Justice League Action
Comes out on the 27th of November.
3 videos posted online.
Looks like a promising way to follow up on BatB.
Justice League Action
Comes out on the 27th of November.
3 videos posted online.
Looks like a promising way to follow up on BatB.
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I'll give it a shot Holla Forums user.
I'd take edgy, mopey nu52 cyborg over this shit.
I'm actually a Holla Forumsmrade that browses Holla Forums only to snaffle up news on Capeshit movies that we miss and to enjoy the meltdown of the Drumpf/poleddit user.
Also, I lied to you all. It comes out on the 26th of November, but that's the 27th to me, as I live in Australia.
Don't say things you can't come back from, user.
Interview with some of the guys behind it.
I love how Alan Burnett can't even think of a hero for a brief moment.
I think it has promise. Some of the characters designs are gonna be crap though. Cyborg looks like a Japanese toy. While Blue Beetle not having a mouth or real eyes makes him lifeless. So the bantery quipping won't fit all too well. I also really hope they don't push Batman too much. Which they probably will. It's just that DC has a had a boner for him too long. Meanwhile Conroy joined the list of celebrity Hill shills.
Interview with Burnett.
As a general rule, if Conroy and Hamill say it's good, it is. Bonus points for getting actors into booths as much as possible, it makes it all sound so much better when cut together.
You can't just hate a man for his beliefs, else you're as bad as the side you oppose.
I want those McDonald's toys in Australia because that Superman looks half-decent compared to the MLP we get over here. That's right, we STILL get MLP trickle-down.
I can when he supports a witch that murders people, kidnaps children, helps rapists walk free, laughs about the deaths of soldiers, lies to the faces of Americans, and worships a demonic owl god while possibly killing kids as a sacrifice. Oh and being funded by Saudi fucking Arabia. A straight up corrupted and oppressive country that murders gay people and women who step out of line. All while lying to get women and gays to vote for her. Fuck Hillary and anyone who supports her. She is a heartless she-devil.
How does Kevin stay so youthful?
You know, if you squint a little, he looks a bit like Todd "You Can Climb It" Howard.
I don't know how it works over in America, but don't you guys vote for the policies rather than the people, like my country does? Perhaps Kevin is just a Liberal man, and therefore sides with the Liberal nominee, regardless of their beliefs. Also, user, I don't like Hillary much myself, but let's not devolve into a political thread. 2nd pic related.
Well at least Kevin Conroy is reasonable about the outcome rather than chimping out like some other liberals on twitter. Or rioting in the streets.
We vote more for the people and the policies they stand for. Those that vote simply for the policies no matter who the person representing the policies are blind and easy to manipulate. If Kevin is just another blind man following the movement despite the blatant corruption and violence from the candidate and the party then I hold him in even less regard. A person following along simply because of ignorance towards the truth is not a person I wish to support in any regard. But at least he's not Katy Perry. Someone who literally calls for more violence.
But so not to detour too far from the topic, let's talk about some more show designs. I don't dislike Joker's design here but I feel like he's tone downed. His red lips are so thin. Feel like they should be fuller.
I personally don't get the yellow eyes they always give him. I like it in principle, but they always go overboard and look like he's just come out of a Thai brothel with 40 STDs.
But Zatanna and TAS Harley AKA only Harley always makes me happy. Anyone able to identify who's in the bottom-right of
He is too old for the libtard bullshit…
I could respect that!
Yeah the yellow eyes kinda bug me too. Guess it's just there for emphasis. White eyes on white skin would look weird, I guess. But then they do that stupid thing with Superman and just give him two dots for pupils and no surrounding eye.
I think that's Black Mask.
Are you sure? Looks like a camera on a stand is there in place of his head. And that looks like E2 Dr Light on the top, which is pretty goo, after the Flash butchered the character by making her doppleganger the only other Asian around.
I think so. I can vaguely remember seeing the image better somewhere. It really looked like Black Mask to me. Had to google that Doctor Light appearance in Flash. I don't watch it. She looks awful. Why are they so bad at costume designs? It's even worse with the material they use for the costumes. Like why is Flash covered head to toe in leather or all things?! It's so constricting. It doesn't work for a speedster at all.
It was originally designed as a suit for firefighters, and apparently no one noticed the Flash starts wearing it. They're costume designs are really subpar especially fucking Supergirl's, but they're usually quite good with personalities of characters, except when they butcher it like they did Dr Light. Regarding constriction, you should see it before they edit it, it's so freaking baggy that I get upset.
Mostly because guys and gals don't want to feel insecure about their bodies, I suppose.
On topic, I believe this is Dex-Starr's first appearance in anything aside from comics. Might of appeared in LEGO Batman 3, but I haven't played that yet. And he appears as support in Injustice 2, but that's not out yet.
Steppenwolf is getting put in likely to make kids remember the upcoming JL movie, because he was never a really big character. I think he appeared less than 10 times in issues and once in DCAU.
I can't stress enough how much I love Zatanna.
Uh, everyone knows the suspicions about Hillary, duh. Fuck, what's with the sudden increase of Holla Forumstards here today, it's pozzing the board up.
I think hollywood and cheap companies like CW just don't understand how to make good costumes with the right materials. They take it way too seriously too. It's a cape movie. We're not here to watch someone in tacticool armor.
Completely forgot about how dorky Brainiac looks here.
The people have to know more and more. Lest they forget or the truth gets silenced completely. Also what does talking about Hillary's fucked up deeds have to do with Holla Forums? CTR? Is that you?
They have the one woman design all costumes, from memory. I know she did Arrow and Flash, at least. It's pretty much the same crew, anyways.
They make a fair few references to how cool it is to stuff a suit into a ring, but it's just not going to be fun.
That's why I loved Stargirl's costume in LOT. It was the only one that's spandex. Also, glad to see they return to Zatanna's classic design. I hated the new 52 design so much.
Well that explains it. I didn't like the Vixen costume they went with. The animated one looked unique but the live action one look like the generic leather jumpsuit.
So they have one person working tirelessly to make costumes for live action superheroes without the use of references? That's… really fucking retarded. Holy shit. One person working on costumes can't give you quality work or have the motivation/time to make the costumes look really really good. Then they can't even use actual references for ideas beyond what they imagine in their head? What kind of shit show are they running?!?
As far as the early seasons of the two flagships were, one woman designed every hero and bad guy. That's why everyone was tacticool green in Arrow and coloured speedster in Flash.
They are so fucking cheap.
How do you guys feel about their CGI? On Flash I think it works a bit better like with Gorrila Grodd since they keep him in shadow and only show him when necessary. Same with King Shark.
Zatanna is underrated for sure.
The cgi is atrocious. It only looks good when they use Grodd and King Shark because they use most of their budget to render them. Everything else is so laughably cheap.
Beautiful user. Just Beautiful.
Misty Lee isn't attractive to me, but that's just the universe fucking with me, I know it.
If they were given more of a budget, they'd blow it on actors. Now, if they managed to get more money from WB with a contract stipulating it's not to be used for crew/cast, we'd be cooking with fire.
Kevin Tsuwhatever, the CEO of WB, says he loves the shows and so does his family. Perhaps he'll jew his overlords for more dollars.
While it sucks it won't be a JLU style serious series it looks like it could be decent and hopefully be a good successor to B:BatB and it's use of obscure characters.
Looks like someone used the ezis tsaerb esaercni! spell.
If only he could he jew up enough money to get more DC Nation style shorts like this 80's neon style Green Arrow with talking A.I. bow and Black Canary?
I like this.
Holy hell. Everything about that is terrible. Stiff animation. Obnoxious characters. Green Arrow's arsenal of moronic magic arrows.. a fucking artificially intelligent bow.
Wow that's actually pretty smart
Honestly he's one of the only 2 celebrities though I don't feel Conroy's big enough to be a celebrity I feel it actually means something when he brings up 9/11 in that context.
Well at least Green Arrow and Black Canary's personality are a bit closer to the comics than the Arrow tv show.
Wow that's awesome of him. What a guy.
So… chances of this getting a revival on Netflix when Cartoon Network inevitably cancels it? It looks like the creators put in a lot of actual effort on the show, and I'd hate to see it go to waste.
I hope CN doesn't cancel it since they could use it to promote the DC movies.
I know that feel, man. Dini's a lucky son of a gun.
If it really ends up like a BatB Justice League, I'll be satisfied. I just hope they have good Supes episodes.
You mean BatB?
I meant BatB version of Justice League. My bad.
Stop trying to make cyborg happen, he's not going to happen!
Video game references are pretty pleb-tier now days.
Nice to see a less edgy joker. I'm just worried he might be too unedgy
Agreed, I think he will be allright. I saw a clip of Joker from one of those animated movies to sell toys. Joker was trying to make a music video. It seemed pretty funny.
I was trying to make a joke, sorry
But they need a black guy.
Need it.
And I was too dense to get it. It's cool.
Is the other one Frank Miller?
Probably the only thing they haven't fixed with Rebirth. They can't chuck MM on because he's too strong, and they haven't got another big name black hero. Vibe founding 7 when?
The JLA are doomed! You know he killed his own mother with a deck chair?
Oh god I remember that guy.
I just noticed that Wonder Woman's boots are thigh highs. Looks good on her.
My God, you're right. It's such a simple change and yet… it's glorious!