Is Is Holla Forums full of hard core stalinist censors?

Is Is Holla Forums full of hard core stalinist censors?

This was a surprise to me I was browsing Holla Forums and commented on Ayn Rand the leftist go apeshit since I used a nazi flag.

So a long discussion erupts where I tell them I'm against censorship in all forms and since Germany massively banned the Nazi flag it symbolizes freedom of expression.

Then out of curiosity I ask them if they support censorship and banning of symbols like the swastika.

Then they completely dodge the question and don't even try to answer it.

I was curious if they are pro censorship why not say it and if anti censorship then they can say it.

They are trying to change the conversation (one of them insisted that me asking if Germany has banned the swastika is a "false yes\no dichotomy") I'm not getting fooled and I continue to wait for a answer.

Finally someone of them decides to give a vague answer that its not this level of important and

So is there a specific circumstance when you will will not allow a symbol to be used?

And then the thread gets nuked I think.

you can reed it all here

I did have a blast with them and poked fun at their bizarre behavior of never talking about censorship.

My impression is this they are super pro censorship however are to embarrassed to even say it or are trying to deceive people into following them. In the end they will end up with a new stalin 2.0 who makes them unpersons and bans their thinking for wrong think.

So are all of them super stalinist censors who have a hard one for censorship?

I'm new here BTW Holla Forums what is your position on censorship ;)

I'm new to

Other urls found in this thread:

The door is that way.

Get out.

Why not I enjoy playing chess with retards or debating leftists the same thing really its fun to see them think they can win.

Tell them: "Censorship is just a spook" then post this picture with it.

Leftism can only ever be sustained through censorship, so yeah.

in other news, water is wet

True, however its ultra strange they refuse to give a answer about it.

Even SJW will tell you

At least this is a answer, Holla Forums was bizarre like something out of 1984 where no one is acknowledging the facts and to scared to even speak out or something.

This, do it faggot.

I'm new here from what I understand this pig is their capitalist caricature.

And i did read Max Stirner, the man was a idiot who rambled incoherently you finding any thought in his writings is like finding shapes in white noise.

Why are they obsessed with him again?

They have no objective standards because to think in the way do requires extremely subjective opinions

leftypol needs to be shitposted to the point their userbase leaves Holla Forums

Holla Forums is very prideful about not engaging in "idpol" or fascism. Therefore they will always claim to be pro free speech when asked as they see restrictions on it as being something only fascists do(because communists dindu nuffin). Deep down like all leftists they're against it though but you'll never get them to directly admit it. Holla Forums anons have a severe case of double think, even more so than your typical leftist. This is also very easy to see if you go ask them about affirmative action, which they'll defend despite supposedly being against any form of identity politics.

Hmm Marxists today more pathetic and badshit then SJW.

I learned something today.

Short answer? Yes.
They censor anything that is contrary to their beliefs because deep down inside they know what they spout is bullshit, and too much real debate with people who are even just genuinely curious about their positions can cause their heads to explode, or even worse (to them), cause them to actually think, which usually leads to them abandoning their leftardism. Which is why it is useless to try debating them fairly, you can just constantly insult them to achieve the same result.

+1 internet for you sir.

Also can someone confirm if the thread was nuked by a admin? I cannot reply to it and it was hot like we where constantly posting in it.

Are the new threads shown up so fast on Holla Forums that I might have gotten naturally killed or was this admin action?

I'm a monarcho-fascist and I'm entirely pro-censorship. No one should be allowed to present falsehood as fact nor to endorse harmful ideas such as Marxism or Cuckstianity.

Leftist ideology must be nurtured by censoring the truth, so traditionalist ideology must be defended by censoring what is false. Otherwise there will always be foreigners and traitors whispering impossible things into the ears of idiots, promising a future which can never be.

Have a laugh, mates.

They do not want to be associated with SJWs because they are no longer popular even in the mainstream or anywhere on Holla Forums, thing is they follow SJW logic to a T, "spook" = "social construct", censorship, etc. Only difference is the fixation on Classical Marxism instead of Cultural Marxism and identity politics, which is actually worse, Identity politics are an obnoxious psyop and the worst it can do is D+C, full blown communism has killed over 100 million people.
Holla Forums are a bunch of SJW fags pretending to be otherwise.

It's a damn shame that there's no place on the internet (that I know of) where people are true Marxists (and Leninists (and Trotskyists)) rather than SJWs.
There's a reason Marx wanted the revolution in Germany and Europe and the US rather than in Africa or Asia or South America…
Hell, even Lenin knew Russians (and slavs) are subhumans.

I'm honestly not sure how I feel about censorship. I think it's logical to fight against it, because there's always the chance that the people in charge will decide to censor my views. But if I could ensure that the people in charge would always agree with me, and only censor people spreading what I consider to be harmful messages, would I still care to oppose censorship? I'm not sure that I would.

Max Stirner really isn't that bad at all. I have no idea why they like him so much as some of his writing seems anathema to their views. I'm guessing a lot of them haven't even read his stuff and are just memeing. If anyone ever really wants to piss Holla Forums off use this quote of his.

I personal think Holla Forums is classical marxism/communism (what is the minimal difference? Who gives a fuck!) they are little internally lying goblins who are somewhat insane while SJW are a more developed form of lefty where they proudly say in your face:

SJW are honest and the new open and honest left, the old left is full of internal lying and self contradictions.

This is what I'm talking about a answer.
Even if you say:

We are having a conversation, what where the Holla Forums scared of? There are no username you can shit post and you stand on the contents of your posts its not like the administration will see what user did say he is against censorship and purge him.


So you have no problem being a hypocrite if it benefits you, good to know!

Report all Holla Forums threads. They're the faggots' desperate attempts at getting attention.

who cares what a bunch of communist faggots on an imageboard "think" about anything

Yeah, that's about it. Would any of us honestly be fighting for the rights of Liberals to spread their destructive messages, if it ever came down to it?

Maybe i tell you my views about censorship.

Stuff like German swastika censorship parodies itself, they will not let you have a game that propose killing Nazis. Not you play the Nazis or can join the Nazis you only kill the Nazis that it.

And they demand you remove the swastikas and name them something else.

Or suing a guy that sells anti swastika shirts.

I understand where you are cumming from and my point outside of things like shouting "fire" in a crowded cinema (this gets punished under different laws, you can do it however you will be jugged on the consequences of your actions) there are no German level banns so you can make a game where you kill guys with Marxist shirts or crap like this.

However the government and media are completely in line for the creation of a harmonious and healthy society, children would not be allowed to see everything they want and the government and corporations that would by law have a big portion of the ownership in the hands of the government would promote healthy behaviors.

So no media outlet would openly advertize a degenerate book or film to the masses. There would be no banned books and a adult might look into them if they like however they would be banned from public displays or advertized outside of mentioning for the degeneracy they are.

Think nudity laws, you can not show it publicly however the materials still exist, no promotion however it might get mentioned.

Adults might look into it and there might be museums or archives where the worst of the wort would be collected if a adult wishes to see for himself what the degenerates did or are doing in different countries.

Think German Nazi/holocaust museum only for something good and with actual content instead of

Things would be removed from public view if they are degenerate its not like they are forbidden to see or you might get arrested if you have it. You might get in trouble if you give it to a child, same like today you might give your kid some porn mags(remember them?).

Not really I'm more interested in us not getting tricked by some sinister gov who will ban books and simply say

I'm more interested in us having power VS gov and having the options if we are adults to see these materials for ourselves and not having a government chase and imprison people that have books that are banned.

You fear that, because you know the chances of us ever obtaining Leaders we can fully trust are absurdly low, and I agree. But in that case do you oppose censorship on the grounds of morality, or just practicality?

Practicality. Keep in mind, the only reason Holla Forums is alive is because there exists a spot or two that has been left uncensored.

Why do you want jews and leftists to be allowed to speak? I sure as fuck don't.

Find me a place online that has full freedom of speech that isn't at least moderately right wing. When people can say whatever they want the truth comes out eventually.

Hard question, I never thought about it this way.

I was always thought about it this way

1) Want to be powerful I don't want to be some slave level drone owned by the government.

2) The idea that some symbol or book might get me executed or imprisoned if I know the contents off or poses it seams wrong.

3) I did read a lot of books the satanic bible and the communist manifesto to see what is in them. And both are a joke of bad writing.

I think its both its my predisposition with I don't really think I name morality and the other half is practicality where a censor happy government might simply be corrupted and turn bad and the slaves under it have noting to fight it.

This is also the reason I'm extremely pro gun to give the people the power.

They do support censorship.

A few weeks ago an user here linked a thread on Holla Forums where they were asked "why has the left lost the working class to fascism".
I read a little of the thread and saw that in typical leftist fashion they shat on the working class, generalizing them as rednecks.
I pointed this out to them in pic related and gave what I thought was a reasonable answer to their question.
Checked on the thread the next day to find I was banned and my posts (including those made by several other Holla Forumsacks) were deleted.
From that point on the rest of the thread was off-topic shitposting.
Fuck Holla Forums. I'm not going there again.

It's just tactical nihlism.

I give you a example to demonstrate:

Name 2 movies made in poland.
Name 2 TV series of the polish television.

Now name 5 USA movies.
Name 5 USA TV series.

If you live in the USA chances are you don't know polish movies or polish TV.
You might have a imagination that these people somewhere have some TV series or some films however you never did see it and no one talked to you about it.

Its not banned you can watch it you simply are condition not to, and everyone is talking about USA movies.
There are no adds about polish movies or TV shows and no USA network broadcasts them.

No one is talking about them.
its like with anime if you remember the 1990s practically no adult knew anime, there are Japanese cartoons however no one talks about them.

Now you get the same feeling about polish TV you have no idea what they have.

Polish TV is not banned its simply not mentioned, this is what I'm talking about if all the media has a hand from the gov in them and will simply not show or talk about

If you don't have this then these materials are berried in obscurity.

I think there should be laws like banning advertizements of cigarets you ban advertizements of degenerate media. And definitely keep this crap away from kids so only after they grow up they can look into degeneracy and with adult minds see what stupidity it is.

leftypol isn't one person. some people there like censorship, other dont.
Unfortunately there are many here on Holla Forums who support censorship as well (as well as those who dont of course)

True, however I did have 2 or more peopel and non of them answered.

No No
No nothing only ignoring of the quesion

Marxists think that since Stirner was an influence on Marx that means he's part of their canon. They don't seem to realize that the way Stirner influenced Marx was to humiliate him with how unsound Marxism is.

I thought Marx hated Stirner.

(fuck I pressed the send button accidentally)

True, however I did have 2 or more people and non of them answered.

No No
No nothing only ignoring of the question
This is what the problem is not stating what your beliefs are only this mostly bizarre behavior of pretending like I never did say anything about censorship.

And I think a mod nuked the thread (I asked about this I'm new here).

Besides this is why I did come here to ask if all of them love censorship and not to bitch how evil Holla Forums is.

To get a better perspective if 90% of leftypol will ban you if you ask them about censorship.

Yeah that's my point. Marx went around expounding Marxism, Stirner blew great gaping holes in Marx's reasoning, Marx stewed over this slight like he did whenever he got beaten in an argument and then tried to tighten up Marxism to escape Stirner's argument. Decades later someone wrote that Stirner was an influence on Marx and Marxists didn't bother to find out how that came about so they think he was some kind of Marxist philosopher.

They seem to really get pissed off when you bring up Solzhenitsyn. They can tell you to read Marx and Engles all day, but tell them to read The Gulag Archipelago and watch them scream about propaganda

I did read Stirner and he wrote nonsense, I think the man was a troll and shit poster before the internet and he wrote garbage and meaningless words to troll the censors or other people.

kind of like this one scientist who submitted a nonsensical paper to show that the humanities will publish anything.
Here is the link

Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity

I have to say this is interesting, I never looked into this way.

Do you think this is because leftists are inherently self contradictory and their arguments are meaningless nonsense that needs state/mod power to silence critics?

Or is this because right win thought is natural to humans and the left needs massive propaganda and censorship to oppress them from the truth?

I think its mostly because the left is inherently insane, they contradict themselves and if you listen to them long enough you realize everything they say is wrong, like with them they start saying the opposite like in 1984

And this is why the older you get the more right wing you get.

Remember the times when right wingers told the left that if they don't ban gays they will get pedophilia next?
It was always:

And now we have salon saying that pedophiles are people and not to judge.

theyre probably lf goons

since I'm new here what can I expect from Holla Forums ?

What do we do about this?

It always struck me how fantasy level Marxism is they ignore all divisions that exist (race, nation, family) and pretend like all these divisions are not important and only their fictional class war is important.

Its like some D&D LARD where you pretend the only division is between Law VS Chaos.
