Ubuntu Contributionism

So we had a thread yesterday about removing money from an economic/social system altogether. Rationale for this can be found in the OP of

The most common (weak) arguments against this in the thread can be summed up by;

Although some good points were also raised. It seems the biggest problem/refutation was that our current socio-economic structure would have to be TOTALLY reorganized, beyond recognition. I'm not sure it's possible, but I also haven't been convinced it's impossible. I can't decide if it could work, or if it's another "I don't like reality and I wish it could work differently because of muh feels" type movement. It is difficult to conceive of admittedly, because we're so entrenched in the current monetary system.

An user posted this video. What do you guys think of this? Is it hippy dippy bullshit, is it possible, could it be made to work? I'm on the fence at the moment. Not sure if the embed worked so youtube.com/watch?v=4sxwXjqawEw

Business, production, education, etc would all be done VERY differently. Good arguments like were made in the other thread, but if you change the system as dramatically as Michael Tellinger is suggesting, classical economics (which grew up under a monetary system and is thus constrained by its ideology) would basically become obsolete.

Please watch the video before commenting, it's only 15 minutes long. If it survives Holla Forumss collective scrutiny, this could be based. If not well, we can discard it.

It turns out this is a worldwide movement. I'm suspicious of their "Unity and higher consciousness for a new world" slogan, but the idea/structure itself seems sound. They seem like leftards in morals but their economic system is new so we should give it fair trial. Could potentially be adopted by right wing nationalists.

Ubuntu South Africa; ubuntuparty.org.za/

Ubuntu USA;

Ubuntu UK;

Ok the embed didn't work, OP is a faggot.

If a more based user could make a webm it would be much appreciated

Sounds exactly like something a kike would come up with

That doesn't automatically discredit the idea. I hate the NWO because it's fundamentally wrong, not because of who's pushing it.

Ubuntu is partnered with Amazon and now Microsoft. They are very very kiked, stay the fuck away from Ubuntu, Mint, BSD.

I would shill for without-systemd.org but I'll get Holla Forums triggered

That's because you came up with a stupid idea, and you will believe in it until the day you die, because it was your stupid idea.

Getting rid of money is like getting rid of food. It is a fundamental requirement for human existence, and you have to change human nature in order to function as a society, otherwise, getting rid of money simply gets rid of trade, and we degenerate into fucking cavemen.

Yes, every one of the comments and criticisms of your idea are 100% valid. This is, in practice, what communism becomes, and it is, in fact, a very jewish idea for non-jews to be forced into.

So fuck off and die, Moshe.

Wrong Ubuntu mate

the whole fucking thing is a "You dont own nothin goyim" parody.

Did you watch the video? I'm guessing no

Why in the living fuck would I want to watch your literal nigger jew bullshit.

Fuck off to leftypol with this bullshit.

Why not just feed all niggers into wood chippers and meat grinders?


So, you literally have no idea what you're trying to refute.

SHUT IT DOWN is what leftards do.


What's wrong with *BSD?

This is their description from wastebook;

Our country is over 100 billion pounds in national debt, but the question people never seem to ask is, WHY are we in debt, HOW did we get there, and WHO!!! are we in debt to?

Well to answer all of these questions you will need to know how the banking system in the UK works, and how money is created.

Many people think there is a central body of the Bank of England that regulates the printing of money, but the fact is, this is not the case.

Money is created by private banks issuing loans and mortgages, it is created by us the people.

As soon as we sign our name on the mortgage document for £100,000, then £100,000 is created,

The banks don't have any reserves of cash that they are lending you, the money they lend you, is created with your own signature, technically this is FRAUD, selling you something they don't have, and making you pay them for it, with INTEREST.

Our whole banking system is based on debt, there is no money without debt, in this model, Money = Debt, the two terms are synonymous.

The system works the same way on a national level, as it does on a personal level. Countries such as our own, borrow money from PRIVATE institutions, with PRIVATE shareholders, who print the money… again, out of thin air. This debt, is then called the national debt, and it gets passed onto the people in the form of taxes.

So these debtors, create debt our of thin air, LOAN it to our government, and get the people to pay taxes, directly into their pockets.

What is more important in this country? Using our taxes to pay these criminal fraudsters billions of pounds every year? Or using that money to make sure every citizen of the United Kingdom has a high quality life.

We the Ubuntu Party UK will open a peoples bank, that prints money, for the people, by the people, with no middle men gangsters taking their cut.

We will tell these criminal banksters to crawl back into the hole from which they came, and will attempt to give every citizen free electricity, free water, free internet. free education, a free citizens' allowance and to maintain a free NHS, through the transitional phase we will need to take to get to an Ubuntu Contributionist society.

And their mission statement;

-A 0% interest people's owned central bank,

-To provide a living wage allowance to every citizen in the country

-Decriminalisation of possession of illegal drugs; addiction will be treated as a national health issue,

-Legalisation of Marijuana, DMT, LSD, and other illegal substances, based on an assessment of the level of harmfulness of these substances, backed by extensive scientific research,

-Complete transparency to the people,

-Free water for the people,

-Free gas for the people,

-Free electricity for the people,

-Free national health service for the people

-Free national internet for the people,

-Abolish statutes, and reinstate natural law as the law of the land,

Do no harm,
Cause no loss by theft or damage,
Conduct yourself honourably and honestly

Let me help you

They seem to hate banks, though they don't realise the scale of the problem or who's behind it.

we jus gotta steal da money printer is all. den we print for everybody, not jus crackas.


Pure capitalism spells disaster for workers, and then the economy seizes up, as there are no consumers left.
We had tariffs to balance trade & protect domestic industries & jobs since the country was founded, they didn't start tearing them down until the mid-90's, and everything has gone to fucking shit since.
Capitalism does not preclude nationalism, only greed and narcissism can accomplish that & destroy a country.

And bail-outs, after you wreck the economy, are pure socialism, but only to protect the wealthy.

Why should the Jews print all the money?

Here's a weird little image to make you think

I would also point out that there is no net loss of jobs due to people being able to import things and you need to read more economics

You can't have capitalism with a central bank. What we have is a mixed market where the price of money is artificially set. This is inefficient, and easily corruptible, leading to a system where the connected (who quickly become the 1%) are able to steal purchasing power while those who earn their money honestly simply lose more and more over time.

In the last thread I posted a graphic that showed this was definitively the case–where the bottom 90% had continuous economic gains under a gold standard, and those gains shut off like a switch when Nixon closed the gold window, and then the second Greenspan got in, he started favoring his Jew buddies, causing the income of the top 1% to rise dramatically.

No, I know exactly what he is trying to do, because I was in the last thread. He's a fucking communist pushing national bolshevism.

Bullshit. See this graphic:

It's a small thread and the shills are already shilling hard against this idea OP.

I guess that means someone sees your idea as a threat.

Hello Holla Forums, did you finally give up on your board?

Last thread does not equal this thread. Watch the video, then I might listen to your opinion. Otherwise you're just going THIS IS WRONGTHINK SHUT IT DOWN

Of course the realisation that we don't need money (or at least money in its current form) is dangerous to the (((powers that be)))

Another shill-tier argument

What distro do you use?

>iframe width="560" height="315" src="youtube.com/embed/4sxwXjqawEw?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>


Do they say how exactly will this money have value? Will they have some sort of gold standard, as in this note is equivalent to this amount of gold? How will it differ from the fiat currency we have now?

This reminds me of the stories my parents told me about the communist regime in my country, how everybody was entitled to free gas for cooking and gasoline but you only received a small quantity each week/month and that was the only way of getting it.

What is the law of the land to them?

So how is this not communism? This kind of shit could only work in a 100% white world. Even then it would be pretty gay.

The difference between this and communism is that you're *forced* to work in a communist world. This UBUNTU idea basically prints money, gives it to the people instead of the banks, and all private utilities companies dole out free internet/electricity/gas/water directly INSTEAD of paying crazy high taxes.

It really makes a lot of sense. I just have no idea how something like this could be implemented from today's current system.

If they offer all this stuff for free, what do they need to even print money?


wtf ? am i missing something here ? because I wont watch any of this shit, and ubuntjew is an OS, Operative Scam

go back
>>>Holla Forums


It makes zero fucking sense. It's like they have no idea what any of these things actually are. Things of value are being produced, using finite resources, and yet its free.

I am actually listening to this bullshit right now. I cannot believe how worthless this video is. This speaker just makes all these retarded claims, backs none of them up, an intermixes unrelated quotes from famous people.

OP, you should seriously consider the possibility that you are a moron. Like, not slow or below average, but actually downy-tier retarded.

The free utilities are for the bare minimum. If you want to actually succeed and get laid, you still need money. Also you would use the money to exchange for whatever other goods and services you need.

Most places in America already have free (paid for via taxes) government water and electric my dudes.

Then let me ask you a different question. Why should they be the ones to print the money. You could say that if everybody printed their own money, they would go back to bartering, however do you truly believe that a private or public institution should be given a legal monopoly of printing money? If so, why them, why should we trust them?

One more thing, I understand that they don't have enough money to provide everybody with everything, but where will they get the money in order to provide all of them(is it even all of them) with the bare minimum. Who decides what is the bare minimum? How will they get the money and why can they do it where others have failed? Is it for everybody, or only the people in US, UK, or just the group that subscribe to their ideal?

Why don't you learn how too, before telling others how to do it… Fucking nigger tier trash.
