Who here would actually have sexual relations with their own biological children?
NOT as a fantasy. NOT just something to brag about or fake online to receive some sort of ego boost online for making normies angry. I want your 100% true, and honest, responses For me, regardless of how she looked, I feel I would be so attracted towards my own daughter and want to please her sexually as soon as possibble. And of course this means to train her to please me as well. Id like to join the ranks of Bart and Ken. You know - The Greats! Join in the club that got to be their daughters first and had their very own flesh and blood swallow their Father's cum So enticing and must be an amazing feeling. Im 100% going to have sex with my own daughter
NO Yes. Of course. Please GOD I need a daughter to fuck
I am 100% into children but not really into boys. I will admit there is a certain charm in watching a little boy rub his small penis back and forth and I am quite interested in knowing what little boy cum tastes like. But I know 100% that I'd never actually fuck a boy or a man or any male whatsoever
Girls on the other hand: I'd fuck a 1yo all the way up to around 13-15yo depending on how developed they are. Even my own daughter
Carter James
To add: I hope I NEVER have sons. Having to wipe their balls and pull back their foreskin to wash it when they are young just sounds so fucking gross
I know if I legit had a son I'd probably neglect him
Luke Phillips
Please castrate yourself. Not chemically, but physical castration with no anesthesia or pain killers. Not even ibuprofen or alcohol. Make sure you use the rustiest pair of hedge clippers you can find. And no tetanus shot after.