad, nothing really pierces our cold, calculating hides
we've had everything thrown at us over the ages, we haven't had the nice stable status quo of the continent and their absolute monarchies and mostly homogeneous populations for the majority of the time
we'll outlast you all simply because we can endure the horrors better than you and dont lose our heads when we wander in the long night

Its happening everywhere not just germany.

The plan is to just take millions of migrants everywhere and then give them weapons and let them kill natives to a size that wont be a problem anymore.

I dont believe it can be stopped anymore. People are still naive and even if some are not they cant do anything substantial with no power. The power of the people would require a common enemy and thousands of people who would be ready to die which they are not. On the other hand millions of muslims would who are sponsored by them and governments who will arm them with automatic rifles against natives who will have knives and occasional pistol max. Other option would be someone who has power and money to start the fire.

Maybe they will even start a war and recruit a lot of native men to go die there so white women are free to be taken. I think they will do something with ukraine and russia with eastern europe so those slavs will go die and kill each other while takign refugees because they are so against it. Or maybe they will take refugees very silently.

Anyway this is going to mean I will die soon. Even people who are redpilled here wont do anything and lone wolfing is useless.

I would hypothesize they will create their stupid super state and ban all nationalism while taking million of migrants and maybe even start a war because the banks are collapsing.

Or just do everything at once and be done with it.


Maybe you need to start checking post counts of ID's when that happens.

Every time, as a thread approaches 750, someone with (1) post will show up and make the bait thread, and in the bait thread doesn't post again (or hops IP's)

Anyway, think I'm done trying to explain the obvious, the chip on your shoulder won't allow you to think anything other than you already do.

That's nice dear.

Satan confirms.

tbh, purely historical question here, after Charlemagne have Germans ever won anything?


fuck I hate brit/pol/

when the happening comes here I'm going to slaughter every single local civic nationalist, cuckservative, tory, and right-liberal

Come on now, that isn't a brit, that is a kike pretending to be a brit. Don't fall for that devide and conquer.

If Germans don't like that murder is legal in their country they should do something about it. The police won't.

as a pure bred native resident of White Heaven and sacred Albion i commend you on your quest lad

holy fuck. Very sad!

Hearts and minds of Holla Forums at least

That's plenty for any people

>civic nationalist brit/pol/
You're all so fucking dense.

Eggshell plaintiff BTFO

sympathy and pity aren't something to envy lad
i mean like wars obviously

Why do they make it so easy for them to do it though? It's blatant and obvious what he's doing and the purpose behind it, yet they keep throwing themselves at it and dancing to his tune every time as he sits back and laughs at them.

I don't know how people can be so dense, I really don't.

Brit/pol/'s a pretty loose environment. Although they hustle where it counts, with all the mummyposters and the trap memes it's easy for such a person to operate.

It's too sensitive topic, having your cities bombed to ashes and people killed by them, even though your people were trying to defeat the kikes and Hitler offered peace to them many times and spared their soldiers in Dunkirk. The kike exploits the pain and makes outrageous provocations, so they bait. But by now they should be used to his ways and stay calm.

tbh the British took the most Wehrmacht prisoners during the war because unlike the French, Americans and Soviets we didnt just shoot/execute them on sight
if they surrendered to the British at least you got a hot meal, a bed and your odds were likely you'd survive the war
ditto tbh lad

I'm afraid there's more of a chance of them going full WGTOW after rape. Sexual trauma is hard to bounce back from, especially if experienced at a young age. I mean sure, I guess it's preferable to death, but normal lives, I'm not so sure.

Also like said, male culture in countries as cucked as those that allow this shit to happen in the first place, aren't overflowing with real men. There's only faggots and cucks there, not the kind of father-material I'd wish on any child.


If you count only the German Empire as Germany, then the Franco-Prussian and Boxer wars.

Unless you got deported in Operation Keelhaul.

Are you referring to this (1) poster? Why do you feel the need to strawman so hard?
And no, the guy I'm responding to spams the same shit over and over for months on end now, regardless of context.

Anyway, why don't you discuss about the OP for once?


Franco-Prussian I can give you but the Boxer wars was more like every European nation mostly Britain tbh collectively giving China a good anal fisting for rebellion with Russians, yanks and frogs raping the ever living shit out of every chinawoman older than 6

dont blame brits for it lad the yanks were part of it too and by that point owned us as much as they owned Germany
i dont see how 1000 Ukranians means much to germany lad

Source for that? I don't disbelieve you, I've just never heard of it. Was it as bad as when the Red Army hit Berlin?

Who has time to punished poor oppressed refugees, they've been through enough haven't they?

Surely there are more 90-year-old Nazis that Germany can put on trial instead to keep their streets safe. You gotta keep your priorities straight.

So you're saying multiple countries ganging up on another doesn't really count as winning a war?

the yanks werent that bad but the russians and frogs raped so many chinese women the countryside was awash with chink women killing themselves because they couldnt live with the shame
maybe not as bad but it was pretty horrendous
the main crimes of each nationality were: British/looting, American/looting, German/massacring, Japanese/massacring, French/raping and Russian/raping
Kaiser Wilhelm II made it quite clear he didnt want germans taking prisoners so they just shot every chinese they found

not when the enemies main force consists of lunatics with swords thining kung fu makes them bullet proof
thats not war lad its just massacre, war puts up the pretense the enemy has the option of winning when Qing China was fucked from the beginning

Yeah, loads of wars, the Seven Years' War is especially impressive.

Prussians didn't get the reputation for being militaristic warmongers for no reason.

the conflict between Britain and France?
mercenaries dont count as a nation winning a war lad when you loan them out for another nation to use

There's always gonna be wars, it's not warmongering when all you're doing is providing the supply for other nations' demand. Contrary to what the /britpoo/ shitposters say, we are not one genocide away from world peace.
Besides, I thought Prussian wars didn't count.

Are you retarded?
On the continental side Prussia essentially fought Austria, France, Sweden, and Russia by itself and won.

If you take a look at the numbers, Britain is the country with the most warmongering. The only grain of truth to Prussia's reputation is its military prowess.

Since when are Prussians not Germans?

oh ok
and no not retarded modern histories not my strong suit
I can tell you more of the lives of Sulla, Caratacus and Suppiluliuma I than of conflicts like the thirty years war

go back to brit/pol/ faggot

Ah, I can understand that, sorry m8.

Stop being his puppet on strings you dense fuck.

a child takes about 20 years to grow to full size
by that time europe will be naitonalistic, so those are hardly a threat

I second this motion. And it's not like worse thing didn't happened during the Wiemar Republic or during Allied/Soviet occupation.

Foreign thugs are being given the benefit of the doubt in a lot first world countries. I only recommend buying shares in the rope industry.

Germany doesn't have any "conspiracy" laws unlike America, so they can't just take the whole group and put them away for life (which the should do, at the very least). The rest is business as usual. The perps will probably beat more people up.

Our justice system works fine for Germans, not so much when handling dindus and rapefugees who neither understand Western ethics nor have anything to lose.

Men don't like committing to left-overs. Especially the left-overs of rival out-group men. Therefore the chance of ehr getting any kind of quality man is zero. She will just get the dregs, which is a punishment in itself. Her mating value has been stolen.

yes, but now all Germans demand harsher laws to deal with these apes but little do they realize it will come and bite them in the ass sooner or later.

It's classic politics: classify something (subhumans) as part of the whole (society) and therefore justify laws spanning everyone although the cause are specific groups/ethnics of people.

business as usual. Same applies to gun laws, financial laws, criminal laws yadda yadda.

No white man with self respect would touch a used goods woman who has had another man's cock in her. Those women rightfully are resigned to a life where they will die alone.

you playing with your jewcculus rift again user?

Bedding a woman who has had another man inside of her makes you an honorary cuck.

Hi, former tolerant diversity loving liberal here. Everything that was sold to me has turned into blood, lies, and ashes. The void left by this betrayal echoes the angry screams of my European forefathers from a black abyss.

Day of the rope when?

I get your point, but you don't seem to have gotten a reality check lately. Finding a good looking virgin waifu nowadays is near to impossible.

How are people so stupid as to believe that not knowing hitting someone in the head multiple times could kill them? If someone is that dumb they should be executed just to get that retardation out of the gene pool.

Top cuck.

which is a good reason for…not hitting anyone.

yet again one more example of liberals not holding these animals to our standards.

is this true racism?


As a Englishman you have no Idea how happy this makes us

The Krauts truly Sowed the wind of this crisis and will now reap the whirlwind

If we're lucky then the Germans as a race will die out in Europe and (Fingers crossed) the US will become largely non-white and collapse

hehe it was just a joke

You krauts and yankees don't understand the banter

I'm glad I'm not German. How did these people manage to be so based before and so cucked now?

0,25 shekels have been transferred to your account

Years of Holohoax guilt

Lambs for the slaughter…

And just think, it all started because a bunch of cucks didn't want Germany to have a corridor into their Prussian territory. They gave away the whole of Eastern Europe and now every major European city is overrun by Asians. What a fricken joke. Pathetic do-gooding cucks gave away the only worthwhile civilization on Earth. Well, maybe in another 10,000 years. But until then enjoy the perpetual strife and enslavement of mud world.

Does the thin skull rule not applie in krautland?

Not when muslims are involved, it seems. Germany is in a state of "anarcho-tyranny".

Silly man. Anglos are Germanics.

To clarify things for you:
The article says that he !could! walk free, because the victim was already injured and the migrant did not now this.

One of the comments says the following:
In the german justice system there is a difference between "Totschlag" - beating someone to death and "Mord" - murder. The comment mentions a previous case where the attacker was in the end sentenced to murder and got an even more severe sentence.

The article itself also says that the attacker was not released and has now to answer for "Körperverletzung mit Todesfolge" - beating someone and him consequently dying.

The article and you are sensational.

It does.
If you kill a terminal ill person with intention of killing then you still committed murder (German law actually differentiate between manslaughter and murder).

The shyster try to argue that by hitting someone’s head by hand, you wont normally expect deadly success, him lacking intent to kill. That proposition is in itself very weak, any serious hit to the head might be deadly. The victim in fact did tumble to earth after the hit, indicating a serious blow.

Not enough, the killer kicked his foot against the victims head on the ground, that is intention to kill. The fact that he might set the reason for the victims dead earlier doesn’t change that.

The shyster now try to separate those two movements from a singular action, intention into a plurality of actions and intentions (Tateinheit - Tatmehrheit).

Tatmehrheit - For example, theoretically you might slap someone on the back greeting them, unbeknownst to you that person chokes on some food because of your slap and sinks into his chair. You proceed to your desk and find an insulting letter of this person, enraged you turn around grab a hammer and smash the head of that person, unbeknownst to you already dead. You can not murder a person already dead by German law even if you want, the action actually killing the person was unintended, careless, so this case would be just accidental death.

In the actual case trying to separate a violent attack by fist and kicks with the feet into different intentions would afford quite some mental gymnastics and bending the law – eventually happening none the less.

We had similar cases were every effort was made to reach the most lenient verdict. For example in Berlin six or seven Arabs did kick to death a hapa in plain daylight on Berlin most prominent place Alexanderplatz. The main perpetraitor got away with 4years, for kicking someone to death; he is out of jail less then 2years after the murder (the court failed to qualify the kicking to death as murder).
Berlin is a very dangerous place and don’t expect help or justice from the authorities, Bonn the former capitol of FRG, the actual case happened, the same.

I think a lot of you american and canadian Holla Forumsacks don't get this: the German psyche is fundamentally broken. This fucking fairy tale that the German Volk are latent Nazis, and are on the verge any day of kicking out the fucking mudslimes– it's a myth, guys.

German's are libtards. That's it. Tut mir leid.

More and more, I'm becoming afraid that Germany is going to have to be the martyr that finally gets the bluepilled to start reddening up.

I know that feel, bro.

It's a real bitch when one discovers that it was always going to come down to the ol' red of tooth and claw. And then you get over it and pick up a sword.

You are one strange character james, but I will watch your video.

Even though i already know all I need about Germany.

Hey, thanks. I take that as a massive compliment.
It's just I am surrounded by these people who seem to think they know some shit about Germany, without ever having been there.
I just happen to think that's asinine–yes, regardless of my dark skin.
And so, I share my take.
Honestly, look how much good PEGIDA has actually done, right?… let's get real, folks.

Does the German kid have a father? A father with a baseball bat?
Give the mudslime a baseball-bat facial (pic related).

Get out of here, nigger.

We've had enough martyrs, thank you very much. People need to fucking realize Islam and leftism are bad before the shitskins take more ground on the European continent.

Wew lad.
Every German has 2 personalities.
One for public and one in private.
Those who do not comply with that is losing everything.
Those who do not have anything don't comply.

Basic guide for Burgerclaps and Germans who have no social life.

No, faggot. My 3 phil/poli degrees and travel experience give me more right to be here than you.
So yeah, won't be driven out by you fucking little shit racists, not today.
Focus your hate on ISLAM– that's who deserves it. Not someone who basically is on your side. Get it, you fucking redneck?

Ye i fucked that up.
It is way too late.

Kill yourselfes germanfags
How could you allow this to happen

See, that's so telling.

Sometimes it's hard to believe Grosser Deutschland is the birth place of Sigmund Freud–

So as you say; two personas; the Private which is fully aware of the death of Teutonic culture; and the Public, which mindlessly goes along with that death (or murder, really).

And Germans somehow think this is sane? (Rhetorical question– yes, they do think this is sane, as I have seen when living in Germany– hence my video: )

LOL, go ahead and call me a nigger shitskin again, pals, I don't want to fit in with this fucked up paradigm.

Mein Gott.

If you're a nigger you have no rights as you're an animal.

Your three worthless degrees WE most likely paid for means as much as your taking a taxi to the airport.

You're "basically" on ourside because you know we still have the power and won't fuck you in the ass then cut your head off. But once the opportunity presents itself, you will stab us in the back.

We need to bombard kraut facebook pages, twitter users etc,etc with red pills. Remember most of this shit is heavily censored there.

4/pol/ is the civil nationalist board not this one m8. I dont care what race you are because you seem to be smart and above average IQ for a nagger. The problem with race and the argument for racism is that the different races vary genetically and so vary mentally. There really isn't any sientific evidence that I've seen that shows that same race people share the same behavioral patterns while successfully eliminating environmental factors such as culture and things like that and of course their literal environment. That doesnt mean we don't share specific genetic behavioral traits akin to our ethnic group it just means it hasn't really been accurately measured or proven. BUT what can be measured is IQ and it's been proven there is variance among the races. Not only that but I think IQ is a stronger determining factor in how a person turns out. Hence why nigs nig and Asians don't. My point is there isn't a too big of a difference between a black man and a white man who both share a 110 IQ. But even so I and most others here believe there is a difference. Maybe small maybe not but a difference in behavior patterns. And most don't want that getting all mixed up. Blacks and whites evolved in different parts of the world and in different envirments with different challenges and obstacles, hence we evolved differently. Both physically and again mentally. Now there is notging wrong with that, fishes swim and birds fly that's just how they evolved. They thrive in their respected envirments because evolution made them that way. But when you mix a bird with a fish you get neither something that can thrive in the air or in the ocean. This may seem like I'm being mellow dramatic but I just want you to understand where these "racist rednecks" come from. I think it would be ideal for everybody if we avoided mixing but at the same time it is what it is. I dont care if youre black and I dont care who you "breed" with. If my fish/bird analogy was an accurate depiction of race mixing then that means your kids will be sorted out through evolution. I agree we share common enemies and I don't know your exact ideology but if youre here on Holla Forums it must not be too far away from mine.

jew out, nigger

Yeah, am not a "nigger" and paid for my own degrees, so….

Jesus, Holla Forums, when will you get rid of these little shits playing at their wanky race-politic-LARPing nonsense. It's honestly getting old.

People with multiple degrees and even experience in military intelligence get drowned out by teen-aged (or 20-something year old fags which are actually somehow worse), little losers trying to impose their mattress humping fantasies on reality.

YES, kids. A brown person happens to know far more about politics and society than you. Calling me a nigger, shitskin, or whatever might make you feel better– but it doesn't actually make you smarter.

Being able to churn out meaningful discourse makes a person smart… sorry, but this shitskin does just that:

I must be below average intelligence for a nogger. 'cause I can't read that shit without some line breaks.

Use the enter key, bitch.


Not really, as I have no direct African heritage.

But yeah, you're a real little genius, I see.

Thanks for adding to the discussion, faggot.

God dude, stop shilling for your shitty youtube channel. Constantly praising yourself makes you look like an arrogant twat and most people couldn't help but hate you. GG on your useless degrees too, by the way thick dark rimmed glasses don't make you look more intelligent, they make you look like a fag.

Like these glasses because they have withstood me being punched in face– by fucking rednecks.

And am not sure exactly when I "praised myself"– but thanks for thinking I did.


Jews are genius. Look what they've done. Not only have they flooded Germany, they have most likely foreseen the anger of citizens and most likely wanted it in the first place to invoke other directives.

Are you serious lad? The vast majority of software gets shittier and shittier with each new release.

You've been reported. There is no discourse with subhumans here.

You come off as really unlikable. Please go somewhere else.

Well, I was about to, but now I think I'll stay.

Oh, ok. Let's see how that pans out.

the cringe is real

I know, right?
Feel the power, friend.

You Holla Forums queers don't have much fight in you, huh? Well, I'm off… sad to see how easily you gave in to a "subhuman" shitskin such as myself.

Stay classy, you fucking morons. I'm off to finish reading Andrew Breitbart's "Righteous Indignation" (sorry, he happens to be relevant, even in death– and yet somehow not a racist ass-hat like most of you.)

You know where to find me, faggots.



RIP Horst Wessel, he had a vessel illness.

I typed it on my phone, duck off jerk.

This thread kinda got ruined because some of you acted like Lilly-white snowflakes when an uppity coloured person started posting.
But seems like your safe-space is safe once again.

kek. I see shitskins still trying the religious card to distract people from race and ethnics as the sole reasons for mudshits acting the way they are.

It's like with niggers. No matter if secular, christcuck, islam or fucking buddhist, niggers will always act the same across all belief systems.

Same applies to shitskins.

fucking mental gymnastics. You can't fool anyone around here haji.

it's called islam, maybe that's something for you.

Don't you have shillary's corpse to be propping up for her speeches, schlomo?

hearty kek

that's already happening,m8 but germans do need to start doing something about this tbqh

It's a shill, man.

Are you retarded?

Do you believe anyone there in Germany is able to voice their true opinion, without fear of severe retribution by the powers to be?

How about losing your job for wearing the wrong t-shirt? (Thor Steinar brand, nothing illegal)

How about 12 years jail for thought-crime?

Did you meet, by chance, Mr Dunning–Kruger?

What's the migrants name?
What city does he live in?
Why don't some nationalists go and fucking crucify him to a wall.

How is Merkel still alive?

Having 'two personalities' is typical for people under hostile, foreign occupation, something Germany, and Europe in general, have been by the so-called 'allies' in the west and 'soviets' in the east until this very day, even if the details have gotten fuzzy after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Whenever topics come up, understandingly asking 'Why is Germany/Sweden/France/England allowing this?' you have to understand: We're all occupied by the aforementioned hostile and foreign powers. These events are only broadcast to attempt to demoralize us - Not that the OPs are purposefully doing that, I can understand their concern.

Having 'two personalities' is typical for people under hostile, foreign occupation, something Germany, and Europe in general, have been by the so-called 'allies' in the west and 'soviets' in the east until this very day, even if the details have gotten fuzzy after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Whenever topics come up, understandingly asking 'Why is Germany/Sweden/France/England allowing this?' you have to understand: We're all occupied by the aforementioned hostile and foreign powers. These events are only broadcast to attempt to demoralize us - Not that the OPs are purposefully doing that, I can understand their concern.


Then start fucking FIGHTING!

Our enemies are craven and weak. Their power comes solely from the illusion of control and our own inaction to test their bonds.

If every Germanic person is a "german" then Holland and all of Scandinavia are "german" too, and England would be half "german" itself.

Stop being a retard.

Obvious D&C thread, I'll still respond
From what? A justice system full of liberal elites? Do you think the german people hold referendums on these cases? They don't have a jury system either.

This. Very common in supressive regimes. As seen all over east europe under communism for example.

If you watch these interveiws with germans you see most try to be polite when they say they want less immigration and don't like Merkel and then they go on long expositions on why they think so. But most think so. And these interviews are often made in big cities full of liberals-
It's an emperor with no cloth type of situation realy. On TV they at least have regulair debates with AfD and other anti-immigration persons debating big names of politics. Immagine Joe Biden debating David Duke on teleivision live. That kind of fair debate is common in germany. But if you look at that one instance of Thilo Sarazin you see how germans realy think

In his 2010 book Deutschland schafft sich ab[de] ("Germany abolishes itself"), the best selling book on politics by a German-language author in a decade,[4] he denounces the failure of Germany's post-war immigration policy, sparking a nationwide controversy about the costs and benefits of multiculturalism.

So ask yourself, when was the last time your countrymen bought a book en masse that argues immigrants have naturally a lower IQ and will out-breed your folk?

On the surface when asked noone bought the book of course- but yet it was sold out and a best seller. That is two-faced nature of a population under tyranny (of any kind)

Here is a video of an british journalist (major) interviewing southern-german students and old people. Notice all these brown people walking around? Those had not been there one year ago. I've lived and studied in munich back in 2014. I would encounter one foreigner every two days in the inner city. Now that everything that can walk on two legs streams into southern germany and is put into munich for redistribution the city is a hell hole. When I chatted some of my ex-fellow students over facebook (who all are top shitlibs) even they talked about how this is too much and htey feel foreign in their own country.
(can't embedd because duplicate file

Holy shit, you are hands down the most self-aggrandizing faggot I've ever seen here.

I tried to watch your video, couldn't get past the constant self-congratulating.

You have the 110 disease, where you're probably smarter than many, but too dumb to be truly creative, realize limitations or be anything more than a big fish in a small pond.

You're in denial if you believe that your race is anything more than an undertow when integrated.