Will the butt hurt over trump in comics & cartoons will increase or decrease after Hillary Clinton got BTFO?
Holla Forums related Donald trump saltiness
Considering they're so fucking salty that the witch lost that they're burning down cities, beating children, harming dogs, and ganging up on old people. I think we can safely say the butthurt from libs and the media won't be stopping anytime soon. Shame so many actors revealed their true allegiance to Killary. I'm gonna be going to the movies less than ever before.
It'll raise hit the high point then lower to 0 because all the leftists got deported to Canada and Mexican's back to Mexico.
This came up on the Captcha when making this post, it's confirmed all leftists and Mexicans must go back.
You know, you're the reason leftist believe everything the media says.
America is not turning into your safe space, leftist are staying here as much as it hurts, and I have a greencard so I'm not moving.
Seen the video of the black single mother who kicked her 8 year old son out for voting for Trump in his school election?
kek, he REALLY dindu nuffin
I'm aware of it. I don't wanna watch it though. I've got enough stress and anger in me already.
Does the guy who made that realize that the Northeners were pretty racist too? In fact some felt bitter about the Civil War because they thought they were dying for black people.
Considering Clinton was the one advocating a policy of antagonism towards Russia I think his analysis is a bit off.
I'm against slavery because I believe is wrong to treat sentient living beings as property, nontheless…
Haven't this faggots read Uncle Tom's Cabin?
Just in the first chapters tou can see various examples of different shades of slave owners.
And that's and anti-slavery work.
What is this shit and why did you made me click it, you faggot?
Weren't mostly jews the owners of slaves? also, only the 1% of citizens had slaves?
Some teacher of mine told me all black hobos were just descendent of slaves, that's why they were poor and lived in the streets or shitty black communities.
Not only did only 1% of Americans own slaves, the vast majority of slaves sent over here went to South America.
In america I don't think so.
The black people got fucked during the early XX century because of slaves being released too early.
Instead of letting slave owners realize that threating humans like property is wrong and slaves being slowly and naturally released by lets say 1930's, this created a lot of racial tension on a society that previously just accepted their places in that society.
But there were many decent black people in the early 30's, went to church, payed taxes, well dressed, talking proper. Having black people fighting in the war helped, and the final nail was MLK peace speeches. Especially compared to Malcom "Tumblr" X or Charles "Holla Forums" Manson.
Nowadays is just lazy people taking advantage of the easily formed echo chambers.
Grecoroman slavery was best slavery.
It's like they didn't know that the North also had slaves, or that some slaves in the South gladly went to war with master out of his own volition.
Why are these shitty political "cartoon" artists always such shit artists?
Because public is dumb, if you draw for real they'll think you're not doing satire.
Everything I've seen these past few days proves you're right. The general public can be really fucking stupid.
… why is Virginia blue in 1861?
No, jews made up the majority of slave-ship owners, but actual end slave owners were predominantly white in USA.
Still the vast majority of slaves were sent to die on Sugar Cane plantations.
From what I've seen since Tuesday, the vocal faggots have only doubled down and are shitting on him nonstop everywhere you look on the internet and TV.
While IRL it's mostly business as usual outside of that "massive" group of thousands of people across the nation that are throwing a temper tantrum because they found out virtue signalling doesn't mean you win.
Honestly I expected more than less than a percent of a percentage to be chimping out over this, but the only reason I know anything is even going on is because the media is hyping it up like there's some massive revolution underway when it's mostly just entitled college kids being mad that the election didn't go the way they wanted.
So to actually answer your question OP, it will increase, since the people who make modern comics and cartoons are the same kind who are currently chimping out.
The good thing is we know beyond 100% of a doubt that they truly are an imbecilic vocal minority while the rest of America just wants to continue on with their lives.
Or that Missouri was allowed to stay in the Union AND keep their slaves.
Is that not a complete debunking of "The Civil War was to free the slaves" thinking?
Isn't that the kind of thing that turned people away from the left and towards Trump in the first place?
I guess they want a 100% Republican Congress.
I remember in 2008 when all the black and shitlib students at my university started going apeshit and running around campus in huge groups, trashing the place.
They lose? They chimp.
They win? They chimp.
We need rooftop koreans to take out the Harambe's and whiny babies.
You can take the African out of Africa but you can't take the Africa out of the African.
Well that and Lincoln himself said he wanted to preserve the Union and didn't like Harriet Tubman since he told her, "So you're the little lady that started this war."
Fucking hell, I hope she gets hit by the back of a bus.
This shit is why I didn't vote for Hillary. Bunch of cultists
Someone /co being de bess
what a passive agressive one this guy is.
Dubs, you know he has a point on the first tweet. Its a shame that he probably doesn't practice it though.
Hitler was right, wasn't he?
What a colossal faggot, spewing all the same talking points.
Hillary literally wanted to disarm the populace, radically alter the constitution, believed children are the property of the government, and led a campaign based almost entirely on lies, rigging, and collusion with the media, which acted as her personal propaganda arm.
The constant virtue signalling doesn't change the fact that you are still advocating for a violent uprising against innocent citizens because you think being a fascist will stop fascists from taking over.
I misread "Hillary" as "Hitler" and didn't realize my mistake, thinking the following sentence was accurate enough, until I saw the word "her."
There's Trump voters and supporters who still don't fully realize what kind of bullet we dodged with this victory.
The Clintons are bad news, and in a few years, they are going to groom their daughter for politics and try to force her through to the White House. I can only hope that all the pedo comet pizza party shit ends up with the entire Clinton crime family getting party v&
I mean Christ, look at them. It takes a village to help toss Hillary into a van, and Bill is already a fucking lich.
Jeez Bill has not aged well. What about their daughter like said?
That's either some cocktail of STDs eating away at him, or he's got kuru like Hillary does.
She's already done stand-ins for some of Hillary's missed meetings, so yeah, they've probably been conditioning her to follow their own political ambitions. But their name's been pretty well run through the mud, so I don't really see her getting anywhere.
And it's because of people like you that I am the way I am
It's an infinite cycle, hate drives hate.
Be the better man and get out of my country or become a citizen in the next 2 months.
We dodged a MUCH bigger Bullet. And the democrats did it on their own.
Sanders. If they had given him the same push they gave to Hillary, then it would be no question.
Whilst Hillary is a Robber Baron, Trump is The Fool (Not insulting him. ALL politicians are either Robber Barons, Fools, or Intellectuals), Sanders is the intellectual.
And the third is by FAR the most dangerous. Never doubt the conviction of a man who will rob you and eat your food and sleep soundly with the knowledge that he got to do it for the greater good.
Sanders is a fucking joke and always would be.
I believe living 50+ years with such a cunt could do that to your health.
I could've sworn Bill was gonna get divorced the moment she loose.
OK, the green card allows me to move freely in US territory at the very least and not getting banned.
So why would I get any trouble as I'm not stealing jobs or raping people?.
Secondly, what does stop me from becoming an US citizen later on as long as I approve the USCIS test?
I dunno.
Nobody big was supporting Sanders while Clinton had full NWO support, the way markets reacted to such unpredictable event only reveal that Clinton's victory was predictable.
The way DNC fucked Sanders let's me to believe we may had a outlier in our hands.
Nothing, that's why I'm saying become a citizen within two months.
Will I be unable to pass the test in three months?
Fuck autocorrect.
I think he initially was an outlier until he lost the primaries and Clinton used him to endorse her. That and he got a free summer home from either his wife or the campaign money.
Considering the entire process is 6 months long I'd recommend reporting other illegals as a sign of loyalty to trump and hope he makes you a honorary citizen.
Listen, the guy isn't a wholly corrupt sack of shit like Hillary, but he's no genius. He was an SJW before there was such a thing. A career whiner who spent all of his time merely being in the presence of other people doing things. The doddering old fuck never even really worked an actual job in his life before weaseling into politics.
His grand political strategy was to just offer a bunch of virtue signalling policies to please the young people, and it worked, because college aged kids are narcissistic, entitled cunts with a load of debt (largely thanks to policies enacted by previous Presidents like Obama and Bill Clinton) and that might have worked, if only because the youth vote worked for Obama.
Otherwise, his policies, his political track record, his personal philosophy.. all pretty much garbage. And seeing as he was in on the DNC primary fix from the start, he's a spineless beta cuck to boot.
Nah, Sanders is as much a tool as any celeb/media elitist.
Dubs is that real? I don't doubt that's something he would say but I guess the texture of the letters threw me off a bit.
Intilectual doesnt mean smart. It means has aspirations to some "grand goal"
I've tried to talk in peace with SJW's as a Trump supporter Mexican libertarian but Google keeps marking my comments as spam.
What website did you try talking to them on?
Sorry, I tend to zoom my pages in because my eyesight is shit.
To be honest, I bet that if Sanders would have won the presidency he wouldn't even lasted two months before having a heart attack consequence of the pressure
Oh ok then user. Thanks for the link.
If he were president I think he wouldn't even be effective at all.
Or that Lincoln wanted to deport all the negroes.
To be honest, people say that Trump won because the Democrats cheated Bernie out of the nomination, when I think socialism in the new world is too niche of an idea especially since it has failed in Latin America already. People were disgruntled with leftists and wanted change. Imagine if Bernouts got mainstream attention. Christ. Not to mention his large base of young people usually don't vote or can't.
At least some of them just sat down and didn't want to draw their comics for a while.
I see people defending slavery in response to it, but you're forgetting the most important part. It wasn't just fucking about slavery. There's a reason why Southerners refuse to say that the Confederate flag is a symbol of racism and still insist the Civil War should be called 'the War of Northern Aggression.'
The North ruined the South's economy because they didn't understand how much they relied on slavery and laughed at their anger over the rights of states being undermined. And then the North moved in with their military and destroyed the South. They burnt towns down. They destroyed people's houses, raped women(especially black women), and just overall pillaged. They treated the Southerners like shit when only something like 1.2% actually owned slaves, because they couldn't understand that slavery kept their economy afloat.
It worked out for the better but saying that the North dindu nuffin is a mistake. The South were reasonable in their feelings. There's a reason why so many plantation owners killed themselves when slavery was abolished– they were completely ruined. And they still haven't recovered, because the North didn't really give a shit about them. Which is part of the problem today.
It absolutely is, and the fact that almost none of the left has shown any amount of self-awareness or introspection ensures that it will continue to happen for years to come.
You know what they say, "History is written by the victors."
OP proven once again to be a faggot
Seriously stop sucking so much dick OP
Chelsea is too white, the lefties seem to think that if they're going to do this whole song and dance again then they're going to be nominated Michelle Obama.
Bernie never got much of a drumming since he was up against Hillary and she had it in the bag no matter what happened so she didn't even deign to be his enemy. If he'd gone up and ran full-face into Trump's contempt he would have been reduced to a stuttering wreck.
Guys, guys, I have an idea.
What if Sanders would go through sex change? Then they can present him as first trans candidate.
I prefer WinX youtube downloader. Not quite as many different things it can download, but actually still works for me.
Which is why down here we still call northerners DAMN Yankees.
Fuck off.
Certified cancer.
Historians also call it the War of Northern Aggression.
That's a pretty faulty assumption. Since your analysis (which I disagree with, I think Sanders would be a pretty weak general election candidate) is based on archetypes, you have to consider that the push Hillary got is intrinsic to her status as a Robber Baron. If her power and influence wasn't available to the highest bidder, she wouldn't have raised nearly as many donations from corporations (who would do better under Trump economic policy than Sanders economic policy). She wouldn't have so much unpaid support from corporate media giving to her campaign. Considering that Sanders' primary campaign, in stark contrast to Hillary's was financed almost entirely by labor unions and small donors, it's doubtful that the socialist from Vermont could even run afford a general election campaign. Management across the country would back Trump.
Which will be a massive mistake. I'm pretty sure the polls that have Barack at a 55% approval rating are cooked all to shit. Michelle will probably do better than Hillary at getting the blacks out to vote (even then it will be sub-Barack black turnout, which to be fair is the entire pre-2008 history of the Democratic party) and anyone who actually gives a shit about having a qualified president will not vote for her. Not to mention how off-putting this whole dynastic politics thing is.
She'll also be at a fundraising disadvantage compared to where Hillary was, because big businesses thought she was a sure thing since 2008. They won't forget they got burned this time.
They got Michigan and New Hampshire's colors backwards for 2016.
Also they got the color scheme backwards in general.
Suck on it, hillbilly. Your slave based economy was shit and your inbred ancestors died fighting a rich man's war. You started a war you lost like the beta jug-blowing faggots you are.
Oh, but no, keep crying about how William Tecumseh Sherman destroyed your asses. I'm sure that'll work out for you. Maybe you can start demanding reparations like the welfare niggers you are.
Why would you contradict yourself like this?
Do you not know how war works, you faggot? Are you really butthurt that the enemy came in and fucked your shit up? Get over it, Cletus.
I live in Texas, before you start throwing fallacies at me.
"Social Justice" is collectively acting like the thwarted fascist movement they are.
You suh are no gentleman
Get fucked, an economy of free laborers will always be superior to one dependent on the enslavement of their fellow man, because the laborer can work hard to gain a modest living while the slave wishes only to die.
It's like how a some gamergaters didn't care that a dev was sleeping around for good press, but got pissed when the games media tried to do damage control by degrading the people who are supposed to be their fanbase.
I think he means the war wasn't about the morality of slavery, as our educational system likes to present it as, but about the economics of slavery.
Santa anna bayoneted children & a congressman who surrendered
Shurman wasn't much better tho he bombed savanna when it surrendered
Sherman hated blacks more then the founder of the KKK did to the point he told him to calm himself when he intercepted his letter to lincoln begging him to genocide the blacks