4D Chess.
Other urls found in this thread:
Completely played.
Every time.
reported. GTFO
Holy shit.
So they're implying that felon and black are synonymous.
That is the joke.
Normies love this one.
cool id
where were you when cnn unintentionally became based?
Back in business.
>lrn2archive nigger
Post yfw CNN calls all niggers criminals
How hard is twitter flipping out over this? Dropping this on black twitter and sending this to BLM will make this hit the fan and cause CNN all kinds of problems. The minute any of the blacks at CNN try and defend this, they will be labelled an uncle tom and will lose that portion of the black community.
Trips demand we spread this.
Absolutely rused.
6D chess
7D chess
The chess is linearly increasing!
It's shit like this that makes me truly believe those Trump time travel threads were actually true.
There is no way on Earth he can play such fools out of the same media outlets infinite times without having some sort of prior knowledge (or at the very least, a savant autist level of manipulation).
You can't make this shit up.
It's not most, only about 25%, I'm not sure the white rate, I'm guessing much, much lower though.
Checking these Hitler Trips.
CNN fucked up.
are they going to get any backlash for this?
This is 5D chess now.
The opponent is playing against himself.
with MSM, they will try to keep it in the dark, go business as usual and try to forget about it.
That's why it is YOUR job to spread it as hard and fast to common folk on social media and shit as possible.
What are niggers saying about it?
LMAO. Lincoln thought niggers were inferior and never wanted to bring about social equality. I wonder if Trump knows this.
Get on Trump's level. He's playing [4,4]D chess. Media stumped over this metadimensional game.
Then what the hell was he doing with his life?
One can only understand the dimension of Trumps chess by seeing inside a black hole. Trumps chess is of a dimension which can control time and gravity.
He's a master of the system, he knows it inside-out, and has told this multiple times.
He's a Capitalist lord, a media mogul, he's a lobbyist… why is Trump's the establishment's worse nightmare? because he's one of them gone rogue, god only knows what kind of fail-safe devices and dead man's switches he's got in place.
There's nothing they can throw at him because he knows exactly what he's doing and he knows every move the establisment can and will attempt… At this point I don't even Care if Trump does half of what he's promised or if he really does make everything worse for everyone… I'm just fascinated by what a grand spectacle he's created and how the scumbags that make my life unbearable have to suffer in his wake.
Lincoln wanted to save the Union. He didn't care about niggers - in fact he wanted to ship them back to Africa.
Too bad he got shot before this plan could materialise.
the jews bidding. the whole slave shit was just used to justify the war of northern aggression ex post facto.. kind of like the holocaust.
funny how quite a few of the conspirators in his assassination were Jewish
Funnier part is those who do the jews bidding always end up assassinated afterward and morons keep falling for their shit
Truly an inspiration, the emperor shall rule the stars one day
come on.
shills need not apply
2% of Americans owned slaves at the peak of slavery in 1850.
0.0043% of the american population was Jewish in 1850.
you do know that Lincoln's plan for blacks was the best possible thing that could have happened for them, right?
the freeing of the slaves has been blow out of proportion by muh equality advocates. The civil war had very little to do with freeing slaves. Abraham Lincoln didn't give two shits about the welfare of blacks.
The Civil war was about money, industry and banking and NOT about nogs.
I tweeted it to the blacklivesmatter hashtag, maybe they'll get angry and chimpout
We need to get a boycott campaign up and running so we can hit The Clinton News Network where it hurts the most.
Mein Gott…
There's no breaks in that logic. I'm honestly astounded by how sound this is.
Wrong. Blacks in Liberia are doing a lot worse than they are in America. Blacks in America have it better than their race has it anywhere else in the world.
To be fair the media is entirely predictable.
I think what he meant was that it's what would have been best for America.
True. But they really should go back.
Crashing this election
how do i post a picture?
I love this fucking site sooo much
Are you talking about the Mandela affect?
git out
That is not what he said
Absolutely they need to go back. They should all be killed off eventually too.
Trump is capable of thinking of the universe in linear bases. He can reason in n-dimensional spaces. Chess is like tic-tac-toe to him.
maybe he did know that and wanted to try to get people to look him up
He probably does. He knows the media says the opposite of anything he says. CNN defended sharia law recently which led to some backlash and rage from people on twitter. BBC did the same which has led to some fuss as well. Expect CNN to try and redpill people on Lincoln simply because Trump evoked him, leading to a shitfest once more.
you do realize you got trolled right?
Oh you think?
wow, i feel absolutely bamboozled
Holy shit my sides, I laughed for a good 5 minutes straight.
Bravo CNN, fucking bravo.
actually whites are responsible for about 40-60% of the crime, then again whites are 60% in the US and A LOT of hispanics are classified as "white" so in reality about 20% of crime is probably done by whites (tops)
What is this? Did the mods do this to correct OP's faggotry, or is this a new Holla Forums feature?
Nigger how can 'whites' be responsible for 60% of the crime if nignogs already cover 63%? It can never be more than 100% total and apart from White people and Spics there are also red-Indians, Poos (though for non-whites, they commit significantly less crime), and Asians.
OP couldn't stop sucking cocks and was unable to provide an archive. Someone else provided it and a mod put in the OP.
You mean all crime or violent crime? There's a huge difference between a stupid pothead and a murderer. Maybe they label spics as white so the statistics look less "racist"?
Nigger I saw the image on here, never saved it cause idc.
Post image with statistics, I don't have it.
Also I said 40-60% not 60%, learn to read.
Don't forget too that "White Hispanic" is a thing.
Pic related is included in "white" in government statistics.
Just a reminder.
Learn what math is faggot. Your entire range is bullshit and impossible.
Ergo, any number above 37% is impossible, and 37% itself is implausible due to it implicitly implying that asian, middle eastern, and hispanic account for 0% of the crime through some sort of magic utopia.
what if some of the blacks commit more than 1 crime?
what if hes talking about the number of crimes committed and not the number of crime-committers?
Are they wrong?
That doesn't change a thing. Are you a nigger? Or just otherwise incapable of understanding mathematics?
[citation needed]
you keep floating this number around
Nogs commit ~2/3 of all violent crimes (rapes, armed robbery, murders). Source is FBI crime stats. Since it's mostly 18-48 black males doing it and they're only ~6% of the population, then that makes them about 10 times as likely to commit crime as their proportionality of the population would suggest.
I'm not that guy if that's what you're suggesting. So what are you saying? Your posts are a little disordered.
… got an archive of any of those user?
Some user just tried to pass off that The Don was the real John Titor.
It was a cuckchan thread that got cross-posted and I personally thought it was a waste.
Here's the archive UUUU archive.is
Trump knows more than all of us on this board combined. Look at what he's accomplished thus far, and what he will accomplish in the future.
, you truly are a decent cunt, ty
Well here's fbi crime stats. What the poster was saying was that whites are not separated from hispanics as the stats bear out, so we are saddled with every mestizo murder and child rape that happens. Actual non-hispanic white crime stats are basically nowhere to be found because it would lead to a discussion no one other than us wants to have.
I dislike voat but they have a good breakdown of racial crime stats on the sidebar of v/coontown or v/niggers or whatever they're using nowadays.
Nice find.
This proves that I was right (obviously) and btfo's that delusional faggot with this unsourced "63% are blacks".
And yes, I also mentioned that a lot of those are hispanic or latino (19% of total, all of them are "white" so someone calculate it).
IIRC the 60% thing is intteracial crime, which says that nogs commit 60% of it. For example, the rate of black male on white female rape is 99% of the interracial rape statistic. White males raping black females is such a rare occurrence that it's actually considered nothing because it falls to zero within the margin of error. Again, remember that hispanics are included under the 'white' tag in these statistics because they want to paint whites as being bad.
Also proportionality matters. If non-hispanic whites are 60% of the population and commit 60% of the crime, then they are perfectly balanced. However, blacks commit crimes at a way higher rate than is otherwise proportional to their population size and are thus more prone to misdeeds than statistics would expect.
Darn; what is Kek trying to tell me?
I don't get it
Now I know they're telling the truth, Todd-sama never lies
Love me some dnL
Is it just me or did CNN just correlate being black with being a felon? That seems kind of racist of CNN, shame on them.
Don Lemon is currently throwing chairs like Donkey Kong throwing barrels.
MemeD Chess confirmed.
Holla Forums are we getting jobs for euros?
or are they just re-rolling the name game?
silly cnn implying two statements are contradictory doesn't make them contradictory.
what the fuck did i just read?
see tbh , way things are atm I wouldn't even be surprised if that was real
A miserable pile.
All our newfrienderinos who don't remember John Titor got shitposted into OP's ruse.
Then it found it's way here:
You can contrast the quality between the two which is clearly notable by what time of day it was.
So are we drumming up outrage on twitter yet? Golden opportunity
for crime statistics, yes. for demographics it is not.
Bumping for the future
Probably their usual "smh tbh fam" jabber text.
M1Gran goes BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG PING as mag ejects, image was saved as png pronounced ping, image is men of war from time period of M1Gran. Seems like /k/ tier joke
That's what I took from it. I could be wrong.
Sage my self for off topic.
Shitpost wave shill hit - Think they are trying to bury this. Spread it!
They're certainly trying to bury something. The shills are going on and on, added on their usual D&C tactics and attempts to demoralize, and spread defeatism.
Granted this is the typical weekend shilling, but it's so laughably easy to point out and so low energy.
Fine I'll bump and fix my response.
take first post as part 2 and this as part 1 because I'm a dip shit who works shit backwards
>>7200963 is an edited pic of Hispanicguykekingman.jpeg, calls out for it as unlegit Pedro who has to go back, corrects his statement as he understood knew it was pedro who had to go back, but did not instantly fire to remove, move on to part 2
I am much autist ; ;
b-but that's the same thing
restore voting rights
He wants to lift it for lesser felons.
Not that I can even begin to understand that. Any felon should have every right removed from them and executed.
seems more like felons are disproportionally affected by laws that put lifetime bans on felons.
Yeah, even those who defended themselves, their lives and their property and still got arrested because women.
Did I even read this right? I am very autistic.
How would they be felons then?
Kike manipulated courts? Muh fee fee laws?
Never mind, I forgot I live in a state that would damn shy of death sentence me for killing a home invader.
You're fucking retarded user.
Merely owning a fully automatic weapon without the correct documents and licenses is a felony as per the ATF and is immediate grounds for pound you in the ass prison.
You're saying these people should be put in the same camp as murderers, rapists and drug lords?
TBH when I think of people who should lose their voting "right" I think less of felons who have served their penalty and more of the woman in the video from yesterday claiming she was sexually assaulted by Hugh Mungus.
We should. This is the perfect opportunity.
It writes itself.
Bumps for the bump god. Spread it.
Well what I consider a felony is obviously not what the "law" considers.
I can understand one having full autos with out paperwork, but if they feel its ok for them selves to do that, yet think its not ok for "others" regardless of what those "others" are, then they have some double standards issues.
And yet thr dumbass mandated equality in the fucking constitution.
If they didn't then it could have been used against are own.
We would have been worse off now with out it, then we are with it.
bullshit. The moment niggers were given equal status under the constitution was the moment America died. At that moment, the definition of "American" changed from being racially-specific to propositional and race-blind.
Wasn't StickingLincon a fucking cryptokike after all?
Because we all know, it was only 1 man who decided all of it, not a group of people working together that could simply not have been manipulated.
Its nether here nor there though as both of are speculations are just that, speculations.
I'm implying none of these things, but the truth remains that America would've been better had it stayed limited to white people only. Including niggers as equal under the constitution was the death blow that killed America. We've just been living in her fall for the last couple centuries
I don't know what's more funny CNN's gaffe or the fact the blacks will not have a reaction. And if they do it'd be even better. These moves are beyond our spatial awareness.
I'm very surprised at the MSM's ability to fuck up every single time in everything that isn't just trying to push a narrative through critical mass.
Oh I would agree with you, but to think that whites are incapable of passing judgement upon those fellow whites they deem unfit, is simply stupid. I do not wish to live in modern day darkages, I want my worth to be based on my productivity not my "family's social hierarchy". Take a look at the trash britbongs ( youtu.be
I'm going to have to correct you there and say they called 'black people' criminals not 'niggers'. 'Nigger' is akin to the slang term 'white trash'. It's worse on CNN IMO.
but the problems you're describing weren't even present in America when the niggers were added to the constitution, nor is there any reason to believe that they would somehow materialise if niggers weren't added.
Leftists can't even logic
Guy, my point is, inequality among whites happened, from whites, upon other whites.
Again, to think that whites are incapable of judging there fellow man inferior is preposterous.
Based upon you posing on Holla Forums, you judge degenerate "whites" to be lesser beings… See the issue?
Given that slaves were still held when the constitution was signed and for quite some time after, it's clear that equality did not apply to subhuman blacks, it only meant equality between Europeans because back then it was so obvious that niggers did not deserve the same rights as humans.
Thank you for correcting the record.
But there are more white felons than blacks entirely in the US.
I wonder how many here get that at twice the rate of felony for blacks to whites, it still means 4.5 whites in jail for every black.
Would love to see the statistical proof to back that statement.
Also, is it whitecollar shit that they could not buy them selves out of? I would hope the proof you provide would clear that up.
Equality doesn't exist nor will it ever exist. This applies to whites too, so it is only natural and good that certain whites rise above the rest on the basis of their merits. What is wrong with the best whites rising to the top?
That's exactly also what I was trying to point out with
Simply because some family jewed better then another, they get to dictate that another family can not advance? Watch that video I posted there please, its rather short.
holy fucking kek
how do they keep falling for it
Yeah, ok Holla Forums
Blacks only contribute to something like 54% of violent crime, so that may explain discrepancy.
So then show your stats CTR.
even /r/politics is bashing CNN for this
Get over your self /leftpol/.
He's a faggot Reddit transplant from /r/thedonald. They cuck for minorities constantly.
Still not seeing your stats. Present your facts, or is it you have none and are not but terrified lambs realizing the shepherd does field slaughters?
Eh, I don't n2 /r/tarded shit, so I would not know.
I don't have much sense my NAS died, but if you feel like reading.
By the way, I found the whole side of your argument
That you can cut and paste from sense again, you think spics are anything like whites in anyway.
what stats are you even looking for? Spics aren't white, pedro. I'm sorry to disappoint you.
Pic related: The shoes with which CNN just kicked itself in its lying ass.
Oh he got taken for the whole "Le goverment claims spics are white in crime statistics, therefor it must be so, yet I'm a commie leftard who despises patriarchal cis white male government scum"
Tl;Dr: Typical Holla Forums oxymoron
Consistent measuring and reporting. Spics weren't, then were white, so it makes it easier to keep consitent than trying to collate stuff from before the 40s and the establishment of most unified law enforcement, much less ownership of the states.
Next year Hispanics get their own category, so expect shenaniganry about changing numbers, even if they're just slotted into the new column.
Also, why do you not have a RAID 10 setup? Those are rather common on NAS.
Again, you gave your numbers, and now I shall look.
Because I'm a poor fag and didn't n2good NAS, I just had some shitbox nigger rigged system with network sharing that went splat.
What fucking world do you live on?
I'm sorry you're so desperate to be considered white, pedro, but you're not. You have to go back to mexishit land.
Is what is desired, it has final convictions as the number, and places Whites to be twice as bad as blacks, and thrice as bad as hispanics.
Your third link turned me off to the first bolded phrase, I shall assume you mean insult.
why are trying to sound like a James Bond villian?
no one talks/sounds like that in real life
Do you see a breakout for hispanics? No, then there isn't one and whittling your thumbs over it does no good. Present facts or see if you can suck yourself off while enjoying the MSM implosion.
this would mean that proportionally blacks are four times as worse because they are outnumbered by whites 8 to 1.
moving the goalposts on steroids
I don't even know what the fuck you're trying to say right now.
He's trying to ruse.
He's demanding empirical data as proof of our claim.
But that data is falsified to begin with because they report spics as white.
Their true nature revealed!
MSM on suicide watch from normies at each rally.
Aye, did you factor in total population number of whites/spics/niggers to there convicted numbers? You can not include spics with whites because that simply taints the numbers. Spics are not white, never have been, never will be… Simple as that.
More math that I am unwilling to do as again, I had shit for this tell I lost it all.
to be read along with
as to avoid misunderstanding.
Are any twitterfags posting this to BLM under #CNNsoracist or similar? Because while this is gold, it could be so much more orgasmic if it caused a chimpout at CNN headquarters.
That's a really good series. Top notch television, showcasing the ascent of the white man during the Industrial Revolution.
Sure the pollution was bad, but you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.
Whites have 6 population to one black.
Whites commit crime at the rate of 2 to 1 compared to blacks.
Blacks commit crime at twice their percent of population, whites at 2/3rds. Hispanics commit crime at roughly their population.
Ok and?
You want to claim they're false, then I say that you have no evidence and only opinions on the matter. Since if you can't back it up, its no more true than Hillary leading the polls.
Whites committing less than their population is intriguing and needs more data and research as to the mechanism why, such as if the numbers being purely on violent crime ignore the other more choice crimes of whites such as financial and recreational drugs.
THat is, niggers will nig and beat people with violence, spics will do pretty much anything, and whites go for the more damaging cerebral bits.
The problem there is the law that unjustly makes people felons, not how felons are treated.
Felons should be treated like the human waste they are. We also shouldn't make good people into felons with shit laws.
If you can take it away, its not a right, its a privilege.
They're afraid.
They should be!
Yeah, I really do wish I had more stuff on this for you. I am sure if you started a thread or checked out the 8archives, you could find this stuff, its been debated in to the dirt almost on a monthly basis sense 4chan days.
Everything from economic, IQ by race, if X was placed in Y school/home, almost everything was talked about as a pointing factor to "cause" of "desire to commit crime".
I wish you luck in your search.
If we imprison a murderer, aren't his rights suspended? We don't let people in prison own guns right? Is forbidding guns in prison a 2nd Amendment violation?
The idea that the American justice system rehabilitates criminals is absurd, and you know it. They should never be released.
The memes write themselves. Main Stream Media animals.
New york values-9/11 will go down as one of the biggest political slam dunks in history
You're in a republic mate, not a democracy.
The precise mechanics and reasoning behind it aren't that much of an interest, just simply the totals.
I do know a significant chunk of the relations come down to airborne toxins during development, and that these numbers are going to invert as whites move into the city. So a good chunk is physical, of the nature of broken brains. But the issue is its uncontrollable, is there a window for the damage? Concentrations? that sort of stuff that needs a few thousand representative samples from birth.
So then you're a gun grabbing kike, violating the God given rights of Americans. Which explains your salivtion and love of vengeance, you just don't want to put the effort in to do it yourself for Molech.
Oligarchy please.
Oh and if you want some real fun on this, please look up black powder weapons and shit your pants.
I knew you were full of shit with this
Hell just watch a few episodes of Lockup for proof that your wrong
holy fuck did he just make a flammenwerfen from a bunch of beer bottles?
Someone conscript this aryan to a RWDS squad ASAP!
You seem to have forgotten the "except by due process" clause. However, you are right. We are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights, but pretty much everything else is the privilege afforded us and extended to us by the Constitution and the Law of the Land.
Yeah spics are more honest with their deeds, they have a fighting spirit of a warrior. Whites are cowards and rely on the state to do their work.
Blacks are just feral and should be put down.
No Trump actually has Teslas notes that were confiscated by the FBI.
you have to go back
Too bad dude, been here since before the Louisiana purchase. Better than Trump.
omg your 200+ years old????
No, but the 2nd Amendment is still granted as the prisoner still retains the right to self-defense. What the prisoner has lost is the ability to claim he is part of the well-regulated militia and, thus, cannot claim the right to bear arms.
only when they have arms given to them by the FBI. otherwise they're shank and run coward faggots.
kill yourself.
Dubs confirm it.
They don't get kicked out of selective service though, or the militia acts being still able to call them up then.
I used yer mum, m8.
Good one Pablo, but I'm not paying for jokes, get to fixing my plumbing.
I think the dubs were confirming you were a faggort
You don't pay me in anything, just worthless script you yourself denounce.
Such a motion was never made.
Come on now, Pablo, plumbing is an honorable profession, I don't see why you're so upset.
Pay in gold, otherwise its charity for your shitty nation.
You're thinking of New York, where Trump lives. My family came over for furs, and the land was bought and paid for from the French.
Still no dubs, now you're getting assmad. Go get your pole lamp out and sit rather hard on it.
Keep making excuses for your pet niggers, Holla Forums
By all means then, go huff car exhaust like a good abbo.
big bad whitey wuz building cities in africa for 10000 years just to oppress the kangs of egypt
Hey where did the James Bond villian tone go?
How do you not know that whites built the cities and lived in them happily in them until the niggers invaded? Whites were there originally and disprove your brain dead theory. You're fucking retarded.
Simple, you are a dreadful lot no more interested in understanding and discussing the merits of statistics than you are on the value of having an accurate micrometer to measure your sacrificed foreskins. I could waste my good time on you, but then I find stupidity to be a rather catching thing.
As shown by this mutt desiring to suicide while leaving so many of the rabble and useful goys around.
You, uh, missed reddit six floors down you spic with delusions of grandeur.
A good Bond villain has an egotistical bent to their speech, believing that they are the only answer to the issue of the book. A nebbish and knavery tone you seek is easily witnessed in the posts following mine.
Are you white? No.
So hang. Or is it you want to claim to be white just like all the other chaim?
He's a big guy.
Why are you larping as a bond villain? Is your autism flaring up again?
What are you trying to imply CNN? That poor POCs are felons? HOW INTOLERANT!
Yes, actually I am
But you're clearly not, you spic. You'll hang with the kikes and niggers.
Must be paid by the post.
user asked.
Post a pic then too prove it.
You autists all eventually end up on our side.
Its that OCD you have.
It makes it impossible for you to drown out the truth like the normies do.
You're not too bright, are you, pedro?
Huh, must explain why I like Norway so much then. A much better country than the US ever will be. White from start to finnish, women who know their place, and a climate lethal to niggers.
So then you're not white, and will hang. I will happily build a gallows for master Trump to hang you from, then brick up my own exit hole to my home country. It will be a great gallows, a huge gallows, why it might even get your nose off the ground.
Nah, he is implying you will be on are side of the arguments after you spend enough time digging.
Well the dubs of explanation speak. I am finding it entertaining how as soon as some simple numbers come up, the shitposting begins. I wonder what set it off, the fact that whites commit twice as many crimes as blacks as an absolute number, or the fact that the crimes only covered violent and so did not give a useful set.
But I am. You're the spic here, lad.
All non-whites will hang (that includes you)
Meh, everyone
spammed over the whole
After some more digging, say racial descendants over history would be a good place to start with that.
Why even live?
; ;
Please purge Or a cuck when Holla Forums
Right Wing DEFENSE Squad, please
Sorry, spics either go back to their home, or stay as the rightful owners of the place. You're supposed to be hanging traitors and race mixers, which means (you).
What part are you suggesting? The different brains and bodies that result, the adaptations to areas?
I'm trying to parse your point here.
I do agree, spics are not white, whites a re a very small subsection of people in Europe, Iran, and India. Everyone else is a mutalo and should hang for claiming to be white rather than admit they went to the dogs so long ago.
Well being dead has some pretty heavy restrictions on natural rights, much worse than being a felon…
If you are agreeing that
Then why are you so ready to accept numbers that are clearly skewed?
I'm completely at a loss here, dumb it down a lot for me please, like nigger tier level so I (and everyone else) can get a better understanding.
Merican schools are shit tier as I'm sure you know
no one indulge this fag any more
Numbers exist, and can be used. Numbers not shown, kept hidden like dope ass white crackas car. Argument demand fact, demand hardness like pounding your girl and life on the streets. Numbers were lies but consistent, like Brown's crack scale.
You do better then
Going to skip over that as I could not understand anything beyond "Numbers were lies but consistent". Seems like you only hold the lies as facts because there is nothing else to display to counter it - "Argument demand fact", and you cant take anything else given otherwise sense there is not much else to offer other then loosely based "facts".
I may have misinterpreted it, but I'll say
That's how I took it.
Something like this is what I was getting at. Find out where the Aztecs came from, then ask if there white is where alot of us are coming from.
Any one feel free to correct me, I don't mind it at all.
I don't know how to feel about this.
I've started two memes now, the other was "Tyrone Laughing for Almost 20 Years"
I'll put it this way, you want steak boulais, but won't lift a finger to help. I throw a shitty MCD cheeseburger at you instead. You get upset whining you want boulais, I tell you to make it yourself. Eventually, somebody comes along and just fries the steak.
Afterwards, you continue to complain, but do not do any effort to cook or clean, insisting it doesn't matter because its not what you want.
Along the way, a passing mime tries to cause a distraction, only to be fed to a garbage disposal. Fuck mimes.
As for that, its easy enough since white=aryan. Caucasian is too late, same for semitic, and typically the rest of the steppes groups. White does not exist for anything in the south of Europe, west, or east, and the north barely counts, unless you only care for some of Scandinavia now. I mean Iceland doesn't count, I found a black couple there that could show their ancestors going back to Vinland.
Gj user.
The collective unconscious of the future will remember you.
That's the great thing about creating a meme. To paraphrase some old chan proverbs, on sites like reddit you get a meaningless upvote and then people move on. While on here, your validation comes through what you made being worthy enough to be posted again.
It's an indenture thing to me, I feel in debt to Holla Forums for all the knowledge it's given me for absolutely free, so I want to make something to give back to the community worthwhile. This is why you can't pay for memes to be made or anything like that, it must come out of genuine love for the community.
What I find odd is that it happened the day I started Stein's Gate
Seeing anything you have a part in no matter how small is always a good thing I helped with the Pence=Wojak meme
You are the cancer that is killing Holla Forums
Have a webm with silly audio.
How long until they start shilling for the donald?
You mean
It's our gain, but wow. Looks like there really is no I in CIA. How does the nation's leading professional propaganda machine, run by people twice my age, make rookie mistakes like this? What did they think was going to happen?
That's neat to know. Also,
What trump is doing isn't that impressive. When your opponent's world view is as full of double think and contradictions as liberals', to win all you have to do is get them to talk long enough.
Blacks are equal to whites! But need special help and can't be held to the same standards! Because oppression! Even though we've had affirmative action for thirty years! So give blacks scholarships, even if their test scores and academic proficiency aren't equal to the whites and asians who get in on merit, because we should judge people blind to their race, except blacks and minorities who get special privileges, because white people are evil racists, even though most active liberal speakers are white, etc.
But there are Four U's.