Possible new 'Cologne' in Sweden

The enrichment continues in the most cucked city in the world. Seeing pictures and videos from the event it literally looks like the interracial breeding grounds, not a single white man can be spotted other than the occasional policeman. This is just plainly disgusting.

Videos from the event:


Other urls found in this thread:


Not a single withe man but a lot of white women?

From the pictures it seems to be a lot of shitskin girls aswell but definitely many Swedish girls. No women and the police report all girls assaulted have been in the age group 1999-2002. This is a festival for teenagers and no adult is going to be there, that is if the adult isn't a fucking rapefugee pedophile.

the dream of the jews

White women will defend this.

Looks like this took place in Lebanon.

Lel the amount of rapes in that place is insane. Sweden always cover ups them reap crimes

It's Sweden, what's your point?

Women are stupid. They have been warned. Concerts won't be safe again until the kebab is removed.

Again, these aren't women but girls. The oldest girl sexually assaulted was 17 years old and most were around 14-15. They most definitely have liberal parents aswell because it's Stockholm and no sane father would let his daughter go to these rapefests.

It's Sweden mate. Not many real men are left.

Stockholmers is in Sweden called the faggots of the country.

Get a clue why this continues to happen there. Bunch of fucking degenerates getting their daughters raped and molested, all the while they claim the rest of the country thinks wrong and we're all racist dumb fucks.

Fuck you! You reap what you sow.

This tbqh, there wasn't a single reported sexual assault on a similar festival in my northern city. Why? Because we aren't spineless cucks who allow our girls to get raped. We have been forced to accept some "refugees" but they know better than to start shit and in fact I barely saw any of them at the festival.

Well, they overflowed my city with them, all a bunch of criminals. And the main-city people earned big money off of it too, by siphoning the tax-money to them basically making themselves millionaires in the process.

And when we for ten years says, this fucking thing don't work. We don't want them here, what's the response by all the fucking clueless cunts? "You're all racist and horrible down there".

Well fuck off.

There's a "new cologne" in sweden every day.
more at 11

There are 123 men for 100 women among 16 and 17 year olds in Sweden. It's literally worse than China who has 117.

That and sandniggers are attracted to large groups of white womyns to rape,

You're forgetting that 68% of Swedish men are gay.

Many rich whites behave just like Jews.

How is this news?
Just add it in the Cuck Files

Is there some festival in Lulea or something?

Every town and city in northern Sweden has some kind of festival, Luleå's and Piteå's are the biggest and most renowned.

Wasn't the whole summer of 2016 in Sweden basically one massive Cologne?

From memory, doesn't Lulea have basically no immigrants? Housing prices seem to indicate so.

That's my impression too, though I think that has changed after the great influx of last fall. It sure changed my town.

I'm north as well and I've seen this place drastically change, but I'm not a native swede, so I can't claim to be as affected as you guys.

Amhed, please.
Reported enjoy your ban.

Woman raped in rape capital. Man shits on street in India. Water is still wet.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.


So far the only change has been visual with groups of foreigners everywhere there were none before, the financial hit for the county hasn't been felt yet due to the state subsidising the immigration costs for the first two years and there have been no rapes or serious assaults yet.

Though I'm not worried even if they would start acting like they do down south (rape, vandalism, assault), it won't be accepted here.

It's the same here, you see more foreigners in the park here than actual swedes. I haven't heard of any rapes here, but I doubt they'd be publicised and there's quite a few women who associate with the foreigners at all hours. Who knows, either way.

they went there to get raped

Spotted the retard.

which is enormously funny when I see cucks around going on about muh white people.. no shit, white rich people behave like jews, poor white people are subhuman individualists and middle class are leftist scum, the only real white people are what.. 10% of the white population, I say fuck them.

tbh festivals like these should banned, there is too much freedom that turns into degeneracy

I can't contain my rage any longer.


Some of you guys are okay, by some, I mean only the whites.

Yes and it was surprisingly calm.

We have VERY few compared to the rest of the country, thank God. Pretty sure we used to be over 98% white back in 2010. However we have gotten our fair share of rapefugees the last years and it's showing.

B-but the rape statistics are just high because they reclassified what constitutes as r-rape!

Well it can be both. Rape has absolutely exploded here but if you think it's 20 times that of some nigger shithole in Africa or whatever you're embarassing yourself.

Thanks for correcting the record.

I would still rather white niggers over black niggers anyday

Phrase not found

Save everything, anons.


Sauce: instagram.com/p/BJXSe90A2bB/
Full size video mirror:my.mixtape.moe/yzevqy.mp4

So many shitskins.

That music is complete garbage.

has there ever been footage of someone setting off a bomb at music festivals like this? you'd think it would be really easy to just massacre a giant crowd like that but no one ever does it.

where was captain sweden? he should have been satisfying those poor lonely men so that the swedish women could be free

that thing on the stage in the first couple of seconds

only due to massive brainwashing is this possible
in every other time and society acros europe would that monkey be chased out of town if it was lucky
that compared to the aestetics of the swedish that thing can attend a stage is an insult to standards themselves

To be fair, some nigger shithole in Africa probably doesn't keep much record of what's actually going on there.

Dude, that's Captain Norway. He's the one that got assraped by a somali nigger and felt bad about the nigger being deported.

If Nk!ele rapes women in his hometown he gets carved up with a machete by the woman's family. If he rapes women in Sweden nothing happens, he doesn't even get deported.

Thus all the rapists moved to Sweden.

Fuck off band-fag, the lords of the synthesiser are here to stay.

Hey, let's not bring Norway into this. They aren't nearly as bad as Sweden.

Well just about the only positive thing I can take away from this is that swedes appear to be making the clear distin

Well just about the only positive thing I can take away from this is that swedes appear to be making the clear distinction between who is a swede and who isn't. Other than that there's nothing

This is terrible!

No… wait… It's just Tuesday.

I keep wondering, now hear me out

Muslims dont have that big of intelligence to pull this kind of shit off(without help)
And if they do, they group up on social media to "plan", no?

So tell me, why doesnt someone who speaks arabic on Holla Forums find them and infiltrate their circles?

Your fucking kidding me right? Are these numbers real at all? It can't be above %30..

nice proof you got there



That's not a "new Cologne", that's your average weekend in Sweden's culturally enriched utopia…