This one is important, I did not comment despite spending a lot of time trying to get info on the death of Assange's lawyer and there was NONE.

Anonymous sent: Assange lawyer death- they pushed Assange's lawyer in front of a train in London. At least the authorities are calling it suspicious.

p.s. The sky is clear blue in California…."

My comment: It has to be that way. You are witnessing live how Bolshevik communists function. There is zero doubt they murdered that lawyer, and that it all goes straight back to Hillary. These are epic times, where we get to see the communist revolution that happened in Russia a century ago, happen in the United States now. The difference is the internet, without it I am certain they would have finalized the takeover by now. If they steal this next election, the takeover will be done.

Hillary is already saying she will hunt down her enemies that supported Trump. She has openly stated she would have shut down. That has never happened before, and it shows how clearly the communists believe they have America in the bag. And that is BAD NEWS, as far as I see it, only God can save us now.


Other urls found in this thread:

I did not go down without a fight.

I have tried to do everything I can to get this web site back to normal, and have been blocked in every effort. I have tried everything I can to get the message window working, and it works when they let it. I have set up new servers, new code, new EVERYTHING and have been blocked at every turn, every path, every solution, everything I can possibly think of.
YES, THEY LET THIS WEB SITE LOAD, but I am now blocked from posting any page or file that is more than 4k in size, which happens to be the content of a single packet. Any more than that, and it will be blocked.

This is the way it will all end. Everyone will be snuffed without a whimper, with no way to post anything that differs from the controlled "mainstream." Perhaps they are using me to figure out how to crush everyone else. Denying anything be posted to the web site but small comments would work.
I have worked harder than I ever have at this web site for the past month, gruelling hair pulling days and have not produced jack shit because nothing I do that has any substance is ever allowed to post. Don't believe that I am not trying, I am working harder than ever and you are now watching the end of everything on the web in progress.

This web site is the canary in the coal mine. If it is rendered irrelevant, don't bet on any other web site out there having any substance, because any that do will be snuffed out, leaving only watered down bullshit, MSM scripts and fake opposition. We have realized the end of the web. It is here, and if Trump does not make it - if this all gets stolen, you can kiss it all goodbye FOREVER.

Remember, Hillary herself specifically stated she'd shut Brietbart down after she gets appointed. They are that brazen about it, and have started with others already. This web site is a prime example of this, communists do it the SAME WAY EVERY TIME, you can't expect an honest and open venue anywhere in a communist system and they are now initiating the final smack down, obviously in anticipation of a successful election steal that will let them get away with it all.

Obviously I am still fighting, and am trying to learn coding fast enough to stay ahead of the censorship wave. But already, this web site is probably coded more intelligently than any other in the alt media, and I am rapidly running out of options. I don't depend on software for anything, my code is straight up keyboard work and still I am getting my *ss kicked.
If I go down, there will be NO ONE who can't be taken down.


You're crazy OP, people randomly trip into subway trains all the time, if has absolutely nothing to do with shaking up the establishment and exposing an unashamed criminal guilty of countless counts of High Treason, it's pure coincidence.

freyja is so cute

yeah.. no..
Hello bitcoin, fuck the fiat.




Why would you report that ? This is a good thread.

Announcing your report.


crazy fuckin bitch

you do know shills arent just some wierd joke,right?


Such is the life of an internet shill.



Who? What? are you out of your mind?

link to the aforementioned "site" ?

So, she's already acting Presidential.

Oh, wait, did you think she gives a flying fuck about Holla Forums?


is this pasta and/or what are you talking about

What the fuck are you doing here retard? Go read something and comeback when you're less of a fucking nigger.

oh nvm
saging b/c slide thread until someone verifies